Adafruit LED Backpacks
Created by Melissa LeBlanc-Williams
Last updated on 2022-08-23 03:59:16 PM EDT
©Adafruit Industries
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Table of Contents
1.2" 8x8 Matrix
Arduino Setup
• Mini 8x8 Matrix Software
CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
• Wiring
• Library Setup
• Bundle Install
Python Wiring and Setup
Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
Pillow Library
CircuitPython and Python Usage
Setting the Brightness
Setting the Blink Rate
Setting Individual Pixels
Filling the Entire Matrix
Shifting the Matrix
Displaying an Image (Pillow Only)
0.8" 8x8 Matrix
Arduino Wiring and Setup
CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
• Wiring
• Library Setup
• Bundle Install
Python Wiring and Setup
Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
Pillow Library
CircuitPython and Python Usage
Setting the Brightness
Setting the Blink Rate
Setting Individual Pixels
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• Filling the Entire Matrix
• Shifting the Matrix
• Displaying an Image (Pillow Only)
1.2" 16x8 Matrix
Arduino Setup
• 16x8 Matrix Software
CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
• Wiring
• Library Setup
• Bundle Install
Python Wiring and Setup
Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
Pillow Library
CircuitPython and Python Usage
Setting the Brightness
Setting the Blink Rate
Setting Individual Pixels
Filling the Entire Matrix
Shifting the Matrix
Displaying an Image (Pillow Only)
0.54" Alphanumeric
Attaching the Backpack
Attaching Header
Prepare the header strip:
Add the Backpack:
Arduino Wiring and Setup
Downloading the Arduino Library
Load Demo
Library Reference
ASCII data
Writing Data
CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
• Wiring
• Library Setup
• Bundle Install
Python Wiring and Setup
Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
Pillow Library
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CircuitPython and Python Usage
Setting the Brightness
Setting the Blink Rate
Printing Text
Printing Numbers
Printing Hexidecimal Values
Setting Individual Characters
Setting Individual Segments
Filling all Segments
Scrolling Display Manually
Displaying an Automatic Scrolling Marquee
0.56" 7-Segment Backpack
Assembly and Arduino Wiring
Arduino Setup
• Seven-Segment Backpack Firmware
CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
• Wiring
• Library Setup
• Bundle Install
Python Wiring and Setup
Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
Pillow Library
CircuitPython and Python Usage
Setting the Brightness
Setting the Blink Rate
Printing Text
Printing Numbers
Printing Hexidecimal Values
Setting Individual Characters
Setting Individual Segments
Filling all Segments
Scrolling Display Manually
Displaying the Colon
Displaying an Automatic Scrolling Marquee
1.2" 7-segment Backpack
Arduino Wiring and Setup
Arduino Wiring - R3 and later
Arduino Due and Other 3.3v Processors
Arduino "Classic" Wiring
Seven-Segment Backpack Firmware
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CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
• Wiring
• Library Setup
• Bundle Install
Python Wiring and Setup
Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
Pillow Library
CircuitPython and Python Usage
Setting the Brightness
Setting the Blink Rate
Printing Text
Printing Numbers
Printing Hexidecimal Values
Setting Individual Characters
Setting Individual Segments
Filling all Segments
Scrolling Display Manually
Displaying the Colon
Setting the Left-Side Dots
Setting the AM/PM Indicator
Displaying an Automatic Scrolling Marquee
Bi-Color 8x8 Matrix
Arduino Setup
CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
• Wiring
• Library Setup
• Bundle Install
Python Wiring and Setup
Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
Pillow Library
CircuitPython and Python Usage
Setting the Brightness
Setting the Blink Rate
Setting Individual Pixels
Filling the Entire Matrix
Shifting the Matrix
Displaying an Image (Pillow Only)
Bi-Color 24 Bargraph
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• Soldering on breadboard pins
Arduino Wiring and Setup
CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
• Wiring
• Library Setup
• Bundle Install
Python Wiring and Setup
• Wiring
• Setup
• Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
CircuitPython and Python Usage
Setting the Brightness
Setting the Blink Rate
Setting Individual Bars
Filling the Entire Bargraph
Connecting Multiple Backpacks
• Wire it Up
• Configure the Address
Changing I2C Address
• Changing Addresses
• Changing the address in your code
HT16K33 8x16 LED Backpack Breakout
8x8 0.8" LED Backpack
8x8 1.2" LED Backpack
8x8 1.2" Bi-Color LED Backpack
16x8 1.2" LED Backpacks
0.56" 7-Segment LED Backpack STEMMA QT
Quad 0.56" 7-Segment Original
Quad 0.54" 14-segment Alphanumeric STEMMA QT Version
Quad 0.54" 14-segment Alphanumeric Original Version
Quad 1.2" 7-Segment
Bicolor 24-Bargraph
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What's better than a single LED? Lots of LEDs! A fun way to make a small display is to
use an 8x8 matrix ( or a 4-digit 7-segment display (https:// Matrices like these are 'multiplexed' - so to control 64 LEDs you need
16 pins. That's a lot of pins, and there are driver chips like the MAX7219 (http:// that can control a matrix for you but there's a lot of wiring to set up and
they take up a ton of space. Here at Adafruit we feel your pain! After all, wouldn't it be
awesome if you could control a matrix without tons of wiring? That's where these
adorable LED matrix backpacks come in.
We have them in quite a few flavors!
• Adorable Mini 8x8 (
• Classic 1.2" 8x8 (round and square dots) (
• Mini 1.2" 16x8 (round and square dots) (
• 4-digit 0.56" 7-segment (
• 4-digit 1.2" 7-segment (
• 4-digit 0.54" 14-segment Alphanumeric (
• Bi-color 8x8 (
• Bi-color Bargraph (
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The matrices use a driver chip that does all the heavy lifting for you: They have a built
in clock so they multiplex the display. They use constant-current drivers for ultrabright, consistent color (the images above are photographed at the dimmest setting
to avoid overloading our camera!), 1/16 step display dimming, all via a simple I2C
interface. The backpacks come with address-selection jumpers so you can connect
up to four mini 8x8's or eight 7-segments (or a combination, such as four mini 8x8's
and four 7-segments, etc) on a single I2C bus.
The product kit comes with a fully tested and assembled LED backpack, a 4-pin
header and the matrix of your choice. A bit of soldering is required to attach the
matrix onto the backpack but it's very easy to do and only takes about 5 minutes.
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Of course, in classic Adafruit fashion, we also have a detailed tutorial showing you
how to solder, wire and control the display. We even wrote a very nice library for the
backpacks so you can get running in under half an hour, displaying images on the
matrix or numbers on the 7-segment. If you've been eyeing matrix displays but
hesitated because of the complexity, his is the solution you've been looking for!
1.2" 8x8 Matrix
This version of the LED backpack is designed for the 1.2" 8x8 matrices. They measure
only 1.2"x1.2" so its a shame to use a massive array of chips to control it. This
backpack solves the annoyance of using 16 pins or a bunch of chips by having an I2C
constant-current matrix controller sit neatly on the back of the PCB. The controller
chip takes care of everything, drawing all 64 LEDs in the background. All you have to
do is write data to it using the 2-pin I2C interface. There are two address select pins
so you can select one of 8 addresses to control up to 8 of these on a single 2-pin I2C
bus (as well as whatever other I2C chips or sensors you like). The driver chip can 'dim'
the entire display from 1/16 brightness up to full brightness in 1/16th steps. It cannot
dim individual LEDs, only the entire display at once.
These instruction apply to the 1.2" Matrix only! If you have a Bi-Color or 0.8"
square matrix, follow the links on the left side of the page.
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When you buy a pack from Adafruit, it
comes with the fully tested and assembled
backpack as well as a 8x8 matrix in one of
the colors we provide (say, red, yellow or
green). You'll need to solder the matrix
onto the backpack but its an easy task.
First look for the line of text on the side of
the LED matrix
Find the corner of the backpack with a
filled in dot. Make sure that the text on the
side of the matrix is on the same side as
the filled dot
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Slide the matrix into the backpack and flip
it over. Triple check that the text is on the
same side as the From Adafruit text
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Solder in all 16 pins
Then clip the matrix leads short
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Now you're ready to wire it up to a
microcontroller. We'll assume you want to
use a 4pin header. You can also of course
solder wires directly. Place a 4-pin piece of
header with the LONG pins down into the
Place the soldered backpack on top of the
Solder the four pins
That's it! now you're ready to run the firmware!
Arduino Setup
You can use these with a 3.3v or 5v microcontroller. Just connect the VCC+ pin is
the same voltage as the logic on your microcontroller.
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Mini 8x8 Matrix Software
We wrote a basic library to help you work with the mini 8x8 matrix backpack. The
library is written for the Arduino and will work with any Arduino as it just uses the I2C
pins. The code is very portable and can be easily adapted to any I2C-capable micro.
Wiring to the matrix is really easy
• Connect CLK to the I2C clock - on Arduino UNO thats Analog #5 (or SCL), on the
Leonardo its Digital #3, on the Mega its digital #21
• Connect DAT to the I2C data - on Arduino UNO thats Analog #4 (or SDA), on the
Leonardo its Digital #2, on the Mega its digital #20
• Connect GND to common ground
• Connect VCC+ to power - 5V is best but 3V also seems to work for 3V
Next, download the Adafruit LED Backpack library and the Adafruit GFX library from
the Arduino library manager.
Open up the Arduino library manager:
Search for the Adafruit LED Backpack library and install it
Search for the Adafruit GFX library and install it
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If using an earlier version of the Arduino IDE (prior to 1.8.10), also locate and install Ad
afruit_BusIO (newer versions will install this dependency automatically).
You should now be able to select the
File→Examples→Adafruit_LEDBackpack→matrix88 example sketch. Upload it to your
Arduino as usual. You should see a basic test program that goes through a bunch of
different drawing routine
We also have a great tutorial on Arduino library installation at: (https://
Once you're happy that the matrix works, you can write your own sketches. The 8x8
matrix supports everything the Adafruit GFX library - drawing pixels, lines, rectancles,
circles, triangles, roundrects, and small bitmaps. For more details check out the GFX
page which will detail all of the GFX routines (
All the drawing routines only change the display memory kept by the Arduino. Don't
forget to call writeDisplay() after drawing to 'save' the memory out to the matrix via
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There are also a few small routines that are special to the matrix:
• setBrightness(brighness)- will let you change the overall brightness of the entire
display. 0 is least bright, 15 is brightest and is what is initialized by the display
when you start. You can call this function at any time to change the brightness of
the -entire- display
• blinkRate(rate) - You can blink the entire display. 0 is no blinking. 1, 2 or 3 is for
display blinking.You can call this function at any time to change the blink rate of
the -entire- display
The default orientation for graphics
commands on this display places pixel
(0,0) at the top-left when the header is at
the left and Adafruit logo at the right. To
use the matrix as shown above (header at
top, logo at bottom), call
matrix.setRotation(3) before issuing
graphics commands.
CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use LED Matrices with CircuitPython and the Adafruit CircuitPython
HT16K33 ( library. This module allows you to easily write
CircuitPython code to control the display.
You can use this sensor with any CircuitPython microcontroller board.
We'll cover how to wire the LED Matrix to your CircuitPython microcontroller board.
First assemble your LED Matrix.
Connect the LED Matrix to your microcontroller board as shown below.
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Microcontroller 3V to LED Matrix VIN
Microcontroller GND to LED Matrix GND
Microcontroller SCL to LED Matrix SCL
Microcontroller SDA to LED Matrix SDA
Download Fritzing Object
Library Setup
To use the LED backpack with your Adafruit CircuitPython ( board
you'll need to install the Adafruit_CircuitPython_HT16K33 ( library
on your board.
First make sure you are running the latest version of Adafruit CircuitPython (https:// for your board. Next you'll need to install the necessary libraries to use
the hardware--read below and carefully follow the referenced steps to find and install
these libraries from Adafruit's CircuitPython library bundle (
Bundle Install
For express boards that have extra flash storage, like the Feather/Metro M0 express
and Circuit Playground express, you can easily install the necessary libraries with Ada
fruit's CircuitPython bundle ( This is an all-in-one package that
includes the necessary libraries to use the LED backpack display with CircuitPython.
For details on installing the bundle, read about CircuitPython Libraries (https://
Remember for non-express boards like the Trinket M0, Gemma M0, and Feather/
Metro M0 basic you'll need to manually install the necessary libraries (
ABU) from the bundle:
• adafruit_ht16k33
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• adafruit_bus_device
If your board supports USB mass storage, like the M0-based boards, then simply drag
the files to the board's file system. Note on boards without external SPI flash, like a
Feather M0 or Trinket/Gemma M0, you might run into issues on Mac OSX with hidden
files taking up too much space when drag and drop copying, see this page for a
workaround (
Before continuing make sure your board's lib folder or root filesystem has at least
the adafruit_ht16k33 and adafruit_bus_device folders/modules copied over.
Python Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use LED Matrices with Python and the Adafruit CircuitPython HT16K33 (htt
ps:// library. This library allows you to easily write Python code to control
the display.
We'll cover how to wire the LED Matrix to your Raspberry Pi. First assemble your LED
Since there's dozens of Linux computers/boards you can use we will show wiring for
Raspberry Pi. For other platforms, please visit the guide for CircuitPython on Linux to
see whether your platform is supported (
Connect the LED Matrix as shown below to your Raspberry Pi.
