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    2个N沟道 漏源电压(Vdss):20V 连续漏极电流(Id):5.5A 功率(Pd):1.25W

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WSP8205A 数据手册
WSP8205A Dual N-Channel MOSFET Product Summery General Description The WSP8205A is the highest performance trench N-ch MOSFET with extreme high cell density , which provide excellent RDSON and gate charge for most of the small power switching and load switch applications. BVDSS RDSON 20V 28mΩ ID 5.5A Applications The WSP8205A meet the RoHS and Green Product requirement with full function reliability approved. z High Frequency Point-of-Load Synchronous Small power switching for MB/NB/UMPC/VGA z Networking DC-DC Power System Features TSSOP-8 Pin Configuration z Advanced high cell density Trench technology z Super Low Gate Charge z Excellent Cdv/dt effect decline z Green Device Available Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter VDS VGS ID@Tc=25℃ ID@Tc=70℃ IDM Rating Units Drain-Source Voltage 20 V Gate-Source Voltage ±12 V 1 5.5 A 1 5.2 A 20 A Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ 4.5V Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ 4.5V Pulsed Drain Current 2 3 PD@TA=25℃ Total Power Dissipation 1.25 W TSTG Storage Temperature Range -55 to 150 ℃ TJ Operating Junction Temperature Range -55 to 150 ℃ Thermal Data Symbol Parameter Typ. RθJA Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient RθJC 1 www.winsok.tw 1 Thermal Resistance Junction-Case Page 1 --- Max. 100 Unit ℃/W --- 70 ℃/W Rev 1: May.2019 WSP8205A Dual N-Channel MOSFET Electrical Characteristics (TJ=25 ℃, unless otherwise noted) Symbol BVDSS Parameter Conditions Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage △BVDSS/△TJ BVDSS Temperature Coefficient Min. Typ. Max. Unit VGS=0V , ID=250uA 20 --- --- V Reference to 25℃ , ID=1mA --- 0.022 --- V/℃ 18 20 27 VGS=4.5V , ID=4A 26 28 30 VGS=3.1V , ID=4A 28 32 35 VGS=2.5V , ID=4A 34 36 39 VGS=1.8V , ID=2A 38 42 55 0.4 0.7 1.0 V --- -2.33 --- mV/℃ VDS=16V , VGS=0V , TJ=25℃ --- --- 1 VDS=16V , VGS=0V , TJ=55℃ --- --- 5 VGS=10V , ID=6A RDS(ON) VGS(th) 2 Static Drain-Source On-Resistance Gate Threshold Voltage VGS=VDS , ID =250uA mΩ △VGS(th) VGS(th) Temperature Coefficient IDSS Drain-Source Leakage Current IGSS Gate-Source Leakage Current VGS=±12V , VDS=0V --- --- ±100 nA gfs Forward Transconductance VDS=5V , ID=5A --- 25 --- S Rg Gate Resistance VDS=0V , VGS=0V , f=1MHz --- 4 --- Ω Qg Total Gate Charge (4.5V) --- 8.8 11.9 Qgs Gate-Source Charge --- 0.8 2.0 Qgd Gate-Drain Charge --- 3.3 3.2 Turn-On Delay Time --- 5 10 Td(on) Tr Td(off) Tf Ciss VDS=10V , VGS=4.5V , ID=6A uA nC Rise Time VDD=10V , VGEN=4.5V , RG=6Ω, --- 15 26 Turn-Off Delay Time ID=1A ,RL=10Ω. --- 30 55 --- 5 10 --- 550 --- --- 100 --- --- 85 --- Min. Typ. Max. Unit --- --- 1.5 A --- --- 20 A --- --- 1.3 V --- 15 --- nS --- 7 --- nC Fall Time Input Capacitance VDS=10V , VGS=0V , f=1MHz Coss Output Capacitance Crss Reverse Transfer Capacitance ns pF Diode Characteristics Symbol IS ISM Parameter Continuous Source Current1,4 2,4 Pulsed Source Current 2 VSD Diode Forward Voltage trr Reverse Recovery Time Qrr Reverse Recovery Charge Conditions VG=VD=0V , Force Current VGS=0V , IS=1.5A , TJ=25℃ IF=6A , dI/dt=100A/µs , TJ=25℃ Note : 1.The data tested by surface mounted on a 1 inch2 FR-4 board with 2OZ copper,t≦10sec. 2.The data tested by pulsed , pulse width ≦ 300us , duty cycle ≦ 2% 3.The power dissipation is limited by 150℃ junction temperature 4.The data is theoretically the same as ID and IDM , in real applications , should be limited by total power dissipation. www.winsok.tw Page 2 Rev 1: May.2019 WSP8205A Dual N-Channel MOSFET Typical Characteristics 58 20 ID=6A VGS=5V 53 16 VGS=4.5V 14 VGS=3V 48 43 RDSON (mΩ) ID Drain Current (A) 18 VGS=2.5V 12 38 10 8 33 VGS=1.8V 6 28 4 23 2 18 0 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 0 1 2 4 VDS , Drain-to-Source Voltage (V) VGS (V) 6 8 10 Fig.2 On-Resistance vs. Gate-Source Fig.1 Typical Output Characteristics 7 VDS=10V ID=6A IS Source Current(A) 6 5 4 3 2 TJ=150℃ TJ=25℃ 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 VSD , Source-to-Drain Voltage (V) Fig.3 1 