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    电流采样电阻 1206 25mΩ ±5% ±70ppm/℃ 1W

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FMF06JTHR025-LH 数据手册
信昌電子陶瓷股份有限公司 Prosperity Dielectrics Co., Ltd. No.220-1, Sec. 2, Nanshan Rd., Lujhu, Taoyuan 33860, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel.:886-3-3224471 Fax:886-3-3212216 SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL DATE: CUSTOMER: PART NAME: Metal Strip Type Halogen Free Current Sensing Resistors CUSTOMER'S DWG. NO. CUSTOMER'S PART NO. PDC PART NO. FMF SERIES APPROVED DESCRIPTION. ACTION RESULT " ˇ" CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE NOTE FULL APPROVED CONDITIONAL APPROVED REJECTED OUR ACTION SIGNATURE PREPARED BY Jenny Tseng CHECKED BY Tony Chou APPROVED BY Byron Tsai Edition : FMF-Rev.14.0.G20 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE FOR ACCEPTANCE Serial Number : J PDC FMF series Metal Strip Type Lead Free Current Sensing Resistors 1. Features ………………………………………..……………..…….2 2. Applications…..…..………………………………..………………. 2 3. Dimension and construction ………………………..……………..2 4. Power Derating Curve …..…………………………….…………..3 5. Rating ……………………………………………………………….3 6. Part Number ………………………………..………………………4 7. Resistance Marking ………………………………………………..5 8. Reliability Performance…………………………………………….5 9. Packing ………………………………………………….…………..8 9.1 Peel Strength of Top Cover Tape……………………………….8 9.2 Tape Packaging Dimensions……………………………………8 9.3 Reel Dimensions………………………………………………....9 10. Storage &. Handling ………………………………………………9 Prosperity Dielectrics Co., Ltd. 1/9 FMF-REV.14.0.G20 PDC FMF series Metal Strip Type Lead Free Current Sensing Resistors 1. Features       High power rating and low TCR. Low resistance and high precision (1%). Inductance less than 1.0nH. Excellent reliability and suitable cost. Suitable for lead free soldering. RoHS compliant & Halogen Free 2.Applications      Switching model power supply. Battery pack. Notebook, Tablet PC Test Instrument. Power Amplifier. 3.Dimension and Construction L a Resistive Alloy R005 W T Protective Molding Termination Item Protective Molding Resistive Element Internal Terminal External Terminal Material Resin Alloy Metal Copper Solder FMF05 FMF06 FMF25 FMF59 Type 5~20m 5m~30m 3m~100m 2~10m L 2.00±0.15 3.10±0.20 6.20±0.20 15.0±0.20 Prosperity Dielectrics Co., Ltd. W 1.20±0.15 1.65±0.20 3.25±0.20 7.80±0.20 2/9 T 0.45±0.15 0.60±0.20 0.60±0.20 0.70±0.20 Unit:mm a 0.325±0.20 0.60±0.20 0.80±0.20 3.50±0.20 FMF-REV.14.0.G20 PDC FMF series Metal Strip Type Lead Free Current Sensing Resistors 4.Power Derating Curve Operating Temperature Range: -55 to +170 deg.C 5.Rating Rating Type FMF05 0805 FMF06 1206 Power Rating at 70℃(W) Max Working Voltage Temperature Max Resistance coefficient of Overload Tolerance Resistance Voltage (%) (ppm/℃) 0.25 71mV 158mV 0.5 100mV 224mV 0.5 123mV 274mV 1 173mV 387mV 1 FMF59 5931 5 ±1%(F) ±2%(G) ±5%(J) 316mV 707mV FMF25 2512 2 ±1%(F) ±2%(G) ±5%(J) 447mV 1000mV 224mV 500mV Prosperity