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    振动马达 1.8V,80mA

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LD0832AA-0099F 数据手册
SPECIFICATION PRODUCT LINEAR VIBRATOR MODEL LD0832AA REVISION NO. REV.00 立得微电子(惠州)有限公司 Leader Micro Electronics(Huizhou) Co.,Ltd. 产 品 规 格 书 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 客户名称/Customer 客 户信 息 Customer Information 客户料号/Part No. 客户承认签/Customer Apprroved Signatures 文件编号/Spec No. LEADER-AA0099F 品名/Description 线性振动马达 Linear Vibrator Motor 产 品 信 息 规格型号/Model Φ8x3.2T,235Hz,1.8Vrms AC Product 日期/Date 2020.12.29 Information 编制/Designed 审核/checked 刘永春 张冠军 批准/Approved 王远东 地址: 中国广东省惠州市小金口老虎岭工业园 Add:Leader Micro Electronics(huizhou)Co.,ltd TigerlndustrialDistrict,Baigang,Xiaojin,Huizhui,Guangdong,China 电话/Tel:+86-752-5853255 传真/Fax:+86-752-5839222 网址/Http://www.leader-cn.cn 邮箱/E-mail:leader@leader-cn.cn 邮编/postcode:516000 SPECIFICATION PRODUCT LINEAR VIBRATOR MODEL LD0832AA REVISION NO. REV.00 规格书目录 Specification Content No. 规格书内容/Specification contents 页码/Page 0 修订履历/Modification Records 3 1 适用范围/General 4 2 使用条件/Operating Condition 4 3 测定条件/Determination Conditions 4 4 性能标准/ characteristics Standard 5/6 5 机械性能/Mechanical characteristics 7 6 测定方法/ Determination Condition 8 7 可靠性实验/Reliability Test 8 判断特性/Requirements after reliable test 10 9 使用注意事项/Points for Attentions 11 10 包装/Packing 12 11 马达外形图/Motor outline drawing 13 9/10 SPECIFICATION PRODUCT LINEAR VIBRATOR MODEL LD0832AA REVISION NO. REV.00 修改记录/Modification Records 文件编号/Doc. No. 版本/ Ver 拟制人 /Dr. 拟制日期 /Date 更改理由/ Reason of Modification 0099F REV.0 刘永春 2020.12.29 产品发布 主要更改内容/ Revised contents SPECIFICATION PRODUCT LINEAR VIBRATOR MODEL LD0832AA REVISION NO. REV.00 1. 适用范围/General 本规格书适用于线性振动马达 LD0832AA 系列。 This specification applies to linear type motor LD0832AA series. 2. 使用条件/Operating conditions 项目/Item 规格/Specification 2-1 额定电压/Rated Voltage 1.8VrmsAC, Sine wave 2-2 使用电压范围/Operating Voltage 0.1~1.9VrmsAC 2-3 振动方向/Direction of vibration Z axis 2-4 使用环境/Operating Environment -20℃~+60℃,Ordinary Humidity:65±20%RH 2-4 输入频率/Input Frequency 235±5Hz 2-5 保存条件/Storage Conditions -30℃~+70℃,Ordinary Humidity:65±20%RH 3. 测定条件/Determination Conditions 一般情况下,马达可以在 22~28℃,相对湿度 45~85%RH 的环境中测试.为保证一致性,测试 应 在下 表规 定内进行 Normally, the motor could be tested under 22~28℃,45~85%RH. To ensure the coherence, it must be tested under below environment requirements: 项目/Item 规格/Specification 3-1 温度/Temperature 25℃±3℃ 3-2 湿度/Humidity 65±20%RH 3-3 气压/Air Pressure 1011±40 hpa SPECIFICATION PRODUCT LINEAR VIBRATOR MODEL LD0832AA REVISION NO. REV.00 4、性能标准/ characteristics Standard 项目/Item 规格/Specification 测试条件/Test Condition 1.8VrmsAC, Sine wave 4-1 额定电压/ Rated Voltage 1.8VrmsAC, Sine wave 4-2 额定频率 Rated Frequency 235 Hz 4-3 Rated Current 额定电流 Max80mArms 4-4 Acceleration F0 点振动量 1.2~1.7Grms 235Hz, 1.8VrmsAC, sine wave Acceleration 4-5 Low temperature operating -25℃,235Hz,1.8VrmsAC, sine wave 1.0Grms Min. F0 低温振动量 4-6 Frequency Characteristics 频率特性 235±5Hz Refer to Figure 1 Max 50msec 时间达到最大振动的 50% 4-7 Rise Time 上升时间 235Hz,1.8VrmsAC, wave sine sine Max 80msec 断电后时间达到最大振动的 50% 4-8 Falling Time 下降时间 235Hz,1.8VrmsAC, wave 4-9 绝缘电阻 Insulation Resistance 在 100V 直流电压下机壳与 导 线 /At DC 100V Between wire and case 4-10 阻抗 Resistance 10MΩ Min 23Ohm±10% (100V) 在 25℃下/Below 25℃ SPECIFICATION PRODUCT LINEAR VIBRATOR MODEL LD0832AA REVISION Acceleration NO. REV.00 Characteristics Acceleration Aharacteristics 2.0 Acceleration(g rms) 1.25 1.8 1.6 Acceleration 1.00 1.4 1.2 0.75 1.0 0.8 0.50 0.6 0.4 0.25 0.2 0 0.00 230 229 232 230 231 234 232 233 Frequency 236 Freq uency 234 Hz 235 236 238 237 Figure 图一 240 238 239 242 240 241 SPECIFICATION PRODUCT LINEAR VIBRATOR MODEL LD0832AA REVISION NO. REV.00 5、机械性能/Mechanical characteristics 项目/Item 规格/Specification 测试条件/Test Conditions 235Hz,1.8VrmsAC,sinewave) 在额定电压下。 