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GD25D05BTIG 数据手册
Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B DATASHEET 1 GD25D10B/05B Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B Contents 1. FEATURES ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................................... 5 3. MEMORY ORGANIZATION .................................................................................................................................. 7 4. DEVICE OPERATION ............................................................................................................................................. 8 5. DATA PROTECTION ............................................................................................................................................... 9 6. STATUS REGISTER ............................................................................................................................................... 10 7. COMMANDS DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................................... 11 7.1. TABLE OF ID DEFINATION: .......................................................................................................................... 12 7.2. WRITE ENABLE (WREN) (06H) ......................................................................................................................... 12 7.3. WRITE DISABLE (WRDI) (04H) ......................................................................................................................... 12 7.4. READ STATUS REGISTER (RDSR) (05H)............................................................................................................. 13 7.5. WRITE STATUS REGISTER (WRSR) (01H) .......................................................................................................... 13 7.6. READ DATA BYTES (READ) (03H)..................................................................................................................... 14 7.7. READ DATA BYTES AT HIGHER SPEED (FAST READ) (0BH) ................................................................................ 14 7.8. DUAL OUTPUT FAST READ (3BH) ...................................................................................................................... 15 7.9. PAGE PROGRAM (PP) (02H)................................................................................................................................ 15 7.10. FAST PAGE PROGRAM (FPP) (F2H) .................................................................................................................... 16 7.11. SECTOR ERASE (SE) (20H) ................................................................................................................................. 17 7.12. 32KB BLOCK ERASE (BE) (52H) ....................................................................................................................... 18 7.13. 64KB BLOCK ERASE (BE) (D8H) ...................................................................................................................... 18 7.14. CHIP ERASE (CE) (60/C7H)................................................................................................................................ 19 7.15. DEEP POWER-DOWN (DP) (B9H) ....................................................................................................................... 19 7.16. RELEASE FROM DEEP POWER-DOWN / READ DEVICE ID (ABH) ........................................................................ 20 7.17. READ MANUFACTURE ID/ DEVICE ID (REMS) (90H) ........................................................................................ 21 7.18. READ IDENTIFICATION (RDID) (9FH) ................................................................................................................ 21 8. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................................. 23 8.1. POWER-ON TIMING ....................................................................................................................................... 23 8.2. INITIAL DELIVERY STATE ............................................................................................................................ 23 8.3. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ............................................................................................................... 23 8.4. CAPACITANCE MEASUREMENT CONDITIONS ........................................................................................ 24 8.5. DC CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................................................. 25 8.6. AC CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................................................. 26 9. ORDERING INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................... 28 9.1. 10. VALID PART NUMBERS........................................................................................................................................ 29 PACKAGE INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................. 30 10.1. PACKAGE SOP8 150MIL .................................................................................................................................... 30 10.2. PACKAGE TSSOP8 173MIL ............................................................................................................................... 