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    频率4KHz 电压-额定5V

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GPC1407YB-5V4000 数据手册
規 格 承 認 書 PECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL 客 戶 CUSTOMER 項 目 ITEM 型 號 TYPE 描述 : 立创 : 压电式无源蜂鸣器(外部驱动) : GPC1407YB-5V4000 DESCRIPTION : φ14 x 7.0 MM 客戶料號 CUSTOMER NO. : 規 格 書 號 4000Hz 5V ≥85DB PBT 材质 P=7.6MM SPECIFICATION NO.: 版 本 EDITION NO. 日 期 DATE : : V1.0 2019-12-26 客戶承認 CUSTOMER CONFIRM AND SIGN 檢查 審核 承認 TESTED BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY 東莞市赢海電子有限公司 DONGUAN INGHAI ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD 製作 審查 確認 ISSUED BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY 周明 陈铭 地址:广东省东莞市长安镇上沙第五工业区新春路 1 号新春科技园 電話 / TEL:0769-83060958 傳真 / FAX: 0769-81608993 網址:HTTP://WWW.INGHAI.COM 1/4 DONGGUAN INGHAI ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD Model NO: GPC1407YB-5V4000 Tolerance:±0.5 2- 0.7 Unit: mm 14±0.2 A:DIMEMSIONS potting B:SPECIFICATIONS Model NO GPC1407YB-5V4000 Sound Pressure Min.85dB at 10cm / 4KHz /5VP-P Resonant Frequency 4000Hz Rated Current Max. 3mA Capacitance at 1KHz 12,000pF±30% Rated Voltage 5Vp-p Operating Voltage 3~25 Vp-p Operating Temperature -20 ℃~+70 ℃ Storage Temperature -20 ℃~+80 ℃ Case material and color PBT / Black Measuring condition Part shall be measured under a condition (Temperature: 5~35℃, Humidity: 45%~85%R.H., Atmospheric pressure: 860 ~1060hPa) unless the standard condition (Temperature: 25±3℃, Humidity: 60±10%R.H. Atmospheric pressure: 860 ~1060hPa) is regulated to measure. 2/4 C:Acoustic Characteristics: The oscillation frequency, current consumption and sound pressure are measured by the measuring instruments shown below In the measuring test, buzzer is placed as follows: D:Typical Frequency Response Curve 100 A:FrequencyResponse, Magn dB re 20.00μpa 90 dB 80 70 60 50 100 200 500 1K 2K Hz 5K 10K 3/4 E: Reliability Test After any following tests the part shall meet specifications without any degradation in appearance and performance except SPL. SPL shall not deviate more than -10 dB from the initial value 1. Ordinary Temperature Life Test The part shall be subjected to 96 hours at 25±10℃. Input rated voltage 2. 3. 4. Resonant frequency, 1/2 duty Square wave. High Temperature Test The part shall be capable of with standing a storage temperature of +80℃ for 96 hours. Low Temperature Test The part shall be capable of with standing a storage temperature of -30℃ for 96 hours. Humidity Test Temperature:+40℃±3℃ Relative Humidity:90%~95% Duration: 48 hours and expose to room temperature for 6 hours 5. Temperature Shock Test Temperature:70℃ /1hour→ 25℃/3hours→-30℃/1hour→ 25℃/3hours (1cycle) Total cycle: 10 cycles 6. Drop Test Standard Packaging From 120mm(Drop on hard wood or board of 5cm thick, three sides, six plain.) 7. Vibration Test Vibration:1000cycles /min. Amplitude:1.5mm, Duration: 1 hour in each 3 axes Note: As this product is not protected from foreign material entering, please make sure that any foreign materials (e.g. magnetic powder, washing solvent, flux, corrosive gas) do not enter this product in your production processes. The functional degradation (e.g. SPL down) may occur if foreign material enter it. 4/4
GPC1407YB-5V4000 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+1.18228
  • 30+1.13716
  • 100+1.09203
  • 500+1.00178
  • 1000+0.95666
  • 2000+0.92958
