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    振动马达 3V,80mA,10000RPM

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LCM1027A2445F 数据手册
产品规格说明书 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION FILLED BY BUYER 客户名称 Buyer Name 客户料号 Buyer Part No. 客户承认签章 Buyer Approved Signatures FILLED BY LEADER 文件编号 Spec No. Leader-2445 品名 Part Name 扁平振动马达 Coin Type Vibration Motor 型号 Model No. LCM1027A2445F 样品承认日期 Date Samples Approved 作成 Designed by 检讨 Checked by 承认 Approved by 张停停 2021.03.06 张冠军 2021.03.06 王远东 2021.03.06 立得微电子(惠州)有限公司 Leader Micro Electronics (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. Tiger Industrial Park, Baigang, Xiaojinkou, Huizhui, Guangdong 516000, China Tel: +86-752-5853255, Fax: +86-752-5839222, Website: www. leader-cn.cn 生产地址:中国广东省惠州市小金口老虎岭工业园,邮政编码:516000 规格书内容 Contents of Specifications 1. 适用范围/ Applicable Scope 1/10 2. 使用条件/ Operating Conditions 1/10 3. 测试条件/ Test Conditions 1/10 4. 初期电气性能/ Initial Electrical Characteristics 1/10 5. 机械性能/ Mechanical Characteristics 2/10 6. 耐久性能/ Reliability Characteristics 3/10 7. 标准测量方法/ Standard Measuring Method 5/10 8. 测量方法及回路图/ Measuring Method & Circuit Map 5/10 9. 使用注意事项/ Cautions in Use 6/10 10. 特性曲线图/ Characteristics Graph 6/10 11.环境管理物质/ Environmental Management Materials: 7/10 12. 包装/ Packaging 8/10 13. 外形图/ Mechanical Drawing 9/10 14.更改记录/ Revision Records 10/10 2021.03.06(REV,0) 说明书/Specification 编号/No.: leader-2445 1/10 1. 适用范围/ Applicable Scope 本说明书适用于扁平式永磁直流电机LCM1027A系列. This specification applies to Coin Motor DC model LCM1027A series. 2. 使用条件/ Operating Conditions 项目/Item 规格/Specification 2-1 额定电压 Rated voltage 3.0V DC 2-2 使用电压范围 Operating voltage 2.7~3.3V DC 2-3 旋转方向 Rotation CW(clockwise) or CCW(contrary clockwise) 2-4 使用环境 Operating environment -20~+60℃, 0~95%RH 2-5 保存环境 Storage environment -30~+70℃, 0~95%RH 3. 测定条件/ Testing Conditions 项目/Item 规格/Specification 3-1 温度 Temperature 25±3℃ 3-2 湿度 Humidity 65±20% RH 3-3 气压 Air Pressure 1013±40 hPa 3-4 电源 Power 稳压直流电流 Constant DC Current 4. 初期电气性能/ Initial Electrical Characteristics 项目/Item 规格/Specification 4-1 额定转速 Rated Speed 4-2 额定电流 Rated Current 4-3 起动电流 Starting Current 4-4 起动电压 Starting Voltage 4-5 绝缘电阻 Insulation Resistance 10MΩ Min 4-6 端子阻抗 Terminal Resistance 30Ω±15% (相接触) 60Ω±15% (相串联) 15Ω±15% (相并联) 10000rpm Min 80 mA Max 120 mA Max 2.3V DC Max 条件/Condition 额定电压下和额定负载下。 At rated voltage and rated load. 在最小起动电压下起动 Motor is rotating at min starting voltage. 在100V直流下,导线和机壳间测量 At DC 100V between lead wire and case. 在25℃下 At25℃ 2021.03.06(REV,0) 编号/No.: leader-2445 说明书/Specification 2/10 5. 机械性能/ Mechanical Characteristics 项目/Item 5-1 规格/Specification 底盖偏转强度 Bracket deflection strength 9.8N以上 ≥9.8N 机械噪音 Mechanical noise 小于50分贝. A计权 ≤50dB (A) 5-2 100mm 在额定电压下。 背景噪音:不大于28dB.A计权 电机轴向水平固定在约100g测试夹具上, 拾音器沿轴向正对电机平面. 测试距离10cm At rated voltage and scene noise as 28dB (A)Max, the shaft is horizontally fastened to the test jig (100g). The Microphone faces the plane of motor along The shaft . The distance is 10cm. Motor Test block (100g) Foam Vibration Test 振动测定 5-3 1/2宽 V ib ra tio n M e te r 1.0G Min T e s tin g J ig (1 0 0 g ) 10m m M o to r 6. 耐久性能/ Reliability Characteristics 项目/Item 6-1 寿命 Life 规格/Specification ON OFF 试验循环 /Test cycle:86400 cycles 判定标准/Judgment 在常温常湿下放置4h后,电机性能应 符合以下要求。 1)额定转速:指标不低于初始值-30%;不高于初 始值+50% 2)额定电流:指标在初始值±30%以内。 