31 2 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash 10.3. 11. GD25D10B/05B PACKAGE USON8 (3*2MM, 0.55MM THICKNESS) ............................................................................................... 32 REVISION HISTORY ........................................................................................................................................ 33 3 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B 1. FEATURES ◆ 1M/512K-bit Serial Flash ◆ Fast Program/Erase Speed -128K/64K-byte -Page Program time: 0.7ms typical -256 bytes per programmable page -Sector Erase time: 60ms typical -Block Erase time: 0.2/0.4s typical ◆ Standard, Dual Output -Chip Erase time: 0.8/0.4s typical -Standard SPI: SCLK, CS#, SI, SO, WP# -Dual Output: SCLK, CS#, IO0, O1, WP# ◆ Flexible Architecture -Uniform Sector of 4K-byte ◆ Clock Frequency -Uniform Block of 32/64k-byte -80MHz for fast read with 30PF load -Dual Output Data transfer up to 160Mbits/s ◆ Low Power Consumption -18mA maximum active current ◆ Software/Hardware Write Protection -5uA maximum power down current -Write protect all/portion of memory via software -Enable/Disable protection with WP# Pin ◆ Single Power Supply Voltage -Full voltage range:2.7~3.6V ◆ Minimum 100,000 Program/Erase Cycles ◆ ◆ Data retention Package option -SOP8 150MIL -20-year data retention typical -TSSOP8 173MIL -USON8 3x2mm 4 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The GD25D10B/05B (1M/512K-bit) Serial flash supports the standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), and supports the Dual Output: Serial Clock, Chip Select, Serial Data I/O0 (SI), O1 (SO). The Dual Output data is transferred with speed of 160Mbits/s. CONNECTION DIAGRAM CS# 1 8 VCC CS# 1 SO (O1) 2 7 NC SO (O1) 2 WP# 3 6 SCLK WP# 3 VSS 4 5 SI (IO0) VSS 4 Top View 8 VCC 7 NC Top View 8–LEAD SOP/TSSOP 6 SCLK 5 SI (IO0) 8–LEAD USON PIN DESCRIPTION Pin Name I/O Description CS# I Chip Select Input SO (O1) O Data Output (Data Output 1) WP# I Write Protect Input Ground VSS SI (IO0) I/O Data Input (Data Input Output 0) SCLK I Serial Clock Input NC No Connection VCC Power Supply Note: CS# must be driven high if chip is not selected. Please don’t leave CS# floating any time after power is on. 5 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B BLOCK DIAGRAM Write Control Logic Status Register SCLK CS# SPI Command & Control Logic High Voltage Generators Page Address Latch/Counter Write Protect Logic and Row Decode WP# Flash Memory Column Decode And 256-Byte Page Buffer SI(IO0) SO(O1) Byte Address Latch/Counter 6 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B 3. MEMORY ORGANIZATION GD25D10B Each device has Each block has Each sector has Each page has 128K 64/32K 4K 256 bytes 512 256/128 16 - pages 32 16/8 - - sectors 2/4 - - - blocks Each device has Each block has Each sector has Each page has 64K 64/32K 4K 256 bytes 256 256/128 16 - pages 16 16/8 - - sectors 1/2 - - - blocks GD25D05B UNIFORM BLOCK SECTOR ARCHITECTURE GD25D10B 64K Bytes Block Sector Architecture Block 1 0 Sector Address range 31 01F000H 01FFFFH …… …… …… 16 010000H 010FFFH 15 00F000H 00FFFFH …… …… …… 0 000000H 000FFFH GD25D05B 64K Bytes Block Sector Architecture Block 0 Sector Address range 15 00F000H 00FFFFH …… …… …… 0 000000H 000FFFH 7 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B 4. DEVICE OPERATION SPI Mode Standard SPI The GD25D10B/05B features a serial peripheral interface on 4 signals bus: Serial Clock (SCLK), Chip Select (CS#), Serial Data Input (SI) and Serial Data Output (SO). Both SPI bus mode 0 and 3 are supported. Input data is latched on the rising edge of SCLK and data shifts out on the falling edge of SCLK. Dual SPI The GD25D10B/05B supports Dual Output operation when using the “Dual Output Fast Read” (3BH) commands. These commands allow data to be transferred to or from the device at twice the rate of the standard SPI. When using the Dual Output command the SI and SO pins become bidirectional I/O pins: IO0 and O1. 8 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B 5. DATA PROTECTION The GD25D10B/05B provides the following data protection methods: Write Enable (WREN) command: The WREN command is set the Write Enable Latch bit (WEL). The WEL bit will ◆ reset to 0 in the following situations: -Power-Up -Write Disable (WRDI) -Write Status Register (WRSR) -Page Program (PP) -Sector Erase (SE) / Block Erase (BE) / Chip Erase (CE) Software Protection Mode: The Block Protect (BP2, BP1, BP0) bits define the section of the protected memory ◆ area which is read-only and unalterable. ◆ Hardware Protection Mode: WP# going low to protected the BP0~BP2bits and SRP bits. ◆ Deep Power-Down Mode: In Deep Power-Down Mode, all commands are ignored except the Release from Deep Power-Down Mode command and reset command (66H+99H). Write Inhibit Voltage (VWI): Device would reset automatically when VCC is below a certain threshold VWI. ◆ Table1.0(a) GD25D10B Protected area size Status Register Content Memory Content BP2 BP1 BP0 Blocks Addresses Density Portion 0 0 0 NONE NONE NONE NONE 0 0 1 Sector 0 to 29 000000H-01DFFFH 120KB Lower 30/32 0 1 0 Sector 0 to 27 000000H-01BFFFH 112KB Lower 28/32 0 1 1 Sector 0 to 23 000000H-017FFFH 96KB Lower 24/32 1 0 0 Sector 0 to 15 000000H-00FFFFH 64KB Lower 16/32 1 0 1 All 