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    LM567/LM567C 音调解码器

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LM567M/TR 数据手册
LM567/LM567C LM567/LM567C Tone Decoder FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • • • • • 1 2 • • • • • • 20 to 1 Frequency Range with an External Resistor Logic Compatible Output with 100 mA Current Sinking Capability Bandwidth Adjustable from 0 to 14% High Rejection of Out of Band Signals and Noise Immunity to False Signals Highly Stable Center Frequency Center Frequency Adjustable from 0.01 Hz to 500 kHz Touch Tone Decoding Precision Oscillator Frequency Monitoring and Control Wide Band FSK Demodulation Ultrasonic Controls Carrier Current Remote Controls Communications Paging Decoders DESCRIPTION The LM567 and LM567C are general purpose tone decoders designed to provide a saturated transistor switch to ground when an input signal is present within the passband. The circuit consists of an I and Q detector driven by a voltage controlled oscillator which determines the center frequency of the decoder. External components are used to independently set center frequency, bandwidth and output delay. CONNECTION DIAGRAM Figure 2. PDIP and SOIC Packages Top View http://www.hgsemi.com.cn 1 2018 JUN LM567/LM567C ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1) (2) (3) Supply Voltage Pin Power Dissipation 9V (4) 1100 mW V8 15V V3 −10V V3 V4 + 0.5V −65°C to +150°C Storage Temperature Range Operating Temperature Range −55°C to +125°C LM567H LM567CH, LM567CM, LM567CN 0°C to +70°C Soldering Information PDIP Package Soldering (10 sec.) 260°C SOIC Package (1) (2) (3) (4) Vapor Phase (60 sec.) 215°C Infrared (15 sec.) 220°C Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional, but do not ensure specific performance limits. Electrical Characteristics state DC and AC electrical specifications under particular test conditions which ensure specific performance limits. This assumes that the device is within the Operating Ratings. Specifications are not ensured for parameters where no limit is given, however, the typical value is a good indication of device performance. If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the Texas Instruments Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications. Refer to RETS567X drawing for specifications of military LM567H version. The maximum junction temperature of the LM567 and LM567C is 150°C. For operating at elevated temperatures, devices in the TO-5 package must be derated based on a thermal resistance of 150°C/W, junction to ambient or 45°C/W, junction to case. For the DIP the device must be derated based on a thermal resistance of 110°C/W, junction to ambient. For the SOIC package, the device must be derated based on a thermal resistance of 160°C/W, junction to ambient. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AC Test Circuit, TA = 25°C, V+ = 5V Parameters LM567 Conditions Power Supply Voltage Range Power Supply Current Quiescent RL = 20k Power Supply Current Activated RL = 20k Input Resistance IL = 100 mA, fi = fo Largest No Output Input Voltage IC = 100 mA, fi = fo Typ Max Min Typ Max 4.75 5.0 9.0 4.75 5.0 9.0 V 6 8 7 10 mA 11 13 12 15 mA 25 mVrms 10 Bn = 140 kHz Largest Detection Bandwidth 12 Largest Detection Bandwidth Skew Largest Detection Bandwidth Variation with Temperature Largest Detection Bandwidth Variation with Supply Voltage 15 25 15 4.75–6.75V 10 2 kΩ 15 mVrms 6 6 dB −6 −6 dB 14 16 1 2 ±1 100 20 20 10 ±0.1 Highest Center Frequency http://www.hgsemi.com.cn 20 20 Largest Simultaneous Outband Signal to Inband Signal Ratio Minimum Input Signal to Wideband Noise Ratio Units Min 18 Smallest Detectable Input Voltage LM567C/LM567CM 500 14 18 % of fo 2 3 % of fo ±0.1 ±2 ±1 100 500 %/°C ±5 %V kHz 2018 JUN LM567/LM567C ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) AC Test Circuit, TA = 25°C, V+ = 5V Parameters Center Frequency Stability (4.75–5.75V) LM567 Conditions Min 0 < TA < 70 −55 < TA < +125 Typ LM567C/LM567CM Max 35 ± 60 35 ± 140 Center Frequency Shift with Supply Voltage 4.75V–6.75V 4.75V–9V 0.5 Fastest ON-OFF Cycling Rate Min Typ Max 35 ± 60 35 ± 140 1.0 2.0 fo/20 0.4 Units ppm/°C ppm/°C 2.0 2.0 %/V %/V fo/20 Output Leakage Current V8 = 15V 0.01 25 0.01 25 µA Output Saturation Voltage ei = 25 mV, I8 = 30 mA ei = 25 mV, I8 = 100 mA 0.2 0.6 0.4 1.0 0.2 0.6 0.4 1.0 V Output Fall Time 30 30 ns Output Rise Time 150 150 ns http://www.hgsemi.com.cn 3 2018 JUN LM567/LM567C SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM http://www.hgsemi.com.cn 4 2018 JUN LM567/LM567C TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Typical Frequency Drift Typical Bandwidth Variation Figure 3. Figure 4. Typical Frequency Drift Typical Frequency Drift Figure 5. Figure 6. Bandwidth vs Input SignalAmplitude Largest Detection Bandwidth Figure 7. Figure 8. http://www.hgsemi.com.cn 5 2018 JUN LM567/LM567C TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Detection Bandwidth as a Function of C2 and C3 Typical Supply Current vs Supply Voltage Figure 9. Figure 10. Greatest Number of Cycles Before Output Typical Output Voltage vs Temperature Figure 11. Figure 12. http://www.hgsemi.com.cn 6 2018 JUN LM567/LM567C TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Component values (typ) R1 6.8 to 15k R2 4.7k R3 20k C1 0.10 mfd C2 1.0 mfd 6V C3 2.2 mfd 6V C4 250 mfd 6V Figure 13. Touch-Tone Decoder http://www.hgsemi.com.cn 7 2018 JUN LM567/LM567C Connect Pin 3 to 2.8V to Invert Output Figure 14. Oscillator with Quadrature Output Figure 15. Oscillator with Double Frequency Output Figure 16. Precision Oscillator Drive 100 mA Loads http://www.hgsemi.com.cn 8 2018 JUN LM567/LM567C AC TEST CIRCUIT fi = 100 kHz + 5V *Note: Adjust for fo = 100 kHz. APPLICATIONS INFORMATION The center frequency of the tone decoder is equal to the free running frequency of the VCO. This is given by The bandwidth of the filter may be found from the approximation where • • Vi = Input voltage (volts rms), Vi ≤ 200mV C2 = Capacitance at Pin 2(μF) http://www.hgsemi.com.cn 9 2018 JUN
LM567M/TR 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+1.11999
    • 30+1.07999
    • 100+1.03999
    • 500+0.95999
    • 1000+0.91999
    • 2000+0.89599
