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BMA423 数据手册
Data Sheet BMA423 Digital, triaxial acceleration sensor Bosch Sensortec Data Sheet BMA423 Part number(s) 0 273 141 292 Document revision 1.1 Release date May 2019 Document number BST-BMA423-DS000-01 Notes Specifications are preliminary and subject to change without notice. Product photos and pictures are for illustration purposes only and may differ from the real product’s appearance. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 2 BMA423 12 bit, digital, triaxial acceleration sensor with intelligent on-chip motion-triggered interrupt features optimized for wearable applications. Key features  Small package size  Digital interface  Programmable functionality   On-chip FIFO On-chip interrupt features  Ultra-low power   (Secondary) Auxiliary Interface RoHS compliant, halogen-free LGA package (12 pins), footprint 2mm x 2mm, height 0.95 mm SPI (4-wire, 3-wire), I²C, 2 interrupt pins VDDIO voltage range: 1.2V to 3.6V Acceleration ranges ±2g/±4g/±8g/±16g Low-pass filter bandwidths 684Hz - =1.62V, IOL 50ms 8. Read and store positive acceleration value of each axis from registers DATA_8 to DATA_13 9. Enable self-test and set negative self-test polarity ACC_SELF_TEST.acc_self_test_sign= 1b0) 10. Wait for > 50ms 11. Read and store negative acceleration value of each axis from registers DATA_8 to DATA_13 12. Calculate difference of positive and negative acceleration values and compare against threshold values BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 49 4.10. Offset Compensation BMA423 offers manual compensation as well as inline calibration. Offset compensation is performed with pre-filtered data, and the offset is then applied to both, prefiltered and filtered data. If necessary the result of this computation is saturated to prevent any overflow errors (the smallest or biggest possible value is set, depending on the sign). The public offset compensation Registers OFFSET_0 to OFFSET_2 are images of the corresponding registers in the NVM. With each image update the contents of the NVM registers are written to the public registers. The public registers can be overwritten by the user at any time. The offset compensation registers have a width of 8 bit using two’s complement notation. The offset resolution (LSB) is 3.9 mg and the offset range is +- 0.5 g. Both are independent of the range setting. Offset compensation needs to be enabled through NV_CONF.acc_off_en = 0b1 Manual Offset Compensation The contents of the public compensation Register OFFSET_0 to OFFSET_2 may be set manually via the digital interface. After modifying the Register OFFSET_0 to OFFSET_2 the next data sample is not valid. Offset compensation needs to be enabled through NV_CONF.acc_off_en. Inline Calibration For certain applications, it is often desirable to calibrate the offset once and to store the compensation values permanently. This can be achieved by using manual offset compensation to determine the proper compensation values and then storing these values permanently in the NVM. Each time the device is reset, the compensation values are loaded from the non-volatile memory into the image registers and used for offset compensation. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 50 4.11. Non-Volatile Memory The registers NV_CONF and OFFSET_0 to OFFSET_2 have an NVM backup which are accessible by the user. The content of the NVM is loaded to the image registers after a reset (either POR or softreset). As long as the image update is in progress, STATUS.cmd_rdy is 0b0, otherwise it is 0b1. The image registers can be read and written like any other register. Writing to the NVM is a 4-step procedure: 1. Set PWR_CONF.adv_power_save = 0b0 2. Write the new contents to the image registers. 3. Write 0b1 to bit NVM_CONF.nvm_prog_en in order to unlock the NVM. 4. Write prog_nvm to the CMD register to trigger the write process. Writing to the NVM always renews the entire NVM contents. It is possible to check the write status by reading STATUS.cmd_rdy. While STATUS.cmd_rdy = 0b0, the write process is still in progress; when STATUS.cmd_rdy = 0b1, writing is completed. An NVM write cycle can only be initiated, if PWR_CONF.adv_power_save = 0b0. Until boot phase is finished (after POR or softreset), the serial interface is not operational. The NVM shadow registers must not be accessed during an ongoing NVM command (initiated through the Register CMD). In all other cases, register can be read or written. As long as an NVM read (during sensor boot and soft reset) or an NVM write is ongoing, writes to sensor registers are discarded, reads return the Register STATUS independent of the read address. 4.12. Soft-Reset A softreset can be initiated at any time by writing the command softreset (0xB6) to register CMD. The softreset performs a fundamental reset to the device which is largely equivalent to a power cycle. Following a delay, all user configuration settings are overwritten with their default state (setting stored in the NVM) wherever applicable. This command is functional in all operation modes but must not be performed while NVM writing operation is in progress. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 51 5. Register Description 5.1. General Remarks Registers can be read and written in all power configurations with the exception of FEATURES_IN and FIFO_DATA which need PWR_CONF.adv_power_save set to 0b0. 5.2. Register Map read/write read only write only reserved ID: Register Register Default Address Name Value CMD 0x00 0x7E 0x7D 0x7C PWR_CT RL PWR_C ONF 7 6 5 4 3 0x00 reserved 0x03 - - reserved - - reserved - - reserved 0x00 off_acc_z 0x00 off_acc_y 0x00 off_acc_x 0x73 0x72 0x71 0x70 0x6F 0x6E _2 OFFSET _1 OFFSET _0 NV_CON F 0x00 reserved 0x6B 0x6A F reserved NVM_C ONF 0x00 0x00 er_save acc_self_ acc_self_ test_amp test_sign reserved spi_en acc_self_ test_en reserved reserved if_mode reserved spi3 nvm_pro reserved g_en 0x69 - - reserved ... - - reserved 0x60 - - reserved BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 wakeup sel reserved - adv_pow i2c_wdt_ - IF_CON fifo_self_ en - T 0x6C aux_en i2c_wdt_ reserved 0x00 reserved en - LF_TES acc_en acc_off_ ACC_SE 0x6D 0 reserved ... OFFSET 1 cmd 0x7B 0x74 2 reserved Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 52 INTERN 0x5F AL_ERR 0x00 reserved int_err_2 int_err_1 reserved reserved int1_drdy int1_fwm int1_ffull wrist_tilt_ activity_t step_cou out ype_out nter_out wrist_tilt_ activity_t step_cou out ype_out nter_out OR 0x5E FEATUR ES_IN 0x00 features_in 0x5D - - reserved ... - - reserved - - reserved 0x90 init_ctrl 0x5A 0x59 0x58 0x57 0x56 0x55 0x54 0x53 INIT_CT RL INT_MA P_DATA INT2_MA P INT1_MA P INT_LAT CH INT2_IO _CTRL INT1_IO _CTRL 0x00 0x00 0x00 reserved error_int _out error_int _out int2_drdy any_no_ motion_o ut any_no_ motion_o ut int2_fwm wakeup_ out wakeup_ out 0x00 int2_ffull reserved reserved reserved 0x00 reserved input_en 0x00 reserved input_en output_e n output_e n - - reserved ... - - reserved 0x50 - - reserved 0x02 write_data 0x4C write_addr 0x42 read_addr 0x4E 0x4D 0x4C 0x4B 0x4A AUX_W R_DATA AUX_W R_ADDR AUX_RD _ADDR AUX_IF_ CONF AUX_DE V_ID - 0x83 aux_man 0x20 ONFIG_ 0x10 reserved od lvl edge_ctrl aux_rd_burst reserved fifo_acc_ fifo_aux_ fifo_head fifo_tag_i fifo_tag_i en en er_en nt1_en nt2_en FIFO_C ONFIG_ edge_ctrl reserved 1 0x48 lvl i2c_device_addr FIFO_C 0x49 od reserved ual_en reserved int_latch 0x52 0x4F reserved 0x02 0 BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 reserved reserved fifo_time fifo_stop _en _on_full Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 0x47 0x46 0x45 0x44 0x43 0x42 0x41 0x40 FIFO_W TM_1 FIFO_W TM_0 FIFO_D OWNS AUX_CO NF 0x02 Page 53 reserved fifo_water_mark_12_8 0x00 0x80 fifo_water_mark_7_0 acc_fifo_ acc_fifo_downs filt_data 0x46 reserved aux_offset aux_odr - - reserved - - reserved ACC_RA NGE ACC_CO NF 0x01 0xA8 reserved acc_perf acc_range acc_bwp _mode acc_odr 0x3F - - reserved ... - - reserved - - 0x2B INTERN 0x2A AL_STAT 0x00 reserved odr_high odr_50hz _error _error US 0x29 0x28 0x27 0x26 0x25 0x24 0x23 0x22 axes_re map_err message or - - reserved - - reserved ACTIVIT Y_TYPE FIFO_DA TA FIFO_LE NGTH_1 FIFO_LE NGTH_0 TEMPER ATURE 0x00 reserved 0x00 0x00 activity_type_out fifo_data reserved fifo_byte_counter_13_8 0x00 fifo_byte_counter_7_0 - reserved 0x00 temperature 0x00 step_counter_out_3 0x00 step_counter_out_2 0x00 step_counter_out_1 STEP_C 0x21 OUNTER _3 STEP_C 0x20 OUNTER _2 STEP_C 0x1F OUNTER _1 BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 54 STEP_C 0x1E OUNTER 0x00 step_counter_out_0 _0 0x1D 0x1C 0x1B 0x1A 0x19 0x18 INT_STA TUS_1 INT_STA TUS_0 EVENT SENSOR TIME_2 SENSOR TIME_1 SENSOR TIME_0 0x00 0x00 acc_drdy _int error_int _out reserved any_no_ motion_o ut aux_drdy reserved _int wakeup_ out 0x01 reserved wrist_tilt_ activity_t step_cou out ype_out nter_out 0x00 sensor_time_15_8 0x00 sensor_time_7_0 