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Raspberry Pi 3.3V to LED Matrix VIN
Raspberry Pi GND to LED Matrix GND
Raspberry Pi SCL to LED Matrix SCL
Raspberry Pi SDA to LED Matrix SDA
Download Fritzing Object
You'll need to install the Adafruit_Blinka library that provides the CircuitPython
support in Python. This may also require enabling I2C on your platform and verifying
you are running Python 3. Since each platform is a little different, and Linux changes
often, please visit the CircuitPython on Linux guide to get your computer ready (https:
Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
Once that's done, from your command line run the following command:
• pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ht16k33
If your default Python is version 3 you may need to run 'pip' instead. Just make sure
you aren't trying to use CircuitPython on Python 2.x, it isn't supported!
If that complains about pip3 not being installed, then run this first to install it:
• sudo apt-get install python3-pip
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Pillow Library
We also need PIL, the Python Imaging Library, to allow using text with custom fonts.
There are several system libraries that PIL relies on, so installing via a package
manager is the easiest way to bring in everything:
• sudo apt-get install python3-pil
That's it. You should be ready to go.
CircuitPython and Python Usage
The following section will show how to control the LED backpack from the board's
Python prompt / REPL. You'll walk through how to control the LED display and learn
how to use the CircuitPython module built for the display.
First connect to the board's serial REPL ( you are at the
CircuitPython >>> prompt.
First you'll need to initialize the I2C bus for your board. It's really easy, first import the
necessary modules. In this case, we'll use board and Matrix8x8 .
Then just use board.I2C() to create the I2C instance using the default SCL and
SDA pins (which will be marked on the boards pins if using a Feather or similar
Adafruit board).
Then to initialize the matrix, you just pass i2c in.
import board
from adafruit_ht16k33.matrix import Matrix8x8
i2c = board.I2C()
matrix = Matrix8x8(i2c)
If you bridged the address pads on the back of the display, you could pass in the
address. The addresses for the HT16K33 can range between 0x70 and 0x77
depending on which pads you have bridged, with 0x70 being used if you haven't
©Adafruit Industries
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bridged any of them. For instance, if you bridge only the A0 pad, you would use
0x71 like this:
matrix = Matrix8x8(i2c, address=0x71)
Setting the Brightness
You can set the brightness of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual segments. If can be adjusted in 1/16 increments betw
een 0 and 1.0 with 1.0 being the brightest. So to set the display to half brightness, you
would use the following:
matrix.brightness = 0.5
Setting the Blink Rate
You can set the blink rate of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual pixels. If can be adjusted in 1/4 increments between 0
and 3 with 3 being the fastest blinking. So to set the display to blink at full speed, you
would use the following:
matrix.blink_rate = 3
Setting Individual Pixels
To set individual pixels to on, you simply treat the matrix object as a
multidimensional list and set it to 1.
matrix[0, 0] = 1
matrix[4, 4] = 1
matrix[7, 7] = 1
Filling the Entire Matrix
To fill the entire matrix, just use the fill() function and pass in either 0 or 1 depending
on whether you want all pixels off or on. For instance, if you wanted to set everything
to on, you would use:
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Shifting the Matrix
To shift the pixels on the matrix, there are 5 functions you can use. The main function,
called shift(), is used to shift the pixels, up, down, left, right, or even diagonally. By
passing a positive number, it will shift the pixels right/up and passing a negative
number will shift them left/down. For instance:
matrix.shift(2, 0)
matrix.shift(-1, 0)
matrix.shift(0, -3)
matrix.shift(-2, 2)
# shift pixels to the right by 2
# shift pixels to the left by 1
# shift pixels down by 3
# shift pixels left by 2 and up by 2
You can pass True as a third parameter to loop all the pixels that get shifted off over
to the other side.
matrix.shift(2, 0, True)
matrix.shift(-1, 0, True)
matrix.shift(0, -3, True)
matrix.shift(-2, 2, True)
# loop pixels to the right by 2
# loop pixels to the left by 1
# loop pixels down by 3
# loop pixels left by 2 and up by 2
Additionally, there are a few convenience functions that will shift the pixels by one.
These can also be passed a value of True to loop the pixels.
# Shift pixels up
# Shift pixels left
# Shift pixels down
# Shift pixels right
# Loop pixels up
# Loop pixels left
# Loop pixels down
# Loop pixels right
Displaying an Image (Pillow Only)
Additionally, when using with the Raspberry Pi, you can use the Pillow library to
display an image to the Matrix. The image will need to be the same exact size as the
Matrix. In this case, it should be 8x8 pixels. As an example, you can save the image
below as myimage.png.
Download Image
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Then if you want to display the image called myimage.png, you would use something
like this:
import board
from PIL import Image
from adafruit_ht16k33 import matrix
matrix = matrix.Matrix8x8(board.I2C())
image ="myimage.png")
0.8" 8x8 Matrix
This version of the LED backpack is designed for these very cute miniature 8x8
matrices. They measure only 0.8"x0.8" so its a shame to use a massive array of chips
to control it. This backpack solves the annoyance of using 16 pins or a bunch of chips
by having an I2C constant-current matrix controller sit neatly on the back of the PCB.
The controller chip takes care of everything, drawing all 64 LEDs in the background.
All you have to do is write data to it using the 2-pin I2C interface. There are two
address select pins so you can select one of 4 addresses to control up to 4 of these
on a single 2-pin I2C bus (as well as whatever other I2C chips or sensors you like).
The driver chip can 'dim' the entire display from 1/16 brightness up to full brightness in
1/16th steps. It cannot dim individual LEDs, only the entire display at once.
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These instruction apply to the 0.8" Matrix only! If you have a Bi-Color or 1.2"
square matrix, follow the links on the left side of the page.
When you buy a pack from Adafruit, it
comes with the fully tested and assembled
backpack as well as a 8x8 matrix in one of
the colors we provide (say, red, yellow or
green). You'll need to solder the matrix
onto the backpack but its an easy task.
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Remove the parts from packaging and
place the LED matrix OVER the silkscreen
side. It can go 'either way' - the matrix is
symmetric so as long as it goes onto the
front it will work in any orientation. Do not
solder the matrix over the chip on the back
of the backpack - it will not work then!
Turn the backpack over so its sitting flat on
the matrix.
Solder all 16 pins.
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Clip the long pins.
Now you're ready to wire it up to a
microcontroller. We'll assume you want to
use a 4pin header. You can also of course
solder wires directly. Place a 4-pin piece of
header with the LONG pins down into the
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Place the soldered backpack on top of the
Solder 'em!
That's it! now you're ready to run the firmware!
Arduino Wiring and Setup
You can use these with a 3.3v or 5v microcontroller. Just connect the VCC+ pin is
the same voltage as the logic on your microcontroller.
We wrote a basic library to help you work with the mini 8x8 matrix backpack. The
library is written for the Arduino and will work with any Arduino as it just uses the I2C
pins. The code is very portable and can be easily adapted to any I2C-capable micro.
Wiring to the matrix is really easy
• Connect CLK to the I2C clock - on Arduino UNO thats Analog #5 (or SCL), on the
Leonardo its Digital #3, on the Mega its digital #21
• Connect DAT to the I2C data - on Arduino UNO thats Analog #4 (or SDA), on the
Leonardo its Digital #2, on the Mega its digital #20
• Connect GND to common ground
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• Connect VCC+ to power - 5V is best but 3V also seems to work for 3V
Next, download the Adafruit LED Backpack library and the Adafruit GFX library from
the Arduino library manager.
Open up the Arduino library manager:
Search for the Adafruit LED Backpack library and install it
Search for the Adafruit GFX library and install it
If using an earlier version of the Arduino IDE (prior to 1.8.10), also locate and install Ad
afruit_BusIO (newer versions will install this dependency automatically).
Once you've restarted you should be able to select the
File→Examples→Adafruit_LEDBackpack→matrix88 example sketch. Upload it to your
Arduino as usual. You should see a basic test program that goes through a bunch of
different drawing routines
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We also have a great tutorial on Arduino library installation at: (https://
Once you're happy that the matrix works, you can write your own sketches. The 8x8
matrix supports everything the Adafruit GFX library - drawing pixels, lines, rectancles,
circles, triangles, roundrects, and small bitmaps. For more details check out the GFX
page which will detail all of the GFX routines (
All the drawing routines only change the display memory kept by the Arduino. Don't
forget to call writeDisplay() after drawing to 'save' the memory out to the matrix via
There are also a few small routines that are special to the matrix:
• setBrightness(brighness)- will let you change the overall brightness of the entire
display. 0 is least bright, 15 is brightest and is what is initialized by the display
when you start
• blinkRate(rate) - You can blink the entire display. 0 is no blinking. 1, 2 or 3 is for
display blinking.
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CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use LED Matrices with CircuitPython and the Adafruit CircuitPython
HT16K33 ( library. This module allows you to easily write
CircuitPython code to control the display.
You can use this sensor with any CircuitPython microcontroller board.
We'll cover how to wire the LED Matrix to your CircuitPython microcontroller board.
First assemble your LED Matrix.
Connect the LED Matrix to your microcontroller board as shown below.
Microcontroller 3V to LED Matrix VIN
Microcontroller GND to LED Matrix GND
Microcontroller SCL to LED Matrix SCL
Microcontroller SDA to LED Matrix SDA
Download Fritzing Object
Library Setup
To use the LED backpack with your Adafruit CircuitPython ( board
you'll need to install the Adafruit_CircuitPython_HT16K33 ( library
on your board.
First make sure you are running the latest version of Adafruit CircuitPython (https:// for your board. Next you'll need to install the necessary libraries to use
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the hardware--read below and carefully follow the referenced steps to find and install
these libraries from Adafruit's CircuitPython library bundle (
Bundle Install
For express boards that have extra flash storage, like the Feather/Metro M0 express
and Circuit Playground express, you can easily install the necessary libraries with Ada
fruit's CircuitPython bundle ( This is an all-in-one package that
includes the necessary libraries to use the LED backpack display with CircuitPython.
For details on installing the bundle, read about CircuitPython Libraries (https://
Remember for non-express boards like the Trinket M0, Gemma M0, and Feather/
Metro M0 basic you'll need to manually install the necessary libraries (
ABU) from the bundle:
• adafruit_ht16k33
• adafruit_bus_device
If your board supports USB mass storage, like the M0-based boards, then simply drag
the files to the board's file system. Note on boards without external SPI flash, like a
Feather M0 or Trinket/Gemma M0, you might run into issues on Mac OSX with hidden
files taking up too much space when drag and drop copying, see this page for a
workaround (
Before continuing make sure your board's lib folder or root filesystem has at least
the adafruit_ht16k33 and adafruit_bus_device folders/modules copied over.
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Python Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use LED Matrices with Python and the Adafruit CircuitPython HT16K33 (htt
ps:// library. This library allows you to easily write Python code to control
the display.
We'll cover how to wire the LED Matrix to your Raspberry Pi. First assemble your LED
Since there's dozens of Linux computers/boards you can use we will show wiring for
Raspberry Pi. For other platforms, please visit the guide for CircuitPython on Linux to
see whether your platform is supported (
Connect the LED Matrix as shown below to your Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi 3.3V to LED Matrix VIN
Raspberry Pi GND to LED Matrix GND
Raspberry Pi SCL to LED Matrix SCL
Raspberry Pi SDA to LED Matrix SDA
Download Fritzing Object
You'll need to install the Adafruit_Blinka library that provides the CircuitPython
support in Python. This may also require enabling I2C on your platform and verifying
you are running Python 3. Since each platform is a little different, and Linux changes
often, please visit the CircuitPython on Linux guide to get your computer ready (https:
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Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
Once that's done, from your command line run the following command:
• pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ht16k33
If your default Python is version 3 you may need to run 'pip' instead. Just make sure
you aren't trying to use CircuitPython on Python 2.x, it isn't supported!
If that complains about pip3 not being installed, then run this first to install it:
• sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Pillow Library
We also need PIL, the Python Imaging Library, to allow using text with custom fonts.
There are several system libraries that PIL relies on, so installing via a package
manager is the easiest way to bring in everything:
• sudo apt-get install python3-pil
That's it. You should be ready to go.
CircuitPython and Python Usage
The following section will show how to control the LED backpack from the board's
Python prompt / REPL. You'll walk through how to control the LED display and learn
how to use the CircuitPython module built for the display.
First connect to the board's serial REPL ( you are at the
CircuitPython >>> prompt.
First you'll need to initialize the I2C bus for your board. It's really easy, first import the
necessary modules. In this case, we'll use board and Matrix8x8 .
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Then just use board.I2C() to create the I2C instance using the default SCL and
SDA pins (which will be marked on the boards pins if using a Feather or similar
Adafruit board).
