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    ARM® Cortex®-M4 32-bit MCU 168MHz 192KB

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GD32F407ZGT6 数据手册
GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc. GD32F407xx ARM® Cortex®-M4 32-bit MCU Datasheet GD32F407xx Datasheet Table of Contents Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... 1 List of Figures ................................................................................................................ 4 List of Tables .................................................................................................................. 5 1. General description ................................................................................................. 7 2. Device overview ....................................................................................................... 8 2.1. Device information ...................................................................................................... 8 2.2. Block diagram ............................................................................................................ 11 2.3. Pinouts and pin assignment ..................................................................................... 12 2.4. Memory map .............................................................................................................. 16 2.5. Clock tree ................................................................................................................... 19 2.6. Pin definitions ............................................................................................................ 20 2.6.1. GD32F407Ix BGA176 pin definitions .................................................................................... 20 2.6.2. GD32F407Zx LQFP144 pin definitions ................................................................................. 31 2.6.3. GD32F407Vx LQFP100 pin definitions ................................................................................ 40 2.6.4. GD32F407Vx BGA100 pin definitions .................................................................................. 47 2.6.5. GD32F407Rx LQFP64 pin definitions .................................................................................. 54 2.6.6. GD32F407xx pin alternate functions .................................................................................... 60 3. Functional description .......................................................................................... 70 3.1. ARM® Cortex®-M4 core .............................................................................................. 70 3.2. On-chip memory ........................................................................................................ 70 3.3. Clock, reset and supply management ...................................................................... 71 3.4. Boot modes ................................................................................................................ 71 3.5. Power saving modes ................................................................................................. 72 3.6. Analog to digital converter (ADC) ............................................................................ 72 3.7. Digital to analog converter (DAC) ............................................................................. 73 3.8. DMA ............................................................................................................................ 73 3.9. General-purpose inputs/outputs (GPIOs) ................................................................ 74 3.10. Timers and PWM generation ................................................................................. 74 3.11. Real time clock (RTC) and backup registers ........................................................ 75 3.12. Inter-integrated circuit (I2C) .................................................................................. 76 3.13. Serial peripheral interface (SPI) ............................................................................ 76 1 GD32F407xx Datasheet 3.14. Universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver transmitter (USART/UART) .... 76 3.15. Inter-IC sound (I2S) ................................................................................................ 77 3.16. Universal serial bus full-speed interface (USBFS) ............................................... 77 3.17. Universal serial bus high-speed interface (USBHS) ............................................ 77 3.18. Controller area network (CAN) .............................................................................. 78 3.19. Ethernet (ENET) ...................................................................................................... 78 3.20. External memory controller (EXMC) ..................................................................... 78 3.21. Secure digital input and output card interface (SDIO) ......................................... 79 3.22. Digital camera interface (DCI)................................................................................ 79 3.23. Debug mode ........................................................................................................... 79 3.24. Package and operation temperature ..................................................................... 79 4. Electrical characteristics ....................................................................................... 80 4.1. Absolute maximum ratings ....................................................................................... 80 4.2. Operating conditions characteristics ....................................................................... 80 4.3. Power consumption .................................................................................................. 82 4.4. EMC characteristics .................................................................................................. 90 4.5. Power supply supervisor characteristics ................................................................ 90 4.6. Electrical sensitivity .................................................................................................. 91 4.7. External clock characteristics .................................................................................. 92 4.8. Internal clock characteristics ................................................................................... 94 4.9. PLL characteristics.................................................................................................... 95 4.10. Memory characteristics ......................................................................................... 97 4.11. NRST pin characteristics ....................................................................................... 97 4.12. GPIO characteristics .............................................................................................. 98 4.13. ADC characteristics ............................................................................................. 100 4.14. Temperature sensor characteristics ................................................................... 102 4.15. DAC characteristics ............................................................................................. 102 4.16. I2C characteristics ............................................................................................... 103 4.17. SPI characteristics ............................................................................................... 104 4.18. I2S characteristics................................................................................................ 105 4.19. USART characteristics ......................................................................................... 105 4.20. SDIO characteristics ............................................................................................ 106 2 GD32F407xx Datasheet 4.21. CAN characteristics ............................................................................................. 106 4.22. USBFS characteristics ......................................................................................... 106 4.23. USBHS characteristics ........................................................................................ 108 4.24. EXMC characteristics........................................................................................... 108 4.25. TIMER characteristics ...........................................................................................112 4.26. Camera interface (DCMI) characteristics .............................................................112 4.27. WDGT characteristics ...........................................................................................113 4.28. Parameter conditions............................................................................................113 5. Package information............................................................................................ 114 5.1. BGA176 package outline dimensions .....................................................................114 5.2. LQFP144 package outline dimensions....................................................................115 5.3. BGA100 package outline dimensions .....................................................................116 5.4. LQFP100 package outline dimensions....................................................................117 5.5. LQFP64 package outline dimensions......................................................................119 5.6. Thermal characteristics .......................................................................................... 120 6. Ordering information ........................................................................................... 121 7. Revision history ................................................................................................... 122 3 GD32F407xx Datasheet List of Figures Figure 2-1. GD32F407xx block diagram ....................................................................................................... 11 Figure 2-2. GD32F407Ix BGA176 pinouts .................................................................................................... 12 Figure 2-3. GD32F407Vx BGA100 pinouts ................................................................................................... 13 Figure 2-4. GD32F407Zx LQFP144 pinouts.................................................................................................. 14 Figure 2-5. GD32F407Vx LQFP100 pinouts ................................................................................................. 15 Figure 2-6. GD32F407Rx LQFP64 pinouts ................................................................................................... 15 Figure 2-7. GD32F407xx clock tree ............................................................................................................... 19 Figure 4-1. Recommended power supply decoupling capacitors (1) (2) .................................................... 81 Figure 4-2. Typical supply current consumption in Run mode ............................................................... 87 Figure 4-3. Typical supply current consumption in Sleep mode ............................................................. 88 Figure 4-4. Recommended external NRST pin circuit ............................................................................... 98 Figure 4-5. I/O port AC characteristics definition ....................................................................................... 99 Figure 4-6. USBFS timings: definition of data signal rise and fall time ................................................ 107 Figure 5-1. BGA176 package outline .......................................................................................................... 114 Figure 5-2. LQFP144 package outline ......................................................................................................... 115 Figure 5-3. LQFP100 package outline ......................................................................................................... 116 Figure 5-4. LQFP100 package outline ......................................................................................................... 117 Figure 5-5. LQFP64 package outline ........................................................................................................... 119 4 GD32F407xx Datasheet List of Tables Table 2-1. GD32F407xx devices features and peripheral list ..................................................................... 8 Table 2-2. GD32F407xx devices features and peripheral list (Cont.) ........................................................ 9 Table 2-3. GD32F407xx memory map ........................................................................................................... 16 Table 2-4. GD32F407Ix BGA176 pin definitions .......................................................................................... 20 Table 2-5. GD32F407Zx LQFP144 pin definitions ....................................................................................... 31 Table 2-6. GD32F407Vx LQFP100 pin definitions ....................................................................................... 40 Table 2-7. GD32F407Zx BGA100 pin definitions ......................................................................................... 47 Table 2-8. GD32F407Rx LQFP64 pin definitions ......................................................................................... 54 Table 2-9. Port A alternate functions summary .......................................................................................... 60 Table 2-10. Port B alternate functions summary ........................................................................................ 62 Table 2-11. Port C alternate functions summary ........................................................................................ 63 Table 2-12. Port D alternate functions summary ........................................................................................ 64 Table 2-13. Port E alternate functions summary ........................................................................................ 65 Table 2-14. Port F alternate functions summary ........................................................................................ 66 Table 2-15. Port G alternate functions summary ........................................................................................ 67 Table 2-16. Port H alternate functions summary ........................................................................................ 68 Table 2-17. Port I alternate functions summary .......................................................................................... 69 Table 4-1. Absolute maximum ratings(1) (4) ................................................................................................... 80 Table 4-2. DC operating conditions .............................................................................................................. 80 Table 4-3. Clock frequency(1) .......................................................................................................................... 81 Table 4-4. Operating conditions at Power up / Power down(1) ................................................................. 81 Table 4-5. Start-up timings of Operating conditions (1)(2)(3)......................................................................... 81 Table 4-6. Power saving mode wakeup timings characteristics(1)(2) ....................................................... 82 Table 4-7. Power consumption characteristics (2)(3)(4)(5) .............................................................................. 82 Table 4-8. Peripheral current consumption characteristics(1) .................................................................. 88 Table 4-9. EMS characteristics(1) ................................................................................................................... 90 Table 4-10. Power supply supervisor characteristics ............................................................................... 90 Table 4-11. ESD characteristics(1) .................................................................................................................. 91 Table 4-12. Static latch-up characteristics(1) ............................................................................................... 92 Table 4-13. High speed external clock (HXTAL) generated from a crystal/ceramic characteristics . 92 Table 4-14. High speed external clock characteristics (HXTAL in bypass mode) ................................ 92 Table 4-15. Low speed external clock (LXTAL) generated from a crystal/ceramic characteristics .. 92 Table 4-16. Low speed external user clock characteristics (LXTAL in bypass mode) ........................ 93 Table 4-17. High speed internal clock (IRC16M) characteristics ............................................................. 94 Table 4-18. High speed internal clock (IRC48M) characteristics ............................................................. 94 Table 4-19. Low speed internal clock (IRC32K) characteristics .............................................................. 95 Table 4-20. PLL characteristics ..................................................................................................................... 95 Table 4-21. PLLI2S characteristics ................................................................................................................ 96 Table 4-22. PLLSAI characteristics ............................................................................................................... 96 Table 4-23. PLL spread spectrum clock generation (SSCG) characteristics ........................................ 96 5 GD32F407xx Datasheet Table 4-24. Flash memory characteristics ................................................................................................... 97 Table 4-25. NRST pin characteristics ........................................................................................................... 97 Table 4-26. I/O port DC characteristics(1) (3) .................................................................................................. 98 Table 4-27. I/O port AC characteristics(1)(2) .................................................................................................. 99 Table 4-28. ADC characteristics .................................................................................................................. 100 Table 4-29. ADC RAIN max for fADC = 40 MHz ............................................................................................ 100 Table 4-30. ADC dynamic accuracy at fADC = 30 MHz ............................................................................... 101 Table 4-31. ADC dynamic accuracy at fADC = 30 MHz ............................................................................... 101 Table 4-32. ADC dynamic accuracy at fADC = 36 MHz ............................................................................... 101 Table 4-33. ADC dynamic accuracy at fADC = 40 MHz ............................................................................... 101 Table 4-34. ADC static accuracy at fADC = 15 MHz .................................................................................... 101 Table 4-35. Temperature sensor characteristics(1) ................................................................................... 102 Table 4-36. DAC characteristics .................................................................................................................. 102 Table 4-37. I2C characteristics(1)(2)............................................................................................................... 103 Table 4-38. Standard SPI characteristics Table 4-39. I2S characteristics (1) (2) (1) ............................................................................................... 104 .............................................................................................................. 105 Table 4-40. USART characteristics(1) .......................................................................................................... 105 Table 4-41. SDIO characteristics(1) (2)........................................................................................................... 106 Table 4-42. USBFS start up time .................................................................................................................. 106 Table 4-43. USBFS DC electrical characteristics ...................................................................................... 107 Table 4-44. USBFS full speed-electrical characteristics(1) ...................................................................... 