DK251 Developer's Kit
The DK251 Developer's Kit for the MCS® 251
microcontroller family supports all available 251 derivatives and enables you to write and test
programs in C or assembly using the powerful 251 instruction set (source mode).
On-chip peripherals and other key features of the 251 are easy to access with the DK251
Developer's Kit.
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Integrated Development Environment
Keil 251 Compilation Tools
A251 Macro Assembler
C251 ANSI C Compiler
L251 Code-Banking Linker
OH251 Object-HEX Converter
MON251 Target Monitor
You should consider the DK251 Developer's Kit if you...
Will work on more than one 251 project,
Need to write code in C,
Require a simulator or don't have an emulator.