Then to initialize the matrix, you just pass i2c in.
import board
from adafruit_ht16k33.matrix import Matrix8x8
i2c = board.I2C()
matrix = Matrix8x8(i2c)
If you bridged the address pads on the back of the display, you could pass in the
address. The addresses for the HT16K33 can range between 0x70 and 0x77
depending on which pads you have bridged, with 0x70 being used if you haven't
bridged any of them. For instance, if you bridge only the A0 pad, you would use
0x71 like this:
matrix = Matrix8x8(i2c, address=0x71)
Setting the Brightness
You can set the brightness of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual segments. If can be adjusted in 1/16 increments betw
een 0 and 1.0 with 1.0 being the brightest. So to set the display to half brightness, you
would use the following:
matrix.brightness = 0.5
Setting the Blink Rate
You can set the blink rate of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual pixels. If can be adjusted in 1/4 increments between 0
and 3 with 3 being the fastest blinking. So to set the display to blink at full speed, you
would use the following:
matrix.blink_rate = 3
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Setting Individual Pixels
To set individual pixels to on, you simply treat the matrix object as a
multidimensional list and set it to 1.
matrix[0, 0] = 1
matrix[4, 4] = 1
matrix[7, 7] = 1
Filling the Entire Matrix
To fill the entire matrix, just use the fill() function and pass in either 0 or 1 depending
on whether you want all pixels off or on. For instance, if you wanted to set everything
to on, you would use:
Shifting the Matrix
To shift the pixels on the matrix, there are 5 functions you can use. The main function,
called shift(), is used to shift the pixels, up, down, left, right, or even diagonally. By
passing a positive number, it will shift the pixels right/up and passing a negative
number will shift them left/down. For instance:
matrix.shift(2, 0)
matrix.shift(-1, 0)
matrix.shift(0, -3)
matrix.shift(-2, 2)
# shift pixels to the right by 2
# shift pixels to the left by 1
# shift pixels down by 3
# shift pixels left by 2 and up by 2
You can pass True as a third parameter to loop all the pixels that get shifted off over
to the other side.
matrix.shift(2, 0, True)
matrix.shift(-1, 0, True)
matrix.shift(0, -3, True)
matrix.shift(-2, 2, True)
# loop pixels to the right by 2
# loop pixels to the left by 1
# loop pixels down by 3
# loop pixels left by 2 and up by 2
Additionally, there are a few convenience functions that will shift the pixels by one.
These can also be passed a value of True to loop the pixels.
©Adafruit Industries
# Shift pixels up
# Shift pixels left
# Shift pixels down
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# Shift pixels right
# Loop pixels up
# Loop pixels left
# Loop pixels down
# Loop pixels right
Displaying an Image (Pillow Only)
Additionally, when using with the Raspberry Pi, you can use the Pillow library to
display an image to the Matrix. The image will need to be the same exact size as the
Matrix. In this case, it should be 8x8 pixels. As an example, you can save the image
below as myimage.png.
Download Image
Then if you want to display the image called myimage.png, you would use something
like this:
import board
from PIL import Image
from adafruit_ht16k33 import matrix
matrix = matrix.Matrix8x8(board.I2C())
image ="myimage.png")
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1.2" 16x8 Matrix
With the 16x8 LED Matrix we've doubled your project's matrix capacity by making it
super easy to get two separate 8x8 matrices onto one handy board! This version of
the LED backpack is designed for two of the 1.2" 8x8 matrices. They measure only
1.2"x1.2" so its a shame to use a massive array of chips to control it. This backpack
solves the annoyance of using 32 pins or a bunch of chips by having an I2C constantcurrent matrix controller sit neatly on the back of the PCB. The controller chip takes
care of everything, drawing all 128 LEDs in the background. All you have to do is write
data to it using the 2-pin I2C interface. There are two address select pins so you can
select one of 8 addresses to control up to 8 of these on a single 2-pin I2C bus (as
well as whatever other I2C chips or sensors you like). The driver chip can 'dim' the
entire display from 1/16 brightness up to full brightness in 1/16th steps. It cannot dim
individual LEDs, only the entire display at once.
Assembling the 1.2" 16x8 backpack is nearly the same as the 1.2" 8x8, so you can follo
w that page ( for directions, only difference is there’s two matrices
to install now.
The printed-on edge of the matrices face the white dots on the PCB, and there’s a
single set of address selection pads; the pair is addressed as one larger unit, not set
©Adafruit Industries
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Arduino Setup
You can use these with a 3.3v or 5v microcontroller. Just connect the VCC+ pin is
the same voltage as the logic on your microcontroller.
16x8 Matrix Software
We wrote a basic library to help you work with the 16x8 matrix backpack. The library is
written for the Arduino and will work with any Arduino as it just uses the I2C pins. The
code is very portable and can be easily adapted to any I2C-capable micro.
Wiring to the matrix is really easy
• Connect CLK to the I2C clock - on Arduino UNO thats Analog #5 (or SCL), on the
Leonardo its Digital #3, on the Mega its digital #21
• Connect DAT to the I2C data - on Arduino UNO thats Analog #4 (or SDA), on the
Leonardo its Digital #2, on the Mega its digital #20
• Connect GND to common ground
• Connect VCC+ to power - 5V is best but 3V also seems to work for 3V
Next, download the Adafruit LED Backpack library and the Adafruit GFX library from
the Arduino library manager.
Open up the Arduino library manager:
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Search for the Adafruit LED Backpack library and install it
Search for the Adafruit GFX library and install it
If using an earlier version of the Arduino IDE (prior to 1.8.10), also locate and install Ad
afruit_BusIO (newer versions will install this dependency automatically).
You should now be able to select the
File→Examples→Adafruit_LEDBackpack→matrix88 example sketch. Upload it to your
Arduino as usual. You should see a basic test program that goes through a bunch of
different drawing routine
We also have a great tutorial on Arduino library installation at: (https://
©Adafruit Industries
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Once you're happy that the matrix works, you can write your own sketches. The 8x8
matrix supports everything the Adafruit GFX library - drawing pixels, lines, rectancles,
circles, triangles, roundrects, and small bitmaps. For more details check out the GFX
page which will detail all of the GFX routines (
All the drawing routines only change the display memory kept by the Arduino. Don't
forget to call writeDisplay() after drawing to 'save' the memory out to the matrix via
There are also a few small routines that are special to the matrix:
• setBrightness(brighness)- will let you change the overall brightness of the entire
display. 0 is least bright, 15 is brightest and is what is initialized by the display
when you start. You can call this function at any time to change the brightness of
the -entire- display
• blinkRate(rate) - You can blink the entire display. 0 is no blinking. 1, 2 or 3 is for
display blinking.You can call this function at any time to change the blink rate of
the -entire- display
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The default orientation for graphics
commands on this display places pixel
(0,0) at the top-left when the header is at
the left and Adafruit logo at the right. To
use the matrix as shown above (header at
top, logo at bottom), call
matrix.setRotation(3) before issuing
graphics commands.
CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use LED Matrices with CircuitPython and the Adafruit CircuitPython
HT16K33 ( library. This module allows you to easily write
CircuitPython code to control the display.
You can use this sensor with any CircuitPython microcontroller board.
We'll cover how to wire the LED Matrix to your CircuitPython microcontroller board.
First assemble your LED Matrix.
Connect the LED Matrix to your microcontroller board as shown below.
Microcontroller 3V to LED Matrix VIN
Microcontroller GND to LED Matrix GND
Microcontroller SCL to LED Matrix SCL
Microcontroller SDA to LED Matrix SDA
Download Fritzing Object
©Adafruit Industries
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Library Setup
To use the LED backpack with your Adafruit CircuitPython ( board
you'll need to install the Adafruit_CircuitPython_HT16K33 ( library
on your board.
First make sure you are running the latest version of Adafruit CircuitPython (https:// for your board. Next you'll need to install the necessary libraries to use
the hardware--read below and carefully follow the referenced steps to find and install
these libraries from Adafruit's CircuitPython library bundle (
Bundle Install
For express boards that have extra flash storage, like the Feather/Metro M0 express
and Circuit Playground express, you can easily install the necessary libraries with Ada
fruit's CircuitPython bundle ( This is an all-in-one package that
includes the necessary libraries to use the LED backpack display with CircuitPython.
For details on installing the bundle, read about CircuitPython Libraries (https://
Remember for non-express boards like the Trinket M0, Gemma M0, and Feather/
Metro M0 basic you'll need to manually install the necessary libraries (
ABU) from the bundle:
• adafruit_ht16k33
• adafruit_bus_device
If your board supports USB mass storage, like the M0-based boards, then simply drag
the files to the board's file system. Note on boards without external SPI flash, like a
Feather M0 or Trinket/Gemma M0, you might run into issues on Mac OSX with hidden
files taking up too much space when drag and drop copying, see this page for a
workaround (
Before continuing make sure your board's lib folder or root filesystem has at least
the adafruit_ht16k33 and adafruit_bus_device folders/modules copied over.
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Python Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use LED Matrices with Python and the Adafruit CircuitPython HT16K33 (htt
ps:// library. This library allows you to easily write Python code to control
the display.
We'll cover how to wire the LED Matrix to your Raspberry Pi. First assemble your LED
Since there's dozens of Linux computers/boards you can use we will show wiring for
Raspberry Pi. For other platforms, please visit the guide for CircuitPython on Linux to
see whether your platform is supported (
Connect the LED Matrix as shown below to your Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi 3.3V to LED Matrix VIN
Raspberry Pi GND to LED Matrix GND
Raspberry Pi SCL to LED Matrix SCL
Raspberry Pi SDA to LED Matrix SDA
©Adafruit Industries
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Download Fritzing Object
You'll need to install the Adafruit_Blinka library that provides the CircuitPython
support in Python. This may also require enabling I2C on your platform and verifying
you are running Python 3. Since each platform is a little different, and Linux changes
often, please visit the CircuitPython on Linux guide to get your computer ready (https:
Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
Once that's done, from your command line run the following command:
• pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ht16k33
If your default Python is version 3 you may need to run 'pip' instead. Just make sure
you aren't trying to use CircuitPython on Python 2.x, it isn't supported!
If that complains about pip3 not being installed, then run this first to install it:
• sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Pillow Library
We also need PIL, the Python Imaging Library, to allow using text with custom fonts.
There are several system libraries that PIL relies on, so installing via a package
manager is the easiest way to bring in everything:
• sudo apt-get install python3-pil
That's it. You should be ready to go.
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CircuitPython and Python Usage
The following section will show how to control the LED backpack from the board's
Python prompt / REPL. You'll walk through how to control the LED display and learn
how to use the CircuitPython module built for the display.
First connect to the board's serial REPL ( you are at the
CircuitPython >>> prompt.
First you'll need to initialize the I2C bus for your board. It's really easy, first import the
necessary modules. In this case, we'll use board and MatrixBackpack16x8 .
Then just use board.I2C() to create the I2C instance using the default SCL and
SDA pins (which will be marked on the boards pins if using a Feather or similar
Adafruit board).
Then to initialize the matrix, you just pass i2c in.
import board
from adafruit_ht16k33.matrix import MatrixBackpack16x8
i2c = board.I2C()
matrix = MatrixBackpack16x8(i2c)
If you bridged the address pads on the back of the display, you could pass in the
address. The addresses for the HT16K33 can range between 0x70 and 0x77
depending on which pads you have bridged, with 0x70 being used if you haven't
bridged any of them. For instance, if you bridge only the A0 pad, you would use
0x71 like this:
matrix = MatrixBackpack16x8(i2c, address=0x71)
Setting the Brightness
You can set the brightness of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual segments. If can be adjusted in 1/16 increments betw
een 0 and 1.0 with 1.0 being the brightest. So to set the display to half brightness, you
would use the following:
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display.brightness = 0.5
Setting the Blink Rate
You can set the blink rate of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual pixels. If can be adjusted in 1/4 increments between 0
and 3 with 3 being the fastest blinking. So to set the display to blink at full speed, you
would use the following:
display.blink_rate = 3
Setting Individual Pixels
To set individual pixels to on, you simply treat the matrix object as a
multidimensional list and set it to 1.
matrix[0, 0] = 1
matrix[4, 4] = 1
matrix[7, 7] = 1
Filling the Entire Matrix
To fill the entire matrix, just use the fill() function and pass in either 0 or 1 depending
on whether you want all pixels off or on. For instance, if you wanted to set everything
to on, you would use:
Shifting the Matrix
To shift the pixels on the matrix, there are 5 functions you can use. The main function,
called shift(), is used to shift the pixels, up, down, left, right, or even diagonally. By
passing a positive number, it will shift the pixels right/up and passing a negative
number will shift them left/down. For instance:
matrix.shift(2, 0)
matrix.shift(-1, 0)
matrix.shift(0, -3)
matrix.shift(-2, 2)
©Adafruit Industries
# shift pixels to the right by 2
# shift pixels to the left by 1
# shift pixels down by 3
# shift pixels left by 2 and up by 2
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You can pass True as a third parameter to loop all the pixels that get shifted off over
to the other side.
matrix.shift(2, 0, True)
matrix.shift(-1, 0, True)
matrix.shift(0, -3, True)
matrix.shift(-2, 2, True)
# loop pixels to the right by 2
# loop pixels to the left by 1
# loop pixels down by 3
# loop pixels left by 2 and up by 2
Additionally, there are a few convenience functions that will shift the pixels by one.
These can also be passed a value of True to loop the pixels.
# Shift pixels up
# Shift pixels left
# Shift pixels down
# Shift pixels right
# Loop pixels up
# Loop pixels left
# Loop pixels down
# Loop pixels right
Here's what shifting a smiley face to the right looks like:
Displaying an Image (Pillow Only)
Additionally, when using with the Raspberry Pi, you can use the Pillow library to
display an image to the Matrix. The image will need to be the same exact size as the
Matrix. In this case, it should be 16x8 pixels. As an example, you can save the image
below as myimage.png.
