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IS31FL3205-QFLS4-TR 数据手册
IS31FL3205 12-CHANNEL LED DRIVER WITH 16-BIT PWM March 2020 GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The IS31FL3205 is an LED driver with 12 constant current channels. Each channel can be pulse width modulated (PWM) by 16 bits for smooth LED brightness control. In addition, each channel has an 8-bit output current control register which allows fine tuning the current for rich RGB color mixing, e.g., a pure white color LED application. The maximum output current of each channel can be adjusted by one 8-bit global control register.   Proprietary programmable algorithms are used in IS31FL3205 to minimize audible noise caused by the MLCC decoupling capacitor. All registers can be programmed via a high speed I2C (1MHz). IS31FL3205 can be turned off with minimum current consumption by either pulling the SDB pin low or by using the software shutdown feature. IS31FL3205 is available in QFN-20 (3mm × 3mm) package. It operates from 2.7V to 5.5V over the temperature range of -40°C to +125°C.          2.7V to 5.5V supply Accuracy between channels and ICs: < ±6% (Max.) 1MHz I2C interface, automatic address increment function with readout function Four selectable I2C addresses Accurate color rendition - Selectable 8-bit/10-bit/12-bit/16-bit PWM - 8-bit dot correction - 8-bit global current adjust Open/Short detect function 62kHz PWM frequency (8-bit PWM) Temperature detect function EMI reduction technology - Spread spectrum - Selectable Phase Delay - Selectable 180 degree Clock Phase -40°C to +125°C temperature range QFN-20 (3mm×3mm) package APPLICATIONS    Hand-held devices for LED display AI-speakers and smart home devices LED in home appliances TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT *Note 1 VCC = VBattery 1 F 2 *Note 1 VCC 7 0.1 F VLED+ = VBattery OUT1 *Note 2 VIH 2k 8 OUT2 2k OUT3 5 6 Micro Controller 0.1 F 20 9 SDA SCL SDB IS31FL3205 100k OUT10 17 *Note 3 4 RISET 3.3k 1 3,13 ISET AD OUT11 OUT12 18 19 GND Figure 1 Lumissil Microsystems – www.lumissil.com Rev. A, 02/27/2020 Typical Application Circuit 1 IS31FL3205 TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT (CONTINUED) *Note 1 *Note 4 5V 2 7 VCC 33 *Note 1 5V OUT1 1 F *Note 2 0.1 F VIH 2k 8 91 9 33 17 33 18 91 19 33 OUT2 OUT3 2k 5 6 Micro Controller 0.1 F 20 SDA SCL SDB 100k IS31FL3205 OUT10 OUT11 *Note 3 4 RISET 3.3k 1 3,13 ISET OUT12 AD GND Figure 2 Typical Application Circuit (VCC= 5V) Note 1: VLED+ should be same as VCC voltage. Note 2: VIH is the high level voltage for IS31FL3205, which is usually same as VCC of Micro Controller, e.g. if VCC of Micro Controller is 3.3V, VIH=3.3V. If VCC=5V and VIH is lower than 2.8V, recommend to add a level shift circuit for SDA and SCL. Note 3: A 0.1µF capacitor is necessary for passing the EFT test. 2 Note 4: These optional resistors are for offloading the thermal dissipation (P=I R) away from the IS31FL3205. Note 5: The maximum output current is set to 38.25mA when RISET= 2kΩ. Please refer to the detail application information in RISET section. Note 6: The IC and LED should be placed far away from the antenna in order to prevent the EMI. Lumissil Microsystems – www.lumissil.com Rev. A, 02/27/2020 2 IS31FL3205 PIN CONFIGURATION 16 OUT9 17 OUT10 18 OUT11 GND 3 13 GND ISET 4 12 OUT6 SDA 5 11 OUT5 OUT4 10 14 OUT7 OUT3 9 VCC 2 OUT2 8 15 OUT8 OUT1 7 AD 1 SCL 6 QFN-20 19 OUT12 Pin Configuration (Top View) 20 SDB Package PIN DESCRIPTION No. Pin Description 1 AD I2C address setting. 2 VCC Power supply. 3, 13 GND Ground. 