107 Table 4-45. Asynchronous non-multiplexed SRAM/PSRAM/NOR read timings(1)(2)(3)(4) ..................... 108 Table 4-46. Asynchronous non-multiplexed SRAM/PSRAM/NOR write timings(1)(2)(3)(4)..................... 109 Table 4-47. Asynchronous multiplexed PSRAM/NOR read timings(1)(2)(3)(4) .......................................... 109 Table 4-48. Asynchronous multiplexed PSRAM/NOR write timings(1)(2)(3)(4) ......................................... 110 Table 4-49. Synchronous multiplexed PSRAM/NOR read timings(1)(2)(3)(4) ............................................ 110 Table 4-50. Synchronous multiplexed PSRAM write timings(1)(2)(3)(4) ..................................................... 110 Table 4-51. Synchronous non-multiplexed PSRAM/NOR read timings(1)(2)(3)(4) .................................... 111 Table 4-52. Synchronous non-multiplexed PSRAM write timings (1)(2)(3)(4) ........................................... 111 Table 4-53. TIMER characteristics(1) ............................................................................................................ 112 Table 4-55. DCMI characteristics(1) .............................................................................................................. 112 Table 4-56. FWDGT min/max timeout period at 32 kHz (IRC32K) (1) ...................................................... 113 Table 4-57. WWDGT min-max timeout value at 42 MHz (fPCLK1) (1) .......................................................... 113 Table 5-1. BGA176 package dimensions ................................................................................................... 114 Table 5-2. LQFP144 package dimensions .................................................................................................. 115 Table 5-3. BGA100 package dimensions ................................................................................................... 117 Table 5-4. LQFP100 package dimensions .................................................................................................. 118 Table 5-5. LQFP64 package dimensions .................................................................................................... 119 Table 5-6. Package thermal characteristics(1) ........................................................................................... 120 Table 6-1. Part ordering code for GD32F407xx devices .......................................................................... 121 Table 7-1. Revision history ........................................................................................................................... 122 6 GD32F407xx Datasheet 1. General description The GD32F407xx device belongs to the connectivity line of GD32 MCU family. It is a new 32bit general-purpose microcontroller based on the ARM® Cortex®-M4 RISC core with best costperformance ratio in terms of enhanced processing capacity, reduced power consumption and peripheral set. The Cortex®-M4 core features a Floating Point Unit (FPU) that accelerates single precision floating point math operations and supports all ARM® single precision instructions and data types. It implements a full set of DSP instructions to address digital signal control markets that demand an efficient, easy-to-use blend of control and signal processing capabilities. It also provides a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) and powerful trace technology for enhanced application security and advanced debug support. The GD32F407xx device incorporates the ARM® Cortex®-M4 32-bit processor core operating at 168 MHz frequency with Flash accesses zero wait states to obtain maximum efficiency. It provides up to 3072 KB on-chip Flash memory and 192 KB SRAM memory. An extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals connected to two APB buses. The devices offer up to three 12-bit 2.6 MSPS ADCs, two 12-bit DACs, up to eight general 16-bit timers, two 16bit PWM advanced timers, two 32-bit general timers, and two 16-bit basic timers, as well as standard and advanced communication interfaces: up to three SPIs, three I2Cs, four USARTs and two UARTs, two I2Ss, two CANs, a SDIO, USBFS and USBHS, and an ENET. Additional peripherals as Digital camera interface (DCI), EXMC interface with SDRAM extension support are included. The device operates from a 2.6 to 3.6V power supply and available in –40 to +85 °C temperature range. Three power saving modes provide the flexibility for maximum optimization of power consumption, an especially important consideration in low power applications. The above features make GD32F407xx devices suitable for a wide range of interconnection and advanced applications, especially in areas such as industrial control, consumer and handheld equipment, embedded modules, human machine interface, security and alarm systems, graphic display, automotive navigation, drone, IoT and so on. 7 GD32F407xx Datasheet 2. Device overview 2.1. Device information Table 2-1. GD32F407xx devices features and peripheral list GD32F407xx Part Number Code area Flash (KB) Data area (KB) RK VE VG VK VE VG VK ZE ZG ZK 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 0 512 2560 0 512 2560 0 512 2560 0 512 2560 1024 3072 512 1024 3072 512 1024 3072 512 1024 3072 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 General 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 timer(16-bit) (2-3, 8-13) (2-3,8-13) (2-3,8-13) (2-3,8-13) (2-3,8-13) (2-3,8-13) (2-3,8-13) (2-3,8-13) (2-3,8-13) (2-3,8-13) (2-3,8-13) (2-3,8-13) General 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 timer(32-bit) (1, 4) (1,4) (1,4) (1,4) (1,4) (1,4) (1,4) (1,4) (1,4) (1,4) (1,4) (1,4) SRAM (KB) Timers RG 512 Total (KB) Connectivity RE Advanced 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 timer(16-bit) (0, 7) (0,7) (0,7) (0,7) (0,7) (0,7) (0,7) (0,7) (0,7) (0,7) (0,7) (0,7) Basic 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 timer(16-bit) (5, 6) (5,6) (5,6) (5,6) (5,6) (5,6) (5,6) (5,6) (5,6) (5,6) (5,6) (5,6) SysTick 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Watchdog 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 RTC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 USART 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 UART 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I2C 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 (0-2)/(1-2) (0-2)/(1-2) (0-2)/(1-2) (0-2)/(1-2) (0-2)/(1-2) (0-2)/(1-2) (0-2)/(1-2) (0-2)/(1-2) (0-2)/(1-2) (0-2)/(1-2) (0-2)/(1-2) (0-2)/(1-2) SDIO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CAN 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 SPI/I2S USB FS+H FS+H FS+H FS+H FS+H FS+H FS+H FS+H FS+H FS+H FS+H FS+H S S S S S S S S S S S S ENET 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DCI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 51 51 51 82 82 82 82 82 82 114 114 114 GPIO 8 GD32F407xx Datasheet GD32F407xx Part Number EXMC/SDRAM RE RG RK VE VG VK VE VG VK ZE ZG ZK 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/1 1/1 1/1 3(16) 3(16) 3(16) 3(16) 3(16) 3(16) 3(16) 3(16) 3(16) 3(24) 3(24) 3(24) ADC(CHs) 2 DAC 2 2 2 LQFP64 Package 2 LQFP100 2 2 2 2 BGA100 2 2 2 LQFP144 Table 2-2. GD32F407xx devices features and peripheral list (Cont.) GD32F407xx Flash Part Number IE IG IK Code area (KB) 512 512 512 Data area (KB) 0 512 2560 Total (KB) 512 1024 3072 192 192 192 8 8 8 (2-3,8-13) (2-3,8-13) (2-3,8-13) SRAM (KB) General timer(16-bit) Connectivity Timers General timer(32-bit) 2 2 2 (1,4) (1,4) (1,4) Advanced timer(16- 2 2 2 bit) (0,7) (0,7) (0,7) 2 2 2 (5,6) (5,6) (5,6) SysTick 1 1 1 Watchdog 2 2 2 RTC 1 1 1 USART 4 4 4 UART 2 2 2 I2C 3 3 3 Basic timer(16-bit) 3/2 3/2 3/2 (0-2)/(1-2) (0-2)/(1-2) (0-2)/(1-2) SDIO 1 1 1 CAN 2 2 2 USB FS+HS FS+HS FS+HS ENET 1 1 1 DCI 1 1 1 SPI/I2S 9 GD32F407xx Datasheet GD32F407xx Part Number IE IG IK GPIO 140 140 140 EXMC/SDRAM 1/1 1/1 1/1 ADC(CHs) 3(24) 3(24) 3(24) DAC 2 2 2 Package BGA176 10 GD32F407xx Datasheet Block diagram Figure 2-1. GD32F407xx block diagram Powered By LDO (1.2V) Flash Memory master DBUS master SBUS SW/JTA G IBUS TPIU master slave FMC slave M master P master M master P master DMA0 DMA1 ENET master USBHS master AHB Interconnect Matrix (Fmax=168MHz) ARM Cortex-M4 Processor Fmax: 168MHz Powered By V DDA slave TCMSRAM slave SRAM0 slave SRAM1 slave DAC LVD PLLs IRC16M IRC32K EXMC BKP SRAM CRC GPIO RCU slave AHB1 Per ipheral s TRNG DCI USBFS slave AHB2 Per ipheral s slave AHB Interconnect Matrix (Fmax=168MHz) slave 2.2. SPI0 CTC DAC IRE F CAN1 TIMER9 TIMER13 CAN0 TIMER8 TIMER12 TIMER7 TIMER11 TIMER0 TIMER6 USART5 TIMER5 UART3 USART0 TIMER4 USART2 TIMER3 TIMER2 TIMER1 WWDG T SAR ADC Powered By V DDA POR/ PDR USART1 I2C2 I2C1 I2C0 I2S2_add SPI2/I2S2 SPI1/I2S1 LDO FWDG T HXTAL UART4 APB1 (Fmax=42MHz) ADC0~2 APB2 (Fmax=84MHz) EXTI SDIO SYS CFG TIMER10 I2S1_add PMU Powered By V DD LXTAL RTC Powered By V B AT 11 GD32F407xx Datasheet 2.3. Pinouts and pin assignment Figure 2-2. GD32F407Ix BGA176 pinouts 1 2 3 4 5 6 A PE3 PE2 PE1 PE0 PB8 PB5 PG14 PG13 B PE4 PE5 PE6 PB9 PB7 PB6 C VBAT PI7 PI6 PI5 VDD D PC13 PI8 PI9 PI4 E PC14 PF0 PI10 PI11 F PC15 VSS VDD PH2 VSS VSS VSS VSS G PH0 VSS VDD PH3 VSS VSS VSS H PH1 PF2 PF1 PH4 VSS VSS J NRST PF3 PF4 PH5 VSS K PF7 PF6 PF5 VDD VSS L PF10 PF9 PF8 NC M VSSA PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PB2 PG1 VSS VSS NC PH6 PH8 PH9 N VREF- PA1 PA0 PA4 PC4 PF13 PG0 VDD VDD VDD PE13 PH7 PD12 PD11 PD10 P VREF+ PA2 PA6 PA5 PC5 PF12 PF15 PE8 PE9 PE11 PE14 PB12 PB13 PD9 PD8 R VDDA PA3 PA7 PB1 PB0 PF11 PF14 PE7 PE10 PE12 PE15 PB10 PB11 PB14 PB15 7 8 9 10 11 PB4 PB3 PD7 PC12 PA15 PA14 PA13 PG15 PG12 PG11 PG10 PD6 PD0 PDR_ON VDD VDD VDD PG9 PD5 PD1 PI3 PI2 PA11 VSS BOOT0 VSS VSS VSS PD4 PD3 PD2 PH15 PI1 PA10 PH13 PH14 PI0 PA9 VSS VSS NC PC9 PA8 VSS VSS VSS VDD PC8 PC7 VSS VSS VSS VSS VDD PG8 PC6 VSS VSS VSS VSS VDD VDD PG7 PG6 VSS VSS VSS VSS PH12 PG5 PG4 PG3 PH11 PH10 PD15 PG2 GigaDevice GD32F407Ix BGA176 12 13 14 15 PC11 PC10 PA12 PD14 PD13 12 GD32F407xx Datasheet Figure 2-3. GD32F407Vx BGA100 pinouts 1 2 A PE3 PE1 B PE4 C 3 4 5 6 7 8 PB8 BOOT0 PD7 PD5 PB4 PB3 PA15 PA14 PE2 PB9 PB7 PB6 PD6 PD4 PD3 PD1 PC12 PC10 PA11 PC13 PE5 PE0 VDD PB5 PD2 PD0 PC11 NC PA10 D PC14 PE6 VSS PA9 PA8 PC9 E PC15 VBAT NC PC8 PC7 PC6 F PH0 VSS VSS VSS G PH1 VDD VDD VDD H PC0 NRST 9 10 GigaDevice GD32F407Vx BGA100 11 12 PA13 PA12 PDR_ ON PD15 PD14 PD13 PD12 PD11 PD10 PB15 PB14 PB13 J VSSA PC1 PC2 K VREF- PC3 PA2 PA5 PC4 L VREF+ PA0 PA3 PA6 PC5 PB2 PE8 M VDDA PA1 PA4 PA7 PB0 PB1 PE7 PD9 PB11 PE10 PE12 PB10 PE9 PE11 PE13 NC PB12 PE14 PE15 13 GD32F407xx Datasheet Figure 2-4. GD32F407Zx LQFP144 pinouts PA14 PA15 PC10 PC11 PC12 PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 VSS VDD PD6 PD7 PG9 PG11 PG10 PG12 PG13 PG14 VDD VSS PG15 PB4 PB3 PB5 PB6 PB7 BOOT0 PB8 PB9 PE0 PE1 VDD PDR_ON 144143142141140139138137136135134133 132131130129128127126125124123122121120 119118117116115114113112111110109 PE2 1 108 PE3 PE4 2 107 3 106 NC PE5 PE6 4 105 PA13 5 104 PA12 VBAT 6 103 PA11 PC13-TAMPER-RTC PC14-OSC32IN 7 102 PA10 8 101 PA9 VDD VSS 9 100 PA8 PF0 10 99 PC9 PF1 11 98 PC8 PF2 12 97 PC7 PF3 PF4 13 96 PC6 14 95 PF5 15 94 VSS VSS 16 93 PG8 92 PG7 91 PG6 90 PG5 89 PG4 PC15-OSC32OUT VDD VDD 17 PF6 18 PF7 19 PF8 20 PF9 21 88 PG3 PF10 22 87 PG2 PH0-OSCIN 23 86 PD15 PH1-OSCOUT 24 85 PD14 NRST 25 84 VDD PC0 26 83 VSS PC1 27 82 PD13 PC2 28 81 PD12 PC3 VDD 29 80 PD11 30 79 PD10 VSSA VREF+ 31 78 PD9 32 VDDA GigaDevice GD32F407Zx LQFP144 77 PD8 33 76 PB15 PA0_WKUP 34 75 PB14 PA1 35 74 PB13 PA2 36 73 PB12 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 NC VDD PB11 PB10 PE15 PE13 PE14 PE12 PE11 VDD PE10 VSS PE8 PE9 PE7 PG1 PG0 PF15 PF13 PF14 VSS VDD PF12 PB2 PF11 PB1 PC5 PB0 PA7 PC4 PA6 PA5 PA4 VSS VDD PA3 14 GD32F407xx Datasheet Figure 2-5. GD32F407Vx LQFP100 pinouts PA14 PA15 PC10 PC11 PC12 PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 PD7 PB3 PB4 PB5 PB6 PB7 BOOT0 PB8 PB9 PE0 PE1 VSS VDD PE2 1 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 PE3 PE4 2 74 VSS 3 73 NC PE5 PE6 4 72 PA13 5 71 PA12 VBAT 6 PC13-TAMPER-RTC PC14-OSC32IN 7 70 69 PA10 8 68 PA9 PC15-OSC32OUT 9 67 PA8 VSS 10 66 PC9 VDD 11 65 PC8 64 PC7 63 PC6 PH0-OSCIN 12 PH1-OSCOUT 13 GigaDevice GD32F407Vx LQFP100 VDD PA11 NRST PC0 14 62 PD15 15 61 PD14 PC1 16 60 PD13 PC2 PC3 17 59 PD12 18 58 PD11 VDD 19 57 PD10 VSSA VREF+ 20 56 PD9 21 55 PD8 VDDA 22 54 PB15 PA0-WKUP 23 53 PB14 PA1 24 52 PB13 PA2 25 51 PB12 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 VDD NC PB11 PB10 PE15 PC12 PE14 PD2 PE13 PE11 PE12 PE10 PE9 PE8 PE7 PB2 PB1 PB0 PC5 PC4 PA7 PA6 PA5 PA4 VSS VDD PA3 Figure 2-6. GD32F407Rx LQFP64 pinouts PA14 PA15 PC10 PC11 PB3 PB4 PB5 PB6 PB7 BOOT0 PB8 PB9 VSS VDD 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 VBAT 1 48 PC13-TAMPER-RTC 2 47 VDD_2 NC PC14-OSC32IN 3 46 PA13 PC15-OSC32OUT PH0-OSCIN 4 45 PA12 5 44 PA11 PH1-OSCOUT 6 43 PA10 NRST PC0 7 42 PA9 PC1 9 PC2 PC3 VSSA GigaDevice GD32F407Rx LQFP64 41 PA8 40 PC9 10 39 PC8 11 38 PC7 12 37 PC6 VDDA 13 36 PB15 PA0-WKUP 14 35 PB14 PA1 15 34 PB13 16 33 PB12 PA2 8 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VDD NC PB11 PB10 PB2 PB1 PC5 PB0 PA7 PC4 PA6 PA5 VDD PA4 VSS PA3 15 GD32F407xx Datasheet 2.4. Memory map Table 2-3. GD32F407xx memory map Pre-defined Regions Bus External Device AHB External RAM AHB2 Peripheral AHB1 Address Peripherals 0xC000 0000 - 0xDFFF FFFF EXMC - SDRAM 0xA000 1000 - 0xBFFF FFFF Reserved 0xA000 0000 - 0xA000 0FFF EXMC - SWREG 0x9000 0000 - 0x9FFF FFFF EXMC - PC CARD 0x7000 0000 - 0x8FFF FFFF EXMC - NAND 0x6000 0000 - 0x6FFF FFFF EXMC - NOR/PSRAM/SRAM 0x5006 0C00 - 0x5FFF FFFF Reserved 0x5006 0800 - 0x5006 0BFF TRNG 0x5005 0400 - 0x5006 07FF Reserved 0x5005 0000 - 0x5005 03FF DCI 0x5004 0000 - 0x5004 FFFF Reserved 0x5000 0000 - 0x5003 FFFF USBFS 0x4008 0000 - 0x4FFF FFFF Reserved 0x4004 0000 - 0x4007 FFFF USBHS 0x4002 BC00 - 0x4003 FFFF Reserved 0x4002 B000 - 0x4002 BBFF Reserved 0x4002 A000 - 0x4002 AFFF Reserved 0x4002 8000 - 0x4002 9FFF ENET 0x4002 6800 - 0x4002 7FFF Reserved 0x4002 6400 - 0x4002 67FF DMA1 0x4002 6000 - 0x4002 63FF DMA0 0x4002 5000 - 0x4002 5FFF Reserved 0x4002 4000 - 0x4002 4FFF BKP SRAM 0x4002 3C00 - 0x4002 3FFF FMC 0x4002 3800 - 0x4002 3BFF RCU 0x4002 3400 - 0x4002 37FF Reserved 0x4002 3000 - 0x4002 33FF CRC 0x4002 2400 - 0x4002 2FFF Reserved 0x4002 2000 - 0x4002 23FF GPIOI 0x4002 1C00 - 0x4002 1FFF GPIOH 0x4002 1800 - 0x4002 1BFF GPIOG 0x4002 1400 - 0x4002 17FF GPIOF 0x4002 1000 - 0x4002 13FF GPIOE 0x4002 0C00 - 0x4002 0FFF GPIOD 0x4002 0800 - 0x4002 0BFF GPIOC 0x4002 0400 - 0x4002 07FF GPIOB 0x4002 0000 - 0x4002 03FF GPIOA 16 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pre-defined Regions Bus APB2 APB1 Address Peripherals 0x4001 6C00 - 0x4001 FFFF Reserved 0x4001 6800 - 0x4001 6BFF Reserved 0x4001 5800 - 0x4001 67FF Reserved 0x4001 5400 - 0x4001 57FF Reserved 0x4001 5000 - 0x4001 53FF Reserved 0x4001 4C00 - 0x4001 4FFF Reserved 0x4001 4800 - 0x4001 4BFF TIMER10 0x4001 4400 - 0x4001 47FF TIMER9 0x4001 4000 - 0x4001 43FF TIMER8 0x4001 3C00 - 0x4001 3FFF EXTI 0x4001 3800 - 0x4001 3BFF SYSCFG 0x4001 3400 - 0x4001 37FF Reserved 0x4001 3000 - 0x4001 33FF SPI0 0x4001 2C00 - 0x4001 2FFF SDIO 0x4001 2400 - 0x4001 2BFF Reserved 0x4001 2300 - 0x4001 23FF ADC0(1) 0x4001 2200 - 0x4001 22FF ADC2 0x4001 2100 - 0x4001 21FF ADC1 0x4001 2000 - 0x4001 20FF ADC0 0x4001 1800 - 0x4001 1FFF Reserved 0x4001 1400 - 0x4001 17FF USART5 0x4001 1000 - 0x4001 13FF USART0 0x4001 0800 - 0x4001 0FFF Reserved 0x4001 0400 - 0x4001 07FF TIMER7 0x4001 0000 - 0x4001 03FF TIMER0 0x4000 C800 - 0x4000 FFFF Reserved 0x4000 C400 - 0x4000 C7FF IREF 0x4000 8000 - 0x4000 C3FF Reserved 0x4000 7C00 - 0x4000 7FFF Reserved 0x4000 7800 - 0x4000 7BFF Reserved 0x4000 7400 - 0x4000 77FF DAC 0x4000 7000 - 0x4000 73FF PMU 0x4000 6C00 - 0x4000 6FFF CTC 0x4000 6800 - 0x4000 6BFF CAN1 0x4000 6400 - 0x4000 67FF CAN0 0x4000 6000 - 0x4000 63FF Reserved 0x4000 5C00 - 0x4000 5FFF I2C2 0x4000 5800 - 0x4000 5BFF I2C1 0x4000 5400 - 0x4000 57FF I2C0 0x4000 5000 - 0x4000 53FF UART4 17 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pre-defined Regions SRAM Code Bus AHB AHB Address Peripherals 0x4000 4C00 - 0x4000 4FFF UART3 0x4000 4800 - 0x4000 4BFF USART2 0x4000 4400 - 0x4000 47FF USART1 0x4000 4000 - 0x4000 43FF I2S2_add 0x4000 3C00 - 0x4000 3FFF SPI2/I2S2 0x4000 3800 - 0x4000 3BFF SPI1/I2S1 0x4000 3400 - 0x4000 37FF I2S1_add 0x4000 3000 - 0x4000 33FF FWDGT 0x4000 2C00 - 0x4000 2FFF WWDGT 0x4000 2800 - 0x4000 2BFF RTC 0x4000 2400 - 0x4000 27FF Reserved 0x4000 2000 - 0x4000 23FF TIMER13 0x4000 1C00 - 0x4000 1FFF TIMER12 0x4000 1800 - 0x4000 1BFF TIMER11 0x4000 1400 - 0x4000 17FF TIMER6 0x4000 1000 - 0x4000 13FF TIMER5 0x4000 0C00 - 0x4000 0FFF TIMER4 0x4000 0800 - 0x4000 0BFF TIMER3 0x4000 0400 - 0x4000 07FF TIMER2 0x4000 0000 - 0x4000 03FF TIMER1 0x2007 0000 - 0x3FFF FFFF Reserved 0x2003 0000 - 0x2006 FFFF Reserved 0x2002 0000 - 0x2002 FFFF Reserved 0x2001 C000 - 0x2001 FFFF SRAM1(16KB) 0x2000 0000 - 0x2001 BFFF SRAM0(112KB) 0x1FFF C010 - 0x1FFF FFFF Reserved 0x1FFF C000 - 0x1FFF C00F Option bytes(Bank 0) 0x1FFF 7A10 - 0x1FFF BFFF Reserved 0x1FFF 7800 - 0x1FFF 7A0F Reserved 0x1FFF 0000 - 0x1FFF 77FF Boot loader(30KB) 0x1FFE C010 - 0x1FFE FFFF Reserved 0x1FFE C000 - 0x1FFE C00F Option bytes(Bank 1) 0x1001 0000 - 0x1FFE BFFF Reserved 0x1000 0000 - 0x1000 FFFF TCMSRAM(64KB) 0x0830 0000 - 0x0FFF FFFF Reserved 0x0800 0000 - 0x082F FFFF Main Flash(3072KB) 0x0000 0000 - 0x07FF FFFF Aliased to the boot device Note: (1) ADC_SSTAT, ADC_SYNCCTL, ADC_SYNCDATA based on base address of ADC0. 18 GD32F407xx Datasheet 2.5. Clock tree Figure 2-7. GD32F407xx clock tree CK_HXTAL /2 to /31 11 32.768 KHz LXTAL OSC CK_RTC 01 (to RTC) 10 RTCSRC[1:0] CK_FWDGT 32 KHz IRC32K (to FWDGT) CK_OUT1 00 01 10 11 CKOUT1DIV ÷1,2,3,4,5 CK_SYS CK_PLLI2SR CK_HXTAL CK_PLLP CKOUT1SEL[1:0] HCLK (to AHB bus,CortexM4,SRAM,DMA,peripherals) AHB enable CK_OUT0 00 01 10 11 CKOUT0DIV ÷1,2,3,4,5 CK_IRC16M CK_LXTAL CK_HXTAL CK_CST ÷8 (to Cortex-M4 SysTick) FCLK CK_PLLP (free running clock) APB1 Prescaler ÷1,2,4,8,16 CKOUT0SEL[1:0] SCS[1:0] CK_IRC16M 16 MHz IRC16M 01 CK_SYS 168 MHz max AHB Prescaler ÷1,2...512 CK_AHB APB2 Prescaler ÷1,2,4,8,16 10 Clock Monitor 168 MHz max CK_TIMERx TIMERx enable to TIMER1,2,3,4, 5,6,11,12,13 CK_APB2 PCLK2 to APB2 peripherals 84 MHz max Peripheral enable TIMER0,7,8, 9,10 CK_APB2 x1 x2 or x4 PLLSEL CTC 0 TIMER1,2,3,4,5,6, 11,12,13 CK_APB1 x1 x2 or x4 168 MHz max CK_PLLP /PSC PCLK1 to APB1 peripherals Peripheral enable 00 CK_HXTAL 4-32 MHz HXTAL CK_APB1 42 MHz max 168 MHz max CK_TIMERx TIMERx enable to TIMER0,7, 8,9,10 1 VCO /P /Q xN /R PLL CK_CTC 48 MHz IRC48M ADC Prescaler CK_ADCx to ADC0,1,2 40 MHz max CK48MSEL PLL48MSEL 0 VCO I2SSEL /P /Q xN PLLI2S VCO 1 CK48M 0 Peripheral enable 1 to USBFS USBHS TRNG SDIO 1 /R I2S_CKIN CK_I2Sx 0 Peripheral enable to I2S /P /Q xN /R PLLSAI ENET_TX_CLK /2 or /20 0 CK_ENETTX 1 Peripheral enable ENET_PHY_SEL 1 ENET_RX_CLK to ENET TX CK_ENETRX 0 EMBPHY Peripheral enable to ENET RX USBHS PHY clock 24MHz to 60MHz 0 CK48M 1 CK_USBHS_ULPI Peripheral enable to USBHS ULPI Legend: HXTAL: High speed crystal oscillator LXTAL: Low speed crystal oscillator IRC16M: Internal 16M RC oscillators IRC32K: Internal 32K RC oscillator IRC48M: Internal 48M RC oscillators 19 GD32F407xx Datasheet 2.6. Pin definitions 2.6.1. GD32F407Ix BGA176 pin definitions Table 2-4. GD32F407Ix BGA176 pin definitions Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Default: PE2 PE2 A2 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACECK, ENET_MII_TXD3, EXMC_A23, EVENTOUT PE3 A1 I/O 5VT PE4 B1 I/O 5VT Default: PE3 Alternate: TRACED0, EXMC_A19, EVENTOUT Default: PE4 Alternate: TRACED1, EXMC_A20, DCI_D4, EVENTOUT Default: PE5 PE5 B2 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED2, TIMER8_CH0, EXMC_A21, DCI_D6, EVENTOUT Default: PE6 PE6 B3 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED3, TIMER8_CH1, EXMC_A22, DCI_D7, EVENTOUT VBAT C1 P - Default: VBAT Default: PI8 PI8 D2 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: RTC_TAMP1, RTC_TAMP0, RTC_TS PC13TAMPER- Default: PC13 D1 I/O 5VT RTC PC14OSC32IN Additional: RTC_TAMP0, RTC_OUT, RTC_TS Default: PC14 E1 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSC32IN PC15OSC32O Alternate: EVENTOUT Default: PC15 F1 I/O 5VT UT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSC32OUT Default: PI9 PI9 D3 I/O 5VT PI10 E3 I/O 5VT PI11 E4 I/O 5VT VSS F2 P - Default: VSS VDD F3 P - Default: VDD PF0 E2 I/O 5VT Default: PF0 Alternate: CAN0_RX, EXMC_D30, EVENTOUT Default: PI10 Alternate: ENET_MII_RX_ER, EXMC_D31, EVENTOUT Default: PI11 Alternate: USBHS_ULPI_DIR, EVENTOUT 20 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Alternate:I2C1_SDA,EXMC_A0,EVENTOUT, CTC_SYNC PF1 H3 I/O 5VT PF2 H2 I/O 5VT Default: PF1 Alternate: I2C1_SCL, EXMC_A1, EVENTOUT Default: PF2 Alternate: I2C1_SMBA, EXMC_A2, EVENTOUT Default: PF3 PF3 J2 I/O 5VT