000000H-01FFFFH 128KB ALL 1 1 X All 000000H-01FFFFH 128KB ALL Addresses Density Portion Table1.0(b) GD25D05B Protected area size Status Register Content Memory Content BP2 BP1 BP0 Blocks 0 0 0 NONE NONE NONE NONE 0 0 1 Sector 0 to 29 000000H-00DFFFH 56KB Lower 14/16 0 1 0 Sector 0 to 27 000000H-00BFFFH 48KB Lower 12/16 0 1 1 Sector 0 to 23 000000H-007FFFH 32KB Lower 8/16 1 X X All 000000H-00FFFFH 64KB ALL 9 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B 6. STATUS REGISTER S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0 SRP Reserved Reserved BP2 BP1 BP0 WEL WIP The status and control bits of the Status Register are as follows: WIP bit. The Write In Progress (WIP) bit indicates whether the memory is busy in program/erase/write status register progress. When WIP bit is set to 1, it means the device is busy in program/erase/write status register progress. when WIP bit is cleared to 0, it means the device is not in program/erase/write status register progress. The default value of WIP is 0. WEL bit. The Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit indicates the status of the internal Write Enable Latch. When set to 1 the internal Write Enable Latch is set, when set to 0 the internal Write Enable Latch is reset and no Write Status Register, Program or Erase command is accepted. The default value of WEL is 0. BP2, BP1, BP0 bits. The Block Protect (BP2, BP1, BP0) bits are non-volatile. They define the size of the area to be software protected against Program and Erase commands. These bits are written with the Write Status Register (WRSR) command. When the Block Protect (BP2, BP1, BP0) bits are set to 1, the relevant memory area (as defined in Table1).becomes protected against Page Program (PP), Sector Erase (SE) and Block Erase (BE) commands. The Block Protect (BP2, BP1, BP0) bits can be written provided that the Hardware Protected mode has not been set. The Chip Erase (CE) command is executed, if the Block Protect (BP2, BP1, BP0) bits are all 0. The default value of BP2:0 are 0s. SRP bit The Status Register Protect (SRP) bit operates in conjunction with the Write Protect (WP#) signal. The Status Register Write Protect (SRP) bit and Write Protect (WP#) signal set the device to the Hardware Protected mode. When the Status Register Protect (SRP) bit is set to 1, and Write Protect (WP#) is driven Low. In this mode, the non-volatile bits of the Status Register(SRP, BP2, BP1, BP0) become read-only bits and the Write Status Register (WRSR) instruction is not execution. The default value of SRP is 0. SRP #WP Status Register 0 X Software Protected 1 0 Hardware Protected 1 1 Hardware Unprotected Description The Status Register can be written to after a Write Enable command, WEL=1.(Default) WP#=0, the Status Register locked and can not be written to. WP#=1, the Status Register is unlocked and can be written to after a Write Enable command, WEL=1. 10 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B 7. COMMANDS DESCRIPTION All commands, addresses and data are shifted in and out of the device by the host system, with the most significant bit first. On the first rising edge of SCLK after CS# is driven low, the one-byte command code must be shifted into the device, with the most significant bit first on SI, each bit being latched on the rising edges of SCLK. See Table2, every command sequence starts with a one-byte command code. Depending on the command, this might be followed by address bytes, or data bytes, or dummy bytes. CS# must be driven high after the last bit of the command sequence has been shifted in. For the command of Read, Fast Read, Read Status Register or Release from Deep Power-Down, and Read Device ID, the shifted-in command sequence is followed by a data-out sequence. CS# can be driven high after any bit of the data-out sequence is being shifted out. For the command of Page Program, Sector Erase, Block Erase, Chip Erase, Write Status Register, Write Enable, Write Disable or Deep Power-Down command, CS# must be driven high exactly at a byte boundary, which means the clock pulse number should be an exact multiple of eight. Otherwise the command is rejected to executed. Especially for Page Program command, if at any time the input end is not a completed byte, nothing will be written into the memory array, neither would WEL bit be reset. Table2. Commands Byte 3 Byte 4 Command Name Byte 1 Byte 2 Write Enable Write Disable Read Status Register Write Status Register Read Data Fast Read Dual Output Fast Read Page Program Fast Page Program Sector Erase Block Erase(32K) Block Erase(64K) Chip Erase Deep Power-Down Release From Deep Power-Down, And Read Device ID Release From Deep Power-Down Manufacturer/ Device ID Read Identification 06H 04H 05H 01H 03H 0BH 3BH (S7-S0) S7-S0 A23-A16 A23-A16 A23-A16 A15-A8 A15-A8 A15-A8 A7-A0 A7-A0 A7-A0 (D7-D0) dummy dummy (Next byte) (D7-D0) (D7-D0)(1) A23-A16 A23-A16 A23-A16 A23-A16 A23-A16 A15-A8 A15-A8 A15-A8 A15-A8 A15-A8 A7-A0 A7-A0 A7-A0 A7-A0 A7-A0 D7-D0 D7-D0 Next byte Next byte dummy dummy dummy (DID7DID0) 90H dummy dummy 00H (MID7MID0) 9FH (MID7MID0) (JDID15JDID8) (JDID7JDID0) 02 H F2 H 20H 52H D8H C7/60 H B9H ABH Byte 5 Byte 6 n-Bytes (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) ABH NOTE: 1. Dual Output data IO0 = (D6, D4, D2, D0) O1 = (D7, D5, D3, D1) 11 (DID7DID0) (continuous) (continuous) Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B 