At rated voltage 背景噪音:不大于28dB.A计权 Back ground noise 28dB(A) Max 5-1 5-2 5-3 噪音/Noise 马达尺寸 Size of motor 原子线抗拉强度 Anti-pulling strength of atomic line 45分贝最大/45 dB Max. (10cm distance from microphone/ 距离麦克风 10 cm 的位置 Φ8*3.25mm 最小 5N/5N(0.5kgf) Min slide calipers 破坏性测试,对原子线沿着轴向施加推力 Destructive test, give pulling force to the atomic line along to the axial direction. SPECIFICATION PRODUCT LINEAR VIBRATOR MODEL LD0832AA REVISION NO. REV.00 6、测试方法/Test Method An Example of Measurement Method of Figure 2 测试方法 图 2 6-1 线性马达加速度测试安装位置(参考图 2) Linear Vibrator/ Accelerometer mounting position (refer to Figure1) 6-2 线性马达/加速度测试 sensor Linear Vibrator/Accelerometer 6-3 线性马达测试虚拟 Jig 厚度 15mm Linear Vibrator Dummy Jig 15mm 6-4 虚拟 JIG 位置尺寸 Dummy Jig position 6-5 虚拟 Jig 15mm*105mm Dummy Jig 15mm*105mm 6-6 虚拟 Jig 应放置在泡棉上 Figure 1. Linear Vibrator Frequency Characteristics/频率特性 Dummy Jig should be located on Sponge 6-7 加速度测试条件 Measurement of Acceleration/ 6-8 输入电压:1.8VrmsAC, sine wave Input Source (1.8VrmsAC, sine wave) 6-9 输入电压 2~3 后,测定线性马达的加速度 Acceleration of Linear Vibrator should be measured 2~3second later when source inputed (1.8VrmsAC,sine wave) 6-10 为了保证测定的精确性,测定三次取三次平均值 For the precise measurement, Acceleration of Linear Vibrator is average data (repeat3 time ) 6、耐久性能/Durability characteristics SPECIFICATION PRODUCT LINEAR VIBRATOR MODEL LD0832AA REVISION NO. REV.00 7.可靠性实验/Reliability Test 测试条件/Test Condition 项目/Item 7-1 寿命 Lifetime test 7-2 低温放置 Low temperature storage test 7-3 7-4 1、试验循环/Test cycle:1,000,000 cycle (1cycle:2sec on/1sec off ) 2、测试设备/Test equipment:寿命试验机 /Lifetime test machine. 3. 输入电压(1.8VrmsAC, Sine wave),输入频 率:235HZ Input voltage : 1.8VrmsAC,Sine -wave ), Input frequency(235Hz) 高温放置 High temperature storage test 温度/Temperature:80±2℃ 时间/Time :96H 在常温下放置 4 小时后,马达应符合 8-2 项 要 求 / After 4-hour storage, the test result should meet the requirements of item 8-2. 温度/Temperature:55±2℃ 湿度/Humidity:95%RH 时间/Time :96H 无水气凝结/No condensation of moisture 湿度放置 Humidity storage test 振动/Vibration test 试验后,马达应符合 8-1 项的要求/ The test result should meet the requirements of item 8-1. 温度/Temperature:-40±2℃ 时间/Time :96H 1. 7-5 判定标准/Judgment 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 马达固定治具重量 180g The motor fixed fixture weight 180g 全振幅/Double amplitude:1.5mm(p-p) 频率/Frequency:10~55Hz 加速度/Acceleration:22m/s 周期/Period:10min 范围内 (10~55~10Hz)/10Minutes log sweep(10~55~10Hz) 条件/Condition:在样机中,在 3 个直的 轴方向每个方向做 1H 测试/ Do the test at three straight shaft directions for ten minutes to the samples. 测试结果应符合 8-2 项要求/ The test result should meet the requirements of item 8-2. SPECIFICATION PRODUCT LINEAR VIBRATOR MODEL LD0832AA REVISION 7-6 自然跌落/Drop test 1. 试验状态/Test status:将马达固定在重量 约 180g(包括马达本身)的物体上,落 向水泥地面/Fix the motor on a object weighted about 180g (include the motor) and drop it to the cement floor. 2. 高度/Height:1.5m 3. 方向/Diretion : ±X,±Y,±Z 4. 次数/ Number of the test:每个方向 3 次/ times for each direction NO. REV.00 测试结果应符合 8-2 项的要求/ The test result should meet the requirements of item 8-2. 测试模式/Test mode: 1 hour at -40℃,1 hour at 85℃,as one cycle,Transfer time between extreme temperatures:
LD0832AA-0099F 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+3.24000
