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IP178GI 数据手册
IP178Gx Data Sheet 8 Port 10/100 Ethernet Integrated Switch (85nm /Extreme Low Power, PWMT® and AFT® ) Features z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z General Description 8 port Embedded 10/100 PHY Switch Controller IP178G Support 8 100BaseTX IP178GH/GI support 8 100BaseTX or 6 100Base TX + 2 FX 100M PHY support IEEE802.3az at full duplex 10M PHY only support 10BaseTe Support Auto MDI-MDIX function Power Management Tool (PWMT®) - APS, auto-power saving while Link-off - IEEE 802.3az protocol based power saving - WOL+®, light traffic power saving - PWD, force-off power saving Support Auto Factory Test (AFT®) Single Power 3.3V supply Built in 1.1V core voltage LDO Regulator Two Priority queues per port Support 802.1p & DiffServ based QoS QoS - Port base - 802.1p - IP DiffServ IPV4/IPV6 - TCP/UDP port number - Pins configure ports priority (VIP port) Support max forwarding packet length 1552/1536 bytes option Embedded 448K bits packet buffer Support port mirror function Support 1k MAC address Support broadcast storm protection Support port trunking (Link Aggregation) Support 16 VLAN (IEEE Std 802.1q) - Port-based/Tagged-based VLAN - Support Port-based insert, remove tag Built-in 50 ohm resistors for simplifying BOM 85nm Process Package and operation temperature - IP178G/GH: 68 Pin QFN, 0~70℃ - IP178GI: 68 Pin QFN, -40~85℃ IP178Gx is fabricated with advanced CMOS (85nm) technology and only requires a 3.3V single power supply. This feature makes IP178GX used very low power consume, such as the full load operation (100Mbps full duplex 8 ports), it only takes 0.95W. IP178Gx also supports Power Management Tool (PWMT®) for IEEE 802.3az, APS, WOL+ and PWD for Green Power. While two link devices have no IEEE 802.3az capability, IP178Gx use WOL+ to change link from 100Mbps to 10Mbps for saving power. The PWD, force-off power saving of IP178Gx is designed for power down switch immediately by pushing a button, user don’t plug out the power adapter. Push the button again, it will power on immediately. Except Low Power and Rich Power Saving method, IP178Gx supports AFT® for saving Customer Testing Cost. By using a push button and cables, IP178Gx will Auto test completely by itself. Application „ „ 8 port 10/100 Dumb switch 6TX+2FX Dumb Switch or 7TX + 1FX Dumb Switch 1 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet Table of Contents Features..................................................................................................................................................................................1 General Description...............................................................................................................................................................1 Table of Contents...................................................................................................................................................................2 List of Tables...........................................................................................................................................................................5 List of Figures.........................................................................................................................................................................6 Revision History.....................................................................................................................................................................7 Features comparison between IP178D and IP178Gx......................................................................................................8 1 Pin diagram....................................................................................................................................................................9 1.1 IP178Gx Pin diagram (QFN68).............................................................................................. 9 2 IP178Gx application diagram ....................................................................................................................................10 2.1 An 8 TP port switch application............................................................................................ 10 2.2 An 8-port switch mixed with two fiber ports ......................................................................... 10 2.3 TCP/UDP QoS Switch for time-sensitive application from EEPROM setting .......................11 2.4 Switch with VIP ports for specific users from Pin setting ......................................................11 2.5 A 8-port Switch with Port mirror capability setting from EEPROM....................................... 12 3 Pin description.............................................................................................................................................................13 3.1 Analog pins .......................................................................................................................... 13 3.2 MDI (Media Dependent Interface) ....................................................................................... 13 3.3 System clock & reset pins.................................................................................................... 14 3.4 Boundry scan & test mode................................................................................................... 14 3.5 EEPROM interface /SMI (Serial Management interface) .................................................... 15 3.6 Frame priority setting pins.................................................................................................... 16 3.7 Miscellaneous setting pins ................................................................................................... 17 3.8 LED interface ....................................................................................................................... 18 3.9 Power & ground pads .......................................................................................................... 18 4 Functional Description................................................................................................................................................19 4.1 Switch Engine and Queue Management ............................................................................. 19 4.1.1 Switch Engine ......................................................................................................... 19 4.1.2 Packet Forwarding .................................................................................................. 19 4.1.3 Flow control............................................................................................................. 19 4.1.4 Backpressure .......................................................................................................... 19 4.1.5 Broadcast storm protection ..................................................................................... 19 4.2 Rserved Group MAC Address.............................................................................................. 20 4.3 Green Power ........................................................................................................................ 21 4.3.1 Auto Power Saving Mode ....................................................................................... 21 4.3.2 IEEE802.3az EEE (Energy Efficient Ethernet) ....................................................... 21 4.3.3 WOL+ (Wake On LAN Plus) ................................................................................... 21 4.3.4 Force Power Off ...................................................................................................... 22 4.4 Auto Factory Test (AFT) Mode............................................................................................. 23 4.5 Reset.................................................................................................................................... 23 4.6 Serial management interface ............................................................................................... 24 4.7 EEPROM interface............................................................................................................... 25 4.7.1 Example: Configure port based VLAN of IP178Gx................................................. 25 4.8 CoS ...................................................................................................................................... 26 4.8.1 Port base priority..................................................................................................... 26 4.8.2 VIP ports ................................................................................................................. 26 4.8.3 Frame base priority ................................................................................................. 27 VLAN tag and TCP/IP TOS ........................................................................... 27 IPv4/IPv6 DiffServ ......................................................................................... 28 TCP/UDP logical port priority ........................................................................ 29 4.9 Port Mirroring ....................................................................................................................... 29 4.10 Link Aggergation .................................................................................................................. 30 4.11 Buffer Aging.......................................................................................................................... 32 2 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 4.12 4.13 5 6 7 LED display (normal operation) ........................................................................................... 32 Serial LED Mode.................................................................................................................. 32 4.13.1 Supports link LED only............................................................................................ 32 4.13.2 Supports link, speed, and duplex LED.................................................................... 33 4.14 LED Blink Timing.................................................................................................................. 33 4.15 PAD Driving Calibration ....................................................................................................... 34 4.16 Fiber port configuration ........................................................................................................ 34 Register descriptions ..................................................................................................................................................35 5.1 Register map........................................................................................................................ 35 5.1.1 MII register map ...................................................................................................... 35 PHY registers ..............................................................................................................................................................36 6.1 MII Register.......................................................................................................................... 37 6.2 MMD Control Register ......................................................................................................... 44 6.3 MMD Data Register ............................................................................................................. 45 6.4 LED mode Control Register ................................................................................................. 48 6.5 WOL+ Control Register........................................................................................................ 49 6.6 Register Page mode Control Register ................................................................................. 50 6.7 Switch control registers (I) ................................................................................................... 51 6.8 Test mode control registers.................................................................................................. 52 6.9 Port mirroring control registers............................................................................................. 53 6.10 Debug Regiister ................................................................................................................... 53 6.11 Fiber duplex setting registers............................................................................................... 54 6.12 Backpressure setting registers............................................................................................. 54 6.13 TCP/UDP port priority registers ........................................................................................... 55 6.14 Test mode............................................................................................................................. 55 6.15 CoS control registers – port 0 .............................................................................................. 56 6.16 CoS control registers – port 1 .............................................................................................. 56 6.17 CoS control registers – port 2 .............................................................................................. 56 6.18 CoS control registers – port 3 .............................................................................................. 56 6.19 CoS control registers – port 4 .............................................................................................. 57 6.20 CoS control registers – port 5 .............................................................................................. 57 6.21 CoS control registers – port 6 .............................................................................................. 57 6.22 CoS control registers – port 7 .............................................................................................. 57 6.23 Switch control registers (IV) ................................................................................................. 58 6.24 Reserved Group MAC addresses ........................................................................................ 59 6.25 Switch control registers (V) .................................................................................................. 63 6.26 EEE Timing Parameter ........................................................................................................ 63 6.27 WOL (Wake on LAN)............................................................................................................ 64 6.28 Link Aggregation .................................................................................................................. 65 6.29 VLAN Group Control Register.............................................................................................. 