7.1. TABLE OF ID DEFINATION: GD25D10B Operation Code M7-M0 ID15-ID8 ID7-ID0 9FH C8 40 11 90H C8 10 ABH 10 GD25D05B Operation Code M7-M0 ID15-ID8 ID7-ID0 9FH C8 40 10 90H C8 05 ABH 05 7.2. Write Enable (WREN) (06H) The Write Enable (WREN) command is for setting the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit to 1. The Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit must be set prior to every Page Program (PP), Sector Erase (SE), Block Erase (BE), Chip Erase (CE) and Write Status Register (WRSR) command. The Write Enable (WREN) command sequence: CS# goes low  sending the Write Enable command  CS# goes high. Figure 1. Write Enable Sequence Diagram CS# SCLK SI SO 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Command 06H High-Z 7.3. Write Disable (WRDI) (04H) The Write Disable command is for resetting the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit to 0. The WEL bit is reset by following condition: Power-up and upon completion of the Write Status Register, Page Program, Sector Erase, Block Erase and Chip Erase commands. The Write Disable command sequence: CS# goes lowSending the Write Disable command CS# goes high. 12 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B Figure 2. Write Disable Sequence Diagram CS# 0 SCLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Command SI 04H High-Z SO 7.4. Read Status Register (RDSR) (05H) The Read Status Register (RDSR) command is for reading the Status Register. The Status Register may be read at any time, even while a Program, Erase or Write Status Register cycle is in progress. When one of these cycles is in progress, it is recommended to check the Write In Progress (WIP) bit before sending a new command to the device. It is also possible to read the Status Register continuously. For command code “05H”, the SO will output Status Register bits S7~S0. Figure 3. Read Status Register Sequence Diagram CS# SCLK SI SO 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 6 Command 05H High-Z S7~S0 out 5 4 3 2 MSB 1 0 7 6 5 S7~S0 out 4 3 2 1 0 7 MSB 7.5. Write Status Register (WRSR) (01H) The Write Status Register (WRSR) instruction allows new values to be written to the Status Register. A Write Enable (WREN) instruction must be executed previously to set the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit, before it can be accepted. The Write Status Register (WRSR) instruction is entered by driving Chip Select (CS#) Low, followed by the instruction code and the data byte on Serial Data Input (DI). The Write Status Register (WRSR) instruction has no effect on S6, S5, S1 and S0 of the Status Register. S6 and S5 are always read as 0. Chip Select (CS#) must be driven High after the eighth bit of the data byte has been latched in. Otherwise, the Write Status Register (WRSR) instruction is not executed. As soon as Chip Select (CS#) is driven High, the self-timed Write Status Register cycle (the duration is tW) is initiated. While the Write Status Register cycle is in progress, reading Status Register to check the Write In Progress (WIP) bit is achievable. The Write In Progress (WIP) bit is 1 during the self-timed Write Status Register cycle, and turn to 0 on the completion of the Write Status Register. When the cycle is completed, the Write Enable Latch (WEL) is reset to 0. The Write Status Register (WRSR) instruction allows the user to change the values of the Block Protect (BP2, BP1, 13 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B BP0) bits, which are utilized to define the size of the read-only area. The Write Status Register (WRSR) instruction also allows the user to set or reset the Status Register Protect (SRP) bit in accordance with the Write Protect (WP#) signal, by setting which the device can enter into Hardware Protected Mode (HPM). The Write Status Register (WRSR) instruction is not executed once enter into the Hardware Protected Mode (HPM). Figure 4. Write Status Register Sequence Diagram CS# 0 SCLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Command SI Status Register in 01H 7 6 5 MSB SO 4 3 2 1 0 High-Z 7.6. Read Data Bytes (READ) (03H) The Read Data Bytes (READ) command is followed by a 3-byte address (A23-A0), each bit being latched-in on the rising edge of SCLK. Then the memory content, at that address, is shifted out on SO, each bit being shifted out, at a Max frequency fR, on the falling edge of SCLK. The first byte addressed can be at any location. The address is automatically incremented to the next higher address after each byte of data is shifted out. The whole memory can, therefore, be read with a single Read Data Bytes (READ) command. Any Read Data Bytes (READ) command, while an Erase, Program or Write cycle is in progress, is rejected without having any effects on the cycle that is in progress. Figure 5. Read Data Bytes Sequence Diagram CS# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 SCLK Command SI SO 03H High-Z 24-bit address 23 22 21 3 2 1 0 MSB MSB 7 6 5 Data Out1 4 3 2 1 Data Out2 0 7.7. Read Data Bytes at Higher Speed (Fast Read) (0BH) The Read Data Bytes at Higher Speed (Fast Read) command is for quickly reading data out. It is followed by a 3-byte address (A23-A0) and a dummy byte, each bit being latched-in on the rising edge of SCLK. Then the memory content, at that address, is shifted out on SO, each