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CSC7225 数据手册
CSC7225 High performance Off-line PWM Switching Power Controller—CSC7225 DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The CSC7225 is a high performance current mode Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) switching power converter, which meets the DIP8 Green Environmental standards. It is widely used in 8 1 economical switching power supply, such as GND OC 7 2 Set-top Box, DVD, printer and LCD display, etc. Available in DIP-8 Package. OC 6 3 GND OC 5 4 FB VDD FEATURES    Very low external component required. Built-in 700V BJT. Built-in self-powered, without auxilliary winding. Output power 24W in input voltage 85V~265Vac . Built-in OVP, OCP, OTP. Frequency shuttling for EMI. No-load Power Consumption < 0.3W and When VIN = 220VAC, Power Consumption < 0.2W.     OC TYPICAL APPLICATION  Power AC/DC adapters  DVD/VCD/VCR power supply  STB power supply  Battery charger PIN DESCRIPTION PIN SYMBOL DESCRIPTION GND Ground PIN 1 DESCRIPTION OC The collector of internal power BJT 5 2 6 3 COMP Output Feedback 7 4 VDD Power Supply 8 V1.0 SYMBOL -1- http://www.cschip.com CSC7225 ORDERING INFORMATION DEVICE PACKAGE MARKING CSC7225 DIP8 CSC7225 PACKING Tube 20K/Small Box XXXxX BLOCK DIAGRAM OC OC OC 5 Frequency Hopping 8 Ramp Current Drive Overvoltage Protection 4 7 Over Temperature Protection Undervoltage Protection VCC 6 OC Output Control LEB Oscillation 1.25V FB Frequency Conversion 3 OC Open Circuit Protection Over Current Protection 2 GND 1 GND AM Modulation Figure.1 Functional block diagram of CSC7225 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(TA=25℃) PARAMETER SYMBOL VALUE UNIT VCC Pin Voltage Vcc -0.3~8.0 V FB terminal voltage VFB -0.3~8.0 V OC terminal voltage VOC -0.3~700 V PN junction to ambient thermal resistance θJA 80 ℃/W Operating Temperature TJ 0 ~150 ℃ Storage Temperature TSTG -55~150 ℃ ESD(Human Body Model) — 2 KV Note:Instant maximum ratings specified will not cause permanent damage to the product, while long maximum ratings specified applied will do and may affect product reliability. V1.0 -2- http://www.cschip.com CSC7225 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(TA=25℃) PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITION MIN TYP MAX UNIT Working Power Supply VCC — 4 4.7 5.5 V Start Threshold Voltage VCC_ON — 4.6 4.9 5.2 V Resart Volage VCC_OFF — 3.2 3.5 3.8 V Protect Voltage of VCC VCC_OVP — 5.6 5.9 V VCC charging current IHV Vac=85V~265V 0.4 0.7 6.2 1.3 mA Starting Current ISTART VCC = VCC_ON-1V — 95 — μA Working Current ICC VCC= 5V VFB=2.2V — 30 45 mA fOSC Vcc =5V FB=1.5~2.5V 52 62 72 kHz IS — 1150 1350 1550 mA Threshold Voltage of Short Circuit Protection VFB_SP — 1.15 1.33 1.50 V Threshold Voltage of Frequency Conversion VFB_PFM 2.3 2.5 2.7 V Threshold Voltage of Standby VFB_START — 2.6 2.8 3.0 V Maximum of Duty Cycle DMAX — — — 70 % Minimum of Duty Cycle DMIN — 5 — — % Leading Edge Blanking Time TLEB — — 300 — nS Minimum Opening Time Tonmin — — 800 — nS TSD — — 140 — °C Saturation Voltage of CE VCE_SAT IC=2A,IB=0.5A — 0.3 1.0 V The Voltage of CB VCBO IC=0.1mA 700 — — V The DC Current of Collector ICE — 2.5 — — A VCC Voltage Section OSCILLATOR Section Frequency Current detection Section Output Limiting Current FB Sense Section — PWM Sense Section Temperature protection Sense Section Thermal protection temperature Power BJT Section V1.0 -3- http://www.cschip.com CSC7225 APPLICATION CIRCUIT R2 C1 D1-D4 C3 T1 Vout L2 D7 C8 C7 D5 LF1 6 R9 5 7 8 GND R8 3 2 1 4 R6 PC817C CX1 C6 C4 F1 TL431 C2 R7 N CY1 L R5 CSC7225 Figure.2 typical application diagram V1.0 -4- http://www.cschip.com CSC7225 OUTLINE DRAWING DIP8 Symbol Dimensions In Inches Min Max Min Max A 3.710 4.310 0.146 0.170 A1 0.510 A2 3.200 3.600 0.126 0.142 B 0.380 0.570 0.015 0.022 B1 0.020 1.524(BSC) 0.060(BSC) C 0.204 0.360 0.008 0.014 D 9.000 9.400 0.354 0.370 E 6.200 6.600 0.244 0.260 E1 7.320 7.920 0.288 0.312 e V1.0 Dimensions In Millimeters 2.540(BSC) 0.100(BSC) L 3.000 3.600 0.118 0.142 E2 7.620 9.000 0.300 0.354 -5- http://www.cschip.com
CSC7225 价格&库存

