4 Port selectable DIO + RS232
Ethernet to Digital + RS232
• 4 Digital Ports
Jumper selectable In or Out
• 1 RS232 Serial Port
• 1 Ethernet Port
• User friendly software interface
Simple web based configuration,
monitoring and control
• Legacy compatible
Digital Channels - 4 Ports individually selectable as Inputs or Outputs
individually jumper selectable pull up for NPN, active low, type sensors and pull down
for PNP, active high, type sensors
Logic Level 0:
0V to +1V
Logic Level 1:
+3.5V to +30V
Latched Inputs:
Triggered by user programmable positive or negative edges, stays true until
Counter Inputs:
User programmable- counts positive or negative transitions 0-65335
Maximum output current
Sinks up to 1 Amp per pin, 40V max load
Max combined load 4.0 Amps per ED device
Open drain output, protected MosFET intelligent short circuit protection up to 36V
Over temperature shutdown :1750C typical 1500C min
Maximum output load Voltage
ESD Protection
ED-004 4 Port selectable DIO + RS232
Complete Ethernet to Serial Device Server:
One RS232 serial port up to 1 MegaBaud, delivers uncompromising performance.
Software drivers give Windows users a local COM port allowing you to retain your
existing software applications and connect to your devices over the network.
Web configuration and RFC2217 compliant interface for non-Windows users.
Serial Port Tunnelling allows serial cable replacement over any distance, no
software required.
Ethernet to DIO Device Server:
The Ethernet to DIO device is implemented using a Windows COM port driver that is completely
compatible with all popular PC packages such as LabView, MATLAB and Agilent VEE and support
a range of popular APIs. Continue to get value from your existing development and process control
Signed Drivers and Rigorous testing:
We use continuous automated testing of our in-house drivers and software to ensure when you install
one of our devices ‘it just works’. Our software allows hassle free installation, configuration and
monitoring via our easy to use webpage. We make all our software versions available to download
from our website.
Familiar ASCII Command Protocol:
The ED range of devices uses the de facto industry standard ASCII command
protocol implemented in the popular ADAM/NuDAM/EDAM modules.
Typical examples include:
read the name of device address 01
device 01 replies that its name is ED-588
read firmware version number of device address 01
firmware version of device 01 is 2.54
read digital input output status of device 01
device 01 digital input data= 1A (=00011010) digital output data = 45 (=01000101)
read configuration of device 01
device 01 40=typecode, 05 =gateway RS485 port is at 4800 Baud, 00=No checksum
The ED device’s webpage has an interactive console where any command can be entered and it is
immediately executed showing the device’s response.
Wide Range Power Input:
+5VDC to +30VDC accommodates variation in the +24VDC factory floor and
allows alternative power sources.
Lifetime Warranty and Support:
We can help with every aspect of your project, from getting you up and running
to custom application.
ED-004 4 Port selectable DIO + RS232
Software Development
COM Port on Windows
On a PC running the Microsoft Windows family of OS’s the ED Boost.IO Manager provides a standard COM port interface
so enabling thousands of proven legacy applications to work straight out of the box. COM port compatibility allows you to
continue to get value from your existing application software investment. Moreover your engineers
don’t need to retrain to use the Brainboxes ED range of I/O devices.
Industry Standard Packages
The COM port based driver means that ED-xxx devices are completely compatible with all popular packages such as:
LabView, MATLAB, Agilent VEE. You can continue to get value from your existing development and process control system.
Hundreds of thousands program with these packages every day.
Software Platforms
The future is mobile, with data available everywhere on demand; Brainboxes has designed a software suite which
allows you to design your new systems with mobile in mind with most popular platforms and development environments
supported. With APIs and sample program code for: Microsoft .NET, C#, Visual Basic, C++, JavaScript, PHP, Java, Objective-C
Devices Supported
The ED sample codes running on Operating Systems such as Windows XP, Server 2008, Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows
8, and Linux based systems such as Android and Raspberry Pi allow you to run your applications on Servers, Desktops,
Laptops, Tablets, Phones or low cost embedded devices, almost any device you wish.