bit being shifted out, at a Max frequency f C, on the falling edge of SCLK. The first byte addressed can be at any location. The address is automatically incremented to the next higher address after each byte of data is shifted out. 14 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B Figure 6. Read Data Bytes at Higher Speed Sequence Diagram CS# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 28 29 30 31 SCLK Command SI 24-bit address 0BH 23 22 21 3 2 1 0 High-Z SO CS# 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 SCLK Dummy Byte SI 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SO 7 6 MSB Data Out1 5 4 3 2 1 0 Data Out2 7 6 5 MSB 7.8. Dual Output Fast Read (3BH) The Dual Output Fast Read command is followed by 3-byte address (A23-A0) and a dummy byte, each bit being latched in on the rising edge of SCLK, then the memory contents are shifted out 2-bit per clock cycle from SI and SO. The command sequence is shown in followed Figure7. The first byte addressed can be at any location. The address is automatically incremented to the next higher address after each byte of data is shifted out. Figure 7. Dual Output Fast Read Sequence Diagram CS# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 28 29 30 31 SCLK Command SI 24-bit address 3BH 23 22 21 3 2 1 0 High-Z SO CS# 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 SCLK Dummy Clocks SI SO 6 4 2 0 6 4 2 0 6 Data Out1 Data Out2 7 5 3 1 7 5 3 1 MSB MSB 7 7.9. Page Program (PP) (02H) The Page Program (PP) command is for programming the memory. A Write Enable (WREN) command must previously have been executed to set the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit before sending the Page Program command. 15 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B The Page Program (PP) command is entered by driving CS# Low, followed by the command code, three address bytes and at least one data byte on SI. If the 8 least significant address bits (A7-A0) are not all zero, all transmitted data that goes beyond the end of the current page are programmed from the start address of the same page (from the address whose 8 least significant bits (A7-A0) are all zero). CS# must be driven low for the entire duration of the sequence. The Page Program command sequence: CS# goes low  sending Page Program command  3-byte address on SI  at least 1 byte data on SI  CS# goes high. The command sequence is shown in Figure8. If more than 256 bytes are sent to the device, previously latched data are discarded and the last 256 data bytes are guaranteed to be programmed correctly within the same page. If less than 256 data bytes are sent to device, they are correctly programmed at the requested addresses without having any effects on the other bytes of the same page. CS# must be driven high after the eighth bit of the last data byte has been latched in; otherwise the Page Program (PP) command is not executed. As soon as CS# is driven high, the self-timed Page Program cycle (whose duration is tPP) is initiated. While the Page Program cycle is in progress, the Status Register may be read to check the value of the Write In Progress (WIP) bit. The Write In Progress (WIP) bit is 1 during the self-timed Page Program cycle, and is 0 when it is completed. At some unspecified time before the cycle is completed, the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit is reset. A Page Program (PP) command is not executed when it is applied to a page protected by the Block Protect (BP2, BP1, BP0). Figure 8. Page Program Sequence Diagram CS# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 SCLK Command 24-bit address 23 22 21 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2078 2079 2076 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 2077 CS# 2075 MSB 2072 MSB 2074 02H Data Byte 1 2073 SI 1 0 SCLK Data Byte 2 SI 7 MSB 7.10. 6 5 4 3 2 Data Byte 3 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 MSB 2 Data Byte 256 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 MSB Fast Page Program (FPP) (F2H) The Fast Page Program (FPP) command is for programming the memory. A Write Enable (WREN) command must previously have been executed to set the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit before sending the Page Program command. The Fast Page Program (FPP) command is entered by driving CS# Low, followed by the command code, three address bytes and at least one data byte on SI. If the 8 least significant address bits (A7-A0) are not all zero, all transmitted data that goes beyond the end of the current page are programmed from the start address of the same page (from the address whose 8 least significant bits (A7-A0) are all zero). CS# must be driven low for the entire duration of the sequence. The Page Program command sequence: CS# goes low  sending Page Program command  3-byte address on SI  at least 1 byte data on SI  CS# goes high. The command sequence is shown in Figure9. If more than 256 bytes are sent to the device, previously latched data 16 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B are discarded and the last 256 data bytes are guaranteed to be programmed correctly within the same page. If less than 256 data bytes are sent to device, they are correctly programmed at the requested addresses without having any effects on the other bytes of the same page. CS# must be driven high after