Download Image
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Then if you want to display the image called myimage.png, you would use something
like this:
import board
from PIL import Image
from adafruit_ht16k33 import matrix
matrix = matrix.MatrixBackpack16x8(board.I2C())
image ="myimage.png")
0.54" Alphanumeric
This version of the LED backpack is designed for two dual 14-segment "Alphanumeric"
displays. These 14-segment displays normally require 18 pins (4 'characters' and 14
total segments each) This backpack solves the annoyance of using 18 pins or a bunch
of chips by having an I2C constant-current matrix controller sit neatly on the back of
the PCB. The controller chip takes care of everything, drawing all the LEDs in the
background. All you have to do is write data to it using the 2-pin I2C interface.
There are three address select pins so you can select one of 8 addresses to control
up to 8 of these on a single 2-pin I2C bus (as well as whatever other I2C chips or
sensors you like). The driver chip can 'dim' the entire display from 1/16 brightness up
to full brightness in 1/16th steps. It cannot dim individual LEDs, only the entire display
at once.
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Attaching the Backpack
When you buy a pack from Adafruit, it
comes with the fully tested and assembled
backpack as well as two dual 14-segment
display in one of the colors we provide
(say, red, yellow, blue or green). You'll
need to solder the matrix onto the
backpack but it's an easy task.
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Remove the parts from packaging and
place the LED matrices OVER the
silkscreen side. DO NOT PUT THE
WORK!! Check the image below to make
sure the 'decimal point' dots are on the
bottom, matching the silkscreen.
Turn the backpack over so it is sitting flat
on the matrix.
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Solder all of the pins!
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Clip the long pins.
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Check your work, making sure each pin is
nicely soldered, and there's no cold solder
joints or shorted pins
Attaching Header
Prepare the header strip:
Cut the strip to length if necessary. It will
be easier to solder if you insert it into a
breadboard - long pins down
Add the Backpack:
Place the backpack board over the pins so
that the short pins poke through the
breakout pads
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Solder all 5 pins!
That's it! now you're ready to run the firmware on your Arduino!
Arduino Wiring and Setup
Downloading the Arduino Library
We wrote a basic library to help you work with the alphanumeric backpack. The
library is written for the Arduino and will work with any Arduino as it just uses the I2C
pins. The code is very portable and can be easily adapted to any I2C-capable micro.
Begin by downloading our Adafruit LED Backpack library ( the
Adafruit GFX library ( from the Arduino library manager.
Open up the Arduino library manager:
Search for the Adafruit LED Backpack library and install it
©Adafruit Industries
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Search for the Adafruit GFX library and install it
If using an earlier version of the Arduino IDE (prior to 1.8.10), also locate and install Ad
afruit_BusIO (newer versions will install this dependency automatically).
We also have a great tutorial on Arduino library installation at: (https://
You can use these with a 3.3v or 5v microcontroller. Just make sure the Vi2c pin
is the same voltage as the logic on your microcontroller.
Nex up, let's wire it up to an Arduino. We'll be using an Arduino.
• Connect CLK to the I2C clock - on Arduino UNO thats Analog #5 (or SCL), on the
Leonardo it's Digital #3, on the Mega it's digital #21
• Connect DAT to the I2C data - on Arduino UNO thats Analog #4 (or SDA), on the
Leonardo it's Digital #2, on the Mega it's digital #20
• Connect GND to common ground
• Connect VCC+ to power - 5V is best but 3V will work if that's all you've got (it
will be dimmer)
• Connect Vi2c to your microcontroller's logic level (3-5V) - If you're using an
Arduino, this is almost certainly 5V. If its a 3V Arduino such as a Due, connect it
to 3V
Both Vi2c and Vcc MUST be connected to 3 to 5VDC! Vcc is for the LED driver power,
Vi2c is what sets the logic level for communication to the chip.
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Load Demo
Restart the Arduino IDE and load up the File→Adafruit_LEDBackpack→quadalphanum
Upload to your Arduino, and open up the Serial console at 9600 baud speed. You'll
see each digit light up all the segments, then the display will scroll through the 'font
table' showing every character that it knows how to display. Finally, you'll get a notice
to start typing into the serial console. Type a message and hit return, you'll see it
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scroll onto the display!
Library Reference
For the quad displays, we have a special object that can handle ascii data for easy
You can create the object with
Adafruit_AlphaNum4 alpha4 = Adafruit_AlphaNum4();
There's no arguments or pins because the backpacks use the fixed I2C pins.
By default, the address is 0x70, but you can pass in the I2C address used when you
initialize the display with begin
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// pass in the address
Next up, the segments can be turned on/off for each digit by writing the 'raw' bitmap
you want, for example, all the LEDs off on digit #3 is
alpha4.writeDigitRaw(3, 0x0);
All the segments on for digit #0 is
alpha4.writeDigitRaw(0, 0x3FFF);
This is the segment map:
the 16 bit digit you pass in for raw image has this mapping:
0 DP N M L K J H G2 G1 F E D C B A
The first bit isn't used, you can make it 0 or 1
To turn on just the A segment, use 0x0001
To turn on just the G1 segment, use 0x0040
ASCII data
If you're just looking to print 'text' you can use our font table, just pass in an ASCII
For example, to set digit #0 to A call:
©Adafruit Industries
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alpha4.writeDigitAscii(0, 'A')
Writing Data
Don't forget to 'write' the data to the display with
That's what actually 'sets' the data onto the LEDs!
CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use LED AlphaNumeric Displays with CircuitPython and the Adafruit
CircuitPython HT16K33 ( library. This module allows you to easily
write CircuitPython code to control the display.
You can use this sensor with any CircuitPython microcontroller board.
We'll cover how to wire the AlphaNumeric Display to your CircuitPython
microcontroller board. First assemble your AlphaNumeric Display.
Connect the AlphaNumeric Display to your microcontroller board as shown below.
Microcontroller 3V to AlphaNumeric
Display I2C VIN
Microcontroller 3V to AlphaNumeric
Display VIN
Microcontroller GND to AlphaNumeric
Display GND
Microcontroller SCL to AlphaNumeric
Display SCL
Microcontroller SDA to AlphaNumeric
Display SDA
©Adafruit Industries
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Download Fritzing Object
Library Setup
To use the LED backpack with your Adafruit CircuitPython ( board
you'll need to install the Adafruit_CircuitPython_HT16K33 ( library
on your board.
First make sure you are running the latest version of Adafruit CircuitPython (https:// for your board. Next you'll need to install the necessary libraries to use
the hardware--read below and carefully follow the referenced steps to find and install
these libraries from Adafruit's CircuitPython library bundle (
Bundle Install
For express boards that have extra flash storage, like the Feather/Metro M0 express
and Circuit Playground express, you can easily install the necessary libraries with Ada
fruit's CircuitPython bundle ( This is an all-in-one package that
includes the necessary libraries to use the LED backpack display with CircuitPython.
For details on installing the bundle, read about CircuitPython Libraries (https://
Remember for non-express boards like the Trinket M0, Gemma M0, and Feather/
Metro M0 basic you'll need to manually install the necessary libraries (
ABU) from the bundle:
• adafruit_ht16k33
• adafruit_bus_device
If your board supports USB mass storage, like the M0-based boards, then simply drag
the files to the board's file system. Note on boards without external SPI flash, like a
Feather M0 or Trinket/Gemma M0, you might run into issues on Mac OSX with hidden
files taking up too much space when drag and drop copying, see this page for a
workaround (
Before continuing make sure your board's lib folder or root filesystem has at least
the adafruit_ht16k33 and adafruit_bus_device folders/modules copied over.
©Adafruit Industries
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Python Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use AlphaNumeric Displays with Python and the Adafruit CircuitPython
HT16K33 ( library. This library allows you to easily write Python
code to control the display.
We'll cover how to wire the AlphaNumeric Display to your Raspberry Pi. First
assemble your AlphaNumeric Display.
Since there's dozens of Linux computers/boards you can use we will show wiring for
Raspberry Pi. For other platforms, please visit the guide for CircuitPython on Linux to
see whether your platform is supported (
Connect the AlphaNumeric Display as shown below to your Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi 3.3V to AlphaNumeric
Display I2C VIN
Raspberry Pi 3.3V to AlphaNumeric
Display VIN
Raspberry Pi GND to AlphaNumeric
Display GND
Raspberry Pi SCL to AlphaNumeric
Display SCL
Raspberry Pi SDA to AlphaNumeric
Display SDA
©Adafruit Industries
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Download Fritzing Object
You'll need to install the Adafruit_Blinka library that provides the CircuitPython
support in Python. This may also require enabling I2C on your platform and verifying
you are running Python 3. Since each platform is a little different, and Linux changes
often, please visit the CircuitPython on Linux guide to get your computer ready (https:
Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
Once that's done, from your command line run the following command:
• pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ht16k33
If your default Python is version 3 you may need to run 'pip' instead. Just make sure
you aren't trying to use CircuitPython on Python 2.x, it isn't supported!
If that complains about pip3 not being installed, then run this first to install it:
• sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Pillow Library
We also need PIL, the Python Imaging Library, to allow using text with custom fonts.
There are several system libraries that PIL relies on, so installing via a package
manager is the easiest way to bring in everything:
• sudo apt-get install python3-pil
That's it. You should be ready to go.
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CircuitPython and Python Usage
The following section will show how to control the LED backpack from the board's
Python prompt / REPL. You'll walk through how to control the LED display and learn
how to use the CircuitPython module built for the display.
First connect to the board's serial REPL ( you are at the
CircuitPython >>> prompt.
First you'll need to initialize the I2C bus for your board. It's really easy, first import the
necessary modules. In this case, we'll use board and Seg14x4 .
Then just use board.I2C() to create the I2C instance using the default SCL and
SDA pins (which will be marked on the boards pins if using a Feather or similar
Adafruit board).
Then to initialize the display, you just pass i2c in.
import board
from adafruit_ht16k33.segments import Seg14x4
i2c = board.I2C()
display = Seg14x4(i2c)
If you bridged the address pads on the back of the display, you could pass in the
address. The addresses for the HT16K33 can range between 0x70 and 0x77
depending on which pads you have bridged, with 0x70 being used if you haven't
bridged any of them. For instance, if you bridge only the A0 pad, you would use
0x71 like this:
display = Seg14x4(i2c, address=0x71)
Setting the Brightness
You can set the brightness of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual segments. If can be adjusted in 1/16 increments betw
een 0 and 1.0 with 1.0 being the brightest. So to set the display to half brightness, you
would use the following:
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display.brightness = 0.5
Setting the Blink Rate
You can set the blink rate of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual segments. If can be adjusted in 1/4 increments betwe
en 0 and 3 with 3 being the fastest blinking. So to set the display to blink at full
speed, you would use the following:
display.blink_rate = 3
Printing Text
To print text to the display, you just use the print function. So if we want to print ABCD,
we would use the following:
Printing Numbers
Printing numbers is done similar to printing text, except without the quotes, though
you can still print numbers in a string as well.
Printing Hexidecimal Values
To print hexidecimal values, you use the print_hex function:
Setting Individual Characters
To set individual characters, you simply treat the display object as a list and set it
to the value that you would like.
display[0] = '1'
display[1] = '2'
©Adafruit Industries
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display[2] = 'A'
display[3] = 'B'
Setting Individual Segments
To set individual segments to turn on or off, you would use the set_digit_raw function
to pass the digit that you want to change and the bitmask. This can be really useful
for creating your own characters. The bitmask corresponds to the following diagram.
The highest bit is not used, so an X represents that spot to indicate that.
The bitmask is a 16-bit number that can be passed in as a single Hexidecimal,
Decimal, or binary number. It can also be passed in as a list or tuple containing 2
separate 8-bit numbers. Here are some of the ways to set the digits. All of these
different methods create a box with an X in the center:
©Adafruit Industries
(0b00101101, 0b00111111))
[0x2D, 0x3F])
Page 65 of 148
Filling all Segments
To fill the entire display, just use the fill() function and pass in either 0 or 1 depending
on whether you want all segments off or on. For instance, if you wanted to set
everything to on, you would use:
Scrolling Display Manually
If you want to scroll the displayed data to the left, you can use the scroll()
function. You can pass in the number of places that you want to scroll. The right-most
digit will remain unchanged and you will need to set that manually. After scrolling, you
will need to call the show function. For example if you wanted to print an A and then
scroll it over to spaces, you would do the following.
display[3] = " "
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Displaying an Automatic Scrolling Marquee
To make displaying long text easier, we've added a marquee function. You just pass it
the full string. Optionally, you can pass it the amount of delay between each
display.marquee("This is a really long string ")
By default it is 0.25 seconds, but you can change this by providing a second
parameter. You can optionally pass False for a third parameter if you would not like
to have it loop. So if you wanted each character to display for half a second and didn't
want it to loop, you would use the following:
display.marquee('This is a really long string ', 0.5, False)
0.56" 7-Segment Backpack
This version of the LED backpack is designed for these big bright 7-segment displays.