acc_z_11_4 0x00 0x16 DATA_12 0x00 0x15 DATA_11 0x00 0x14 DATA_10 0x00 0x13 DATA_9 0x00 0x12 DATA_8 0x00 0x11 DATA_7 0x00 acc_z_3_0 reserved acc_y_11_4 acc_y_3_0 reserved acc_x_11_4 acc_x_3_0 reserved aux_r_11_4 0x10 DATA_6 0x00 0x0F DATA_5 0x00 0x0E DATA_4 0x00 0x0D DATA_3 0x00 0x0C DATA_2 0x00 0x0B DATA_1 0x00 0x0A DATA_0 0x00 0x09 - - reserved aux_r_3_0 reserved aux_z_11_4 aux_z_3_0 reserved aux_y_11_4 aux_y_3_0 reserved aux_x_11_4 aux_x_3_0 reserved ... - - reserved 0x04 - - reserved 0x03 STATUS 0x10 drdy_acc reserved drdy_aux 0x00 aux_err fifo_err reserved 0x02 ERR_RE G reserved cted sensor_time_23_16 DATA_13 ffull_int por_dete reserved 0x00 0x17 fwm_int cmd_rdy reserved aux_man error_code 0x01 - - reserved 0x00 CHIP_ID 0x13 chip_id reserved _op cmd_err fatal_err 1 0 FEATURES_IN Register Register Default Address Name Value BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 7 6 5 4 3 2 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 55 general_ 0x5E: 0x3F settings. axes_re 0x00 map_z_a reserved xis_sign mapping[ 1] general_ 0x5E: 0x3E settings. axes_re 0x88 map_z_axis mapping[ map_y_a xis_sign map_y_axis map_x_a xis_sign map_x_axis 0] general_ 0x5E: settings.c 0x3D onfig_id[ 0x00 identification 0x00 identification 0x00 reserved 1] general_ 0x5E: settings.c 0x3C onfig_id[ 0] 0x5E: 0x3B 0x5E: 0x3A 0x5E: 0x39 0x5E: 0x38 wrist_tilt. settings[ 1] wrist_tilt. settings[ 0x00 reserved enable 0] tap_doub letap.sett 0x00 reserved ings[1] tap_doub letap.sett 0x06 single_ta reserved sensitivity p_en ings[0] enable step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x37 ngs_26[1 0x00 reserved en_activit en_count en_detec reset_co y er tor unter watermark_level ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x36 ngs_26[0 0x00 watermark_level 0x00 param_25 0x0E param_25 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x35 ngs_25[1 ] 0x5E: step_cou 0x34 nter.setti BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 56 ngs_25[0 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x33 ngs_24[1 0x00 param_24 0x01 param_24 0x00 param_23 0x03 param_23 0x00 param_22 0x01 param_22 0x01 param_21 0x00 param_21 0x3C param_20 0xF0 param_20 0x00 param_19 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x32 ngs_24[0 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x31 ngs_23[1 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x30 ngs_23[0 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x2F ngs_22[1 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x2E ngs_22[0 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x2D ngs_21[1 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x2C ngs_21[0 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x2B ngs_20[1 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x2A ngs_20[0 ] 0x5E: step_cou 0x29 nter.setti BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 57 ngs_19[1 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x28 ngs_19[0 0x0C param_19 0x00 param_18 0x01 param_18 0x00 param_17 0xA0 param_17 0x00 param_16 0x96 param_16 0x00 param_15 0x19 param_15 0x00 param_14 0x27 param_14 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x27 ngs_18[1 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x26 ngs_18[0 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x25 ngs_17[1 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x24 ngs_17[0 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x23 ngs_16[1 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x22 ngs_16[0 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x21 ngs_15[1 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x20 ngs_15[0 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x1F ngs_14[1 ] 0x5E: step_cou 0x1E nter.setti BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 58 ngs_14[0 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x1D ngs_13[1 0x00 param_13 0x01 param_13 0x46 param_12 0x0C param_12 0xE6 param_11 0xEC param_11 0x04 param_10 0xC3 param_10 0x09 param_9 0x85 param_9 0x04 param_8 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x1C ngs_13[0 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x1B ngs_12[1 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x1A ngs_12[0 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x19 ngs_11[1 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x18 ngs_11[0 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x17 ngs_10[1 ] step_cou 0x5E: nter.setti 0x16 ngs_10[0 ] 0x5E: 0x15 0x5E: 0x14 0x5E: 0x13 step_cou nter.setti ngs_9[1] step_cou nter.setti ngs_9[0] step_cou nter.setti ngs_8[1] BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 0x5E: 0x12 0x5E: 0x11 0x5E: 0x10 0x5E: 0x0F 0x5E: 0x0E 0x5E: 0x0D 0x5E: 0x0C 0x5E: 0x0B 0x5E: 0x0A 0x5E: 0x09 0x5E: 0x08 0x5E: 0x07 0x5E: 0x06 0x5E: 0x05 0x5E: 0x04 Page 59 step_cou nter.setti 0xC3 param_8 0x6C param_7 0xCD param_7 0x7B param_6 0x3F param_6 0x00 param_5 0x04 param_5 0x7A param_4 0xDB param_4 0x01 param_3 0x3B param_3 0x7B param_2 0xD4 param_2 0x01 param_1 0x2D param_1 ngs_8[0] step_cou nter.setti ngs_7[1] step_cou nter.setti ngs_7[0] step_cou nter.setti ngs_6[1] step_cou nter.setti ngs_6[0] step_cou nter.setti ngs_5[1] step_cou nter.setti ngs_5[0] step_cou nter.setti ngs_4[1] step_cou nter.setti ngs_4[0] step_cou nter.setti ngs_3[1] step_cou nter.setti ngs_3[0] step_cou nter.setti ngs_2[1] step_cou nter.setti ngs_2[0] step_cou nter.setti ngs_1[1] step_cou nter.setti ngs_1[0] BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 0x5E: 0x03 0x5E: 0x02 0x5E: 0x01 0x5E: 0x00 Page 60 any_moti on.settin 0x00 z_en y_en x_en duration gs_2[1] any_moti on.settin 0x05 duration gs_2[0] any_moti on.settin 0x00 gs_1[1] reserved nomotion _sel threshold any_moti on.settin 0xAA threshold gs_1[0] BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 61 Register (0x00) CHIP_ID DESCRIPTION: Chip identification code RESET: 0x13 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Register (0x00) CHIP_ID Bit 7 6 Read/Write R R Reset Value 0 0 Content chip_id Bit 3 2 Read/Write R R Reset Value 0 0 Content chip_id chip_id: Chip identification code for BMA423. 5 R 0 4 R 1 1 R 1 0 R 1 5 n/a 0 reserved 1 R 0 cmd_err 4 R 0 error_code 0 R 0 fatal_err Register (0x02) ERR_REG DESCRIPTION: Reports sensor error conditions RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x02) ERR_REG 7 6 R R 0 0 aux_err fifo_err 3 2 R R 0 0 error_code fatal_err: Fatal Error, chip is not in operational state (Boot-, power-system). This flag will be reset only by power-on-reset or softreset. cmd_err: Command execution failed. error_code: Error codes for persistent errors error_code 0x00 no_error no error is reported 0x01 acc_err error in Register ACC_CONF fifo_err: Error in FIFO detected: Input data was discarded in stream mode. This flag will be reset when read. aux_err: Error in I2C-Master detected. This flag will be reset when read. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 62 Register (0x03) STATUS DESCRIPTION: Sensor status flags RESET: 0x10 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x03) STATUS 7 6 R n/a 0 0 drdy_acc reserved 3 2 n/a R 0 0 reserved aux_man_op 5 R 0 drdy_aux 1 n/a 0 reserved 4 R 1 cmd_rdy 0 n/a 0 aux_man_op: ‘1’(‘0’) indicate a (no) manual auxiliary interface operation is ongoing. cmd_rdy: CMD decoder status. `0´ -> Command in progress `1´ -> Command decoder is ready to accept a new command drdy_aux: Data ready for auxiliary sensor. It gets reset when one auxiliary DATA register is read out drdy_acc: Data ready for accelerometer. It gets reset when one accelerometer DATA register is read out Register (0x0A) DATA_0 DESCRIPTION: AUX_X(LSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x0A) DATA_0 7 6 R R 0 0 aux_x_3_0 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 n/a 0 0 n/a 0 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 63 Register (0x0B) DATA_1 DESCRIPTION: AUX_X(MSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x0B) DATA_1 7 6 R R 0 0 aux_x_11_4 3 2 R R 0 0 aux_x_11_4 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 n/a 0 0 n/a 0 Register (0x0C) DATA_2 DESCRIPTION: AUX_Y(LSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x0C) DATA_2 7 6 R R 0 0 aux_y_3_0 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 64 Register (0x0D) DATA_3 DESCRIPTION: AUX_Y(MSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x0D) DATA_3 7 6 R R 0 0 aux_y_11_4 3 2 R R 0 0 aux_y_11_4 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 n/a 0 0 n/a 0 Register (0x0E) DATA_4 DESCRIPTION: AUX_Z(LSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x0E) DATA_4 7 6 R R 0 0 aux_z_3_0 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 65 Register (0x0F) DATA_5 DESCRIPTION: AUX_Z(MSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x0F) DATA_5 7 6 R R 0 0 aux_z_11_4 3 2 R R 0 0 aux_z_11_4 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 n/a 0 0 n/a 0 Register (0x10) DATA_6 DESCRIPTION: AUX_R(LSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x10) DATA_6 