24-stage frequency divider and oscillator
Rev. 7 — 30 March 2016
Product data sheet
1. General description
The HEF4521B consists of a chain of 24 toggle flip-flops with an overriding asynchronous
master reset input (MR), and an input circuit that allows three modes of operation. The
single inverting stage (A2 to Y2) functions as: a crystal oscillator, an input buffer for an
external oscillator or in combination with A1 as an RC oscillator. The crystal oscillator
operates in Low-power mode when pins VSS1 and VDD1 are supplied via external resistors.
Each flip-flop divides the frequency of the previous flip-flop by two, consequently the
HEF4521B counts up to 224 = 16777216. The counting advances on the HIGH-to-LOW
transition of the clock (A2). The outputs from each of the last seven stages (218 to 224) are
available for additional flexibility.
It operates over a recommended VDD power supply range of 3 V to 15 V referenced to VSS
(usually ground). Unused inputs must be connected to VDD, VSS, or another input.
2. Features and benefits
Low power crystal oscillator operation
Fully static operation
5 V, 10 V, and 15 V parametric ratings
Standardized symmetrical output characteristics
Specified from 40 C to +85 C
Complies with JEDEC standard JESD 13-B
3. Ordering information
Table 1.
Ordering information
All types operate from 40 C to +85 C.
Type number
plastic small outline package; 16 leads; body width 3.9 mm
24-stage frequency divider and oscillator
4. Functional diagram
免费人工找货- 国内价格 香港价格
- 2500+2.599352500+0.31384
- 5000+2.530575000+0.30554
- 7500+2.496137500+0.30138
- 12500+2.4579612500+0.29677
- 17500+2.4356617500+0.29408
- 25000+2.4142225000+0.29149
- 国内价格
- 1+7.59405
- 3+7.33413
- 10+6.47171
- 25+5.78058
- 29+3.86171
- 78+3.65089
- 1000+3.53830
- 2500+3.51075
- 国内价格 香港价格
- 1323+2.582901323+0.31185
- 国内价格 香港价格
- 1+7.558381+0.91257
- 10+5.4438810+0.65728
- 25+4.9051425+0.59223
- 100+4.31321100+0.52076
- 250+4.03010250+0.48658
- 500+3.85958500+0.46600
- 1000+3.719201000+0.44905