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    CAN收发器 SOP-8

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XL1040 数据手册
High speed CAN transceiver XL1040 SOP8 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • High speed (up to 1 MBaud) The XL1040 is the interface between the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol controller and the physical bus. It is primarily intended for high speed applications, up to 1 MBaud, in passenger cars. The device provides differential transmit capability to the bus and differential receive capability to the CAN controller. • Very low-current standby mode with remote wake-up capability via the bus • Very low ElectroMagnetic Emission (EME) • Differential receiver with high common-mode range for ElectroMagnetic Immunity (EMI) The XL1040 is the next step up from the 1050 high speed CAN transceiver. Being pin compatible and offering the same excellent EMC performance, the XL1040 also features: • Transceiver in unpowered state disengages from the bus (zero load) • Input levels compatible with 3.3 V and 5 V devices • Voltage source for stabilizing the recessive bus level if split termination is used (further improvement of EME) • An ideal passive behaviour when supply voltage is off • A very low-current standby mode with remote wake-up capability via the bus. • At least 110 nodes can be connected • Transmit Data (TXD) dominant time-out function This makes the XL1040 an excellent choice in nodes which can be in power-down or standby mode in partially powered networks. • Bus pins protected against transients in automotive environments • Bus pins and pin SPLIT short-circuit proof to battery and ground • Thermally protected. QUICK REFERENCE DATA SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS VCC supply voltage ICC supply current standby mode VCANH DC voltage on pin CANH 0 < VCC < 5.25 V; no time limit VCANL DC voltage on pin CANL 0 < VCC < 5.25 V; no time limit VSPLIT DC voltage on pin SPLIT 0 < VCC < 5.25 V; no time limit Vesd electrostatic discharge voltage Human Body Model (HBM) tPD(TXD-RXD) propagation delay TXD to RXD Tvj virtual junction temperature operating range MIN. UNIT 5.25 V 5 15 µA −27 +40 V −27 +40 V −27 +40 V pins CANH, CANL and SPLIT −6 +6 kV all other pins −4 +4 kV 40 255 ns −40 +150 °C VSTB = 0 V 1 4.75 MAX. High speed CAN transceiver XL1040 BLOCK DIAGRAM VCC handbook, full pagewidth 3 TXD TIME-OUT & SLOPE 1 TEMPERATURE PROTECTION V SPLIT VCC 5 7 6 STB RXD GND 8 WAKE-UP MODE CONTROL 4 SPLIT CANH CANL DRIVER WAKE-UP FILTER MUX XL1040 2 Fig.1 Block diagram. PINNING SYMBOL PIN DESCRIPTION TXD 1 transmit data input GND 2 ground supply TXD 1 VCC 3 supply voltage GND 2 RXD 4 receive data output; reads out data from the bus lines SPLIT 5 common-mode stabilization output CANL 6 LOW-level CAN bus line CANH 7 HIGH-level CAN bus line STB 8 standby mode control input handbook, halfpage 8 STB 7 CANH VCC 3 6 CANL RXD 4 5 SPLIT XL1040 Fig.2 Pin configuration. 2 High speed CAN transceiver XL1040 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION to the centre tap of the split termination (see Fig.4). In case of a recessive bus voltage
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