65 6.29.1 VLAN Classification ................................................................................................ 65 6.29.2 VLAN Ingress Rule ................................................................................................. 66 6.29.3 Default VLAN Information ....................................................................................... 67 6.29.4 VLAN TAG Control Register ................................................................................... 67 6.29.5 Port Based VLAN Member Register ....................................................................... 67 6.29.6 Leaky VLAN Control Register................................................................................. 68 6.30 VLAN Table .......................................................................................................................... 68 6.30.1 VLAN Control Register............................................................................................ 68 6.30.2 VLAN Identifier Register ......................................................................................... 68 6.30.3 VLAN Member Register .......................................................................................... 69 Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................................................................................71 7.1 Absolute Maximum Rating ................................................................................................... 71 7.2 Crystal Specifications........................................................................................................... 71 7.3 DC Characteristic................................................................................................................. 71 7.3.1 Operating Conditions .............................................................................................. 71 3 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 8 9 7.3.2 Input Clock .............................................................................................................. 72 7.3.3 I/O Electrical Characteristics................................................................................... 72 7.4 AC Timing............................................................................................................................. 72 7.4.1 Power On Sequence and Reset Timing.................................................................. 72 7.4.2 Serial Management Imierface Timing ..................................................................... 73 7.4.3 EEPROM Timing..................................................................................................... 74 Data read cycle ............................................................................................. 74 Command cycle ............................................................................................ 74 7.5 Thermal Data ....................................................................................................................... 74 Order Information........................................................................................................................................................75 Package Detail ............................................................................................................................................................76 9.1 68 QFN Outline Dimensions ................................................................................................ 76 9.2 68 QFN PCB footprint .......................................................................................................... 77 4 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet List of Tables Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 Table 12 Table 13 Table 14 Table 15 Table 16 IP178D and IP178Gx Features comparison table ......................................................... 8 Pin description.............................................................................................................. 13 Rserved Group MAC Address table............................................................................. 20 VIP port pin setting table .............................................................................................. 26 TCP/UDP logical port priority table .............................................................................. 29 LED Blink Timing.......................................................................................................... 33 Fiber port Parameter .................................................................................................... 34 MII register map table .................................................................................................. 35 PHY Register Map ....................................................................................................... 36 MMD Control Register table....................................................................................... 44 MMD Data Register table ........................................................................................... 45 LED mode Control Register table .............................................................................. 48 WOL+ Control Register table ..................................................................................... 49 Page control registers table ....................................................................................... 50 Switch control registers (I) table................................................................................. 51 Test mode control registers table ............................................................................... 52 5 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet List of Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Pin Diagram (IP178Gx) ................................................................................................ 9 WOL+ Application Diagram........................................................................................ 22 Magic Packet Format ................................................................................................. 22 Force Power Off Application Diagram........................................................................ 22 Auto Factory Test Application Diagram ...................................................................... 23 Serial management interface Read / Write Diagram ................................................. 24 EEPROM data format ................................................................................................ 25 VLAN tag and TCP/IP TOS frame.............................................................................. 27 IPv4/IPv6 DiffServ frame............................................................................................ 28 Port Mirroring Security Block Diagram..................................................................... 30 Trunk Channel Behavior Block Diagram .................................................................. 30 Load Balance Block Diagram................................................................................... 31 Serial LED Link/Activity Mode.................................................................................. 32 Serial LED Fully Mode ............................................................................................. 33 Fiber FXSD application circuit.................................................................................. 34 6 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet Revision History Revision # Date Change Description IP178G/GI-DS-R01 2012/07/06 Initial release IP178G-DS-R02 2014/06/16 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. IP178G-DS-R03 2014/10/17 1. Modify Pin No.49、50 Description – page 17 2. Modify Pin No.40 AUTO_FACTORY_TEST Type IPL – page 14 IP178Gx-DS-R04 2014/12/03 Add GHI package description. IP178Gx-DS-R05 2015/03/18 1. Add LED blink behave description – page 33 2. The IP178GHI rename to IP178GI for product management. –All Add 1.1V power pin description – page 19 Delete default VLAN Information TPID description – page 68 Remove IP178GA / IP178GI description Add LDO parameter description – page 70 Add MDIO output delay Min. parameter description – page 72 Add PCB footprint – page 76 Add EEPROM interface description – page 25 Add IP178GI for wide operating temperature description Delete “/109” DVDD pin 36,54 pin description – page 18 Update pin 41 “F_POWER_OFF_LED” description – page 18 Add Serial LED mode Update Fast description – page 48 Update WOL function enable register from Reg 20 to Reg 22 – page 22 13. Update WOL function enable Reg 22[15:8] default value from ff to 00– page 64 7 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet Features comparison between IP178D and IP178Gx Table 1 IP178D and IP178Gx Features comparison table Function IP178D IP178G IP178GH/GI Process 0.16 um 85 nm Package PQFP 128 QFN 68 Switch structure 8 port Embedded 10/100 PHY Switch Controller Port based priority Yes 802.1p priority Support Fiber function VLAN Yes 2 ports with FXSD No 2 ports with FXSD Port base / insert, remove tag Tag base No IP DiffServ Priority Yes Port mirroring Yes Pins configure for port-priority Yes Reduce IPG function Yes TCP/UDP port number priority Yes Port trunking No Yes Auto Factory Test (AFT®) No Yes IEEE 802.3az No Yes WOL+® No Yes PWD (Force off power key) No Yes 1.9W 0.95W IC Power consumption (Max) 8 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 1 Pin diagram 1.1 IP178Gx Pin diagram (QFN68) (8mm X 8mm Top view) RXIM2 RXIP2 AV10 RXIP1 RXIM1 TXOP1 TXOM1 AV33 TXOM0 TXOP0 RXIM0 RXIP0 PVDD_LDO VREG_LDO DVDD SDA/MDIO SCL/MDC 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 TXOP2 1 51 WOL_EN TXOM2 2 50 LINK_LED0/FX_DUPLEX6 AV33 3 49 LINK_LED1/FX_DUPLEX7 TXOM3 4 48 LINK_LED2/SDATA/COS_DIS TXOP3 5 47 LINK_LED3/SCLK/BF_STM_DIS RXIM3 6 46 LINK_LED4/RSVD_GMAC_FILTER RXIP3 7 45 PVDD BGRES 8 44 LINK_LED5/HIGH_PRI[0] BGGND 9 43 LINK_LED6/HIGH_PRI[1] PLLGND 10 42 LINK_LED7/HIGH_PRI[2] PLLVCC 11 41 F_POWER_OFF_LED/VLAN_DIS RXIP4 12 40 AUTO_FACTORY_TEST RXIM4 13 39 PVDD TXOP4 14 38 TEST TXOM4 15 37 F_POWER_OFF AV33 16 36 DVDD TXOM5 17 35 RESETB IP178Gx 69 E-Pad Ground 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 TXOP5 RXIM5 RXIP5 AV10 FXSD6(GH/GHI)/GND(G/GI) RXIP6 RXIM6 TXOP6 TXOM6 AV33 TXOM7 TXOP7 RXIM7 RXIP7 OSCI X2 FXSD7(GH/GHI)/GND(G/GI) Exposed pad (pad 69) is system GND, must be soldered to PCB ground plane Figure 1 Pin Diagram (IP178Gx) 9 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 2 IP178Gx application diagram 2.1 An 8 TP port switch application Here shows the application diagram of 8-port switch. IP178G Switch engine MAC 0 MAC 1 MAC 2 MAC 3 MAC 4 MAC 5 MAC 6 MAC 7 PHY 0 PHY 2 PHY 3 PHY 4 PHY 5 PHY 6 PHY 7 PHY 1 TP 2.2 An 8-port switch mixed with two fiber ports IP178GH/GI Switch engine MAC 0 MAC 1 MAC 2 MAC 3 MAC 4 MAC 5 MAC 6 MAC 7 PHY 0 PHY 2 PHY 3 PHY 4 PHY 5 PHY 6 PHY 7 PHY 1 Fiber MAU TP 10 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 2.3 TCP/UDP QoS Switch for time-sensitive application from EEPROM setting IP178Gx High Priority Low Priority Low Priority Low Priority Low Priority Low Priority Low Priority Low Priority Port 0 Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 Port 5 Port 6 Port 7 24C01~16 TP Port 0 received packet with reserved TCP/UDP port number, Port 0 will enable its ingress port as a high priority port for 300 seconds. If the other ports received packets with the same reserved port number, it also has the same behavior as port 0. 2.4 Switch with VIP ports for specific users from Pin setting IP178Gx VIP Port 0 VIP Port 1 VIP Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 VIP Port 5 VIP Port 6 VIP Port 7 TP VIP port setting as follow, HIGH_PRI[2:0] IP178GX Pin 42,43,44 001 010 011 101 110 000 111 high priority port number 6, 7 5, 6, 7 7 0, 1 0, 1, 2 0 disable (default) 11 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 2.5 A 8-port Switch with Port mirror capability setting from EEPROM IP178Gx Switch engine 24C01~16 MAC 0 MAC 1 MAC 2 MAC 3 MAC 4 MAC 5 MAC 6 MAC 7 PHY 0 PHY 2 PHY 3 PHY 4 PHY 5 PHY 6 PHY 7 PHY 1 TP Port 7 RX/TX traffic Port 7 RX/TX traffic Port 1 could mirror Port 7 RX/TX traffic via EEPROM setting Router 12 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. WAN March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 3 Pin description Table 2 Pin description Type Description Type Description I Input pin IPL Input pin with internal pull low 100K ohm O P Output pin Power or Ground IPH Input pin with internal pull high 200K ohm 3.1 Analog pins Pin No. Label Type Description LDO Regulator LDO regulator output It is an output power pin for 1.1V power source. LDO regulator input 56 PVDD_LDO P It is an input power pin for reference voltage. IP178Gx includes a LDO regulator to convert 3.3V to 1.1V. 55 3.2 VREG_LDO P MDI (Media Dependent Interface) Pin No. Transceiver 57, 58, 65, 64, 67, 68, 7, 6, 12, 13 20, 19 23, 24 31 30 59, 60, 63, 62, 1, 2, 5, 4, 14, 15 18, 17 25, 26 29, 28 Label RXIP0, RXIM0, RXIP1, RXIM1, RXIP2, RXIM2, RXIP3, RXIM3, RXIP4, RXIM4 RXIP5, RXIM5 RXIP6, RXIM6 RXIP7, RXIM7 TXOP0, TXOM0, TXOP1, TXOM1, TXOP2, TXOM2, TXOP3, TXOM3, TXOP4, TXOM4 TXOP5, TXOM5, TXOP6, TXOM6, TXOP7, TXOM7, Type Description I TP receive O TP transmit 22 34 FXSD6/GND FXSD7/GND I 8 BGRES O Fiber signal detection of port 6,7 (Only for GH/GI) Port 6,7 can be configured to be either a TP port or a Fiber port with this pin. Connect this pin to GND for TP mode, and do not left this pin floating. Please refer to the paragraph “I/O Electrical Characteristics” for more detail information. In IP178G these pin should be connected to ground. Band gap resistor. It is connected GND through a precision resistor (R=6.19K, 1%) for band gap reference. Please refer to application circuit for more information. 13 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 3.3 System clock & reset pins Pin No. Label Type Description 25MHz system clock input 32 OSCI I 33 X2 O It is recommended to connect OSCI and X2 to a 25MHz crystal. If the clock source is from another chip or oscillator, the clock should be active at least for 10ms before pin 35 RESETB de-asserted. Pin 33 X2 should be left open in this application. Crystal pin A 25Mhz crystal can be connected to OSCI and X2. Reset It is a low active input pad with Schmitt trigger. The reset time must be hold for more than 10 ms. If an R/C reset circuit is used; the capacitor should be connected to GND as shown in the figure. 35 RESETB PVDD IPH R RESETB C 3.4 Boundry scan & test mode Pin No. Label Type Description 38 TEST IPL Test mode enable It should be connected to GND for normal operation 40 AUTO_FACTO RY_TEST IPL Auto Factory Test (AFT®) enable pin 14 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 3.5 EEPROM interface /SMI (Serial Management interface) Pin No. Label Type Description EEPROM (only 24C01~16 supported) 52 SCL/MDC IPL/I After reset, it is used as clock pin SCL of EEPROM. Its period is longer than 10us. IP178Gx stops reading EEPROM if it finds there is no 0x55AA pattern in address 0. After reading EEPROM, this pin will switch to SMI mode MDC input. 