4 ISET Input terminal used to connect an external resistor. This regulates the global output current. 5 SDA I2C serial data. 6 SCL I2C serial clock. 7~12 OUT1~OUT6 Output channel 1~6 for LEDs. 14~19 OUT7 ~ OUT12 Output channel 7~12 for LEDs. 20 SDB Shutdown the chip when pulled low. Thermal Pad Connect to GND. Lumissil Microsystems – www.lumissil.com Rev. A, 02/27/2020 3 IS31FL3205 ORDERING INFORMATION Industrial Range: -40°C to +125°C Order Part No. Package QTY/Reel IS31FL3205-QFLS4-TR QFN-20, Lead-free 2500 Copyright  ©  2020  Lumissil  Microsystems.  All  rights  reserved.  Lumissil  Microsystems  reserves  the  right  to  make  changes  to  this  specification  and  its  products  at  any  time  without  notice.  Lumissil  Microsystems  assumes  no  liability  arising  out  of  the  application  or  use  of  any  information,  products  or  services described herein. Customers are advised to obtain the latest version of this device specification before relying on any published information and  before placing orders for products.  Lumissil Microsystems does not recommend the use of any of its products in life support applications where the failure or malfunction of the product can  reasonably be expected to cause failure of the life support system or to significantly affect its safety or effectiveness. Products are not authorized for use in  such applications unless Lumissil Microsystems receives written assurance to its satisfaction, that:  a.) the risk of injury or damage has been minimized;  b.) the user assume all such risks; and  c.) potential liability of Lumissil Microsystems is adequately protected under the circumstances  Lumissil Microsystems – www.lumissil.com Rev. A, 02/27/2020 4 IS31FL3205 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply voltage, VCC Voltage at SCL, SDA, SDB, AD, OUT1 to OUT12 Maximum junction temperature, TJMAX Storage temperature range, TSTG Operating temperature range, TA=TJ Package thermal resistance (Mounted on JEDEC standard 4 layer (2s2p) PCB test board), θJA ESD (HBM) ESD (CDM) -0.3V ~ +6.0V -0.3V ~ VCC+0.3V +150°C -65°C ~ +150°C -40°C ~ +125°C 58°C/W ±7kV ±750V Note 7: Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other condition beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Typical values are TA = 25°C, VCC = 5V. Symbol Parameter Condition VCC Supply voltage IMAX Output current VCC= 5V, VOUT= 0.8V, RISET= 2kΩ, GCC= 0xFF, Scaling= 0xFF (Note 8) IOUT Output current VCC= 5V, VOUT= 0.6V, RISET= 3.3kΩ, GCC= 0xFF, SL= 0xFF Output current mismatch between channels RISET= 3.3kΩ, GCC= 0xFF, VOUT= 0.4V, SL= 0xFF (Note 9) Headroom voltage GCC= 0xFF,RISET= 3.3kΩ, IOUT= 20mA, SL= 0xFF VCC= 5V, RISET= 3.3kΩ, GCC= 0xFF, SL = 0xFF, IOUT= 23mA, PWM= 0x00 ∆IMAT VHR ICC ISD Min. 2.7 5.5 38 21.39 23 Unit V mA 24.61 mA 6 % 0.3 0.5 V 3.3 5 mA 2.7 4 mA VCC= 5V, RISET= 3.3kΩ, VSDB= 0V or software shutdown 2 3 μA VCC= 3.6V, RISET= 3.3kΩ, VSDB= 0V or software shutdown 1 2 μA 32 -6 Quiescent power supply current VCC= 3.6V, RISET= 3.3kΩ, GCC= 0xFF, SL = 0xFF, IOUT= 23mA, PWM= 0x00 Shutdown current Typ. Max. fOUT PWM frequency of output PWM resolution 8-bit, OSC clock 8MHz IOZ Output leakage current VSDB = 0V or software shutdown, VOUT = 5.5V TSD Thermal shutdown (Note 10) 160 °C Thermal shutdown hysteresis (Note 10) 13 °C 1.0 V TSD_HY VISET kHz 0.1 Output voltage of ISET pin μA Logic Electrical Characteristics (SDA, SCL, SDB, AD) VIL Logic “0” input voltage VCC = 2.7V~5.5V VIH Logic “1” input voltage VCC = 2.7V~5.5V IIL Logic “0” input current VINPUT = 0V (Note 10) 5 nA IIH Logic “1” input current VINPUT = VCC (Note 10) 5 nA Lumissil Microsystems – www.lumissil.com Rev. A, 02/27/2020 0.4 1.4 V V 5 IS31FL3205 DIGITAL INPUT SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (NOTE 10) Fast Mode Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. fSCL Serial-clock frequency tBUF Fast Mode Plus Min. Typ. Max. Units - 400 - 1000 kHz Bus free time between a STOP and a START condition 1.3 - 0.5 - μs tHD, STA Hold time (repeated) START condition 0.6 - 0.26 - μs tSU, STA Repeated START condition setup time 0.6 - 0.26 - μs tSU, STO STOP condition setup time 0.6 - 0.26 - μs tHD, DAT Data hold time (Note 11) - - - - μs tSU, DAT Data setup time (Note 12) 100 - 50 - ns tLOW SCL clock low period 1.3 - 0.5 - μs tHIGH SCL clock high period 0.7 - 0.26 - μs tR Rise time of both SDA and SCL signals, receiving - 300 - 120 ns tF Fall time of both SDA and SCL signals, receiving - 300 - 120 ns Note 8: The recommended minimum value of RISET is 2kΩ, or it may cause a large current. Note 9: ∆IMAT= (IOUT- IAVG)/IAVG×100%. IAVG= (IOUT1+IOUT2+…IOUT12)/12. Note 10: Guaranteed by design. Note 11: The minimum tHD, DAT measured start from VIL(Max.) of SCL signal. The maximum tHD,DAT has only to be met if the device does not stretch the LOW period (tLOW) of the SCL signal. VIL(Max.) Note 12: A Fast-mode I2C-bus device can be used in a Standard-mode I2C-bus system, but the requirement tSU,DAT≥ 250ns must then be met. This will automatically be the case if the device does not stretch the LOW period of the SCL signal. If such a device does stretch the LOW period of the SCL signal, it must output the next data bit to the SDA line tR max + tSU,DAT = 1000 + 250 = 1250ns (according to the Standard-mode I2C-bus specification) before the SCL line is released. Lumissil Microsystems – www.lumissil.com Rev. A, 02/27/2020 6 IS31FL3205 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM VCC PWM Control SDA SCL Output Driver I2C Interface OUT1~OUT12 Register Bias AD ISET 6 Group CNT Bandgap MUX SD_Chip SDB OSC Spread Spectrum GND Lumissil Microsystems – www.lumissil.com Rev. A, 02/27/2020 7 IS31FL3205 DETAILED DESCRIPTION Then the master sends an SCL pulse. If the IS31FL3205 has received the address correctly, then it holds the SDA line low during the SCL pulse. If the SDA line is not low, then the master should send a “STOP” signal (discussed later) and abort the transfer. I2C INTERFACE The IS31FL3205 uses a serial bus, which conforms to the I2C protocol, to control the chip’s functions with two wires: SCL and SDA. The IS31FL3205 has a 7-bit slave address (A7:A1), followed by the R/W bit, A0. Set A0 to “0” for a write command and set A0 to “1” for a read command. The value of bits A1 and A2 are decided by the connection of the AD pin. The complete slave address is: Following acknowledge of IS31FL3205, the register address byte is sent, most significant bit first. IS31FL3205 must generate another acknowledge indicating that the register address has been received. Then 8-bit of data byte are sent next, most significant bit first. Each data bit should be valid while the SCL level is stable high. After the data byte is sent, the IS31FL3205 must generate another acknowledge to indicate that the data was received. Table 1 Slave Address (Write Only): Bit A7:A3 A2:A1 Value 01101 AD AD connected to GND, AD = 00; AD connected to VCC, AD = 11; AD connected to SCL, AD = 01; AD connected to SDA, AD = 10; A0 0 The “STOP” signal ends the transfer. To signal “STOP”, the SDA signal goes high while the SCL signal is high. ADDRESS AUTO INCREMENT The SCL line is uni-directional. The SDA line