3)起动电压:2.3V DC Max直流电压. After 4h exposure in the ordinary temperature and humidity,the motor's performance shoud accord with below requirements: 1)Rated speed:Data-30% Initial Min, Data+50% Initial Max. 2)Rated current:Data±30% Max. 3)Starting voltage: 2.3V DC Max 2021.03.06(REV,0) 项目/Item 说明书/Specification 规格/Specification 6-2 低温放置 Low Temperature Exposure 温度 /Temperature: –20±2℃ 时间 /Time: 96h 6-3 湿度放置 Humidity Exposure 温度 /Temperature : + 40±2℃ 湿度 /Humidity: 90 ~ 95%RH 放置时间 / Exposure time : 96h 无水气凝结 /No condensation of moisture 6-4 高温放置 High temp. Exposure 温度   /Temperature : +70±2℃ 时间  /Time : 96h 振动 Vibration 频率 /Frequency: 10~55Hz 加速度 /Acceleration: 22m/s2 周期 /Period: 10 Minutes log sweep (1.0G), (10~55~10Hz) 条件 /Condition: This motion shall be applied for a period of 10 minutes in direction of X, Y, Z. 6-5 6-6 自然跌落 Free fall 试验状态: 将马达固定在约100克(包括 马达本身)的物体上,落向水泥地面。 Test state: Set the motor to a block of an approx. 100g weight (including the motor) and drop it onto the concrete floor. Height: 1.5m Direction :±x, ±y, ±z Number of times: 3 times each direction Shock: 29420m/s2 equivalent to 3000G. 编号/No.: leader-2445 3/10 判定标准/Judgment 在常温常湿下放置4h后,电机性能应符 合以下要求。 1)额定转速:指标在初始值±30%以内。 2)额定电流:指标在初始值±30%以内。 3)起动电压:2.3V DC Max. After 4h exposure in the ordinary temperature and humidity, change rates of the motor's performance should accord with below requirements: 1)Rated speed: within ±30% of initial value. 2)Rated current: within ±30% of initial value. 3)Starting voltage: 2.3V DC Max 2021.03.06(REV,0) 项目/Item 6-7 6-8 滚筒试验 Barrel roll test 说明书/Specification 规格/Specification 滚筒高度: 1.0M 滚筒次数: 300次. 滚筒速率: 13±1次/分钟 Height: 1.0M Times: 300 times. Speed: 13±1 times/Minute 热冲击 Heat stock test 试验循环 /Test cycle:32cycles 编号/No.: leader-2445 4/10 判定基准/Requirements 在常温常湿下放置4h后,电机性能应符合以 下要求。 1)额定转速:指标在初始值±30%以内。 2)额定电流:指标在初始值±30%以内。 3)起动电压:2.3V DC Max. After 4h exposure in the ordinary temperature and humidity, change rates of the motor's performance should accord with below requirements: 1)Rated speed: within ±30% of initial value. 2)Rated current: within ±30% of initial value. 3)Starting voltage: 2.3V DC Max 在常温常湿下放置4h后,电机性能应符合以 下要求。 1)额定转速:指标在初始值±30%以内。 2)额定电流:指标在初始值±30%以内。 3)起动电压:2.3V DC Max. After 4h exposure in the ordinary temperature and humidity, change rates of the motor's performance should accord with below requirements: 1)Rated speed: within ±30% of initial value. 2)Rated current: within ±30% of initial value. 3)Starting voltage: 2.3V DC Max 2021.03.06(REV,0) 说明书/Specification 编号/No.: leader-2445 5/10 7. 标准测量方法/ Standard Measuring Method 振动量测试仪 Vibration meter 马达安放装置 Test Jig (for Clamping he Motor in Place) 马达综合测试仪 Multi-functional Test Mete 波形脉冲显示 Oscilloscope 噪音测试仪 Noise Test Meter 8. 测量方法及回路图/ Measuring Method & Circuit Map oscilloscope power Pupply 2021.03.06(REV,0) 编号/No.: leader-2445 说明书/Specification 6/10 9. 使用时注意事项/ Caution in Use 9-1 必须按照规格书标准使用,否则性能和寿命都将受到相当地减少,必须注意电压的使 用范围. / The performance and lifetime would be considerably reduced if the operation is not done as per the specification defines. Do pay attention to the range of operating voltage in use. 9-2 建议马达在六个月内使用,不要在以下环境中使用及保存: - 高温和高湿的场所; - 腐蚀性气体,如:H2S、SO2、NO2、Cl2; - 生锈场所。 It is suggested to use the motors within 6 months as possible as you can. It is not suggested to use or store the motors under the following conditions: - High temperature and high humidity area. - Corrosive gas environment, such as H2S, SO2, NO2, Cl2 etc. - Dusty areas. 