These 7-segment displays normally require 13 pins (5 'characters' and 8 total
segments each) This backpack solves the annoyance of using 13 pins or a bunch of
chips by having an I2C constant-current matrix controller sit neatly on the back of the
PCB. The controller chip takes care of everything, drawing all the LEDs in the
background. All you have to do is write data to it using the 2-pin I2C interface. There
are three address select pins so you can select one of 8 addresses to control up to 8
of these on a single 2-pin I2C bus (as well as whatever other I2C chips or sensors you
like). The driver chip can 'dim' the entire display from 1/16 brightness up to full
brightness in 1/16th steps. It cannot dim individual LEDs, only the entire display at
©Adafruit Industries
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To get you going fast, we have revised this popular board to be the same size and
pinout as before but now with two STEMMA QT connectors ( on
either side that are compatible with the SparkFun Qwiic ( I2C
connectors. This allows you to make solderless connections between your
development board and the HT16K33 or to chain it with a wide range of other sensors
and accessories using a compatible cable (
©Adafruit Industries
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Assembly and Arduino Wiring
For the STEMMA QT version, you can solder the headers on, or you can simply use a
STEMMA QT cable!
Backpack + (VCC) to microcontroller 5V (if
using a board with 5V logic, otherwise use
3V for boards with 3V logic) (red wire)
Backpack - (GND) to microcontroller GND
(black wire)
Backpack D (SDA) to microcontroller SDA
(blue wire)
Backpack C (SCL) to microcontroller SCL
(yellow wire)
To assemble the LED backpack, follow along below.
Soldering the 7-segment display is the same for the STEMMA QT version and the
original version.
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When you buy a pack from Adafruit, it
comes with the fully tested and assembled
backpack as well as a 7-segment display in
one of the colors we provide (say, red,
yellow, blue or green). You'll need to
solder the matrix onto the backpack but
it's an easy task.
Remove the parts from packaging and
place the LED matrix OVER the silkscreen
Check the image below to make sure the
'decimal point' dots are on the bottom,
matching the silkscreen.
Turn the backpack over so it is sitting flat
on the matrix.
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Solder all 14 pins.
Clip the long pins.
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Now you're ready to wire it up to a
microcontroller. We'll assume you want to
use a 4pin header. You can also of course
solder wires directly. Place a 4-pin piece of
header with the LONG pins down into the
Place the soldered backpack on top of the
header and Solder 'em!
That's it! now you're ready to run the firmware!
Arduino Setup
You can use these with a 3.3v or 5v microcontroller. Just connect the VCC+ pin is
the same voltage as the logic on your microcontroller.
Seven-Segment Backpack Firmware
We wrote a basic library to help you work with the 7-segment backpack. The library is
written for the Arduino and will work with any Arduino as it just uses the I2C pins. The
code is very portable and can be easily adapted to any I2C-capable micro.
Wiring to the matrix is really easy
• Connect CLK to the I2C clock - on Arduino UNO thats Analog #5 (or SCL), on the
Leonardo it's Digital #3, on the Mega it's digital #21
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• Connect DAT to the I2C data - on Arduino UNO thats Analog #4 (or SDA), on the
Leonardo it's Digital #2, on the Mega it's digital #20
• Connect GND to common ground
• Connect VCC+ to power - 5V is best but 3V also seems to work for 3V
Next, download the Adafruit LED Backpack library and the Adafruit GFX library from
the Arduino library manager.
Open up the Arduino library manager:
Search for the Adafruit LED Backpack library and install it
Search for the Adafruit GFX library and install it
If using an earlier version of the Arduino IDE (prior to 1.8.10), also locate and install Ad
afruit_BusIO (newer versions will install this dependency automatically).
Once you've restarted you should be able to select the
File→Examples→Adafruit_LEDBackpack→sevenseg example sketch. Upload it to your
Arduino as usual. You should see a basic test program that goes through a bunch of
different routines.
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We also have a great tutorial on Arduino library installation at: (https://
Once you're happy that the matrix works, you can write your own sketches.
There's a few ways you can draw to the display. The easiest is to just call print - just
like you do with Serial
• print(variable,HEX) - this will print a hexidecimal number, from 0000 up to FFFF
• print(variable,DEC) or print(variable) - this will print a decimal integer, from 0000
up to 9999
If you need more control, you can call writeDigitNum(location, number) - this will write
the number (0-9) to a single location. Location #0 is all the way to the left, location #2
is the colon dots so you probably want to skip it, location #4 is all the way to the right.
If you want a decimal point, call writeDigitNum(location, number, true) which will paint
the decimal point. To draw the colon, usedrawColon(true or false)
If you want even more control, you can call writeDigitRaw(location,bitmask) to draw a
raw 8-bit mask (as stored in a uint8_t) to that location.
All the drawing routines only change the display memory kept by the Arduino. Don't
forget to call writeDisplay() after drawing to 'save' the memory out to the matrix via
©Adafruit Industries
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There are also a few small routines that are special to the backpack:
• setBrightness(brightness)- will let you change the overall brightness of the entire
display. 0 is least bright, 15 is brightest and is what is initialized by the display
when you start
• blinkRate(rate) - You can blink the entire display. 0 is no blinking. 1, 2 or 3 is for
display blinking.
CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use LED 7-Segment Displays with CircuitPython and the Adafruit
CircuitPython HT16K33 ( library. This module allows you to easily
write CircuitPython code to control the display.
You can use this sensor with any CircuitPython microcontroller board.
We'll cover how to wire the 7-Segment Display to your CircuitPython microcontroller
board. First assemble your 7-Segment Display.
Connect the 7-Segment Display to your microcontroller board as shown below.
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Microcontroller 3V to 7-Segment Display
VIN (red wire)
Microcontroller GND to 7-Segment Display
GND (black wire)
Microcontroller SCL to 7-Segment Display
SCL (yellow wire)
Microcontroller SDA to 7-Segment Display
SDA (blue wire)
Download Fritzing Object
Library Setup
To use the LED backpack with your Adafruit CircuitPython ( board
you'll need to install the Adafruit_CircuitPython_HT16K33 ( library
on your board.
©Adafruit Industries
Page 76 of 148
First make sure you are running the latest version of Adafruit CircuitPython (https:// for your board. Next you'll need to install the necessary libraries to use
the hardware--read below and carefully follow the referenced steps to find and install
these libraries from Adafruit's CircuitPython library bundle (
Bundle Install
For express boards that have extra flash storage, like the Feather/Metro M0 express
and Circuit Playground express, you can easily install the necessary libraries with Ada
fruit's CircuitPython bundle ( This is an all-in-one package that
includes the necessary libraries to use the LED backpack display with CircuitPython.
For details on installing the bundle, read about CircuitPython Libraries (https://
Remember for non-express boards like the Trinket M0, Gemma M0, and Feather/
Metro M0 basic you'll need to manually install the necessary libraries (
ABU) from the bundle:
• adafruit_ht16k33
• adafruit_bus_device
If your board supports USB mass storage, like the M0-based boards, then simply drag
the files to the board's file system. Note on boards without external SPI flash, like a
Feather M0 or Trinket/Gemma M0, you might run into issues on Mac OSX with hidden
files taking up too much space when drag and drop copying, see this page for a
workaround (
Before continuing make sure your board's lib folder or root filesystem has at least
the adafruit_ht16k33 and adafruit_bus_device folders/modules copied over.
©Adafruit Industries
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Python Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use 7-Segment Displays with Python and the Adafruit CircuitPython
HT16K33 ( library. This library allows you to easily write Python
code to control the display.
We'll cover how to wire the 7-Segment Display to your Raspberry Pi. First assemble
your 7-Segment Display.
Since there's dozens of Linux computers/boards you can use we will show wiring for
Raspberry Pi. For other platforms, please visit the guide for CircuitPython on Linux to
see whether your platform is supported (
Connect the 7-Segment Display as shown below to your Raspberry Pi.
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Raspberry Pi 3.3V to 7-Segment Display
VIN (red wire)
Raspberry Pi GND to 7-Segment Display
GND (black wire)
Raspberry Pi SCL to 7-Segment Display
SCL (yellow wire)
Raspberry Pi SDA to 7-Segment Display
SDA (blue wire)
Download Fritzing Object
You'll need to install the Adafruit_Blinka library that provides the CircuitPython
support in Python. This may also require enabling I2C on your platform and verifying
you are running Python 3. Since each platform is a little different, and Linux changes
©Adafruit Industries
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often, please visit the CircuitPython on Linux guide to get your computer ready (https:
Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
Once that's done, from your command line run the following command:
• pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ht16k33
If your default Python is version 3 you may need to run 'pip' instead. Just make sure
you aren't trying to use CircuitPython on Python 2.x, it isn't supported!
If that complains about pip3 not being installed, then run this first to install it:
• sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Pillow Library
We also need PIL, the Python Imaging Library, to allow using text with custom fonts.
There are several system libraries that PIL relies on, so installing via a package
manager is the easiest way to bring in everything:
• sudo apt-get install python3-pil
That's it. You should be ready to go.
CircuitPython and Python Usage
The following section will show how to control the LED backpack from the board's
Python prompt / REPL. You'll walk through how to control the LED display and learn
how to use the CircuitPython module built for the display.
First connect to the board's serial REPL ( you are at the
CircuitPython >>> prompt.
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First you'll need to initialize the I2C bus for your board. It's really easy, first import the
necessary modules. In this case, we'll use board and Seg7x4 .
Then just use board.I2C() to create the I2C instance using the default SCL and
SDA pins (which will be marked on the boards pins if using a Feather or similar
Adafruit board).
Then to initialize the display, you just pass i2c in.
import board
from adafruit_ht16k33.segments import Seg7x4
i2c = board.I2C()
display = Seg7x4(i2c)
If you bridged the address pads on the back of the display, you could pass in the
address. The addresses for the HT16K33 can range between 0x70 and 0x77
depending on which pads you have bridged, with 0x70 being used if you haven't
bridged any of them. For instance, if you bridge only the A0 pad, you would use
0x71 like this:
display = Seg7x4(i2c, address=0x71)
Setting the Brightness
You can set the brightness of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual segments. If can be adjusted in 1/16 increments betw
een 0 and 1.0 with 1.0 being the brightest. So to set the display to half brightness, you
would use the following:
display.brightness = 0.5
Setting the Blink Rate
You can set the blink rate of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual segments. If can be adjusted in 1/4 increments betwe
en 0 and 3 with 3 being the fastest blinking. So to set the display to blink at full
speed, you would use the following:
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display.blink_rate = 3
Printing Text
To print text to the display, you just use the print function. For the 7-segment display,
valid characters are 0-9, letters A-F, a period, and a hyphen. So if we want to print
ABCD, we would use the following:
Printing Numbers
Printing numbers is done similar to printing text, except without the quotes, though
you can still print numbers in a string as well.
Printing Hexidecimal Values
To print hexidecimal values, you use the print_hex function:
Setting Individual Characters
To set individual characters, you simply treat the display object as a list and set it
to the value that you would like.
Setting Individual Segments
To set individual segments to turn on or off, you would use the set_digit_raw function
to pass the digit that you want to change and the bitmask. This can be really useful
for creating your own characters. The bitmask corresponds to the following diagram:
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The bitmask is a single 8-bit number that can be passed in as a single Hexidecimal,
Decimal, or binary number. This will use a couple different methods to display
8.8.EE :
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Filling all Segments
To fill the entire display, just use the fill() function and pass in either 0 or 1 depending
on whether you want all segments off or on. For instance, if you wanted to set
everything to on, you would use:
Scrolling Display Manually
If you want to scroll the displayed data to the left, you can use the scroll()
function. You can pass in the number of places that you want to scroll. The right-most
digit will remain unchanged and you will need to set that manually. After scrolling, you
will need to call the show function. For example if you wanted to print an A and then
scroll it over to spaces, you would do the following.
display[3] = " "
Displaying the Colon
There are a couple of different ways to display a colon on the 7-segment display. The
first and easiest way is to use the print function:
The other way to control it is to access the colon with the colon property and set it to
True or False :
display.colon = False
Displaying an Automatic Scrolling Marquee
To make displaying long text easier, we've added a marquee function. You just pass it
the full string. Optionally, you can pass it the amount of delay between each
character. This may be useful for displaying an IP address, a phone number, or other
numeric data:
©Adafruit Industries
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display.marquee(' ')
By default it is 0.25 seconds, but you can change this by providing a second
parameter. You can optionally pass False for a third parameter if you would not like
to have it loop. So if you wanted each character to display for half a second and didn't
want it to loop, you would use the following:
display.marquee(' ', 0.5, False)
1.2" 7-segment Backpack
These backpacks drive the massive 1.2" 7-segment modules. With 2 leds per segment
these make a gorgeous and impressive display. The 7-segment displays normally
require 16 pins to drive. This backpack uses an I2C constant-current matrix controller
on the back of the PCB, so you only need 2 pins to drive it!
The controller chip takes care of multiplexing all the LEDs in the background. All you
have to do is write data to it using the 2-pin I2C interface. There are three address
select pins so you can select one of 8 addresses to control up to 8 of these on a
single 2-pin I2C bus (as well as whatever other I2C chips or sensors you like). The
driver chip can 'dim' the entire display from 1/16 brightness up to full brightness in
1/16th steps. It cannot dim individual LEDs, only the entire display at once.
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When you buy a pack from Adafruit, it
comes with the fully tested and assembled
backpack as well as a 7-segment display in
one of the colors we provide (say, red,
yellow, blue or green). You'll need to
solder the matrix onto the backpack but its
an easy task.