is bi-directional (open-drian) with a pull-up resistor (typically 2kΩ). The maximum clock frequency specified by the I2C standard is 1MHz. In this discussion, the master is the microcontroller and the slave is the IS31FL3205. To write multiple bytes of data into IS31FL3205, load the address of the data register that the first data byte is intended for. During the IS31FL3205 acknowledge of receiving the data byte, the internal address pointer will increment by one. The next data byte sent to IS31FL3205 will be placed in the new address, and so on. The auto increment of the address will continue as long as data continues to be written to IS31FL3205 (Figure 6). The timing diagram for the I2C is shown in Figure 3. The SDA is latched in on the stable high level of the SCL. When there is no interface activity, the SDA line should be held high. READING OPERATION The “START” signal is generated by lowering the SDA signal while the SCL signal is high. The start signal will alert all devices attached to the I2C bus to check the incoming address against their own chip address. Most of the registers can be read. To read the register, after I2C start condition, the bus master must send the IS31FL3205 device address ____ The 8-bit chip address is sent next, most significant bit first. Each address bit must be stable while the SCL level is high. with the R/W bit set to “0”, followed by the register address which determines which register is accessed. Then restart I2C, the bus master should send the After the last bit of the chip address is sent, the master checks for the IS31FL3205’s acknowledge. The master releases the SDA line high (through a pull-up resistor). IS31FL3205 device address with the R/W bit set to “1”. Data from the register defined by the command byte is then sent from the IS31FL3205 to the master (Figure 7). Figure 3 Lumissil Microsystems – www.lumissil.com Rev. A, 02/27/2020 ____ Interface Timing 8 IS31FL3205 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Bit Transfer Writing to IS31FL3205 (Typical) Writing to IS31FL3205 (Automatic Address Increment) Figure 7 Lumissil Microsystems – www.lumissil.com Rev. A, 02/27/2020 Reading from IS31FL3205 9 IS31FL3205 REGISTER DEFINITIONS Table 2 Register Function Address Name 00h Function R/W Table Default Control Register Power control register R/W 3 PWM Register Channel [12:1] PWM register byte R/W 5 Update Register Update the PWM and Scaling data W - LED Scaling Register Control each channel’s DC current R/W 7 6Eh Global Current Control Register Control Global DC current/SSD R/W 8 70h Phase Delay and Clock Phase Register Phase Delay and Clock Phase R/W 9 71h Open Short Detect Enable Register Open short detect enable R/W 10 LED Open/Short Register Open short information R/W 11 77h Temperature Sensor Register Temperature information R/W 12 78h Spread Spectrum Register Spread spectrum control register R/W 13 7Fh Reset Register Reset all registers W - 07h~1Eh 49h 4Dh~58h 72h~73h 0000 0000 Table 4 PWM Frequency Table 3 00h Control Register PWM 16M Resolution Bit D7 D6:D4 D3 D2:D1 D0 Name - OSC - PMS SSD 8bit Default 0 000 0 00 0 The Control Register sets software shutdown mode, internal oscillator clock frequency and PWM resolution. The internal oscillator clock frequency and the PWM resolution will decide the output PWM frequency. Recommend selecting PWM frequency higher than 20kHz to avoid MLCC audible noise as shown in Table 4. SSD 0 1 Software Shutdown Enable Software shutdown mode Normal operation PMS 00 01 10 11 PWM Resolution N=256, 8-bit N=1024, 10-bit N=4096, 12-bit N=65536, 