Signal Transformer Co.
Bel Transformer Co. Inc.
500 Bayview Avenue
Inwood, NY 11096-1792
(516) 239-5777 Fax: (516) 239-7208
March 11, 2009
Subject: Lead Free, RoHS Compliance and Elimination of banned substances
Dear Customer,
This is to confirm that Signal Transformer does not use any Lead in the manufacturing of our products.
All solders and solder connections in our products are Lead Free.
Our engineering team worked closely with our key raw material suppliers and verified their materials are RoHS
compliant as well.
A RoHS compliant product is currently defined as one with less than or equal to 0.1% Lead, 0.1% Mercury,
0.0075% Cadmium, 0.1% Hexavalent Chromium, 0.1% PBB and 0.1% PBDE.
The replies gathered from these suppliers validate our statement that Signal’s products are RoHS compliant.
Please see the links below for additional information on the subject:
Signal Transformer
Paul Sukhnandan
Quality Manager