the eighth bit of the last data byte has been latched in; otherwise the Fast Page Program (FPP) command is not executed. As soon as CS# is driven high, the self-timed Page Program cycle (whose duration is tPP) is initiated. While the Page Program cycle is in progress, the Status Register may be read to check the value of the Write In Progress (WIP) bit. The Write In Progress (WIP) bit is 1 during the self-timed Page Program cycle, and is 0 when it is completed. At some unspecified time before the cycle is completed, the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit is reset. A Fast Page Program (FPP) command is not executed when it is applied to a page protected by the Block Protect (BP2, BP1, BP0). Figure 9. Fast Page Program Sequence Diagram CS# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 SCLK Command 24-bit address 23 22 21 3 2 Data Byte 1 1 0 7 MSB 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2078 2079 6 2077 7 2075 2073 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 2072 MSB CS# 2076 F2H 2074 SI 1 0 SCLK Data Byte 2 SI 7 MSB 7.11. 6 5 4 3 2 Data Byte 3 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 MSB 2 Data Byte 256 1 0 5 4 3 2 MSB Sector Erase (SE) (20H) The Sector Erase (SE) command is for erasing the all data of the specific sector. A Write Enable (WREN) command must previously have been executed to set the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit. The Sector Erase (SE) command is entered by driving CS# low, followed by the command code, and 3-address byte on SI. Any address inside the sector is a valid address for the Sector Erase (SE) command. CS# must be driven low for the entire duration of the sequence. The Sector Erase command sequence: CS# goes low  sending Sector Erase command  3-byte address on SI  CS# goes high. The command sequence is shown in Figure10. CS# must be driven high after the eighth bit of the last address byte has been latched in; otherwise the Sector Erase (SE) command is not executed. As soon as CS# is driven high, the self-timed Sector Erase cycle (whose duration is tSE) is initiated. While the Sector Erase cycle is in progress, the Status Register is accessed to check the value of the Write In Progress (WIP) bit. The Write In Progress (WIP) bit is 1 during the self-timed Sector Erase cycle, and becomes 0 when it is completed. At some unspecified time before the cycle is completed, the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit is reset. A Sector Erase (SE) command applied to a sector which is protected by the Block Protect (BP2, BP1, BP0) bit (see Table1.0&1.1) is not executed. 17 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B Figure 10. Sector Erase Sequence Diagram CS# SCLK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 Command SI 9 29 30 31 24 Bits Address 20H 7.12. 7 23 22 MSB 2 1 0 32KB Block Erase (BE) (52H) The 32KB Block Erase (BE) command is for erasing the all data of the chosen block. A Write Enable (WREN) command must previously have been executed to set the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit. The 32KB Block Erase (BE) command is entered by driving CS# low, followed by the command code, and three address bytes on SI. Any address inside the block is a valid address for the 32KB Block Erase (BE) command. CS# must be driven low for the entire duration of the sequence. The 32KB Block Erase command sequence: CS# goes low  sending 32KB Block Erase command  3-byte address on SI  CS# goes high. The command sequence is shown in Figure11. CS# must be driven high after the eighth bit of the last address byte has been latched in; otherwise the 32KB Block Erase (BE) command is not executed. As soon as CS# is driven high, the self-timed Block Erase cycle (whose duration is tBE) is initiated. While the Block Erase cycle is in progress, the Status Register is accessed to check the value of the Write In Progress (WIP) bit. The Write In Progress (WIP) bit is 1 during the self-timed Block Erase cycle, and becomes 0 when it is completed. At some unspecified time before the cycle is completed, the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit is reset. A 32KB Block Erase (BE) command applied to a block which is protected by the Block Protect (BP2, BP1, BP0) bits (see Table1.0&1.1) is not executed. Figure 11. 32KB Block Erase Sequence Diagram CS# SCLK SI 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Command 52H 7.13. 7 8 9 29 30 31 24 Bits Address 23 22 MSB 2 1 0 64KB Block Erase (BE) (D8H) The 64KB Block Erase (BE) command is for erasing the all data of the chosen block. A Write Enable (WREN) command must previously have been executed to set the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit. The 64KB Block Erase (BE) command is entered by driving CS# low, followed by the command code, and three address bytes on SI. Any address inside the block is a valid address for the 64KB Block Erase (BE) command. CS# must be driven low for the entire duration of the sequence. The 64KB Block Erase command sequence: CS# goes low  sending 64KB Block Erase command  3-byte address on SI  CS# goes high. The command sequence is shown in Figure12. CS# must be driven high after the eighth bit of the last address byte has been latched in; otherwise the 64KB Block Erase (BE) command is not executed. As soon as CS# is driven high, the self-timed Block Erase cycle (whose duration is tBE) is initiated. While the Block Erase cycle is in 18 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B progress, the Status Register is accessed to check the value of the Write In Progress (WIP) bit. The Write In Progress (WIP) bit is 1 during the self-timed Block Erase cycle, and becomes 0 when it is completed. At some unspecified time before the cycle is completed, the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit is reset. A 64KB Block Erase (BE) command applied to a block which is protected by the Block Protect (BP2, BP1, BP0) bits (see Table1.0&1.1) is not executed. Figure 12. 