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313080001 数据手册
承认书 SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL 目 录//Contents 1.1 电源概况 Power Supply Overview...........................................................................................................................2 1.2 描述 Description.....................................................................................................................................................2 1. 电气规格 Electrical Specification...................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 输入电压 Input Voltage....................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 输入频率 Input Frequency.....................................................................................................................................2 2.3 冲击电流 Inrush Current....................................................................................................................................... 2 2.4 最大输入电流 Input Current Limiting...................................................................................................................... 2 2.5 效率 Efficiency....................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.6 输出电压范围 DC Output voltage range................................................................................................................. 3 2.7 输出电流 DC Output Current.................................................................................................................................. 3 2.8 输出纹波与噪声 Output Ripple and Noise..............................................................................................................3 2.9 电压过冲 Overshoot at turn-on/ turn-off................................................................................................................... 3 2.10 过压保护 Over Voltage Protection.........................................................................................................................3 2.11 短路保护 Short Circuit Protection.......................................................................................................................... 4 2.12 过流保护 Over Current Protection.........................................................................................................................4 2.13 保持时间 Hold up Time........................................................................................................................................ 4 2.14 启动时间 Start up Time........................................................................................................................................4 3 环境要求 Environment Requirement.................................................................................................................................. 4 3.1 温度 Temperature...................................................................................................................................................4 3.2 湿度 Humidity........................................................................................................................................................ 4 4 可靠性 Reliability..............................................................................................................................................................5 4.1 平均无故障间隔时间 MTBF................................................................................................................................ 5 4.2 老化寿命测试 Burn-in and Life test........................................................................................................................ 5 5 产品安规要求 Product Safety Requirement.......................................................................................................................5 5.1 标准 Standard.........................................................................................................................................................5 5.2 安规认证.............................................................................................................................................................. 5 5.3 绝缘强度 Dielectric Strength Testing....................................................................................................................... 