53 SDA/MDIO IPH, I/O After reset, it is used as data pin SDA of EEPROM. A bi-directional multi-drop bus for accessing the internal registers. It’s recommended to add a 4.7K pull up resistor connecting to PVDD and a 30pf capacitor connecting to ground. After reading EEPROM, this pin will switch to SMI mode MDIO for read/write internal register. 15 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 3.6 Frame priority setting pins Pin No. Label Type Description Port based priority setting, bit 0 It is an input signal during reset and its value is latched at the end of reset. It acts as a link LED of port 5 after reset. 44 HIGH_PRI[0] IPH/O VIP port setting as follow, HIGH_PRI [2:0] Pin 42, 43, 44 –IP178Gx high priority port number 001 010 011 101 110 000 111 Port based priority setting, bit 1 43 HIGH_PRI[1] IPH/O 6, 7 5, 6, 7 7 0, 1 0, 1, 2 0 disable (default) For the port based priority setting, reference HIGH_PRI[0] setting as detail. It is an input signal during reset and its value is latched at the end of reset. This pin acts as a link LED of port 6 after reset. Port based priority setting, bit 2 42 HIGH_PRI[2] IPH/O For the port based priority setting, reference HIGH_PRI[0] setting as detail. It is an input signal during reset and its value is latched at the end of reset. This pin acts as a link LED of port 7 after reset Class of service disable Packets with high priority tag are handled as high priority packets if the function is enabled. 48 COS_DIS IPH/O 1: COS disabled (default) 0: COS enable. It is an input signal during reset and its value is latched at the end of reset. It acts as a link LED of port 2 after reset. 16 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 3.7 Pin No. Miscellaneous setting pins Label Type Description Misc. Force Power Off function for power saving setting pin 37 F_POWER_OFF IPH/I It should be connected to PVDD for normal operation; pull low 3 seconds to enable Force Power Off function. Home VLAN setting enable setting pin. Port 0~Port 6 are all individual VLAN and only send to port 7. 41 VLAN_DIS IPH/O 1: disable (default) 0: enable It is an input signal during reset and its value is latched at the end of reset. This pin acts as a F_POWER_OFF_LED after reset Reserved group address filtering 46 RSVD_GMAC_FILTER IPH/O It configures how to process the reserved group address, detail see 4.2. Broadcast storm protection enable This function defined in MII register 20.1[6] 1: disable (default) 0: enable 47 BF_STM_DIS IPH/O A port begins to drop incoming packets if it receives broadcast packets more than the threshold defined in MII register 20.9[15:14] It is an input signal during reset and its value is latched at the end of reset. This pin acts as a link LED of port 3 after reset Port 7 fiber port half duplex setting pin 49 FX_DUPLEX7 IPH/O 1: port 7 is full duplex in fiber mode (default) 0: port 7 is half duplex in fiber mode Port 6 fiber port half duplex setting pin 50 FX_DUPLEX6 IPH/O 1: port 6 is full duplex in fiber mode (default) 0: port 6 is half duplex in fiber mode Wake on LAN enable 51 WOL_EN IPL/O 1: enable 0: disable (default) 17 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 3.8 LED interface Pin No. Label Type Description LED 50 49 48 47 46 44 43 42 LINK_LED0 LINK_LED1 LINK_LED2 LINK_LED3 LINK_LED4 LINK_LED5 LINK_LED6 LINK_LED7 41 F_POWER_OF F_LED LINK LED The detail functions are illustrated in 4.12~4.13. It should be connected to PVDD through a LED and resistor. Application circuit IPH/O LINK_LEDX F_POWER_OFF_LED R PVDD Force Power Off function LED It is always low in normal operation and it becomes high if "Force Power Off" function is enabled by pulling low pin 37 for more than 3 seconds. Serial LED (Enable by MII page 3 register 16) 48 SDATA IPH/O LED serial data LED serial clock 47 SCLK PH/O It is a 312.5KHz clock. 3.9 Power & ground pads Pin No. Label Type Description 9 BGGND P Ground of band gap circuit 10 11 PLLGND PLLVCC P P Ground of PLL circuit Power of PLL circuit 36,54 DVDD P 1.1V Core power These pins must be connect to pin 55 VREG_LDO via a resister or bead, do not connect to external power supply 21,66 AV10 P 1.1V Analog power These pins must be connect to pin 55 VREG_LDO via a resister or bead, do not connect to external power supply 3,16 27,61 AV33 P 3.3V Analog power 39,45, PVDD P 3.3V power E-pad GND P Exposed pad for system ground, must be soldered to PCB ground plane 69 18 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 4 Functional Description 4.1 Switch Engine and Queue Management 4.1.1 Switch Engine IP178Gx integrates an 8-port switch controller, SSRAM, and 8 10/100 Ethernet transceivers. Each of the transceivers complies with the IEEE 802.3, IEEE 802.3u, and IEEE 802.3x specifications. IP178Gx offers all the rich features of a high-speed broadband wire Internet services including non-blocking switch fabric 4.1.2 Packet Forwarding IP178Gx utilizes the “store & forward” method to handle packet transfer. IP178Gx begins to forward a packet to a destination port after the entire packet is received. A received packet will be forwarded to the destination port only if it is error free; otherwise, it will be discarded. 4.1.3 Flow control IP178Gx jams or pauses a port, which causes output queue over the threshold. Its link partner will defer transmission after detecting the jam or pause frame. A port of IP178Gx defers transmission when it receives a jam or a pause frame. The source address (SA) of pause control frame will be [ IP178Gx OUI (0090C3), port number]. For example, the SA of port 1 pause control frame will be “ 00 90 C3 00 00 01”. When CoS is enabled, IP178Gx may disable the flow control function for a short term to guarantee the bandwidth of high priority packets. A port disables its flow control function for 2 ~ 3 seconds when it receives a high priority packet. It doesn’t transmit pause frame or jam pattern during the period but it still responses to pause frame or jam pattern. The flow control function can be enabled by programming registers 0.4[11:10] ~ 7.4[11:10] for 8 PHY. 4.1.4 Backpressure In half duplex mode, the IP178Gx supports backpressure flow control. When set BK_EN of MII register 20.1[8] to “1”, the packets in buffer reach the threshold, IP178Gx generates a jam pattern to back off the link partner. IP178Gx supports carrier-sense based backpressure. When the carrier-sense based backpressure is enabled, MII register 20.1[7] is set to “0”, and IP178Gx transmits null packets continuously to prevent link partner’s transmission when the buffer is not available. 4.1.5 Broadcast storm protection A port of IP178Gx begins to drops broadcast packets if the received broadcast packets are more than the threshold defined in MII register 21.9[15:14] BF_STM_THR_SEL [1:0] in 10ms (100Mbps) or 100ms (10Mbps) The function can be enabled by pulling low pin 47 BF_STM_DIS or programming MII register 20.1[6]. IP178Gx handles multicast frame as a broadcast frame in broadcast storm protection function if MII register 21.30[12] is set to “0” 19 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 4.2 Rserved Group MAC Address The table shows the reserved group address for standard use and how frames are processed. Table 3 Rserved Group MAC Address table Action MAC Address 01-80-c2-00-00-00 01-80-c2-00-00-01 01-80-c2-00-00-02 01-80-c2-00-00-03 01-80-c2-00-00-04 01-80-c2-00-00-05 01-80-c2-00-00-06 01-80-c2-00-00-07 01-80-c2-00-00-08 01-80-c2-00-00-09 01-80-c2-00-00-0A 01-80-c2-00-00-0B 01-80-c2-00-00-0C 01-80-c2-00-00-0D 01-80-c2-00-00-0E 01-80-c2-00-00-0F 01-80-c2-00-00-10 01-80-c2-00-00-11to1F 01-80-c2-00-00-20 01-80-c2-00-00-21 01-80-c2-00-00-22to2F 01-80-c2-00-00-30to3F 01-80-c2-00-00-40to4F Protocol RSVD_GMAC_FILTER=1 RSVD_GMAC_FILTER =0 (default) Bridge Group Address MAC Control of IEEE 802.3 Slow protocol address: 802.3ad LACP, 802.3ah OAM 802.1x Reserved for future media access method Reserved for future media access method Reserved for future bridge use Reserved for future bridge use Provider bridge group address Reserved for future bridge use Reserved for future bridge use Reserved for future bridge use Reserved for future bridge use Provider bridge GVRP address 802.1AB LLDP Reserved for future bridge use All bridges address Others GMRP GVRP Reserved for future use 802.1ag Others 20 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. Forward Drop Forward Drop Forward Forward Forward Forward Drop Forward Drop Forward Drop Drop Drop Drop Drop Drop Drop Drop Forward Drop Drop Forward Drop Drop Drop Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward Forward March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 4.3 Green Power IP178Gx provides various power management modes to save the power consumption. In addition to the power down mode defined on IEEE802.3, two extra power saving modes are used to further reduce the system power consumption. 4.3.1 Auto Power Saving Mode IP178Gx will automatically enter this mode if no cable link is established. After entering this mode, IP178Gx will shutdown unnecessary function and issue the link pulse at a rate lower than the regular rate specified on IEEE 802.3. 4.3.2 IEEE802.3az EEE (Energy Efficient Ethernet) In order to enter this mode, the PHY part should declare the EEE capability during the auto-negotiation phase. It’s the higher layer’s responsibility to memorize the link partner’s wakeup time and wakeup the link partner before sending data. The higher layer means a mechanism that can evaluate the packet buffer utilization and wake the link partner before sending the data. In general speaking, this mechanism probably consists of at least one of the following items: the packet buffer manager, the application program and OS. The EEE module works well at LPI (Low Power Idle) mode when 1. Link at full-duplex and 2. Auto-negotiation is enabled in both local and remote PHYs and 3. 100Mbps full duplex and 4. EEE ability is supported in both local & remote PHYs and 5. EEE_EN (Reg 22.0[7:0]) is enabled for EEE function via default value and 6. SLEEP_TIMER (Reg 22.1[11:0]) is the default value for EEE sleep timer and 7. WAKE_TIME (Reg 22.2~9) is the default value for EEE wake time. 4.3.3 WOL+ (Wake On LAN Plus) IP178Gx not only consumes low power, but also provides various energy-saving methods to save the power. These combined methods make IP178Gx a “green” PHY. The following pictures show the method. IP178G No-Traffic leads it to sleep IP178G Packet wakes it up 21 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet Figure 2 WOL+ Application Diagram The IP178Gx WOL+ function will be active if a port’s RX is in idle state for a period time and this port WOL+ function is enabled (by pin 51 or Reg 22.10[15:8]). This period time can be configured by WOL+ timer register (Reg22.10[1:0]). This port will be wake up if a) Sense magic packet; b) Sense link change; c) Sense any packet; The packet format of Magic packet is showing as follows, source address=0x112233445566 for example, repeat this source address 16 times at least. Received Packet 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF 0X112233445566 0X112233445566 0X112233445566 0X112233445566 0X112233445566 0X112233445566 >16 times Figure 3 Magic Packet Format . 4.3.4 Force Power Off When “Force power off enable” (pin 37) is pull low for 3 seconds, IP178Gx will enter force power off mode. If “Force power off enable” pin pull low for 3 seconds again, IP178Gx will return normal mode. The expired timer (default value is 3 seconds) is configurable in “FORCE_POWER_OFF_TIME” (MII Register 21.10[7:6]). IP178Gx Force ON / OFF ( rBOM = 1 push buttom,the others take care by the chip.) Figure 4 Force Power Off Application Diagram 22 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 4.4 Auto Factory Test (AFT) Mode IP178Gx implements an AFT mechanism, which is very useful for switch pre-test as Figure 4 AFT system diagrams. When this function is triggered by hardware pin AFT, IP178Gx physical ports are connected either port-pairs loopback or self-loopback and then IP178Gx will generate frames for TX of all ports and LED will flash. For example, port1 and port2 are connected to each other (loopback). Check the LED of port1 and port2 is light-on, and then trigger this AFT function and wait a moment trigger again. If the test result is passed (no CRC or packet loss), show LED of port1 and port2 light-on. Otherwise, show LED light-off when CRC or packet loss is happened. Procedure: 1. Power On 2. Wait for someone Push AFT button to start test 3. IP178Gx transmit packet and LED flash 4. If Push AFT button then goto step 5, else goto step 3 5. LED Show the test result, goto step 2 PVDD IP178Gx AFT P0 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 RJ45 Cable loopback Pin1Ù Pin3 Pin2Ù Pin6 External loopback path Figure 5 Auto Factory Test Application Diagram 4.5 Reset Hardware Reset: Hardware pin RESETB should be asserted LOW at least for 10ms to reset IP178Gx, and gets initial values from pins, registers and EEPROM after reset. 23 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 4.6 Serial management interface User can access IP178Gx’s MII registers through serial management interface with pin MDC and MDIO. Its format is shown in the following table. To access MII register in IP178Gx, MDC should be at least one more cycle than MDIO. That is, a complete command consists of 32 bits MDIO data and at least 33 MDC clocks. When the SMI is idle, MDIO is in high impedance. System diagram CPU IP178Gx MDC MDIO MDC MDIO Frame format Read Operation Write Operation Figure 6 Serial management interface Read / Write Diagram MDC z z MDIO 1..1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1..1 idle op start code write A A A A A R R R R R TA b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 PHY address = Reg address = 5 4 3 2 1 0 Register data 01h 00h idle MDC MDIO z z z 1..1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Z 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1..1 idle op start code read A A A A A R R R R R TA b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 PHY address = Reg address = 5 4 3 2 1 0 Register data 01h 00h 24 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. idle March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 4.7 EEPROM interface IP178Gx supports EEPROM1 interface to program configuration registers during power-on reset. When power on and EEPROM is present, if the fist 16-bit data match 0x55AA and then the data read from EEPROM until that command-end pattern is read-in. The EEPROM contents should be configured to three blocks: Command-Start, command and Command-End. Each command contains the full address (PHY address + register address) that you wish to configure as well as 16-bit data, for detail information shown as the following figure. Offset 00 7 EEPROM 0xAA 0 Command-Start 01 0x55 02 SMI PHY Address 03 SMI Register 04 SMI Data High Byte 05 SMI Data Low Byte 06 SMI PHY Address 07 SMI Register 08 SMI Data High Byte 09 SMI Data Low Byte . . . . st 1 Write Command nd 2 Write Command . . . . 