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    多路复用芯片 1.8V~5.5V MSOP-10

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RS2228XN 数据手册
RS2228 High-Speed USB 2.0 (480-Mbps) 1:2 Multiplexer/Demultiplexer Switch FEATURES • -3dB Bandwidth: 550MHz • Supply Range: +1.8V to +5.5V • RON is Typically 6Ω • Fast Switching Times: tON 20ns tOFF 15ns • Break-Before-Make Switching • Low Power Consumption (1μA Maximum) • Rail-to-Rail Input and Output Operation • Extended Industrial Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C • Micro SIZE DESCRIPTION The RS2228 is a high-speed, low-power doublepole/double-throw (DPDT) analog switch with single Enable. It is designed to operate from 1.8 V to 5.5 V. ̅̅̅̅, that can The RS2228 has a bus-switch enable pin, OE place the signal paths in high impedance. This allows the user to isolate the bus when it is not in use and consume less current. The RS2228 is a high-bandwidth switch specially designed for the switching of high-speed USB2.0 signals in handset and consumer applications, such as cell phones, digital cameras, and notebooks with hubs or controllers with limited USB I/Os. PACKAGES: QFN-1.4×1.8- The RS2228 is available QFN-1.4×1.8-10L and MSOP-10 package. It operates over an ambient temperature range of -40°C to +85°C. 10L,MSOP-10 APPLICATIONS • Routes Signals for USB 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 • MP3 and Other Personal Media Players • Portable Instrumentation • USB Switching • Digital Cameras • Set-Top Box • Cell Phones • PDAs Functional Block Diagram HSD1+ D+ HSD2+ HSD1– D– HSD2– S OE REV B.4 1 Control www.run-ic.com 010-67713792 sale@starttodo.com.cn RS2228 PIN CONFIGURATIONS (TOP VIEW) OE 8 V+ 9 HSD1- HSD2- 7 6 LOGIC S 10 1 2 HSD1+ HSD2+ 5 D- 4 GND 3 D+ QFN-1.4x1.8-10L PIN DESCRIPTION NAME PIN FUNCTION V+ 9 Power Supply GND 4 Ground S 10 Select Input OE HSD1+, HSD2+ 8 Output Enable 1,2 HSD1-, HSD2- 7,6 D+, D- 3,5 Data Port FUNCTION TABLE ̅̅̅̅ 𝐎𝐄 S HSD1+, HSD1- HSD2+, HSD2- 0 0 ON OFF 0 1 OFF ON 1 X OFF OFF X =Don’t care 2 www.run-ic.com 010-67713792 sale@starttodo.com.cn RS2228 PIN CONFIGURATIONS RS2228 S 1 10 V+ HSD1+ 2 9 OE HSD2+ 3 8 HSD1- D+ 4 7 HSD2- GND 5 6 D- MSOP-10 PIN DESCRIPTION NAME PIN FUNCTION V+ 10 Power Supply GND 5 Ground S 1 Select Input OE 9 Output Enable HSD1+, HSD2+ 2,3 HSD1-, HSD2- 8,7 D+, D- 4,6 Data Port FUNCTION TABLE ̅̅̅̅ 𝐎𝐄 S HSD1+, HSD1- HSD2+, HSD2- 0 0 ON OFF 0 1 OFF ON 1 X OFF OFF X =Don’t care 3 www.run-ic.com 010-67713792 sale@starttodo.com.cn RS2228 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1) V+ to GND..............................................................0V to 6V Analog, Digital Voltage Range (2) …......– 0.3 to (V+) + 0.3V Continuous Current HSDn or Dn……......…............±100mA Peak Current HSDn or Dn……........….....….......... ±150mA Storage Temperature ……….…………… −65°C to +150°C Operating Temperature ……….……...….…−40°C to +85°C Junction Temperature...............................................+150°C Package Thermal Resistance @ TA = +25°C QFN-1.4×1.8-10L………………….………..……..120°C/W MSOP-10…………………….………..………...…..204°C/W Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10s) …………….........260°C ESD Susceptibility HBM …......................................................................3000V MM ……………………….........………………...