5 5.4 绝缘阻抗 Insulation Resistance............................................................................................................................. 6 6 外观结构图 Case Mechanical Dimensions................................................................................................................. 6 .....................................................................................................................................................................................6 7 包装 Packing............................................................................................................................................................. 6 8 主要测试设备 Major Test Equipment................................................................................................................................ 7 9 出货检验标准 Inspection Standards................................................................................................................................ 7 Model No.: YCZX-00058(5V/2A) Rev.:A Page 1 of 7 Introduction 导言Introduction 1.1 电源概况 Power Supply Overview 这份规格书定义了 10W 的电源适配器的功能需求,此电源将市电变换为 1 组稳定、连续的直流电压输 出,并符合 ROHS 标准。 This specification defines 10W power adapter functional requirements, the power adapter transformed a AC into stable, continuous DC voltage output,And the power supply shall meet the RoHS requirements. 1.2 描述 Description ■插墙式适配器 SMPS Adaptor(Wall mount) □开放式结构 Open Frame □其他 Others □桌面型适配器 SMPS Adaptor(Desk-top) □带铁壳型 SMPS Unit (With Case) 1. 电气规格 Electrical Specification 2.1 输入电压 Input Voltage 工作电压范围为 90V-264V~交流电压,额定工作电压为 100V-240V~,在 2.7 定义负载范围下,电源能正 常工作并符合所有电气特性。 Operating voltage range 90-264V~, rated operating voltage 100-240V~, the power shall work normally and meet all electrical requirements as per the load range specified in section 2.7. 2.2 输入频率 Input Frequency 交流输入电压频率范围 47~63Hz./Input AC voltage frequency range 47~63Hz. 额定交流输入电压频率 50/60Hz./Input rated AC voltage frequency range 50/60Hz. 2.3 冲击电流 Inrush Current 冲击电流峰值在额定输入电压,冷启动(25℃)时,不大于 50A;且在任何负载和输入条件下,不导 致永久性损坏或危险,输入电压的定义 2.1 节. Peak inrush current shall be limited to 50 A while the cold start at 25 degrees C and rated input voltage, and shall not result in a permanent damage of the power supply under any conditions of load and input voltage as specified at any input voltage in section 2.1. 2.4 最大输入电流 Input Current Limiting 在输入电压最小值,负载为满载条件下,最大输入电流不大于 0.5 A。 The input current should be less than 0.5 A, under minimum AC input and full loads. 2.5 效率 Efficiency 在额定输入电压,额定负载条件下,电源的效率大于 80 The power supply efficiency shall be greater than 80 %.空载输入功率≤0.3W。 % under rated input voltage. It will be measured at the typical load. no load input watt≤0.3W。 Model No.: YCZX-00058(5V/2A) Rev.:A Page 2 of 7 2.6 输出电压范围 DC Output voltage range 5V4.5V—5.5V(在适配器的输出线材的端子上测量) 5V4.5V—5.5V (measure the terminal of output wire in the adapter) 2.7 2.7输出电流 DC Output Current 表格 1:输出电流限值 Table 1: DC output current limits Output Min. Max. Unit 输出 最小值 最大值 单位 2 0 2 A 2.8 输出纹波与噪声 Output Ripple and Noise 下面表格 2 是纹波与噪声要求,以 2.6 节中定义的负载范围和 2.1 节定义的输入电压为测试条件, 纹波与噪声均应符合要求,测试时示波器设置为 20MHz 带宽,输出端并接一 0.1uF 瓷片电容和一 10uF 钽电解电容(低 ESR 值)。 The following table 2 is output ripple and noise requirements, it will be met throughout the load ranges specified in Section 2.6 and under all input voltage conditions as specified Section 2.1, Measurements will be made with an oscilloscope set to 20MHz bandwidth limit. The outputs will be bypassed with one0.1uF multilayer (type X7R) and one 10uF tantalum electrolytic (low ESR) capacitors. 表格 2:纹波与噪声限值 Table 2: Output ripples and noise limits Output 输出 最大值 Max. 5V≤50MV 5V50MV 2.9 2.9电压过冲 Overshoot at turn-on/ turn-off 开机或关机时,电压过冲不得超过标称值的 110 %. Any overshoot at turn on or turn off shall be less than 110 % of rated output voltage. 