Ball Bearing Hub
ROB - 12245
images are CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Description: These ball bearing hubs from Actobotics are great when you need to
securely fasten a free-spinning shaft to a stationary channel to drive a pulley, wheel,
or other rotating device. Each ball bearing hub has an outer diameter of 1", a bearing
bore of 0.25", a thickness of 0.5", and utilizes the 0.77" hub pattern.
Actobotics is a robotics building system based around extruded aluminum channels,
gears, precision shafts, and ball bearings. Thanks to the two standardized hole
patterns, nearly all Actobotics components can be intuitively connected together. The
wide range of components makes building complex electromechanical prototypes or
finished projects a reality.
OD - 1"
Bearing Bore - 0.25"
Thickness - 0.5"
Hub Pattern - 0.77"