Remove the parts from packaging and
place the LED matrix OVER the silkscreen
Check the image below to make sure the
'decimal point' dots are in the same
location as the ones on the silkscreen.
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Turn the backpack over so its sitting flat on
the matrix and ready to solder.
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Then solder each pin. There are 8 on each
end for a total of 16.
That completes the basic assembly. For use on a breadboard, you will want to also
install a 5-pin header on the edge of the board.
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Clip the long pins close to the board.
Cut the header strip to length if necessary
and insert LONG pins down into the
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Then solder all 5 pins.
Arduino Wiring and Setup
You can use these with a 3.3v or 5v microcontroller. Just make sure the IO pin is
the same voltage as the logic on your microcontroller.
Now you are ready to wire it to your microcontroller. The required connections are:
• "D" - I2C Data Pin (SDA)
• "C" - I2C Clock Pin (SCL)
• "+" - 5v. (Will not run on 3.3v!)
• "-" - GND
• "IO" - I2C bus voltage.
Due to the size of this display, there are 2 LEDs in series for each segment. Because
of this, the display requires 5v to run. It will not run on 3.3v.
For use with 3.3v processors, connect the IO pin to 3.3v. This will keep the I2C bus
signals at a safe level for your processor.
With 5v processors like the Arduino UNO, this pin can be connected to either 5v or
3.3v. (use 3.3v if there will be other 3.3v devices on the bus)
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Arduino Wiring - R3 and later
+ → 5v
- → GND
IO → jumper to + for 5v.
Arduino Due and Other 3.3v
+ → 5v
- → GND
IO → 3.3v
Arduino "Classic" Wiring
D → Analog-4 or Digital 20 for the Mega
C → Analog-5 or Digital 21 for the Mega
+ → 5v
- → GND
IO → jumper to + for 5v.
OK, now on to the firmware!
Seven-Segment Backpack Firmware
Our 7-segment backpack library makes it easy to program these displays. The library
is written for the Arduino and will work with any Arduino as it just uses the I2C pins.
The code is very portable and can be easily adapted to any I2C-capable micro.
Download the Adafruit LED Backpack library and the Adafruit GFX library from the
Arduino library manager.
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Open up the Arduino library manager:
Search for the Adafruit LED Backpack library and install it
Search for the Adafruit GFX library and install it
If using an earlier version of the Arduino IDE (prior to 1.8.10), also locate and install Ad
afruit_BusIO (newer versions will install this dependency automatically).
We also have a great tutorial on Arduino library installation at: (https://
You should now be able to select the
File→Examples→Adafruit_LEDBackpack→sevenseg example sketch. Upload it to your
Arduino as usual. You should see a "sevenseg" example sketch that will demonstrate
various capabilities of the library and the display.
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Once you're happy that the matrix works, you can write your own sketches.
There's a few ways you can draw to the display. The easiest is to just call print - just
like you do with Serial
• print(variable,HEX) - this will print a hexadecimal number, from 0000 up to FFFF
• print(variable,DEC) or print(variable) - this will print a decimal integer, from 0000
up to 9999
If you need more control, you can call writeDigitNum(location, number) - this will write
the number (0-9) to a single location. Location #0 is all the way to the left, location #2
is the colon dots so you probably want to skip it, location #4 is all the way to the right.
To control the colon and decimal points, use the writeDigitRaw(location, bitmap)
function. (Note that both dots of the center colon are wired together internal to the
display, so it is not possible to address them separately.) Specify 2 for the location
and the bits are mapped as follows:
• 0x02 - center colon (both dots)
• 0x04 - left colon - lower dot
• 0x08 - left colon - upper dot
• 0x10 - decimal point (upper right)
If you want a decimal point, call writeDigitNum(location, number, true) which will paint
the decimal point. To draw the colon, use drawColon(true or false)
©Adafruit Industries
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If you want full control of the segments in all digits, you can call writeDigitRaw(locatio
n, bitmask) to draw a raw 8-bit mask (as stored in a uint8_t) to any location.
All the drawing routines only change the display memory kept by the Arduino. Don't
forget to call writeDisplay() after drawing to 'save' the memory out to the matrix via
There are also a few small routines that are special to the backpack:
• setBrightness(brightness)- will let you change the overall brightness of the entire
display. 0 is least bright, 15 is brightest and is what is initialized by the display
when you start
• blinkRate(rate) - You can blink the entire display. 0 is no blinking. 1, 2 or 3 is for
display blinking.
CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use LED 7-Segment Displays with CircuitPython and the Adafruit
CircuitPython HT16K33 ( library. This module allows you to easily
write CircuitPython code to control the display.
You can use this sensor with any CircuitPython microcontroller board.
We'll cover how to wire the 7-Segment Display to your CircuitPython microcontroller
board. First assemble your 7-Segment Display.
Connect the 7-Segment Display to your microcontroller board as shown below.
In the latest CircuitPython, you will need to connect 1K resistor Pull-ups to the
SCL and SDA inputs.
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• Microcontroller 3.3V to 3.3v Bus
• 3.3v Bus to 7-Segment Display IO
• Microcontroller 5V to 7-Segment Display VIN
• Microcontroller GND to 7-Segment Display GND
• Microcontroller SCL to 7-Segment Display SCL
• Microcontroller SDA to 7-Segment Display SDA
• 1K Resistor between 3.3v Bus and 7-Segment Display SCL
• 1K Resistor between 3.3v Bus and 7-Segment Display SDA
Download Fritzing Object
Library Setup
To use the LED backpack with your Adafruit CircuitPython ( board
you'll need to install the Adafruit_CircuitPython_HT16K33 ( library
on your board.
©Adafruit Industries
Page 95 of 148
First make sure you are running the latest version of Adafruit CircuitPython (https:// for your board. Next you'll need to install the necessary libraries to use
the hardware--read below and carefully follow the referenced steps to find and install
these libraries from Adafruit's CircuitPython library bundle (
Bundle Install
For express boards that have extra flash storage, like the Feather/Metro M0 express
and Circuit Playground express, you can easily install the necessary libraries with Ada
fruit's CircuitPython bundle ( This is an all-in-one package that
includes the necessary libraries to use the LED backpack display with CircuitPython.
For details on installing the bundle, read about CircuitPython Libraries (https://
Remember for non-express boards like the Trinket M0, Gemma M0, and Feather/
Metro M0 basic you'll need to manually install the necessary libraries (
ABU) from the bundle:
• adafruit_ht16k33
• adafruit_bus_device
If your board supports USB mass storage, like the M0-based boards, then simply drag
the files to the board's file system. Note on boards without external SPI flash, like a
Feather M0 or Trinket/Gemma M0, you might run into issues on Mac OSX with hidden
files taking up too much space when drag and drop copying, see this page for a
workaround (
Before continuing make sure your board's lib folder or root filesystem has at least
the adafruit_ht16k33 and adafruit_bus_device folders/modules copied over.
©Adafruit Industries
Page 96 of 148
Python Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use 7-Segment Displays with Python and the Adafruit CircuitPython
HT16K33 ( library. This library allows you to easily write Python
code to control the display.
We'll cover how to wire the 7-Segment Display to your Raspberry Pi. First assemble
your 7-Segment Display.
Since there's dozens of Linux computers/boards you can use we will show wiring for
Raspberry Pi. For other platforms, please visit the guide for CircuitPython on Linux to
see whether your platform is supported (
Connect the 7-Segment Display as shown below to your Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi 3.3V to 7-Segment Display IO
Raspberry Pi 5V to 7-Segment Display VIN
Raspberry Pi GND to 7-Segment
Display GND
Raspberry Pi SCL to 7-Segment
Display SCL
Raspberry Pi SDA to 7-Segment
Display SDA
©Adafruit Industries
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Download Fritzing Object
You'll need to install the Adafruit_Blinka library that provides the CircuitPython
support in Python. This may also require enabling I2C on your platform and verifying
you are running Python 3. Since each platform is a little different, and Linux changes
often, please visit the CircuitPython on Linux guide to get your computer ready (https:
Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
Once that's done, from your command line run the following command:
• pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ht16k33
If your default Python is version 3 you may need to run 'pip' instead. Just make sure
you aren't trying to use CircuitPython on Python 2.x, it isn't supported!
If that complains about pip3 not being installed, then run this first to install it:
• sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Pillow Library
We also need PIL, the Python Imaging Library, to allow using text with custom fonts.
There are several system libraries that PIL relies on, so installing via a package
manager is the easiest way to bring in everything:
• sudo apt-get install python3-pil
That's it. You should be ready to go.
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CircuitPython and Python Usage
The following section will show how to control the LED backpack from the board's
Python prompt / REPL. You'll walk through how to control the LED display and learn
how to use the CircuitPython module built for the display.
First connect to the board's serial REPL ( you are at the
CircuitPython >>> prompt.
First you'll need to initialize the I2C bus for your board. It's really easy, first import the
necessary modules. In this case, we'll use board and BigSeg7x4 .
Then just use board.I2C() to create the I2C instance using the default SCL and
SDA pins (which will be marked on the boards pins if using a Feather or similar
Adafruit board).
Then to initialize the display, you just pass i2c in.
import board
from adafruit_ht16k33.segments import BigSeg7x4
i2c = board.I2C()
display = BigSeg7x4(i2c)
If you bridged the address pads on the back of the display, you could pass in the
address. The addresses for the HT16K33 can range between 0x70 and 0x77
depending on which pads you have bridged, with 0x70 being used if you haven't
bridged any of them. For instance, if you bridge only the A0 pad, you would use
0x71 like this:
display = BigSeg7x4(i2c, address=0x71)
Setting the Brightness
You can set the brightness of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual segments. If can be adjusted in 1/16 increments betw
een 0 and 1.0 with 1.0 being the brightest. So to set the display to half brightness, you
would use the following:
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display.brightness = 0.5
Setting the Blink Rate
You can set the blink rate of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual segments. If can be adjusted in 1/4 increments betwe
en 0 and 3 with 3 being the fastest blinking. So to set the display to blink at full
speed, you would use the following:
display.blink_rate = 3
Printing Text
To print text to the display, you just use the print function. For the 7-segment display,
valid characters are 0-9, letters A-F, and a hyphen. So if we want to print ABCD, we
would use the following:
Printing Numbers
Printing numbers is done similar to printing text, except without the quotes, though
you can still print numbers in a string as well.
Printing Hexidecimal Values
To print hexidecimal values, you use the print_hex function:
Setting Individual Characters
To set individual characters, you simply treat the display object as a list and set it
to the value that you would like.
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Setting Individual Segments
To set individual segments to turn on or off, you would use the set_digit_raw function
to pass the digit that you want to change and the bitmask. This can be really useful
for creating your own characters. The bitmask corresponds to the following diagram.
The highest bit is not used, so an X represents that spot to indicate that.
The bitmask is a single 8-bit number that can be passed in as a single Hexidecimal,
Decimal, or binary number. This will use a couple different methods to display 8E8E :
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Filling all Segments
To fill the entire display, just use the fill() function and pass in either 0 or 1 depending
on whether you want all segments off or on. For instance, if you wanted to set
everything to on, you would use:
Scrolling Display Manually
If you want to scroll the displayed data to the left, you can use the scroll()
function. You can pass in the number of places that you want to scroll. The right-most
digit will remain unchanged and you will need to set that manually. After scrolling, you
will need to call the show function. For example if you wanted to print an A and then
scroll it over to spaces, you would do the following.
display[3] = " "
Displaying the Colon
There are a couple of different ways to display a colon on the 7-segment display. The
first and easiest way is to use the print function:
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The other way to control it is to access the colon with the colon property and set it to
True or False :
display.colon[0] = False
Setting the Left-Side Dots
There are a couple of different ways to set the left-side dots on the large 7-segment
display. The first way is to use the colon property like above:
display.colon[1] = False
If you would like to set the dots individually, you can do that using the top_left_dot
and bottom_left_dot properties and set them to True or False :
display.top_left_dot = True
display.bottom_left_dot = True
Setting the AM/PM Indicator
If you would like to set the upper-right dot, you can do this using the ampm property:
display.ampm = True
Displaying an Automatic Scrolling Marquee
To make displaying long text easier, we've added a marquee function. You just pass it
the full string. Optionally, you can pass it the amount of delay between each
character. This may be useful for displaying a phone number, words using only letters
A-F, or other numeric data:
display.marquee('Deadbeef ')
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By default it is 0.25 seconds, but you can change this by providing a second
parameter. You can optionally pass False for a third parameter if you would not like
to have it loop. So if you wanted each character to display for half a second and didn't
want it to loop, you would use the following:
display.marquee('Deadbeef', 0.5, False)
Bi-Color 8x8 Matrix
This version of the LED backpack is designed for these bright and colorful
square=pixeled 8x8 matrices. They have 64 red and 64 green LEDs inside, for a total
of 128 LEDs controlled as a 8x16 matrix. This backpack solves the annoyance of using
24 pins or a bunch of chips by having an I2C constant-current matrix controller sit
neatly on the back of the PCB. The controller chip takes care of everything, drawing
all 128 LEDs in the background. All you have to do is write data to it using the 2-pin
I2C interface. There are three address select pins so you can select one of 8
addresses to control up to 8 of these on a single 2-pin I2C bus (as well as whatever
other I2C chips or sensors you like). The driver chip can 'dim' the entire display from
1/16 brightness up to full brightness in 1/16th steps. It cannot dim individual LEDs, only
the entire display at once.