2.10 过压保护 Over Voltage Protection 电源提供的过压保护,详细定义如下表: The power supply will provide over voltage protection function as defined below. 表格 3: 过压保护限值 Table 3: Over Voltage Protection limits Output Min. Max Unit 输出 最小 最大值 单位 Model No.: YCZX-00058(5V/2A) Rev.:A Page 3 of 7 2.11 短路保护 Short Circuit Protection 电源输出的短路将自动进入保护状态,在保护过程中,不会出现诸如元器件、连接器等损坏危险, 断开短路后,电源将自动恢复正常。 An output short circuit will automatically enter the protected status .The power supply will protect without damage to overseers of to the unit (components, connectors, etc) under the protection of process. 2.12 过流保护 Over Current Protection 电源过流点符合下表限值要求,而且过流保护无任何危险和损坏,在保护去除后,电源要断开 AC 输 入让电容放电完后方能恢复其功能。 The power supply shall meet the limitation requirement as below table without any damage, the unit shall recover the function after the protection is removed. 表格 4: 过流保护限值 2.13 Table 4: Over Current Protection limits Output Min. Max. Unit 输出 最小 最大 单位 2A 3.0 3.5 A 保持时间 Hold up Time 满载条件下,电源在 100 Vac 输入时,保持时间不小于 10 mS。 Hold-up time no less than 10 mS at 100 Vac input, the output loading should be set up with full load during the test. 2.14 启动时间 Start up Time 满载条件下,电源在 100 Vac 输入时,启动时间不大于 3 秒。 Start up time no more than 3 seconds at 100 Vac input, the output loading should be set up with full load during the test. 3 环境要求 Environment Requirement 3.1 温度 Temperature 工作环境温度: 0-+40℃ Operating Ambient: 0-+40℃ 贮存环境温度: -20-+75℃ Non-operating Ambient: -20-+75℃ 3.2 湿度 Humidity 工作时: 20%~85%相对湿度(非冷凝) Operating: 20%~85%relative humidity (Non- condensing) 贮存时:10%~90%相对湿度(非冷凝) Non-operating: 10%~90% relative humidity (Non- condensing) Model No.: YCZX-00058(5V/2A) Rev.:A Page 4 of 7 4 可靠性 Reliability 4.1 平均无故障间隔时间 MTBF 25℃环境温度,满载条件,额定电压输入条件,平均无故障间隔时间 ≥ 10000 小时(MIL-HDBK-217F)。 MTBF no less than 10000 hours (25 degrees C, Full load and rated voltage input, MIL-HDBK-217F) 4.2 老化寿命测试 Burn-in and Life test RS 将与客户评估并确认电源产品室内老化寿命测试过程。 RS shall discuss with customer to maker sure the power in house Burn-In and life test procedures. 5 产品安规要求 Product Safety Requirement 5.1 标准 Standard 遵循 IEC60950、 EN55022 要求。 Meet IEC60950、 EN55022 standard requirement. 5.2 安规认证 类型//Type □ UL/CUL □TUV/GS □ FCC √ CE □IRAM □MEPS /Country 国家/Country 美国/USA 欧洲/Europe 美国/USA 欧洲/Europe 阿根廷/Argentina 澳洲/Australia /Type 类型/Type √ CCC □PSE □CB □C-TICK □EK /Country 国家/Country 中国/China 日本/Japan 欧洲/Europe 澳洲/Australia 韩国/Korea 5.3 绝缘强度 Dielectric Strength Testing 绝缘强度满足下表的要求,100% 在线产品执行此项测试,并每一项目至少保持 3 S 时间,无任何故障。 Hi-pot test shall be met the table 5 requirements, an item listing this test as a 100% production test must be performed and be maintained at that level for a minimum of 3seconds without failure. 表 5:耐压测试 Table 5: Hi-pot test 项目 Item 输入-----输出 Primary to Secondary 规格要求 Specification 备注 Remark 1.5KVac < 5mA 输入-----地 Primary to P.G - - 输出-----地 Secondary to P.G - - Model No.: YCZX-00058(5V/2A) Rev.:A 无飞弧 No arcing 无击穿 No broken Page 5 of 7 5.4 绝缘阻抗 Insulation Resistance 初级对次级:≥50M 欧姆,500VDC -Primary to Secondary: 10 Meg. Ohms min. 500VDC 初级对地:≥50M 欧姆,500VDC -Primary to P.G: 10 Meg. Ohms min. 500VDC 6 外观结构图 Case Mechanical Dimensions 7 包装 Packing 若客户未提出包装方式时,均使用权政通公司之包装方式 Unless specially requirement of customer, the packing according to RS company style. 8.1 内包装: PE袋 Inner package: PE bag 8.2 外包装: 纸箱 Outer package: paper-box. 8.3 外包装箱标识: 客户、订单号、品名、数量、日期等信息 Outer package notes include the information: Customer Name, LOT Number, Model No., Date, and so on. Model No.: YCZX-00058(5V/2A) Rev.:A Page 6 of 7 8 主要测试设备 Major Test Equipment 9-1 交流输入电源 AC SOURCE 9-2 电源功率计/ POWER METER 9-3 电子负载/ ELECTRONIC LOAD 9-4 示波器/ OSCILLOSCOPE 9-5 万用表/ MULTIMETER 9-6 直流输入电源/ DC POWER 9-7 耐压测试仪/ HI-POT TESTER 9-8 多路温度测试仪/Multi-routes temperature test instrument 9 出货检验标准 Inspection Standards 表格 8 出货检验要求 NO. 1 2 3 检查项目 Test project 电气性能 Performance 尺寸 Size 外观、包装 Shell , Package Model No.: YCZX-00058(5V/2A) Table 8 Inspection Requirement 检验标准 Test standard 抽样水准 Sample Level MIL-STD-105E II Rev.:A 检验水准 Test standard 严重缺点:CR=0 Serious defect: CR=0 主要缺点:AQL=0.4 Main defect: AQL=0.4 次要缺点:AQL=1.0 Petit defect: AQL=1.0 Page 7 of 7
313080001 价格&库存