Fig.4 Gate-Charge Characteristics Forward Characteristics Of Reverse 1.8 Normalized On Resistance Normalized VGS(th) 1.8 1.4 1 0.6 1.4 1.0 0.6 0.2 0.2 -50 0 50 100 150 -50 0 50 100 TJ ,Junction Temperature (℃ ) TJ , Junction Temperature (℃) Fig.5 Normalized VGS(th) vs. TJ Fig.6 Normalized RDSON vs. TJ www.winsok.tw Page 3 150 Rev 1: May.2019 WSP8205A Dual N-Channel MOSFET 1000 100.00 100us 10.00 1ms 100 ID (A) Capacitance (pF) Ciss 1.00 Coss 10ms Crss 100ms 0.10 DC o TA=25 C Single Pulse F=1.0MHz 10 0 5 10 15 20 VDS , Drain to Source Voltage (V) 0.01 0.01 Fig.7 Capacitance 0.1 1 10 VDS (V) 100 Fig.8 Safe Operating Area Normalized Thermal Response (RθJA) 1 DUTY=0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 P DM 0.01 T ON T SINGLE D = TON/T TJpeak = TA+P DMXRθJA 0.001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 t , Pulse Width (s) Fig.9 Normalized Maximum Transient Thermal Impedance Fig.10 Switching Time Waveform www.winsok.tw Fig.11 Gate Charge Waveform Page 4 Rev 1: May.2019 Attention 1,AnyandallWinsokpowerproductsdescribedorcontainedhereindonothavespecificationsthatcanhandle applicationsthatrequireextremelyhighlevelsofreliability,suchaslifeͲsupportsystems,aircraft'scontrolsystems,or otherapplicationswhosefailurecanbereasonablyexpectedtoresultinseriousphysicaland/ormaterialdamage.  ConsultwithyourWinsokpowerrepresentativenearestyoubeforeusinganyWinsokpowerproductsdescribedor containedhereininsuchapplications. 2,Winsokpowerassumesnoresponsibilityforequipmentfailuresthatresultfromusingproductsatvaluesthatexceed,  evenmomentarily,ratedvalues(suchasmaximumratings,operatingconditionranges,orotherparameters)listedin productsspecificationsofanyandallWinsokpowerproductsdescribedorcontainedherein. 3,SpecificationsofanyandallWinsokpowerproductsdescribedorcontainedhereinstipulatetheperformance, characteristics,andfunctionsofthedescribedproductsintheindependentstate,andarenotguaranteesofthe performance,characteristics,andfunctionsofthedescribedproductsasmountedinthecustomer’sproductsor equipment.Toverifysymptomsandstatesthatcannotbeevaluatedinanindependentdevice,thecustomershouldalways evaluateandtestdevicesmountedinthecustomer’sproductsorequipment. 4,WinsokpowerSemiconductorCO.,LTD.strivestosupplyhighͲqualityhighͲreliabilityproducts.However,anyandall semiconductorproductsfailwithsomeprobability.Itispossiblethattheseprobabilisticfailurescouldgiverisetoaccidents oreventsthatcouldendangerhumanlivesthatcouldgiverisetosmokeorfire,orthatcouldcausedamagetoother property.Whendesigningequipment,adoptsafetymeasuressothatthesekindsofaccidentsoreventscannotoccur.Such measuresincludebutarenotlimitedtoprotectivecircuitsanderrorpreventioncircuitsforsafedesign,redundantdesign, andstructuraldesign. 5,IntheeventthatanyorallWinsokpowerproducts(includingtechnicaldata,services)describedorcontainedhereinare controlledunderanyofapplicablelocalexportcontrollawsandregulations,suchproductsmustnotbeexportedwithout obtainingtheexportlicensefromtheauthoritiesconcernedinaccordancewiththeabovelaw. 6,Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical, includingphotocopyingandrecording,oranyinformationstorageorretrievalsystem,orotherwise,withouttheprior writtenpermissionofWinsokpowerSemiconductorCO.,LTD. 7,Information(includingcircuitdiagramsandcircuitparameters)hereinisforexampleonly;itisnotguaranteedfor volumeproduction. Winsokpowerbelievesinformationhereinisaccurateandreliable,butnoguaranteesaremadeor impliedregardingitsuseoranyinfringementsofintellectualpropertyrightsorotherrightsofthirdparties. 8,Anyandallinformationdescribedorcontainedhereinaresubjecttochangewithoutnoticeduetoproduct/technology improvement,etc.Whendesigningequipment,refertothe"DeliverySpecification"fortheWinsokpowerproductthatyou  Intendtouse. 9,thiscatalogprovidesinformationasofSep.2014. Specificationsandinformationhereinaresubjecttochangewithout notice.
WSP8205A 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 10+0.32728
    • 100+0.25700
    • 300+0.22191
    • 1000+0.19557
    • 6000+0.18255
    • 12000+0.17195


    •  国内价格
    • 10+0.42390
    • 50+0.39150
    • 200+0.36450
    • 600+0.33750
    • 1500+0.31590
    • 3000+0.30240
