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    光电耦合器 3.75KVrms Vr=5V Vf=1.25V CTR=100%~600%

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TLP185GB-S 数据手册
UMW R UMW TLP185 1. Applications • Office Equipment • Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) • AC Adapters • I/O Interface Boards 2. General The UMW TLP185 consist of a photo transistor optically coupled to gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode. The UMW TLP185 photocoupler is housed in the very small and thin SO6 package. Since UMW TLP185 is smaller than DIP package, it's suitable for high-density surface mounting application such as programmable controllers. 3. Features (1) (2) Collector-emitter voltage: 80 V (min) Current transfer ratio: 50% (min) Rank GB: 100% (min) (3) Isolation voltage: 3750 Vrms (min) (4) (5) Operating temperature: -55 to 110  Safety standards UL-approved: UL1577, File No.E492440 4. Packaging and Pin Assignment 1: Anode 3: Cathode 4: Emitter 6: Collector www.umw-ic.com 1 友台半导体有限公司 UMW R UMW TLP185 5. Principle of Operation 5.1. Mechanical Parameters Characteristics Min Unit Creepage distances 5.0 mm Clearance 5.0 Internal isolation thickness 0.4 6. Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note) (Unless otherwise specified, Ta = 25 ) Symbol Characteristics LED Input forward current Input forward current derating (Ta ≥ 90 ) 50 mA -1.5 mA/ 1 A 5 V IFP VR (Ta ≥ 90 ) Unit IF Input reverse voltage Input power dissipation derating Rating ∆IF/∆Ta Input forward current (pulsed) Input power dissipation Note (Note 1) PD 100 mW ∆PD/∆Ta -2.86 mW/ Tj 125  Detector Collector-emitter voltage VCEO 80 V Emitter-collector voltage VECO 7 V IC 50 mA Junction temperature Collector current Collector power dissipation Collector power dissipation derating (Ta ≥ 25 ) Junction temperature Common Operating temperature Storage temperature Lead soldering temperature (10 s) Total power dissipation Isolation voltage Note: AC, 60 s, R.H. ≤ 60% PC 150 mW ∆PC/∆Ta -1.5 mW/ Tj 125  Topr -55 to 110  Tstg -55 to 125 Tsol 260 PT 200 mW 3750 Vrms BVS (Note 2) Using continuously under heavy loads (e.g. the application of high temperature/current/voltage and the significant change in temperature, etc.) may cause this product to decrease in the reliability significantly even if the operating conditions (i.e. operating temperature/current/voltage, etc.) are within the absolute maximum ratings. Note 1: Pulse width (PW) ≤ 100 µs, f = 100 Hz Note 2: This device is considered as a two-terminal device: Pins 1 and 3 are shorted together, and pins 4 and 6 are shorted together. www.umw-ic.com 2 友台半导体有限公司 UMW R UMW TLP185 7. Electrical Characteristics (Unless otherwise specified, Ta = 25 ) Symbol Characteristics LED Note Test Condition Min Typ. Max Unit Input forward voltage VF IF = 10 mA 1.1 1.25 1.4 V Input reverse current IR VR = 5 V   5 µA Input capacitance Ct V = 0 V, f = 1 MHz  30  pF Detector Collector-emitter breakdown voltage V(BR)CEO IC = 0.5 mA 80   V Emitter-collector breakdown voltage V(BR)ECO IE = 0.1 mA 7   Dark Current IDARK VCE = 48 V  0.01 0.08 VCE = 48 V, Ta = 85   2 50 Collector-emitter capacitance CCE V = 0 V, f = 1 MHz  10  pF µA 8. Coupled Electrical Characteristics (Unless otherwise specified, Ta = 25 ) Characteristics Current transfer ratio Symbol Note IC/IF (Note 1) Saturated current transfer ratio IC/IF(sat) Collector-emitter saturation voltage VCE(sat) OFF-state collector current IC(off) Min Typ. Max Unit IF = 5 mA, VCE = 5 V 50  600 % IF = 5 mA, VCE = 5 V, Rank GB Test Condition 100  600 IF = 1 mA, VCE = 0.4 V  60  IF = 1 mA, VCE = 0.4 V, Rank GB 30   IC = 2.4 mA, IF = 8 mA   0.3 IC = 0.2 mA, IF = 1 mA  0.2  IC = 0.2 mA, IF = 1 mA, Rank GB   0.3 VF = 0.7 V, VCE = 48 V  1 10 V µA Note 1: See Table 8.1 for current transfer ratio. Table 8.1 Current Transfer Ratio (CTR) Rank (Note) (Unless otherwise specified, Ta = 25 ) Current transfer ratio IC/IF Min Current transfer ratio IC/IF Max 50 600 Y 50 150 YE, Y+ GR 100 300 GR, G, G+ GB 100 600 GB, GR, BL, G, G+, B BL 200 600 BL, B YH 75 150 Y+ GRL 100 200 G GRH 150 300 G+ BLL 200 400 B Rank IF = 5 mA, VCE = 5 V Blank Note: Test Condition Marking of Classification Blank, YE, GR, GB, BL, Y+, G, G+, B Unit % Specify both the part number and a rank in this format when ordering. Example: UMW TLP185GB www.umw-ic.com 3 友台半导体有限公司 UMW R UMW TLP185 9. Isolation Characteristics (Unless otherwise specified, Ta = 25 ) Characteristics Symbol Note Test Condition Min Typ. Max Unit  0.8  pF 1 × 1012 1014  Ω 3750   Vrms AC, 1 s in oil  10000  DC, 60 s in oil  10000  Total capacitance (input to output) CS (Note 1) VS = 0 V, f = 1 MHz Isolation resistance RS (Note 1) VS = 500 V, R.H. ≤ 60% Isolation voltage BVS (Note 1) AC, 60 s Vdc Note 1: This device is considered as a two-terminal device: Pins 1 and 3 are shorted together, and pins 4 and 6 are shorted together. 10. Switching Characteristics (Unless otherwise specified, Ta = 25 ) Characteristics Rise time Fall time Symbol tr tf Turn-on time ton Turn-off time toff Turn-on time ton Storage time ts Turn-off time toff Note Test Condition VCC = 10 V, IC = 2 mA, RL = 100 Ω See Fig. 10.1 VCC = 5 V, IF = 16 mA, RL = 1.9 kΩ Min Typ. Max Unit  2  µs  3   3   3   0.5   25   40  Fig. 10.1 Switching Time Test Circuit and Waveform www.umw-ic.com 4 友台半导体有限公司 UMW R UMW TLP185 11. Characteristics Curves (Note) Fig. 11.1 IF - Ta Fig. 11.2 PC - Ta Fig. 11.3 IFP - DR Fig. 11.4 IF - VF Fig. 11.5 ∆VF/∆Ta - IF Fig. 11.6 IFP - VFP www.umw-ic.com 5 友台半导体有限公司 UMW R UMW TLP185 Fig. 11.7 IC - VCE Fig. 11.8 IC - VCE Fig. 11.9 IC - IF Fig. 11.10 IC/IF - IF Fig. 11.11 IDARK - Ta Fig. 11.12 VCE(sat) - Ta www.umw-ic.com 6 友台半导体有限公司 UMW R UMW TLP185 Fig. 11.13 IC - Ta Fig. 11.14 Switching Time - RL Fig. 11.15 Switching Time - Ta Note: The above characteristics curves are presented for reference only and not guaranteed by production test, unless otherwise noted. www.umw-ic.com 7 友台半导体有限公司 UMW R UMW TLP185 12. Soldering and Storage 12.1. Precautions for Soldering The soldering temperature should be controlled as closely as possible to the conditions shown below, irrespective of whether a soldering iron or a reflow soldering method is used. • When using soldering reflow. The soldering temperature profile is based on the package surface temperature. (See the figure shown below, which is based on the package surface temperature.) Reflow soldering must be performed once or twice. The mounting should be completed with the interval from the first to the last mountings being 2 weeks. Fig. 12.1.1 An Example of a Temperature Profile When Lead(Pb)-Free Solder Is Used • When using soldering flow Preheat the device at a temperature of 150  (package surface temperature) for 60 to 120 seconds. Mounting condition of 260  within 10 seconds is recommended. Flow soldering must be performed once. • When using soldering Iron Complete soldering within 10 seconds for lead temperature not exceeding 260  or within 3 seconds not exceeding 350  Heating by soldering iron must be done only once per lead. 12.2. Precautions for General Storage • Avoid storage locations where devices may be exposed to moisture or direct sunlight. • Follow the precautions printed on the packing label of the device for transportation and storage. • Keep the storage location temperature and humidity within a range of 5  to 35  and 45 % to 75 %, • Do not store the products in locations with poisonous gases (especially corrosive gases) or in dusty • Store the products in locations with minimal temperature fluctuations. Rapid temperature changes during respectively. conditions. storage can cause condensation, resulting in lead oxidation or corrosion, which will deteriorate the solderability of the leads. • When restoring devices after removal from their packing, use anti-static containers. • Do not allow loads to be applied directly to devices while they are in storage. • If devices have been stored for more than two years under normal storage conditions, it is recommended that you check the leads for ease of soldering prior to use. www.umw-ic.com 8 友台半导体有限公司
TLP185GB-S 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 5+0.33075
  • 20+0.30104
  • 100+0.27133
  • 500+0.24162
  • 1000+0.22776
  • 2000+0.21786