Alternate: EXMC_A3, EVENTOUT, I2C1_TXFRAME Additional: ADC2_IN9 Default: PF4 PF4 J3 I/O 5VT Alternate: EXMC_A4, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC2_IN14 Default: PF5 PF5 K3 I/O 5VT Alternate: EXMC_A5, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC2_IN15 VSS G2 P - Default: VSS VDD G3 P - Default: VDD Default: PF6 PF6 K2 I/O 5VT Alternate:TIMER9_CH0, EXMC_NIORD, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC2_IN4 Default: PF7 PF7 K1 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER10_CH0, EXMC_NREG, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC2_IN5 Default: PF8 PF8 L3 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER12_CH0, EXMC_NIOWR, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC2_IN6 Default: PF9 PF9 L2 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER13_CH0, EXMC_CD, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC2_IN7 Default: PF10 PF10 L1 I/O 5VT Alternate: EXMC_INTR, DCI_D11, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC2_IN8 Default: PH0, OSCIN PH0 G1 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSCIN Default: PH1, OSCOUT PH1 H1 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSCOUT NRST J1 - - Default: NRST Default: PC0 PC0 M2 I/O 5VT Alternate: USBHS_ULPI_STP, EXMC_SDNWE, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN10 21 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Default: PC1 PC1 M3 I/O 5VT Alternate:SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, ENET_MDC, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN11 Default: PC2 PC2 M4 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI1_MISO, I2S1_ADD_SD, USBHS_ULPI_DIR, ENET_MII_TXD2, EXMC_SDNE0, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN12 Default: PC3 PC3 M5 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, USBHS_ULPI_NXT, ENET_MII_TX_CLK, EXMC_SDCKE0, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN13 VDD G3 P - Default: VDD VSSA M1 P - Default: VSSA VREFN N1 P - Default: VREF- VREFP P1 P - Default: VREF+ VDDA R1 P - Default: VDDA Default: PA0 PA0WKUP Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, TIMER4_CH0, N3 I/O 5VT TIMER7_ETI, USART1_CTS, UART3_TX, ENET_MII_CRS, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN0, WKUP Default: PA1 Alternate: TIMER1_CH1, TIMER4_CH1, USART1_RTS, PA1 N2 I/O 5VT UART3_RX, ENET_MII_RX_CLK, ENET_RMII_REF_CLK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN1 Default: PA2 PA2 P2 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH2, TIMER4_CH2, TIMER8_CH0, I2S_CKIN, USART1_TX, ENET_MDIO, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN2 PH2 F4 I/O 5VT Default: PH2 Alternate: ENET_MII_CRS, EXMC_SDCKE0, EVENTOUT Default: PH3 PH3 G4 I/O 5VT Alternate: ENET_MII_COL, EXMC_SDNE0, EVENTOUT, I2C1_TXFRAME PH4 H4 I/O 5VT PH5 J4 I/O 5VT PA3 R2 I/O 5VT Default: PH4 Alternate: I2C1_SCL, USBHS_ULPI_NXT, EVENTOUT Default: PH5 Alternate: I2C1_SDA, EXMC_SDNWE, EVENTOUT Default: PA3 22 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Alternate: TIMER1_CH3, TIMER4_CH3, TIMER8_CH1, I2S1_MCK, USART1_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D0, ENET_MII_COL, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN3 NC L4 - - - VDD K4 P - Default: VDD Default: PA4 PA4 N4 Alternate: SPI0_NSS, SPI2_NSS, I2S2_WS, USART1_CK, I/O USBHS_SOF, DCI_HSYNC, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN4, DAC_OUT0 Default: PA5 PA5 P4 Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, TIMER7_CH0_ON, I/O SPI0_SCK, USBHS_ULPI_CK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN5, DAC_OUT1 Default: PA6 Alternate: TIMER0_BRKIN, TIMER2_CH0, TIMER7_BRKIN, PA6 P3 I/O 5VT SPI0_MISO, I2S1_MCK, TIMER12_CH0, SDIO_CMD, DCI_PIXCLK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN6 Default: PA7 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0_ON, TIMER2_CH1, PA7 R3 I/O 5VT TIMER7_CH0_ON, SPI0_MOSI, TIMER13_CH0, ENET_MII_RX_DV, ENET_RMII_CRS_DV, EXMC_SDNWE, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN7 Default: PC4 PC4 N5 I/O 5VT Alternate: ENET_MII_RXD0, ENET_RMII_RXD0, EXMC_SDNE0, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN14 Default: PC5 PC5 P5 I/O 5VT Alternate: USART2_RX, ENET_MII_RXD1, ENET_RMII_RXD1, EXMC_SDCKE0, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN15 Default: PB0 Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, TIMER2_CH2, PB0 R5 I/O 5VT TIMER7_CH1_ON, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USBHS_ULPI_D1, ENET_MII_RXD2, SDIO_D1, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN8, IREF PB1 R4 I/O 5VT Default: PB1 Alternate: TIMER0_CH2_ON, TIMER2_CH3, 23 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description TIMER7_CH2_ON, USBHS_ULPI_D2, ENET_MII_RXD3, SDIO_D2, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN9 Default: PB2, BOOT1 PB2 M6 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH3, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USBHS_ULPI_D4, SDIO_CK, EVENTOUT Default: PF11 PF11 R6 I/O 5VT PF12 P6 I/O 5VT VSS M8 P - Default: VSS VDD N8 P - Default: VDD PF13 N6 I/O 5VT PF14 R7 I/O 5VT PF15 P7 I/O 5VT PG0 N7 I/O 5VT PG1 M7 I/O 5VT PE7 R8 I/O 5VT PE8 P8 I/O 5VT PE9 P9 I/O 5VT VSS M9 P - Default: VSS VDD N9 P - Default: VDD PE10 R9 I/O 5VT PE11 P10 I/O 5VT PE12 R10 I/O 5VT PE13 N11 I/O 5VT PE14 P11 I/O 5VT PE15 R11 I/O 5VT Alternate: EXMC_SDNRAS, DCI_D12, EVENTOUT Default: PF12 Alternate: EXMC_A6, EVENTOUT Default: PF13 Alternate: EXMC_A7, EVENTOUT Default: PF14 Alternate: EXMC_A8, EVENTOUT Default: PF15 Alternate: EXMC_A9, EVENTOUT Default: PG0 Alternate: EXMC_A10, EVENTOUT Default: PG1 Alternate: EXMC_A11, EVENTOUT Default: PE7 Alternate: TIMER0_ETI, EXMC_D4, EVENTOUT Default: PE8 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0_ON, EXMC_D5, EVENTOUT Default: PE9 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0, EXMC_D6, EVENTOUT Default: PE10 Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, EXMC_D7, EVENTOUT Default: PE11 Alternate: TIMER0_CH1, EXMC_D8, EVENTOUT Default: PE12 Alternate: TIMER0_CH2_ON, EXMC_D9, EVENTOUT Default: PE13 Alternate: TIMER0_CH2, EXMC_D10, EVENTOUT Default: PE14 Alternate: TIMER0_CH3, EXMC_D11, EVENTOUT Default: PE15 24 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Alternate: TIMER0_BRKIN, EXMC_D12, EVENTOUT Default: PB10 PB10 R12 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH2, I2C1_SCL, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, I2S2_MCK, USART2_TX,USBHS_ULPI_D3, ENET_MII_RX_ER, SDIO_D7, EVENTOUT Default: PB11 PB11 R13 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH3, I2C1_SDA, I2S_CKIN, USART2_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D4, ENET_MII_TX_EN, ENET_RMII_TX_EN, EVENTOUT NC M10 P - Default: VCORE VDD N10 P - Default: VDD Default: PH6 PH6 M11 I/O 5VT Alternate: I2C1_SMBA, TIMER11_CH0, ENET_MII_RXD2, EXMC_SDNE1, DCI_D8, EVENTOUT Default: PH7 PH7 N12 I/O 5VT Alternate: I2C2_SCL, ENET_MII_RXD3, EXMC_SDCKE1, DCI_D9, EVENTOUT Default: PH8 PH8 M12 I/O 5VT Alternate: I2C2_SDA, EXMC_D16, DCI_HSYNC, EVENTOUT Default: PH9 PH9 M13 I/O 5VT Alternate: I2C2_SMBA, TIMER11_CH1, EXMC_D17, DCI_D0, EVENTOUT Default: PH10 PH10 L13 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER4_CH0, EXMC_D18, DCI_D1, EVENTOUT, I2C2_TXFRAME Default: PH11 PH11 L12 I/O 5VT PH12 K12 I/O 5VT VSS H12 P - Default: VSS VDD J12 P - Default: VDD Alternate: TIMER4_CH1, EXMC_D19, DCI_D2, EVENTOUT Default: PH12 Alternate: TIMER4_CH2, EXMC_D20, DCI_D3, EVENTOUT Default: PB12 Alternate: TIMER0_BRKIN, I2C1_SMBA, SPI1_NSS, PB12 P12 I/O 5VT I2S1_WS, USART2_CK, CAN1_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D5, ENET_MII_TXD0, ENET_RMII_TXD0, USBHS_ID, EVENTOUT Default: PB13 PB13 P13 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH0_ON, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, USART2_CTS, CAN1_TX, USBHS_ULPI_D6, ENET_MII_TXD1, ENET_RMII_TXD1, EVENTOUT, 25 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description I2C1_TXFRAME Additional: USBHS_VBUS Default: PB14 PB14 R14 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, TIMER7_CH1_ON, SPI1_MISO, I2S1_ADD_SD, USART2_RTS, TIMER11_CH0, USBHS_DM, EVENTOUT Default: PB15 PB15 R15 I/O 5VT Alternate: RTC_REFIN, TIMER0_CH2_ON, TIMER7_CH2_ON, SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, TIMER11_CH1, USBHS_DP, EVENTOUT PD8 P15 I/O 5VT PD9 P14 I/O 5VT PD10 N15 I/O 5VT PD11 N14 I/O 5VT Default: PD8 Alternate: USART2_TX, EXMC_D13, EVENTOUT Default: PD9 Alternate: USART2_RX, EXMC_D14, EVENTOUT Default: PD10 Alternate: USART2_CK, EXMC_D15, EVENTOUT Default: PD11 Alternate: USART2_CTS, EXMC_A16, EVENTOUT Default: PD12 PD12 N13 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH0, USART2_RTS, EXMC_A17, EVENTOUT PD13 M15 I/O 5VT VDD J13 P - PD14 M14 I/O 5VT Default: PD13 Alternate: TIMER3_CH1, EXMC_A18, EVENTOUT Default: VDD Default: PD14 Alternate: TIMER3_CH2, EXMC_D0, EVENTOUT Default: PD15 PD15 L14 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH3, EXMC_D1, EVENTOUT, CTC_SYNC PG2 L15 I/O 5VT PG3 K15 I/O 5VT PG4 K14 I/O 5VT PG5 K13 I/O 5VT PG6 J15 I/O 5VT PG7 J14 I/O 5VT Default: PG2 Alternate: EXMC_A12, EVENTOUT Default: PG3 Alternate: EXMC_A13, EVENTOUT Default: PG4 Alternate: EXMC_A14, EVENTOUT Default: PG5 Alternate: EXMC_A15, EVENTOUT Default: PG6 Alternate: EXMC_INT1, DCI_D12, EVENTOUT Default: PG7 Alternate: USART5_CK, EXMC_INT2, DCI_D13, 26 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description EVENTOUT Default: PG8 PG8 H14 I/O 5VT Alternate: USART5_RTS, ENET_PPS_OUT, EXMC_SDCLK, EVENTOUT VSS G12 P - Default: VSS VDD H13 P - Default: VDD Default: PC6 PC6 H15 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH0, TIMER7_CH0, I2S1_MCK, USART5_TX, SDIO_D6, DCI_D0, EVENTOUT Default: PC7 PC7 G15 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH1, TIMER7_CH1, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, I2S2_MCK, USART5_RX, SDIO_D7, DCI_D1, EVENTOUT Default: PC8 PC8 G14 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED0, TIMER2_CH2, TIMER7_CH2, USART5_CK, SDIO_D0, DCI_D2, EVENTOUT Default: PC9 PC9 F14 I/O 5VT Alternate: CK_OUT1, TIMER2_CH3, TIMER7_CH3, I2C2_SDA, I2S_CKIN, SDIO_D1, DCI_D3, EVENTOUT Default: PA8 PA8 F15 I/O 5VT Alternate: CK_OUT0, TIMER0_CH0, I2C2_SCL, USART0_CK, USBFS_SOF, SDIO_D1, EVENTOUT, CTC_SYNC Default: PA9 PA9 E15 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH1, I2C2_SMBA, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, USART0_TX, SDIO_D2, DCI_D0, EVENTOUT Additional: USBFS_VBUS Default: PA10 PA10 D15 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH2, USART0_RX, USBFS_ID,DCI_D1, EVENTOUT, I2C2_TXFRAME Default: PA11 PA11 C15 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH3, USART0_CTS, USART5_TX, CAN0_RX, USBFS_DM, EVENTOUT Default: PA12 PA12 B15 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_ETI, USART0_RTS, USART5_RX, CAN0_TX, USBFS_DP, EVENTOUT Default: JTMS, SWDIO, PA13 PA13 A15 I/O 5VT NC F13 - - - VSS F12 P - Default: VSS VDD G13 P - Default: VDD Alternate: EVENTOUT 27 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Default: PH13 PH13 E12 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER7_CH0_ON, CAN0_TX, EXMC_D21, EVENTOUT Default: PH14 PH14 E13 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER7_CH1_ON, EXMC_D22, DCI_D4, EVENTOUT Default: PH15 PH15 D13 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER7_CH2_ON, EXMC_D23, DCI_D11, EVENTOUT Default: PI0 PI0 E14 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER4_CH3, SPI1_NSS, I2S1_WS, EXMC_D24, DCI_D13, EVENTOUT Default: PI1 PI1 D14 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, EXMC_D25, DCI_D8, EVENTOUT Default: PI2 PI2 C14 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER7_CH3, SPI1_MISO, I2S1_ADD_SD, EXMC_D26, DCI_D9, EVENTOUT Default: PI3 PI3 C13 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER7_ETI, SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, EXMC_D27, DCI_D10, EVENTOUT VSS D9 P - Default: VSS VDD C9 P - Default: VDD PA14 A14 I/O 5VT Default: JTCK, SWCLK, PA14 Alternate: EVENTOUT Default: JTDI, PA15 PA15 A13 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, SPI0_NSS, SPI2_NSS, I2S2_WS, USART0_TX, EVENTOUT Default: PC10 PC10 B14 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI2_SCK, I2S2_CK, USART2_TX, UART3_TX, SDIO_D2, DCI_D8, EVENTOUT Default: PC11 PC11 B13 I/O 5VT Alternate: I2S2_ADD_SD, SPI2_MISO, USART2_RX, UART3_RX, SDIO_D3, DCI_D4, EVENTOUT Default: PC12 PC12 A12 I/O 5VT Alternate: I2C1_SDA, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USART2_CK, UART4_TX, SDIO_CK, DCI_D9, EVENTOUT Default: PD0 PD0 B12 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, CAN0_RX, EXMC_D2, EVENTOUT PD1 C12 I/O 5VT Default: PD1 28 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Alternate: SPI1_NSS, I2S1_WS, CAN0_TX, EXMC_D3, EVENTOUT Default: PD2 PD2 D12 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_ETI, UART4_RX, SDIO_CMD, DCI_D11, EVENTOUT Default: PD3 PD3 D11 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED1, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, USART1_CTS, EXMC_CLK, DCI_D5,EVENTOUT Default: PD4 PD4 D10 I/O 5VT PD5 C11 I/O 5VT VSS D8 P - Default: VSS VDD C8 P - Default: VDD Alternate: USART1_RTS, EXMC_NOE, EVENTOUT Default: PD5 Alternate: USART1_TX, EXMC_NWE, EVENTOUT Default: PD6 PD6 B11 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USART1_RX, EXMC_NWAIT, DCI_D10, EVENTOUT Default: PD7 PD7 A11 I/O 5VT Alternate: USART1_CK, EXMC_NE0, EXMC_NCE1, EVENTOUT Default: PG9 PG9 C10 I/O 5VT Alternate: USART5_RX, EXMC_NE1, EXMC_NCE2, DCI_VSYNC, EVENTOUT Default: PG10 PG10 B10 I/O 5VT Alternate: EXMC_NCE3_0, EXMC_NE2, DCI_D2, EVENTOUT Default: PG11 PG11 B9 I/O 5VT Alternate: ENET_MII_TX_EN, ENET_RMII_TX_EN, EXMC_NCE3_1, DCI_D3, EVENTOUT PG12 B8 I/O 5VT Default: PG12 Alternate: USART5_RTS, EXMC_NE3, EVENTOUT Default: PG13 PG13 A8 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED2, USART5_CTS, ENET_MII_TXD0, ENET_RMII_TXD0, EXMC_A24, EVENTOUT Default: PG14 PG14 A7 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED3, USART5_TX, ENET_MII_TXD1, ENET_RMII_TXD1, EXMC_A25, EVENTOUT VSS D7 P - Default: VSS VDD C7 P - Default: VDD PG15 B7 I/O 5VT Default: PG15 Alternate: USART5_CTS, EXMC_SDNCAS, DCI_D13, 29 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description EVENTOUT Default: JTDO, PB3 PB3 A10 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACESWO, TIMER1_CH1, SPI0_SCK, SPI2_SCK, I2S2_CK, USART0_RX, I2C1_SDA, EVENTOUT Default: NJTRST, PB4 PB4 A9 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH0, SPI0_MISO, SPI2_MISO, I2S2_ADD_SD, I2C2_SDA, SDIO_D0, EVENTOUT, I2C0_TXFRAME Default: PB5 PB5 A6 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH1, I2C0_SMBA, SPI0_MOSI, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, CAN1_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D7, ENET_PPS_OUT, EXMC_SDCKE1, DCI_D10, EVENTOUT Default: PB6 PB6 B6 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH0, I2C0_SCL, USART0_TX, CAN1_TX, EXMC_SDNE1, DCI_D5, EVENTOUT Default: PB7 PB7 B5 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH1, I2C0_SDA, USART0_RX, EXMC_NL, DCI_VSYNC, EVENTOUT BOOT0 D6 I/O 5VT Default: BOOT0 Default: PB8 PB8 A5 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, TIMER3_CH2, TIMER9_CH0, I2C0_SCL, CAN0_RX, ENET_MII_TXD3, SDIO_D4, DCI_D6, EVENTOUT Default: PB9 PB9 B4 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH1, TIMER3_CH3, TIMER10_CH0, I2C0_SDA, SPI1_NSS, I2S1_WS, CAN0_TX, SDIO_D5, DCI_D7, EVENTOUT PE0 A4 I/O 5VT Default: PE0 Alternate: TIMER3_ETI, EXMC_NBL0, DCI_D2, EVENTOUT Default: PE1 PE1 A3 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, EXMC_NBL1, DCI_D3, EVENTOUT VSS D5 P - Default: VSS PDR_ON C6 P - Default: PDR_ON VDD C5 P - Default: VDD Default: PI4 PI4 D4 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER7_BRKIN, EXMC_NBL2, DCI_D5, EVENTOUT Default: PI5 PI5 C4 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER7_CH0, EXMC_NBL3, DCI_VSYNC, EVENTOUT 30 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) C3 I/O 5VT C2 I/O 5VT Pin Name Pins PI6 PI7 Functions description Default: PI6 Alternate: TIMER7_CH1, EXMC_D28, DCI_D6, EVENTOUT Default: PI7 Alternate:TIMER7_CH2,EXMC_D29,DCI_D7,EVENTOUT Notes: (1) Type: I = input, O = output, P = power. (2) I/O Level: 5VT = 5 V tolerant. 2.6.2. GD32F407Zx LQFP144 pin definitions Table 2-5. GD32F407Zx LQFP144 pin definitions Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) I/O 5VT Functions description Default: PE2 PE2 1 Alternate: TRACECK, ENET_MII_TXD3, EXMC_A23, EVENTOUT PE3 2 I/O 5VT PE4 3 I/O 5VT Default: PE3 Alternate: TRACED0, EXMC_A19, EVENTOUT Default: PE4 Alternate: TRACED1, EXMC_A20, DCI_D4, EVENTOUT Default: PE5 PE5 4 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED2, TIMER8_CH0, EXMC_A21, DCI_D6, EVENTOUT Default: PE6 PE6 5 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED3, TIMER8_CH1, EXMC_A22, DCI_D7, EVENTOUT VBAT 6 P - PC13TAMPER- Default: PC13 7 I/O 5VT RTC PC14OSC32IN Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: RTC_TAMP0, RTC_OUT, RTC_TS Default: PC14 8 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSC32IN PC15OSC32O Default: VBAT Default: PC15 9 I/O 5VT UT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSC32OUT PF0 10 I/O 5VT PF1 11 I/O 5VT PF2 12 I/O 5VT Default: PF0 Alternate: I2C1_SDA, EXMC_A0, EVENTOUT, CTC_SYNC Default: PF1 Alternate: I2C1_SCL, EXMC_A1, EVENTOUT Default: PF2 31 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Functions description Type(1) Level(2) Alternate: I2C1_SMBA, EXMC_A2, EVENTOUT Default: PF3 PF3 13 I/O 5VT Alternate: EXMC_A3, EVENTOUT, I2C1_TXFRAME Additional: ADC2_IN9 Default: PF4 PF4 14 I/O 5VT Alternate: EXMC_A4, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC2_IN14 Default: PF5 PF5 15 I/O 5VT Alternate: EXMC_A5, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC2_IN15 VSS 16 P - Default: VSS VDD 17 P - Default: VDD Default: PF6 PF6 18 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER9_CH0, EXMC_NIORD, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC2_IN4 Default: PF7 PF7 19 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER10_CH0, EXMC_NREG, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC2_IN5 Default: PF8 PF8 20 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER12_CH0, EXMC_NIOWR, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC2_IN6 Default: PF9 PF9 21 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER13_CH0, EXMC_CD, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC2_IN7 Default: PF10 PF10 22 I/O 5VT Alternate: EXMC_INTR, DCI_D11, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC2_IN8 Default: PH0, OSCIN PH0 23 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSCIN Default: PH1, OSCOUT PH1 24 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSCOUT NRST 25 - - Default: NRST Default: PC0 PC0 26 I/O 5VT Alternate: USBHS_ULPI_STP, EXMC_SDNWE, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN10 Default: PC1 PC1 27 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, ENET_MDC, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN11 32 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Functions description Type(1) Level(2) Default: PC2 PC2 28 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI1_MISO, I2S1_ADD_SD, USBHS_ULPI_DIR, ENET_MII_TXD2, EXMC_SDNE0, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN12 Default: PC3 PC3 29 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, USBHS_ULPI_NXT, ENET_MII_TX_CLK, EXMC_SDCKE0, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN13 VDD 30 P - Default: VDD VSSA 31 P - Default: VSSA VREFP 32 P - Default: VREF+ VDDA 33 P - Default: VDDA Default: PA0 PA0WKUP Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, TIMER4_CH0, 34 I/O 5VT TIMER7_ETI, USART1_CTS, UART3_TX, ENET_MII_CRS, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN0, WKUP Default: PA1 Alternate: TIMER1_CH1, TIMER4_CH1, USART1_RTS, PA1 35 I/O 5VT UART3_RX, ENET_MII_RX_CLK, ENET_RMII_REF_CLK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN1 Default: PA2 PA2 36 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH2, TIMER4_CH2, TIMER8_CH0, I2S_CKIN, USART1_TX, ENET_MDIO, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN2 Default: PA3 Alternate: TIMER1_CH3, TIMER4_CH3, TIMER8_CH1, PA3 37 I/O 5VT I2S1_MCK, USART1_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D0, ENET_MII_COL, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN3 VSS 38 P - Default: VSS VDD 39 P - Default: VDD Default: PA4 PA4 40 I/O Alternate: SPI0_NSS, SPI2_NSS, I2S2_WS, USART1_CK, USBHS_SOF, DCI_HSYNC, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN4, DAC_OUT0 Default: PA5 PA5 41 I/O Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, TIMER7_CH0_ON, SPI0_SCK, USBHS_ULPI_CK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN5, DAC_OUT1 33 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Functions