Decade Substitution Boxes
Model 72-7265
Model 72-7270
Ideal for service, prototype and experimental use, these useful tools may be set at a wide
range of resistor or non–polarized capacitor values. Individual slide switches allow the user to
quickly and easily select values. Wave soldered, two layer PC board utilizes high quality 5%
tolerance mylar capacitors or 1% tolerance 1/3W resistors. Color coded binding posts provide
component and ground connections.
Passive devices require no power source
Dimensions: 5¾" (H) x 4½" (W) x 1¼" (D)
Capacitance Decade Box
Resistance Decade Box
May be set at any non–polarized capacitor value
from 100pF~11,111µF, in 100pF increments
20 individual slide switches
High quality 5% tolerance mylar capacitors
Maximum internal residual capacitance is 50pF
May be set at any resistance value from 1Ω
~11,111,110Ω, in 1Ω increments
28 individual slide switches
High quality 1% tolerance 1/3W resistors
Maximum stray internal resistance is 1/3Ω
Model #72-7265
Model #72-7270