4*(N-1)+2 SMI PHY Address 4*(N-1)+3 SMI Register 4*(N-1)+4 SMI Data High Byte 4*(N-1)+5 SMI Data Low Byte 4*(N-1)+6 0x55 4*(N-1)+7 0xAA th N Write Command Command-End Figure 7 EEPROM data format 1 Only 24C01, 24C02, 24C04, 24C08 & 24C16 supported. 4.7.1 Example: Configure port based VLAN of IP178Gx Member set: Group A – Port 0, 1, 4 Group B – Port 2, 3, 4 IP178Gx Register Setting: Phy 23.16 = 16’h8c8c Phy 23.17 = 16’hffd0 Phy 23.18 = 16’hdcd0 Serial EEPROM data: AA 55 17 10 8C 8C 17 11 FF D0 17 12 DC D0 55 AA 25 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 4.8 CoS IP178Gx supports two types of CoS. One is port base priority function and the other is frame base priority function. IP178Gx supports two levels of priority queues. A high priority packet will be queued to the high priority queue to share more bandwidth. The ratio of bandwidth of high priority and low priority queue is defined in MII register 20.1[15]. 4.8.1 Port base priority The packets received from high priority port will be handled as high priority frames if the port base priority is enabled. It is enabled by programming the corresponding bit in MII register 21.0[9] ~ 21.7[9]. Each port of IP178Gx can be configured as a high priority port individually. 4.8.2 VIP ports This port based priority function can active either by register or pin setting. There are three pins dedicate for enabling the port based priority function. The follow illustration shows the pin setting part of the port based priority function. Table 4 VIP port pin setting table IP178Gx pin number Pin name 42 HIGH_PRI[2] HIGH[2:0] 001 010 011 101 110 000 111 43 HIGH_PRI[1] High priority port 6, 7 5, 6, 7 7 0, 1 0, 1, 2 0 Disable (default) 26 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. 44 HIGH_PRI[0] March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 4.8.3 Frame base priority VLAN tag and TCP/IP TOS IP178Gx examines the specific bits of VLAN tag and TCP/IP TOS for priority frames if the frame base priority is enabled. The packets will be handled as high priority frames if the tag value meets the high priority requirement, that is, VLAN tag or TCP/IP TOS field bigger than 3. It is enabled by programming the corresponding bit in MII register 21.0[10]~21.7[10]. The frame base priority function of each port can be enabled individually. IP178Gx supports an easy way to enable a sub set of CoS function without programming MII registers. Frame base priority function of all ports is enabled if pin 48 COS_DIS is pulled low. The setting in register takes precedence of the setting on pins. VLAN field TCI difinition TYPE= 8100 TCI(Tag Control Information) Byte 12~13 14~15 ToS field TYPE= 0800 Byte 12~13 bit [15:13] : User ptiority 7~0 bit 12 : Canoical Format Indicator (CFI) bit [11:0] : VLAN ID IP178Gx uses bit[15:13] to define priority. IP header difinition IP header 14~15 Byte 14 bit [7:0] : IP protocol version number & header length bit [11:0] : VLAN ID IP178Gx uses bit[15:13] to define priority. Byte 15 : Service type bit [7:5] : IP Priority (Precedence) from 7~0 bit 4 : No Delay (D) bit 3 : High Throughput bit 2 : High Reliability (R) bit [1:0] : Reserved IP178Gx uses bit[7:5] to define priority. 0~3 : Low priority 4~7 : High priority Figure 8 VLAN tag and TCP/IP TOS frame 27 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet IPv4/IPv6 DiffServ IP178Gx checks the DiffServ field of a IPv4 frame or Traffic class field [7:2] (TC[7:2]) of a IPv6 frame and uses them to decide the frame’s priority if MII register 21.30.[13] DIFFSERV_EN is enabled. IP178Gx uses DiffServ or TC[7:2] as index to select one of 64 bits. If the bit is “1”, the received frame is handled as a high priority frame. IP178Gx recognize the following DSCP (Differentiated Service Code Point) Octet as high priority frame. 6’b101110 6’b001010 6’b010010 6’b011010 6’b100010 6’b11x000 IPv4 frame format 6 byte Preamble SFD DA 6 byte 4 byte 2 byte SA 802.1Q tag (optional) TYPE=0800 2 byte DATA VER=0100 Header Size DiffServ RES 4 bit 4 bit 6 bit 2 bit FCS IPv6 frame format 6 byte Preamble SFD DA 6 byte 4 byte 2 byte SA 802.1Q tag (optional) TYPE=86DD 2 byte DATA FCS VER=0110 Traffic Class[7:2] RES ---- 4 bit 6 bit 2 bit 4 bit Figure 9 IPv4/IPv6 DiffServ frame 28 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet TCP/UDP logical port priority IP178Gx can configure the ingress port frame priority by using the TCP/UDP frame logical port number. When the incoming IP packet with TCP or UDP protocols, the 16 bits destination or source port field in the TCP/UDP header can be used for assign the frame priority. It means the source’s logical port or the destination’s logical port in the incoming packet match any of the pre-defined logical ports, the incoming frame will give a high priority mark and put it in the high priority queue. TCP/UDP logical port priority function of all ports is enabled if pin 48 COS_DIS is pulled high. The logical port priority of each pre-defined port number or user defined range of logical port number can be enabled individually by programming the corresponding bit in the MII register 20.14[5:0]. Table 5 TCP/UDP logical port priority table „ Pre-defined logical ports list Service TCP SSH 22 HTTPs 443 RDP 3389 XWIN 6000 Description secure shell secure HTTP (SSL) Windows Remote Desktop Protocol X11 – used for X-Windows When the “LPP_AGING_EN (MII register 20.14[15:8])” function enable, once receive a IP frame with TCP/UDP protocol and the logical port number is the pre-defined port number, the ingress port will treat as a port based high priority port for 300 seconds. After the internal timer expired, the ingress port will change back to previous behavior These pre-defined logical ports can be enable individually by programming MII register 20.14[3:0] or EEPROM register 10[3:0]. „ User defined range logical ports list (defaulting setting) Service TCP Description telnet 23 Remote terminal protocol VNC 5800 VNC remote desktop protocol For the user defined range logical ports, it contains two set of range and can be changed by programming via MII register or EEPROM register. Each range consists of a high and low limit register to set the TCP or UDP logical port range. The high limit port number can not large than the low limit port number. The default logical port number of range 0 and 1 are default set to 23 and 5800, for this case the high and low limit port number is the same value. If an incoming IP frame with TCP/UDP port number is between the low and high limit, it will be treated as a high priority frame. 4.9 Port Mirroring There are some circumstances that the network administrator requires to monitor the network status. The port mirroring function can help the network administrator diagnose the network. A port mirroring function can be accomplished through assigning 1 to 7 monitored ports and a snooping port. The IP178Gx supports four kinds of monitoring methods: RX(ingress), TX(egress), RX-and-TX, and RX-or-TX. This function can be enabled by programming the corresponding bit in MII registers 20.3 ~ 20.4. For example, if designer wants to monitor the output traffic of port5 and port4 as shown in the following figure. He has to write “2’b01” to register 20.3[14:13] to choose monitor method to be TX traffic, write 0x30 to registers 20.4[7:0] to select port5 and port4 to be monitored ports, write 1’b1 and 3’b000 to registers 20.3[15] and 20.4[15:13] to select port0 as a monitoring port. IP178Gx will copy tx traffic of port5 and port4 to port0. 29 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet Figure 10 Port Mirroring Security Block Diagram 4.10 Link Aggergation Link aggregation is used to provide a large throughput between two network nodes by using the method of grouping a set of ports. If some of ports are in a trunk group, all ports in that trunk group shall be in the same VLAN group. Each trunk group may comprise 2 to 6 ports. Designer can configure the trunk group members individually by writing non-zero values to the corresponding bits of a port in the registers 22.12[7:0] and 22.13[7:0] for trunk group 0 and trunk group 1. A trunk channel works as if a “big” port with multiple times of bandwidth. If the destination port of a packet is un-link, IP178Gx forwards the packet to the other port of the trunk (auto recovery). port2 Trunk 0: port1 port0 Port1 un-link Traffic is changed from port1 to port0 Figure 11 Trunk Channel Behavior Block Diagram To fully utilize the bandwidth in a trunk channel, IP178Gx supports load balance function. A physical port of a trunk forwards a packet only if the trunk group of the packet matches the group setting of the port. That is, when a packet is forwarded to a port in a trunk, its destination port is according to trunk group. The aggregation mode determines which index would be used to search aggregation mask table. Here provide four ways: the four LSB of the SMAC, the four LSB of the DMAC, the four LSB of the SMAC xor DMAC, and Source port ID. Link aggregation function only uses a 3-bit index to search aggregation mask table. To achieve it, the aggregation index selection is used to extract a 3-bit index from the mentioned in AGGR_MODE. If the destination port of a trunk is un-link, the packet will be forward the port shifted by 2. If the port is un-link, too, the packet will be forward the port shifted by 3. For example, if port 3 is un-link, its packet will be forwarded to port 5. If port 5 is un-link, too, the packet will be forwarded to port 4. 30 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet Packet Trunk 0: Source port ID DA SA Hashing (2 LSB) Register 22.12[7:0] defines the group to be forwarded port0 port1 Trunk ID (2 bits) Trunk 1: Register 22.13[7:0] defines the group to be forwarded port3 port4 port5 destination port shifted due to un-link Register 22.11[2:0] Figure 12 Load Balance Block Diagram Link aggregation example: Here have two trunk groups. Trunk 0: port 0, 1 Trunk 1: port 5, 6, 7 The link aggregation parameters are set as: AGGR_MODE: The aggregation mode determines which index would be used to search aggregation mask table. Here provide four ways: The four LSB of the SMAC The four LSB of the DMAC The four LSB of the SMAC xor DMAC Source port ID PHY22 REG11[2:0] = 0x0 (AGGR_MODE = SMAC) AGGR_IDX_SEL: Link aggregation function only uses a 3-bit index to search aggregation mask table. To achieve it, the aggregation index selection is used to extract 3-bit index from the mentioned in AGGR_MODE. PHY22 REG11[4:3] = 0x0 (AGGR_IDX_SEL = index[2:0]) AGGR_GROUP: The port mask is logically grouping a set of ports. PHY22 REG21[7:0] = 0x03 (AGGR_GROUP0: port 0 and port 1) PHY22 REG22[7:0] = 0xe0 (AGGR_GROUP1: port 5, 6, 7) Aggregation mask table: PHY22 REG14[7:0] = 8’b0011_1101 PHY22 REG15[7:0] = 8’b0101_1110 PHY22 REG16[7:0] = 8’b1001_1101 PHY22 REG17[7:0] = 8’b0011_1110 PHY22 REG18[7:0] = 8’b0101_1101 PHY22 REG19[7:0] = 8’b1001_1110 PHY22 REG20[7:0] = 8’b0011_1101 PHY22 REG21[7:0] = 8’b0101_1110 (AGGR_MASK0) (AGGR_MASK1) (AGGR_MASK2) (AGGR_MASK3) (AGGR_MASK4) (AGGR_MASK5) (AGGR_MASK6) (AGGR_MASK7) 31 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 4.11 Buffer Aging When buffer aging was enabled, a frame stayed in output port for transmission is discarded if buffer aging time has exceeded one second. The buffer aging time is the maximum delay time for transmission on output port. This function can be set from MII register 20.13[13]. 4.12 LED display (normal operation) Normal operation LED_O_SEL[1:0] 00 01 10 11 LINK_LED SPEED_LED FDX_LED Off: 100 Mbps link fail On: 100 Mbps link ok Flash: TX/RX Off: no collision Flash: collision Off: 10 Mbps link fail On: 10 Mbps link ok Flash: TXRX Off: link fail On: link ok Off: 10 Mbps On: 100 Mbps Off: half duplex On: full duplex Flash: collision Off: 100 Mbps link fail On: 100 Mbps link ok Flash: TX/RX Off: link fail On: link ok Flash: TX/RX Off: half duplex On: full duplex Flash: collision Off: 10 Mbps On: 100 Mbps Off: 10 Mbps link fail On: 10 Mbps link ok Flash: TXRX Off: half duplex On: full duplex Flash: collision Flash behavior: Off 105ms Æ On 105ms Æ Off 105ms Æ … 4.13 Serial LED Mode IP178Gx supports serial LED mode and can be setting MII register SERIAL_LED_EN to 1 by MII page3 register 16[12]. There are no enough pins for LED and IP178Gx sends out LED information through pin 47 (SCLK) and pin 48 (SDATA). It is necessary to use TTL chip to decode and drive LED. The application circuit is shown below. IP178Gx supports two types of serial LED mode and can be setting by MII page3 register 16[11]. The default value is 0 (SERIAL_LED_MODE = 0) and can be setting to 1 by MII page3 register 16[11]. 4.13.1 Supports link LED only IP178GX supports link LED only when setting SERIAL_LED_MODE to 1 and SERIAL_LED_EN to 1. PVDD SDATA SCLK PVDD A CLK 74HC164 B RESET CLR QA PORT 7 LINK/ACT LED QB PORT 6 LINK/ACT LED QC PORT 5 LINK/ACT LED QD PORT 4 LINK/ACT LED QE PORT 3 LINK/ACT LED QF PORT 2 LINK/ACT LED QG PORT 1 LINK/ACT LED QH PORT 0 LINK/ACT LED Figure 13 Serial LED Link/Activity Mode 32 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 4.13.2 Supports link, speed, and duplex LED IP178Gx supports link, speed, and duplex LED when setting SERIAL_LED_MODE to 0 and SERIAL_LED_EN to 1. PVDD SDATA A SCLK CLK PVDD 74HC164 B RESET CLR QA PORT 7 LINK/ACT LED QB PORT 6 LINK/ACT LED QC PORT 5 LINK/ACT LED QD PORT 4 LINK/ACT LED QE PORT 3 LINK/ACT LED QF PORT 2 LINK/ACT LED QG PORT 1 LINK/ACT LED QH PORT 0 LINK/ACT LED PVDD A CLK 74HC164 B CLR QA PORT 7 SPEED LED QB PORT 6 SPEED LED QC PORT 5 SPEED LED QD PORT 4 SPEED LED QE PORT 3 SPEED LED QF PORT 2 SPEED LED QG PORT 1 SPEED LED QH PORT 0 SPEED LED PVDD A CLK 74HC164 B CLR QA PORT 7 DUP/COL LED QB PORT 6 DUP/COL LED QC PORT 5 DUP/COL LED QD PORT 4 DUP/COL LED QE PORT 3 DUP/COL LED QF PORT 2 DUP/COL LED QG PORT 1 DUP/COL LED QH PORT 0 DUP/COL LED Figure 14 Serial LED Fully Mode 4.14 LED Blink Timing Table 6 LED Blink Timing LED mode Serial mode update period Blinking speed 10ms Active LED blink Off 105ms Æ On 105ms Æ Off 105ms Æ … Collision LED blink Off 105ms Æ On 105ms Æ Off 105ms Æ … Although the blinking period is the same for all ports, the LED of different port may blink in differnet phase. 33 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 4.15 PAD Driving Calibration This function illustrates the interface between switch and high speed pad groups for pad driving calibration. In default the pad driving capability sets by switch MII register (PHY address 21 Reg10.[14:12). It also can automatically calibrate to determine pad driving and feedback it to the final pad driving current. 