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KY EELP41.22 Q2T1-36-A8J8-020-R18

KY EELP41.22 Q2T1-36-A8J8-020-R18

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    发光二极管/LED 黄色 0603

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KY EELP41.22 Q2T1-36-A8J8-020-R18 数据手册
www.osram-os.com K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET KY EELP41.22 Datasheet   Published by ams-OSRAM AG Tobelbader Strasse 30, 8141 Premstaetten, Austria Phone +43 3136 500-0 ams-osram.com © All reserved | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 1 rights K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET SMARTLED® 0603 KY EELP41.22 The SMARTLED® 0603 is the product of choice for status indication any symbol backlighting in electronics. The small package size allows compact designs. The improved corrosion robustness and increased junction temperature range makes the devices from this series suitable for professional industrial equipment and applications. Applications - Appliances & Tools - Projection & Display - Display Backlighting - Static Signaling - Factory Automation - Transportation - Home & Building Automation Features  - Package: SMT package 0603, colorless diffused resin - Chip technology: InGaAlP - Typ. Radiation: 130° (horizontal = 0°), 130° (vertical = 90°) - Color: λdom = 589 nm (● yellow) - Corrosion Robustness Class: 3B  - ESD: 2 kV acc. to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 (HBM) 2 | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET Ordering Information  Type Luminous Intensity 1) IF = 20 mA Iv KY EELP41.22 Q2T1-36-A8J8   3 | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 90 ... 355 mcd Ordering Code Q65113A7465 K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Operating Temperature Top min. max. -40 °C 105 °C Storage Temperature Tstg min. max. -40 °C 105 °C Junction Temperature Tj max. 110 °C Forward current TS = 25 °C IF min. max. 0.5 mA 30 mA Forward Current pulsed D = 0.05 ; TS = 25 °C IF pulse max. 100 mA Surge Current t ≤ 10 µs; D = 0.05 ; TS = 25 °C IFS max. 250 mA Reverse voltage 2) TS = 25 °C VR max. 10 V ESD withstand voltage acc. to ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 (HBM) VESD   4 | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 Values 2 kV K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET Characteristics IF = 20 mA; TS = 25 °C Parameter Symbol Peak Wavelength λpeak typ. 592 nm Dominant Wavelength 3) λdom min. typ. max. 584 nm 589 nm 595 nm Spectral Bandwidth at 50% Irel,max ∆λ typ. 15 nm Viewing angle at 50% IV values for 0°, 90° 2φ typ. 130 ° 130 ° Forward Voltage 4) IF = 20 mA VF min. typ. max. 1.60 V 2.00 V 2.40 V Reverse current 2) VR = 10 V IR typ. max. 0.01 µA 10 µA Real thermal resistance junction/solderpoint 5) RthJS real typ. max. 570 K / W 690 K / W   5 | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 Values K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET Brightness Groups  Group Luminous Intensity 1) IF = 20 mA min. Iv Luminous Intensity. 