7 6 R R 0 0 aux_r_3_0 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 66 Register (0x11) DATA_7 DESCRIPTION: AUX_R(MSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x11) DATA_7 7 6 R R 0 0 aux_r_11_4 3 2 R R 0 0 aux_r_11_4 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 n/a 0 0 n/a 0 Register (0x12) DATA_8 DESCRIPTION: ACC_X(LSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x12) DATA_8 7 6 R R 0 0 acc_x_3_0 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 67 Register (0x13) DATA_9 DESCRIPTION: ACC_X(MSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x13) DATA_9 7 6 R R 0 0 acc_x_11_4 3 2 R R 0 0 acc_x_11_4 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 n/a 0 0 n/a 0 Register (0x14) DATA_10 DESCRIPTION: ACC_Y(LSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x14) DATA_10 7 6 R R 0 0 acc_y_3_0 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 68 Register (0x15) DATA_11 DESCRIPTION: ACC_Y(MSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x15) DATA_11 7 6 R R 0 0 acc_y_11_4 3 2 R R 0 0 acc_y_11_4 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 n/a 0 0 n/a 0 Register (0x16) DATA_12 DESCRIPTION: ACC_Z(LSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x16) DATA_12 7 6 R R 0 0 acc_z_3_0 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 69 Register (0x17) DATA_13 DESCRIPTION: ACC_Z(MSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x17) DATA_13 7 6 R R 0 0 acc_z_11_4 3 2 R R 0 0 acc_z_11_4 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 Register (0x18) SENSORTIME_0 DESCRIPTION: Sensor time RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x18) SENSORTIME_0 7 6 R R 0 0 sensor_time_7_0 3 2 R R 0 0 sensor_time_7_0 sensor_time_7_0: Sensor time in units of 39.0625 us. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 70 Register (0x19) SENSORTIME_1 DESCRIPTION: Sensor time RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x19) SENSORTIME_1 7 6 R R 0 0 sensor_time_15_8 3 2 R R 0 0 sensor_time_15_8 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 sensor_time_15_8: Sensor time in units of 10 ms. Register (0x1A) SENSORTIME_2 DESCRIPTION: Sensor time RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x1A) SENSORTIME_2 7 6 R R 0 0 sensor_time_23_16 3 2 R R 0 0 sensor_time_23_16 sensor_time_23_16: Sensor time in units of 2.56 s. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 71 Register (0x1B) EVENT DESCRIPTION: Sensor status flags RESET: 0x01 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x1B) EVENT 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 5 n/a 0 4 n/a 0 1 n/a 0 0 R 1 por_detected por_detected: '1' after device power up or softreset. Clear-on-read Register (0x1C) INT_STATUS_0 DESCRIPTION: Interrupt/Feature Status. Will be cleared on read. RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x1C) INT_STATUS_0 7 6 R R 0 0 error_int_out any_no_motion_ out 3 2 R R 0 0 wrist_tilt_out activity_type_out 5 R 0 wakeup_out 4 n/a 0 reserved 1 R 0 step_counter_out 0 n/a 0 reserved step_counter_out: Step-counter watermark or Step-detector output. activity_type_out: Step counter activity output(Running, Walking, Still) wrist_tilt_out: Wrist tilt output wakeup_out: Wakeup output any_no_motion_out: Any-motion/No-motion detection output error_int_out: Error interrupt output BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 72 Register (0x1D) INT_STATUS_1 DESCRIPTION: Interrupt Status. Will be cleared on read. RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x1D) INT_STATUS_1 7 6 R n/a 0 0 acc_drdy_int reserved 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 5 R 0 aux_drdy_int 1 R 0 fwm_int 4 n/a 0 reserved 0 R 0 ffull_int 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 ffull_int: FIFO Full Interrupt fwm_int: FIFO Watermark Interrupt aux_drdy_int: Auxiliary sensor data ready interrupt acc_drdy_int: Accelerometer data ready interrupt Register (0x1E) STEP_COUNTER_0 DESCRIPTION: Step counting value byte-0 RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x1E) STEP_COUNTER_0 7 6 R R 0 0 step_counter_out_0 3 2 R R 0 0 step_counter_out_0 step_counter_out_0: Step counting value byte-0 (least significant byte) BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 73 Register (0x1F) STEP_COUNTER_1 DESCRIPTION: Step counting value byte-1 RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x1F) STEP_COUNTER_1 7 6 R R 0 0 step_counter_out_1 3 2 R R 0 0 step_counter_out_1 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 step_counter_out_1: Step counting value byte-1 Register (0x20) STEP_COUNTER_2 DESCRIPTION: Step counting value byte-2 RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x20) STEP_COUNTER_2 7 6 R R 0 0 step_counter_out_2 3 2 R R 0 0 step_counter_out_2 step_counter_out_2: Step counting value byte-2 BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 74 Register (0x21) STEP_COUNTER_3 DESCRIPTION: Step counting value byte-3 RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x21) STEP_COUNTER_3 7 6 R R 0 0 step_counter_out_3 3 2 R R 0 0 step_counter_out_3 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 step_counter_out_3: Step counting value byte-3 (most significant byte) Register (0x22) TEMPERATURE DESCRIPTION: Contains the temperature value of the sensor RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x22) TEMPERATURE 7 6 R R 0 0 temperature 3 2 R R 0 0 temperature 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 temperature: Temperature value in two's complement representation in units of 1 Kelvin: 0x00 corresponds to 23 degree Celsius. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 75 Register (0x24) FIFO_LENGTH_0 DESCRIPTION: FIFO byte count register (LSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x24) FIFO_LENGTH_0 7 6 R R 0 0 fifo_byte_counter_7_0 3 2 R R 0 0 fifo_byte_counter_7_0 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 fifo_byte_counter_7_0: Current fill level of FIFO buffer. Register (0x25) FIFO_LENGTH_1 DESCRIPTION: FIFO byte count register (MSB) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x25) FIFO_LENGTH_1 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 3 2 R R 0 0 fifo_byte_counter_13_8 5 4 R R 0 0 fifo_byte_counter_13_8 1 0 R R 0 0 fifo_byte_counter_13_8: FIFO byte counter bits 13..8 BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 76 Register (0x26) FIFO_DATA DESCRIPTION: FIFO data output register RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x26) FIFO_DATA 7 6 R R 0 0 fifo_data 3 2 R R 0 0 fifo_data 5 R 0 4 R 0 1 R 0 0 R 0 fifo_data: FIFO read data. Register (0x27) ACTIVITY_TYPE DESCRIPTION: Step counter activity output(Running, Walking, Still) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x27) ACTIVITY_TYPE 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 5 n/a 0 4 n/a 0 1 R 0 activity_type_out 0 R 0 activity_type_out: Step counter activity output(Running, Walking, Still) activity_type_out 0x00 still user not moving 0x01 walking user walking 0x02 running user running 0x03 unknown unknown state BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 77 Register (0x2A) INTERNAL_STATUS DESCRIPTION: Error bits and message indicating internal status RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x2A) INTERNAL_STATUS 7 6 R R 0 0 odr_high_error odr_50hz_error Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content 3 R 0 message 2 R 0 5 R 0 axes_remap_erro r 1 R 0 4 R 0 message 0 R 0 message: Internal Status Message message 0x00 not_init ASIC is not initialized 0x01 init_ok ASIC initialized 0x02 init_err Initialization error 0x03 drv_err Invalid driver 0x04 sns_stop Sensor stopped axes_remap_error: Axes remapped wrongly because a source axis is not assigned to more than one target axis. odr_50hz_error: The minimum bandwidth conditions are not respected for the features which require 50 Hz data. odr_high_error: The minimum bandwidth conditions are not respected for the Wakeup Detection. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 78 Register (0x40) ACC_CONF DESCRIPTION: Sets the output data rate, the bandwidth, and the read mode of the acceleration sensor RESET: 0xA8 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x40) ACC_CONF 7 6 RW RW 1 0 acc_perf_mode acc_bwp 3 2 RW RW 1 0 acc_odr 5 RW 1 4 RW 0 1 RW 0 0 RW 0 acc_odr: ODR in Hz. The output data rate is independent of the power mode setting for the sensor, but not all settings are supported in all power modes. acc_odr 0x00 reserved Reserved 0x01 odr_0p78 25/32 0x02 odr_1p5 25/16 0x03 odr_3p1 25/8 0x04 odr_6p25 25/4 0x05 odr_12p5 25/2 0x06 odr_25 25 0x07 odr_50 50 0x08 odr_100 100 0x09 odr_200 200 0x0a odr_400 400 0x0b odr_800 800 0x0c odr_1k6 1600 0x0d odr_3k2 Reserved 0x0e odr_6k4 Reserved 0x0f odr_12k8 Reserved acc_bwp: Bandwidth parameter, determines filter configuration (acc_perf_mode=1) and averaging for undersampling mode (acc_perf_mode=0) BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 79 acc_bwp 0x00 osr4_avg1 0x01 osr2_avg2 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 acc_perf_mode = 1 -> OSR4 mode; acc_perf_mode = 0 -> no averaging acc_perf_mode = 1 -> OSR2 mode; acc_perf_mode = 0 -> average 2 samples norm_avg4 acc_perf_mode = 1 -> normal mode; acc_perf_mode = 0 -> average 4 samples cic_avg8 acc_perf_mode = 1 -> Reserved; acc_perf_mode = 0 -> average 8 samples res_avg16 acc_perf_mode = 1 -> Reserved; acc_perf_mode = 0 -> average 16 samples res_avg32 acc_perf_mode = 1 -> Reserved; acc_perf_mode = 0 -> average 32 samples res_avg64 acc_perf_mode = 1 -> Reserved; acc_perf_mode = 0 -> average 64 samples res_avg128 acc_perf_mode = 1 -> Reserved; acc_perf_mode = 0 -> average 128 samples acc_perf_mode: Select accelerometer filter performance mode: acc_perf_mode 0x00 cic_avg averaging mode. 0x01 cont continuous filter function. Register (0x41) ACC_RANGE DESCRIPTION: Selection of the Accelerometer g-range RESET: 0x01 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x41) ACC_RANGE 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 5 n/a 0 4 n/a 0 1 RW 0 acc_range 0 RW 1 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 80 acc_range: Accelerometer g-range acc_range 0x00 range_2g +/-2g 0x01 range_4g +/-4g 0x02 range_8g +/-8g 0x03 range_16g +/-16g Register (0x44) AUX_CONF DESCRIPTION: Sets the output data rate of the Auxiliary interface RESET: 0x46 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x44) AUX_CONF 7 6 RW RW 0 1 aux_offset 3 2 RW RW 0 1 aux_odr 5 RW 0 4 RW 0 1 RW 1 0 RW 0 aux_odr: Select the poll rate for the sensor attached to the Auxiliary interface. aux_odr 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0a 0x0b 0x0c 0x0d 0x0e 0x0f reserved odr_0p78 odr_1p5 odr_3p1 odr_6p25 odr_12p5 odr_25 odr_50 odr_100 odr_200 odr_400 odr_800 odr_1k6 odr_3k2 odr_6k4 odr_12k8 Reserved 25/32 25/16 25/8 25/4 25/2 25 50 100 200 400 800 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 81 aux_offset: trigger-readout offset in units of 2.5 ms. If set to zero, the offset is maximum, i.e. after readout a trigger is issued immediately. Register (0x45) FIFO_DOWNS DESCRIPTION: Configure Accelerometer downsampling rates for FIFO RESET: 0x80 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x45) FIFO_DOWNS 7 6 RW RW 1 0 acc_fifo_filt_data acc_fifo_downs 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 5 RW 0 4 RW 0 1 n/a 0 0 n/a 0 acc_fifo_downs: Downsampling for accelerometer data (2**acc_fifo_downs) acc_fifo_filt_data: selects filtered or unfiltered Accelerometer data for fifo acc_fifo_filt_data 0x00 unfiltered Unfiltered data 0x01 filtered Filtered data Register (0x46) FIFO_WTM_0 DESCRIPTION: FIFO Watermark level LSB RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x46) FIFO_WTM_0 7 6 RW RW 0 0 fifo_water_mark_7_0 3 2 RW RW 0 0 fifo_water_mark_7_0 BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 5 RW 0 4 RW 0 1 RW 0 0 RW 0 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 82 Register (0x47) FIFO_WTM_1 DESCRIPTION: FIFO Watermark level MSB RESET: 0x02 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x47) FIFO_WTM_1 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content 3 2 RW RW 0 0 fifo_water_mark_12_8 5 n/a 0 1 RW 1 4 RW 0 fifo_water_mark_ 12_8 0 RW 0 5 n/a 0 4 n/a 0 1 RW 1 fifo_time_en 0 RW 0 fifo_stop_on_full Register (0x48) FIFO_CONFIG_0 DESCRIPTION: FIFO frame content configuration RESET: 0x02 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x48) FIFO_CONFIG_0 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved fifo_stop_on_full: Stop writing samples into FIFO when FIFO is full. fifo_stop_on_full 0x00 disable do not stop writing to FIFO when full 0x01 enable Stop writing into FIFO when full. fifo_time_en: Return sensortime frame after the last valid data frame. fifo_time_en 0x00 disable do not return sensortime frame 0x01 enable return sensortime frame BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 83 Register (0x49) FIFO_CONFIG_1 DESCRIPTION: FIFO frame content configuration RESET: 0x10 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x49) FIFO_CONFIG_1 7 6 n/a RW 0 0 reserved fifo_acc_en 3 2 RW RW 0 0 fifo_tag_int1_en fifo_tag_int2_en 5 RW 0 fifo_aux_en 1 n/a 0 reserved 4 RW 1 fifo_header_en 0 n/a 0 fifo_tag_int2_en: FIFO interrupt 2 tag enable fifo_tag_int2_en 0x00 disable disable tag 0x01 enable enable tag fifo_tag_int1_en: FIFO interrupt 1 tag enable fifo_tag_int1_en 0x00 disable disable tag 0x01 enable enable tag fifo_header_en: FIFO frame header enable fifo_header_en 0x00 disable no header is stored (output data rate of all enabled sensors need to be identical) 0x01 enable header is stored fifo_aux_en: Store Auxiliary data in FIFO (all 3 axes) fifo_aux_en 0x00 disable no Auxiliary data is stored 0x01 enable Auxiliary data is stored fifo_acc_en: Store Accelerometer data in FIFO (all 3 axes) fifo_acc_en 0x00 disable no Accelerometer data is stored 0x01 enable Accelerometer data is stored BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 84 Register (0x4B) AUX_DEV_ID DESCRIPTION: Auxiliary interface slave device id RESET: 0x20 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Register (0x4B) AUX_DEV_ID Bit 7 6 Read/Write RW RW Reset Value 0 0 Content i2c_device_addr Bit 3 2 Read/Write RW RW Reset Value 0 0 Content i2c_device_addr i2c_device_addr: I2C device address of Auxiliary slave 5 RW 1 4 RW 0 1 RW 0 0 n/a 0 reserved 5 n/a 0 4 n/a 0 1 RW 1 aux_rd_burst 0 RW 1 Register (0x4C) AUX_IF_CONF DESCRIPTION: Auxiliary interface configuration RESET: 0x83 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x4C) AUX_IF_CONF 7 6 RW n/a 1 0 aux_manual_en reserved 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved aux_rd_burst: Burst data length (1,2,6,8 byte) aux_rd_burst 0x00 BL1 Burst length 1 0x01 BL2 Burst length 2 0x02 BL6 Burst length 6 0x03 BL8 Burst length 8 aux_manual_en: Enable auxiliary interface manual mode. aux_manual_en 0x00 disable Data mode 0x01 enable Setup mode BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 85 Register (0x4D) AUX_RD_ADDR DESCRIPTION: Auxiliary interface read register address RESET: 0x42 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x4D) AUX_RD_ADDR 7 6 RW RW 0 1 read_addr 3 2 RW RW 0 0 read_addr 5 RW 0 4 RW 0 1 RW 1 0 RW 0 5 RW 0 4 RW 0 1 RW 0 0 RW 0 read_addr: Address to read Register (0x4E) AUX_WR_ADDR DESCRIPTION: Auxiliary interface write register address RESET: 0x4C DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x4E) AUX_WR_ADDR 7 6 RW RW 0 1 write_addr 3 2 RW RW 1 1 write_addr write_addr: Address to write BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 86 Register (0x4F) AUX_WR_DATA DESCRIPTION: Auxiliary interface write data RESET: 0x02 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x4F) AUX_WR_DATA 7 6 RW RW 0 0 write_data 3 2 RW RW 0 0 write_data 5 RW 0 4 RW 0 1 RW 1 0 RW 0 write_data: Data to write Register (0x53) INT1_IO_CTRL DESCRIPTION: Configure the electrical behaviour of the interrupt pins RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x53) INT1_IO_CTRL 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 3 2 RW RW 0 0 output_en od 5 n/a 0 1 RW 0 lvl 4 RW 0 input_en 0 RW 0 edge_ctrl edge_ctrl: Configure trigger condition of INT1 pin (input) edge_ctrl 0x00 level_tr Level 0x01 edge_tr Edge lvl: Configure level of INT1 pin lvl 0x00 active_low active low 0x01 active_high active high BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 87 od: Configure behaviour of INT1 pin to open drain. od 0x00 push_pull push-pull 0x01 open_drain open drain output_en: Output enable for INT1 pin output_en 0x00 off Output disabled 0x01 on Output enabled input_en: Input enable for INT1 pin input_en 0x00 off Input disabled 0x01 on Input enabled Register (0x54) INT2_IO_CTRL DESCRIPTION: Configure the electrical behaviour of the interrupt pins RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x54) INT2_IO_CTRL 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 3 2 RW RW 0 0 output_en od 5 n/a 0 1 RW 0 lvl 4 RW 0 input_en 0 RW 0 edge_ctrl edge_ctrl: Configure trigger condition of INT2 pin (input) edge_ctrl 0x00 level_tr Level 0x01 edge_tr Edge lvl: Configure level of INT2 pin lvl 0x00 active_low active low 0x01 active_high active high BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 88 od: Configure behaviour of INT2 pin to open drain. od 0x00 push_pull push-pull 0x01 open_drain open drain output_en: Output enable for INT2 pin output_en 0x00 off Output disabled 0x01 on Output enabled input_en: Input enable for INT2 pin input_en 0x00 off Input disabled 0x01 on Input enabled Register (0x55) INT_LATCH DESCRIPTION: Configure interrupt modes RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x55) INT_LATCH 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 5 n/a 0 4 n/a 0 1 n/a 0 0 RW 0 int_latch int_latch: Latched/non-latched/temporary interrupt modes int_latch 0x00 none non latched 0x01 