4.16 Fiber port configuration Port 6 and 7 of IP178GH/GI can be configured to be a fiber port or a TP port individually. A port becomes a fiber port if its FXSDx is connected to a fiber MAU or pulled to high. A port becomes a TP port if it’s FXSDx is pulled low. Table 7 Fiber port parameter Parameter Fiber Rx common mode Voltage Fiber Rx differential mode Voltage PVDD = 3.3V Voltage on FXSDx < 0.4 V > 1.2 V < 1.7 V > 1.95 V < 3.3 V TP port Yes --- Symbol VFRC VFRD MIN. 0.4 Fiber port -Yes Yes Type AVDD*0.6 - Fiber signal detect -Off On MAX. - Uuit V V Condition Fiber unplugged Fiber plugged VCC_O R1 SD Fiber MAU R2 IP178GH /GHI FXSD R1 R2 R3 R3 3V 1K 100 910 5V 470 300 330 Figure 15 Fiber signal detect application circuit 34 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 5 Register descriptions The IP178Gx can be configured via external EEPROM interface at boot time. During operation, IP178Gx registers are accessible via SMI interface. 5.1 Register map 5.1.1 MII register map Table 8 MII register map table 15 14 13 12 11 10 20.0 20.1 priority _rate Reduce drop16 _ipg 20.2 20.3 20.4 9 8 7 input _filter tmode_sel port_mirror _en 6 4 3 2 aging port_mirror_mode learn_dis_ pause CRC_counter thr_ setting read_thr pause_flag wait_ backoff share_high_threshold unit_default_threshold share_low_threshold 20.9 pkt_high_threshold pkt_low_threshold 20.10 unit_high_threshold unit_low_threshold mon_en unit_low_num 20.12 share_high_num fiber_duplex[7:6] 20.14 buf_ src_blk_ aging_en protect port_backpressure_en[7:0] userdef_range _en[1:0] lpp_aging_en[7:0] 20.15 predef_port_en[3:0] userdef_range0_high[15:0] 20.16 userdef_range0_low[15:0] 20.17 userdef_range1_high[15:0] 20.18 20.19 modbck sel_tx_port_mirror pause_trigger 20.8 20.13 0 sel_rx_port_mirror sel_mirror_port 20.6 20.11 1 hash_ mode 20.5 20.7 5 Software Reset Register ( 55 AA ) modify_ bf_stm carrier_ bk_en bp_kind _en algorithm userdef_range1_low[15:0] fast_ mode test_latin 21.0 port0 _cos_en port0_ high_ priority 21.1 port1 _cos_en port1_ high_ priority 21.2 port2 _cos_en port2_ high_ priority 21.3 port3 _cos_en port3_ high_ priority 21.4 port4 _cos_en port4_ high_ priority 21.5 port5 _cos_en port5_ high_ priority 21.6 port6 _cos_en port6_ high_ priority 21.7 port7 _cos_en port7_ high_ priority test_sel 21.8 21.9 21.10 bf_stm_ thr_sel share_full _thr_sel unit_default_thr_sel driver[2:0] unit_low_thr_sel unit_high_thr_sel bf_stm hp_dis_f twopart _en low_en _qm allpass Predrop _en pkt_low_thr_sel pkt_high_thr_sel analog_off_time 21.11~29 21.30 diffserv_en bf_ffff_only special_add_forward 35 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. fwd_ mac_ctl Drop_extra_long _packet March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 6 PHY registers Table 9 PHY Register Map Page 0 Register 0 Control Register Description Default Note PHY 0~7 0 1 Status Register PHY 0~7 0 2 PHY Identifier 1 Register PHY 0~7 0 3 PHY Identifier 2 Register PHY 0~7 0 0 4 5 Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register PHY 0~7 PHY 0~7 0 6 Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register PHY 0~7 0 7 Auto-Negotiation Next Page Transmit Register PHY 0~7 0 8 Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Next Page Register PHY 0~7 0 0 13 14 MMD Access Control Register MMD Access Address Data Register PHY 0~7 PHY 0~7 0 3.0 PCS control 1 register PHY 0~7 0 3.1 PCS status 1 register PHY 0~7 0 3.20 EEE capability PHY 0~7 0 3.22 EEE wake error count PHY 0~7 0 0 7.60 7.61 EEE advertisement register EEE link partner ability PHY 0~7 PHY 0~7 0 16 Special Control Register (APS) SHARE 0 18 Special Status Register PHY 0~7 X 20 Page Control Register SHARE 3 16 LED Control Register 4 16 WOL+ Control Register Share: 8 ports share the register X8: Each port has its individual register X: indicate do not care. SHARE SHARE 36 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet Register descriptions R/W = Read/Write, SC = Self-Clearing, RO = Read Only, LL = Latching Low, LH = Latching High 6.1 PHY MII Register MII R/W Description Default Control Register 0.15 Reset RW/ The PHY is reset if user writes “1” to this bit. The reset period is SC around 2ms. User has to wait for at least 2ms to access IP178Gx. (according design should delete) 0 0.14 Loop back 1 = Loop back mode 0 = normal operation When this bit set, IP178Gx will be isolated from the network media, that is, the assertion of TXEN at the MII will not transmit data on the R/W network. All MII transmission data will be returned to MII receive data path in response to the assertion of TXEN. Bit 0.12 is cleared automatically, if this bit is set. User has to program bit 0.12 again after loop back test. (according design should delete) 0 0~7 0.13 Speed Selection RW 1 = 100Mbps 0 = 10Mbps It is valid only if bit 0.12 is set to be 0. 1 0~7 0.12 0~7 0.11 0~7 0.10 0~7 0.9 0~7 0~7 0~7 0.8 0~7 0.7 0~7 0[6:0] RW R/W Auto-Negotiation(AN) Enable 1 = Auto-Negotiation Enable 0 = Auto-Negotiation Disable 1 Power Down 1: power down mode 0: normal operation 0 Isolate IP178Gx doesn’t support this function. RW Restart Auto-Negotiation SC 1 = re-starting Auto-Negotiation 0: normal operation 0 0 Duplex mode R/W 1 = full duplex 0 = half duplex It is valid only if bit 0.12 is set to be 0. R/W Collision test 0 RO Reserved 0 37 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. 1 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet PHY MII R/W Description Default Status Register 0~7 1.15 100Base-T4 capable 1 = 100Base-T4 capable RO 0 = not 100Base-T4 capable IP178Gx does not support 100Base-T4. This bit is fixed to be 0. 0~7 1.14 100Base-X full duplex Capable RO 1 = 100Base-X full duplex capable 0 = not 100Base-X full duplex capable 1 0~7 1.13 100Base-X half duplex Capable RO 1 = 100Base-X half duplex capable 0 = not 100Base-X half duplex capable 1 0~7 1.12 0~7 1.11 0~7 1.10 0~7 1.9 100Base-T2 half duplex Capable RO 1 = 100Base-T2 half duplex capable 0 = not 100Base-T2 half duplex capable 0 0~7 0~7 1.8 1.7 RO Extended Status RO Reserved 0 0 0~7 1.6 0~7 1.5 0~7 1.4 0~7 1.3 10Base-T full duplex Capable RO 1 = 10Base-T full duplex capable 0 = not 10Base-T full duplex capable 10Base-T half duplex Capable RO 1 = 10Base-T half duplex capable 0 = not 10Base-T half duplex capable 100Base-T2 full duplex Capable RO 1 = 100Base-T2 full duplex capable 0 = not 100Base-T2 full duplex capable 1 1 0 MF preamble Suppression RO 1 = preamble may be suppressed 0 = preamble always required Auto-Negotiation Complete 1 = Auto-Negotiation complete 0 = Auto-Negotiation in progress When read as logic 1, indicates that the Auto-Negotiation process RO has been completed, and the contents of register 4 and 5 are valid. When read as logic 0, indicates that the Auto-Negotiation process has not been completed, and the contents of register 4 and 5 are meaningless. If Auto-Negotiation is disabled (bit 0.12 set to logic 0), then this bit will always read as logic 0. Remote fault 1 = remote fault detected 0 = not remote fault detected RO When read as logic 1, indicates that IP178Gx has detected a LH remote fault condition. This bit is set until remote fault condition gone and before reading the contents of the register. This bit is cleared after IP178Gx reset. Auto-Negotiation Ability 1 = Auto-Negotiation capable RO 0 = not Auto-Negotiation capable When read as logic 1, indicates that IP178Gx has the ability to perform Auto-Negotiation. 38 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. 0 1 0 0 1 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet PHY MII R/W Description Default Status Register 1.2 Link Status 1 = Link Pass 0 = Link Fail RO When read as logic 1, indicates that IP178Gx has determined a LL valid link has been established. When read as logic 0, indicates the link is not valid. This bit is cleared until a valid link has been established and before reading the contents of this registers. 0 1.1 Jabber Detect 1 = jabber condition detected 0 = no jabber condition detected When read as logic 1, indicates that IP178Gx has detected a jabber RO condition. This bit is always 0 for 100Mbps operation and is cleared LH after IP178Gx reset. When the duration of TXEN exceeds the jabber timer (21ms), the transmission and loop back functions will be disabled and the COL is active. After TXEN goes low for more than 500 ms, the transmitter will be re-enabled. 0 0~7 1.0 Extended capability 1 = Extended register capabilities RO 0 = No extended register capabilities IP178Gx has extended register capabilities. 1 PHY MII R/W 0~7 0~7 Description Default PHY Identifier 1 Register IP178Gx OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) ID, the MSB is 3rd 0~7 2 RO bit of IP178Gx OUI ID, and the LSB is 18th bit of IP178Gx OUI ID. 16’h0243 IP178Gx OUI is 0090C3. PHY MII R/W Description Default PHY Identifier 2 Register PHY identifier 0~7 3[15:10] RO IP178Gx OUI ID, the MSB is 19th bit of IP178Gx OUI ID, and LSB is 24th bit of IP178Gx OUI ID. 0~7 3[9:4] RO Manufacture’s Model Number IP178Gx model number 0~7 3[3:0] RO Revision Number IP178Gx revision number 39 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. 6’h03 6’h18 0 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet MII register 4 of PHY0~7 (Each PHY has its own MII register 4 with different PHY address) PHY MII R/W Description Default Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register 1 = Next pages are supported 0 = Next pages are not supported 0~7 4.15 R/W 0~7 4.14 RO Reserved by IEEE, write as 0, ignore on read 0 0~7 4.13 Remote Fault R/W 1 = Advertises that this port has detected a remote fault. 0 = There is no remote fault. 0 0~7 4.12 RO Reserved for future IEEE use, write as 0, ignore on read 0 0 Asymmetric PAUSE 0~7 4.11 RW 1 = Asymmetric flow control is supported 0 = Asymmetric flow control is not supported PAUSE RW 1 = Symmetric flow control is supported 0 = Symmetric flow control is not supported 1 0~7 4.10 0~7 4.9 RO 100BASE-T4 Not supported 0 0~7 4.8 100BASE-TX full duplex R/W 1 = 100BASE-TX full duplex is supported 0 = 100BASE-TX full duplex is not supported 1 0~7 4.7 100BASE-TX R/W 1 = 100BASE-TX is supported 0 = 100BASE-TX is not supported 1 0~7 4.6 10BASE-T full duplex R/W 1 = 10BASE-T full duplex is supported 0 = 10BASE-T full duplex is not supported 1 0~7 4.5 10BASE-T R/W 1 = 10BASE-T is supported 0 = 10BASE-T is not supported 1 0~7 4[4:0] RO Selector Field Use to identify the type of message being sent by Auto-Negotiation. 40 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. 1 5’b00001 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet MII register 5 of PHY0~7 (Each PHY has its own MII register 5 with different PHY address) PHY MII R/W Description Default Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register Next Page 0~7 5.15 RO 1 = Next Page ability is supported by link partner 0 = Next Page ability does not supported by link partner 0~7 5.14 0~7 5.13 0~7 5.12 0 Acknowledge RO 1 = Link partner has received the ability data word 0 = Not acknowledge Remote Fault 1 = Link partner indicates a remote fault RO 0 = No remote fault indicate by link partner If this bit is set to logic 1, then bit 1.4 (Remote fault) will set to logic 1. RO Reserved by IEEE for future use, write as 0, and read as 0. 0 0 0 Asymmetric PAUSE 1 = Link partner support Asymmetric PAUSE RO 0 = Link partner does not support Asymmetric PAUSE When local or link partner is Auto-negotiation disabled, this bit is read as 1. The pause resolution is determined by MII Reg4.[11:10]. PAUSE 1 = Link partner support Symmetric PAUSE RO 0 = Link partner does not support Symmetric PAUSE When local or link partner is Auto-negotiation disabled, this bit is read as 1. The pause resolution is determined by MII Reg4.[11:10]. 0~7 5.11 0~7 5.10 0~7 5.9 100BASE-T4 RO 1 = Link partner support 100BASE-T4 0 = Link partner does not support 100BASE-T4 0 0~7 5.8 100BASE-TX full duplex RO 1 = Link partner support 100BASE-TX full duplex 0 = Link partner does not support 100BASE-TX full duplex 0 0~7 5.7 100BASE-TX RO 1 = Link partner support 100BASE-TX 0 = Link partner does not support 100BASE-TX 0 0~7 5.6 10BASE-T full duplex RO 1 = Link partner support 10BASE-T full duplex 0 = Link partner does not support 10BASE-T full duplex 0 0~7 5.5 10BASE-T 1 = Link partner support 10BASE-T RO 0 = Link partner does not support 10BASE-T When AN is disabled, this bit is set if register 0.13=0 0 0~7 5[4:0] RO Selector Field Protocol selector of the link partner 41 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. 0 0 5’b00000 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet MII register 6 of PHY0~7 (Each PHY has its own MII register 6 with different PHY address) PHY MII R/W Description Default Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register 0~7 6[15:5] RO Reserved 0 0~7 6.4 Parallel Detection Fault RO/ 1 = a fault has been detected via parallel detection function. LH 0 = a fault has not been detected via parallel detection function. 0 0~7 6.3 Link Partner Next Page Able RO 1 = Link partner is next page able. 0 = Link partner is not next page able. 0 0~7 6.2 Next Page Able RO 1 = IP178GX next page able. 0 = IP178GX is not next page able. 1 0~7 6.1 Page Recieved RO/ 1 = A new page has been received. LH 0 = A new page has not been received. 0 6.0 If AN is enabled, this bit means: 1 = Link partner is Auto-Negotiation able. RO 0 = Link partner is not Auto-Negotiation able. In 100FX or AN disabled, then this bit is always equal to 0. 0~7 0 (AN) (100FX) MII register 7 of PHY0~7 (Each PHY has its own MII register 7 with different PHY address) PHY MII R/W Description Default Auto-Negotiation Next Page Transmit Register Next Page 0~7 7.15 RW Transmit Code Word Bit 15 0 0~7 7.14 RO Reserved Transmit Code Word Bit 14 0 0~7 7.13 RW Message Page Transmit Code Word Bit 13 1 0~7 7.12 RW Acknowledge 2 Transmit Code Word Bit 12 0 0~7 7.11 RO Toggle Transmit Code Word Bit 11 0 0~7 7[10:0] RW Message/Unformatted Field Transmit Code Word Bit 10:0 1 MII register 8 of PHY0~7 (Each PHY has its own MII register 8 with different PHY address) PHY MII R/W Description Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Next Page Register Next Page 0~7 8.15 RO Received Code Word Bit 15 0~7 8.14 RO Acknowledge Received Code Word Bit 14 42 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. Default 0 0 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet MII register 8 of PHY0~7 (Each PHY has its own MII register 8 with different PHY address) PHY MII R/W 0~7 8.13 RO Message Page Received Code Word Bit 13 0 0~7 8.12 RO Acknowledge 2 Received Code Word Bit 12 0 0~7 8.11 RO 0~7 8[10:0] PHY MII Description Default Toggle Received Code Word Bit 11 Message/Unformatted Field RO Received Code Word Bit 10:0 R/W 0 0 Description Default Special Control Register Advance power saving mode 1 = Enable APS mode (Default) 0 = Disable APS mode 0~7 16.7 RW 1 Please refer to the Power Saving application note for more detail description. 0~7 16.4 Far end fault function 1 = Far end fault function disable RW 0 = Far end fault function enable (Default) This bit is only used for fiber mode. PHY MII R/W 0 Description Default Special Status Register Linkup 0~7 18.14 RO 1 = linkup 0 = unlink Speed Mode 0~7 18.11 RO 1 = 100 Mbps 0 = 10 Mbps 0 0 Duplex Mode RO 1 = Full Duplex 0 = Half Duplex The other Registers are reserved registers. User is inhibited to access to these registers. It may introduce abnormal function to write these registers. 