description Type(1) Level(2) Default: PA6 Alternate: TIMER0_BRKIN, TIMER2_CH0, TIMER7_BRKIN, PA6 42 I/O 5VT SPI0_MISO, I2S1_MCK, TIMER12_CH0, SDIO_CMD, DCI_PIXCLK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN6 Default: PA7 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0_ON, TIMER2_CH1, TIMER7_CH0_ON, PA7 43 I/O 5VT SPI0_MOSI, TIMER13_CH0, ENET_MII_RX_DV, ENET_RMII_CRS_DV, EXMC_SDNWE, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN7 Default: PC4 PC4 44 I/O 5VT Alternate: ENET_MII_RXD0, ENET_RMII_RXD0, EXMC_SDNE0, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN14 Default: PC5 PC5 45 I/O 5VT Alternate: USART2_RX, ENET_MII_RXD1, ENET_RMII_RXD1, EXMC_SDCKE0, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN15 Default: PB0 Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, TIMER2_CH2, TIMER7_CH1_ON, PB0 46 I/O 5VT SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USBHS_ULPI_D1, ENET_MII_RXD2, SDIO_D1, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN8, IREF Default: PB1 PB1 47 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH2_ON, TIMER2_CH3, TIMER7_CH2_ON, USBHS_ULPI_D2, ENET_MII_RXD3, SDIO_D2, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN9 Default: PB2, BOOT1 PB2 48 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH3, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USBHS_ULPI_D4, SDIO_CK, EVENTOUT Default: PF11 PF11 49 I/O 5VT PF12 50 I/O 5VT VSS 51 P - Default: VSS VDD 52 P - Default: VDD PF13 53 I/O 5VT PF14 54 I/O 5VT PF15 55 I/O 5VT Alternate: EXMC_SDNRAS, DCI_D12, EVENTOUT Default: PF12 Alternate: EXMC_A6, EVENTOUT Default: PF13 Alternate: EXMC_A7, EVENTOUT Default: PF14 Alternate: EXMC_A8, EVENTOUT Default: PF15 34 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Functions description Type(1) Level(2) Alternate: EXMC_A9, EVENTOUT Default: PG0 PG0 56 I/O 5VT PG1 57 I/O 5VT PE7 58 I/O 5VT PE8 59 I/O 5VT PE9 60 I/O 5VT VSS 61 P - Default: VSS VDD 62 P - Default: VDD PE10 63 I/O 5VT PE11 64 I/O 5VT PE12 65 I/O 5VT PE13 66 I/O 5VT PE14 67 I/O 5VT PE15 68 I/O 5VT Alternate: EXMC_A10, EVENTOUT Default: PG1 Alternate: EXMC_A11, EVENTOUT Default: PE7 Alternate: TIMER0_ETI, EXMC_D4, EVENTOUT Default: PE8 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0_ON, EXMC_D5, EVENTOUT Default: PE9 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0, EXMC_D6, EVENTOUT Default: PE10 Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, EXMC_D7, EVENTOUT Default: PE11 Alternate: TIMER0_CH1, EXMC_D8, EVENTOUT Default: PE12 Alternate: TIMER0_CH2_ON, EXMC_D9, EVENTOUT Default: PE13 Alternate: TIMER0_CH2, EXMC_D10, EVENTOUT Default: PE14 Alternate: TIMER0_CH3, EXMC_D11, EVENTOUT Default: PE15 Alternate: TIMER0_BRKIN, EXMC_D12, EVENTOUT Default: PB10 PB10 69 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH2, I2C1_SCL, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, I2S2_MCK, USART2_TX, USBHS_ULPI_D3, ENET_MII_RX_ER, SDIO_D7, EVENTOUT Default: PB11 PB11 70 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH3, I2C1_SDA, I2S_CKIN, USART2_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D4, ENET_MII_TX_EN, ENET_RMII_TX_EN, EVENTOUT NC 71 P - Default: VCORE VDD 72 P - Default: VDD Default: PB12 PB12 73 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_BRKIN, I2C1_SMBA, SPI1_NSS, I2S1_WS, USART2_CK, CAN1_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D5, ENET_MII_TXD0, ENET_RMII_TXD0, USBHS_ID,EVENTOUT PB13 74 I/O 5VT Default: PB13 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0_ON, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, 35 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Functions description Type(1) Level(2) USART2_CTS, CAN1_TX, USBHS_ULPI_D6, ENET_MII_TXD1, ENET_RMII_TXD1, EVENTOUT, I2C1_TXFRAME Additional: USBHS_VBUS Default: PB14 PB14 75 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, TIMER7_CH1_ON, SPI1_MISO, I2S1_ADD_SD, USART2_RTS, TIMER11_CH0, USBHS_DM, EVENTOUT Default: PB15 PB15 76 I/O 5VT Alternate: RTC_REFIN, TIMER0_CH2_ON, TIMER7_CH2_ON, SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, TIMER11_CH1, USBHS_DP, EVENTOUT PD8 77 I/O 5VT PD9 78 I/O 5VT PD10 79 I/O 5VT PD11 80 I/O 5VT Default: PD8 Alternate: USART2_TX, EXMC_D13, EVENTOUT Default: PD9 Alternate: USART2_RX, EXMC_D14, EVENTOUT Default: PD10 Alternate: USART2_CK, EXMC_D15, EVENTOUT Default: PD11 Alternate: USART2_CTS, EXMC_A16, EVENTOUT Default: PD12 PD12 81 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH0, USART2_RTS, EXMC_A17, EVENTOUT Default: PD13 PD13 82 I/O 5VT VSS 83 P - Default: VSS VDD 84 P - Default: VDD PD14 85 I/O 5VT PD15 86 I/O 5VT PG2 87 I/O 5VT PG3 88 I/O 5VT PG4 89 I/O 5VT PG5 90 I/O 5VT PG6 91 I/O 5VT PG7 92 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH1, EXMC_A18, EVENTOUT Default: PD14 Alternate: TIMER3_CH2, EXMC_D0, EVENTOUT Default: PD15 Alternate: TIMER3_CH3, EXMC_D1, EVENTOUT, CTC_SYNC Default: PG2 Alternate: EXMC_A12, EVENTOUT Default: PG3 Alternate: EXMC_A13, EVENTOUT Default: PG4 Alternate: EXMC_A14, EVENTOUT Default: PG5 Alternate: EXMC_A15, EVENTOUT Default: PG6 Alternate: EXMC_INT1, DCI_D12, EVENTOUT Default: PG7 Alternate: USART5_CK, EXMC_INT2, DCI_D13, EVENTOUT 36 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Functions description Type(1) Level(2) Default: PG8 PG8 93 I/O 5VT Alternate: USART5_RTS, ENET_PPS_OUT, EXMC_SDCLK, EVENTOUT VSS 94 P - Default: VSS VDD 95 P - Default: VDD Default: PC6 PC6 96 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH0, TIMER7_CH0, I2S1_MCK, USART5_TX, SDIO_D6, DCI_D0, EVENTOUT Default: PC7 PC7 97 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH1, TIMER7_CH1, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, I2S2_MCK, USART5_RX, SDIO_D7, DCI_D1, EVENTOUT Default: PC8 PC8 98 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED0, TIMER2_CH2, TIMER7_CH2, USART5_CK, SDIO_D0, DCI_D2, EVENTOUT Default: PC9 PC9 99 I/O 5VT Alternate: CK_OUT1, TIMER2_CH3, TIMER7_CH3, I2C2_SDA, I2S_CKIN, SDIO_D1, DCI_D3, EVENTOUT Default: PA8 PA8 100 I/O 5VT Alternate: CK_OUT0, TIMER0_CH0, I2C2_SCL, USART0_CK, USBFS_SOF, SDIO_D1, EVENTOUT, CTC_SYNC Default: PA9 PA9 101 I/O 5VT Alternate:TIMER0_CH1,I2C2_SMBA,SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, USART0_TX, SDIO_D2, DCI_D0, EVENTOUT Additional: USBFS_VBUS Default: PA10 PA10 102 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH2, USART0_RX, USBFS_ID, DCI_D1, EVENTOUT, I2C2_TXFRAME Default: PA11 PA11 103 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH3, USART0_CTS, USART5_TX, CAN0_RX, USBFS_DM, EVENTOUT Default: PA12 PA12 104 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_ETI, USART0_RTS, USART5_RX, CAN0_TX, USBFS_DP, EVENTOUT Default: JTMS, SWDIO, PA13 PA13 105 I/O 5VT NC 106 - - - VSS 107 P - Default: VSS VDD 108 P - Default: VDD PA14 109 I/O 5VT PA15 110 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Default: JTCK, SWCLK, PA14 Alternate: EVENTOUT Default: JTDI, PA15 37 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Functions description Type(1) Level(2) Alternate:TIMER1_CH0,TIMER1_ETI,SPI0_NSS, SPI2_NSS, I2S2_WS, USART0_TX, EVENTOUT Default: PC10 PC10 111 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI2_SCK, I2S2_CK, USART2_TX, UART3_TX, SDIO_D2, DCI_D8, EVENTOUT Default: PC11 PC11 112 I/O 5VT Alternate: I2S2_ADD_SD, SPI2_MISO, USART2_RX, UART3_RX, SDIO_D3, DCI_D4, EVENTOUT Default: PC12 PC12 113 I/O 5VT Alternate: I2C1_SDA, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USART2_CK, UART4_TX, SDIO_CK, DCI_D9, EVENTOUT Default: PD0 PD0 114 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, CAN0_RX, EXMC_D2, EVENTOUT Default: PD1 PD1 115 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI1_NSS, I2S1_WS, CAN0_TX, EXMC_D3, EVENTOUT Default: PD2 PD2 116 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_ETI, UART4_RX, SDIO_CMD, DCI_D11, EVENTOUT Default: PD3 PD3 117 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED1, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, USART1_CTS, EXMC_CLK, DCI_D5, EVENTOUT Default: PD4 PD4 118 I/O 5VT PD5 119 I/O 5VT VSS 120 P - Default: VSS VDD 121 P - Default: VDD Alternate: USART1_RTS, EXMC_NOE, EVENTOUT Default: PD5 Alternate: USART1_TX, EXMC_NWE, EVENTOUT Default: PD6 PD6 122 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USART1_RX, EXMC_NWAIT, DCI_D10, EVENTOUT Default: PD7 PD7 123 I/O 5VT Alternate: USART1_CK, EXMC_NE0, EXMC_NCE1, EVENTOUT Default: PG9 PG9 124 I/O 5VT Alternate: USART5_RX, EXMC_NE1, EXMC_NCE2, DCI_VSYNC, EVENTOUT PG10 125 I/O 5VT PG11 126 I/O 5VT Default: PG10 Alternate: EXMC_NCE3_0, EXMC_NE2, DCI_D2, EVENTOUT Default: PG11 38 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Functions description Type(1) Level(2) Alternate: ENET_MII_TX_EN, ENET_RMII_TX_EN, EXMC_NCE3_1, DCI_D3, EVENTOUT PG12 127 I/O 5VT Default: PG12 Alternate: USART5_RTS, EXMC_NE3, EVENTOUT Default: PG13 PG13 128 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED2, USART5_CTS, ENET_MII_TXD0, ENET_RMII_TXD0, EXMC_A24, EVENTOUT Default: PG14 PG14 129 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED3, USART5_TX, ENET_MII_TXD1, ENET_RMII_TXD1, EXMC_A25, EVENTOUT VSS 130 P - Default: VSS VDD 131 P - Default: VDD Default: PG15 PG15 132 I/O 5VT Alternate: USART5_CTS, EXMC_SDNCAS, DCI_D13, EVENTOUT Default: JTDO, PB3 PB3 133 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACESWO, TIMER1_CH1, SPI0_SCK,SPI2_SCK, I2S2_CK, USART0_RX, I2C1_SDA, EVENTOUT Default: NJTRST, PB4 PB4 134 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH0, SPI0_MISO, SPI2_MISO, I2S2_ADD_SD, I2C2_SDA, SDIO_D0, EVENTOUT, I2C0_TXFRAME Default: PB5 PB5 135 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH1, I2C0_SMBA, SPI0_MOSI, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, CAN1_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D7, ENET_PPS_OUT, EXMC_SDCKE1, DCI_D10, EVENTOUT Default: PB6 PB6 136 I/O 5VT Alternate:TIMER3_CH0, I2C0_SCL, USART0_TX, CAN1_TX, EXMC_SDNE1, DCI_D5, EVENTOUT Default: PB7 PB7 137 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH1, I2C0_SDA, USART0_RX, EXMC_NL, DCI_VSYNC, EVENTOUT BOOT0 138 I/O 5VT Default: BOOT0 Default: PB8 PB8 139 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, TIMER3_CH2, TIMER9_CH0, I2C0_SCL, CAN0_RX, ENET_MII_TXD3, SDIO_D4, DCI_D6, EVENTOUT Default: PB9 PB9 140 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH1, TIMER3_CH3, TIMER10_CH0, I2C0_SDA, SPI1_NSS, I2S1_WS, CAN0_TX, SDIO_D5, DCI_D7, EVENTOUT 39 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins PE0 141 Pin I/O Functions description Type(1) Level(2) I/O Default: PE0 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_ETI, EXMC_NBL0, DCI_D2, EVENTOUT Default: PE1 PE1 142 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, EXMC_NBL1, DCI_D3, EVENTOUT PDR_ON 143 P - Default: PDR_ON VDD 144 P - Default: VDD Notes: (1) Type: I = input, O = output, P = power. (2) I/O Level: 5VT = 5 V tolerant. 2.6.3. GD32F407Vx LQFP100 pin definitions Table 2-6. GD32F407Vx LQFP100 pin definitions Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Default: PE2 PE2 1 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACECK, ENET_MII_TXD3, EXMC_A23, EVENTOUT PE3 2 I/O 5VT PE4 3 I/O 5VT Default: PE3 Alternate: TRACED0, EXMC_A19, EVENTOUT Default: PE4 Alternate: TRACED1, EXMC_A20, DCI_D4, EVENTOUT Default: PE5 PE5 4 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED2, TIMER8_CH0, EXMC_A21, DCI_D6, EVENTOUT Default: PE6 PE6 5 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED3, TIMER8_CH1, EXMC_A22, DCI_D7, EVENTOUT VBAT 6 P - PC13TAMPER- Default: PC13 7 I/O 5VT RTC PC14OSC32IN Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: RTC_TAMP0, RTC_OUT, RTC_TS Default: PC14 8 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSC32IN PC15OSC32OU Default: VBAT Default: PC15 9 I/O 5VT T Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSC32OUT VSS 10 P - Default: VSS VDD 11 P - Default: VDD 40 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Default: PH0, OSCIN PH0 12 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSCIN Default: PH1, OSCOUT PH1 13 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSCOUT NRST 14 - - Default: NRST Default: PC0 PC0 15 I/O 5VT Alternate: USBHS_ULPI_STP, EXMC_SDNWE, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN10 Default: PC1 PC1 16 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, ENET_MDC, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN11 Default: PC2 PC2 17 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI1_MISO, I2S1_ADD_SD, USBHS_ULPI_DIR, ENET_MII_TXD2, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN12 Default: PC3 PC3 18 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, USBHS_ULPI_NXT, ENET_MII_TX_CLK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN13 VDD 19 P - Default: VDD VSSA 20 P - Default: VSSA VREFP 21 P - Default: VREF+ VDDA 22 P - Default: VDDA Default: PA0 Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, TIMER4_CH0, PA0-WKUP 23 I/O 5VT TIMER7_ETI, USART1_CTS, UART3_TX, ENET_MII_CRS, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN0, WKUP Default: PA1 Alternate: TIMER1_CH1, TIMER4_CH1, USART1_RTS, PA1 24 I/O 5VT UART3_RX, ENET_MII_RX_CLK, ENET_RMII_REF_CLK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN1 Default: PA2 PA2 25 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH2, TIMER4_CH2, TIMER8_CH0, I2S_CKIN, USART1_TX, ENET_MDIO, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN2 41 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Default: PA3 Alternate: TIMER1_CH3, TIMER4_CH3, TIMER8_CH1, PA3 26 I/O 5VT I2S1_MCK, USART1_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D0, ENET_MII_COL, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN3 VSS 27 P - Default: VSS VDD 28 P - Default: VDD Default: PA4 PA4 29 Alternate: SPI0_NSS, SPI2_NSS, I2S2_WS, USART1_CK, I/O USBHS_SOF, DCI_HSYNC, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN4, DAC_OUT0 Default: PA5 PA5 30 Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, TIMER7_CH0_ON, I/O SPI0_SCK, USBHS_ULPI_CK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN5, DAC_OUT1 Default: PA6 Alternate: TIMER0_BRKIN, TIMER2_CH0, PA6 31 I/O 5VT TIMER7_BRKIN, SPI0_MISO, I2S1_MCK, TIMER12_CH0, SDIO_CMD, DCI_PIXCLK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN6 Default: PA7 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0_ON, TIMER2_CH1, PA7 32 I/O 5VT TIMER7_CH0_ON, SPI0_MOSI, TIMER13_CH0, ENET_MII_RX_DV, ENET_RMII_CRS_DV, EXMC_SDNWE, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN7 Default: PC4 PC4 33 I/O 5VT Alternate: ENET_MII_RXD0, ENET_RMII_RXD0, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN14 Default: PC5 PC5 34 I/O 5VT Alternate: USART2_RX, ENET_MII_RXD1, ENET_RMII_RXD1, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN15 Default: PB0 Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, TIMER2_CH2, PB0 35 I/O 5VT TIMER7_CH1_ON, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USBHS_ULPI_D1, ENET_MII_RXD2, SDIO_D1, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN8, IREF PB1 36 I/O 5VT Default: PB1 42 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Alternate: TIMER0_CH2_ON, TIMER2_CH3, TIMER7_CH2_ON, USBHS_ULPI_D2, ENET_MII_RXD3, SDIO_D2, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN9 Default: PB2, BOOT1 PB2 37 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH3, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USBHS_ULPI_D4, SDIO_CK, EVENTOUT PE7 38 I/O 5VT PE8 39 I/O 5VT PE9 40 I/O 5VT PE10 41 I/O 5VT PE11 42 I/O 5VT PE12 43 I/O 5VT PE13 44 I/O 5VT PE14 45 I/O 5VT PE15 46 I/O 5VT Default: PE7 Alternate: TIMER0_ETI, EXMC_D4, EVENTOUT Default: PE8 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0_ON, EXMC_D5, EVENTOUT Default: PE9 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0, EXMC_D6, EVENTOUT Default: PE10 Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, EXMC_D7, EVENTOUT Default: PE11 Alternate: TIMER0_CH1, EXMC_D8, EVENTOUT Default: PE12 Alternate: TIMER0_CH2_ON, EXMC_D9, EVENTOUT Default: PE13 Alternate: TIMER0_CH2, EXMC_D10, EVENTOUT Default: PE14 Alternate: TIMER0_CH3, EXMC_D11, EVENTOUT Default: PE15 Alternate: TIMER0_BRKIN, EXMC_D12, EVENTOUT Default: PB10 PB10 47 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH2, I2C1_SCL, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, I2S2_MCK, USART2_TX, USBHS_ULPI_D3, ENET_MII_RX_ER, SDIO_D7, EVENTOUT Default: PB11 PB11 48 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH3, I2C1_SDA, I2S_CKIN, USART2_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D4, ENET_MII_TX_EN, ENET_RMII_TX_EN, EVENTOUT NC 49 P - Default: VCORE VDD 50 P - Default: VDD Default: PB12 Alternate: TIMER0_BRKIN, I2C1_SMBA, SPI1_NSS, PB12 51 I/O 5VT I2S1_WS, USART2_CK, CAN1_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D5, ENET_MII_TXD0, ENET_RMII_TXD0, USBHS_ID, EVENTOUT PB13 52 I/O 5VT Default: PB13 43 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Alternate: TIMER0_CH0_ON, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, USART2_CTS, CAN1_TX, USBHS_ULPI_D6, ENET_MII_TXD1, ENET_RMII_TXD1, EVENTOUT, I2C1_TXFRAME Additional: USBHS_VBUS Default: PB14 PB14 53 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, TIMER7_CH1_ON, SPI1_MISO, I2S1_ADD_SD, USART2_RTS, TIMER11_CH0, USBHS_DM, EVENTOUT Default: PB15 PB15 54 I/O 5VT Alternate: RTC_REFIN, TIMER0_CH2_ON, TIMER7_CH2_ON, SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, TIMER11_CH1, USBHS_DP, EVENTOUT PD8 55 I/O 5VT PD9 56 I/O 5VT PD10 57 I/O 5VT PD11 58 I/O 5VT Default: PD8 Alternate: USART2_TX, EXMC_D13, EVENTOUT Default: PD9 Alternate: USART2_RX, EXMC_D14, EVENTOUT Default: PD10 Alternate: USART2_CK, EXMC_D15, EVENTOUT Default: PD11 Alternate: USART2_CTS, EXMC_A16, EVENTOUT Default: PD12 PD12 59 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH0, USART2_RTS, EXMC_A17, EVENTOUT PD13 60 I/O 5VT PD14 61 I/O 5VT Default: PD13 Alternate: TIMER3_CH1, EXMC_A18, EVENTOUT Default: PD14 Alternate: TIMER3_CH2, EXMC_D0, EVENTOUT Default: PD15 PD15 62 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH3, EXMC_D1, EVENTOUT, CTC_SYNC Default: PC6 PC6 63 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH0, TIMER7_CH0, I2S1_MCK, USART5_TX, SDIO_D6, DCI_D0, EVENTOUT Default: PC7 PC7 64 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH1, TIMER7_CH1, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, I2S2_MCK, USART5_RX, SDIO_D7, DCI_D1, EVENTOUT Default: PC8 PC8 65 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED0, TIMER2_CH2, TIMER7_CH2, USART5_CK, SDIO_D0, DCI_D2, EVENTOUT 44 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Default: PC9 PC9 66 I/O 5VT Alternate: CK_OUT1, TIMER2_CH3, TIMER7_CH3, I2C2_SDA, I2S_CKIN, SDIO_D1, DCI_D3, EVENTOUT Default: PA8 PA8 67 I/O 5VT Alternate: CK_OUT0, TIMER0_CH0, I2C2_SCL, USART0_CK, USBFS_SOF, SDIO_D1, EVENTOUT, CTC_SYNC Default: PA9 PA9 68 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH1, I2C2_SMBA, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, USART0_TX, SDIO_D2, DCI_D0, EVENTOUT Additional: USBFS_VBUS Default: PA10 PA10 69 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH2, USART0_RX, USBFS_ID, DCI_D1, EVENTOUT, I2C2_TXFRAME Default: PA11 PA11 70 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH3, USART0_CTS, USART5_TX, CAN0_RX, USBFS_DM, EVENTOUT Default: PA12 PA12 71 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_ETI, USART0_RTS, USART5_RX, CAN0_TX, USBFS_DP, EVENTOUT Default: JTMS, SWDIO, PA13 PA13 72 I/O 5VT NC 73 - - - VSS 74 P - Default: VSS VDD 75 P - Default: VDD PA14 76 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Default: JTCK, SWCLK, PA14 Alternate: EVENTOUT Default: JTDI, PA15 PA15 77 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, SPI0_NSS, SPI2_NSS, I2S2_WS, USART0_TX, EVENTOUT Default: PC10 PC10 78 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI2_SCK, I2S2_CK, USART2_TX, UART3_TX, SDIO_D2, DCI_D8, EVENTOUT Default: PC11 PC11 79 I/O 5VT Alternate: I2S2_ADD_SD, SPI2_MISO, USART2_RX, UART3_RX, SDIO_D3, DCI_D4, EVENTOUT Default: PC12 PC12 80 I/O 5VT Alternate: I2C1_SDA, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USART2_CK, UART4_TX, SDIO_CK, DCI_D9, EVENTOUT PD0 81 I/O 5VT Default: PD0 Alternate: SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, CAN0_RX, EXMC_D2, 45 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description EVENTOUT Default: PD1 PD1 82 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI1_NSS, I2S1_WS, CAN0_TX, EXMC_D3, EVENTOUT Default: PD2 PD2 83 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_ETI, UART4_RX, SDIO_CMD, DCI_D11, EVENTOUT Default: PD3 PD3 84 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED1, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, USART1_CTS, EXMC_CLK, DCI_D5, EVENTOUT PD4 85 I/O 5VT PD5 86 I/O 5VT Default: PD4 Alternate: USART1_RTS, EXMC_NOE, EVENTOUT Default: PD5 Alternate: USART1_TX, EXMC_NWE, EVENTOUT Default: PD6 PD6 87 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USART1_RX, EXMC_NWAIT, DCI_D10, EVENTOUT Default: PD7 PD7 88 I/O 5VT Alternate: USART1_CK, EXMC_NE0, EXMC_NCE1, EVENTOUT Default: JTDO, PB3 PB3 89 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACESWO, TIMER1_CH1, SPI0_SCK, SPI2_SCK, I2S2_CK, USART0_RX, I2C1_SDA, EVENTOUT Default: NJTRST, PB4 PB4 90 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH0, SPI0_MISO, SPI2_MISO, I2S2_ADD_SD, I2C2_SDA, SDIO_D0, EVENTOUT, I2C0_TXFRAME Default: PB5 PB5 91 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH1, I2C0_SMBA, SPI0_MOSI, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, CAN1_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D7, ENET_PPS_OUT, DCI_D10, EVENTOUT Default: PB6 PB6 92 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH0, I2C0_SCL, USART0_TX, CAN1_TX, DCI_D5, EVENTOUT Default: PB7 PB7 93 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH1, I2C0_SDA, USART0_RX, EXMC_NL, DCI_VSYNC, EVENTOUT BOOT0 94 I/O 5VT PB8 95 I/O 5VT Default: BOOT0 Default: PB8 Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, TIMER3_CH2, 46 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description TIMER9_CH0, I2C0_SCL, CAN0_RX, ENET_MII_TXD3, SDIO_D4, DCI_D6, EVENTOUT Default: PB9 PB9 96 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH1, TIMER3_CH3, TIMER10_CH0, I2C0_SDA, SPI1_NSS, I2S1_WS, CAN0_TX, SDIO_D5, DCI_D7, EVENTOUT Default: PE0 PE0 97 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_ETI, EXMC_NBL0 ,DCI_D2, EVENTOUT Default: PE1 PE1 98 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, EXMC_NBL1, DCI_D3, EVENTOUT VSS 99 P - Default: VSS VDD 100 P - Default: VDD Notes: (1) Type: I = input, O = output, P = power. (2) I/O Level: 5VT = 5 V tolerant. 