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MG911 数据手册
Matrix Opto. Co., Ltd -MG911 GaAs Hall Element- MG911 GaAs Hall Element High Sensitive GaAs Hall Element Excellent Thermal Characteristics Thin-type SIP Package Shipped in Bulk by Pack (500pcs devices per pack) Dimensional Drawing (Unit: mm) Absolute Maximum Rating Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Maximum Input Current Icmax -40℃ ~ 125℃ -40℃ ~ 150℃ 12mA Maximum Input Current I cmax [mA] 12.0 11.5 11.0 10.5 10.0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Ambient Temperature Ta [celsius] Figure 1. Maximum input current Icmax Copy Right Reserved JZWI-DS-006 Version 2.0 Matrixopto.Co.,Ltd is the owner of the trademarks used in this document, which has the exclusive right to prevent any third parties not having the owner’s consent from using in the course of trade identical or similar signs for goods or services where such use would result in a likelihood of confusion. Matrix Opto. Co., Ltd -MG911 GaAs Hall Element- Electrical Characteristics (RT=25℃) Table 1. Electrical Characteristics of MG911. Item Symbol Hall Voltage VH Input/Output Resist. Rin/out Offset Voltage Vos Temp. Coeffi. of VH |αVH| Temp. Coeffi. of Rin αRin Linearity of VH ΔK Test Condi. Min. Typ. Max. Unit 72 90 108 mV 650 750 850 Ω +5 mV 0.06 %/℃ 0.3 %/℃ +2 % B = 50mT, IC=5mA Ta = RT B = 0mT, IC = 0.1mA Ta = RT B = 0mT, IC = 5mA Ta = RT -5 B = 50mT, IC =5mA, Ta = 25℃ ~ 125℃ B = 0mT, IC =0.1mA, Ta = 25℃ ~ 125℃ B = 0.01 - 0.05T, IC =5mA Ta = RT -2 Note: 1. 𝑽H = 𝑽H−M − 𝑽os In which V H-M is the Output Hall Voltage, 𝑽H is the Hall Voltage and 𝑽os is the offset Voltage under the identical electrical stimuli. 2. 1 α𝑽H = 𝑽H (𝑻𝑎1 ) × 𝑽H (𝑻𝑎2 )−𝑽H (𝑻𝑎1 ) 𝑻𝑎2 −𝑻𝑎1 × 100 𝑻𝑎1 = 25℃, 3. α𝑹in = 1 𝑹in (𝑻𝑎1 ) × 𝑹𝐢n (𝑻𝑎2 )−𝑹𝐢𝐧 (𝑻𝑎1 ) 𝑻𝑎2 −𝑻𝑎1 × 100 𝑻𝑎1 = 25℃, 4. Δ𝑲 = 𝑲(𝑩1 )−𝑲(𝑩2 ) 𝑲(𝑩1 )+𝑲(𝑩2 ) 2 × 100 𝑲= 𝑻𝑎2 = 125℃ 𝑻𝑎2 = 125℃ 𝑽H 𝑰𝑐 ×𝑩 𝑩1 = 0.05T, B2 = 0.01T Copy Right Reserved JZWI-DS-006 Version 2.0 Matrixopto.Co.,Ltd is the owner of the trademarks used in this document, which has the exclusive right to prevent any third parties not having the owner’s consent from using in the course of trade identical or similar signs for goods or services where such use would result in a likelihood of confusion. Matrix Opto. Co., Ltd -MG911 GaAs Hall Element- Characteristic Curves Rin - Ta Input Resistance Rin [ohm] 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 30 60 90 120 150 Ambient Temperature Ta [celsius] Figure 2. Input resistance Rin as a function of ambient temperature Ta. VH- B 90 @RT 80 Hall Voltage VH [mV] 70 60 I = 10mA c 50 40 Vc = 6V 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 Magnetic Flux Density B [mT] Figure 3. Hall voltage VH as a function of magnetic flux density B. Copy Right Reserved JZWI-DS-006 Version 2.0 Matrixopto.Co.,Ltd is the owner of the trademarks used in this document, which has the exclusive right to prevent any third parties not having the owner’s consent from using in the course of trade identical or similar signs for goods or services where such use would result in a likelihood of confusion. Matrix Opto. Co., Ltd -MG911 GaAs Hall ElementVH-Ta 250 @50mT Hall Voltage VH [mV] 200 I = 10mA c 150 Vc = 6V 100 50 0 -50 0 50 100 150 Ambient Temperature Ta [celsius] Figure 4. Hall voltage VH as a function of ambient temperature Ta. VH - Ic/Vc 200 @50mT @RT Hall Voltage VH 150 Vc 100 Ic 50 0 0 2 4 6 8 Input Current/Voltage Ic/Vc [mA/V] Figure 5. Hall voltage VH as a function of electrical stimuli Ic/Vc. Copy Right Reserved JZWI-DS-006 Version 2.0 Matrixopto.Co.,Ltd is the owner of the trademarks used in this document, which has the exclusive right to prevent any third parties not having the owner’s consent from using in the course of trade identical or similar signs for goods or services where such use would result in a likelihood of confusion. Matrix Opto. Co., Ltd -MG911 GaAs Hall Element- Reliability