0~7 18.10 43 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. 0 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 6.2 MMD Control Register Table 10 MMD Control Register table MII register 13 of PHY0~7 (Each PHY has its own MII register 13 with different PHY address) PHY MII R/W Description Default MMD Access Control Register Function 00 = address 0~7 13[15:14] R/W 01 = data, no post increment 10 = data, post increment on reads and writes 11 = data, post increment on writes only 0 0~7 13[13:5] RO Reserved Write as 0, ignore on read 0 0~7 13[4:0] R/W DEVAD Device Address 0 MII register 14 of PHY0~7 (Each PHY has its own MII register 14 with different PHY address) PHY MII R/W Description Default MMD Access Address Data Register Address Data If 13.15:14 = 00, MMD DEVAD’s address register. 0~7 14[15:0] R/W Otherwise, MMD DEVAD’s data register as indicated by the contents of its address register 0 Example 1, Read 0.3.20 (Read Data from MMD register 3.20 of PHY address 0): 1. Write 0.13 = 0x0003 //MMD DEVAD 3 2. Write 0.14 = 0x0014 //MMD Address 20 3. Write 0.13 = 0x4003 //MMD Data command for MMD DEVAD 3 4. Read 0.14 //Read MMD Data from 0.3.20 Example 2, Write 1.7.60 = 0x3210 (Write 0x3210 Data to MMD register 7.60 of PHY address 1): 1. Write 1.13 = 0x0007 //MMD DEVAD 7 2. Write 1.14 = 0x003C //MMD Address 60 3. Write 1.13 = 0x4007 //MMD Data command for MMD DEVAD 7 4. Write 1.14 = 0x3210 //Write MMD Data 0x3210 to 1.7.60 44 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 6.3 MMD Data Register Table 11 MMD Data Register table MMD register 3.0 of PHY0~7 (Each PHY has its own MMD register 3.0 with different PHY address) PHY MII R/W Description Default PCS control 1 Register 0~7 3.0[15:11] RO 0~7 3.0.10 R/W Reserved Ignore when read Clock stop enable 1 = PHY may stop xMII Rx clock during LPI(IP178Gx doesn’t support) 0 0 0 = Clock not stoppable 0~7 3.0[9:0] RO Reserved Ignore when read 0 MMD register 3.1 of PHY0~7 (Each PHY has its own MMD register 3.1 with different PHY address) PHY MII R/W Description Default PCS status 1 Register RO Reserved Ignore when read 0~7 3.1[15:12] 0~7 3.1.11 Tx LPI received RO/LH 1 = Tx PCS has received LPI 0 = LPI not received 0 0~7 3.1.10 Rx LPI received RO/LH 1 = Rx PCS has received LPI 0 = LPI not received 0 0~7 3.1.9 RO 0~7 3.1.8 RO 0~7 3.1.7 RO 0~7 3.1.6 RO Clock stop capable 1 = The MAC may stop the xMII Tx clock during LPI 0 = Clock not stoppable 0 0~7 3.1[5:0] RO Reserved Ignore when read 0 0 Tx LPI indication 1 = Tx PCS is currently receiving LPI 0 = PCS is not currently receiving LPI Rx LPI indication 1 = Rx PCS is currently receiving LPI 0 = PCS is not currently receiving LPI Reserved Ignore on read 45 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. 0 0 0 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet MMD register 3.20 of PHY0~7 (Each PHY has its own MMD register 3.20 with different PHY address) PHY MII R/W Description Default EEE capability Register 0~7 3.20[15:7] RO Reserved Ignore when read 0 10GBASE-KR EEE RO 1 = EEE is supported for 10GBASE-KR 0 = EEE is not supported for 10GBASE-KR 0 0~7 3.20.6 0~7 3.20.5 0~7 3.20.4 0~7 3.20.3 10GBASE-T EEE RO 1 = EEE is supported for 10GBASE-T 0 = EEE is not supported for 10GBASE-T 0 0~7 3.20.2 1000BASE-T EEE RO 1 = EEE is supported for 1000BASE-T 0 = EEE is not supported for 1000BASE-T 0 0~7 3.20.1 100BASE-TX EEE RO 1 = EEE is supported for 100BASE-TX 0 = EEE is not supported for 100BASE-TX 1 0~7 3.20.0 RO 10GBASE-KX4 EEE RO 1 = EEE is supported for 10GBASE-KX4 0 = EEE is not supported for 10GBASE-KX4 1000BASE-KX EEE RO 1 = EEE is supported for 1000BASE-KX 0 = EEE is not supported for 1000BASE-KX Reserved Ignore when read 0 0 0 MMD register 3.22 of PHY0~7 (Each PHY has its own MMD register 3.22 with different PHY address) PHY MII R/W EEE wake error count 0~7 Description Default EEE wake error count Count wake time faults where IP178Gx fails to complete its normal wake 3.22[15:0] RO 0x0000 sequence within the time required for the specific PHY type. This register keeps the value before reading the contents of the register. MMD register 7.60 of PHY0~7 (Each PHY has its own MMD register 7.60 with different PHY address) PHY MII R/W Description EEE advertisement Register Reserved 0~7 7.60[15:7] RO Ignore when read 10GBASE-KR EEE 0~7 7.60.6 RO 1 = Advertise that the 10GBASE-KR has EEE capability 0 = Do not advertise that the 10GBASE-KR has EEE capability 10GBASE-KX4 EEE 0~7 7.60.5 RO 1 = Advertise that the 10GBASE-KX4 has EEE capability 0 = Do not advertise that the 10GBASE-KX4 has EEE capability 46 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. Default 0 0 0 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet MMD register 7.60 of PHY0~7 (Each PHY has its own MMD register 7.60 with different PHY address) PHY MII R/W Description 0~7 7.60.4 0~7 7.60.3 0~7 7.60.2 0~7 7.60.1 100BASE-TX EEE R/W 1 = Advertise that the 100BASE-TX has EEE capability 0 = Do not advertise that the 100BASE-TX has EEE capability 0~7 7.60.0 RO Default 1000BASE-KX EEE RO 1 = Advertise that the 1000BASE-KX has EEE capability 0 = Do not advertise that the 1000BASE-KX has EEE capability 10GBASE-T EEE RO 1 = Advertise that the 10GBASE-T has EEE capability 0 = Do not advertise that the 10GBASE-T has EEE capability 1000BASE-T EEE RO 1 = Advertise that the 1000BASE-T has EEE capability 0 = Do not advertise that the 1000BASE-T has EEE capability 0 0 0 1 Reserved Ignore when read 0 MMD register 7.61 of PHY0~7 (Each PHY has its own MMD register 7.61 with different PHY address) PHY MII R/W EEE link partner ability 0~7 7.61[15:7] RO 0~7 7.61.6 RO 0~7 7.61.5 RO 0~7 7.61.4 RO 0~7 7.61.3 RO 0~7 7.61.2 RO 0~7 7.61.1 RO 0~7 7.61.0 RO Description Default Reserved Ignore when read 10GBASE-KR EEE 1 = Link partner is advertising EEE capability for 10GBASE-KR 0 = Link partner is not advertising EEE capability for 10GBASE-KR 10GBASE-KX4 EEE 1 = Link partner is advertising EEE capability for 10GBASE-KX4 0 = Link partner is not advertising EEE capability for 10GBASE-KX4 1000BASE-KX EEE 1 = Link partner is advertising EEE capability for 1000BASE-KX 0 = Link partner is not advertising EEE capability for 1000BASE-KX 10GBASE-T EEE 1 = Link partner is advertising EEE capability for 10GBASE-T 0 = Link partner is not advertising EEE capability for 10GBASE-T 1000BASE-T EEE 1 = Link partner is advertising EEE capability for 1000BASE-T 0 = Link partner is not advertising EEE capability for 1000BASE-T 100BASE-TX EEE 1 = Link partner is advertising EEE capability for 100BASE-TX 0 = Link partner is not advertising EEE capability for 100BASE-TX Reserved Ignore when read 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The other Registers are reserved registers. User is inhibited to access to these registers. It may introduce abnormal function to write these registers. 47 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 6.4 LED mode Control Register Table 12 LED mode Control Register table MII page3 register16 of PHY0~7 (8 PHYs share the MII register) page MII R/W Description Default LED Control Register 3 LED_SEL[1:0] LED output mode selection. LED_SEL[1:0]=2’b00: LED mode 0, 16[15:14] R/W LED_SEL[1:0]=2’b01: LED mode 1, LED_SEL[1:0]=2’b10: LED mode 2, LED_SEL[1:0]=2’b11: LED mode 3 (default) SERIAL_LED_EN 16.12 RW 1: supports LED serial mode 0: supports LED direct mode (default) 16.11 11 0 SERIAL_LED_MODE RW 1: supports link LED only 0: supports link, speed, and duplex LED (default) 0 Serial upd fast RW 1:10ms(default) 0:20ms The other Registers are reserved registers. User is inhibited to access to these registers. It may introduce abnormal function to write these registers. 16.10 1 LED mode behavior: LED_SEL[1:0] LED_LINK[7:0] LED mode 0 00 100M Link + Activity (1: 100M Link fail, Link 0: 100M Link ok and (1: link fail, no activity, 0: link ok) flash: 100M Link ok and TX/RX activity) Collision LED_SPEED[7:0] (1: no collision, flash: collision) LED_FULL[7:0] LED mode 1 01 Speed (same as mode 3) 10M Link + Activity (1: 10M Link fail, 0: 10M Link ok and Full/half (same as mode 3) no activity, flash: 10M Link ok and TX/RX activity) 48 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. LED mode 2 10 LED mode 3 11 100M Link + Activity (same as mode 0) Link + Activity (1: link fail, 0: link ok, flash: Link ok and TX/ RX activity) Full/half (1: half, 0: full, flash: collision) Speed (1: speed=10M, 0: speed=100M 10M Link + Activity (same as mode 0) Full/half (1: half, 0: full, flash: collision) March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 6.5 WOL+ Control Register Table 13 WOL+ Control Register table MII page4 register16 of PHY0 (8 PHYs share the MII register) page MII R/W Description Default PHY WOL+ Control Register WOL+ Interrupt Enable 0 Set high to enable WOL+ interrupt 16.[15] RW 1=Enable 0=Disable Each PHY address can access the register of the corresponding port. WOL+ Level Trigger 1 This bit is used to select the output mode of WOL+ interrupt. 16.[14] RW 1=Level trigger (Low goes high or high goes low when WOL+ interrupt) 16.[13] 4 RW 16.[12] RW 16.[11] RW 16.[10] RW 16.[9] RW 16.[8] RW 16.[7:1] RO 16.[0] RO 0=Edge trigger (Positive pulse or negative pulse when WOL+ interrupt) WOL+ Positive Trigger This bit is used to select the polarity of WOL+ interrupt. 1=Low goes high or positive pulse 0=High goes low or negative pulse Sense Link Change Set high to enable WOL+ interrupt when link change is sensing. 1=Enable 0=Disable Sense Magic Packet Set high to enable WOL+ interrupt when magic packet is receiving. 1=Enable 0=Disable Sense Any Packet Set high to enable WOL+ interrupt when any packet is receiving. 1=Enable 0=Disable Sense DUT Set high to enable WOL+ interrupt when DUT is sensing WOL+ event. 1=Enable 0=Disable Each PHY address can access the register of the corresponding port. WOL+ Down Speed Enable Set high to enable WOL+ down speed function 1=Enable 0=Disable Reserved PHY WOL+ Interrupt Status The status of PHY WOL+ interrupt is based on the setting of Reg16 Page4 Bit14 and Bit13. Each PHY address can access the register of the corresponding port. 0 1 1 1 1 1 0x00 1 MII page5 register16 of PHY0 (8 PHYs share the MII register) page MII R/W Description PHY WOL+ MAC Address Register 0 WOL+ MAC Address 0 (the most significant word) 5 16[15:0] R/W WOL+ MAC Address = {WOL+_MAC_Address_0, WOL+_MAC_Address_1, WOL+_MAC_Address_2} 49 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. Default 0x0000 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet MII page6 register16 of PHY0 (8 PHYs share the MII register) page MII R/W Description PHY WOL+ MAC Address Register 1 WOL+ MAC Address 1 6 16[15:0] R/W WOL+ MAC Address = {WOL+_MAC_Address_0, WOL+_MAC_Address_1, WOL+_MAC_Address_2} Default 0x0000 MII page7 register16 of PHY0 (8 PHYs share the MII register) page MII R/W Description Default PHY WOL+ MAC Address Register 2 WOL+ MAC Address 2 (the least significant word) 7 16[15:0] R/W WOL+ MAC Address = {WOL+_MAC_Address_0, 0x0000 WOL+_MAC_Address_1, WOL+_MAC_Address_2} The other Registers are reserved registers. User is inhibited to access to these registers. It may introduce abnormal function to write these registers. Example 1, Read page3 register16 (Read Data from page3 register16 of PHY address 0): 1. Write 0.20 = 0x0003 //page3 2. Read 0.16 //Read Data from page3 register16 3. Write 0.20 = 0x0000 //restore to page0 Example 2, Write page3 register16 = 0x3400 (Write Data 0x3400 to page3 register16 of PHY address 0): 1. Write 0.20 = 0x0003 //page3 2. Write 0.16 = 0x3400 //Write Data 0x3400 to page3 register16 3. Write 0.20 = 0x0000 //restore to page0 6.6 Register Page mode Control Register Table 14 Page control registers table MII register 20 of PHY0~7 (8 PHYs share the MII register) PHY MII R/W Description Default Page Control Register 0~7 20[4:0] RW Reg16~31_Page_Sel[4:0] 00000 The other Registers are reserved registers. User is inhibited to access to these registers. It may introduce abnormal function to write these registers. 50 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 6.7 Switch control registers (I) Table 15 Switch control registers (I) table PHY MII R/W Description Default EEPROM enable register / Software reset register EEPROM enable register This register should be filled with 55AA in EERPOM register 0 and 1. 20 -IP178Gx will examine the specified pattern to confirm if there is a valid EEPROM. The initial setting is updated with the content of EEPROM only if the specified pattern 55 AA is found. 20 0 R/W 20 0[15] R Empty, all output queue is empty 1: empty 0: not empty This bit is for debug only. 20 0[13] 20 0[12:4] 20 0[3] R PAD_RESET 20 20 0[2] 0[1] R R EE_RESET1 SOFT_RESET 20 0[0] R 20 1[15] R Software reset register MII register 0 is software reset register. User can reset IP178Gx by writing 55AA to this register. BFLL_FULL, free buffer is full 1: full, 0: not full This bit is for debug only. Reserved R/W EE_RESET PRIORITY_RATE 1: 8 packets 0: 16 packets 1’b0 Output Queue Scheduling: high priority packet rate REDUCE_IPG This function reduce the IPG by random from 0 ~ 20 PPM. 1: enable, 0:disable 20 1[12] R/W 1'b1 20 1[11] R/W Drop16 1: enable, 0:disable 1’b0 20 1[9] R/W MOD_CARRIER_ALGORITHM Modified carrier based collision algorithm 1: enable, 0:disable 1’b0 20 1[8] R/W BK_EN, Backpressure enable 1: enable, 0: disable 1’b1 BP_KIND, Backpressure type selection It is valid only if BK_EN is set to 1’b1. 20 1[7] 1’b0 R/W 0: carrier base backpressure 1: reserved 51 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet PHY MII R/W 20 1[6] R/W 20 1[3:2] R/W Description Default BF_STM_EN, Broadcast storm enable 1: enable P(0) IP178Gx drops the incoming packet if the number of broadcast packet in queue is over the threshold. 0: disable AGING. Aging time of address table selection An address tag in hashing table will be removed if this function is turned on and its aging timer expires. 00 Aging time no aging 01 30s 10 300s 11 reserved note 2’b10 default 20 1[1] R/W MODBCK. Turn on modified back off algorithm The maximum back off period is limited to 8-slot time if this function is turned on. 1: turn on, 0: turn off 20 1[0] R/W LEARN_DIS_PAUSE 0: Enable to learn the SMAC of the received PAUSE frame. 1: Disable. 6.8 1’b0 1’b0 Test mode control registers Table 16 Test mode control registers table PHY MII R/W Description Default Test mode control registers TMODE_SEL. Test mode selection 20 2[15:10] R/W This function is for testing only. The default value must be adopted for normal operation. 