2.6.4. GD32F407Vx BGA100 pin definitions Table 2-7. GD32F407Zx BGA100 pin definitions Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Default: PE2 PE2 B2 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACECK, ENET_MII_TXD3, EXMC_A23, EVENTOUT PE3 A1 I/O 5VT PE4 B1 I/O 5VT PE5 C2 I/O 5VT Default: PE3 Alternate: TRACED0, EXMC_A19, EVENTOUT Default: PE4 Alternate: TRACED1, EXMC_A20, DCI_D4, EVENTOUT Default: PE5 Alternate:TRACED2,TIMER8_CH0, EXMC_A21, DCI_D6, EVENTOUT Default: PE6 PE6 D2 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED3, TIMER8_CH1, EXMC_A22, DCI_D7, EVENTOUT VBAT E2 P - PC13TAMPER- Default: PC13 C1 I/O 5VT RTC PC14- Default: VBAT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: RTC_TAMP0, RTC_OUT, RTC_TS D1 I/O 5VT Default: PC14 47 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) OSC32IN Functions description Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSC32IN PC15OSC32O Default: PC15 E1 I/O 5VT UT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSC32OUT VSS F2 P - Default: VSS VDD G2 P - Default: VDD Default: PH0, OSCIN PH0 F1 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSCIN Default: PH1, OSCOUT PH1 G1 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSCOUT NRST H2 - - Default: NRST Default: PC0 PC0 H1 I/O 5VT Alternate: USBHS_ULPI_STP, EXMC_SDNWE, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN10 Default: PC1 PC1 J2 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, ENET_MDC, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN11 Default: PC2 PC2 J3 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI1_MISO, I2S1_ADD_SD, USBHS_ULPI_DIR, ENET_MII_TXD2, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN12 Default: PC3 PC3 K2 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, USBHS_ULPI_NXT, ENET_MII_TX_CLK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN13 VSSA J1 P - Default: VSSA VREFN K1 P - Default: VREF- VREFP L1 P - Default: VREF+ VDDA M1 P - Default: VDDA Default: PA0 PA0WKUP Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, TIMER4_CH0, L2 I/O 5VT TIMER7_ETI, USART1_CTS, UART3_TX, ENET_MII_CRS, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN0, WKUP Default: PA1 PA1 M2 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH1, TIMER4_CH1, USART1_RTS, UART3_RX, ENET_MII_RX_CLK, ENET_RMII_REF_CLK, 48 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN1 Default: PA2 PA2 K3 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH2, TIMER4_CH2, TIMER8_CH0, I2S_CKIN, USART1_TX, ENET_MDIO, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN2 Default: PA3 Alternate: TIMER1_CH3, TIMER4_CH3, TIMER8_CH1, PA3 L3 I/O 5VT I2S1_MCK, USART1_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D0, ENET_MII_COL, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN3 NC E3 - - Default: PA4 PA4 M3 Alternate: SPI0_NSS, SPI2_NSS, I2S2_WS, USART1_CK, I/O USBHS_SOF, DCI_HSYNC, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN4, DAC_OUT0 Default: PA5 PA5 K4 Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, TIMER7_CH0_ON, I/O SPI0_SCK, USBHS_ULPI_CK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN5, DAC_OUT1 Default: PA6 Alternate: TIMER0_BRKIN, TIMER2_CH0, TIMER7_BRKIN, PA6 L4 I/O 5VT SPI0_MISO, I2S1_MCK, TIMER12_CH0, SDIO_CMD, DCI_PIXCLK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN6 Default: PA7 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0_ON, TIMER2_CH1, PA7 M4 I/O 5VT TIMER7_CH0_ON, SPI0_MOSI, TIMER13_CH0, ENET_MII_RX_DV, ENET_RMII_CRS_DV, EXMC_SDNWE, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN7 Default: PC4 PC4 K5 I/O 5VT Alternate: ENET_MII_RXD0, ENET_RMII_RXD0, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN14 Default: PC5 PC5 L5 I/O 5VT Alternate: USART2_RX, ENET_MII_RXD1, ENET_RMII_RXD1, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN15 PB0 M5 I/O 5VT Default: PB0 Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, TIMER2_CH2, 49 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description TIMER7_CH1_ON, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USBHS_ULPI_D1, ENET_MII_RXD2, SDIO_D1, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN8, IREF Default: PB1 Alternate: TIMER0_CH2_ON, TIMER2_CH3, PB1 M6 I/O 5VT TIMER7_CH2_ON, USBHS_ULPI_D2, ENET_MII_RXD3, SDIO_D2, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN9 Default: PB2, BOOT1 PB2 L6 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH3, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USBHS_ULPI_D4, SDIO_CK, EVENTOUT PE7 M7 I/O 5VT PE8 L7 I/O 5VT PE9 M8 I/O 5VT PE10 L8 I/O 5VT PE11 M9 I/O 5VT PE12 L9 I/O 5VT PE13 M10 I/O 5VT PE14 M11 I/O 5VT PE15 M12 I/O 5VT Default: PE7 Alternate: TIMER0_ETI, EXMC_D4, EVENTOUT Default: PE8 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0_ON, EXMC_D5, EVENTOUT Default: PE9 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0, EXMC_D6, EVENTOUT Default: PE10 Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, EXMC_D7, EVENTOUT Default: PE11 Alternate:TIMER0_CH1, EXMC_D8, EVENTOUT Default: PE12 Alternate: TIMER0_CH2_ON, EXMC_D9, EVENTOUT Default: PE13 Alternate: TIMER0_CH2, EXMC_D10, EVENTOUT Default: PE14 Alternate: TIMER0_CH3, EXMC_D11, EVENTOUT Default: PE15 Alternate: TIMER0_BRKIN, EXMC_D12, EVENTOUT Default: PB10 PB10 L10 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH2, I2C1_SCL, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, I2S2_MCK, USART2_TX, USBHS_ULPI_D3, ENET_MII_RX_ER, SDIO_D7, EVENTOUT Default: PB11 PB11 K9 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH3, I2C1_SDA, I2S_CKIN, USART2_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D4, ENET_MII_TX_EN, ENET_RMII_TX_EN, EVENTOUT NC L11 P - Default: VCORE VSS F12 P - Default: VSS VDD G12 P - Default: VDD PB12 L12 I/O 5VT Default: PB12 50 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Alternate: TIMER0_BRKIN, I2C1_SMBA, SPI1_NSS, I2S1_WS, USART2_CK, CAN1_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D5, ENET_MII_TXD0, ENET_RMII_TXD0, USBHS_ID, EVENTOUT Default: PB13 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0_ON, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, PB13 K12 I/O 5VT USART2_CTS, CAN1_TX, USBHS_ULPI_D6, ENET_MII_TXD1, ENET_RMII_TXD1, EVENTOUT, I2C1_TXFRAME Additional: USBHS_VBUS Default: PB14 PB14 K11 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, TIMER7_CH1_ON, SPI1_MISO, I2S1_ADD_SD, USART2_RTS, TIMER11_CH0, USBHS_DM, EVENTOUT Default: PB15 PB15 K10 I/O 5VT Alternate: RTC_REFIN, TIMER0_CH2_ON, TIMER7_CH2_ON, SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, TIMER11_CH1, USBHS_DP, EVENTOUT PD9 K8 I/O 5VT PD10 J12 I/O 5VT PD11 J11 I/O 5VT Default: PD9 Alternate: USART2_RX, EXMC_D14, EVENTOUT Default: PD10 Alternate: USART2_CK, EXMC_D15, EVENTOUT Default: PD11 Alternate: USART2_CTS, EXMC_A16, EVENTOUT Default: PD12 PD12 J10 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH0, USART2_RTS, EXMC_A17, EVENTOUT PD13 H12 I/O 5VT PD14 H11 I/O 5VT PD15 H10 I/O 5VT Default: PD13 Alternate: TIMER3_CH1, EXMC_A18, EVENTOUT Default: PD14 Alternate: TIMER3_CH2, EXMC_D0, EVENTOUT Default: PD15 Alternate: TIMER3_CH3, EXMC_D1, EVENTOUT, CTC_SYNC Default: PC6 PC6 E12 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH0, TIMER7_CH0, I2S1_MCK, USART5_TX, SDIO_D6, DCI_D0, EVENTOUT Default: PC7 PC7 E11 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH1, TIMER7_CH1, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, I2S2_MCK, USART5_RX, SDIO_D7, DCI_D1, EVENTOUT 51 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Default: PC8 PC8 E10 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED0, TIMER2_CH2, TIMER7_CH2, USART5_CK, SDIO_D0, DCI_D2, EVENTOUT Default: PC9 PC9 D12 I/O 5VT Alternate: CK_OUT1, TIMER2_CH3, TIMER7_CH3, I2C2_SDA, I2S_CKIN, SDIO_D1, DCI_D3, EVENTOUT Default: PA8 PA8 D11 I/O 5VT Alternate: CK_OUT0, TIMER0_CH0, I2C2_SCL, USART0_CK, USBFS_SOF, SDIO_D1, EVENTOUT, CTC_SYNC Default: PA9 PA9 D10 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH1, I2C2_SMBA, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, USART0_TX, SDIO_D2, DCI_D0, EVENTOUT Additional: USBFS_VBUS Default: PA10 PA10 C12 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH2, USART0_RX, USBFS_ID, DCI_D1, EVENTOUT, I2C2_TXFRAME Default: PA11 PA11 B12 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH3, USART0_CTS, USART5_TX, CAN0_RX, USBFS_DM, EVENTOUT Default: PA12 PA12 A12 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_ETI, USART0_RTS, USART5_RX, CAN0_TX, USBFS_DP, EVENTOUT Default: JTMS, SWDIO, PA13 PA13 A11 I/O 5VT NC C11 - - - VSS F11 P - Default: VSS VDD G11 P - Default: VDD PA14 A10 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Default: JTCK, SWCLK, PA14 Alternate: EVENTOUT Default: JTDI, PA15 PA15 A9 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, SPI0_NSS, SPI2_NSS, I2S2_WS, USART0_TX, EVENTOUT Default: PC10 PC10 B11 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI2_SCK, I2S2_CK, USART2_TX, UART3_TX, SDIO_D2, DCI_D8, EVENTOUT Default: PC11 PC11 C10 I/O 5VT Alternate: I2S2_ADD_SD, SPI2_MISO, USART2_RX, UART3_RX, SDIO_D3, DCI_D4, EVENTOUT PC12 B10 I/O 5VT Default: PC12 Alternate: I2C1_SDA, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USART2_CK, 52 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description UART4_TX, SDIO_CK, DCI_D9, EVENTOUT Default: PD0 PD0 C9 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, CAN0_RX, EXMC_D2, EVENTOUT Default: PD1 PD1 B9 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI1_NSS, I2S1_WS, CAN0_TX, EXMC_D3, EVENTOUT Default: PD2 PD2 C8 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_ETI, UART4_RX, SDIO_CMD, DCI_D11, EVENTOUT Default: PD3 PD3 B8 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED1, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, USART1_CTS, EXMC_CLK, DCI_D5, EVENTOUT PD4 B7 I/O 5VT PD5 A6 I/O 5VT PD6 B6 I/O 5VT Default: PD4 Alternate: USART1_RTS, EXMC_NOE, EVENTOUT Default: PD5 Alternate: USART1_TX, EXMC_NWE, EVENTOUT Default: PD6 Alternate: SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USART1_RX, EXMC_NWAIT, DCI_D10, EVENTOUT Default: PD7 PD7 A5 I/O 5VT Alternate: USART1_CK, EXMC_NE0, EXMC_NCE1, EVENTOUT Default: JTDO, PB3 PB3 A8 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACESWO, TIMER1_CH1, SPI0_SCK, SPI2_SCK, I2S2_CK, USART0_RX, I2C1_SDA, EVENTOUT Default: NJTRST, PB4 PB4 A7 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH0, SPI0_MISO, SPI2_MISO, I2S2_ADD_SD, I2C2_SDA, SDIO_D0, EVENTOUT, I2C0_TXFRAME Default: PB5 PB5 C5 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH1, I2C0_SMBA, SPI0_MOSI, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, CAN1_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D7, ENET_PPS_OUT, DCI_D10, EVENTOUT Default: PB6 PB6 B5 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH0, I2C0_SCL, USART0_TX, CAN1_TX, DCI_D5, EVENTOUT Default: PB7 PB7 B4 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH1, I2C0_SDA, USART0_RX, EXMC_NL, DCI_VSYNC, EVENTOUT BOOT0 A4 I/O 5VT Default: BOOT0 53 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Default: PB8 PB8 A3 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, TIMER3_CH2, TIMER9_CH0, I2C0_SCL, CAN0_RX, ENET_MII_TXD3, SDIO_D4, DCI_D6, EVENTOUT Default: PB9 PB9 B3 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH1, TIMER3_CH3, TIMER10_CH0, I2C0_SDA, SPI1_NSS, I2S1_WS, CAN0_TX, SDIO_D5, DCI_D7, EVENTOUT PE0 C3 I/O 5VT Default: PE0 Alternate: TIMER3_ETI, EXMC_NBL0, DCI_D2, EVENTOUT Default: PE1 PE1 A2 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, EXMC_NBL1, DCI_D3, EVENTOUT VSS D3 P - Default: VSS PDR_ON H3 P - Default: PDR_ON VDD C4 P - Default: VDD Notes: (1) Type: I = input, O = output, P = power. (2) I/O Level: 5VT = 5 V tolerant. 2.6.5. GD32F407Rx LQFP64 pin definitions Table 2-8. GD32F407Rx LQFP64 pin definitions Pin Name Pins VBAT 1 Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) P - PC13TAMPER- OSC32IN 2 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: RTC_TAMP0, RTC_OUT, RTC_TS Default: PC14 3 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSC32IN PC15OSC32O Default: VBAT Default: PC13 RTC PC14- Functions description Default: PC15 4 I/O 5VT UT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSC32OUT Default: PH0, OSCIN PH0 5 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSCIN PH1 6 I/O 5VT Default: PH1, OSCOUT 54 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Alternate: EVENTOUT Additional: OSCOUT NRST 7 - - Default: NRST Default: PC0 PC0 8 I/O 5VT Alternate: USBHS_ULPI_STP, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN10 Default: PC1 PC1 9 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, ENET_MDC, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN11 Default: PC2 PC2 10 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI1_MISO, I2S1_ADD_SD, USBHS_ULPI_DIR, ENET_MII_TXD2, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN12 Default: PC3 PC3 11 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, USBHS_ULPI_NXT, ENET_MII_TX_CLK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN13 VSSA 12 P - Default: VSSA VDDA 13 P - Default: VDDA Default: PA0 PA0WKUP Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, TIMER4_CH0, 14 I/O 5VT TIMER7_ETI, USART1_CTS, UART3_TX, ENET_MII_CRS, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN0, WKUP Default: PA1 Alternate: TIMER1_CH1, TIMER4_CH1, USART1_RTS, PA1 15 I/O 5VT UART3_RX, ENET_MII_RX_CLK, ENET_RMII_REF_CLK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN1 Default: PA2 PA2 16 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH2, TIMER4_CH2, TIMER8_CH0, I2S_CKIN, USART1_TX, ENET_MDIO, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN2 Default: PA3 Alternate: TIMER1_CH3, TIMER4_CH3, TIMER8_CH1, PA3 17 I/O 5VT I2S1_MCK, USART1_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D0, ENET_MII_COL, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC012_IN3 VSS 18 P - Default: VSS VDD 19 P - Default: VDD 55 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Default: PA4 PA4 20 Alternate: SPI0_NSS, SPI2_NSS, I2S2_WS, USART1_CK, I/O USBHS_SOF, DCI_HSYNC, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN4, DAC_OUT0 Default: PA5 PA5 21 Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, TIMER7_CH0_ON, I/O SPI0_SCK, USBHS_ULPI_CK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN5, DAC_OUT1 Default: PA6 Alternate: TIMER0_BRKIN, TIMER2_CH0, TIMER7_BRKIN, PA6 22 I/O 5VT SPI0_MISO, I2S1_MCK, TIMER12_CH0, SDIO_CMD, DCI_PIXCLK, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN6 Default: PA7 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0_ON, TIMER2_CH1, PA7 23 I/O 5VT TIMER7_CH0_ON, SPI0_MOSI, TIMER13_CH0, ENET_MII_RX_DV, ENET_RMII_CRS_DV, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN7 Default: PC4 PC4 24 I/O 5VT Alternate: ENET_MII_RXD0, ENET_RMII_RXD0, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN14 Default: PC5 PC5 25 I/O 5VT Alternate: USART2_RX, ENET_MII_RXD1, ENET_RMII_RXD1, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN15 Default: PB0 Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, TIMER2_CH2, PB0 26 I/O 5VT TIMER7_CH1_ON, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USBHS_ULPI_D1, ENET_MII_RXD2, SDIO_D1, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN8, IREF Default: PB1 Alternate: TIMER0_CH2_ON, TIMER2_CH3, PB1 27 I/O 5VT TIMER7_CH2_ON, USBHS_ULPI_D2, ENET_MII_RXD3, SDIO_D2, EVENTOUT Additional: ADC01_IN9 Default: PB2, BOOT1 PB2 28 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH3, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USBHS_ULPI_D4, SDIO_CK, EVENTOUT PB10 29 I/O 5VT Default: PB10 56 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Alternate: TIMER1_CH2, I2C1_SCL, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, I2S2_MCK, USART2_TX,USBHS_ULPI_D3, ENET_MII_RX_ER, SDIO_D7, EVENTOUT Default: PB11 PB11 30 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH3, I2C1_SDA, I2S_CKIN, USART2_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D4, ENET_MII_TX_EN, ENET_RMII_TX_EN, EVENTOUT NC 31 P - Default: VCORE VDD 32 P - Default: VDD Default: PB12 Alternate: TIMER0_BRKIN, I2C1_SMBA, SPI1_NSS, PB12 33 I/O 5VT I2S1_WS, USART2_CK, CAN1_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D5, ENET_MII_TXD0, ENET_RMII_TXD0, USBHS_ID, EVENTOUT Default: PB13 Alternate: TIMER0_CH0_ON, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, PB13 34 I/O 5VT USART2_CTS, CAN1_TX, USBHS_ULPI_D6, ENET_MII_TXD1, ENET_RMII_TXD1, EVENTOUT, I2C1_TXFRAME Additional: USBHS_VBUS Default: PB14 PB14 35 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH1_ON, TIMER7_CH1_ON, SPI1_MISO, I2S1_ADD_SD, USART2_RTS, TIMER11_CH0, USBHS_DM, EVENTOUT Default: PB15 PB15 36 I/O 5VT Alternate: RTC_REFIN, TIMER0_CH2_ON, TIMER7_CH2_ON, SPI1_MOSI, I2S1_SD, TIMER11_CH1, USBHS_DP, EVENTOUT Default: PC6 PC6 37 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH0, TIMER7_CH0, I2S1_MCK, USART5_TX, SDIO_D6, DCI_D0, EVENTOUT Default: PC7 PC7 38 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH1, TIMER7_CH1, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, I2S2_MCK, USART5_RX, SDIO_D7, DCI_D1, EVENTOUT Default: PC8 PC8 39 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACED0, TIMER2_CH2, TIMER7_CH2, USART5_CK, SDIO_D0, DCI_D2, EVENTOUT Default: PC9 PC9 40 I/O 5VT Alternate: CK_OUT1, TIMER2_CH3, TIMER7_CH3, I2C2_SDA, I2S_CKIN, SDIO_D1, DCI_D3, EVENTOUT 57 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Default: PA8 PA8 41 I/O 5VT Alternate: CK_OUT0, TIMER0_CH0, I2C2_SCL, USART0_CK, USBFS_SOF, SDIO_D1, EVENTOUT, CTC_SYNC Default: PA9 PA9 42 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH1, I2C2_SMBA, SPI1_SCK, I2S1_CK, USART0_TX, SDIO_D2, DCI_D0, EVENTOUT Additional: USBFS_VBUS Default: PA10 PA10 43 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH2, USART0_RX, USBFS_ID, DCI_D1, EVENTOUT, I2C2_TXFRAME Default: PA11 PA11 44 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_CH3, USART0_CTS, USART5_TX, CAN0_RX, USBFS_DM, EVENTOUT Default: PA12 PA12 45 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER0_ETI, USART0_RTS, USART5_RX, CAN0_TX, USBFS_DP, EVENTOUT Default: JTMS, SWDIO, PA13 PA13 46 I/O 5VT NC 47 - - - VDD 48 P - Default: VDD PA14 49 I/O 5VT Alternate: EVENTOUT Default: JTCK, SWCLK, PA14 Alternate: EVENTOUT Default: JTDI, PA15 PA15 50 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, SPI0_NSS, SPI2_NSS, I2S2_WS, USART0_TX, EVENTOUT Default: PC10 PC10 51 I/O 5VT Alternate: SPI2_SCK, I2S2_CK, USART2_TX, UART3_TX, SDIO_D2, DCI_D8, EVENTOUT Default: PC11 PC11 52 I/O 5VT Alternate: I2S2_ADD_SD, SPI2_MISO, USART2_RX, UART3_RX, SDIO_D3, DCI_D4, EVENTOUT Default: PC12 PC12 53 I/O 5VT Alternate: I2C1_SDA, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, USART2_CK, UART4_TX, SDIO_CK, DCI_D9, EVENTOUT Default: PD2 PD2 54 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_ETI, UART4_RX, SDIO_CMD, DCI_D11, EVENTOUT Default: JTDO, PB3 PB3 55 I/O 5VT Alternate: TRACESWO, TIMER1_CH1, SPI0_SCK, SPI2_SCK, I2S2_CK, USART0_RX, I2C1_SDA, EVENTOUT 58 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name Pins Pin I/O Type(1) Level(2) Functions description Default: NJTRST, PB4 PB4 56 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH0, SPI0_MISO, SPI2_MISO, I2S2_ADD_SD, I2C2_SDA, SDIO_D0, EVENTOUT, I2C0_TXFRAME Default: PB5 PB5 57 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER2_CH1, I2C0_SMBA, SPI0_MOSI, SPI2_MOSI, I2S2_SD, CAN1_RX, USBHS_ULPI_D7, ENET_PPS_OUT, DCI_D10, EVENTOUT Default: PB6 PB6 58 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH0, I2C0_SCL, USART0_TX, CAN1_TX, DCI_D5, EVENTOUT Default: PB7 PB7 59 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER3_CH1, I2C0_SDA, USART0_RX, DCI_VSYNC, EVENTOUT BOOT0 60 I/O 5VT Default: BOOT0 Default: PB8 PB8 61 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH0, TIMER1_ETI, TIMER3_CH2, TIMER9_CH0, I2C0_SCL, CAN0_RX, ENET_MII_TXD3, SDIO_D4, DCI_D6, EVENTOUT Default: PB9 PB9 62 I/O 5VT Alternate: TIMER1_CH1, TIMER3_CH3, TIMER10_CH0, I2C0_SDA, SPI1_NSS, I2S1_WS, CAN0_TX, SDIO_D5, DCI_D7, EVENTOUT VSS 63 P - Default: VSS VDD 64 P - Default: VDD Notes: (1) Type: I = input, O = output, P = power. (2) I/O Level: 5VT = 5 V tolerant. 