9-3 注意处理马达的工作环境,避免含铁质物体被马达吸住,否则马达将会产生噪声, 性能会降低,从而减少产品可靠性。/ Keep clean the working environments to avoid the objects such as iron powder etc are attracted by the magnet. Otherwise, it would cause noise, function deterioration and lower reliability. 9-4 应确信本产品不会与相关标准、法律、政令相背。/ Be sure not to disobey the local laws and rules. 9-5 拿马达时,要轻拿轻放。/ The motors should be taken up and placed gently in operation. 9-6 钢板面或边缘有少许锈斑是允许的。/ Slight rust on the edge of the steel housing is permitted. 10.特性曲线图/Characteristics Graph Speed [rpm] Current[mA] 15000 V-N 80 V-I 10000 60 5000 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 40 3.6 [DC V] 2021.03.06(REV,0) 编号/No.: leader-2445 说明书/Specification 7/10 11. 环境管理物质/ Environmental Management Materials: 11.1 本产品应符合RoHS 指令要求和无卤素要求。 The product should be in compliance with RoHS/ REACH requirements: *镉及其化合物最大允许含量为100PPM Cadmium and Compound: ≤100PPM * 铅及其化合物最大允许含量为1000PPM Lead and Compound: ≤ 1000PPM *汞及其化合物最大允许含量为1000PPM Hydrargyrum and Compound: ≤ 1000PPM * 六价铬及其化合物最大允许含量为1000PPM +6 Chromium and Compound: ≤ 1000PPM * 多溴联苯及其化合物最大允许含量为1000PPM PBB and Compound: ≤ 1000PPM * 多溴二苯醚及其化合物最大允许含量为1000PPM PBDE and Compound: ≤ 1000PPM * 氯溴两种卤素之和最大允许含量为1500PPM The allowed content of Cl and Br is 1500PPM Max for total. * 氯卤素最大允许含量为900PPM The allowed content of Cl is 900PPM Max. *溴卤素最大允许含量为900PPM The allowed content of Br is 900PPM Max. 11.2 本品所含有以下物质是RoHS指令豁免项 The below substance contained in the motor is exempted from RoHS directives: 序号 NO. 品名 Part Name 材质 Material 含有材质 Harzadaous Substance 允许容量 Limited Content 部品重量 Weight of Part #1 含油轴承 Oiled Bearing 铜合金 Copper Alloy 铅 Pb ≤4% ≈0.03g 2021.03.06(REV,0) 说明书/Specification 编号/No.: leader-2445 8/10 12. 包装/ Packaging: 振动马达包装 Pack drawing of Vibrator Motor 封口 250 ×10 100PCS(1 tray) bundle bundle 48 205 Vacuum Packaging ×10 bundle 包装尺寸/Packaging Size: 10000PCS/CARTON: CARTON SIZE:430mm*270mm*220mm 包装试验要求: Packaging test requirements: 沿外包装箱±x,±y和±z方向,距水泥地面 1.5m高度,各自由跌落2次,马达应无机械损 伤,电气性能仍符合标准要求。 Along the outer packing box + X, + y and + Z direction, from the cement ground 1.5m height, the free fall 2 times, the motor should have no mechanical damage, electrical performance is still in line with the standard requirements. 10000PCS/ CARTON OPP TAPE F 1 LCA1 8C26 印字 A 马达 型号 B C 2 F G H I J K 生 产时间:["1"表示 "上午 ","2"表示"下午 ","3"表 示 〝 晚上"] 表示 生产 线 以此类推 E UV ADHESIVE L 4 5 技术要求 额定电压 额定电流 额定转速 起动电压 绝缘电阻 导线规格 ≥ 6 7 立得微电子(惠州)有限公司 8 Ω F E D 编号/No.: leader-2445 3 月:[1-9月 份用 该月 数字、10月用 "A"表 示、 11月用 "B"表 示、 12月用 "C"表示 ] 年: [表 示生 产年 份、如 8为2018年 ] 日 :[1-31日 用该 日数 字、 10日用 "10"表 示、11日用 "11"表 示、 以此 类推] 生产线 马 达型号 D UV ADHESIVE 8 说明书/Specification E D 立 得标志 UV ADHESIVE 7 C 6 C 5 B 4 B 3 A 2 A 1 2021.03.06(REV,0) 9/10 13. 外形图/ Mechanical Drawing: 2021.03.06(REV,0) 编号/No.: leader-2445 说明书/Specification 10/10 14. 更改记录/ Revision Records: CUSTOMER 顾客 PRODUCT MODEL 产品型号 SPEC NO 规格书号 LCM1027A2445F 编号/No.: leader-2445 DATE 日期 2021.03.06 REVISION RECORDS 修改记录表 REV NO 修改号 DATE 日期 PAGE 页码 REVISION ITEM 修改项目 REV,0 2021.03.06 / 产品发布 REASON 更改原因



参数特性: - 额定电压:3.0V DC - 使用电压范围:2.7~3.3V DC - 旋转方向:顺时针或逆时针 - 额定转速:最低10000转/分钟 - 额定电流:最大80毫安 - 起动电流:最大120毫安 - 起动电压:最大2.3V DC - 绝缘电阻:最小10兆欧 - 机械噪音:小于50分贝(A)



LCM1027A2445F 价格&库存