20 20 2[8] Reserved 2[7] R/W INPUT_FILTER Packet is filtered in input port. 0: no operation (default) 1: perform input filtering when queue full R/W HASH_MODE MAC address table hashing mode 00: direct + CRC mapping (default) 11: direct mapping 20 2[6:5] 20 2[4:1] 6’h00 0 2’b00 Reserved 52 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 6.9 PHY Port mirroring control registers MII R/W 3[15] R/W 3[14:13] R/W 3[12:8] 3[7:0] R/W 20 Description Default PORT_MIRROR_EN Port Mirror Enable 1: Enable 0: Disable PORT_MIRROR_MODE Select a mirror mode to monitor 00: mirror RX (default) 01: mirror TX 10: mirror RX and TX, RX and TX path must be at the different port 11: mirror RX or TX, RX or TX path must be at the same port Reserved SEL_RX_PORT_MIRROR Select the source (receive) port to be mirrored Set 1 to select the RX path of port to be monitored. Bit0 is for Port0, bit7 for Port7, and so on. R/W SEL_MIRROR_PORT Select a mirror port to monitor any other port 000: port 0 001: port 1 010: port 2 011: port 3 100: port 4 101: port 5 110: port 6 111: port 7 (default) 4[12:8] Reserved 4[7:0] R/W SEL_TX_PORT_MIRROR Select the destination (transmit) port to be mirrored Set 1 to select the TX path of port to be monitored. Bit0 is for Port0, bit7 for Port7, and so on. 4[15:13] 1’b0 2’b00 8’h01 3’b111 8’h01 6.10 Debug Regiister PHY 20 MII 5[15:8] R/W R/W 5[7:0] RO (SC) CRC_COUNTER 6[15:8] R/W (SC) PAUSE_TRIGGER 6[7:0] RO (SC) PAUSE_FLAG 7[15] R/W THR_SETTING R/W (SC) R/W READ_THR 7[14] 7[13] 7[12:8] 7[7:0] Description RESERVED Default 16’h0 8’h00 8’h00 8’h0 1’b0 1’b0 WAIT_BACKOFF 1’b0 RESERVED R/W UNIT_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD 53 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. 8’d12 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet PHY MII 8[15:8] R/W R/W Description SHARE_HIGH_THRESHOLD Default 8[7:0] R/W SHARE_LOW_THRESHOLD 9[15:8] R/W PKT_HIGH_THRESHOLD 8’d96 9[7:0] R/W PKT_LOW_THRESHOLD 8’d80 10[15:8] R/W UNIT_HIGH_THRESHOLD 10[7:0] R/W UNIT_LOW_THRESHOLD 11[15] R/W MON_EN 11[14:9] 11[8:0] RESERVED RO (SC) 12[15:9] 12[8:0] 1’b0 UNIT_LOW_NUM 9’d224 RESERVED RO (SC) SHARE_HIGH_NUM 9’d224 6.11 Fiber duplex setting registers PHY 20 MII R/W Description FIBER_DUPLEX Fiber duplex setting for each port. 1: fiber port is full-duplex 13[15:14] R/W 0: fiber port is half_duplex bit[15]: port 7 duplex ability setting bit[14]: port 6 duplex ability setting Default 2’b11 13.[13] R/W BUF_AGING_EN 1’b0 13.[12] R/W SRC_BLK_PROTECT 1’b1 13[11:8] Reserved 6.12 Backpressure setting registers PHY 20 MII 13[7:0] R/W Description Default PORT_BACKPRESSURE_EN Backpressure ability setting at half-duplex mode for each port. To ensure this function works correctly, BK_EN (backpressure enable, reg 20.1[8]) should set to logic zero first. 1: enable backpressure ability 0: disable bit[7] : port 7 enable backpressure ability 8’h00 R/W bit[6] : port 6 enable backpressure ability bit[5] : port 5 enable backpressure ability bit[4] : port 4 enable backpressure ability bit[3] : port 3 enable backpressure ability bit[2] : port 2 enable backpressure ability bit[1] : port 1 enable backpressure ability bit[0] : port 0 enable backpressure ability 54 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 6.13 TCP/UDP port priority registers PHY MII 20 14[15:8] 20 14[7:6] 20 14[5:4] R/W Description Default LPP_AGING_EN TCP/UDP logical port priority aging enable 0: disable TCP/UDP logical port priority aging function 1: enable TCP/UDP logical port priority aging function When this function active, once receive a IP frame with TCP/UDP protocol and the logical port number is the pre-defined port number, the ingress port will treat as a port based high priority port for 300 seconds. After the internal timer expired, the ingress port will change back to 8’h00 R/W previous behavior. bit[15]: port 7 logical port priority aging enable bit[14]: port 6 logical port priority aging enable bit[13]: port 5 logical port priority aging enable bit[12]: port 4 logical port priority aging enable bit[11]: port 3 logical port priority aging enable bit[10]: port 2 logical port priority aging enable bit[9]: port 1 logical port priority aging enable bit[8]: port 0 logical port priority aging enable Reserved USERDEF_RANGE_EN User defined logic port range enable. R/W bit[1]: user define range 1 register enable bit[0]: user define range 0 register enable PREDEF_PORT_EN Pre-defined logic port number enable. bit[3]: logic port set 3 enable, port 6000 R/W bit[2]: logic port set 2 enable, port 3389 bit[1]: logic port set 1 enable, port 443 bit[0]: logic port set 0 enable, port 22 2’b11 20 14[3:0] 4’hF 20 15 R/W USERDEF_RANGE0_HIGH User defined logic port range 0 high limit 16’d23 20 16 R/W USERDEF_RANGE0_LOW User defined logic port range 0 low limit 16’d23 20 17 R/W USERDEF_RANGE1_HIGH User defined logic port range 1 high limit 16’d 5800 20 18 R/W USERDEF_RANGE1_LOW User defined logic port range 1 low limit 16’d 5800 6.14 Test mode PHY MII 20 19[15] 20 19[11:2] 20 19[1:0] R/W Description R/W FAST_MODE 1’b0 R/W TEST_LATIN (only for PHY test mode) TEST_SEL 0x0: normal mode R/W 0x1: switch test mode 0x2: phy test mode 55 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. Default 10’h000 2’b00 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 6.15 CoS control registers – port 0 PHY MII R/W 0[10] R/W 0[9] R/W 21 Description Default Port 0 Class of service enable 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) 1’b0 Packets with high priority tag from port 0 are handled as high priority packets. Port 0 set to be high priority port 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) Packets received from port 0 are handled as high priority packets. 1’b0 6.16 CoS control registers – port 1 PHY MII R/W Description Default 1[10] R/W Port 1 Class of service enable 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) Packets with high priority tag from port 1 are handled as high priority packets. 1’b0 1[9] R/W Port 1 set to be high priority port 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) Packets received from port 1 are handled as high priority packets. 1’b0 21 6.17 CoS control registers – port 2 PHY MII R/W 2[10] R/W 21 2[9] R/W Description Default Port 2 Class of service enable 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) 1’b0 Packets with high priority tag from port 2 are handled as high priority packets. Port 2 set to be high priority port 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) Packets received from port 2 are handled as high priority packets. 1’b0 6.18 CoS control registers – port 3 PHY MII R/W 3[10] R/W 21 3[9] R/W Description Default Port 3 Class of service enable 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) 1’b0 Packets with high priority tag from port 3 are handled as high priority packets. Port 3 set to be high priority port 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) Packets received from port 3 are handled as high priority packets. 56 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. 1’b0 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 6.19 CoS control registers – port 4 PHY MII R/W 4[10] R/W 4[9] R/W 21 Description Default Port 4 Class of service enable 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) 1’b0 Packets with high priority tag from port 4 are handled as high priority packets. Port 4 set to be high priority port 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) Packets received from port 4 are handled as high priority packets. 1’b0 6.20 CoS control registers – port 5 PHY MII 5[10] R/W Description Default R/W Port 5 Class of service enable 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) Packets with high priority tag from port 5 are handled as high priority packets. 1’b0 R/W Port 5 set to be high priority port 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) Packets received from port 5 are handled as high priority packets. 1’b0 21 5[9] 6.21 CoS control registers – port 6 PHY MII R/W 6[10] R/W 21 6[9] R/W Description Default Port 6 Class of service enable 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) 1’b0 Packets with high priority tag from port 6 are handled as high priority packets. Port 6 set to be high priority port 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) Packets received from port 6 are handled as high priority packets. 1’b0 6.22 CoS control registers – port 7 PHY MII R/W 7[10] R/W 21 7[9] R/W Description Default Port 7 Class of service enable 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) 1’b0 Packets with high priority tag from port 7 are handled as high priority packets. Port 7 set to be high priority port 1: enable, 0: disabled (default) Packets received from port 7 are handled as high priority packets. 57 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. 1’b0 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 6.23 Switch control registers (IV) PHY 21 MII R/W 9[15:14] R/W 9[13:12] R/W 9[11:10] R/W 9[9:8] R/W 9[7:6] 9[3:2] 9[1:0] Default UNIT_DEFAULT_THR_SEL[1:0]. Output Queue minimum threshold selection 00: 40 units 01: 32 units 10: 48 units 11: 56 units 2’b00 2’b00 2’b00 R/W UNIT_LOW_THR_SEL UNIT_HIGH_THR_SEL[1;0]. Output Queue Flow control ON threshold selection If share buffer is over share buffer full threshold, Output Queue Flow control ON threshold will be dynamic changed to 28. Others, 00: 50 units 01: 70 units 10: 90 units 11: 110 units Reserved 2’b00 R/W PREDROP_EN 1: Drop an incoming broadcast packet if any port is congested. 0: forward an incoming broadcast packet to un-congested ports instead of congested ports. 1’b0 R/W PKT_LOW_THR_SEL[1:0]. Packet low water mark threshold selection 00: 40 units 01: 30 units 10: 20 units 11: 10 units 2’b00 R/W PKT_HIGH_THR_SEL[1:0]. Packet high water mark threshold selection 00: 50 units 01: 40 units 10: 30 units 11: 20 units 2’b00 9[5] 9[4] Description BF_STM_THR_SEL[1:0]. Broadcast storm threshold selection 00: 2 packets/10ms for 100Mbps port, or 2 packets/100ms for 10Mbps port, 01: 6 packets/10ms for 100Mbps port, or 6 packets/100ms for 10Mbps port, 10: 14 packets/10ms for 100Mbps port, or 14 packets/100ms for 10Mbps port, 11: 30 packets/10ms for 100Mbps port, or 30 packets/100ms for 10Mbps port SHARE_FULL_THR_SEL[1;0]. Share buffer threshold selection 00: 160 units 01: 180 units 10: 140 units 11: 120 units 58 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. 2’b00 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet PHY MII 10[15] R/W Description Default RESERVED 10[14:12] R/W DRIVER[2:0] Pad Drive Current 000: 0 mA 001: 1.5 mA 010: 4.6 mA (default) 011: 9.9 mA 100: 9.9 mA 101: 9.9 mA 110: 15.1 mA 111: 18.4 mA 3’b 010 10[11] R/W 10[10] R/W 10[9] R/W TWOPART 1’b1 R/W ALLPASS All packet forwarded include CRC packet. 1’b0 10[8] BF_STM_EN_QM HP_DIS_FLOW_EN Disable flow control when recived high priority packet 1’b0 1’b0 ANALOG_OFF_TIME The length of time of the push button input must be held low in order to turn off analog power 10[7:6] R/W 10[5] 2’b01 0x0: 1.5 sec 0x1: 3 sec (default) 0x2: 4.5 sec 0x3: reserved RESERVED 6.24 Reserved Group MAC addresses PHY MII R/W Description Default PAUSE_FILTER 21 11[15] R/W DA=01-80-c2-00-00-01 & EtherType=0x8808 & Opcode=1 1’b0 1: forward, 0: discard (default). RSVD_GMAC_FILTER_4 11[14] R/W Reserved Group Address 01-80-c2-00-00-40 to FF 1’b1 1: forward (default), 0: discard. RSVD_GMAC_FILTER_3 11[13] R/W Reserved Group Address 01-80-c2-00-00-30 to 3F 1’b1 1: forward (default), 0: discard. 59 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet PHY MII R/W Description Default RSVD_GMAC_FILTER_2 11[12] R/W Reserved Group Address 01-80-c2-00-00-22 to 2F 1’b0 1: forward, 0: discard (default). RSVD_GMAC_FILTER_2 11[11] R/W GVRP GARP VLAN Registration Protocol 01-80-c2-00-00-21 1’b0 1: forward, 0: discard (default). RSVD_GMAC_FILTER_2 11[10] R/W GMRP GARP Multicast Registration Protocol 01-80-c2-00-00-20 1’b0 1: forward, 0: discard (default). RSVD_GMAC_FILTER_1 11[9] R/W Reserved Group Address 01-80-c2-00-00-10 to 1F 1’b1 1: forward (default), 0: discard. RSVD_GMAC_FILTER_1 11[8] R/W ABM All LANs Bridge Management Group address 1’b0 1: forward, 0: discard (default). RSVD_GMAC_FILTER_0 11[7] R/W Reserved Group Address 01-80-c2-00-00-04 to 0F 1’b0 1: forward, 0: discard (default). RSVD_GMAC_FILTER_0 11[6] R/W LLDP Std 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol address 01-80-C2-00-00-0E 1’b1 1: forward (default), 0: discard. 60 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet PHY MII R/W Description Default RSVD_GMAC_FILTER_0 11[5] R/W MVRP Provider Bridge MVRP Address 01-80-C2-00-00-0D 1’b0 1: forward, 0: discard (default). RSVD_GMAC_FILTER_0 11[4] R/W PBGA Provider Bridge Group Address 01-80-C2-00-00-08 1’b0 1: forward, 0: discard (default). RSVD_GMAC_FILTER_0 11[3] R/W 802.1x 802.1x PAE Address 01-80-C2-00-00-03 1’b1 1: forward (default), 0: discard. RSVD_GMAC_FILTER_0 11[2] R/W SP Slow Protocol (Link Aggregation and 802.3 OAM) 01-80-C2-00-00-02 1’b1 1: forward (default), 0: discard. RSVD_GMAC_FILTER_0 11[1] R/W MAC_CTRL MAC Control of Std IEEE 802.3 01-80-C2-00-00-01 (Not include PAUSE and 802.3ah) 1’b0 1: forward, 0: discard (default). RSVD_GMAC_FILTER_0 11[0] R/W BGA Bridge Group Address 01-80-C2-00-00-00 1’b1 1: forward (default), 0: discard. 12[15:11] R/W RESERVED 61 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet PHY MII R/W Description Default RSVD_FUTURE_0_FILTER Reserved for Future Standardization 0 12[10:2] 9’h 000 01-80-c2-00-00-04 to 0F 1: forward. 0: discard (default),. RSVD_MAC_CTRL_FILTER Reserved MAC Control Opcode 12[1] R/W DA=01-80-c2-00-00-01 & EtherType=0x8808 & Opcode=0x0007-0xffff 1’b0 1: forward, 0: discard (default). MPCP_FILTER Multi-Poin Control Protocol 12[0] R/W Five message as follows: 1. GATE DA=01-80-c2-00-00-01 & EtherType=0x8808 & Opcode=2 2. REPORT DA=01-80-c2-00-00-01 & EtherType=0x8808 & Opcode=3 3. REGISTER_REQ DA=01-80-c2-00-00-01 & EtherType=0x8808 & Opcode=4 4. REGISTER DA=individual MAC EtherType=0x8808 & Opcode=5 5. REGISTER_ACK DA=01-80-c2-00-00-01 & EtherType=0x8808 & Opcode=6 1’b0 1: forward, 0: discard (default). RSVD_FUTURE_1_FILTER Reserved for Future Standardization 1 13[13:0] R/W 14’h 0000 01-80-c2-00-00-22 to 2F 1: forward, 0: discard (default). IEEE802.1ag_FILTER IEEE 802.1ag Filter 14 R/W 16’h FFFF 01-80-c2-00-00-30 to 3F 1: forward (default), 0: discard. 62 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 6.25 Switch control registers (V) PHY MII 30[15:8] R/W R/W Description Default [15:14]: Reserved [13]: DIFFSERV_EN [12]: BF_FFFF_ONLY 1: broadcast DA=FFFFFFFF 0: broadcast DA=FFFFFFFF and multicast frame 8’h0d [11:8]: reserved 21 30[7] R/W 30[6:2] FWD_MAC_CTL Forward MAC control frame, the MAC control frame is identified by Ether/Type field (0x8808). 1: forward (default), 0: discard. 1’b1 Reserved Drop extra long packet Max forwarded packet length 30[1:0] R/W 2’b00 2’b00: 1536 bytes (default) 2’b01: 1552 bytes 2’b10: 1518 bytes 2’b11: resreved 6.26 EEE Timing Parameter PHY MII 22 0[15:8] 0[7:0] R/W Description Reserved EEE_EN[7:0] Energy Efficient Ethernet Enable for each port bit[7]: Port 7 enable EEE function bit[6]: Port 6 enable EEE function bit[5]: Port 5 enable EEE function R/W bit[4]: Port 4 enable EEE function bit[3]: Port 3 enable EEE function bit[2]: Port 2 enable EEE function bit[1]: Port 1 enable EEE function bit[0]: Port 0 enable EEE function SLEEP_TIME_UNIT Sleep Time Unit 1[15:14] R/W 0x0: 1s 0x1: 1ms 0x2: 1us 1[11:0] Default R/W 2’d2 SLEEP_TIME The time to sleep = SLEEP_TIME_UNIT * SLEEP_TIME WAKE_TIME_UNIT_P0 Wake Up Time Unit for Port 0 2[15:14] R/W 0x0: 1s 0x1: 1ms 0x2: 1us 63 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. 