59 2.6.6. GD32F407xx pin alternate functions Table 2-9. Port A alternate functions summary Pin Name AF0 AF1 AF2 AF3 PA0 TIMER1_CH0 TIMER4_CH TIMER7_E /TIMER1_ETI 0 TI PA1 TIMER1_CH1 PA2 TIMER1_CH2 AF4 TIMER4_CH 1 PA6 PA7 TIMER0_CH0 TIMER2_CH TIMER7_C _ON 1 H0_ON SPI0_M OSI TIMER13_ CH0 TIMER0_CH1 PA10 TIMER0_CH2 PA11 TIMER0_CH3 PA12 TIMER0_ETI AF10 I2C2_SCL SPI1_S I2C2_SMB CK/I2S1 A _CK I2C2_TXF RAME USART0_ CK AF11 AF12 AF13 ENET_MII_C RS ENET_MII_R X_CLK/ENE T_RMII_REF _CLK TIMER12_ CH0 PA9 PA14 AF9 TIMER1_CH0 TIMER7_C /TIMER1_ETI H0_ON TIMER0_BR TIMER2_CH TIMER7_B KIN 0 RKIN CK_OUT0 TIMER0_CH0 JTMS/SWD IO JTCK/SWC LK AF8 I2S_CKI USART1_T N X I2S1_M USART1_ CK RX SPI0_N SPI2_NSS/I2 USART1_ SS S2_WS CK SPI0_S CK SPI0_MI I2S1_MCK SO PA8 PA13 AF7 USART1_ UART3_R RTS X PA4 PA5 AF6 USART1_ UART3_TX CTS TIMER4_CH TIMER8_C 2 H0 TIMER4_CH TIMER8_C TIMER1_CH3 3 H1 PA3 AF5 AF14 AF15 EVENTOUT EVENTOUT ENET_MDIO EVENTOUT USBHS_U ENET_MII_C LPI_D0 OL EVENTOUT USBHS_ DCI_HSYN SOF C USBHS_U LPI_CK CTC_SYN USBFS_S C OF USART0_T X USART0_ USBFS_ID RX USART0_ USART5_T USBFS_D CAN0_RX CTS X M USART0_ USART5_ USBFS_D CAN0_TX RTS RX P EVENTOUT EVENTOUT SDIO_C DCI_PIXC MD LK EVENTOUT ENET_MII_R X_DV/ENET EXMC_S _RMII_CRS_ DNWE DV EVENTOUT SDIO_D1 EVENTOUT SDIO_D2 DCI_D0 EVENTOUT DCI_D1 EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EVENTOUT GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name PA15 AF0 AF1 JTDI TIMER1_CH0 /TIMER1_ETI AF2 AF3 AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 SPI0_N SPI2_NSS/I2 USART0_T SS S2_WS X AF8 AF9 AF10 AF11 AF12 AF13 AF14 AF15 EVENTOUT 61 GD32F407xx Table 2-10. Port B alternate functions summary Pin Name PB0 PB1 PB2 PB3 PB4 PB5 PB6 PB7 PB8 PB9 PB10 AF0 AF1 AF2 AF3 AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 TIMER0_C TIMER2_C TIMER7_C SPI2_MOSI H1_ON H2 H1_ON /I2S2_SD TIMER0_C TIMER2_C TIMER7_C H2_ON H3 H2_ON TIMER1_C SPI2_MOSI H3 /I2S2_SD JTDO/TRA TIMER1_C SPI2_SCK USART0_R SPI0_SCK CESWO H1 /I2S2_CK X TIMER2_C I2C0_TXF SPI0_MIS SPI2_MIS I2S2_ADD_ NJTRST H0 RAME O O SD SPI2_MO TIMER2_C I2C0_SMB SPI0_MO SI/I2S2_S H1 A SI D TIMER3_C USART0_T I2C0_SCL H0 X TIMER3_C USART0_R I2C0_SDA H1 X TIMER1_C TIMER3_C TIMER9_C H0/TIMER I2C0_SCL H2 H0 1_ETI TIMER1_C TIMER3_C TIMER10_ SPI1_NSS I2C0_SDA H1 H3 CH0 /I2S1_WS TIMER1_C SPI1_SCK USART2_T I2C1_SCL I2S2_MCK H2 /I2S1_CK X AF8 AF9 AF10 AF12 AF13 AF15 EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EVENTOUT SDIO_D 0 I2C2_SDA CAN1_RX AF14 EVENTOUT I2C1_SDA EVENTOUT USBHS_U ENET_PPS EXMC_S DCI_D10 LPI_D7 _OUT DCKE1 EXMC_S DCI_D5 DNE1 EXMC_N DCI_VSY L NC CAN1_TX ENET_MII_ SDIO_D TXD3 4 CAN0_RX CAN0_TX USBHS_U LPI_D3 PB11 TIMER1_C H3 I2C1_SDA I2S_CKIN USART2_R X PB12 TIMER0_B RKIN I2C1_SMB SPI1_NSS A /I2S1_WS USART2_C K CAN1_RX USBHS_U LPI_D5 PB13 TIMER0_C H0_ON I2C1_TXF SPI1_SCK RAME /I2S1_CK USART2_C TS CAN1_TX USBHS_U LPI_D6 PB14 TIMER0_C H1_ON SPI1_MIS I2S1_ADD USART2_R O _SD TS TIMER11_ CH0 TIMER7_C H1_ON AF11 USBHS_U ENET_MII_ SDIO_D LPI_D1 RXD2 1 USBHS_U ENET_MII_ SDIO_D LPI_D2 RXD3 2 USBHS_U SDIO_C LPI_D4 K USBHS_U LPI_D4 SDIO_D 5 ENET_MII_ SDIO_D RX_ER 7 ENET_MII_ TX_EN/ENE T_RMII_TX_ EN ENET_MII_ TXD0/ENET USBHS_ _RMII_TXD ID 0 ENET_MII_ TXD1/ENET _RMII_TXD 1 USBHS_ DM EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EVENTOUT DCI_D6 EVENTOUT DCI_D7 EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EVENTOUT GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name PB15 AF0 AF1 AF2 RTC_REFI TIMER0_C N H2_ON AF3 TIMER7_C H2_ON AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 AF8 SPI1_MO SI/I2S1_S D AF9 AF10 AF11 TIMER11_ CH1 AF12 AF13 AF14 USBHS_ DP AF15 EVENTOUT Table 2-11. Port C alternate functions summary Pin Name AF0 AF1 AF2 AF3 AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 AF8 PC1 SPI2_MOSI/I2S 2_SD PC2 SPI1_MISO PC3 SPI1_MOSI/I2S 1_SD SPI1_MOS I/I2S1_SD I2S1_ADD _SD USBHS_U LPI_DIR USBHS_U LPI_NXT PC4 USART2_ RX PC5 PC6 PC7 PC8 TRACED0 PC9 CK_OUT1 PC11 PC12 PC13 AF10 AF11 USBHS_U LPI_STP PC0 PC10 AF9 TIMER2_ CH0 TIMER2_ CH1 TIMER2_ CH2 TIMER2_ CH3 TIMER7_ I2S1_MCK USART5_TX CH0 TIMER7_ SPI1_SCK/I2S1 I2S2_MC USART5_RX CH1 _CK K TIMER7_ USART5_CK CH2 TIMER7_ I2C2_SD I2S_CKIN CH3 A SPI2_SC USART2_T K/I2S2_C UART3_TX X K SPI2_MIS USART2_ I2S2_ADD_SD UART3_RX O RX SPI2_MO I2C1_SD USART2_ SI/I2S2_S UART4_TX A CK D AF12 AF13 EXMC_S DNWE ENET_M DC ENET_MII _TXD2 ENET_MII _TX_CLK ENET_MII _RXD0/E NET_RMII _RXD0 ENET_MII _RXD1/E NET_RMII _RXD1 AF14 AF15 EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EXMC_S DNE0 EXMC_S DCKE0 EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EXMC_S DNE0 EVENTOUT EXMC_S DCKE0 EVENTOUT SDIO_D6 DCI_D0 EVENTOUT SDIO_D7 DCI_D1 EVENTOUT SDIO_D0 DCI_D2 EVENTOUT SDIO_D1 DCI_D3 EVENTOUT SDIO_D2 DCI_D8 EVENTOUT SDIO_D3 DCI_D4 EVENTOUT SDIO_CK DCI_D9 EVENTOUT EVENTOUT 63 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name AF0 AF1 AF2 AF3 AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 AF8 AF9 AF10 AF11 AF12 AF13 AF14 AF15 PC14 EVENTOUT PC15 EVENTOUT Table 2-12. Port D alternate functions summary Pin Name AF0 AF1 AF2 AF3 AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 AF8 SPI2_MOS I/I2S2_SD PD0 SPI1_NSS /I2S1_WS PD1 PD2 UART4_RX AF10 AF11 AF12 AF13 AF14 AF15 EXMC_D2 EVENTOUT CAN0_T X EXMC_D3 EVENTOUT SDIO_CMD DCI_D11 EVENTOUT USART1_ CTS EXMC_CLK DCI_D5 EVENTOUT PD4 USART1_ RTS EXMC_NOE EVENTOUT PD5 USART1_ TX EXMC_NWE EVENTOUT USART1_ RX EXMC_NWAI DCI_D10 T EVENTOUT PD7 USART1_ CK EXMC_NE0/ EXMC_NCE1 EVENTOUT PD8 USART2_ TX EXMC_D13 EVENTOUT PD9 USART2_ RX EXMC_D14 EVENTOUT PD10 USART2_ CK EXMC_D15 EVENTOUT PD11 USART2_ CTS EXMC_A16 EVENTOUT USART2_ RTS EXMC_A17 EVENTOUT EXMC_A18 EVENTOUT PD3 TIMER2_ETI AF9 CAN0_R X SPI1_SCK/ I2S1_CK TRACED1 SPI2_MOSI /I2S2_SD PD6 PD12 TIMER3_CH0 PD13 TIMER3_CH1 64 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name AF0 PD14 PD15 CTC_SYN C AF1 AF2 AF3 AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 AF8 AF9 AF10 AF11 AF12 AF13 AF14 AF15 TIMER3_CH2 EXMC_D0 EVENTOUT TIMER3_CH3 EXMC_D1 EVENTOUT Table 2-13. Port E alternate functions summary Pin Name AF0 AF1 AF2 AF3 TIMER 3_ETI PE0 TIMER0_CH1 _ON PE1 AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 AF8 AF9 AF10 AF11 AF12 AF13 AF14 AF15 EXMC_NBL0 DCI_D2 EVENTOUT EXMC_NBL1 DCI_D3 EVENTOUT PE2 TRACECK ENET_MI EXMC_A23 I_TXD3 EVENTOUT PE3 TRACED0 EXMC_A19 EVENTOUT PE4 TRACED1 EXMC_A20 DCI_D4 EVENTOUT PE5 TRACED2 TIMER8_CH0 EXMC_A21 DCI_D6 EVENTOUT PE6 TRACED3 TIMER8_CH1 EXMC_A22 DCI_D7 EVENTOUT PE7 TIMER0_ETI EXMC_D4 EVENTOUT PE8 TIMER0_CH0 _ON EXMC_D5 EVENTOUT PE9 TIMER0_CH0 EXMC_D6 EVENTOUT PE10 TIMER0_CH1 _ON EXMC_D7 EVENTOUT PE11 TIMER0_CH1 EXMC_D8 EVENTOUT PE12 TIMER0_CH2 _ON EXMC_D9 EVENTOUT PE13 TIMER0_CH2 EXMC_D10 EVENTOUT 65 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name AF0 AF1 AF2 AF3 AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 AF8 AF9 AF10 AF11 AF12 AF13 AF14 AF15 PE14 TIMER0_CH3 EXMC_D11 EVENTOUT PE15 TIMER0_BR KIN EXMC_D12 EVENTOUT Table 2-14. Port F alternate functions summary Pin Name AF0 PF0 CTC_SYN C AF1 AF2 AF3 AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 AF8 AF9 AF10 AF11 AF12 AF13 AF14 AF15 I2C1_SDA EXMC_A0 EVENTOUT I2C1_SCL EXMC_A1 EVENTOUT EXMC_A2 EVENTOUT EXMC_A3 EVENTOUT PF4 EXMC_A4 EVENTOUT PF5 EXMC_A5 EVENTOUT EXMC_NIORD EVENTOUT EXMC_NREG EVENTOUT EXMC_NIOWR EVENTOUT EXMC_CD EVENTOUT PF1 I2C1_SMB A I2C1_TXF RAME PF2 PF3 PF6 PF7 PF8 PF9 PF10 PF11 TIMER9_C H0 TIMER10_ CH0 TIMER12_ CH0 TIMER13_ CH0 EXMC_INTR DCI_D11 EVENTOUT EXMC_SDNRAS DCI_D12 EVENTOUT PF12 EXMC_A6 EVENTOUT PF13 EXMC_A7 EVENTOUT PF14 EXMC_A8 EVENTOUT 66 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name AF0 AF1 AF2 AF3 AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 AF8 AF9 AF10 AF11 PF15 AF12 AF13 AF14 EXMC_A9 AF15 EVENTOUT Table 2-15. Port G alternate functions summary Pin Name AF0 AF1 AF2 AF3 AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 AF8 AF9 AF10 AF11 AF12 AF13 AF14 AF15 PG0 EXMC_A10 EVENTOUT PG1 EXMC_A11 EVENTOUT PG2 EXMC_A12 EVENTOUT PG3 EXMC_A13 EVENTOUT PG4 EXMC_A14 EVENTOUT PG5 EXMC_A15 EVENTOUT PG6 USART5_ CK USART5_ RTS PG7 PG8 USART5_ RX PG9 PG10 PG11 USART5_ RTS PG12 PG13 TRACED2 USART5_ CTS EXMC_INT DCI_D12 1 EXMC_INT DCI_D13 2 ENET_PPS EXMC_SD _OUT CLK EXMC_NE DCI_VSY 1/EXMC_N NC CE2 EXMC_NC E3_0/EXM DCI_D2 C_NE2 ENET_MII_ TX_EN/EN EXMC_NC DCI_D3 ET_RMII_T E3_1 X_EN EXMC_NE 3 ENET_MII_ TXD0/ENE EXMC_A24 T_RMII_TX D0 EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EVENTOUT EVENTOUT 67 GD32F407xx Datasheet Pin Name PG14 AF0 AF1 AF2 AF3 AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 AF8 AF9 AF10 USART5_ TX TRACED3 USART5_ CTS PG15 AF11 AF12 AF13 AF14 ENET_MII_ TXD1/ENE EXMC_A25 T_RMII_TX D1 EXMC_SD DCI_D13 NCAS AF15 EVENTOUT EVENTOUT Table 2-16. Port H alternate functions summary Pin Name AF0 AF1 AF2 AF3 AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 AF8 AF9 AF10 AF11 AF12 AF13 AF14 AF15 PH0 EVENTOUT PH1 EVENTOUT PH2 PH3 I2C1_TXFRA ME PH4 I2C1_SCL PH5 I2C1_SDA PH6 I2C1_SMBA PH7 I2C2_SCL PH8 I2C2_SDA PH9 I2C2_SMBA ENET_MII EXMC_SDC _CRS KE0 EVENTOUT ENET_MII EXMC_SDN _COL E0 EVENTOUT USBHS_U LPI_NXT EVENTOUT EXMC_SDN WE TIMER11_CH0 ENET_MII EXMC_SDN DCI_D8 _RXD2 E1 EVENTOUT ENET_MII EXMC_SDC DCI_D9 _RXD3 KE1 EVENTOUT DCI_HS YNC EVENTOUT EXMC_D17 DCI_D0 EVENTOUT EXMC_D18 DCI_D1 EVENTOUT EXMC_D16 TIMER11_CH1 I2C2_TXFRA ME EVENTOUT PH10 TIMER4_CH0 PH11 TIMER4_CH1 EXMC_D19 DCI_D2 EVENTOUT PH12 TIMER4_CH2 EXMC_D20 DCI_D3 EVENTOUT EXMC_D21 EVENTOUT PH13 TIMER7_C H0_ON CAN0_TX 68 GD32F407xx Datasheet PH14 TIMER7_C H1_ON EXMC_D22 DCI_D4 EVENTOUT PH15 TIMER7_C H2_ON EXMC_D23 DCI_D1 1 EVENTOUT Table 2-17. Port I alternate functions summary Pin Name PI0 AF0 AF1 AF2 AF3 TIMER4_C H3 PI1 AF4 AF5 AF6 AF7 AF8 AF9 AF10 AF11 AF12 AF13 AF14 AF15 SPI1_NSS/I 2S1_WS EXMC_D24 DCI_D13 EVENTOUT SPI1_SCK/I 2S1_CK EXMC_D25 DCI_D8 EVENTOUT EXMC_D26 DCI_D9 EVENTOUT EXMC_D27 DCI_D10 EVENTOUT EVENTOUT I2S1_ADD _SD PI2 TIMER7_CH3 SPI1_MISO PI3 TIMER7_ETI SPI1_MOSI /I2S1_SD PI4 TIMER7_BRKI N EXMC_NB L2 PI5 TIMER7_CH0 EXMC_NB DCI_VSY L3 NC EVENTOUT PI6 TIMER7_CH1 EXMC_D28 DCI_D6 EVENTOUT PI7 TIMER7_CH2 EXMC_D29 DCI_D7 EVENTOUT PI8 PI9 EVENTOUT CAN0_RX PI10 PI11 DCI_D5 USBHS_U LPI_DIR EXMC_D30 EVENTOUT ENET_MII EXMC_D31 _RX_ER EVENTOUT EVENTOUT 69 GD32F407xx 3. Functional description 3.1. ARM® Cortex®-M4 core The ARM® Cortex®-M4 processor is a high performance embedded processor with DSP instructions which allow efficient signal processing and complex algorithm execution. It brings an efficient, easy-to-use blend of control and signal processing capabilities to meet the digital signal control markets demand. The processor is highly configurable enabling a wide range of implementations from those requiring floating point operations, memory protection and powerful trace technology to cost sensitive devices requiring minimal area, while delivering outstanding computational performance and an advanced system response to interrupts. 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M4 processor core  Up to 168 MHz operation frequency  Single-cycle multiplication and hardware divider  Floating Point Unit (FPU)  Integrated DSP instructions  Integrated Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)  24-bit SysTick timer The Cortex®-M4 processor is based on the ARMv7-M architecture and supports both Thumb and Thumb-2 instruction sets. Some system peripherals listed below are also provided by Cortex®-M4:  Internal Bus Matrix connected with ICode bus, DCode bus, system bus, Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) and debug accesses (AHB-AP) 3.2.  Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)  Flash Patch and Breakpoint (FPB)  Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT)  Instrument Trace Macrocell (ITM)  Memory Protection Unit (MPU)  Serial Wire JTAG Debug Port (SWJ-DP)  Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU) On-chip memory  Up to 3072 Kbytes of Flash memory, including code Flash and data Flash  192 KB of SRAM The ARM® Cortex®-M4 processor is structured in Harvard architecture which can use separate buses to fetch instructions and load/store data. 3072 Kbytes of inner Flash at most, which includes code Flash and data Flash is available for storing programs and data, and accessed (R/W) at CPU clock speed with zero wait states. Up to 192 Kbytes of inner SRAM GD32F407xx Datasheet is composed of SRAM0 (112KB) and SRAM1 (16KB) that can be accessed at same time, and including 64 KB of TCM (tightly-coupled memory) data RAM that can be accessed only by the data bus of the Cortex®-M4 core. The additional 4KB of backup SRAM (BKP SRAM) is implemented in the backup domain, which can keep its content even when the VDD power supply is down. Table 2-3. GD32F407xx memory map shows the memory map of the GD32F407xx series of devices, including Flash, SRAM, peripheral, and other pre-defined regions. 3.3. Clock, reset and supply management  Internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC and external 4 to 32 MHz crystal oscillator  Internal 48 MHz RC oscillator  Internal 32 KHz RC calibrated oscillator and external 32.768 KHz crystal oscillator  Integrated system clock PLL  2.6 to 3.6 V application supply and I/Os  Supply Supervisor: POR (Power On Reset), PDR (Power Down Reset), and low voltage detector (LVD) The Clock Control Unit (CCU) provides a range of oscillator and clock functions. These include internal RC oscillator and external crystal oscillator, high speed and low speed two types. Several prescalers allow the frequency configuration of the AHB and two APB domains. The maximum frequency of the two AHB domains are 168 MHz. The maximum frequency of the two APB domains including APB1 is 42 MHz and APB2 is 84 MHz. See Figure 2-7. GD32F407xx clock tree for details on the clock tree. The Reset Control Unit (RCU) controls three kinds of reset: system reset resets the processor core and peripheral IP components. Power-on reset (POR) and power-down reset (PDR) are always active, and ensures proper operation starting from 2.4 V and down to 1.8V. The device remains in reset mode when VDD is below a specified threshold. The embedded low voltage detector (LVD) monitors the power supply, compares it to the voltage threshold and generates an interrupt as a warning message for leading the MCU into security. Power supply schemes:  VDD range: 2.6 to 3.6 V, external power supply for I/Os and the internal regulator. Provided externally through VDD pins.  VSSA, VDDA range: 2.6 to 3.6 V, external analog power supplies for ADC, reset blocks, RCs and PLL. VDDA and VSSA must be connected to VDD and VSS, respectively.  VBAT range: 1.8 to 3.6 V, power supply for RTC, external clock 32 KHz oscillator and backup registers (through power switch) when VDD is not present. 3.4. Boot modes At startup, boot pins are used to select one of three boot options:  Boot from main Flash memory (default) 71 GD32F407xx Datasheet  Boot from system memory  Boot from on-chip SRAM The boot loader is located in the internal 30KB of information blocks for the boot ROM memory (system memory). It is used to reprogram the Flash memory by using USART0 (PA9 and PA10), USART2 (PB10 and PB11, or PC10 and PC11), and USBFS (PA9, PA10, PA11 and PA12) in device mode. It also can be used to transfer and update the Flash memory code, the data and the vector table sections. In default condition, boot from bank 0 of Flash memory is selected. It also supports to boot from bank 1 of Flash memory by setting a bit in option bytes. 3.5. Power saving modes The MCU supports three kinds of power saving modes to achieve even lower power consumption. They are sleep mode, deep-sleep mode, and standby mode. These operating modes reduce the power consumption and allow the application to achieve the best balance between the CPU operating time, speed and power consumption.  Sleep mode In sleep mode, only the clock of CPU core is off. All peripherals continue to operate and any interrupt/event can wake up the system.  Deep-sleep mode In deep-sleep mode, all clocks in the 1.2V domain are off, and all of the high speed crystal oscillator (IRC16M, HXTAL) and PLL are disabled. Only the contents of SRAM and registers are retained. Any interrupt or wakeup event from EXTI lines can wake up the system from the deep-sleep mode including the 16 external lines, the RTC alarm, RTC Tamper and TimeStamp event, the LVD output, ENET wakeup, RTC wakeup and USB wakeup. When exiting the deep-sleep mode, the IRC16M is selected as the system clock.  Standby mode In standby mode, the whole 1.2V domain is power off, the LDO is shut down, and all of IRC16M, HXTAL and PLL are disabled. The contents of SRAM and registers (except backup registers) are lost. There are four wakeup sources for the standby mode, including the external reset from NRST pin, the RTC, the FWDGT reset, and the rising edge on WKUP pin. 3.6. Analog to digital converter (ADC)  12-bit SAR ADC's conversion rate is up to 2.6 MSPS  12-bit, 10-bit, 8-bit or 6-bit configurable resolution  Hardware oversampling ratio adjustable from 2x to 256x improves resolution to 16-bit  Input voltage range: VSSA to VDDA (2.6 V ≤ VDDA ≤ 3.6 V)  Temperature sensor 72 GD32F407xx Datasheet Up to three 12-bit 2.6 MSPS multi-channel ADCs are integrated in the device. It has a total of 19 multiplexed channels: 16 external channels, 1 channel for internal temperature sensor (VSENSE), 1 channel for internal reference voltage (V REFINT) and 1 channel for external battery power supply (VBAT). The input voltage range is between 2.6 V and 3.6 V. An on-chip hardware oversampling scheme improves performance while off-loading the related computational burden from the CPU. An analog watchdog block can be used to detect the channels, which are required to remain within a specific threshold window. A configurable channel management block can be used to perform conversions in single, continuous, scan or discontinuous mode to support more advanced use. The ADC can be triggered from the events generated by the general level 0 timers (TIMERx) and the advanced timers (TIMER0 and TIMER7) with internal connection. The temperature sensor can be used to generate a voltage that varies linearly with temperature. It is internally connected to the ADC_IN16 input channel which is used to convert the sensor output voltage in a digital value. 3.7. Digital to analog converter (DAC)  Two 12-bit DAC converter of independent output channel  8-bit or 12-bit mode in conjunction with the DMA controller The two 12-bit buffered DACs are used to generate variable analog outputs. The DAC channels can be triggered by the timer or EXTI with DMA support. In dual DAC channel operation, conversions could be done independently or simultaneously. The maximum output value of the DAC is VREF+. 3.8. DMA  16 channels DMA controller and each channel are configurable (8 for DMA0 and 8 for DMA1)  Support independent 8, 16, 32-bit memory and peripheral transfer  Peripherals supported: Timers, ADC, SPIs, I2Cs, USARTs, UARTs, DAC, I2S, SDIO and DCI The flexible general-purpose DMA controllers provide a hardware method of transferring data between peripherals and/or memory without intervention from the CPU, thereby freeing up bandwidth for other system functions. Three types of access method are supported: peripheral to memory, memory to peripheral, memory to memory. Each channel is connected to fixed hardware DMA requests. The priorities of DMA channel requests are determined by software configuration and hardware channel number. Transfer size of source and destination are independent and configurable. 