permanent latched BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 89 Register (0x56) INT1_MAP DESCRIPTION: Interrupt/Feature mapping on INT1 RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x56) INT1_MAP 7 6 RW RW 0 0 error_int_out any_no_motion_ out 3 2 RW RW 0 0 wrist_tilt_out activity_type_out 5 RW 0 wakeup_out 4 n/a 0 reserved 1 RW 0 step_counter_out 0 n/a 0 reserved step_counter_out: Step-counter watermark or Step-detector output. activity_type_out: Step counter activity output(Running, Walking, Still) wrist_tilt_out: Wrist tilt output wakeup_out: Wakeup output any_no_motion_out: Any-motion/No-motion detection output error_int_out: Error interrupt output Register (0x57) INT2_MAP DESCRIPTION: Interrupt/Feature mapping on INT2 RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x57) INT2_MAP 7 6 RW RW 0 0 error_int_out any_no_motion_ out 3 2 RW RW 0 0 wrist_tilt_out activity_type_out 5 RW 0 wakeup_out 4 n/a 0 reserved 1 RW 0 step_counter_out 0 n/a 0 reserved step_counter_out: Step-counter watermark or Step-detector output. activity_type_out: Step counter activity output(Running, Walking, Still) wrist_tilt_out: Wrist tilt output wakeup_out: Wakeup output BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 90 any_no_motion_out: Any-motion/No-motion detection output error_int_out: Error interrupt output Register (0x58) INT_MAP_DATA DESCRIPTION: Interrupt mapping hardware interrupts RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x58) INT_MAP_DATA 7 6 n/a RW 0 0 reserved int2_drdy 3 2 n/a RW 0 0 reserved int1_drdy 5 RW 0 int2_fwm 1 RW 0 int1_fwm 4 RW 0 int2_ffull 0 RW 0 int1_ffull 5 RW 0 4 RW 1 1 RW 0 0 RW 0 int1_ffull: FIFO Full interrupt mapped to INT1 int1_fwm: FIFO Watermark interrupt mapped to INT1 int1_drdy: Data Ready interrupt mapped to INT1 int2_ffull: FIFO Full interrupt mapped to INT2 int2_fwm: FIFO Watermark interrupt mapped to INT2 int2_drdy: Data Ready interrupt mapped to INT2 Register (0x59) INIT_CTRL DESCRIPTION: Start initialization RESET: 0x90 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x59) INIT_CTRL 7 6 RW RW 1 0 init_ctrl 3 2 RW RW 0 0 init_ctrl init_ctrl: Start initialization BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 91 Register (0x5E) FEATURES_IN DESCRIPTION: Feature configuration read/write port RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x5E) FEATURES_IN 7 6 RW RW 0 0 features_in 3 2 RW RW 0 0 features_in 5 RW 0 4 RW 0 1 RW 0 0 RW 0 features_in: Feature configuration read/write data Address Bit Name any_motion 0x5E: settings_1 0x00 10...0 threshold 11 0x5E: 0x02 nomotion_sel settings_2 Reset Any-motion / No-motion detection 0x00AA general configuration flags - part 1 Slope threshold value for Any-motion / 0xAA No-motion detection in 5.11g format. Range is 0 to 1g. Default value is 0xAA = 83mg. Indicates if Nomotion (1) or Any-motion 0x0 (0) is selected; default value is 0 – Anymotion. 0x0005 x_en y_en z_en Any-motion / No-motion detection general configuration flags - part 2 Defines the number of consecutive data points for which the threshold condition must be respected, for interrupt assertion. It is expressed in in 50 Hz samples (20 ms). Range is 0 to 163sec. Default value is 5=100ms. Enables the feature on a per-axis basis Enables the feature on a per-axis basis Enables the feature on a per-axis basis settings_1 Step Counter setting 0x012D 12...0 duration 13 14 15 step_counter Description BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Access RW RW 0x5 RW 0x0 0x0 0x0 RW RW RW Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 0x5E: 0x04 0x5E: 0x06 0x5E: 0x08 0x5E: 0x0A 0x5E: 0x0C 0x5E: 0x0E 0x5E: 0x10 0x5E: 0x12 0x5E: 0x14 0x5E: 0x16 0x5E: 0x18 0x5E: 0x1A 0x5E: 0x1C 0x5E: 0x1E 0x5E: 0x20 0x5E: 0x22 0x5E: 0x24 0x5E: 0x26 0x5E: 0x28 0x5E: 0x2A 0x5E: 0x2C 15...0 param_1 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 15...0 settings_2 param_2 settings_3 param_3 settings_4 param_4 settings_5 param_5 settings_6 param_6 settings_7 param_7 settings_8 param_8 settings_9 param_9 settings_10 param_10 settings_11 param_11 settings_12 param_12 settings_13 param_13 settings_14 param_14 settings_15 param_15 settings_16 param_16 settings_17 param_17 settings_18 param_18 settings_19 param_19 settings_20 param_20 settings_21 param_21 BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Page 92 Step Counter param 1 0x12D Step Counter setting Step Counter param 2 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 3 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 4 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 5 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 6 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 7 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 8 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 9 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 10 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 11 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 12 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 13 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 14 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 15 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 16 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 17 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 18 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 19 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 20 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 21 0x7BD4 0x7BD4 0x013B 0x13B 0x7ADB 0x7ADB 0x0004 0x4 0x7B3F 0x7B3F 0x6CCD 0x6CCD 0x04C3 0x4C3 0x0985 0x985 0x04C3 0x4C3 0xE6EC 0xE6EC 0x460C 0x460C 0x0001 0x1 0x0027 0x27 0x0019 0x19 0x0096 0x96 0x00A0 0xA0 0x0001 0x1 0x000C 0xC 0x3CF0 0x3CF0 0x0100 0x100 RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 0x5E: 0x2E 0x5E: 0x30 0x5E: 0x32 0x5E: 0x34 0x5E: 0x36 settings_22 15...0 param_22 settings_23 15...0 param_23 settings_24 15...0 param_24 settings_25 15...0 param_25 settings_26 9...0 watermark_level 10 reset_counter 11 12 13 en_detector en_counter en_activity tap_doubletap 0x5E: 0x38 0 3...1 wrist_tilt 0x5E: 0x3A settings enable sensitivity 4 single_tap_en 0 settings enable general_settings 0x5E: config_id 0x3C 15...0 identification BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Page 93 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 22 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 23 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 24 Step Counter setting Step Counter param 25 Step Counter and Step Detector Settings Watermark level; the Step-counter will trigger output every time this number of steps are counted. Holds implicitly a 20x factor, so the range is 0 to 20460, with resolution of 20 steps. If 0, the output is disabled. Flag to reset the counted steps. This is only interpreted if the step counter is enabled. Enables the Step Detector. Enables the Step Counter. Enables the activity detection(Running, Walking, Still) 0x0001 0x1 0x0003 0x3 0x0001 0x1 0x000E 0xE 0x0000 RW RW RW RW 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x0 0x0 0x0 RW RW RW Tap general configuration flags Enables the feature Configures Tap sensitivity, the range goes from 0 (high sensitive) to 7 (low sensitive). Flag for enabling single tap detection (and disabling double tap). By default double tap detection is being enabled. 0x0006 0x0 0x3 RW RW 0x0 RW Wrist tilt configuration flags Enables the feature 0x0000 0x0 RW Describes configuration identification 0x0000 code Describes configuration identification 0x0 code R Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 0x5E: 0x3E 1...0 2 4...3 5 7...6 8 axes_remapping map_x_axis Describes axes remapping Map the x axis to desired axis. Value Name Description 0x00 x axis Map to x-axis 0x01 y axis Map to y-axis 0x02 z axis Map to z-axis 0x03 reserved reserved map_x_axis_sign Map the x axis sign to the desired one. Value Name Description 0x00 nonClear this bit to inverted non invert the x axis 0x01 inverted Set this bit to invert the x axis map_y_axis Map the y axis to desired axis Value Name Description 0x00 x axis Map to x-axis 0x01 y axis Map to y-axis 0x02 z axis Map to z-axis 0x03 reserved reserved map_y_axis_sign Map the y axis sign to the desired one Value Name Description 0x00 nonClear this bit to inverted non invert the y axis 0x01 inverted Set this bit to invert the y axis map_z_axis Map the z axis to desired axis Value Name Description 0x00 x axis Map to x-axis 0x01 y axis Map to y-axis 0x02 z axis Map to z-axis 0x03 reserved reserved map_z_axis_sign Map the z axis sign to the desired one Value Name Description 0x00 nonClear this bit to inverted non invert the z axis 0x01 inverted Set this bit to invert the z axis BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Page 94 0x0088 0x0 RW 0x0 RW 0x1 RW 0x0 RW 0x2 RW 0x0 RW Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 95 Register (0x5F) INTERNAL_ERROR DESCRIPTION: Internal error