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    DVB-T COFDM解调器+USB 2.0

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RTL2832U 数据手册
RTL2832U k e t l a e R L IA T N DVB-T COFDM DEMODULATOR+USB 2.0 E ID F N DATASHEET (CONFIDENTIAL: Development Partners Only) O C r fo L 4 V Rev. 1.4 01 November 2010 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. No. 2, Innovation Road II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan Tel.: +886-3-578-0211. Fax: +886-3-577-6047 www.realtek.com RTL2832U Datasheet COPYRIGHT ©2010 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means without the written permission of Realtek Semiconductor Corp. DISCLAIMER Realtek provides this document “as is”, without warranty of any kind. Realtek may make improvements and/or changes in this document or in the product described in this document at any time. This document could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. TRADEMARKS k e t l a Realtek is a trademark of Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. Other names mentioned in this document are trademarks/registered trademarks of their respective owners. e R USING THIS DOCUMENT L IA This document is intended for the hardware and software engineer’s general information on the Realtek RTL2832U. T N Though every effort has been made to ensure that this document is current and accurate, more information may have become available subsequent to the production of this guide. REVISION HISTORY E ID F N Revision 1.0 1.1 Release Date 2008/06/30 2009/02/06 1.2 2009/02/16 1.3 1.4 2009/06/29 2010/11/01 O C DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 Summary First release. Corrected typing errors. Revised ‘Connects a 12k ohm Resistor to ground’ to ‘Connects a 10k ohm Resistor to ground’, in the ADC section of Table 1 Pin Descriptions, page 5. Revised Figure 9, page 44. Corrected minor typing errors. Added Table 38 Crystal Conditions, page 43. r fo L 4 V ii Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet Table of Contents 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ..............................................................................................................................................1 2. FEATURES .........................................................................................................................................................................2 3. SYSTEM APPLICATIONS...............................................................................................................................................2 4. BLOCK DIAGRAM ...........................................................................................................................................................3 5. PIN ASSIGNMENTS .........................................................................................................................................................4 5.1. k e t GREEN PACKAGE AND VERSION IDENTIFICATION ........................................................................................................4 6. PIN DESCRIPTIONS.........................................................................................................................................................5 7. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................................................7 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. 7.7. 7.8. 7.9. 7.10. 7.11. 8. ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERSION (ADC).................................................................................................................7 AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL (AGC)............................................................................................................................7 DIGITAL DOWN CONVERSION ......................................................................................................................................7 RESAMPLER .................................................................................................................................................................8 GUARD INTERVAL REMOVAL .......................................................................................................................................8 FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM (FFT)...............................................................................................................................8 SYNCHRONIZATION ......................................................................................................................................................8 CHANNEL ESTIMATION ................................................................................................................................................9 TRANSMISSION PARAMETER SIGNAL DECODER ...........................................................................................................9 EQUALIZATION ............................................................................................................................................................9 DE-INTERLEAVER, FEC DECODER, AND DESCRAMBLER .............................................................................................9 l a e R L IA T N TUNER INTERFACE......................................................................................................................................................10 E ID 8.1. AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL (AGC)..........................................................................................................................11 8.1.1. Register Name: loop_gain ....................................................................................................................................12 8.1.2. Register Name: if_agc_min/if_agc_max/rf_agc_min/rf_agc_max .......................................................................13 8.1.3. Register Name: Vtop.............................................................................................................................................13 8.1.4. Register Name: Krf...............................................................................................................................................14 8.1.5. Register Name: if_agc_val/rf_agc_val .................................................................................................................14 8.2. ADC INPUT (TUNER OUTPUT) ...................................................................................................................................14 8.3. TWO-WIRE INTERFACE BETWEEN THE TUNER AND THE RTL2832U .........................................................................15 8.4. RTL2832U INTERNAL SWITCHING REGULATOR ........................................................................................................16 9. F N O C REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS (GENERAL)..................................................................................................................17 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5. 