……….200V ESD SENSITIVITY CAUTION ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications. (1) Stresses above these ratings may cause permanent damage. Exposure to absolute maximum conditions for extended periods may degrade device reliability. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those specified is not implied. (2) Input terminals are diode-clamped to the power-supply rails. Input signals that can swing more than 0.3V beyond the supply rails should be current-limited to 10mA or less. PACKAGE/ORDERING INFORMATION PRODUCT RS2228 ORDERING NUMBER RS2228XN RS2228XUTQK10 TEMPERATURE RANGE -40°C ~+85°C -40°C ~+85°C PACKAGE LEAD MSOP-10 QFN-1.4×1.8-10L PACKAGE MARKING RS2228 2228X PACKAGE OPTION Tape and Reel,3000 Tape and Reel,4000 NOTE: X = Date Code MARKING INFORMATION 2228 X Date code Product name 4 www.run-ic.com 010-67713792 sale@starttodo.com.cn RS2228 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V+ = +1.8V to +5.5V, GND = 0V, VIH = +1.5V, VIL = +0.5V, TA = -40°C to + 85°C. Typical values are at V+ = +3.3V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS TA MIN -40°C to +85°C 0 TYP MAX UNITS V+ V ANALOG SWITCH Analog I/O Voltage (HSD1+, HSD1-, HSD2+, HSD2-) On-Resistance On-Resistance Match Between Channels On-Resistance Flatness VIS RON ∆RON RFLAT(ON) V+ = 3.0V, VIS = 0V to 0.4V, ID = 8mA, Test Circuit 1 V+ = 3.0V, VIS = 0V to 0.4V, ID = 8mA, Test Circuit 1 V+ = 3.0V, VIS = 0V to 1.0V, ID = 8mA, Test Circuit 1 +25°C 6 10 Ω -40°C to +85°C 10.5 +25°C 0.15 -40°C to +85°C +25°C 5 0.6 Ω 1.6 Ω 7 Ω -40°C to +85°C 8 Power Off Leakage Current (D+, D-) IOFF V+ = 0V, VD = 0V to 3.6 V, VS, V̅̅̅̅ OE = 0V or 3.6 V -40°C to +85°C 1 μA Increase in I+ per Control Voltage ICCT V+ = 3.6V, VS or V̅̅̅̅ OE = 2.6 V -40°C to +85°C 40 μA IHSD2(OFF) V+ = 3.6V, VIS = 3.3V/ 0.3V, VD = 0.3V/ 3.3V V+ = 3.6V, VIS = 3.3V/ 0.3V, VD = 0.3V/ 3.3V or floating -40°C to +85°C 1 μA -40°C to +85°C 1 μA Source Off Leakage Current Channel On Leakage Current IHSD1(OFF) IHSD2(ON) IHSD1(ON) DIGITAL CONTROL INPUTS(1) Input High Voltage VIH -40°C to +85°C Input Low Voltage VIL -40°C to +85°C 0.5 V Input Leakage Current IIN -40°C to +85°C 1 μA V+ = 3.0V, VS, V̅̅̅̅ OE = 0V or V+ 1.6 V (1) All unused digital inputs of the device must be held at VIO or GND to ensure proper device operation. 5 www.run-ic.com 010-67713792 sale@starttodo.com.cn RS2228 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (V+ = +1.8V to +5.5V, GND = 0V, VIH = +1.5V, VIL = +0.5V, TA = -40°C to + 85°C. Typical values are at V+ = +3.3V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS TEMP MIN TYP MAX UNITS DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Turn-On Time tON Turn-Off Time tOFF VIS = 0.8V, RL = 50Ω, CL = 10pF, Test Circuit 2 +25°C 20 ns +25°C 15 ns Break-Before-Make Time Delay tD VIS = 0.8V, RL = 50Ω, CL = 10pF, Test Circuit 3 +25°C 4 ns Propagation Delay tPD RL = 50Ω, CL = 10pF +25°C 0.35 ns Off Isolation OISO Signal = 0dBm, RL = 50Ω, f = 250MHz, Test Circuit 4 +25°C -35 dB Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk XTALK Signal = 0dBm, RL = 50Ω, f = 250MHz, Test Circuit 5 +25°C -40 dB BW Signal = 0dBm, RL = 50Ω, CL = 5pF, Test Circuit 6 +25°C 550 MHz RL = 50Ω, CL = 10pF +25°C 0.05 ns VG = GND, CL = 1.0nF, RG = 0Ω, Q = CL x VOUT, Test Circuit 7 +25°C 11 pC CON +25°C 7 pF Power Supply Range V+ -40°C to +85°C Power Supply