The unit is equipped with 5 indicators (LEDs)
which indicate to the user the condition of the
1. Load. Illuminated when the measurement
crosses 5% of the measurement range. If the
current flows the wrong way through the unit
the indicator is NOT lit.
2. Ts. Illuminated when the measurement
crosses 5% and is turned off when Ts expires.
3. Max. Illuminated when the Max limit is
exceeded and the Tr timer is started.
4. Min. Illuminated when the Min limit is
exceeded and the Tr timer is started.
5. Relay. Indicates the relay state; The LED is
illuminated when the relay is ON, i.e. during
normal operation.
When an alarm is active, the relay is OFF and
the Max- or Min- LED is lit showing which limit
was exceeded and tripped.
Max power range
The unit is constructed for measuring currents
up to 80 A. In the table below the recommended
maximum ranges for standard supply voltages
are shown.
Technical information
The internal current sensor is linear up to 130A,
but the current should be limited to 80A due to
the maximum cable diameter of 10mm.
The built-in current sensor is protected against
current peaks of up to 500A
Special versions
The APM110 can be supplied for single phased
applications also. A version which measures
power after a frequency inverter may be
provided on request.
Technical Specifications
Mechanical spec.
Upper part: Lexan UL94V-0
Lower part: Noryl UL94V-0
M36 for 35mm DIN rail
CT dim: Max 10 mm lead-in
Terminals: Max 16 A. Max 2,5 mm2
Protection class
IP40 (housing).
IP20 (connector).
Temperature range
-15 - +50 °C.
Weight: Approx. 300g.
D 58 x B 70 x H 86 mm.
Electrical spec.
Supply / Range
3x380 to 3x500Vac
Current range
Internal max. 0-80 A
(Surge: 500A/10sec.)
External: N/5 C.T.
Power range
Max 70 kW using internal current sensor
ϕ range: 0.2-1
Frequency range: 50 / 60 Hz.
Consumption: 3VA
Relay spec.: 250 VAC/5A.
Control inputs: +8-30Vdc
Unipower APM110 is a „low-cost“
member of the Unipower family. The unit
measures power from the formula:
P = √3 x U x I x Cosϕ
The primary function of the unit lies in the
supervision of machinery driven by 3phase AC-motors. Unipower APM110
integrates a programmable Max. and Min.
kW limit detector plus the support functions
necessary to establish the efficient and
compact supervision or control of various
types of machinery such as pumps, fans
and conveyor belts.
Besides the functions Ts, Tr and hysteresis, the APM110 has a built-in current sensor that measures currents up to 80A.
CE mark to:
EN50081-1, EN61000-6-2, EN61010-1
Fig.4 Typical connection with internal sensor
Page 4
Fig.5 Typical connection with external CT
Page 1
The basis of the unit is a specially developed 4quadrant multiplier which together with a
precision current sensor makes it possible to use
the unit for measuring loads from 0.01kW to
70kW. For larger loads an external CT must be
used. The unit accepts crest factors up to 5 and
is therefore applicable for measuring before
frequency inverters. The built-in limits and timers
etc. will be described in the following paragraphs.
Measurement range internal sensor
By means of a 3-digit switch [Range/Limit] a
measurement range from 0.01kW to 9.99kW may
be selected. If a larger range is needed, the
chosen range may be multiplied by 10 by setting
the switch [x10]. Using only the internal current
sensor the maximum range is 70kW (See table
on page 4). If a larger range is wanted an external
CT (N/5A) is needed - N being the CT’s primary
Measurement range ext. CT
To set up the measurement range when using
an ext. CT, a simple calculation is necessary:
Ex: A measurement range of 100kW is wanted
with a supply voltage of 3x400V. Choose a CT of
200A. The winding ratio of a 200/5A CT is 40.