16-bit OSC 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Oscillator Clock Frequency Selection 16MHz 8MHz 1MHz 500kHz 250kHz 125kHz 62kHz 31kHz 8M 1M 500k 250k 125k 62k 31k 62k 32k 4k 0.5k 244 122 10bit 16k 8k 1k 0.5k 244 122 NA NA 12bit 4k 2k 244 122 NA NA NA NA 16bit 244 122 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2k 1k Table 5 07h~1Eh PWM Register Reg 08h (0Ah, 0Ch…) 07h (09h, 0Bh…) Bit D7:D0 D7:D0 Name PWM_H PWM_L Default 0000 0000 0000 0000 Each output has 2 bytes to modulate the PWM duty in 256/1024/4096/65536 steps. If using 8 bit PWM resolution, only PWM_L bits need to be set. The value of the SL (Scaling Register) decides the peak current of each LED noted as IOUT. IOUT and the value of the PWM Registers decide the average current of each LED noted as ILED. IOUT is computed by Formula (1): I OUT  I OUT ( MAX )  GCC SL  256 256 (1) ILED computed by Formula (2): I LED  PWM  I OUT N N=256: PWM  (2) 7  D[ n ]  2 n n0 Lumissil Microsystems – www.lumissil.com Rev. A, 02/27/2020 10 IS31FL3205 N=1024: PWM  Table 6 PWM and Scaling Register Map PWM OUT SL PWM_H PWM_L 9  D[n ]  2 n n0 N=4096: PWM  11  D[ n ]  2 n n0 N=65536: PWM  15  D[ n ]  2 n (3) n0 Where IOUT(MAX) is the maximum output current decided by RISET (Check RISET section for more information), GCC is the global current setting (6Eh), and SL is the scaling of each output (4Ah~6Dh), N=256/1024/4096/65536(8/10/12/16 bit PWM resolution). For example: RISET=3.3kΩ, GCC=0xFF, SL=0xFF, PMS= “11” (16-bit PWM resolution), PWM_H=0xFF, PWM_L=0xFF, IOUT(MAX)= 23.18mA I OUT  I OUT ( MAX )  PWM  255 255   23 mA (1) 256 256 15  D[ n ]  2 n  65535 (3) n0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 08h 0Ah 0Ch 0Eh 10h 12h 14h 16h 18h 1Ah 1Ch 1Eh 07h 09h 0Bh 0Dh 0Fh 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 1Bh 1Dh 4Dh 4Eh 4Fh 50h 51h 52h 53h 54h 55h 56h 57h 58h 49h Update Register When SDB = “H” and SSD = “1”, a write of “0000 0000” to 49h is to update the PWM Registers (07h~1Eh) values. N= 65536 I LED  Table 7 4Dh~58h LED Scaling Register 65535  23 mA  23 mA 65536 (2) Where IOUT(MAX) is the maximum output current decided by RISET (Check RISET section for more information) The IOUT of each channel is set by the SL bits of LED Scaling Register (4Ah~6Dh). Please refer to the detail information in Table 7. If RISET=3.3kΩ, GCC=0xFF, SL=0xFF, PMS= “00” (8-bit PWM resolution, only use the PWM_L, the PWM_H will be ignored), PWM_H=0x77, PWM_L=0xAA, IOUT(MAX) = 23.18mA 255 255  I OUT ( MAX )    23 mA (1) 256 256 I OUT PWM  7  D[ n ]  2 n  170 (3) n 0 N= 256 I LED  170  23 mA 256 Bit D7:D0 Name SL Default 0000 0000 Each output has 8 bits to modulate DC current in 256 steps. The value of the LED Scaling Registers decides the DC peak current of each LED noted IOUT. IOUT is computed by Formula (1): I OUT  I OUT ( MAX )  SL  GCC SL  256 256 (1) 7  D[ n ]  2 n (4) n0 Where IOUT(MAX) is the maximum output current decided by RISET, GCC is the global current setting (6Eh) 4Dh~58h don’t need to update by 49h, each register will be updated immediately when it is written. (2) Lumissil Microsystems – www.lumissil.com Rev. A, 02/27/2020 11 IS31FL3205 Table 8 6Eh Global Current Control Register Bit D7:D0 Name GCC Default 0000 0000 GCC and SL control the IOUT as shown in Formula (1). GCC  7  D[ n ]  2 n n0 (5) If GCC=0xFF, SL=0xFF, IOUT=IOUT(MAX) If GCC=0x01, SL=0xFF, I OUT 1 255  I OUT ( MAX )   256 256 Where IOUT(MAX) is the maximum output current decided by RISET (Check RISET section for more information). Table 9 70h Register Table 10 Register D7 D6:D3 D2 D1 D0 