flags RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x5F) INTERNAL_ERROR 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 3 2 n/a R 0 0 reserved int_err_2 5 n/a 0 4 n/a 0 1 R 0 int_err_1 0 n/a 0 reserved int_err_1: Internal error flag - long processing time, processing halted int_err_2: Internal error flag - fatal error, processing halted Register (0x6A) NVM_CONF DESCRIPTION: NVM controller mode (Prog/Erase or Read only) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x6A) NVM_CONF 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 5 n/a 0 4 n/a 0 1 RW 0 nvm_prog_en 0 n/a 0 reserved nvm_prog_en: Enable NVM programming nvm_prog_en 0x00 disable disable 0x01 enable enable BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 96 Register (0x6B) IF_CONF DESCRIPTION: Serial interface settings RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x6B) IF_CONF 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 5 n/a 0 1 n/a 0 4 RW 0 if_mode 0 RW 0 spi3 spi3: Configure SPI Interface Mode for primary interface spi3 0x00 spi4 SPI 4-wire mode 0x01 spi3 SPI 3-wire mode if_mode: Auxiliary interface configuration if_mode 0x00 p_auto_s_off Auxiliary interface:off 0x01 p_auto_s_mag Auxilary interface:Magnetometer Register (0x6D) ACC_SELF_TEST DESCRIPTION: Settings for the sensor self-test configuration and trigger RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x6D) ACC_SELF_TEST 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 3 2 RW RW 0 0 acc_self_test_am acc_self_test_sig p n BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 5 n/a 0 4 n/a 0 1 n/a 0 reserved 0 RW 0 acc_self_test_en Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 97 acc_self_test_en: Enable accelerometer self-test acc_self_test_en 0x00 disabled disabled 0x01 enabled enabled acc_self_test_sign: select sign of self-test excitation as acc_self_test_sign 0x00 negative negative 0x01 positive positive acc_self_test_amp: select amplitude of the selftest deflection: acc_self_test_amp 0x00 low low 0x01 high high Register (0x70) NV_CONF DESCRIPTION: NVM backed configuration bits. RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x70) NV_CONF 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 3 2 RW RW 0 0 acc_off_en i2c_wdt_en 5 n/a 0 4 n/a 0 1 RW 0 i2c_wdt_sel 0 RW 0 spi_en spi_en: disable the I2C and enable SPI for the primary interface, when it is in autoconfig mode spi_en 0x00 disabled I2C enabled 0x01 enabled I2C disabled i2c_wdt_sel: Select timer period for I2C Watchdog i2c_wdt_sel 0x00 wdt_short I2C watchdog timeout after 1.25 ms 0x01 wdt_long I2C watchdog timeout after 40 ms i2c_wdt_en: I2C Watchdog at the SDI pin in I2C interface mode BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 98 i2c_wdt_en 0x00 Disable Disable I2C watchdog 0x01 Enable Enable I2C watchdog acc_off_en: Add the offset defined in the off_acc_[xyz] OFFSET register to filtered and unfiltered Accelerometer data acc_off_en 0x00 disabled Disabled 0x01 enabled Enabled Register (0x71) OFFSET_0 DESCRIPTION: Offset compensation for Accelerometer X-axis (NVM backed) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x71) OFFSET_0 7 6 RW RW 0 0 off_acc_x 3 2 RW RW 0 0 off_acc_x 5 RW 0 4 RW 0 1 RW 0 0 RW 0 off_acc_x: Accelerometer offset compensation (X-axis). Register (0x72) OFFSET_1 DESCRIPTION: Offset compensation for Accelerometer Y-axis (NVM backed) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x72) OFFSET_1 7 6 RW RW 0 0 off_acc_y 3 2 RW RW 0 0 off_acc_y BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 5 RW 0 4 RW 0 1 RW 0 0 RW 0 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 99 off_acc_y: Accelerometer offset compensation (Y-axis). Register (0x73) OFFSET_2 DESCRIPTION: Offset compensation for Accelerometer Z-axis (NVM backed) RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x73) OFFSET_2 7 6 RW RW 0 0 off_acc_z 3 2 RW RW 0 0 off_acc_z 5 RW 0 4 RW 0 1 RW 0 0 RW 0 5 n/a 0 4 n/a 0 1 RW 1 fifo_self_wakeup 0 RW 1 adv_power_save off_acc_z: Accelerometer offset compensation (Z-axis). Register (0x7C) PWR_CONF DESCRIPTION: Power mode configuration register RESET: 0x03 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x7C) PWR_CONF 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 3 2 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved adv_power_save 0x00 aps_off advanced power save disabled (fast clk always enabled). 0x01 aps_on advanced power mode enabled (slow clk is active when no measurement is ongoing.) fifo_self_wakeup 0x00 fsw_off FIFO read disabled in advanced power saving mode. 0x01 fsw_on FIFO read enabled after interrupt in advanced power saving mode. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 100 Register (0x7D) PWR_CTRL DESCRIPTION: Sensor enable register RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x7D) PWR_CTRL 7 6 n/a n/a 0 0 reserved 3 2 n/a RW 0 0 reserved acc_en 5 n/a 0 4 n/a 0 1 n/a 0 reserved 0 RW 0 aux_en aux_en 0x00 mag_off Disables the auxiliary sensor. 0x01 mag_on Enables the auxiliary sensor. acc_en 0x00 acc_off Disables the Accelerometer. 0x01 acc_on Enables the Accelerometer. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 101 Register (0x7E) CMD DESCRIPTION: Command Register RESET: 0x00 DEFINITION (Go to register map): Name Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Bit Read/Write Reset Value Content Register (0x7E) CMD 7 6 RW RW 0 0 cmd 3 2 RW RW 0 0 cmd 5 RW 0 4 RW 0 1 RW 0 0 RW 0 cmd: Available commands (Note: Register will always read as 0x00): cmd 0xa0 nvm_prog Writes the NVM backed registers into NVM 0xb0 fifo_flush Clears all data in the FIFO, does not change FIFO_CONFIG and FIFO_DOWNS registers 0xb6 softreset Triggers a reset, all user configuration settings are overwritten with their default state BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 102 6. Digital Interfaces 6.1. Interfaces Beside the standard primary interface (I2C and SPI configurable), where sensor acts as a slave to the application processor, BMA423 supports an auxiliary interface. See picture below. If the auxiliary interface is enabled, the BMA423 can be connected to an external sensor (e.g. a magnetometer) in order to build a 6-DoF solution. Then the BMA423 will act as a master to the external sensor, reading the sensor data automatically and providing it to the application processor via the primary interface. 6 DoF AP I2C / SPI primary interface BMA423 MAG Interface I2C auxiliary interface BMM150 BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 103 6.2. Primary Interface By default, the BMA423 operates in I2C mode. The BMA423 interface can also be configured to operate in a SPI 4-wire configuration. It can also be re-configured by software to work in 3-wire mode instead of 4-wire mode. All 3 possible digital interfaces share partly the same pins. The mapping for the primary interface of the BMA423 is given in the following table: Pin# Name I/O Type Description 1 SDO Digital I/O 2 SDX Digital I/O 5 INT1 Digital I/O 6 INT2 Digital I/O 10 12 CSB SCX Digital in Digital in Serial data output in SPI Address select in I²C mode see chapter 7.2 SDA serial data I/O in I²C SDI serial data input in SPI 4W SDA serial data I/O in SPI 3W Interrupt output 1 (default) (Input for external FIFO sync) * Interrupt output 2 (default) (Input for external FIFO sync) * Chip select for SPI mode SCK for SPI serial clock SCL for I²C serial clock Connect to (Primary IF) in SPI4W in SPI3W in I2C SDO DNC (float) GND for default I2C addr. SDI SDA SDA INT1 INT1 INT1 (FIFO sync) (FIFO sync) (FIFO sync) INT2 INT2 INT2 (FIFO sync) (FIFO sync) (FIFO sync) CSB CSB VDDIO SCK SCK SCL * INT1 and/or INT2 can also be configured as an input in case the external data synchronization in FIFO is used. See chapter 0. If INT1 and/or INT2 are not used, please do not connect them (DNC). The following table shows the electrical specifications of the interface pins: Parameter Symbol Condition Min Typ Max Units Pull-up Resistance, CSB pin Rup Internal Pull-up Resistance to VDDIO 75 100 125 k Input Capacitance Cin 5 pF I²C Bus Load Capacitance (max. drive capability) CI2C_Load 400 pF BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 104 6.3. Primary Interface I2C/SPI Protocol Selection The protocol is automatically selected based on the chip select CSB pin behavior after power-up. At reset / power-up, BMA423 is in I2C mode. If CSB is connected to VDDIO during power-up and not changed the sensor interface works in I2C mode. For using I2C, it is recommended to hard-wire the CSB line to VDDIO. Since power-on-reset is only executed when, both VDD and VDDIO are established, there is no risk of incorrect protocol detection due to power-up sequence. If CSB sees a rising edge after power-up, the BMA423 interface switches to SPI until a reset or the next power-up occurs. Therefore, a CSB rising edge is needed before starting the SPI communication. Hence, it is recommended to perform a SPI single read of register CHIP_ID (the obtained value will be invalid) before the actual communication start, in order to use the SPI interface. If toggling of the CSB bit is not possible without data communication, there is in addition the spi_en bit in Register NV_CONF, which can be used to permanently set the primary interface to SPI without the need to toggle the CSB pin at every power-up or reset. 