9.6. 9.7. 9.8. 9.9. 9.10. 9.11. 10. L 4 V ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER (ADC) .................................................................................................................17 DC CANCELLATION AND IQ COMPENSATION ............................................................................................................18 DIGITAL DOWN CONVERSION (DDC) ........................................................................................................................19 RESAMPLER ...............................................................................................................................................................20 CO-CHANNEL INTERFERENCE REJECTION ..................................................................................................................21 IMPULSE NOISE CANCELLATION ................................................................................................................................21 DIGITAL AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL (DAGC) ........................................................................................................22 FFT MODE DETECTION ..............................................................................................................................................22 TIMING RECOVERY/CARRIER RECOVERY ..................................................................................................................23 CRYSTAL....................................................................................................................................................................24 PID FILTER ................................................................................................................................................................24 r fo REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS (8051 SYSTEM) .......................................................................................................27 10.1. DEMODULATOR CONTROL REGISTER (DEMOD_CTL, 0000H) .................................................................................29 10.2. GPIO RELATED REGISTERS (0001H~0008H) .............................................................................................................29 10.2.1. GPIO Output Value Register (GPO, 0001h) ...................................................................................................30 DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 iii Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 10.2.2. GPIO Input Value Register (GPI, 0002h)........................................................................................................30 10.2.3. GPIO Output Enable Register (GPOE, 0003h) ...............................................................................................31 10.2.4. GPIO Direction Control Register (GPD, 0004h) ............................................................................................31 10.2.5. PAD Configuration Register for GPIO0~3 (GP_CFG0, 0007h).....................................................................32 10.2.6. PAD Configuration Register for GPIO4 (GP_CFG1, 0008h).........................................................................32 10.3. I2C MASTER CONTROL REGISTERS (0040H-0053H) ...................................................................................................33 10.3.1. I2C Clock Register (I2CCR, 0040h-0043h)......................................................................................................33 10.3.2. I2C Master Control Register (I2CMCR, 0044h-0047h)...................................................................................33 10.3.3. I2C Master SCL Timing Register (I2CMSTR, 0048h-004Bh) ..........................................................................35 10.3.4. I2C Master Status Register (I2CMSR, 004Ch-004Fh) .....................................................................................35 10.3.5. I2C Master FIFO Register (I2CMFR, 0050h-0053h) ......................................................................................36 11. k e t REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS (USB INTERFACE) ................................................................................................36 11.1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................................................36 11.2. VENDOR COMMANDS .................................................................................................................................................36 11.3. SIE CONTROL REGISTER ............................................................................................................................................38 11.4. USB SYSTEM CONTROL REGISTER (USB_SYSCTL, 0000H) ....................................................................................39 11.4.1. Endpoint A Configuration Register (USB_EPA_CFG, 0144h) .......................................................................39 11.4.2. Endpoint A Control Register (USB_EPA_CTL, 0148h) ..................................................................................40 11.4.3. Endpoint A Max Packet Size Register (USB_EPA_MAXPKT, 0158h) ............................................................40 11.4.4. Endpoint A FIFO Configuration Register (USB_EPA_FIFO_CFG, 0160h) ..................................................40 12. 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.4. l a e R L IA CHARACTERISTICS.................................................................................................................................................41 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ................................................................................................................................41 DC CHARACTERISTICS ...............................................................................................................................................41 AC CHARACTERISTICS ...............................................................................................................................................42 CRYSTAL CONDITIONS ...............................................................................................................................................43 T N E ID 13. APPLICATION CIRCUITS .......................................................................................................................................44 14. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS.................................................................................................................................45 14.1. 15. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS NOTES ............................................................................................................................46 F N ORDERING INFORMATION ...................................................................................................................................47 O C DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 r fo L 4 V iv Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet List of Tables TABLE 1. TABLE 2. TABLE 3. TABLE 4. TABLE 5. TABLE 6. TABLE 7. TABLE 8. TABLE 9. TABLE 10. TABLE 11. TABLE 12. TABLE 13. TABLE 14. TABLE 15. TABLE 16. TABLE 17. TABLE 18. TABLE 19. TABLE 20. TABLE 21. TABLE 22. TABLE 23. TABLE 24. TABLE 25. TABLE 26. TABLE 27. TABLE 28. TABLE 29. TABLE 30. TABLE 31. TABLE 32. TABLE 33. TABLE 34. TABLE 35. TABLE 36. TABLE 37. TABLE 38. TABLE 39. PIN DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................5 AAGC REGISTER TABLE ............................................................................................................................................12 I2C REPEATER REGISTER TABLE .................................................................................................................................15 ADC REGISTERS .........................................................................................................................................................17 DC CANCELLATION REGISTERS ..................................................................................................................................18 DIGITAL DOWN CONVERSION (DDC) .........................................................................................................................20 RESAMPLER ................................................................................................................................................................20 CO-CHANNEL INTERFERENCE REJECTION...................................................................................................................21 IMPULSE NOISE CANCELLATION .................................................................................................................................21 DAGC REGISTERS .....................................................................................................................................................22 FTT MODE DETECTION..............................................................................................................................................22 TIMING RECOVERY/CARRIER RECOVERY ..................................................................................................................24 PID FILTER ................................................................................................................................................................25 SYSTEM REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS .............................................................................................................................27 DEMODULATOR CONTROL REGISTER (DEMOD_CTL, 0000H) .................................................................................29 GPIO OUTPUT VALUE REGISTER (GPO, 0001H) .......................................................................................................30 GPIO INPUT VALUE REGISTER (GPI, 0002H) ............................................................................................................30 GPIO OUTPUT ENABLE REGISTER (GPOE, 0003H) ...................................................................................................31 GPIO DIRECTION CONTROL REGISTER (GPD, 0004H)...............................................................................................31 PAD CONFIGURATION REGISTER FOR GPIO0~3 (GP_CFG0, 0007H) .......................................................................32 PAD CONFIGURATION REGISTER FOR GPIO4 (GP_CFG1, 0008H)............................................................................32 I2C CLOCK REGISTER (I2CCR, 0040H-0043H)...........................................................................................................33 I2C MASTER CONTROL REGISTER (I2CMCR, 0044H-0047H) ....................................................................................33 I2C MASTER SCL TIMING REGISTER (I2CMSTR, 0048H-004BH) .............................................................................35 I2C MASTER STATUS REGISTER (I2CMSR, 004CH-004FH) .......................................................................................35 I2C MASTER FIFO REGISTER (I2CMFR, 0050H-0053H)............................................................................................36 VENDOR COMMANDS .................................................................................................................................................36 DEFINITION OF ‘WINDEX’...........................................................................................................................................37 SIE CONTROL REGISTER ............................................................................................................................................38 USB SYSTEM CONTROL REGISTER (USB_SYSCTL, 0000H) ....................................................................................39 ENDPOINT A CONFIGURATION REGISTER (USB_EPA_CFG, 0144H) ........................................................................39 ENDPOINT A CONTROL REGISTER (USB_EPA_CTL, 0148H)....................................................................................40 ENDPOINT A MAX PACKET SIZE REGISTER (USB_EPA_MAXPKT, 0158H) ............................................................40 ENDPOINT A FIFO CONFIGURATION REGISTER .........................................................................................................40 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ................................................................................................................................41 DC CHARACTERISTICS ...............................................................................................................................................41 TWO-WIRE INTERFACE TIMING .................................................................................................................................42 CRYSTAL CONDITIONS ...............................................................................................................................................43 ORDERING INFORMATION ..........................................................................................................................................47 k e t l a e R O C DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 T N E ID F N r fo L IA L 4 V v Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet List of Figures FIGURE 1. FIGURE 2. FIGURE 3. FIGURE 4. FIGURE 5. FIGURE 6. FIGURE 7. FIGURE 8. FIGURE 9. BLOCK DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................................................................3 PIN ASSIGNMENTS (48-PIN