Name PDE - PS3 PS2 PS1 Default 0 0000 0 0 0 IS31FL3205 features a 3 phase delay function, when PDE bit is set, the phase delay function is enabled. Phase Delay separates 12 outputs as 3 groups, OUT1~OUT3 as group 1, OUT4~OUT9 as group 2, OUT10~OUT12 as group 3. When Phase Delay is enabled, group 2 has a 1/(3*fOUT) time delay than group 1, group 3 also has a 1/(3*fOUT) time delay than group 2. Phase Delay feature and Clock Phase options can work together to minimize the voltage ripple of LED power supply. PDE 0 1 Group Phase Delay Enable Phase delay disable Phase delay enable PS1 0 1 OUT1~OUT3 Phase Select Phase delay 0 Degree Phase delay 180 Degree PS2 0 1 OUT4~OUT9 Phase Select Phase delay 0 Degree Phase delay 180 Degree PS3 0 1 OUT10~OUT12 Phase Select Phase delay 0 Degree Phase delay 180 Degree D7:D2 D1:D0 Name - OSDE Default 0000 00 00 OSDE enables the open and/or short LED channel detection with the result stored in 72h~76h, note either open or short information is saved not both. OSDE 00 01 10 11 Open Detect Enable Detect disable Detect disable Short detect enable Open detect enable Table 11-1 72h LED Open/Short Register Bit D7:D3 D2:D0 Name OP/ST[5:1] - Default 0000 0 xxx Table 11-2 73h LED Open/Short Register Bit D7 D6:D0 Name - OP/ST[12:6] Default x 000 0000 Open or short status is stored in 72h to 73h. OP[12:1] 0 1 Open Information of OUT12:OUT1 Open not detected Open detected ST[12:1] 0 1 Short Information of OUT12:OUT1 Short not detected Short detected Table 12 77h Temperature Sensor Register Bit D7:D6 D5 D4 D3:D2 D1:D0 Name TROF - T_Flag - TS Default 00 0 0 00 00 TS stores the temperature/thermal roll-off point. TROF stores percentage of output current of the thermal rool-off function. Read T_Flag can indicate if the die temperature exceeds the setting point (TS). Before each reading of 77h register, TROF and TS need to be re-written. TROF 00 01 10 11 Lumissil Microsystems – www.lumissil.com Rev. A, 02/27/2020 Open Short Detect Enable Bit Phase Delay and Clock Phase Bit 71h Thermal roll off percentage of output current 100% 75% 55% 30% 12 IS31FL3205 T_Flag 0 1 Temperature Flag Temperature point not exceeded Temperature point exceeded SSP 0 1 Spread Spectrum Enable Disable Enable TS Temperature Point, Thermal roll off start point 140°C 120°C 100°C 90°C RNG 00 01 10 11 Spread Spectrum Range ±5% ±15% ±24% ±34% CLT 00 01 10 11 Spread Spectrum Cycle Time 1980μs 1200μs 820μs 660μs 00 01 10 11 Table 13 78h Spread Spectrum Register Bit D7:D5 D4 D3:D2 D1:D0 Name DCPWM SSP RNG CLT Default 000 0 00 00 When DCPWM is set to “0”, the PWM outputs are decided by 01h~1Eh, and the PWM range is 0/256~255/256(8-bit PWM, 0/1024~1023/1024 for 10 bit PWM, 0/4096~4095/4096 for 12 bit PWM, 0/65536~65535/65536 for 16 bit PWM), still the 1/256(8-bit PWM, 1/1024 for 10 bit PWM, 1/4096 for 12 bit PWM, 1/65536 for 16 bit PWM), can’t be turned on. When the DCPWM is set to “1”, PWM dimming is disabled and dimming will be done by current adjust GCC and SL registers. Spread spectrum register configures the spread spectrum function, adjust the cycle time and range. DCPWM xx0 xx1 x0x x1x 7Fh Reset Register When SDB = “H” and SSD = “1”, A write of “0000 0000” to 7Fh will reset all registers to their default values. Setting the output to work in DC mode Output 1~9 PWM data set by registers 01h~18h Output 1~9 set to turn on (PWM is disabled) Output 10~12 PWM data set by registers 19h~1Eh Output 10~12 set to turn on (PWM is disabled) Lumissil Microsystems – www.lumissil.com Rev. A, 02/27/2020 13 IS31FL3205 APPLICATION INFORMATION RISET The maximum output