Dielectrics Co., Ltd. ±1%(F) ±2%(G) ±5%(J) ±1%(F) ±2%(G) ±5%(J) 3/9 Resistance (mΩ) ±100 5,6,7,8,9,10,20 ±70 5,10,15,20,25,30 ±70 5,10,15,20,25,30 ±100 3,4 ±70 5,6,7,8,9,10,12,15, 20,25,50,100 ±100 3,4 ±70 5,6,7,8,9,10,12,15, 20,25,30,33,35,40, 50,100 ±100 2,3 ±70 5,10 FMF-REV.14.0.G20 PDC FMF series Metal Strip Type Lead Free Current Sensing Resistors Note: (i) (ii) E = P * R or Max. Working Voltage whichever is lower. E:Working Voltage(V),P:Rated Power (W),R:Resistance Value(Ω) (iii) Solder-pad and trace size should be >300 mm2 and board surface temperature should not exceed 105℃ when applying rated power 6.Part Number Tolerance Size FMF 05 :0805 F :±1% T :Paper Tape D: 06 :1206 G :±2% 5Kpcs (For 0805) 1/4W 25 :2512 J :±5% 4Kpcs (For 1206) F: P :Plastic Tape 1/2W 4Kpcs (For 2512) H: B Q :Plastic Tape 1W Low EMF 3Kpcs (For 5931) J: 0805: 2W LH : M: Standard 5W BH : 59 :5931 Packing Watt Special Type R Value TCR RXXX -: 2512/1206 As 5931: Rating L Info Standard 4 digit Code  LH:  BH: Low EMF All size: AEC-Q200 LHM : Standard BHM : Low EMF Example: FMF25FPJR005-BH  FMF25FPJR005-B Metal strip, 2512 size, ±1%, plastic tape, 2W, 5mΩ, low emf FMF25FPJR010-BHM Metal strip, 2512 size, ±1%, plastic tape, 2W, 10mΩ, low emf, AEC-Q200 FMF05FTFR010-LHM Metal strip, 0805 size, ±1%, paper tape, 1/2W, 10mΩ, standard, AEC-Q200 Prosperity Dielectrics Co., Ltd. 4/9 FMF-REV.14.0.G20 PDC FMF series Metal Strip Type Lead Free Current Sensing Resistors 7.Marking FMF 1206/2512/5931 TOP:Marking. (4 Digits marking to identify the resistance value.) R005 R005=5mΩ,R020=20mΩ FMF 0805 TOP:No marking product. Bottom:Index sign. 8. Reliability Performance (AEC-Q200) * Normal test items for standard product. Test Item Test Method (AEC-Q200. IEC 60115) Specification *DC Resistance F:±1%、G:±2%、J:±5% AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.1 IEC 60115-1 / JIS C 5201-1 , Clause 4.5 Measure the resistance Value. High Temperature Exposure (Storage) *Temperature Cycling Moisture Resistance J、G:△R≦ ±(3%+0.5mΩ) AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.3 F:△R≦ ±(1%+0.5mΩ) 1000 hrs. @ T=125℃. Unpowered. Measurement at 24 ±2 hours after test conclusion. J、G:∆R≦ ±(1%+1mΩ) AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.4 F:∆R≦ ±(0.5%+1mΩ) 1000 Cycles (-55°C to +125°C). Measurement at No mechanical damage. 24±2 hours after test conclusion. J、G:△R≦ ±(1%+0.5mΩ) AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.6 F:△R≦ ±(0.5%+0.5mΩ) Test 65℃/80~100%RH/10Cycles. Measurement at 24±2 hours after test conclusion. (t=24hrs/cycle). Prosperity Dielectrics Co., Ltd. 5/9 FMF-REV.14.0.G20 PDC FMF series Metal Strip Type Lead Free Current Sensing Resistors Biased Humidity J、G:△R≦ ±(3%+0.5mΩ) AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.7 F:△R≦ ±(1%+0.5mΩ) 1000 hours 85℃/85%RH. 10% of operating power. Measurement at 24 ±2 hours after test conclusion. Operational Life J、G:△R≦ ±(3%+0.5mΩ) AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.8 F:△R≦ ±(1%+0.5mΩ) Test 1000hr @ TA=125℃ at specified rated power. Measurement at 24±2 hours after test conclusion. External Visual No visual damage and refer AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.9 PDC marking code. Inspect device construction, marking and workmanship. Physical Dimension Within the spec. AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.10 Verify physical dimensions to the applicable device detail specification. Mechanical Shock Vibration Within product specification AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.13 tolerance and no visible Test Peak value:100g's,Wave:Hail-sine, damage. Duration:6ms,Velocity:12.3ft/sec. No mechanical damage. AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.14 5 g's for 20 min., 12 cycles each of 3 orientations. Test from 10-2000 Hz. *Resistance to J、G:∆R≦ ±(1%+0.5mΩ) AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.15 F:∆R≦ ±(0.5%+0.5mΩ) Solder dipping @ 270℃±5℃ for 10sec.±1sec. Solder Heat No mechanical damage. Thermal Shock J、G:∆R≦ ±(1%+0.5mΩ) AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.16 ESD F:∆R≦ ±(0.5%+0.5mΩ) -55 to 155℃/ dwell time 15min/ Max transfer time No mechanical damage. 20sec/ 300cycles. ∆R≦ ±(1%+0.5mΩ) AEC-Q200-002 No mechanical damage. Test contact min. 1KV. *Solder Ability Over 95% of termination AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.18 must be covered with a)Baking 155℃ 4H, dipping 235℃ 5s solder. b)Steam 1H, dipping 215℃ 5s c)Steam 1H, dipping 260℃ 7s Prosperity Dielectrics Co., Ltd. 6/9 FMF-REV.14.0.G20 PDC FMF series Metal Strip Type Lead Free Current Sensing Resistors Flammability Refer UL-94. AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.20 UL-94 V-0 or V-1 are acceptable *Board Flex Terminal Strength J、G:∆R≦ ±(1%+1mΩ) AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.21 F:∆R≦ ±(0.5%+1mΩ) Bending 2mm 5931.2512.2010.1210.1206 No mechanical damage. 3mm 0805 No mechanical damage AEC-Q200 TABLE 7.22 Force 1 Kg for 60 seconds. *Short Time J、G:∆R≦ ±(2%+0.5mΩ) IEC 60115-1, Clause 4.13 F:∆R≦ ±(1%+0.5mΩ) 5 × Rated power for 5 seconds Overload *Load Life Humidity J、G:△R≦ ±(3%+0.5mΩ) IEC 60115-1, Clause 4.24 F:△R≦ ±(1%+0.5mΩ) 40±2℃ with relative humidity 90% ~ 95% D.C. rated voltage for 1.5 hours ON 30 minutes OFF. Cycle repeated 1000 hours. *Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR) Within the spec. IEC 60115-1, Clause 4.8 T1 T2 Test temperature: 25℃~ -55℃ 25℃~ +155℃ TCR(ppm/℃) = (R2-R1)/R1×1 / (T2-T1)×106 *Load Life J、G:△R≦ ±(3%+0.5mΩ) IEC 60115-1, Clause 4.25 F:△R≦ ±(1%+0.5mΩ) Rated voltage for 1.5 hours for followed by a pause 0.5 hour at 70±2℃. Cycle repeated 1000 hours. *Insulation Resistance Between termination and IEC 60115-1, Clause 4.6 coating must over 1000MΩ Test voltage:100±15V Prosperity Dielectrics Co., Ltd. 7/9 FMF-REV.14.0.G20 PDC FMF series Metal Strip Type Lead Free Current Sensing Resistors 9. PACKAGING 9.1 Peel Strength of Top Cover Tape The peel speed shall be about 300 mm/min