Current I+ -3dB Bandwidth Channel-to-Channel Skew Charge Injection Select Input to Common I/O HSD+, HSD-, D+, D- ON Capacitance tSKEW Q POWER REQUIREMENTS V+ = 3.0V, VS, VOE ̅̅̅̅ = 0V or V+ 6 -40°C to +85°C 1.8 5.5 V 1 μA www.run-ic.com 010-67713792 sale@starttodo.com.cn RS2228 Parameter Measurement Information V+ VHSD1n HSD1n VHSD2n HSD2n VIS Dn + Channel ON RON VSEL ID S VIS - VHSD1nI orVHSD2nΩ D VSEL = V IH or V IL + GND Test Circuit 1.ON-State Resistance (RON) V+ V+ HSD1n 50% 50% Dn HSD2n VOUT 0.1μ F VOH RL 90% 90% CL VS VOL GND tOFF tON Test Circuit 2. Turn-On (tON) and Turn-Off Time (tOFF) V+ HSD1n V+ VS Dn HSD2n V OUT 0.1μ F RL CL 50% 0 90% of VOH V OUT VS GND 0 tD Test Circuit 3.Break-Before-Make Time (tD) 7 www.run-ic.com 010-67713792 sale@starttodo.com.cn RS2228 V+ 0.1μ F V+ HSD1n Dn VOUT HSD2n Source Signal RL S GND Test Circuit 4.OFF Isolation (OISO) V+ 0.1μ F V+ HSDn Dn RL Source Signal HSDn N.C. Dn VOUT RL S GND Channel To Channel Crosstalk = -20 × log VHSDn VOUT Test Circuit 5. Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk V+ 0.1μF V+ HSDn Source Signal Dn VOUT RL S CL GND Test Circuit 6. -3dB Bandwidth 8 www.run-ic.com 010-67713792 sale@starttodo.com.cn RS2228 V+ HSD1n RG VG 0 Dn VOUT HSD2n CL S Δ OUT VOUT GND Q = ΔVOUT× CL Test Circuit 7. Charge Injection(Q) 9 www.run-ic.com 010-67713792 sale@starttodo.com.cn RS2228 APPLICATION NOTES There are many USB applications in which the USB hubs or controllers have a limited number of USB I/Os. The RS2228 solution can effectively expand the limited USB I/Os by switching between multiple USB buses in order to interface them to a single USB hub or controller. RS2228 can also be used to connect a single controller to two USB connectors or controllers. Design requirements of the USB 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 standards should be followed. It is recommended that the digital control pins S and ̅̅̅̅ OE be pulled up to V+ or down to GND to avoid undesired switch positions that could result from the floating pin. V+ RS2228 HSD1+ USB2.0 Controller D+ HSD1USB Connector Processor D– HSD2+ Controller HSD2- Control S OE Figure 1. Application Diagram 10 www.run-ic.com 010-67713792 sale@starttodo.com.cn RS2228 PACKAGE OUTLINE DIMENSIONS QFN-1.4×1.8-10L 1.800± 0.050 0.500± 0.050 0.400± 0.050 0.400 TYP PIN #1 IDENTIFICATION CHAMFER 0.350×45° ° (×9) 1.400± 0.050 PIN #1 DOT BY MARKING 0.800 REF 0.500± 0.050 0.200± 0.050 TOP VIEW 0.100± 0.050 BOTTOM VIEW 2.100 0.563 0.550± 0.050 1.700 0.203 REF 0.000-0.050 0.663 0.225 SIDE VIEW 0.20 0.40 RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN NOTE: All linear dimensions are in millimeters. 11 www.run-ic.com 010-67713792 sale@starttodo.com.cn RS2228 MSOP-10 b e E 4.65 E1 1.02 0.31 D 0.5 RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN (Unit: mm) A2 A1 A c L Symbol Dimensions In Millimeters θ Dimensions In Inches Min Max Min Max A 0.820 1.100 0.032 0.043 A1 0.020 0.150 0.001 0.006 A2 0.750 0.950 0.030 0.037 b 0.180 0.280 0.007 0.011 c 0.090 0.230 0.004 0.009 D 2.900 3.100 0.114 0.122 e 0.50(BSC) 0.020(BSC) E 2.900 3.100 0.114 0.122 E1 4.750 5.050 0.187 0.199 L 0.400 0.800 0.016 0.031 θ 0° 6° 0° 6° 12 www.run-ic.com 010-67713792 sale@starttodo.com.cn
RS2228XN 价格&库存




  •  国内价格
  • 1+0.74800
  • 100+0.65450
  • 1000+0.64900
  • 2000+0.64020
  • 4000+0.63800
