Color Detector
The Digilent Pmod COLOR (Revision A) is a color sensor module with the ability to sense red,
green, blue and clear light. The onboard AMS TCS3472 integrates an IR blocking filter to
accurately determine the color of objects as well as sense ambient light under varying lighting
conditions and through attenuating materials.
Red, green, blue, and clear light sensing
IR-blocking filter
White LED for reflective measurements
Suitable for use behind darkened glass
Optional pull-up resistors for SCL and SDA pins
Small PCB size for flexible designs 0.8“ × 1.35” (2.0cm × 3.4cm)
6-pin Pmod connector with I²C serial interface
Pass-through Pmod host port for daisy chaining
Follows Digilent Pmod Interface Specification 1.2.0
Bus: I²C
Specification Version: 1.2.0
Logic Level: 3.3V
Width: 0.8 in (2.032cm)
Length: 1.35 in (3.429cm)
Physical Dimensions
The pins on the pin header are spaced 100 mil apart. The PCB is 1.34 inches long on
the sides parallel to the pins on the pin header and 0.8 inches long on the sides
perpendicular to the pin header.
Functional Description
The Pmod Color utilizes the TCS3472 to detect color in the near vicinity. While
communicating with the host board via the I²C protocol using an I²C address of 0x29
users can measure color. A user controlled white LED is also provided to help illuminate
the object and improve color determination; the LED is very bright so it is recommended
that users do not stare at the light.
Serial Communication
The Pmod COLOR communicates with the host board via the I²C protocol. By first
sending the 7-bit I²C device address of 0101001 (0x29), users may receive the color
data from the TCS3472. Each of the four ADC channels (red, green, blue, and clear)
sends it's conversion from the ADC to the host buffer simultaneously.
The TCS3472 can set the gain and integration time for each round of data collection.
Integration time provides more time for the color sensor to collect more data, providing
accurate data and helping to prevent the data from disproportionately capturing any
overexposure that may occur. Each set of the 16-bit data is organized in a low-byte,
high-byte arrangement.