current IOUT(MAX) of OUT1~OUT12 can be adjusted by the external resistor, RISET, as described in Formula (6). I OUT ( MAX )  x  V ISET R ISET (6) x = 76.5, VISET = 1.0V. The recommended minimum value of RISET is 2kΩ. When RISET=3.3kΩ, IOUT(MAX)=23.18mA When RISET=2kΩ, IOUT(MAX)=38.25mA RISET should be close to the chip and the ground side should well connect to the GND plane. CURRENT SETTING The maximum output current is set by the external register RISET. The current of each output can also be set independently by the SL 8 bits of LED Scaling Register (4Dh~58h). Some applications may require the IOUT of each channel need to be adjusted independently. For example, if OUT1 drives 1 LED and OUT2 drives 2 parallel LEDs, and they should have the same average current like 18mA, we can set the IOUT(MAX) to 36mA, and GCC=0xFF, 4Ah=0x80, 4Bh=0xFF, the OUT1 sinks about 18mA and OUT2 sinks 36mA which can have two LEDs in parallel. Another example, OUT1, OUT2 and OUT3 drive an RGB LED, OUT1 is Red LED, OUT2 is Green LED and OUT 3 is Blue LED, with same RISET, GCC and same SL bits, when OUT1 OUT2 and OUT3 have the same PWM value, the LED may looks a litter pink, or not so white, in this case, the SL bits can be used to adjust the single IOUTx of some output and make it pure white color. We call this SL bits another name: white balance registers. PWM CONTROL The PWM Registers (07h~1Eh) can modulate LED brightness of each 12 channels with 256/1024/4096/65536 steps. For example, if the data in PWM_H Register is “0000 0000” and in PWM_L Register is “0000 0100”, then the PWM is the fourth step. Writing new data continuously to the registers can modulate the brightness of the LEDs to achieve a breathing effect. PWM FREQUENCY SELECT The IS31FL3205 output channels operate with a default 8 bit PWM resolution and the PWM frequency of 62kHz (the oscillator frequency is 16MHz). Lumissil Microsystems – www.lumissil.com Rev. A, 02/27/2020 Because all the OUTx channels are synchronized, the DC power supply will experience large instantaneous current surges when the OUTx channels turn ON. These current surges will generate an AC ripple on the power supply which cause stress to the decoupling capacitors. When the AC ripple is applied to a monolithic ceramic capacitor chip (MLCC) it will expand and contract causing the PCB to flex and generate audible hum in the range of between 300Hz to 18kHz, To avoid this hum, there are many countermeasures, such as selecting the capacitor type and value which will not cause the PCB to flex and contract. An additional option for avoiding audible hum is to set the IS31FL3205’s output PWM frequency above/below the audible range. The Control Register (00h) can be used to set the switching frequency to 122Hz~62kHz as shown in Table 4, some combine setting of the OSC and PMS bits will get different output PWM frequency, and higher than 20kHz or is out of the audible range. OPEN/SHORT DETECT FUNCTION IS31FL3205 has open and short detect bit for each LED. By setting the OSDE bit of Open Short Detect Enable Register (71h) from “00” to “10” (store short information) or “11” (store open information), the LED Open/Short Register will store the open/short information immediately the MCU can get the open/short information by reading the 72h~73h. SPREAD SPECTRUM FUNCTION PWM current switching of LED outputs can be particularly troublesome when the EMI is concerned. To optimize the EMI performance, the IS31FL3205 includes a spread spectrum function. By setting the RNG bit of Spread Spectrum Register (78h), Spread Spectrum range can be