1) IF = 20 mA max. Iv Luminous Flux 6) IF = 20 mA typ. ΦV Q2 90 mcd 112 mcd 360 mlm R1 112 mcd 140 mcd 450 mlm R2 140 mcd 180 mcd 580 mlm S1 180 mcd 224 mcd 730 mlm S2 224 mcd 280 mcd 910 mlm T1 280 mcd 355 mcd 1140 mlm Forward Voltage Groups  Group Forward Voltage 4) IF = 20 mA min. VF Forward Voltage 4) IF = 20 mA max. VF A8 1.60 V 2.00 V J8 2.00 V 2.40 V Wavelength Groups  Group Dominant Wavelength 3) min. λdom  Dominant Wavelength 3) max. λdom 3 584 nm 587 nm 4 587 nm 590 nm 5 589 nm 592 nm 6 592 nm 595 nm Group Name on Label  Example: Q2-3-A8 Brightness  Q2 6 | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 Wavelength 3 Forward Voltage A8 K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET Relative Spectral Emission 6) Irel = f (λ); IF = 20 mA; TS = 25 °C Irel KY EELP41.22 1,0 : Vλ : yellow 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 350 400 Radiation Characteristics 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 λ / nm 6) Irel = f (φ); TS = 25 °C KY EELP41.22 ϕ/°  -40° -50° -20° -30° -10° 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90° 1,0 : 0° : 90° 0,8 0,6 -60° -70° 0,4 -80° 0,2 -90° 0,0  -100° 7 | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 Irel Relative Luminous Intensity 6) IF = f(VF); TS = 25 °C 7) Iv/Iv(20 mA) = f(IF); TS = 25 °C KY EELP41.22 IV KY EELP41.22 30 IF / mA 6), 30 Forward current 25 K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET IV(20mA) 1,4 25 1,2 1,0 20 0,8 15 0,6 10 0,4 0,2 5 Dominant Wavelength 6) Δλdom = f(IF); TS = 25 °C ∆λ dom / nm KY EELP41.22 6  4 2 0 -2 -4 30 25 20 15 10 5 0, 5 -6  IF / mA 8 | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 20 2,1 2,2 VF / V 15 2,0 10 1,9 5 0,0 1,8 0, 5 0,5 1,7 IF / mA K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET Forward Voltage Relative Luminous Intensity 6) ΔVF = VF - VF(25 °C) = f(Tj); IF = 20 mA ∆VF / V Iv/Iv(25 °C) = f(Tj); IF = 20 mA KY EELP41.22 0,3 6) Iv KY EELP41.22 2,0 Iv(25°C) 0,2 1,5 0,1 1,0 0,0 -0,1 0,5 -0,2 -0,3 -40 -20 0 20 Dominant Wavelength 40 60 80 100 Tj / °C 6) Δλdom = λdom - λdom(25 °C) = f(Tj); IF = 20 mA ∆λ dom / nm KY EELP41.22 10  5 0 -5 0 20  -10 -40 -20 9 | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 40 60 80 100 Tj / °C 0,0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Tj / °C K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET Max. Permissible Forward Current 5) IF = f(T) KY EELP41.22 IF / mA 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ts / °C Permissible Pulse Handling Capability Permissible Pulse Handling Capability IF = f(tp); D: Duty cycle IF = f(tp); D: Duty cycle KY EELP41.22 KY EELP41.22 TS = 0°C ... 64°C IF / A 0,12 0,10 TS = 105°C IF / A 0,12  0,08 0,06 0,10 : D = 1.0 : D = 0.5 : D = 0.2 : D = 0.1 : D = 0.05 : D = 0.02 : D = 0.01 : D = 0.005  10 | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 0,06 0,04 : D = 1.0 : D = 0.5 : D = 0.2 : D = 0.1 : D = 0.05 : D = 0.02 : D = 0.01 : D = 0.005 0,02 0,04 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 0,01 0,1 0,08 1 10 Pulse time / s 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 0,01 0,1 1 10 Pulse time / s K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET Dimensional Drawing 8) Further Information: Approximate Weight: 1.3 mg Corrosion test: Class: 3B Test condition: 40°C / 90 % RH / 15 ppm H2S / 14 days (stricter than IEC 60068-2-43)   11 | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET Electrical Internal Circuit Recommended Solder Pad 8) 0.7 (0.028) 0.8 (0.031) 0.8 (0.031)  0.8 (0.031) OHAPY606  For superior solder joint connectivity results we recommend soldering under standard nitrogen atmosphere. Package not suitable for ultra sonic cleaning. 