64KB Block Erase Sequence Diagram CS# SCLK 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 Command SI 29 30 31 24 Bits Address D8H 7.14. 7 23 22 MSB 2 1 0 Chip Erase (CE) (60/C7H) The Chip Erase (CE) command is for erasing the all data of the chip. A Write Enable (WREN) command must previously have been executed to set the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit .The Chip Erase (CE) command is entered by driving CS# Low, followed by the command code on Serial Data Input (SI). CS# must be driven Low for the entire duration of the sequence. The Chip Erase command sequence: CS# goes low  sending Chip Erase command  CS# goes high. The command sequence is shown in Figure13. CS# must be driven high after the eighth bit of the command code has been latched in, otherwise the Chip Erase command is not executed. As soon as CS# is driven high, the self-timed Chip Erase cycle (whose duration is tCE) is initiated. While the Chip Erase cycle is in progress, the Status Register may be read to check the value of the Write In Progress (WIP) bit. The Write In Progress (WIP) bit is 1 during the self-timed Chip Erase cycle, and is 0 when it is completed. At some unspecified time before the cycle is completed, the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit is reset. The Chip Erase (CE) command is executed if the Block Protect (BP2, BP1, BP0) bits are all 0 or all 1. The Chip Erase (CE) command is not excuted if any sector is under protection. Figure 13. Chip Erase Sequence Diagram CS# SCLK 0 1 SI 7.15. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Command 60H or C7H Deep Power-Down (DP) (B9H) Executing the Deep Power-Down (DP) command is the only way to enter the lowest consumption mode (the Deep Power-Down Mode). Unlike deselecting the device by driving CS# high, or entering into the Standby Mode (if there is no internal cycle currently in progress), the Deep Power-Down Mode provides an extra software protection mechanism while the device is not in active use. The only access to this mode is by executing the Deep Power-Down (DP) command. Since in the Deep Power-Down mode, the device ignores all Write, Program and Erase commands. Once the device is in the Deep Power-Down Mode, all commands are ignored except the Release from Deep Power-Down and Read Device ID (RDI) command. This releases the device from this mode. The Release from Deep Power-Down and Read Device ID (RDI) command also allows the Device ID of the device to be output on SO. 19 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B The Deep Power-Down Mode automatically stops at Power-Down, and the device always Power-Up in the Standby Mode. The Deep Power-Down (DP) command is entered by driving CS# low, followed by the command code on SI. CS# must be driven low for the entire duration of the sequence. The Deep Power-Down command sequence: CS# goes low  sending Deep Power-Down command  CS# goes high. The command sequence is shown in Figure14. CS# must be driven high after the eighth bit of the command code has been latched in; otherwise the Deep Power-Down (DP) command is not executed. As soon as CS# is driven high, it requires a delay of tDP before the supply current is reduced to I CC2 and the Deep Power-Down Mode is entered. Any Deep Power-Down (DP) command, while an Erase, Program or Write cycle is in progress, is rejected without having any effects on the cycle that is in progress. Figure 14. Deep Power-Down Sequence Diagram CS# SCLK Command SI 7.16. tDP 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Stand-by mode Deep Power-down mode B9H Release from Deep Power-Down / Read Device ID (ABH) The Release from Power-Down and Read Device ID command is a multi-purpose command, which can be used to release the device from the Power-Down state or obtain the devices electronic identification (ID) number. When used to release the device from the Power-Down state, the command is issued by driving the CS# pin low, shifting the instruction code “ABH” and driving CS# high as shown in Figure15. Release from Power-Down will take the time duration of tRES1 (See AC Characteristics) before the device will resume normal operation and other comma nd are accepted. The CS# pin must keep high during the tRES1 time duration. When used only to obtain the Device ID while not in the Power-Down state, the command is initiated by driving the CS# pin low and shifting the instruction code “ABH” followed by 3-dummy byte. The Device ID bits are then shifted out on the falling edge of SCLK with most significant bit (MSB) first as shown in Figure15. The Device ID value for the GD25D10B/05B is listed in Manufacturer and Device Identification table. The Device ID can be read continuously. The