6.4. SPI interface and protocol The timing specification for SPI of the BMA423 is given in the following table: SPI timing, valid at VDDIO ≥ 1.71V Parameter Symbol Condition Clock Frequency fSPI Max. Load on SDI or SDO = 30pF, VDDIO ≥ 1.62 V VDDIO < 1.62V SCK Low Pulse SCK High Pulse SCK Low Pulse SCK High Pulse SDI Setup Time SDI Hold Time SDO Output Delay CSB Setup Time CSB Hold Time Idle time between write accesses, suspend mode, lowpower mode 1 Idle time after write and read access, active state BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 tSCKL tSCKH tSCKL tSCKH tSDI_setup tSDI_hold tSDO_OD tCSB_setup tCSB_hold VDDIO>=1.62V VDDIO>=1.62V Min Max Units 10 MHz 7 MHz 45 45 VDDIO Master I²C write Multi-byte writes are supported without restriction on normal registers with auto-increment, on special registers with address trap. I²C read access: I²C read access also can be used to read one or multiple data bytes in one sequence. A read sequence consists of a one-byte I²C write phase followed by the I²C read phase. The two parts of the transmission must be separated by a repeated start condition (S). The I²C write phase addresses the slave and sends the register address to be read. After slave acknowledges the transmission, the master generates again a start condition and sends the slave address together with a read bit (RW = 1). Then the master releases the bus and waits for the data bytes to be read out from slave. After each data byte the master has to generate an acknowledge bit (ACKS = 0) to enable further data transfer. A NACKM (ACKS = 1) from the master stops the data being transferred from the slave. The slave releases the bus so that the master can generate a STOP condition and terminate the transmission. The register address is automatically incremented and, therefore, more than one byte can be sequentially read out. Once a new data read transmission starts, the start address will be set to the register address specified since the latest I²C write command. By default the start address is set at 0x00. In this way repetitive multi-bytes reads from the same starting address are possible. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Slave I2C ID Start S 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 R/W ACK 0 0 Page 112 Register address (0x12) X 0 0 1 0 0 ACK 1 0 0 Data byte Repeat Start Sr Slave I2C ID 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 R/W ACK 1 0 Data byte Register data - address 0x12 X X X X X X X Register data - address 0x13 ACK X 0 X X X Data byte … X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 … 0 X X X X X X X ACK X 0 … Data byte Register data - address 0x16 X X Register data - address 0x15 ACK Data byte … X Data byte Register data - address 0x14 Master -> Slave Slave -> Master X ACK X X Register data - address 0x17 ACK X 0 X X X X X X X NACK Stop X 1 P In order to prevent the I²C slave of the device to lock-up the I²C bus, a watchdog timer (WDT) is implemented. The WDT observes internal I²C signals and resets the I²C interface if the bus is lockedup by the BMA423. The activity and the timer period of the WDT can be configured through the bits NV_CONF.i2c_wdt_en and NV_CONF.i2c_wdt_sel. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 113 6.6. SPI and I²C Access Restrictions In order to allow for the correct internal synchronization of data written to the BMA423, certain access restrictions apply for consecutive write accesses or a write/read sequence through the SPI as well as I2C interface. The required waiting period depends on whether the device is operating in normal mode or other modes. As illustrated in the figure below, an interface idle time of at least 2 µs is required following a write operation when the device operates in normal mode. In suspend mode an interface idle time of least 1000 µs is required. X-after-Write Write-Operation X-Operation Register Update Period (> 2us / 450us) Post-Write Access Timing Constraints 6.7. Auxiliary Interface The BMA423 allows attaching an external sensor (MAG-sensor) to a BMA423 via the auxiliary interface. The connection diagrams for the auxiliary interface are depicted in the chapter 7.3. The timings of the secondary I2C interface are the same as for the primary I2C interface, see chapter 6.5. BM423 acts as a master of the secondary interface, controls the data acquisition of the MAG-sensor (slave of the secondary interface) and presents the data to the application processor (AP) in the user registers of the BMA423 through the primary interface. No external pull-up resistors need to be connected, since an internal pull-up can be configured in the BMA423 (default value: internal pull-up is off, please contact your regional sales representative if you want to use this functionality). No additional I2C master or slave devices must be attached to the magnetometer interfaces. The BMA423 autonomously reads out the sensor data from BMM150 without intervention of the AP and stores the data in its data registers (per default) and FIFO (see Register FIFO_CONFIG_1.fifo_aux_en). The initial setup of the BMM150 after power-on is done through indirect addressing in the BMA423. From a system perspective the initialization for BMM150 when attached to BMA423 should be possible within 100ms. More information about the usage of Auxiliary Interface can be found in chapter 4.8. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 114 7. Pin-out and Connection Diagrams 7.1. Pin-out Top View Bottom View Pads not visible! Pads visible! Pin description Pin# Name I/O Type 1 SDO Digital I/O 2 SDX Digital I/O 3 VDDIO Supply 4 ASDA Digital I/O 5 INT1 Digital I/O 6 INT2 Digital I/O 7 VDD Supply 8 9 10 GNDIO GND CSB Ground Ground Digital in Description Serial data output in SPI Address select in I²C mode see chapter 7.2 SDA serial data I/O in I²C SDI serial data input in SPI 4W SDA serial data I/O in SPI 3W Digital I/O supply voltage (1.2V … 3.6V) Serial data I/O – Secondary Interface (I²C Master for Magnetometer) Interrupt output 1 (default) (Input for external FIFO sync) * Interrupt output 2 (default) (Input for external FIFO sync) * Power supply for analog & digital domain (1.62V … 3.6V) Ground for I/O Ground for digital & analog Chip select for SPI mode 11 ASCL Digital out Digital clock (out) – Secondary Interface (I²C Master for Magnetometer) 12 SCX Digital in SCK for SPI serial clock SCL for I²C serial clock in SPI 4W Connect to In SPI 3W in I²C SDO DNC (float) GND for default I2C addr. SDI SDA SDA VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO VDDIO/ GNDIO/NC or (ASDA Secondary interface) INT1 (FIFO sync) INT2 (FIFO sync) VDDIO/ GNDIO/NC or (ASDA Secondary interface) INT1 (FIFO sync) INT2 (FIFO sync) VDD VDD VDD GND GND CSB VDDIO/ GNDIO/NC or (ASCL Secondary interface) GND GND CSB VDDIO/ GNDIO/ NC or (ASCL Secondary interface) GND GND VDDIO SCK SCK VDDIO/ GNDIO/NC or (ASDA - Secondary interface) INT1 (FIFO sync) INT2 (FIFO sync) VDDIO/ GNDIO/ NC or (ASCL Secondary interface) SCL * INT1 and/or INT2 can also be configured as an input in case the external data synchronization in FIFO is used. See chapter 4.5. If INT1 and/or INT2 are not used, please do not connect them (DNC). BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 115 7.2. Connection Diagrams without Auxiliary Interface SPI 3-wire SCK SDX 2 VDDIO 3 ASDA 4 ASCL 12 11 10 CSB BMA423 9 GND Top View 8 (Pads not visible!) 100nF 6 7 CS 100nF GNDIO VDD VDD INT2 5 INT1 VDDIO 1 SCX MOSI/ MISO SDO GND INT1 INT2 It is recommended to use 100nF decoupling capacitors at pin 3 (VDDIO) and pin 7 (VDD). 4-wire SCK 1 MOSI SDX 2 VDDIO 3 ASDA 4 11 10 CSB BMA423 9 GND Top View 8 (Pads not visible!) 5 6 INT2 100nF 12 INT1 VDDIO ASCL SDO SCX MISO 7 CS 100nF GNDIO VDD VDD GND INT1 INT2 It is recommended to use 100nF decoupling capacitors at pin 3 (VDDIO) and pin 7 (VDD). BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 116 I2C SCL SDO 1 SDX 2 VDDIO 3 ASDA 4 11 10 CSB BMA423 9 GND Top View 8 (Pads not visible!) 100nF 5 6 INT2 VDDIO 12 INT1 SDA ASCL =1 =0 SCX I2C_ID.0 7 100nF GNDIO VDD VDD GND INT1 INT2 It is recommended to use 100nF decoupling capacitors at pin 3 (VDDIO) and pin 7 (VDD). 7.3. Connection Diagrams with Auxiliary Interface SPI 3-wire SCK ASDA ASCL SDX 2 VDDIO 3 ASDA 4 12 11 10 CSB BMA423 9 GND 5 6 INT2 Top View 8 (Pads not visible!) INT1 100nF ASCL VDDIO 1 SCX MOSI MISO SDO 7 to BMM CS 100nF GNDIO VDD VDD GND INT1 INT2 It is recommended to use 100nF decoupling capacitors at pin 3 (VDDIO) and pin 7 (VDD). BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 117 4-wire SCK ASDA ASCL 1 MOSI SDX 2 12 11 10 CSB BMA423 9 GND ASDA 4 100nF 5 6 INT2 VDDIO Top View 3 8 (Pads not visible!) INT1 VDDIO ASCL SDO SCX MISO to BMM CS 100nF GNDIO 7 VDD VDD GND INT1 INT2 It is recommended to use 100nF decoupling capacitors at pin 3 (VDDIO) and pin 7 (VDD). I2C SCL ASDA ASCL SDX 2 VDDIO 3 ASDA 4 100nF 12 11 10 CSB BMA423 9 GND Top View 8 (Pads not visible!) 