12 | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET Reflow Soldering Profile Product complies to MSL Level 2 acc. to JEDEC J-STD-020E OHA04525 300 ˚C T 250 Tp 245 ˚C 240 ˚C tP 217 ˚C 200 tL 150 tS 100 50 25 ˚C 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 s 300 t Profile Feature Symbol Pb-Free (SnAgCu) Assembly Minimum Recommendation Maximum Ramp-up rate to preheat*) 25 °C to 150 °C tS Time tS TSmin to TSmax Ramp-up rate to peak*) TSmax to TP Liquidus temperature  60 2 3 100 120 2 3 Unit K/s s K/s TL 217 Time above liquidus temperature tL 80 100 s Peak temperature TP 245 260 °C Time within 5 °C of the specified peak temperature TP - 5 K tP 20 30 3 6 Ramp-down rate* TP to 100 °C 10 Time 25 °C to TP  All temperatures refer to the center of the package, measured on the top of the component * slope calculation DT/Dt: Dt max. 5 s; fulfillment for the whole T-range 13 | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 °C 480 s K/s s K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET Taping 8)   14 | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET Tape and Reel 9) Reel Dimensions A 180 mm W Nmin 8 + 0.3 / - 0.1 mm   15 | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 W1 60 mm W2 max 8.4 + 2 mm 14.4 mm Pieces per PU 4000 K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET Barcode-Product-Label (BPL) Dry Packing Process and Materials 8) Moisture-sensitive label or print L E E V l e be sela ). k, H de L If an bl r co ba (R id m ity . H R hu 0% e e /6 tiv ˚C la ared ag ck re fr 30 _ < in pa % k of to 90 rs ea s d ). rs ou or te (p on rs H de , ou iti H an bjec ng ou rs co ˚C 72 si nd H ou 5 te 48 ˚C su es e H co ± 24 6 da e y 40 be oc tim ˚C e or < ith tim ill pr). or ct w O w nt 23 tim e at lo or fa M TO F s al tim at le ˚C at lo at or e. P th F l tic th va lo or ur O F lo s ui on be if: read en w ed l 4 5 F m la ce eq id lo g, n oc l ve vi 5a is in or be 24 de pr ve l 6 Le de , nt whe e te co g: , w e Le ve l ke r ou se da ba ed flo ur e Le ve m % ba e ba al st ur e Le r en re ed e re> 10 oi st e e fo tim ur se al op fo M se oi st ur as k, is or . 33 se is M oi st bed k, lo H an , g ph -0 M oi in an in F R ng ar rbl D M e ba T r po If bl ith % lif ki r C. (if S is p. w ea r ks lf J10 ba to et th va Y ea m rs m _ r w, < he ed 1 ee te Y d, EC iredicat S fte at nt > 1 W Hou D A flody qu In no ire 1. d e ou 4 8 re reity is qu/JE re 2. bo e M tim to es id 2b re C 16 : e a) S tim is IP ic ed loor tim e b) ev Humor or e en F tim lo or D 2a king nc te F op a) lo or 3. b) ba re F lo da e fe l 1 2 F If al re tim ve l 4. se d l 2a ve Le 3 an ve l ag e Le e B ve ur e Le at st ur e Le D oi st ur e M oi st ur M oi st M oi M N E RS s in IV O IT T S C nta N U TIO U coSEND Ais bUagRMEICO T E CThIS S d Barcode label < M RA OS  Humidity indicator Barcode label Please check the HIC immidiately after bag opening. Discard if circles overrun. Avoid metal contact. Do not eat. Comparator check dot WET If wet, examine units, if necessary bake units 15% If wet, examine units, if necessary bake units 10% 5% If wet, parts still adequately dry. change desiccant Humidity Indicator MIL-I-8835 Desiccant AM OSR OHA00539  Moisture-sensitive product is packed in a dry bag containing desiccant and a humidity card according JEDEC-STD-033. 16 | Version 1.0 | 2024-03-22 K Y EELP41. 22 DATASHEET 7\SH'HVLJQDWLRQ6\VWHP :DYHOHQJWK  (λGRPW\S    % QP 7  QP * QP
KY EELP41.22 Q2T1-36-A8J8-020-R18 价格&库存

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