73 GD32F407xx Datasheet 3.9. General-purpose inputs/outputs (GPIOs)  Up to 140 fast GPIOs, all mappable on 16 external interrupt lines  Analog input/output configurable  Alternate function input/output configurable There are up to 140 general purpose I/O pins (GPIO) in GD32F407xx, named PA0 ~ PA15, PB0 ~ PB15, PC0 ~ PC15, PD0 ~ PD15, PE0 ~ PE15, PF0 ~ PF15, PG0 ~ PG15, PH0 ~ PH15 and PI0 ~ PI11 to implement logic input/output functions. Each of the GPIO ports has related control and configuration registers to satisfy the requirements of specific applications. The external interrupts on the GPIO pins of the device have related control and configuration registers in the Interrupt/event controller (EXTI). The GPIO ports are pin-shared with other alternative functions (AFs) to obtain maximum flexibility on the package pins. Each of the GPIO pins can be configured by software as output (push-pull or open-drain), as input (with or without pull-up or pull-down) or as peripheral alternate function. Most of the GPIO pins are shared with digital or analog alternate functions. All GPIOs are high-current capable except for analog inputs. 3.10. Timers and PWM generation  Two 16-bit advanced timer (TIMER0 & TIMER7), eight 16-bit general timers (TIMER2, TIMER3, TIMER8 ~ TIMER13), two 32-bit general timers (TIMER1 & TIMER4) and two 16-bit basic timer (TIMER5 & TIMER6)  Up to 4 independent channels of PWM, output compare or input capture for each general timer and external trigger input  16-bit, motor control PWM advanced timer with programmable dead-time generation for output match  Encoder interface controller with two inputs using quadrature decoder  24-bit SysTick timer down counter  2 watchdog timers (free watchdog timer and window watchdog timer) The advanced timer (TIMER0 & TIMER7) can be used as a three-phase PWM multiplexed on 6 channels. It has complementary PWM outputs with programmable dead-time generation. It can also be used as a complete general timer. The 4 independent channels can be used for input capture, output compare, PWM generation (edge-aligned or center-aligned counting modes) and single pulse mode output. If configured as a general 16-bit timer, it has the same functions as the TIMERx timer. It can be synchronized with external signals or to interconnect with other general timers together which have the same architecture and features. The general timer, can be used for a variety of purposes including general time, input signal pulse width measurement or output waveform generation such as a single pulse generation or PWM output, up to 4 independent channels for input capture/output compare. TIMER1 & TIMER4 is based on a 32-bit auto-reload up/downcounter and a 16-bit prescaler. TIMER2 & TIMER3 is based on a 16-bit auto-reload up/downcounter and a 16-bit prescaler. TIMER8 ~ 74 GD32F407xx Datasheet TIMER13 is based on a 16-bit auto-reload upcounter and a 16-bit prescaler. The general timer also supports an encoder interface with two inputs using quadrature decoder. The basic timer, known as TIMER5 & TIMER6, are mainly used for DAC trigger generation. They can also be used as a simple 16-bit time base. The GD32F407xx have two watchdog peripherals, free watchdog timer and window watchdog timer. They offer a combination of high safety level, flexibility of use and timing accuracy. The free watchdog timer includes a 12-bit down-counting counter and an 8-bit prescaler. It is clocked from an independent 32 KHz internal RC and as it operates independently of the main clock, it can operate in deep-sleep and standby modes. It can be used either as a watchdog to reset the device when a problem occurs, or as a free-running timer for application timeout management. The window watchdog timer is based on a 7-bit down counter that can be set as free-running. It can be used as a watchdog to reset the device when a problem occurs. It is clocked from the main clock. It has an early wakeup interrupt capability and the counter can be frozen in debug mode. The SysTick timer is dedicated for OS, but could also be used as a standard down counter. It features: 3.11.  A 24-bit down counter  Auto reload capability  Maskable system interrupt generation when the counter reaches 0  Programmable clock source Real time clock (RTC) and backup registers  Independent binary-coded decimal (BCD) format timer/counter with twenty 32-bit backup registers  Calendar with sub-second, seconds, minutes, hours, week day, date, year and month automatically correction  Alarm function with wake up from deep-sleep and standby mode capability  On-the-fly correction for synchronization with master clock. Digital calibration with 1 ppm resolution for compensation of quartz crystal inaccuracy The real time clock is an independent timer which provides a set of continuously running counters in backup registers to provide a real calendar function, and provides an alarm interrupt or an expected interrupt. It is not reset by a system or power reset, or when the device wakes up from standby mode. A prescaler is used for the time base clock and is by default configured to generate a time base of 1 second from a clock at 32.768 KHz from external crystal oscillator. 75 GD32F407xx Datasheet 3.12. Inter-integrated circuit (I2C)  Up to three I2C bus interfaces can support both master and slave mode with a frequency up to 400 KHz (Fast mode)  Provide arbitration function, optional PEC (packet error checking) generation and checking  Supports 7-bit and 10-bit addressing mode and general call addressing mode The I2C interface is an internal circuit allowing communication with an external I2C interface which is an industry standard two line serial interface used for connection to external hardware. These two serial lines are known as a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL). The I2C module provides transfer rate of up to 100 KHz in standard mode and up to 400 KHz in fast mode. The I2C module also has an arbitration detect function to prevent the situation where more than one master attempts to transmit data to the I2C bus at the same time. A CRC-8 calculator is also provided in I2C interface to perform packet error checking for I2C data. 3.13. Serial peripheral interface (SPI)  Up to three SPI interfaces with a frequency of up to 30 MHz  Support both master and slave mode  Hardware CRC calculation and transmit automatic CRC error checking The SPI interface uses 4 pins, among which are the serial data input and output lines (MISO & MOSI), the clock line (SCK) and the slave select line (NSS). Both SPIs can be served by the DMA controller. The SPI interface may be used for a variety of purposes, including simplex synchronous transfers on two lines with a possible bidirectional data line or reliable communication using CRC checking. 3.14. Universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver transmitter (USART/UART)  Up to four USARTs and two UARTs with operating frequency up to 10.5 MHz  Supports both asynchronous and clocked synchronous serial communication modes  IrDA SIR encoder and decoder support  LIN break generation and detection  ISO 7816-3 compliant smart card interface The USART (USART0, USART1, USART2, USART5) and UART (UART3, UART4) are used to transfer data between parallel and serial interfaces, provides a flexible full duplex data exchange using synchronous or asynchronous transfer. It is also commonly used for RS-232 standard communication. The USART/UART includes a programmable baud rate generator 76 GD32F407xx Datasheet which is capable of dividing the system clock to produce a dedicated clock for the USART/UART transmitter and receiver. The USART/UART also supports DMA function for high speed data communication. 3.15. Inter-IC sound (I2S)  Two I2S bus Interfaces with sampling frequency from 8 KHz to 192 KHz, multiplexed with SPI1 and SPI2  Support either master or slave mode Audio  Sampling frequencies from 8 KHz up to 192 KHz are supported The Inter-IC sound (I2S) bus provides a standard communication interface for digital audio applications by 4-wire serial lines. GD32F407xx contain an I2S-bus interface that can be operated with 16/32 bit resolution in master or slave mode, pin multiplexed with SPI1 and SPI2. The audio sampling frequencies from 8 KHz to 192 KHz is supported. 3.16. Universal serial bus full-speed interface (USBFS)  One USB device/host/OTG full-speed Interface with frequency up to 12 Mbit/s  Internal 48 MHz oscillator support crystal-less operation  Internal main PLL for USB CLK compliantly  Internal USBFS PHY support The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a 4-wire bus with 4 bidirectional endpoints. The device controller enables 12 Mbit/s data exchange with integrated transceivers. Transaction formatting is performed by the hardware, including CRC generation and checking. It supports both host and device modes, as well as OTG mode with Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP) and Session Request Protocol (SRP). The controller contains a full-speed USB PHY internal. For full-speed or low-speed operation, no more external PHY chip is needed. It supports all the four types of transfer (control, bulk, Interrupt and isochronous) defined in USB 2.0 protocol. The required precise 48 MHz clock which can be generated from the internal main PLL (the clock source must use an HXTAL crystal oscillator) or by the internal 48 MHz oscillator in automatic trimming mode that allows crystal-less operation. 3.17. Universal serial bus high-speed interface (USBHS)  One USB device/host/OTG high-speed Interface with frequency up to 480 Mbit/s  An external PHY device connected to the ULPI is required when using in HS mode USBHS supports both host and device modes, as well as OTG mode with Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP) and Session Request Protocol (SRP). The controller provides ULPI interface for external USB PHY integration and it also contains a full-speed USB PHY internal. For fullspeed or low-speed operation, no more external PHY chip is needed. It supports all the four 77 GD32F407xx Datasheet types of transfer (control, bulk, Interrupt and isochronous) defined in USB 2.0 protocol. HUB connection is supported when USBHS operates at high-speed in host mode. There is also a DMA engine operating as an AHB bus master in USBHS to speed up the data transfer between USBHS and system. 3.18. Controller area network (CAN)  Two CAN2.0B interface with communication frequency up to 1 Mbit/s  Internal main PLL for CAN CLK compliantly Controller area network (CAN) is a method for enabling serial communication in field bus. The CAN protocol has been used extensively in industrial automation and automotive applications. It can receive and transmit standard frames with 11-bit identifiers as well as extended frames with 29-bit identifiers. Each CAN has three mailboxes for transmission and two FIFOs of three message deep for reception. It also provides 28 scalable/configurable identifier filter banks for selecting the incoming messages needed and discarding the others. 3.19. Ethernet (ENET)  IEEE 802.3 compliant media access controller (MAC) for Ethernet LAN  10/100 Mbit/s rates with dedicated DMA controller and SRAM  Support hardware precision time protocol (PTP) with conformity to IEEE 1588 The Ethernet media access controller (MAC) conforms to IEEE 802.3 specifications and fully supports IEEE 1588 standards. The embedded MAC provides the interface to the required external network physical interface (PHY) for LAN bus connection via an internal media independent interface (MII) or a reduced media independent interface (RMII). The number of MII signals provided up to 16 with 25 MHz output and RMII up to 7 with 50 MHz output. The function of 32-bit CRC checking is also available. 3.20. External memory controller (EXMC)  Supported external memory: SRAM, PSRAM, ROM and NOR-Flash, NAND Flash and CF card, SDRAM with up to 32-bit data bus  Provide ECC calculating hardware module for NAND Flash memory block  Two SDRAM banks with independent configuration, up to 13-bits Row Address, 11-bits Column Address, 2-bits internal banks address  SDRAM Memory size: 4x16Mx32bit (256 MB), 4x16Mx16bit (128 MB), 4x16Mx8bit (64 MB) External memory controller (EXMC) is an abbreviation of external memory controller. It is divided in to several sub-banks for external device support, each sub-bank has its own chip selection signal but at one time, only one bank can be accessed. The EXMC supports code 78 GD32F407xx Datasheet execution from external memory except NAND Flash and CF card. The EXMC also can be configured to interface with the most common LCD module of Motorola 6800 and Intel 8080 series and reduce the system cost and complexity. The EXMC of GD32F407xx in LQFP144 & BGA176 package also supports synchronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM). It translates AHB transactions into the appropriate SDRAM protocol, and meanwhile, makes sure the access time requirements of the external SDRAM devices are satisfied. 3.21. Secure digital input and output card interface (SDIO)  Support SD2.0/SDIO2.0/MMC4.2 host interface The Secure Digital Input and Output Card Interface (SDIO) provides access to external SD memory cards specifications version 2.0, SDIO card specification version 2.0 and multi-media card system specification version 4.2 with DMA supported. In addition, this interface is also compliant with CE-ATA digital protocol rev1.1. 3.22. Digital camera interface (DCI)  Digital video/picture capture  8/10/12/14 data width supported  High transfer efficiency with DMA interface  Video/picture crop supported  Various pixel formats supported including JPEG/YCrCb/RGB  Hard/embedded synchronous signals supported DCI is an 8-bit to 14-bit parallel interface that able to capture video or picture from a camera via Digital Camera Interface. It supports 8/10/12/14 bits data width through DMA operation. 3.23. Debug mode  Serial wire JTAG debug port (SWJ-DP) The ARM® SWJ-DP Interface is embedded and is a combined JTAG and serial wire debug port that enables either a serial wire debug or a JTAG probe to be connected to the target. 3.24. Package and operation temperature  BGA176 (GD32F407Ix), BGA100 (GDF407VxH), LQFP144 (GD32F407Zx), LQFP100 (GD32F407Vx) and LQFP64 (GD32F407Rx)  Operation temperature range: -40°C to +85°C (industrial level) 79 GD32F407xx Datasheet 4. Electrical characteristics 4.1. Absolute maximum ratings The maximum ratings are the limits to which the device can be subjected without permanently damaging the device. Note that the device is not guaranteed to operate properly at the maximum ratings. Exposure to the absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Table 4-1. Absolute maximum ratings(1) (4) Symbol VDD External voltage range(2) Min Max Unit VSS - 0.3 VSS + 3.6 V VDDA External analog supply voltage VSSA - 0.3 VSSA + 3.6 V VBAT External battery supply voltage VSS - 0.3 VSS + 3.6 V VSS - 0.3 VDD + 3.6 V Input voltage on other I/O VSS - 0.3 3.6 V |ΔVDDX| Variations between different VDD power pins — 50 mV |VSSX −VSS| Variations between different ground pins — 50 mV IIO Maximum current for GPIO pins — 25 mA TA Operating temperature range -40 +85 °C Power dissipation at TA = 85°C of BGA176 — 888 Power dissipation at TA = 85°C of LQFP144 — 820 Power dissipation at TA = 85°C of BGA100 — 511 Power dissipation at TA = 85°C of LQFP100 — 697 Power dissipation at TA = 85°C of LQFP64 — 772 TSTG Storage temperature range -55 +150 °C TJ Maximum junction temperature — 125 °C VIN PD (1) (2) (3) (4) 4.2. Parameter Input voltage on 5V tolerant pin (3) mW Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. All main power and ground pins should be connected to an external power source within the allowable range. VIN maximum value cannot exceed 6.5 V. It is recommended that VDD and VDDA are powered by the same source. The maximum difference between VDD and VDDA does not exceed 300 mV during power-up and operation. Operating conditions characteristics Table 4-2. DC operating conditions Min(1) Typ Max(1) Unit Symbol Parameter Conditions VDD Supply voltage — 2.6 3.3 3.6 V VDDA Analog supply voltage Same as VDD 2.6 3.3 3.6 V VBAT Battery supply voltage — 1.8 — 3.6 V (1) Based on characterization, not tested in production. 80 GD32F407xx Datasheet Figure 4-1. Recommended power supply decoupling capacitors(1) (2) VBAT 100 nF VSS N * VDD 4.7 μF + N * 100 nF VSS VDDA 1 μF VSSA 10 nF VREF+ 1 μF (1) (2) VREF- 10 nF The VREF+ and VREF- pins are only available on no less than 100-pin packages, or else the VREF+ and VREF- pins are not available and internally connected to VDDA and VSSA pins. All decoupling capacitors need to be as close as possible to the pins on the PCB board. Table 4-3. Clock frequency(1) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit fHCLK AHB clock frequency — — 168 MHz fAPB1 APB1 clock frequency — — 42 MHz fAPB2 APB2 clock frequency — — 84 MHz Min Max Unit 0 ∞ 20 ∞ (1) Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. Table 4-4. Operating conditions at Power up / Power down(1) Symbol tVDD (1) Parameter Conditions VDD rise time rate — VDD fall time rate μs/ V Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. Table 4-5. Start-up timings of Operating conditions (1)(2)(3) Symbol Parameter tstart-up Start-up time (1) (2) (3) Conditions Typ Clock source from HXTAL 143 Clock source from IRC16M 143 Unit ms Based on characterization, not tested in production. After power-up, the start-up time is the time between the rising edge of NRST high and the main function. PLL is off. 81 GD32F407xx Datasheet Table 4-6. Power saving mode wakeup timings characteristics(1)(2) Symbol Parameter Typ tSleep Wakeup from Sleep mode 1.5 Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode(LDO On) 3.3 tDeep-sleep Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode (LDO in low power mode) tStandby (1) (2) 4.3. Wakeup from Standby mode Unit μs 3.3 143 ms Based on characterization, not tested in production. The wakeup time is measured from the wakeup event to the point at which the application code reads the first instruction under the below conditions: VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = System clock = 16 MHz. Power consumption The power measurements specified in the tables represent that code with data executing from on-chip Flash with the following specifications. Table 4-7. Power consumption characteristics (2)(3)(4)(5) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ(1) Max Unit VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 168 MHz, All peripherals — 83.00 — mA — 50.90 — mA — 60.74 — mA — 37.34 — mA — 55.36 — mA — 34.76 — mA — 46.22 — mA — 29.52 — mA — 31.98 — mA enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 168 MHz, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 120 MHz, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 120 MHz, All peripherals disabled IDD+IDDA Supply current (Run mode) VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 108 MHz, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 108 MHz, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 90 MHz, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 90 MHz, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 60 MHz, All peripherals enabled 82 GD32F407xx Datasheet Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ(1) Max Unit VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 60 MHz, All peripherals — 20.64 — mA — 18.06 — mA — 12.16 — mA — 14.4 — mA — 9.48 — mA — 10.1 — mA — 6.96 — mA — 6.38 — mA — 4.78 — mA — 4.28 — mA — 3.5 — mA — 3.4 — mA — 2.99 — mA — 56.00 — mA disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 30 MHz, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 30 MHz, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 25 MHz, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 25 MHz, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz,System clock = 16 MHz, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 16 MHz, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 8 MHz, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 8 MHz, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 4 MHz, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 4 MHz, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 2 MHz, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 2 MHz, All peripherals disabled Supply current (Sleep mode) VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 168 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals enabled 83 GD32F407xx Datasheet Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ(1) Max Unit VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 168 MHz, CPU clock off, — 24.3 — mA — 41.64 — mA — 18.72 — mA — 38.58 — mA — 17.96 — mA — 31.94 — mA — 14.94 — mA — 22.48 — mA — 11.16 — mA — 13.34 — mA — 7.58 — mA — 10.52 — mA — 5.7 — mA — 7.58 — mA All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 120 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 120 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 108 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 108 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 90 