The peel force of top cover tape shall between 0.1 to 0.7N 9.2 Tape Packaging Dimensions Size A B W F E P1 P2 P0 D 0805 1.65±0.20 2.40±0.20 8.00±0.30 3.50±0.05 1.75±0.10 4.00±0.10 2.00±0.05 4.00±0.10 1.50±0.10 1206 2.00±0.20 3.60±0.20 8.00±0.30 3.50±0.05 1.75±0.10 4.00±0.10 2.00±0.05 4.00±0.10 1.50±0.10 2512 3.50±0.20 6.75±0.20 12.0±0.30 5.50±0.05 1.75±0.10 4.00±0.10 2.00±0.05 4.00±0.10 1.50±0.10 5931 8.20±0.10 15.4±0.10 24.0±0.30 11.5±0.10 1.75±0.10 12±0.10 2.00±0.10 4.00±0.10 1.50±0.10 unit:mm Prosperity Dielectrics Co., Ltd. 8/9 FMF-REV.14.0.G20 PDC FMF series Metal Strip Type Lead Free Current Sensing Resistors 9.3 Reel Dimensions Size 0805 1206 2512 5931 Packaging Q’ty A N C D B G T 5kpcs/Reel 178.0±2.0 60.0±0.5 13.0±0.5 20(Min.) 2.0±0.5 10.0±1.5 14.9max. 10kpcs/Reel 254.0±2.0 100.0±1.0 13.5±0.5 20(Min.) 2.0±0.5 10.0±1.5 14.9max. 20kpcs/Reel 330.0±2.0 100.0±1.0 13.5±0.5 20(Min.) 2.0±0.5 10.0±1.5 14.9max. 4kpcs/Reel 178.0±2.0 60.0±0.5 13.0±0.5 20(Min.) 2.0±0.5 10.0±1.5 14.9max. 4kpcs/Reel 178.0±2.0 60.0±0.5 13.0±0.5 20(Min.) 2.0±0.5 13.8±1.5 16.7max. 8kpcs/Reel 254.0±2.0 100.0±0.5 13.5±0.5 20(Min.) 2.0±0.5 13.8±1.5 20.0max. 16kpcs/Reel 330.0±2.0 100.0±1.0 13.5±0.5 20(Min.) 2.0±0.5 13.8±1.5 20.0max. 3kpcs/Reel 20(Min.) 2.0±0.5 24.0±1.0 28.6max. 330.0±2.0 99.5±1.0 13.0±0.5 10. Storage &. Handling … Products are recommended to be used up within one year as ensured shelf life. Check solder ability in case shelf life extension is needed. … To store products with following condition: Temperature:5 to 40℃;Humidity: 20 to 70% relative humidity. Precaution for use: The AEC-Q200 series resistors is mainly used on general automotive equipment without safety considerations. Please contact our company in advanced if you intend to use resistor for designing the equipment which may damage itself and the safety of third party. If necessary, please consider to add the protect circuit in devising process and obtaining fully safety evaluation. The contents of the acknowledgment is only used for our parent company, marketing subsidiaries and official marketing agents who purchase our products. Not applicable for the other nonofficial channels. ※ All product specification and data are subject to change without notice. Prosperity Dielectrics Co., Ltd. 9/9 FMF-REV.14.0.G20 PDC
1. 物料型号:文档中列出了FMF系列的多个型号,包括FMF05、FMF06、FMF25和FMF59。

2. 器件简介:这些电阻器具有高功率等级、低温度系数(TCR)、低电阻值和高精度(1%),并且适合无铅焊接,符合RoHS标准和无卤素。

3. 引脚分配:文档提供了不同型号的尺寸和构造,包括内部和外部端子的材料。

4. 参数特性:包括功率降额曲线、额定值、电阻公差、最大工作电压、最大过载电压和温度系数。

5. 功能详解:电阻器适用于开关电源模型、电池组、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、测试仪器和功率放大器等。

6. 应用信息:文档中提到了电阻器的应用领域,包括开关电源、电池包、便携式电子设备和测试仪器等。

7. 封装信息:提供了不同型号的封装尺寸和包装信息,包括卷带包装的尺寸和盘装尺寸。

8. 存储和处理:建议产品在一年内使用完毕以确保保质期,并在需要时检查焊接能力。存储条件为温度5到40℃,湿度20到70%。
FMF06JTHR025-LH 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 10+0.27152
    • 100+0.21957
    • 300+0.19365


    •  国内价格
    • 10+0.22099
    • 100+0.20149
    • 500+0.18199
    • 1000+0.16249
    • 2000+0.14949
    • 4000+0.14559