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Pay close attention to the instructions for positioning the matrix. It must be
oriented correctly to work and is almost impossible to remove it once it has been
soldered to the backpack!
When you buy a pack from Adafruit, it
comes with the fully tested and assembled
backpack as well as a 8x8 matrix. You'll
need to solder the matrix onto the
backpack but its an easy task.
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Remove the parts from packaging and
place the LED matrix OVER the silkscreen
The matrix must be soldered on the
correct orientation or it will not work!
Check for the side of the matrix that has
printing on it. Then look for the front of the
PCB that has a circle instead of a square in
the corner and line those up as shown on
the left
Do not solder the matrix over the chip on
the back of the backpack - it will not work
Turn the backpack over so its sitting flat on
the matrix.
Solder all 24 pins.
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Clip the long pins
Now you're ready to wire it up to a
microcontroller. We'll assume you want to
use a 4pin header. You can also of course
solder wires directly. Place a 4-pin piece of
header with the LONG pins down into the
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Place the soldered backpack on top of the
Solder 'em!
Arduino Setup
You can use these with a 3.3v or 5v microcontroller. Just connect the VCC+ pin is
the same voltage as the logic on your microcontroller.
We wrote a basic library to help you work with the bi-color 8x8 matrix backpack. The
library is written for the Arduino and will work with any Arduino as it just uses the I2C
pins. The code is very portable and can be easily adapted to any I2C-capable micro.
Wiring to the matrix is really easy
• Connect CLK to the I2C clock - on Arduino UNO thats Analog #5 (or SCL), on the
Leonardo its Digital #3, on the Mega its digital #21
• Connect DAT to the I2C data - on Arduino UNO thats Analog #4 (or SDA), on the
Leonardo its Digital #2, on the Mega its digital #20
• Connect GND to common ground
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• Connect VCC+ to power - 5V is best but 3V also seems to work for 3V
Next, download the Adafruit LED Backpack library and the Adafruit GFX library from
the Arduino library manager.
Open up the Arduino library manager:
Search for the Adafruit LED Backpack library and install it
Search for the Adafruit GFX library and install it
If using an earlier version of the Arduino IDE (prior to 1.8.10), also locate and install Ad
afruit_BusIO (newer versions will install this dependency automatically).
Once you've restarted you should be able to select the
File→Examples→Adafruit_LEDBackpack→bicolor88 example sketch. Upload it to your
Arduino as usual. You should see a basic test program that goes through a bunch of
different drawing routines.
We also have a great tutorial on Arduino library installation at: (https://
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Once you're happy that the matrix works, you can write your own sketches. The 8x8
matrix supports everything the Adafruit GFX library - drawing pixels, lines, rectangles,
circles, triangles, roundrects, and small bitmaps. For more details check out the GFX
page which will detail all of the GFX routines (
All the drawing routines only change the display memory kept by the Arduino. Don't
forget to call writeDisplay() after drawing to 'save' the memory out to the matrix via
There are also a few small routines that are special to the matrix:
• setBrightness(brightness)- will let you change the overall brightness of the entire
display. 0 is least bright, 15 is brightest and is what is initialized by the display
when you start
• blinkRate(rate) - You can blink the entire display. 0 is no blinking. 1, 2 or 3 is for
display blinking.
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The default orientation for graphics
commands on this display places pixel
(0,0) at the top-left when the header is at
the left and Adafruit logo at the right. To
use the matrix as shown above (header at
top, logo at bottom), call
matrix.setRotation(3) before issuing
graphics commands.
CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use LED Matrices with CircuitPython and the Adafruit CircuitPython
HT16K33 ( library. This module allows you to easily write
CircuitPython code to control the display.
You can use this sensor with any CircuitPython microcontroller board.
We'll cover how to wire the LED Matrix to your CircuitPython microcontroller board.
First assemble your LED Matrix.
Connect the LED Matrix to your microcontroller board as shown below.
Microcontroller 3V to LED Matrix VIN
Microcontroller GND to LED Matrix GND
Microcontroller SCL to LED Matrix SCL
Microcontroller SDA to LED Matrix SDA
Download Fritzing Object
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Library Setup
To use the LED backpack with your Adafruit CircuitPython ( board
you'll need to install the Adafruit_CircuitPython_HT16K33 ( library
on your board.
First make sure you are running the latest version of Adafruit CircuitPython (https:// for your board. Next you'll need to install the necessary libraries to use
the hardware--read below and carefully follow the referenced steps to find and install
these libraries from Adafruit's CircuitPython library bundle (
Bundle Install
For express boards that have extra flash storage, like the Feather/Metro M0 express
and Circuit Playground express, you can easily install the necessary libraries with Ada
fruit's CircuitPython bundle ( This is an all-in-one package that
includes the necessary libraries to use the LED backpack display with CircuitPython.
For details on installing the bundle, read about CircuitPython Libraries (https://
Remember for non-express boards like the Trinket M0, Gemma M0, and Feather/
Metro M0 basic you'll need to manually install the necessary libraries (
ABU) from the bundle:
• adafruit_ht16k33
• adafruit_bus_device
If your board supports USB mass storage, like the M0-based boards, then simply drag
the files to the board's file system. Note on boards without external SPI flash, like a
Feather M0 or Trinket/Gemma M0, you might run into issues on Mac OSX with hidden
files taking up too much space when drag and drop copying, see this page for a
workaround (
Before continuing make sure your board's lib folder or root filesystem has at least
the adafruit_ht16k33 and adafruit_bus_device folders/modules copied over.
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Python Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use LED Matrices with Python and the Adafruit CircuitPython HT16K33 (htt
ps:// library. This library allows you to easily write Python code to control
the display.
We'll cover how to wire the LED Matrix to your Raspberry Pi. First assemble your LED
Since there's dozens of Linux computers/boards you can use we will show wiring for
Raspberry Pi. For other platforms, please visit the guide for CircuitPython on Linux to
see whether your platform is supported (
Connect the LED Matrix as shown below to your Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi 3.3V to LED Matrix VIN
Raspberry Pi GND to LED Matrix GND
Raspberry Pi SCL to LED Matrix SCL
Raspberry Pi SDA to LED Matrix SDA
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Download Fritzing Object
You'll need to install the Adafruit_Blinka library that provides the CircuitPython
support in Python. This may also require enabling I2C on your platform and verifying
you are running Python 3. Since each platform is a little different, and Linux changes
often, please visit the CircuitPython on Linux guide to get your computer ready (https:
Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
Once that's done, from your command line run the following command:
• pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ht16k33
If your default Python is version 3 you may need to run 'pip' instead. Just make sure
you aren't trying to use CircuitPython on Python 2.x, it isn't supported!
If that complains about pip3 not being installed, then run this first to install it:
• sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Pillow Library
We also need PIL, the Python Imaging Library, to allow using text with custom fonts.
There are several system libraries that PIL relies on, so installing via a package
manager is the easiest way to bring in everything:
• sudo apt-get install python3-pil
That's it. You should be ready to go.
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CircuitPython and Python Usage
The following section will show how to control the LED backpack from the board's
Python prompt / REPL. You'll walk through how to control the LED display and learn
how to use the CircuitPython module built for the display.
First connect to the board's serial REPL ( you are at the
CircuitPython >>> prompt.
First you'll need to initialize the I2C bus for your board. It's really easy, first import the
necessary modules. In this case, we'll use board and Matrix8x8x2 .
Then just use board.I2C() to create the I2C instance using the default SCL and
SDA pins (which will be marked on the boards pins if using a Feather or similar
Adafruit board).
Then to initialize the matrix, you just pass i2c in.
import board
from adafruit_ht16k33.matrix import Matrix8x8x2
i2c = board.I2C()
matrix = Matrix8x8x2(i2c)
If you bridged the address pads on the back of the display, you could pass in the
address. The addresses for the HT16K33 can range between 0x70 and 0x77
depending on which pads you have bridged, with 0x70 being used if you haven't
bridged any of them. For instance, if you bridge only the A0 pad, you would use
0x71 like this:
matrix = Matrix8x8x2(i2c, address=0x71)
Setting the Brightness
You can set the brightness of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual segments. If can be adjusted in 1/16 increments betw
een 0 and 1.0 with 1.0 being the brightest. So to set the display to half brightness, you
would use the following:
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display.brightness = 0.5
Setting the Blink Rate
You can set the blink rate of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual pixels. If can be adjusted in 1/4 increments between 0
and 3 with 3 being the fastest blinking. So to set the display to blink at full speed, you
would use the following:
display.blink_rate = 3
Setting Individual Pixels
To set individual pixels to specific colors, you simply treat the matrix object as a
multidimensional list and set it to matrix.LED_RED , matrix.LED_GREEN ,
matrix.LED_YELLOW or matrix.LED_OFF .
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Filling the Entire Matrix
To fill the entire matrix, just use the fill() function and pass in the color you want to set
it to. For instance, if you wanted to set everything to green, you would use:
Shifting the Matrix
To shift the pixels on the matrix, there are 5 functions you can use. The main function,
called shift(), is used to shift the pixels, up, down, left, right, or even diagonally. By
passing a positive number, it will shift the pixels right/up and passing a negative
number will shift them left/down. For instance:
matrix.shift(2, 0)
matrix.shift(-1, 0)
matrix.shift(0, -3)
matrix.shift(-2, 2)
# shift pixels to the right by 2
# shift pixels to the left by 1
# shift pixels down by 3
# shift pixels left by 2 and up by 2
You can pass True as a third parameter to loop all the pixels that get shifted off over
to the other side.
matrix.shift(2, 0, True)
matrix.shift(-1, 0, True)
matrix.shift(0, -3, True)
matrix.shift(-2, 2, True)
# loop pixels to the right by 2
# loop pixels to the left by 1
# loop pixels down by 3
# loop pixels left by 2 and up by 2
Additionally, there are a few convenience functions that will shift the pixels by one.
These can also be passed a value of True to loop the pixels.
# Shift pixels up
# Shift pixels left
# Shift pixels down
# Shift pixels right
# Loop pixels up
# Loop pixels left
# Loop pixels down
# Loop pixels right
Displaying an Image (Pillow Only)
Additionally, when using with the Raspberry Pi, you can use the Pillow library to
display an image to the Matrix. The image will need to be the same exact size as the
Matrix and should include pure Green, Red, or Yellow. Anything else will be
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considered to be off. In this case, it should be 8x8 pixels. As an example, you can
save the image below as myimage.png.
Download Image
Then if you want to display the image called myimage.png, you would use something
like this:
import board
from PIL import Image
from adafruit_ht16k33 import matrix
matrix = matrix.Matrix8x8x2(board.I2C())
image ="myimage.png")
Bi-Color 24 Bargraph
This version of the LED backpack is designed for these bright and colorful bi-color
bargraph modules. Each module has 12 red and 12 green LEDs inside, for a total of 24
LEDs controlled as a 1x12 matrix. We put two modules on each backpack for a 24-bar
long bargraph (48 total LEDs).
This backpack solves the annoyance of using lots of pins or a bunch of chips by
having an I2C constant-current matrix controller sit neatly on the back of the PCB. The
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controller chip takes care of everything, drawing all 48 LEDs in the background. All
you have to do is write data to it using the 2-pin I2C interface. There are three
address select pins so you can select one of 8 addresses to control up to 8 of these
on a single 2-pin I2C bus (as well as whatever other I2C chips or sensors you like).
The driver chip can 'dim' the entire display from 1/16 brightness up to full brightness in
1/16th steps. It cannot dim individual LEDs, only the entire display at once.
Pay close attention to the instructions for positioning the bargraphs. They must
be oriented correctly to work and is almost impossible to remove them once
soldered to the backpack!
Remove the parts from packaging and place the LED bargraphs over the outlines on
the top of the PCB.
The bargraph must be soldered on the correct orientation or it will not work! Check
for the side of the bargraph that has printing on it. Then look for the outline on the
PCB that has "Text on this side" marked!
Do not solder the matrix onto the back of the PCB, it won't work either!
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To keep the two bargraphs lined up nicely, you can use a little masking or scotch tape
on the bargraph modules, tape them so they are in a straight line. There is a little play
during soldering so if you don't do this the two modules may not be in a perfect line.
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Turn over the PCB and bend oppositecorner pins of the modules out so that the
modules are fixed in place against the
PCB. Now is a good time to do a last
check that you oriented the modules the
right way!
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Solder all the module pins in!
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OK nice work!
Once soldered, clip each pin. They're quite
short and the pins are thicker than usual,
so do this over/inside a trash bin so that
the pins don't fly off and it you or your
Everything should be neat and clipped,
you're done!
Soldering on breadboard pins
This is an optional step - you only need to do this step if you're planning on using the
bargraph in a breadboard. Chances are you may want to solder wires directly to the
pads instead, so you can mount the bargraph elsewhere. Anyhow, skip this step if its
not for you!
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Break off a piece of male header, 4 pins
long. Plug the long ends into a solderless
Place the PCB on top. you may need to
support it a little since its quite long.
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Solder these 4 pins too, since you're good
at it now this should be easy.