The unit must be set to 100kW/40 = 2.5kW for a
measurement range of 100kW, i.e:
Different from other units in the Unipower family
the APM110 is programmed directly in kW. Since
the unit accepts supply voltages from 380Vac to
500Vac and measures currents up to 80A directly,
the unit is applicable in most of the world without
special modifications to the supply voltage.
The setting up of the unit and its functionality is
described in the following.
[Range] = Meas’ment range/CT winding ratio
Max. Hyst’s band (10%)
P [%]
P = f(t)
Max. limit = 100%
Min. Hyst’s band (10%)
Min. limit
Figure 1 shows a typical AC-motor power
consumption curve (ex. pump) immediately after
power has been applied to the motor. At the
bottom of the figure a bar is shown indicating the
position of the relay (On/Off). The figure also
shows the meaning of Ts, Tr and hysteresis.
Max. Limit
The Max. limit is always the same as the
measurement range.
Min. Limit
The Min. limit is set from 20% to 80% of the
measurement range. The limit is set in steps of
4% with the switch [Min. Limit]. By normal shut
down of the motor no alarm is generated (Auto
shut down).
Ts: Start timer
The start timer (Ts) is used for avoiding alarms at
motor start. The Ts delay function is activated after
the power consumption reaches 5%. When Ts
expires, limits, hysteresis and Tr become active.
If the consumption drops below 5%, the supervision is switched off again.
Tr: Reaction timer
When a limit is exceeded the corresponding Tr
is activated. The limit must be exceeded for the
duration Tr before the relay position is changed
to Off. If the measurement drops below the limit
before Tr expires the timer is reset.
Auto Reset, Hysteresis
Figure 1 shows how possible Max. and Min. hysteresis bands are placed relatively to the limits.
The hysteresis equals 10% of the range and is
fixed. Hysteresis is activated when an alarm is
generated and the external reset is active (Input
S1, Auto reset mode)
Manual Reset
An alarm may be reset either by pressing the key
[Reset] or connecting the input S1 to 12V.
Power On
Relay On
Fig. 1
Page 2
Alarm blocking
Ts blocks alarms during startup; blocking of alarms
after startup may be done by connecting S2 and/
or S3 to 12V.
Ex. 1: If a short overload is expected a PLC-output or the like may be used to block alarms for a
given time.
Ex. 2: If only one limit is needed, the other may
be blocked using S2 (Max limit) or S3 (Min limit).
Choosing limits
Deciding the Max. limit [P1] may be done in two
ways: Theoretically or by measuring the actual
Md = P2 x 60 / 2πn, where
Md: Torque where alarm should be given.
P2: Corresponding shaft power.
n: Revolutions in rev./min.
P1 = P2 + Po. Po is the idle power of the motor.
Choose a range larger than the expected
consumption at the given load.
1. Measure Vref (0-10Vdc) with a voltage meter and calculate the actual kW value, or
2. Set Tr Max to 10 sec. Decrease the range
gradually until the Max limit indicator is flashing.
Start by decreasing the first digit and end with
the last digit.
When the actual load is known the Max. limit is
set as wanted for the given application. The Min.
limit is set in % of the Max. limit and may be
determined the same way.
The unit is installed as shown in the schematics
on p. 4
Voltage connection
The unit automatically adapts to supply voltages
from 3x380Vac to 3x500Vac. The phase order
is of no importance, but it is IMPORTANT to
measure the current in the same phase as
connected to the units Terminal 1. Pay attention to the direction of the current.
Control inputs
The inputs S1, S2, S3 are isolated via optocouplers and are activated by means of a dcvoltage of 8-30V. The control voltage may be
taken from Terminal 17. The inputs may also be
activated from PLC outputs as shown in the
Reference output
Terminals 23 and 24 supply a voltage of 0-10Vdc
proportional to the measured power (kW).
10Vdc equals the range.
Note: Terminal 24 is connected to measurement
Gnd formed by 3 pcs. 1Mohm resistors connected to the phases. I.e. no High Voltage, but
connecting Terminal 24 to external equipment
may result in measurement errors.
Page 3