command is completed by driving CS# high. When used to release the device from the Power-Down state and obtain the Device ID, the command is the same as previously described, and shown in Figure16, except that after CS# is driven high it must remain high for a time duration of tRES2 (See AC Characteristics). After this time duration the device will resume normal operation and other command will be accepted. If the Release from Power-Down and Read Device ID command is issued while an Erase, Program or Write cycle is in process (when WIP equal 1) the command is ignored and will not have any effects on the current cycle. Figure 15. Release Power-Down Sequence Diagram CS# SCLK SI 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 t RES1 Command ABH Deep Power-down mode 20 Stand-by mode Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B Figure 16. Release Power-Down and Read Device ID Sequence Diagram CS# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 SCLK Command SI SO t RES2 3 Dummy Bytes 23 22 ABH 2 1 0 MSB High-Z 7 6 Device ID 5 4 3 2 MSB 7.17. 1 0 Deep Power-down Mode Stand-by Mode Read Manufacture ID/ Device ID (REMS) (90H) The Read Manufacturer/Device ID command is an alternative to the Release from Power-Down / Device ID command that provides both the JEDEC assigned Manufacturer ID and the specific Device ID. The command is initiated by driving the CS# pin low and shifting the command code “90H” followed by a 24-bit address (A23-A0) of 000000H. After that, the Manufacturer ID and the Device ID are shifted out on the falling edge of SCLK with most significant bit (MSB) first as shown in Figure17. If the 24-bit address is initially set to 000001H, the Device ID will be read first. Figure 17. Read Manufacture ID/ Device ID Sequence Diagram CS# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 28 29 30 31 SCLK Command SI 90H 23 22 21 3 2 1 0 High-Z SO CS# 24-bit address 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 SCLK SI SO 7 6 Manufacturer ID 5 4 3 2 1 MSB 7.18. Device ID 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 MSB Read Identification (RDID) (9FH) The Read Identification (RDID) command allows the 8-bit manufacturer identification to be read, followed by two bytes of device identification. The device identification indicates the memory type in the first byte, and the memory capacity of the device in the second byte. Any Read Identification (RDID) command while an Erase or Program cycle is in progress is not decoded, and has no effect on the cycle that is in progress. The Read Identification (RDID) command should not be issued while the device is in Deep Power-Down Mode. The device is first selected by driving CS# to low. Then, the 8-bit command code for the command is shifted in. This is followed by the 24-bit device identification, stored in the memory, being shifted out on Serial Data Output, each bit being 21 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B shifted out during the falling edge of Serial Clock. The command sequence is shown in Figure18. The Read Identification (RDID) command is terminated by driving CS# to high at any time during data output. When CS# is driven high, the device is put in the Standby Mode. Once in the Standby Mode, the device waits to be selected, so that it can receive, decode and execute commands. Figure 18. Read Identification ID Sequence Diagram CS# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 6 SCLK SI 9FH Command SO Manufacturer ID 5 4 3 2 1 MSB CS# 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SCLK SI SO 7 MSB 6 5 4 3 2 1 Memory Type JDID15-JDID8 0 7 MSB 22 6 5 4 3 2 Capacity JDID7-JDID0 1 0 0 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B 8. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 8.1. POWER-ON TIMING Vcc(max) Chip Selection is not allowed Vcc(min) tVSL Device is fully accessible VWI Time Table3. Power-Up Timing and Write Inhibit Threshold Symbol Parameter tVSL VCC(min) To CS# Low VWI Write Inhibit Voltage Min Max Unit 5 1.5 ms 2.5 V 8.2. INITIAL DELIVERY STATE The device is delivered with the memory array erased: all bits are set to 1(each byte contains FFH).The Status Register contains 00H (all Status Register bits are 0). 8.3. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Value Unit Ambient Operating Temperature -40 to 85 ℃ Storage Temperature -65 to 150 ℃ Transient Input / Output Voltage(note: overshoot) -2.0 to VCC+2.0 V Applied Input/Output Voltage -0.5 to 4.0 V -0.5 to 4.0 V VCC 23 Uniform Sector Standard and Dual Serial Flash GD25D10B/05B Figure 19. Maximum Negative/positive Overshoot Diagram Maximum Negative Overshoot Waveform 20ns Maximum Positive Overshoot Waveform 20ns 20ns Vss Vcc + 2.0V Vss-2.0V Vcc 20ns 20ns 20ns 8.4. CAPACITANCE MEASUREMENT CONDITIONS Symbol Parameter Min Typ. Max Unit Conditions CIN Input Capacitance 6 pF VIN=0V COUT Output Capacitance 8 pF VOUT=0V CL Load Capacitance 30 Input Rise And Fall time pF 5 ns Input Pulse Voltage 0.1VCC to 0.8VCC V Input Timing Reference Voltage 0.2VCC to 0.7VCC V Output Timing Reference Voltage 0.5VCC V Figure 20. Input Test Waveform and Measurement Level Input timing reference level 0.8VCC 0.7VCC 0.1VCC 0.2VCC Output timing reference level AC Measurement Level Note: Input pulse rise and fall time are
GD25D05BTIG 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+1.031781+0.12430


