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    电池保护集成电路 3.9V 3μA

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SL435 数据手册
SL435 Battery Protection IC General Description Ordering Information SL435 PACKAGE TYPE SOT-23-6 The SL435 battery protection IC is designed to protect lithium-ion/polymer battery from damage or degrading the lifetime due to overcharge, overdischarge, and/or overcurrent for one-cell lithium-ion/polymer battery powered systems, such as cellular phones. TEMPERATURE RANGE -40°C~+85°C The ultra-small package and less required external components make it ideal to integrate the SL435 into the limited space of battery pack. The accurate ±25mV overcharging detection voltage ensures safe and full utilization charging. The very low standby current drains little current from the cell while in storage. OVERCHARGE PROTECTION 4.4-4.425V,4.425-4.45V Features Applications Reduction in Board Size due to Miniature Package SOT-23-6. Protection IC for One-Cell Lithium-Ion / Lithium-Polymer Battery Pack : built-in cell of mobile phone digital product cell camera cell portable power Ultra-Low Quiescent Current at 3μA (Vcc=3.9V). Auto recovery 0v charging Reflow soldering internal actual temperature < 250 degrees, Precision Overcharge Protection Voltage 4.425 V ± 25mV for the SL435 time in high temperature < 7 s. Load Detection Function during Overcharge Mode. Two Detection Levels for Overcurrent Protection. Delay times are generated by internal circuits. No external capacitors required. 1/7 www.slkormicro.com 1 SL435 Product Name List SOT-23-6 Overcharge detection voltage [VOCP] (V) Overcharge release voltage [VOCR] (V) SL435 4.4-4.425 4.425-4.45 4.150±0.050 Package Model SL435 Overdischarge Overdischarge detection release voltage voltage [VODP] (V) [VODR] (V) 2.40±0.100 Overcurrent detection voltage [VOI1] (mV) 3.0±0.100 150±30 Pin Configuration 6 Pin No. Symbol 5 4 Description 1 OD MOSFET gate connection pin for discharge control 2 CS Input pin for current sense, charger detect 3 OC MOSFET gate connection pin for charge control 4 TD Test pin for reduce delay time 5 VCC Power supply, through a resistor (R1) 6 GND Ground pin SOT-23-6 TOP VIEW 1 2 3 2/7 www.slkormicro.com 2 SL435 Absolute Maximum Ratings (VSS=0V, Ta=25°C unless otherwise specified) Item Symbol Rating Unit Input voltage between VDD and VSS * VDD VSS-0.3 to VSS+10 V OC output pin voltage VOC VDD-26 to VDD+0.3 V OD output pin voltage VOD VSS-0.3 to VDD+0.3 V CS input pin voltage VCS VDD-26 to VDD+0.3 V Operating Temperature Range TOP -40 to +85 °C Storage Temperature Range TST -40 to +125 °C Note: SL435 contains a circuit that will protect it from static discharge; but please take special care that no excessive static electricity or voltage which exceeds the limit of the protection circuit will be applied to it. Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25°C unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS SYMBOL Supply Current VCC=3.9V ICC Power-Down Current VCC=2.0V IPD Overcharge Protection Voltage CS435 Min Typ Max UNIT 3.0 6.0 μA 3.0 μA VOCP 4.4 4.425 , 4.45 V Overcharge Release Voltage VOCR 4.05 4.15 4.2 V Overdischarge Protection Voltage VODP 2.30 2.40 2.50 V Overdischarge Release Voltage VODR 2.90 3.00 3.10 V Overcurrent Protection Voltage VOIP(VOI1) 120 150 180 mV VSIP(VOI2) 1.25 1.35 1.45 V TOC 80 200 ms Short Current Protection Voltage VCC=3.6V Overcharge Delay Time Overdischarge Delay Time VCC=3.6V to 2.0V TOD 40 100 ms Overcurrent Delay Time (1) VCC=3.6V TOI1 10 20 ms Overcurrent Delay Time (2) VCC=3.6V TOI2 5 100 μs -0.7 -0.2 V Charger Detection Threshold Voltage VCH OD Pin Output “H” Voltage VDH OD Pin Output “L” Voltage VDL OC Pin Output “H” Voltage VCH OC Pin Output “L” Voltage VCL www.slkormicro.com 3 -1.2 VCC-0.1 VCC-0.02 0. 1 V 0.5 VCC-0.1 VCC-0.02 0.1 V V 0.5 V 4/7 SL435 Timing Diagram 1. Overcharge Condition Load Discharging Normal Condition Charger Load Battery Voltage VOCP VOCR VODR VODP OC Pin VCC CS OD Pin VCC GND CS Pin VCC VOI1 GND VCH TOC TOC 5/7 www.slkormicro.com 4 SL435 2. Overdischarge Condition Charging by a Charger Normal Condition Charger Load Battery Voltage VOCP VOCR VODR VODP OC Pin VCC CS OD Pin VCC CS Pin GND VCC VOI2 GND VCH TOD TOD 6/7 www.slkormicro.com 5 SL435 3. Over Current Condition Normal Condition Charger Load Battery Voltage VOCP VOCR VODR VODP OC Pin VCC CS OD Pin VCC CS Pin GND VCC VOI2 VOI1 GND TOI1 TOI2 7/7 www.slkormicro.com 6
SL435 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+0.18940


      •  国内价格
      • 10+0.31936
      • 100+0.25197
      • 300+0.21827


        •  国内价格
        • 6000+0.17160


          •  国内价格
          • 1+0.19500
          • 100+0.18200
          • 300+0.16900
          • 500+0.15600
          • 2000+0.14950
          • 5000+0.14560