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 90 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 60 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 60 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 30 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, System clock = 30 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 25 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 25 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz,System clock = 16 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals enabled 84 GD32F407xx Datasheet Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ(1) Max Unit VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 16 MHz, CPU clock off, All — 4.54 — mA — 5.18 — mA — 3.58 — mA — 3.78 — mA — 3 — mA — 3.14 — mA — 2.74 — mA — 1.21 11 mA — 1.18 11 mA — 0.83 11 mA — 0.8 11 mA — 6.84 16.5 μA — 6.5 16.5 μA — 5.92 16.5 μA — 5.22 16.5 μA peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 8 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 8 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 4 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 4 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 2 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals enabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC16M = 16 MHz, System clock = 2 MHz, CPU clock off, All peripherals disabled VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, LDO in run mode, IRC32K off, RTC off, All GPIOs analog mode VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, LDO in low power Supply current (Deep-Sleep mode) mode, IRC32K off, RTC off, All GPIOs analog mode VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, Main LDO in under drive mode, IRC32K off, RTC off, All GPIOs analog mode VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, Low Power LDO in under drive mode, IRC32K off, RTC off, All GPIOs analog mode VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, LXTAL off, IRC32K on, RTC on SRAM ON VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, LXTAL off, IRC32K on, Supply current RTC off SRAM ON (Standby mode) VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, LXTAL off, IRC32K off, RTC off SRAM ON VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, LXTAL off, IRC32K on, RTC on SRAM OFF 85 GD32F407xx Datasheet Symbol Parameter Conditions VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, LXTAL off, IRC32K on, Min Typ(1) Max Unit — 4.87 16.5 μA — 4.3 16.5 μA — 3.84 — μA — 3.46 — μA — 3.26 — μA — 1.99 — μA — 1.82 — μA — 1.52 — μA — 3.2 — μA — 2.9 — μA — 2.65 — μA — 1.36 — μA — 1.25 — μA — 0.91 — μA — 1.98 — μA RTC off SRAM OFF VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, LXTAL off, IRC32K off, RTC off SRAM OFF VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 3.6 V, LXTAL on with external crystal, RTC on, LXTAL High driving SRAM ON VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 3.3 V, LXTAL on with external crystal, RTC on, LXTAL High driving SRAM ON VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 2.6 V, LXTAL on with external crystal, RTC on, LXTAL High driving SRAM ON VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 3.6 V, LXTAL on with external crystal, RTC on, LXTAL High driving SRAM OFF VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 3.3 V, LXTAL on with external crystal, RTC on, LXTAL High driving SRAM OFF VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 2.6 V, LXTAL on with external crystal, RTC on, LXTAL High Battery supply IBAT current (Backup mode) driving, SRAM OFF VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 3.6 V, LXTAL on with external crystal, RTC on, LXTAL Low driving, SRAM ON VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 3.3 V, LXTAL on with external crystal, RTC on, LXTAL Low driving, SRAM ON VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 2.6 V, LXTAL on with external crystal, RTC on, LXTAL Low driving, SRAM ON VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 3.6 V, LXTAL on with external crystal, RTC on, LXTAL Low driving, SRAM OFF VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 3.3 V, LXTAL on with external crystal, RTC on, LXTAL Low driving, SRAM OFF VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 2.6 V, LXTAL on with external crystal, RTC on, LXTAL Low driving, SRAM OFF VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 3.6 V, LXTAL off with external crystal, RTC on, SRAM ON 86 GD32F407xx Datasheet Symbol Parameter Conditions VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 3.3 V, LXTAL off Min Typ(1) Max Unit — 1.82 — μA — 1.75 — μA — 0.13 — μA — 0.04 — μA — 0 — μA with external crystal, RTC on, SRAM ON VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 2.6 V, LXTAL off with external crystal, RTC on, SRAM ON VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 3.6 V, LXTAL off with external crystal, RTC on, SRAM OFF VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 3.3 V, LXTAL off with external crystal, RTC on, SRAM OFF VDD off, VDDA off, VBAT = 2.6 V, LXTAL off with external crystal, RTC on, SRAM OFF (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Based on characterization, not tested in production. Unless otherwise specified, all values given for TA = 25 ℃ and test result is mean value. When System Clock is less than 4 MHz, an external source is used, and the HXTAL bypass function is needed, no PLL. When System Clock is greater than 8 MHz, a crystal 8 MHz is used, and the HXTAL bypass function is closed, using PLL. When analog peripheral blocks such as ADCs, DACs, HXTAL, LXTAL, IRC16M, or IRC32K are ON, an additional power consumption should be considered. Figure 4-2. Typical supply current consumption in Run mode 87 GD32F407xx Datasheet Figure 4-3. Typical supply current consumption in Sleep mode Table 4-8. Peripheral current consumption characteristics(1) Peripherials(5) AHB1 AHB2 AHB3 Typical consumption at TA = 25 ℃ (TYP) USB_ULPI + USB_HS 3.78 DMA1 2.79 DMA0 2.82 TCMSRAM 0.87 BKPSRAM 0.77 CRC 0.38 GPIOA 0.48 GPIOB 0.50 GPIOC 0.48 GPIOD 0.49 GPIOE 0.51 GPIOF 0.50 GPIOG 0.50 GPIOH 0.50 GPIOI 0.48 USB_FS 2.80 TRNG 0.85 DCI 1.05 EXMC 3.60 Unit mA 88 GD32F407xx Datasheet APB1 APB2 ADDAPB1 (1) (2) DAC1+DAC2(2) 4.49 PMU 0.25 CAN1 0.22 CAN0 0.25 I2C2 0.13 I2C1 0.14 I2C0 0.15 UART4 0.11 UART3 0.08 USART2 0.16 USART1 0.14 SPI2/I2S2(3) 0.05/0.10 SPI1/I2S1(3) 0.05/0.13 WWDG 0.77 TIMER13 0.77 TIMER12 0.85 TIMER11 0.86 TIMER6 0.66 TIMER5 0.65 TIMER4 1.05 TIMER3 0.97 TIMER2 0.96 TIMER1 1.04 SPI5 0.03 SPI4 0.03 TIMER10 0.54 TIMER9 0.53 TIMER8 0.58 SYSCFG 0.02 SPI3 0.05 SPI0 0.76 SDIO 1.26 ADC2(4) 1.06 ADC1(4) 1.08 ADC0(4) 1.41 USART5 0.98 USART0 0.89 TIMER7 1.87 TIMER0 1.84 IREF 0.36 CTC 0.78 Based on characterization, not tested in production. DEN0 and DEN1 bits in the DAC_CTL register are set to 1, and the converted value set to 0x800. 89 GD32F407xx Datasheet (3) (4) (5) 4.4. Enable SPIx CLKEN, I2SSEL bit and I2SEN bit set to 1 in SPI_I2SCTL. System clock = fHCLK = 168 MHz, fAPB1 = fHCLK/4, fAPB2 = fHCLK/2, fADCCLK = fAPB2/4, ADON bit is set to 1. If there is no other description, then V DD = VDDA = 3.3 V, HXTAL = 25 MHz, system clock = f HCLK = 168 MHz, fAPB1 = fHCLK/4, fAPB2 = fHCLK/2. EMC characteristics EMS (electromagnetic susceptibility) includes ESD (Electrostatic discharge, positive and negative) and FTB (Burst of Fast Transient voltage, positive and negative) testing result is given in Table 4-9. EMS characteristics, based on the EMS levels and classes compliant with IEC 61000 series standard. Table 4-9. EMS characteristics(1) Symbol VESD VFTB (1) 4.5. Parameter Conditions Voltage applied to all device pins to induce a functional disturbance Level/Class VDD = 3.3 V, TA = 25 °C LQFP144, fHCLK = 168 MHz 3A conforms to IEC 61000-4-2 Fast transient voltage burst applied to VDD = 3.3 V, TA = 25 °C induce a functional disturbance through LQFP144, fHCLK = 168 MHz 100 pF on VDD and VSS pins conforms to IEC 61000-4-4 3A Based on characterization, not tested in production. Power supply supervisor characteristics Table 4-10. Power supply supervisor characteristics Symbol VLVD(1) Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max LVDT = 000(rising edge) — 2.15 — LVDT = 000(falling edge) — 2.04 — LVDT = 001(rising edge) — 2.28 — LVDT = 001(falling edge) — 2.17 — LVDT = 010(rising edge) — 2.43 — Low voltage LVDT = 010(falling edge) — 2.31 — Detector level selection LVDT = 011(rising edge) — 2.56 — LVDT = 011(falling edge) — 2.45 — LVDT = 100(rising edge) — 2.7 — LVDT = 100(falling edge) — 2.59 — LVDT = 101(rising edge) — 2.84 — LVDT = 101(falling edge) — 2.73 — Unit V 90 GD32F407xx Datasheet Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max LVDT = 110(rising edge) — 2.98 — LVDT = 110(falling edge) — 2.87 — LVDT = 111(rising edge) — 3.12 — LVDT = 111(falling edge) — 3.01 — Unit VLVDhyst(2) LVD hystersis — — 100 — mV VPOR(1) Power on reset threshold — 2.30 2.40 2.48 V — 1.72 1.80 1.88 V — — 600 — mV Falling edge — 2.79 — V Rising edge — 2.88 — V Falling edge — 2.49 — V Rising edge — 2.58 — V Falling edge — 2.19 — V Rising edge — 2.29 — V VPDR(1) Power down reset threshold VPDRhyst(2) PDR hysteresis VBOR3(2) Brownout level 3 threshold VBOR2(2) VBOR1(2) Brownout level 2 threshold Brownout level 1 threshold VBORhyst(2) BOR hysteresis — — 100 — mV tRSTTEMPO(2) Reset temporization — — 2 — ms (1) (2) 4.6. Parameter Based on characterization, not tested in production. Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. Electrical sensitivity The device is strained in order to determine its performance in terms of electrical sensitivity. Electrostatic discharges (ESD) are applied directly to the pins of the sample. Static latch-up (LU) test is based on the two measurement methods. Table 4-11. ESD characteristics(1) Symbol VESD(HBM) VESD(CDM) (1) Parameter Conditions Electrostatic discharge TA=25 °C; voltage (human body model) JESD22-A114 Electrostatic discharge TA=25 °C; voltage (charge device model) JESD22-C101 Min Typ Max Unit — — 7000 V — — 800 V Based on characterization, not tested in production. 91 GD32F407xx Datasheet Table 4-12. Static latch-up characteristics(1) Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit — — ±200 mA — — 5.4 V I-test LU TA=25 °C; JESD78 Vsupply over voltage (1) 4.7. Based on characterization, not tested in production. External clock characteristics Table 4-13. High speed external clock (HXTAL) generated from a crystal/ceramic characteristics Symbol fHXTAL RF (1) (2) Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Crystal or ceramic frequency 2.6 V ≤ VDD ≤ 3.6 V 4 8 32 MHz Feedback resistor VDD = 3.3 V — 400 — kΩ — — 20 30 pF Recommended matching CHXTAL (2) (3) capacitance on OSCIN and OSCOUT Ducy(HXTAL)(2) Crystal or ceramic duty cycle — 30 50 70 % gm(2) Oscillator transconductance Startup — 25 — mA/V Crystal or ceramic operating VDD = 3.3 V, fHCLK = current fIRC16M = 16 MHz — 1 — mA — 1.8 — ms IDDHXTAL(1) tSUHXTAL(1) (1) (2) (3) Crystal or ceramic startup time VDD = 3.3 V, fHCLK = fIRC16M = 16 MHz Based on characterization, not tested in production. Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. CHXTAL1 = CHXTAL2 = 2*(CLOAD - CS), For CHXTAL1 and CHXTAL2, it is recommended matching capacitance on OSCIN and OSCOUT. For CLOAD, it is crystal/ceramic load capacitance, provided by the crystal or ceramic manufacturer. For CS, it is PCB and MCU pin stray capacitance. Table 4-14. High speed external clock characteristics (HXTAL in bypass mode) Symbol fHXTAL_ext(1) VHXTALH(2) Parameter Conditions External clock source or oscillator 2.6 V ≤ VDD ≤ frequency 3.6 V OSCIN input pin high level voltage VDD = 3.3 V Min Typ Max Unit 1 — 50 MHz 0.7 VDD — VDD V VSS — 0.3 VDD V VHXTALL(2) OSCIN input pin low level voltage tH/L(HXTAL) (2) OSCIN high or low time — 5 — — ns tR/F(HXTAL) (2) OSCIN rise or fall time — — — 10 ns CIN(2) OSCIN input capacitance — — 5 — pF Ducy(HXTAL) (2) Duty cycle — 40 — 60 % (1) (2) Based on characterization, not tested in production. Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. Table 4-15. Low speed external clock (LXTAL) generated from a crystal/ceramic 92 GD32F407xx Datasheet characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit VDD = 3.3 V — 32.768 — kHz — — 15 — pF — 30 — 70 % Oscillator Medium low driving capability — 6 — transconductance Higher driving capability — 18 — Crystal or ceramic LXTALDRI[1:0]= 01 — 0.9 — operating current LXTALDRI[1:0]= 11 — 1.5 — — — 1.8 — Crystal or ceramic fLXTAL(1) frequency Recommended CLXTAL(2) (3) matching capacitance on OSC32IN and OSC32OUT Ducy(LXTAL)(2) gm(2) IDDLXTAL (1) tSULXTAL(1) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) Crystal or ceramic duty cycle Crystal or ceramic startup time μA/V μA s Based on characterization, not tested in production. Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. CLXTAL1 = CLXTAL2 = 2*(CLOAD - CS), For CLXTAL1 and CLXTAL2, it is recommended matching capacitance on OSC32IN and OSC32OUT. For CLOAD, it is crystal/ceramic load capacitance, provided by the crystal or ceramic manufacturer. For CS, it is PCB and MCU pin stray capacitance. tSULXTAL is the startup time measured from the moment it is enabled (by software) to the 32.768 kHz oscillator stabilization flags is SET. This value varies significantly with the crystal manufacturer. Table 4-16. Low speed external user clock characteristics (LXTAL in bypass mode) Symbol Parameter fLXTAL_ext(1) External clock source or oscillator frequency Conditions Min Typ Max Unit VDD = 3.3 V — 32.768 1000 kHz VLXTALH(2) OSC32IN input pin high level voltage — 0.7 VDD — VDD (2) OSC32IN input pin low level voltage — VSS — 0.3 VDD OSC32IN high or low time — 450 — — OSC32IN rise or fall time — — — 50 OSC32IN input capacitance — — 5 — pF Duty cycle — 30 50 70 % VLXTALL tH/L(LXTAL) (2) tR/F(LXTAL) (2) CIN(2) Ducy(LXTAL) (1) (2) (2) V ns Based on characterization, not tested in production. Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. 93 GD32F407xx Datasheet 4.8. Internal clock characteristics Table 4-17. High speed internal clock (IRC16M) characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V — 16 — MHz -4.0 — +5.0 % -2.0 — +2.0 % -1.0 — +1.0 % — — 0.5 — % DucyIRC16M(2) IRC16M oscillator duty cycle VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V 45 50 55 % IRC16M oscillator operating VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, current fHCLK = fHXTAL_PLL = 168 MHz — 66 80 μA IRC16M oscillator startup VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, time fHCLK = fHXTAL_PLL = 168 MHz — 2.5 4 μs High Speed Internal fIRC16M Oscillator (IRC16M) frequency VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, TA = -40 °C ~ +85 °C(1) IRC16M oscillator Frequency VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, accuracy, Factory-trimmed TA = 0 °C ~ +85 °C(1) ACCIRC16M VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, TA = 25 °C IRC16M oscillator Frequency accuracy, User trimming step IDDAIRC16M(1) tSUIRC16M(1) (1) (2) Based on characterization, not tested in production. Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. Table 4-18. High speed internal clock (IRC48M) characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit VDD = 3.3 V — 48 — MHz -4.0 — +5.0 % -3.0 — +3.0 % -2.0 — +2.0 % — — 0.12 — % VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V 45 50 55 % — 240 300 μA — 2.5 4 μs High Speed Internal fIRC48M Oscillator (IRC48M) frequency VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, IRC48M oscillator Frequency accuracy, Factory-trimmed ACCIRC48M TA = -40 °C ~ +85 °C(1) VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, TA = 0 °C ~ +85 °C (1) VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, TA = 25 °C IRC48M oscillator Frequency accuracy, User trimming step DucyIRC48M(2) IDDAIRC48M(1) tSUIRC48M(1) IRC48M oscillator duty cycle IRC48M oscillator VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, operating current fHCLK = fHXTAL_PLL = 168 MHz IRC48M oscillator startup VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, time fHCLK = fHXTAL_PLL = 168 MHz 94 GD32F407xx Datasheet (1) (2) Based on characterization, not tested in production. Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. Table 4-19. Low speed internal clock (IRC32K) characteristics Symbol fIRC32K(1) IDDIRC32K(2) tSUIRC32K(2) (1) (2) 4.9. Parameter Conditions Low Speed Internal oscillator VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, (IRC32K) frequency TA = -40 °C ~ +85 °C IRC32K oscillator operating VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, current fHCLK = fHXTAL_PLL = 168 MHz, IRC32K oscillator startup VDD = VDDA = 3.3 V, fHCLK = time fHXTAL_PLL = 168 MHz, Min Typ Max Unit 20 32 45 kHz — 0.4 0.6 μA — 110 150 μs Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. Based on characterization, not tested in production. PLL characteristics Table 4-20. PLL characteristics Symbol fPLLIN (1) fPLLOUT (2) fVCO(2) tLOCK(2) IDDA(1)(3) Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit PLL input clock frequency — 1 — 4 MHz PLL output clock frequency — 100 — 500 MHz — 32 — 344 MHz VCO freq = 100 MHz — 80 168 VCO freq = 500 MHz — 100 300 VCO freq = 500 MHz — 1100 — — 40 — — 400 — PLL VCO output clock frequency PLL lock time Current consumption on VDDA Cycle to cycle Jitter(rms) JitterPLL Cycle to cycle Jitter (peak to peak) (1) (2) (3) (4) System clock μs μA ps Based on characterization, not tested in production. Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. System clock = IRC16M = 16 MHz, PLL clock source = IRC16M/2 = 8 MHz, fPLLOUT = 168 MHz. Value given with main PLL running. 95 GD32F407xx Datasheet Table 4-21. PLLI2S characteristics Symbol Parameter PLLI2S input clock fPLLIN(1) frequency PLLI2S output clock fPLLOUT(2) fVCO(2) frequency PLLI2S VCO output clock frequency tLOCK(2) PLLI2S lock time Current consumption on IDDA(1)(3) VDDA Conditions Min Typ Max Unit — 1 — 4 MHz — 100 — 500 MHz — 32 — 344 MHz VCO freq = 100 MHz — 80 168 VCO freq = 500 MHz — 100 300 VCO freq = 500 MHz — 1100 — — 40 — — 400 — Cycle to cycle Jitter(rms) JitterPLL Cycle to cycle Jitter System clock (peak to peak) (1) (2) (3) (4) μs μA ps Based on characterization, not tested in production. Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. System clock = IRC16M = 16 MHz, PLL clock source = IRC16M/2 = 8 MHz, fPLLOUT = 168 MHz. Value given with main PLLI2S running. Table 4-22. PLLSAI characteristics Symbol Parameter PLLSAI input clock fPLLIN(1) frequency PLLSAI output clock fPLLOUT(2) fVCO(2) frequency PLLSAI VCO output clock frequency tLOCK(2) PLLSAI lock time Current consumption on IDDA(1)(3) VDDA Conditions Min Typ Max Unit — 1 — 4 MHz — 100 — 500 MHz — 32 — 344 MHz VCO freq = 100 MHz — 80 168 VCO freq = 500 MHz — 100 300 VCO freq = 500 MHz — 1100 — — 40 — — 400 — Cycle to cycle Jitter(rms) JitterPLL Cycle to cycle Jitter System clock (peak to peak) (1) (2) (3) (4) μs μA ps Based on characterization, not tested in production. Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. System clock = IRC16M = 16 MHz, PLL clock source = IRC16M/2 = 8 MHz, fPLLOUT = 168 MHz. Value given with main PLLSAI running. Table 4-23. PLL spread spectrum clock generation (SSCG) characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit fmod Modulation frequency — — — 10 KHz mdamp Peak modulation amplitude — — — 2 % — — — — 215-1 — MODCNT* MODSTEP 96 GD32F407xx Datasheet (1) (2) Based on characterization, not tested in production. Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. Equation 1: SSCG configuration equation: MODCNT = round(fPLLIN /4/fmod ) MODSTEP = round(mdamp ∗ PLLN ∗ 214 /(MODCNT ∗ 100)) The formula above (Equation 1) is SSCG configuration equation. 4.10. Memory characteristics Table 4-24. Flash memory characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Min(1) Typ(1) Max(2) Unit Number of guaranteed PECYC program /erase cycles TA = -40 °C ~ +85 °C 100 — — kcycles before failure (Endurance) tRET Data retention time — — 20 — years tPROG Word programming time TA = -40°C ~ +85 °C 200 — 400 μs 100 450(3) tERASE16kB Sector(16kB) erase timer tERASE64kB Sector(64kB) erase timer 60 TA = -40°C ~ +85 °C ms tERASE128kB Sector(128kB) erase timer tMERASE(512K) tMERASE(1MB) tMERASE(2MB) tMERASE(3MB) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 4.11. Mass erase time Mass erase time Mass erase time Mass erase time TA = -40°C ~ +85 °C — TA = -40°C ~ +85 °C — TA = -40°C ~ +85 °C — TA = -40°C ~ +85 °C — 4 19.2/32(5) s 6 28.8/48(6) s 10 48/80(7) s 14 67.2/112(8) s Based on characterization, not tested in production. Guaranteed by design, not tested in production. Max value with 50K &
GD32F407ZGT6 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+44.51760
    • 10+38.73960
    • 60+35.29440


    •  国内价格
    • 1+28.99999
    • 10+26.60000
    • 30+25.30000
    • 50+24.80001


      •  国内价格
      • 360+50.41875


      •  国内价格
      • 1+20.92090