Arduino Wiring and Setup
You can use these with a 3.3v or 5v microcontroller. Just connect the VCC+ pin is
the same voltage as the logic on your microcontroller.
We wrote a basic library to help you work with the bi-color bargraph backpack. The
library is written for the Arduino and will work with any Arduino as it just uses the I2C
pins. The code is very portable and can be easily adapted to any I2C-capable micro.
Wiring to the bargraph is really easy
• Connect SCL to the I2C clock - on Arduino UNO thats Analog #5 (or SCL), on the
Leonardo its Digital #3, on the Mega its digital #21
• Connect SDA to the I2C data - on Arduino UNO thats Analog #4 (or SDA), on the
Leonardo its Digital #2, on the Mega its digital #20
• Connect GND to common ground
• Connect VCC+ to power - 5V is best but 3V also seems to work for 3V
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Next, download the Adafruit LED Backpack library and the Adafruit GFX library from
the Arduino library manager.
Open up the Arduino library manager:
Search for the Adafruit LED Backpack library and install it
Search for the Adafruit GFX library and install it
©Adafruit Industries
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If using an earlier version of the Arduino IDE (prior to 1.8.10), also locate and install Ad
afruit_BusIO (newer versions will install this dependency automatically).
Once you've restarted you should be able to select the
File→Examples→Adafruit_LEDBackpack→bargraph24 example sketch. Upload it to
your Arduino as usual. You should see a basic test program that tests all the LEDs
with different colors.
We also have a great tutorial on Arduino library installation at: (https://
Using the library interface is very easy. Start by creating the object with
Adafruit_24bargraph bar = Adafruit_24bargraph();
you can name it whatever you want, not just bar
Then initialize it with
bar.begin(0x70); // pass in the address
You can init with any address from 0x70 to 0x77, just make sure you solder in the
matching solder jumpers!
Finally, write to the bargraph with
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bar.setBar(lednumber, ledcolor);
Where lednumber is 0 thru 23. ledcolor can be LED_RED, LED_YELLOW, LED_GREEN
The drawing routines only change the display memory kept by the Arduino. Don't
forget to call bar.writeDisplay() after drawing to 'save' the memory out to the matrix via
There are also a few small routines that are special to the matrix:
• setBrightness(brightness)- will let you change the overall brightness of the entire
display. 0 is least bright, 15 is brightest and is what is initialized by the display
when you start
• blinkRate(rate) - You can blink the entire display. 0 is no blinking. 1, 2 or 3 is for
display blinking.
CircuitPython Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use LED Matrices with CircuitPython and the Adafruit CircuitPython
HT16K33 ( library. This module allows you to easily write
CircuitPython code to control the display.
You can use this sensor with any CircuitPython microcontroller board.
We'll cover how to wire the Bargraph to your CircuitPython microcontroller board.
First assemble your Bargraph.
Connect the Bargraph to your microcontroller board as shown below.
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Microcontroller 3V to Bargraph VIN
Microcontroller GND to Bargraph GND
Microcontroller SCL to Bargraph SCL
Microcontroller SDA to Bargraph SDA
Download Fritzing Object
Library Setup
To use the LED backpack with your Adafruit CircuitPython ( board
you'll need to install the Adafruit_CircuitPython_HT16K33 ( library
on your board.
First make sure you are running the latest version of Adafruit CircuitPython (https:// for your board. Next you'll need to install the necessary libraries to use
the hardware--read below and carefully follow the referenced steps to find and install
these libraries from Adafruit's CircuitPython library bundle (
Bundle Install
For express boards that have extra flash storage, like the Feather/Metro M0 express
and Circuit Playground express, you can easily install the necessary libraries with Ada
fruit's CircuitPython bundle ( This is an all-in-one package that
includes the necessary libraries to use the LED backpack display with CircuitPython.
For details on installing the bundle, read about CircuitPython Libraries (https://
Remember for non-express boards like the Trinket M0, Gemma M0, and Feather/
Metro M0 basic you'll need to manually install the necessary libraries (
ABU) from the bundle:
• adafruit_ht16k33
©Adafruit Industries
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• adafruit_bus_device
If your board supports USB mass storage, like the M0-based boards, then simply drag
the files to the board's file system. Note on boards without external SPI flash, like a
Feather M0 or Trinket/Gemma M0, you might run into issues on Mac OSX with hidden
files taking up too much space when drag and drop copying, see this page for a
workaround (
Before continuing make sure your board's lib folder or root filesystem has at least
the adafruit_ht16k33 and adafruit_bus_device folders/modules copied over.
Python Wiring and Setup
It's easy to use LED Matrices with Python and the Adafruit CircuitPython HT16K33 (htt
ps:// library. This library allows you to easily write Python code to control
the display.
We'll cover how to wire the Bargraph to your Raspberry Pi. First assemble your
Since there's dozens of Linux computers/boards you can use we will show wiring for
Raspberry Pi. For other platforms, please visit the guide for CircuitPython on Linux to
see whether your platform is supported (
Connect the Bargraph as shown below to your Raspberry Pi.
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Raspberry Pi 3.3V to Bargraph VIN
Raspberry Pi GND to Bargraph GND
Raspberry Pi SCL to Bargraph SCL
Raspberry Pi SDA to Bargraph SDA
Download Fritzing Object
You'll need to install the Adafruit_Blinka library that provides the CircuitPython
support in Python. This may also require enabling I2C on your platform and verifying
you are running Python 3. Since each platform is a little different, and Linux changes
often, please visit the CircuitPython on Linux guide to get your computer ready (https:
Python Installation of HT16K33 Library
Once that's done, from your command line run the following command:
• pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ht16k33
If your default Python is version 3 you may need to run 'pip' instead. Just make sure
you aren't trying to use CircuitPython on Python 2.x, it isn't supported!
If that complains about pip3 not being installed, then run this first to install it:
• sudo apt-get install python3-pip
That's it. You should be ready to go.
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CircuitPython and Python Usage
The following section will show how to control the LED backpack from the board's
Python prompt / REPL. You'll walk through how to control the LED display and learn
how to use the CircuitPython module built for the display.
First connect to the board's serial REPL ( you are at the
CircuitPython >>> prompt.
First you'll need to initialize the I2C bus for your board. It's really easy, first import the
necessary modules. In this case, we'll use board and BiColor24 .
Then just use board.I2C() to create the I2C instance using the default SCL and
SDA pins (which will be marked on the boards pins if using a Feather or similar
Adafruit board).
Then to initialize the bargraph, you just pass i2c in.
import board
from adafruit_ht16k33.bargraph import Bicolor24
i2c = board.I2C()
bc24 = Bicolor24(i2c)
If you bridged the address pads on the back of the display, you could pass in the
address. The addresses for the HT16K33 can range between 0x70 and 0x77
depending on which pads you have bridged, with 0x70 being used if you haven't
bridged any of them. For instance, if you bridge only the a0 pad, you would use 0x71
like this:
bc24 = Bicolor24(i2c, address=0x71)
Setting the Brightness
You can set the brightness of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual segments. If can be adjusted in 1/16 increments betw
een 0 and 1.0 with 1.0 being the brightest. So to set the display to half brightness, you
would use the following:
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display.brightness = 0.5
Setting the Blink Rate
You can set the blink rate of the display, but changing it will set the brightness of the
entire display and not individual segments. If can be adjusted in 1/4 increments betwe
en 0 and 3 with 3 being the fastest blinking. So to set the display to blink at full
speed, you would use the following:
display.blink_rate = 3
Setting Individual Bars
To set individual bars to specific colors, you simply treat the bc24 object as a list and
set it to bc24.LED_RED , bc24.LED_GREEN , bc24.LED_YELLOW or bc24.LED_OFF .
Filling the Entire Bargraph
To fill the entire bargraph, just use the fill() function and pass in the color you want to
set it to. For instance, if you wanted to set everything to green, you would use:
Connecting Multiple Backpacks
The coolest part about the I2C backpacks is that you can connect more than one
using just the same 2 pins. This opens possibilities for all kinds of multi-display
projects (
For a project that shows this is practice, check out this page ( on
animating multiple LED backpacks
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Wire it Up
To connect another backpack to your project, just wire it in parallel with the first one
as in the diagram below.
If your backpack has 5 connectors, just wire all 5 in parallel.
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Configure the Address
For each backpack you add, you need to configure a different I2C address. You can
keep adding backpacks in the same way until you run out of addresses. See the next
page for how to configure the address on your backpack.
Changing I2C Address
The HT16K33 driver chip on these LED backpacks has a default I2C address of 0x70.
Since each device on an I2C bus must have a unique address, its important to avoid
collisions or you'll get a lot of strange responses from your electronic devices!
Luckily, the HT16K33 has 2 or 3 address adjust pins, so that the address can be
changed! The mini 0.8" 8x8 matrix backpack has 2 address adjust pins. The 1.2" 8x8,
bi-color 8x8, bi-color bargraph and 4 x 7-segment backpacks have 3 address adjust
That means that you can set the backpacks to these addresses:
• Mini 0.8" 8x8: 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73
• Small 1.2" 8x8: 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77
• 4 x 7-segment: 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77
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• Bi-color 1.2" 8x8: 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77
• Bi-color 24-bargraph: 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77
You can mix-and-match matrices, as long as each one has a unique address!
Changing Addresses
You can change the address of a backpack very easily. Look on the back to find the
two or three A0, A1 or A2 solder jumpers. Each one of these is used to hardcode in
the address. If a jumper is shorted with solder, that sets the address. A0 sets the
lowest bit with a value of 1, A1 sets the middle bit with a value of 2 and A2 sets the
high bit with a value of 4. The final address is 0x70 + A2 + A1 + A0. So for example if A
2 is shorted and A0 is shorted, the address is 0x70 + 4 + 1 = 0x75. If only A1 is
shorted, the address is 0x70 + 2 = 0x72
A2 does not appear on the mini 0.8" 8x8 matrix, so you cannot set the address higher
than 0x73
On the 1.2" 8x8 backpacks, the labels for A1 and A2 are swapped! Sorry about
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Changing the address in your code
Once you've adjusted the address on the backpack, you'll also want to adjust the
address in the code!
For the Arduino library we wrote, its simple. For example, lets say you want to have
two seven-segment matrices. One is set to address 0x70 and the other is set to 0x71.
Find this code in the example
Adafruit_7segment matrix = Adafruit_7segment();
void setup() {
Serial.println("7 Segment Backpack Test");
And change it to this:
Adafruit_7segment matrix1 = Adafruit_7segment();
Adafruit_7segment matrix2 = Adafruit_7segment();
void setup() {
Serial.println("Double 7 Segment Backpack Test");
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That is, instantiate two matrix objects. Then one is called with begin(0x70) and the
other is called with begin(0x71). Each one can be used individually. If you need more
matrices, just instantiate more objects at the top and begin() each one with the unique
i2c address.
I want to use these modules with other non-Arduino, how
can I port the code?
The best way to get up and running is to read the HT16K33 driver datasheet
available at (https:// - the backpacks all use this chip to do all the LED driving. You can
cross-reference this document with the Arduino library code to adapt it to your
platform. Any microcontroller that has I2C host support should be able to drive the
backpacks but we only provide Arduino example code at this time
I'd like to use these backpacks with Python / Linux (e.g. a
Raspberry Pi)
You're in luck! We have a full tutorial here that covers using the 7-segment and 8x8
matrices on a Pi with Python code -> (
I am having strange problems when combining Adafruit
Motor Shield/Servo Shield (PCA9685 based) with the
Adafruit LED Matrix/7Seg Backpacks
We are not sure why this occurs but there is an address collision even though the
address are different! Set the backpacks to address 0x71 or anything other than the
default 0x70 to make the issue go away
What is the current draw of the backpacks?
It depends on how many LEDs you have lit at once!
But a rough estimation is 20 milliamps per segment. Note that segments are
multiplexed per row so that means
• 8x8 Mono Matrix (8 rows)= 8 x 20mA = 160mA max
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• 7-segment backpacks (7 segments + 1 dot) = 8 x 20mA = 160 mA
• Alphanumeric (14 segments) = 14 x 20mA = 280mA
• Bi-color 8x8 and 8x16 matrix (16 rows) = 8 x 16 = 320mA
But again, this is maximum and assumes all digits and all segments are lit up! Your
average use may be 1/10 to 1/2 of this amount
You'll need to install the following libraries to use any of the LED backpacks.
Open up the Arduino library manager:
Search for the Adafruit LED Backpack library and install it
Search for the Adafruit GFX library and install it
We also have a great tutorial on Arduino library installation at: (https://
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• Fritzing objects in Adafruit Fritzing library (
• EagleCAD PCB files for all backpacks in GitHub (
• The backpacks all use the HT16K33 chip solely for LED driving (
aMy) - the mini 8x8's use the 24 pin version and the others use the 28 pin
HT16K33 8x16 LED Backpack Breakout
Schematic & fabrication print
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8x8 0.8" LED Backpack
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8x8 1.2" LED Backpack
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8x8 1.2" Bi-Color LED Backpack
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16x8 1.2" LED Backpacks
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0.56" 7-Segment LED Backpack STEMMA
Quad 0.56" 7-Segment Original
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Quad 0.54" 14-segment Alphanumeric
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Quad 0.54" 14-segment Alphanumeric
Original Version
Quad 1.2" 7-Segment
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Bicolor 24-Bargraph
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