8’hFF 12’d15 2’d2 March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet PHY MII R/W Description Default WAKE_TIME_P0 Wake Up Time for Port 0 2[11:0] R/W The time to wake = WAKE_TIME_UNIT_P0 * WAKE_TIME_P0 12’d35 The time is between when switch de-assert LPI and when it can send data. WAKE_TIME_UNIT_P1 3[15:14] R/W 2’d2 Wake Up Time Unit for Port 1 WAKE_TIME_P1 Wake Up Time for Port 1 WAKE_TIME_UNIT_P2 4[15:14] R/W Wake Up Time Unit for Port 2 3[11:0] 4[11:0] R/W R/W 5[15:14] R/W 5[11:0] R/W 6[15:14] R/W 6[11:0] R/W 7[15:14] R/W 7[11:0] R/W 8[15:14] R/W 8[11:0] R/W 9[15:14] R/W 9[11:0] R/W WAKE_TIME_P2 Wake Up Time for Port 2 12’d35 2’d2 12’d35 WAKE_TIME_UNIT_P3 Wake Up Time Unit for Port 3 WAKE_TIME_P3 Wake Up Time for Port 3 2’d2 12’d35 WAKE_TIME_UNIT_P4 Wake Up Time Unit for Port 4 WAKE_TIME_P4 Wake Up Time for Port 4 2’d2 12’d35 WAKE_TIME_UNIT_P5 Wake Up Time Unit for Port 5 WAKE_TIME_P5 Wake Up Time for Port 5 2’d2 12’d35 WAKE_TIME_UNIT_P6 Wake Up Time Unit for Port 6 WAKE_TIME_P6 Wake Up Time for Port 6 2’d2 12’d35 WAKE_TIME_UNIT_P7 Wake Up Time Unit for Port 7 WAKE_TIME_P7 Wake Up Time for Port 7 2’d2 12’d35 6.27 WOL (Wake on LAN) PHY MII R/W 10[15:8] R/W Description WOL_EN[7:0] Wake on lan enable for each port 10[7:2] R/W RESERVED 10[1:0] WOL_TIMER 0x0: disable R/W 0x1: 3min 0x2: 5min 0x3: 10min 22 P(8’h00) 2’b0 64 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. Default March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 6.28 Link Aggregation PHY MII R/W 11[15:5] Description Default RESERVED AGGR_IDX_SEL Aggregation Index Selection 11[4:3] R/W 2’b00: index[2:0] 2’b01: {index[3], index[1:0]} 2’b10: {index[3:2], index[0]} 2’b11: index[3:1] 2’b00 AGGR_MODE Aggregation Mode 11[2:0] R/W 3’b000: SMAC 3’b001: DMAC 3’b010: SMAC xor DMAC 3’b011: Source port 12[7:0] R/W 13[7:0] 22 3’b000 AGGR_GROUP0 Aggregation Group 0 AGGR_GROUP1 R/W Aggregation Group 1 8’h00 8’h00 14[7:0] AGGR_MASK0 R/W Aggregation Port Mask 0 Only one port can be selected in each aggregation group 15[7:0] R/W 16[7:0] 17[7:0] 18[7:0] 19[7:0] 20[7:0] AGGR_MASK1 Aggregation Port Mask 1 AGGR_MASK2 R/W Aggregation Port Mask 2 8’hFF 8’hFF AGGR_MASK3 Aggregation Port Mask 3 AGGR_MASK4 R/W Aggregation Port Mask 4 R/W 8’hFF 8’hFF AGGR_MASK5 Aggregation Port Mask 5 AGGR_MASK6 R/W Aggregation Port Mask 6 8’hFF R/W 8’hFF AGGR_MASK7 Aggregation Port Mask 7 6.29 VLAN Group Control Register 21[7:0] R/W 6.29.1 VLAN Classification PHY MII 23 0[15] 0[14] 8’hFF 8’hFF R/W Description VLAN_TABLE_CLR Clear the contents of VLAN TABLE register R/W 1: clear register (SC) 0: do nothing (default) Self-clear after set and register cleared Default 1’b0 RESERVED 65 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet PHY MII 0[13] R/W PHY VLAN_CLS[7:0] VLAN Classification associated with each port Only active at tagged-based VLAN 0 : use VID to classify VLAN R/W -use VID to search VLAN table if tag packet -use PVID to search VLAN table if untag packet 1 : use PVID to classify VLAN -always use PVID to search VLAN table 8’h00 TAG_VLAN_EN Tag-based VLAN enable 8’h00 VLAN Ingress Rule MII R/W 2[15:14] RESERVED 2[13] 1’b0 RESERVED 1[7:0] 6.29.2 Default UNVID_MODE Unknown-VID Mode R/W 0: discard 1 : flood packet 0[12:0] 1[15:8] Description R/W Description Default VLAN_DROP_CFI Drop incoming frame, if the CFI field is not equal to zero. RSVD_VID[2:0] Reserved VID Bit 0 2[12:10] R/W Bit 1 23 Bit 2 1’b0 The null VID. If set, frames with null VID (priority-tagged frame) treat as untagged frames. 0: disable 1: enable (default) VID=1 (default VID) Replace default VID with PVID 0: disable (default) 1: enable VID=FFF Discard frame if the VID is the value FFF 0: disable(default) 1: enable 3’b001 ACCEPTABLE_FRM_TYPE[1:0] Acceptable Frame Type 2[9:8] 2[7:0] 3 R/W 2’b00 Admit all frames (default) 2’b01 Admit VLAN-tagged frames 2’b10 Admit Untagged frames 2’b11 Reserved 2’b00 VLAN_INGRESS_FILTER[7:0] VLAN Ingress Filter associated with each port R/W If ingress filter for a given port is set, frame shall discard on that port whose VLAN classification does not include that port in it member set. 8’hFF RESERVED 66 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 6.29.3 PHY Default VLAN Information MII R/W 5[15:0] R/W VLAN_INFO_0. Port 0 default VLAN information value (PVID_0) 16’h0001 6[15:0] R/W VLAN_INFO_1. Port 1 default VLAN information value (PVID_1) 16’h0001 7[15:0] R/W VLAN_INFO_2. Port 2 default VLAN information value (PVID_2) 16’h0001 8[15:0] R/W VLAN_INFO_3. Port 3 default VLAN information value (PVID_3) 16’h0001 9[15:0] R/W VLAN_INFO_4. Port 4 default VLAN information value (PVID_4) 16’h0001 10[15:0] R/W VLAN_INFO_5. Port 5 default VLAN information value (PVID_5) 16’h0001 11[15:0] R/W VLAN_INFO_6. Port 6 default VLAN information value (PVID_6) 16’h0001 12[15:0] R/W VLAN_INFO_7. Port 7 default VLAN information value (PVID_7) 16’h0001 23 6.29.4 PHY MII Description Default VLAN TAG Control Register R/W Description Default 13[7:0] ADD_TAG[7:0] Port x adds a VLAN tag of each outgoing packet Bit 0: Port0 R/W Bit 1: Port1 … Bit7: Port7 8’h00 14[7:0] REMOVE_TAG[7:0] Port x removes the VLAN tag of each outgoing packet Bit 0: Port0 R/W Bit 1: Port1 … Bit 7: Port7 8’h00 23 6.29.5 PHY MII 23 15[7:0] Port Based VLAN Member Register R/W Description Default PBV_MEMBER_P0[7:0] R/W Port based VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the Port0. 8’hFF PBV_MEMBER_P1[7:0] 15[15:8] R/W Port based VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the Port1. 8’hFF PBV_MEMBER_P2[7:0] R/W Port based VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the Port2. 8’hFF PBV_MEMBER_P3[7:0] 16[15:8] R/W Port based VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the Port3. 8’hFF 16[7:0] 67 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet PHY MII R/W Description Default PBV_MEMBER_P4[7:0] R/W Port based VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the Port4. 8’hFF PBV_MEMBER_P5[7:0] 17[15:8] R/W Port based VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the Port5. 8’hFF 17[7:0] PBV_MEMBER_P6[7:0] R/W Port based VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the Port6. PBV_MEMBER_P7[7:0] 18[15:8] R/W Port based VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the Port7. 8’hFF 18[7:0] 6.29.6 PHY MII Leaky VLAN Control Register R/W 19[15:3] 23 19[2:0] 8’hFF Description Default RESERVED LEAKY_VLAN[2:0] Bit0: ARP leaky VLAN R/W Bit1: Unicast forwarding leaky VLAN, DA=individual MAC & DA match was found Bit2: Multicast leaky VLAN 3’b000 6.30 VLAN Table 6.30.1 PHY 24 MII VLAN Control Register R/W Description 0[15:0] VLAN_VALID[15:0] R/W VLAN filter is valid. The VLAN filter entry X is valid associated with the VID_X. 6.30.2 VLAN Identifier Register Description Default 16’h 0000 PHY MII R/W 24 1[11:0] R/W VID_0[11:0] VLAN identifier associated with VLAN 0. 12’h001 2[11:0] R/W VID_1[11:0] VLAN identifier associated with VLAN 1. 12’h002 3[11:0] R/W VID_2[11:0] VLAN identifier associated with VLAN 2. 12’h003 4[11:0] R/W VID_3[11:0] VLAN identifier associated with VLAN 3. 12’h004 5[11:0] R/W VID_4[11:0] VLAN identifier associated with VLAN 4. 12’h005 6[11:0] R/W VID_5[11:0] VLAN identifier associated with VLAN 5. 12’h006 7[11:0] R/W VID_6[11:0] VLAN identifier associated with VLAN 6. 12’h007 68 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. Default March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet PHY MII R/W Description 8[11:0] R/W VID_7[11:0] VLAN identifier associated with VLAN 7. 12’h008 9[11:0] R/W VID_8[11:0] VLAN identifier associated with VLAN 8. 12’h009 VID_9[11:0] VLAN identifier associated with VLAN 9. VID_A[11:0] 11[11:0] R/W VLAN identifier associated with VLAN A. 1011:0] R/W VID_B[11:0] VLAN identifier associated with VLAN B. VID_C[11:0] 13[11:0] R/W VLAN identifier associated with VLAN C. 12[11:0] R/W VID_D[11:0] VLAN identifier associated with VLAN D. VID_E[11:0] 15[11:0] R/W VLAN identifier associated with VLAN E. 14[11:0] R/W 16[11:0] R/W 6.30.3 PHY MII 24 17[7:0] VID_F[11:0] VLAN identifier associated with VLAN F. Default 12’h00A 12’h00B 12’h00C 12’h00D 12’h00E 12’h00F 12’h010 VLAN Member Register R/W Description Default VLAN_MEMBER_0[7:0] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_0. 8’hFF VLAN_MEMBER_1[7:0] 17[15:8] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_1. 8’hFF VLAN_MEMBER_2[7:0] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_2. 8’hFF 18[7:0] VLAN_MEMBER_3[7:0] 18[15:8] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_3. VLAN_MEMBER_4[7:0] 19[7:0] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_4. VLAN_MEMBER_5[7:0] 19[15:8] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_5. 8’hFF VLAN_MEMBER_6[7:0] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_6. 8’hFF VLAN_MEMBER_7[7:0] 20[15:8] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_7. 8’hFF 20[7:0] 69 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. 8’hFF 8’hFF March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet PHY MII R/W Description Default VLAN_MEMBER_8[7:0] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_8. 8’hFF VLAN_MEMBER_9[7:0] 21[15:8] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_9. 8’hFF 21[7:0] VLAN_MEMBER_A[7:0] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_A. VLAN_MEMBER_B[7:0] 22[15:8] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_B. 22[7:0] 8’hFF 8’hFF VLAN_MEMBER_C[7:0] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_C. 8’hFF VLAN_MEMBER_D[7:0] 23[15:8] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_D. 8’hFF VLAN_MEMBER_E[7:0] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_E. 8’hFF VLAN_MEMBER_F[7:0] 24[15:8] R/W VLAN member port VLAN member port associated with the VID_F. 8’hFF 23[7:0] 24[7:0] 70 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 7 Electrical Characteristics 7.1 Absolute Maximum Rating Stresses exceed those values listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Functional performance and device reliability are not guaranteed under these conditions. All voltages are specified with respect to GND. Supply Voltage Input Voltage Output Voltage Storage Temperature Ambient Operating Temperature (Ta) (IP178G/GH) IC Junction Temperature (Tj) (IP178G/GH) Ambient Operating Temperature (Ta) (IP178GI) IC Junction Temperature (Tj) (IP178 GI) 7.2 Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7.3 – 0.3V to 3.63V – 0.3V to 3.63V – 0.3V to 3.63V – 65°C to 150°C 0°C to 70°C 0°C to 125°C – 40°C to 85°C – 40°C to 125°C Crystal Specifications Range Parameter Nominal Frequency Oscillation Mode Frequency Tolerance at 25℃ Temperature Characteristics Operating Temperature Range Equivalent Series Resistance Drive Level Load Capacitance Shunt Capacitance Insulation Resistance Aging Rate A Year 25.000 MHz Fundamental Mode +/- 50 ppm +/- 50 ppm -10℃ ~ +70℃ 40 ohm Max. 100μW 20 pF 7 pF Max Mega ohm Min./DC 100V +/- 5 ppm/year DC Characteristic 7.3.1 Operating Conditions Parameter Core Supply Voltage Analog Low Supply Voltage LDO drop voltage Analog High Supply Voltage I/O pad Supply Voltage LDO output current Power Consumption Sym. DVDD AV10 VLDODRP AV33 PVDD ILDO P100MF P10MF PIDLE Min. Typ. Max. 1.05 1.1 1.23 1.0 1.3 3.3 3.45 3.15 130 950 880 180 71 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. Unit Conditions V mA All port link 100M Full activ mW All port link 10M Full activ All port unlink March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 7.3.2 Input Clock Parameter Frequency Frequency Tolerance 7.3.3 Sym. F FT Typ. 25 Max. -50 +50 Unit MHz ppm Conditions Unit Conditions I/O Electrical Characteristics Parameter Input Low Voltage -LED PAD direct mode -LED PAD bicolor mode -NOT LED PAD Input High Voltage -LED PAD direct mode -LED PAD bicolor mode -NOT LED PAD X1 Input Low Voltage X1 Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage RESETB Threshold Voltage 7.4 Min. Sym Min. Max. 0.39*PVDD 0.36*PVDD 0.4*PVDD VIL 0.58*PVDD 0.58*PVDD 0.6*PVDD VIH VILosc VIHosc VOL VOH 0.8*PVDD VTHRST 0.4*PVDD V V 0.6 1.5 0.1*PVDD 0.6*PVDD V V V V V AC Timing 7.4.1 Power On Sequence and Reset Timing Description X1 valid period before reset released Reset period All power source ready before reset released Time difference between VCC3.3 and VCC1.0 (Tdiff) 3.3V Power Min. Typ. Max. Unit 10 10 10 -2 - - ms ms ms ms Tdiff 1.1V Power OSC stable 2.1ms OSCI (X1) RESET released RESET X1 vaild period before reset relaesed RESET period 72 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 7.4.2 Serial Management Imierface Timing Symbol Tch Tcl Tcm Tmd Tmh Tms Description MDC High Time MDC Low Time MDC period MDIO output delay MDIO setup time MDIO hold time Min. Typ. Max. Unit 200 200 400 5 10 10 - 20 - ns ns ns ns ns ns MDC T ms T mh M D IO W r ite C yc le MDC T cl T ch Tmd T cm M D IO R e a d C yc le 73 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 7.4.3 EEPROM Timing Data read cycle Symbol Description TSCL TsSCL ThSCL Receive clock period SDA to SCL setup time SDA to SCL hold time Min. Typ. Max. Unit 2 0.5 20480 - - ns ns ns Min. Typ. Max. Unit - 20480 - 5200 ns ns T SCL SCL T hS C L SDA T sSCL R ead data cycle Command cycle Symbol Description TSCL TdSCL Transmit clock period SCL falling edge to SDA T SCL SCL T dSCL SDA Comand cycle 7.5 Thermal Data IP178Gx Theta Ja 29.9 25.4 Theta Jc 14.1 12.7 Psi JT 4.3 4.1 74 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. Conditions 2 Layer PCB 4 Layer PCB Units o C/W o C/W March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 8 Order Information Part No. IP178G/GH IP178GI Package 68-Lead QFN 68-Lead QFN Operating Temperature 0°C to 70°C -40°C to 85°C 75 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. Notice March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 9 Package Detail 9.1 68 QFN Outline Dimensions Symbol A A1 A3 b D/E D2/E2 e L R K aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff Dimension in mm Dimension in inch MIN NOM MAX MIN 0.80 0.00 0.85 0.02 0.20 REF 0.20 8.00 4.30 0.40 BSC 0.40 ----0.10 0.07 0.10 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.90 0.05 0.031 0.000 0.15 7.90 4.15 0.30 0.075 0.20 0.25 8.10 4.45 0.50 ----- NOM MAX 0.033 0.035 0.001 0.002 0.008 REF 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.311 0.315 0.319 0.163 0.169 0.175 0.016 BSC 0.012 0.016 0.020 0.003 ----0.008 ----0.004 0.003 0.004 0.002 0.003 0.004 NOTE: 1. CONTROLLING DIMENSION : MILLMETER 2. REFERENCE DOCUMENT : JEDEC MO-220 76 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05 IP178Gx Data Sheet 9.2 68 QFN PCB footprint IC Plus Corp. Headquarters 10F, No.47, Lane 2, Kwang-Fu Road, Sec. 2, Hsin-Chu City, Taiwan 300, R.O.C. TEL: 886-3-575-0275 FAX: 886-3-575-0475 Website: www.icplus.com.tw Sales Office 4F, No. 106, Hsin-Tai-Wu Road, Sec.1, Hsi-Chih, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan 221, R.O.C. TEL: 886-2-2696-1669 FAX: 886-2-2696-2220 77 / 77 Copyright © 2014, IC Plus Corp. March 18, 2015 IP178G-DS-R05
IP178GI 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+7.84034
  • 10+7.25084
  • 30+7.13294
  • 100+6.77924