Configuration Options
Windows Utility, Web Interface: Boost.IO driver provides familiar Serial COM port interface
OS Compatibility
Legacy COM porty drivers for: Microsoft Windows 8 32 bit & 64 bit Editions / Microsoft Windows 7 32 bit & 64 bit Editions
/ Windows Server 2008 32 bit & 64 bit Editions / Windows Server 2008 & Windows 2000 / Windows Vista 32 bit & 64
bit Editions / Windows Server 2003 32 bit & 64 bit Editions. TCP and web browser interface for other OS’s & Linux, e.g.
Android, Raspberry Pi
Ethernet Port
1 x RJ45 jack, 10/100Mhz autosensing, crossover auto sensing (Auto MDIX)
1,500Volts magnetic isolation between I/O ports and network
Network Protocols
Connection to Network
Ethernet 10BaseT / 100BaseTX
Power up
On power up all outputs go to user programmable power on known good state
Watchdog coms link
On loss of communications link all outputs go to a user programmable watchdog comms known good state.
Watchdog hardware timer
If the firmware does not refresh the watchdog timer within a predetermined interval then all outputs go to a user
programmable watchdog hardware good state
E-Stop function
When a user programmable input transitions to a preconfigured high or low state then all outputs go to a user
programmable E-Stop known good state
Browser Interface
Webserver Interface
Configure IP address, monitor state of i/o lines, set the Watchdog Timers Output Reset Value, Set Power on digital output
Use the interface consol to talk to the device, accepts the full ASCII command set.
Monitor CPU temperature and see visual display of inputs and outputs.
GB AEOF 00031/11
ED-004 4 Port selectable DIO + RS232
Housing and connectors
IP-30 rated non-conducting polyamide case with integrated DIN rail mount
DIO Terminal
10 way x 0.2inch/5.08mm pitch removable screw terminal block
Power Terminal
3 way x 0.2inch/5.08mm removable screw terminal block
Power Supply
Power Consumption
2.5 Watt Max
Operating Temperature
Power Supply input
unregulated +5V to +30Volts DC, reverse polarity protection
Storage Temperature
0 C to +60 C, +32ºF to +140ºF
-40 C to +85 C, -40ºF to +185ºF
1500VRMS Magnetic isolation from Ethernet
Ambient Relative Humidity
5 to 95% (non-condensing)
LED Information
Status LED
Link LED
Device Ready
Flashing Yellow
Changing Settings
Flashing between Red & Green
Querying IP
Flashing Green/Red
User performing Hard Reset
Flashing between Green & Red/Yellow
IP address diagnostic
Flashing between Green & Yellow
Initialization diagnostic
Green light on
Network Link Established
Flashing Green
Network Data RX/TX
Flashing Green
Output set / Input Read
Flashing Red
Output overload
Port Settings - RS232
Baud Rate
From 110 - 1 MegaBaud - Any custom Baud rate accepted
Data Bits
5,6,7 or 8
Odd, Even, None, Mark or Space
Stop Bits
1 or 2
Flow Control
Tx/Rx Modes
Point to Point
Packaging Information
Installation CD including manual, Microsoft signed drivers & utilities, Quick Start Guide
Packaged Weight
0.210 kg, 0.46 pounds
Packaged Dims
150(l) x 150(w) x 50(h) mm, 5.9(l) x 5.9(w) x 2.0(h) inches
GTIN Universal Code
Industry Approvals
CCC-Mark, C-Tick, Microsoft Certified Gold Partner, WEEE, RoHS, METL
Microsoft Approvals
Microsoft Signed Drivers
Windows 8 32 bit & 64 bit Editions
Windows 7 32 bit & 64 bit Editions
Windows Server 2008 32 bit & 64 bit Editions
Windows Server 2008 & Windows 2000
Windows Vista 32 bit & 64 bit editions
PW-600: Optional Global Power supply
MK-048: Optional DIN Rail Mount
Power supply with connectors
for UK, USA, EU and AUS
mains socket. ‘Tails’ are
suitable for connecting to
screw terminal blocks
Can be attached to device
to enable snap on DIN rail
Trademarks and logos are the property of Brainboxes Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.