choose from ±5% /±15% /±24% /±34%. The spread spectrum function will lower the total electromagnetic emitting energy by spreading the energy into a wider range to significantly degrade the peak energy of EMI. With spread spectrum, the EMI test is easier to pass with a smaller size and lower cost filter circuit. OPERATING MODE IS31FL3205 can only operate in PWM Mode. The brightness of each LED can be modulated with 256/1024/4096/65536 steps by PWM registers. For example, if the data in PWM Register is “0000 0100”, then the PWM is the fourth step. Writing new data continuously to the registers can modulate the brightness of the LEDs to achieve a breathing effect. 14 IS31FL3205 SHUTDOWN MODE Shutdown mode can be used as a means of reducing power consumption. During shutdown mode all registers retain their data. Software Shutdown By setting the SSD bit of the Control Register (00h) to “0”, the IS31FL3205 will operate in software shutdown mode. When the IS31FL3205 is in software shutdown, all current sources are switched off, so the LEDs are OFF but all registers accessible. Typical current consume is 1μA (VCC=3.6V). Hardware Shutdown The chip enters hardware shutdown when the SDB pin is pulled low. All analog circuits are disabled during hardware shutdown, typical the current consumption is 1μA (VCC=3.6V). The chip releases hardware shutdown when the SDB pin is pulled high. The rising edge of SDB pin will reset the I2C module, but the register information retains. During hardware shutdown the registers are accessible. If the VCC supply drops below 1.75V but remains above 0.1V during SDB pulled low, please re-initialize all Function Registers before SDB pulled high. LAYOUT The IS31FL3205 consumes lots of power so good PCB layout will help improve the reliability of the chip. Please consider below factors when layout the PCB. also the digital and analog blocks’ supply line and GND should be separated to avoid the noise from digital block affect the analog block. At least one 0.1μF capacitor, if possible with a 1μF capacitor is recommended to connected to the ground at power supply pin of the chip, and it needs to close to the chip and the ground net of the capacitor should be well connected to the GND plane. RISET RISET should be close to the chip and the ground side should well connect to the GND plane. Thermal Consideration The over temperature of the chip may result in deterioration of the properties of the chip. The thermal pad of IS31FL3205 should connect to GND net and need to use 4 or 9 vias connect to GND copper area, the GND area should be as large area as possible to help radiate the heat from the IS31FL3205. Current Rating Example For a RISET=3.3kΩ application, the current rating for each net is as follows: • VCC pin maximum current is 5mA when VCC=5V, but the VLED+ net is provide total current of all outputs, its current can as much as 23mA×12=276mA, recommend trace width for VCC pin: 0.20mm~0.3mm, recommend trace width for VLED+ net: 0.25mm~0.4mm, Power Supply Lines • Output pins=23mA, recommend trace width is 0.2mm~0.254mm When designing the PCB layout pattern, the first step should consider about the supply line and GND connection, especially those traces with high current, • All other pins
IS31FL3205-QFLS4-TR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+18.780441+2.26655
  • 10+11.7069510+1.41288
  • 25+9.8722725+1.19145
  • 100+7.79152100+0.94034
  • 250+6.77082250+0.81715
  • 500+6.14262500+0.74134
  • 1000+5.616401000+0.67783


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 2500+4.778882500+0.57675