Test Terms Table 2. Reliability Test Terms, Conditions and Duration. No. 1 Terms Conditions Duration High Temperature Storage 【JEITA EIAJ ED-4701】 (HTS) Ta =150(0 ~ +10)℃ 1000 hrs 【JEITA EIAJ ED-4701】 2 T a=-55℃~150 ℃ Heat Cycle (HC) high temp. - normal temp. 30 min - 5 min - 3 4 5 low temp. 30 min Temp. Humidity Storage 【JEITA EIAJ ED-4701】 (THS) Ta =85±3 ℃,RH =85±5 % 1000 hrs 【JEITA EIAJ ED-4701】 Resist. to Hand Soldering Heat (RHSH) 50 cycles Dipped in the 300±5 ℃ 5 sec solder up to the 1 mm part from the body High Temp. Operating (HTO) Ta =125 ℃,Vc =7.5V 1000 hrs Criteria: - Variation of Hall Voltage 𝑽H and input/output resistances Rin/out are less than 20%. - Variation of offset voltage 𝑽os is less than ±16mV. - Other parameters in Table 1. are still within their ranges stated in Table 1. Copy Right Reserved JZWI-DS-006 Version 2.0 Matrixopto.Co.,Ltd is the owner of the trademarks used in this document, which has the exclusive right to prevent any third parties not having the owner’s consent from using in the course of trade identical or similar signs for goods or services where such use would result in a likelihood of confusion. Matrix Opto. Co., Ltd -MG911 GaAs Hall Element- Soldering Conditions The following conditions should be preserved. Solder ability should be checked by yourself, because it is depend on solder paste material and other parameters. Material of solder flux - Use the resin based flux and refrain from using organic or inorganic acid based and water-soluble one. Cleansing of solder flux conditions - Use Ethanol or Isopropyl alcohol as cleansing material. - Process temperature should be 50 ℃ or less. - Duration should be 5 minutes or less. Hand soldering conditions - Apart from the mold resin more than 1mm. - Solder at temperature 300 ℃ for less than 5s. Wave soldering conditions - Temperature in Pre-heating zone should be lower than 150℃. - Temperature in Soldering zone should be lower than 280℃. Copy Right Reserved JZWI-DS-006 Version 2.0 Matrixopto.Co.,Ltd is the owner of the trademarks used in this document, which has the exclusive right to prevent any third parties not having the owner’s consent from using in the course of trade identical or similar signs for goods or services where such use would result in a likelihood of confusion. Matrix Opto. Co., Ltd -MG911 GaAs Hall Element- Precautions for ESD This product is the device that is sensitive to ESD (Electrostatic Discharge). Handling Hall Elements with the ESD-Caution mark under the environment in which - Static electrical charge is unlikely to arise (Ex: Relative Humidity over 40%RH). - Wearing the anti-static suit and wristband when handling the devices. - Implementing measures against ESD as for containers that directly touch the devices. Precautions for Storage - Products should be stored at an appropriate temperature and humidity (5°C to 35°C, 40%RH to 60%RH) after the unsealing of the MBB. Keeping products away from chlorine and corrosive gas. - For storage longer than 2 years Products are sealed in MBB with a desiccant. It is recommended to store in nitrogen atmosphere with MBB sealed. Oxygen and H2O of atmosphere oxidizes leads of products and lead solder ability get worse. Precautions for Safety - Do not alter the form of this product into a gas, powder or liquid through burning, crushing or chemical processing. - Observe laws and company regulations when discarding this product. Copy Right Reserved JZWI-DS-006 Version 2.0 Matrixopto.Co.,Ltd is the owner of the trademarks used in this document, which has the exclusive right to prevent any third parties not having the owner’s consent from using in the course of trade identical or similar signs for goods or services where such use would result in a likelihood of confusion.
MG911 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+3.45400
    • 10+3.23400
    • 50+2.90400
    • 150+2.68400
    • 300+2.53000
    • 500+2.46400