5 6 INT2 VDDIO 1 INT1 SDA SDO ASCL =1 =0 SCX I2C_ID.0 7 to BMM 100nF GNDIO VDD VDD GND INT1 INT2 It is recommended to use 100nF decoupling capacitors at pin 3 (VDDIO) and pin 7 (VDD). BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 118 8. Package 8.1. Package outline dimensions BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 119 8.2. Sensing axis orientation If the sensor is accelerated in the indicated directions, the corresponding channel will deliver a positive acceleration signal (dynamic acceleration). If the sensor is at rest and the force of gravity is acting along the indicated directions, the output of the corresponding channel will be negative (static acceleration). Example: If the sensor is at rest or at uniform motion in a gravity field according to the figure given below, the output signals are: • ± 0g for the X channel • ± 0g for the Y channel • + 1g for the Z channel The following table lists all corresponding output signals on X, Y, and Z while the sensor is at rest or at uniform motion in a gravity field under assumption of a ±4g range setting, a 12 bit resolution, and a top down gravity vector as shown above. Sensor Orientation (gravity vector ↓) upright Output Signal X 0g / 0 LSB 1g / 511 LSB 0g / 0 LSB -1g / -512 LSB 0g / 0 LSB 0g / 0 LSB Output Signal Y -1g / -512 LSB 0g / 0 LSB 1g / 511 LSB 0g / 0 LSB 0g / 0 LSB 0g / 0 LSB Output Signal Z 0g / 0 LSB 0g / 0 LSB 0g / 0 LSB 0g / 0 LSB 1g / 511 LSB -1g / -512 LSB BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 120 For reference the figure below shows the Android device orientation with an integrated BMA423. BMA423 BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 121 8.3. Landing pattern recommendation The recommended landing pattern for the BMA423 on customer’s PCB is given in the following figure. It is recommended to avoid any wiring underneath the BMA423 (shaded area). BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 122 8.4. Marking Mass production Labeling ZZ CCC Name Symbol Remark Internal Code ZZ internal Counter ID CCC 3 alphanumeric digits, variable to generate trace-code. Pin 1 identifier top side • -- Name Symbol Remark Internal Code X internal Eng. sample ID E, N 2 alphanumeric digits, fixed to identify engineering sample, N = “C” Sample ID CC 2 alphanumeric digits, variable to generate trace-code. Pin 1 identifier top side • -- Engineering samples Labeling XE NCC BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 123 8.5. Soldering guidelines The moisture sensitivity level of the BMA423E sensors corresponds to JEDEC Level 1, see also - IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020C "Joint Industry Standard: Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for non-hermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices" IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033A "Joint Industry Standard: Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture/Reflow Sensitive Surface Mount Devices" The sensor fulfils the lead-free soldering requirements of the above-mentioned IPC/JEDEC standard, i.e. reflow soldering with a peak temperature up to 260°C. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 124 8.6. Handling instructions Micromechanical sensors are designed to sense acceleration with high accuracy even at low amplitudes and contain highly sensitive structures inside the sensor element. The MEMS sensor can tolerate mechanical shocks up to several thousand g's. However, these limits might be exceeded in conditions with extreme shock loads such as e.g. hammer blow on or next to the sensor, dropping of the sensor onto hard surfaces etc. We recommend to avoid g-forces beyond the specified limits during transport, handling and mounting of the sensors in a defined and qualified installation process. This device has built-in protections against high electrostatic discharges or electric fields (e.g. 2kV HBM); however, anti-static precautions should be taken as for any other CMOS component. Unless otherwise specified, proper operation can only occur when all terminal voltages are kept within the supply voltage range. Unused inputs must always be tied to a defined logic voltage level. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 125 8.7. Tape and Reel specification BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 126 8.8. Environmental safety The BMA423 sensor meets the requirements of the EC restriction of hazardous substances (RoHS) directive, see also: Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 September 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. Halogen content The BMA423 is halogen-free. For more details on the corresponding analysis results please contact your Bosch Sensortec representative. Internal package structure Within the scope of Bosch Sensortec’s ambition to improve its products and secure the mass product supply, Bosch Sensortec qualifies additional sources (e.g. 2 nd source) for the LGA package of the BMA423. While Bosch Sensortec took care that all of the technical packages parameters are described above are 100% identical for all sources, there can be differences in the chemical content and the internal structural between the different package sources. However, as secured by the extensive product qualification process of Bosch Sensortec, this has no impact to the usage or to the quality of the BMA423 product. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 127 9. Legal disclaimer 9.1. Engineering samples Engineering Samples are marked with an asterisk (*) or (e). Samples may vary from the valid technical specifications of the product series contained in this data sheet. They are therefore not intended or fit for resale to third parties or for use in end products. Their sole purpose is internal client testing. The testing of an engineering sample may in no way replace the testing of a product series. Bosch Sensortec assumes no liability for the use of engineering samples. The Purchaser shall indemnify Bosch Sensortec from all claims arising from the use of engineering samples. 9.2. Product use Bosch Sensortec products are developed for the consumer goods industry. They may only be used within the parameters of this product data sheet. They are not fit for use in life-sustaining or security sensitive systems. Security sensitive systems are those for which a malfunction is expected to lead to bodily harm or significant property damage. In addition, they are not fit for use in products which interact with motor vehicle systems. The resale and/or use of products are at the purchaser’s own risk and his own responsibility. The examination of fitness for the intended use is the sole responsibility of the Purchaser. The purchaser shall indemnify Bosch Sensortec from all third party claims arising from any product use not covered by the parameters of this product data sheet or not approved by Bosch Sensortec and reimburse Bosch Sensortec for all costs in connection with such claims. The purchaser must monitor the market for the purchased products, particularly with regard to product safety, and inform Bosch Sensortec without delay of all security relevant incidents. 9.3. Application examples and hints With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, Bosch Sensortec hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights or copyrights of any third party. The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics. They are provided for illustrative purposes only and no evaluation regarding infringement of intellectual property rights or copyrights or regarding functionality, performance or error has been made. BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice. Data Sheet BMA423 Page 128 10.Document history and modification Rev. No Chapter Description of modification/changes Date Document creation Fixed typos Changed CSB recommendation for I²C 07 Aug 2017 4.8 6.2, 7.1 1.0 1.1 May 2019 Bosch Sensortec GmbH Gerhard-Kindler-Strasse 9 72770 Reutlingen / Germany contact@bosch-sensortec.com www.bosch-sensortec.com Modifications reserved | Printed in Germany Specifications subject to change without notice Document number: BST-BMA423-DS000-01 Revision_1.1_May_2019 BST-BMA423-DS000-01 | Version 1.1 | May 2019 Revision_1.0_August_2017 Bosch Sensortec © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties. BOSCH and the symbol are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany. Note: Specifications within this document are subject to change without notice.
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