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    DIP 24PIN 1000 Base-T 单口变压器模块

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G2401D 数据手册
产品承认书 SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL CUSTOMER: CUSTOMER P/N: CND P/N. : G2401D DESCRIPTION: 1000 BASE-T MAGNETICS MODULES REF NO: REV/NO: A/0 DATE: 2016-6-8 ATTACHMENT: ■ SPECIFICATION ■ SAMPLE Q’TY OF SAMPLES √ PCS CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE REMARK FULL APPROVED CONDITIONAL APPROVED REJECTED 深圳磁联达电子有限公司 Shenzhen CND-TEK Industrial Co.,Ltd 公司地址: 深圳市南山区西丽镇阳光工业区5栋3楼 TEL: 86-755-29016433 FAX: 0755-27652977 Email: cd001@cd-tek.com Http: //www.cd-tek.com 1. FEATURES: 1.1 Designed for long haul Gigabit Ethernet 1000 Base-T, full duplex applications. 1.2 Supports four pairs of category 5 UTP cable. 1.3 Cable interface for isolation and low common mode emissions 1.4 Compliant with IEEE 802.3ab standard for 1000 Base-T 1.5 Designed to support 1:1 Turns Ratio Transceivers. 1.6 Operating Temperature range: 0℃ TO +70℃ 1.7 Storage temperature range: -25℃ TO +125℃ 2. DIMENSIONS & MARKING DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: CUSTOMER: PART NO. :G2401D 深圳磁联达电子有限公司 Shenzhen CND-TEK Industrial Co.,Ltd REV.: A/0 PAGE: 2 OF 4 3. SCHEMATICS: 4.ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS @25℃ 4.1 OCL : 350 μH Min. @ 100 KHz, 100mV with 8mA DC Bias 4.2 Leakage Inductance: 0.5 μH Max. @ 100KHz, 0.2V 4.3 Cw/w: 100 pF Max. @ 100KHz, 0.2V 4.4 DCR: 1.20Ω Max. 4.5 Turns Ratio(±5%): 1CT:1(TX), 1CT:1(RX) 4.6 Polarity: 2-23, 5-20, 8-17, 11-14 In-Phase 4.7 Insertion Loss: -1.1 dB Max. (TX & RX)@ 1-100 MHz 4.8 Return Loss: -18 dB Min @ 0.5-30MHz -15 dB Min @ 40 MHz -13 dB Min @ 60 MHz -11 dB Min @ 80 MHz -10 dB Min.@ 100 MHz 4.9 Cross Talk: -45 dB Min.@ 30 MHz -40 dB Min.@ 60 MHz -35 dB Min.@ 100 MHz 4.10 Common Mode Rejection : -43 dB Min.@ 1-30 MHz -37 dB Min.@ 60 MHz -33 dB Min.@ 80-100 MHz 4.11 Isolation HI-POT: 1500Vrms 1mA 3Second DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: CUSTOMER: PART NO. :G2401D REV.: A/0 深圳磁联达电子有限公司 Shenzhen CND-TEK Industrial Co.,Ltd PAGE: 3 OF 4 5. Recommended Lead Free Wave Soldering Curve : Item Soldertechnique simulation 1 Solder iron 2 Vapor phase reflow 3 4 5 Wave:TopsideBoar d-mount product Wave:BottomsideB oard-mount product Vapor phase reflow Temperature (℃) 350±10 (solder irno temp) 215±5 (vapor temp) 260±5 (solder temp) 260±5 (solder temp) 215±5 (vapor temp) Time(s) Temperature ramp/immersion and emersion rate 4~5 10±1 25mm/s±6mm/s 20±1 10±1 215±5 (vapor temp) Preheat 1℃/s~4℃/s to within 100℃ of solder temp 25mm/s±6mm/s 6. Reliability Test Criteria: 6.1 Terminal strength: Pull test withstand 9.8N 60+/-0.5S no looseness or movement. 6.2 Solderbility: Dipped in 245℃+/-5℃ molten solder for 3+/-0.5 seconds,95% min shall be smooth any and bright. 6.3 Resistance to soldering heat : Dip in 260℃+/- 5℃ molten solder for 5+/- 0.5 seconds. Shall not be any abnormality. 6.4 Vibration: 1.5mm amplitude total excursion 10-55-10 Hz traversed in 1minute, x.y.z, axis for 2 hours. Shall not be any abnormality. 6.5 Random drop (Packing condition): Height 60cm, 3 times on the wood floorboard ,shall not be any abnormality. 6.6 Dry heat: 100+/-2℃ 96 hours. 6.7 Cold: -20+/-2℃ 96 hours. 6.8 Damp Heat: 60+/-2℃, 93+/-3% RH 96 hours. 6.9 Change of temperature: exposed 5 cycle; each consisting of 30 minutes at -20+/-2℃,2-3minutes at 20+/2℃,30 minutes at 85+/-2℃, 2-3 minutes at 20+/-2℃. DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: CUSTOMER: PART NO. :G2401D REV.: A/0 深圳磁联达电子有限公司 Shenzhen CND-TEK Industrial Co.,Ltd PAGE: 4 OF 4
G2401D 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+1.14480
  • 10+1.09180


  •  国内价格
  • 1+2.50776
  • 10+1.99260
  • 32+1.68156
  • 96+1.39968
  • 640+1.27332
  • 960+1.20528


  •  国内价格
  • 1+1.40420
