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ASDM3050KQ-R 数据手册
ASDM3050KQ 30V N-Channel MOSFET Product Summary Features  High density cell design for ultra low Rdson V DS 30 V  Good stability and uniformity with high EAS R DS(on),TYP@ VGS=10 V 9 mΩ  Excellent package for good heat dissipation ID 50 A  Fully characterized Avalanche voltage and current  Special process technology for high ESD capability Application  Power switching application  Hard switched and high frequency circuits  Uninterruptible Power Supply 1 TO-252 N-Channel MOSFET Absolute Maximum Ratings (TC=25℃unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Drain-Source Voltage VDS Gate-Source Voltage VGS Limit Unit 30 V ±20 V ID 50 A ID (100℃) 35 A Pulsed Drain Current IDM 140 A Maximum Power Dissipation PD 60 W 0.4 W/℃ EAS 70 mJ TJ,TSTG -55 To 175 ℃ RθJC 2.5 ℃/W Drain Current-Continuous Drain Current-Continuous(TC=100℃) Derating factor Single pulse avalanche energy (Note 5) Operating Junction and Storage Temperature Range Thermal Characteristic Thermal Resistance,Junction-to-Case(Note 2) NOV 2018 Version1.0 1/8 Ascend Semicondutor Co.,Ltd ASDM3050KQ 30V N-Channel MOSFET Electrical Characteristics (TC=25℃unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol Condition Min Typ Max Unit Off Characteristics Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage BVDSS VGS=0V ID=250μA 30 33 - V Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current IDSS VDS=30V,VGS=0V - - 1 μA Gate-Body Leakage Current IGSS VGS=±20V,VDS=0V - - ±100 nA Gate Threshold Voltage VGS(th) VDS=VGS,ID=250μA 1 1.4 2 V Drain-Source On-State Resistance RDS(ON) VGS=10V, ID=25A - 9 11 VGS=5V, ID=20A - 11.3 14 VDS=5V,ID=20A 15 - - S - 2000 - PF - 280 - PF - 160 - PF - 10 - nS On Characteristics (Note 3) Forward Transconductance Dynamic Characteristics gFS mΩ (Note4) Input Capacitance Clss Output Capacitance Coss Reverse Transfer Capacitance Switching Characteristics VDS=15V,VGS=0V, F=1.0MHz Crss (Note 4) Turn-on Delay Time td(on) Turn-on Rise Time tr VDD=15V,ID=20A - 8 - nS td(off) VGS=10V,RGEN=1.8Ω - 30 - nS - 5 - nS - 23 - nC - 7 - nC - 4.5 - nC - 0.85 1.2 V - - 50 A TJ = 25°C, IF = 50A - 22 35 nS (Note3) - 11 18 nC Turn-Off Delay Time Turn-Off Fall Time tf Total Gate Charge Qg Gate-Source Charge Qgs Gate-Drain Charge Qgd VDS=10V,ID=25A, VGS=10V Drain-Source Diode Characteristics Diode Forward Voltage (Note 3) Diode Forward Current (Note 2) Reverse Recovery Time VSD VGS=0V,IS=25A IS trr Reverse Recovery Charge Qrr Forward Turn-On Time ton di/dt = 100A/μs Intrinsic turn-on time is negligible (turn-on is dominated by LS+LD) Notes: 1. Repetitive Rating: Pulse width limited by maximum junction temperature. 2. Surface Mounted on FR4 Board, t ≤ 10 sec. 3. Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 300μs, Duty Cycle ≤ 2%. 4. Guaranteed by design, not subject to production 5. EAS condition:Tj=25℃, VDD=15V,VG=10V,L=1mH, Rg=25Ω NOV 2018 Version1.0 2/8 Ascend Semicondutor Co.,Ltd ASDM3050KQ 30V N-Channel MOSFET Test circuit 1)EAS test Circuits 2)Gate charge test Circuit: Tc, Case Temperature (°C) 3)Switch Time Test Circuit: NOV 2018 Version1.0 3/8 Ascend Semicondutor Co.,Ltd ASDM3050KQ 30V N-Channel MOSFET ID- Drain Current (A) Normalized On-Resistance Typical Electrical and Thermal Characteristics (Curves) TJ-Junction Temperature(℃) Vds Drain-Source Voltage (V) Figure 4 Rdson-JunctionTemperature ID- Drain Current (A) Vgs Gate-Source Voltage (V) Figure 1 Output Characteristics Qg Gate Charge (nC) Figure 2 Transfer Characteristics Figure 5 Gate Charge Is- Reverse Drain Current (A) Rdson On-Resistance Normalized Vgs Gate-Source Voltage (V) ID- Drain Current (A) Vsd Source-Drain Voltage (V) Figure 3 Rdson- Drain Current NOV 2018 Version1.0 Figure 6 Source- Drain Diode Forward 4/8 Ascend Semicondutor Co.,Ltd ASDM3050KQ Normalized BVdss C Capacitance (pF) 30V N-Channel MOSFET TJ-Junction Temperature(℃) Figure 7 Capacitance vs Vds Figure 9 BVDSS vs Junction Temperature ID- Drain Current (A) Vds Drain-Source Voltage (V) TJ-Junction Temperature(℃) Figure 8 Safe Operation Area Figure 10 VGS(th) vs Junction Temperature r(t),Normalized Effective Transient Thermal Impedance Vds Drain-Source Voltage (V) Square Wave Pluse Duration(sec) Figure 11 Normalized Maximum Transient Thermal Impedance NOV 2018 Version1.0 5/8 Ascend Semicondutor Co.,Ltd ASDM3050KQ 30V N-Channel MOSFET Ordering and Marking Information Ordering Device No. ASDM3050KQ-R Marking Package Packing 3050 TO-252 Tape&Reel 2500 MARKING PACKAGE TO-252 NOV 2018 Version1.0 Quantity 3050 6/8 Ascend Semicondutor Co.,Ltd ASDM3050KQ 30V N-Channel MOSFET 6\PERO 'LPHQVLRQVLQ0LOOLPHWHUV 'LPHQVLRQVLQ,QFKHV 0LQ 0D[ 0LQ 0D[ $     $     $     E     E     F     F     '     '     (     (     +     7
ASDM3050KQ-R 价格&库存