QFN) ................................................................................................................................4 IF OR ZERO-IF TUNER INTERFACE.............................................................................................................................10 DELAYED AGC .........................................................................................................................................................11 TWO-WIRE INTERFACE BETWEEN THE TUNER AND RTL2832U ................................................................................15 INTERNAL SWITCHING REGULATOR LAYOUT ............................................................................................................16 PID FILTER FUNCTION OF THE RTL2832U................................................................................................................24 TWO-WIRE INTERFACE TIMING DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................42 APPLICATION CIRCUITS .............................................................................................................................................44 k e t l a e R O C DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 T N E ID F N r fo L IA L 4 V vi Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 1. General Description The RTL2832U is a high-performance DVB-T COFDM demodulator that supports a USB 2.0 interface. The RTL2832U complies with NorDig Unified 1.0.3, D-Book 5.0, and EN300 744 (ETSI Specification). It supports 2K or 8K mode with 6, 7, and 8MHz bandwidth. Modulation parameters, e.g., code rate, and guard interval, are automatically detected. k e t The RTL2832U supports tuners at IF (Intermediate Frequency, 36.125MHz), low-IF (4.57MHz), or Zero-IF output using a 28.8MHz crystal. Embedded with an advanced ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter), the RTL2832U features high stability in portable reception. l a L IA The state-of-the-art RTL2832U features Realtek proprietary algorithms (patent-pending), including superior channel estimation, co-channel interface rejection, long echo channel reception, and impulse noise cancellation, and provides an ideal solution for a wide range of applications for PC-TV, such as USB dongle and MiniCard/USB, and embedded system via USB interface. e R E ID F N O C DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 T N r fo L 4 V 1 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 2. Features „ COFDM complying with Nordig Unified 1.0.3, D-book 5.0, and ETSI 300-744 „ Delayed AGC with programmable Take-Over Point (TOP) „ Supports multiple IF frequencies (4.57MHz or 36.167MHz) and spectrum inversion „ 7-bit ADC for RF signals level measurement „ Hardware MPEG-2 PID filters „ Infra-red port for remote control and wake-up, protocols supported are „ Supports Zero-IF input „ Single low-cost crystal for clock generation (±100ppm) „ l a e R „ Impulse noise cancellation circuits „ Automatic carrier recovery over a wide range offset (±800KHz) „ „ 3. k e t Automatic transmission mode and guard interval detection System Applications „ Portable DTV device „ USB dongle „ MiniCard DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 ‹ NEC, Sony, SIRC, RC-5 protocol r fo L IA Eight general purpose I/O ports „ USB 2.0 Interface T N E ID F N O C Microsoft RC6 protocol „ Superior performance with pre/post/long echo profiles Embedded adjacent and co-channel interference rejection circuit ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ „ Supports USB Full/High speed Configurable vendor information via external EEPROM Passes USB-IF certification Signal 3.3V external power is required L 4 V „ 2 48-pin QFN (6x6 mm2) Green Package Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 4. Block Diagram IF to Baseband Sampling Clock 28.8 MHz Timing Error LPF I 90 ADC Resampler k e t Q LPF RF AGC AGC Synchroniza -tions FFT Frequency Error l a IF AGC USB MPEG 2 e R Figure 1. DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 r fo Channel Estimation/ Equalizer L IA De-Mapper T N Block Diagram E ID F N O C Channel Decoding & De-Interleaver MPEG 2 PID Filter L 4 V 3 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet VDDA VDDA33 UVDDA HSDM HSDP SEGND IRRC GPIO0 Pin Assignments k e t 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 R12K VDDA VCMI GNDA 5. l a e R L IA T N E ID O C AGC_IF VDD3 AGC_RF I2C_SCLT I2C_SDAT I2C_SCL I2C_SDA VDD1 GPIO7 GPIO6 FB SW_VOUT1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 F N r fo Figure 2. L 4 V Pin Assignments (48-Pin QFN) 5.1. Green Package and Version Identification Green package is indicated by a ‘G’ in the location marked ‘T’ in Figure 2. The version number is shown in the location marked ‘V’. DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 4 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 6. Pin Descriptions The following signal type codes are used in the tables: I: Input I/OD: Bi-Directional, Output Open-Drain O: Output Tri: Tri-State Output k e t OD: Open-Drain Output PS: Power Supply I/O: Bi-Directional GND: Ground l a Table 1. Name Pin number Pin Descriptions Function e R 12, 20, 28, 34 VDD3 14, 33 VDDA33 43 VDDA 44, 47 Analog Front End Power Supplies GNDA 3, 45 Analog Front End Ground O C XO VDDPLL GNDPLL TP_CKO Digital Core Power Supplies PS (1.2V) T N Digital I/O Power Supplies Analog Front End Power Supply E ID F N XI L IA Power and Ground VDD1 Type Oscillator and PLL PS (3.3V) PS (3.3V) PS (1.2V) GND 11 Crystal Oscillator Input I 10 Crystal Oscillator Output O 7 PLL Power Supply 8 PLL Ground 9 ADC Test Pin for Clock Input VIP 1 VIN 2 VQP 4 V r fo VQN 4L ADC PS (1.2V) GND I/O Differential Analog Input – Positive (I Path) I Differential Analog Input – Negative (I Path) I Differential Analog Input – Positive (Q Path) I 5 Differential Analog Input – negative (Q Path) I R12K 48 Connects a 10k ohm Resistor to Ground I VCMI 46 Reference Voltage for ADC AC-Coupling I DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 5 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet Name Pin number VINR 6 Function Type Low Speed 7-bit ADC Single-Ended Input I USB Interface HSDP 40 USB D+ Signal I/O HSDM 41 USB D- Signal I/O UVDDA 42 USB 1.2V Analog Power Supply SEGND 39 Reference Ground PS (1.2V) k e t GND Host Interface I2C_SCL 18 I2C Interface Clock Output Pin (5 Voltage Tolerance) I2C_SDA 19 I2C Interface Bi-Directional Data Pin (5 Voltage Tolerance) I2C_SCLT 16 Output SCLK Signal (5 Voltage Tolerance) for Tuner Control I2C_SDAT 17 Output SDAT Signal (5 Voltage Tolerance) for Tuner Control AGC_IF 13 Control Signal for IF AGC (5 Voltage Tolerance) AGC_RF 15 Control Signal for RF AGC (5 Voltage Tolerance) M_ERR 35 MPEG Error Output l a e R E ID I/OD OD L IA T N GPIO Interface and IR OD I/OD OD OD O IRRC 38 IR Signal Input GPIO[0] 37 General Purpose I/O Pin-0 32 General Purpose I/O Pin-1 31 General Purpose I/O Pin-2 Tri 36 General Purpose I/O Pin-3 Tri 30 General Purpose I/O Pin-4 Tri 29 General Purpose I/O Pin-5 GPIO[6] 22 General Purpose I/O Pin-6 GPIO[7] 21 General Purpose I/O Pin-7 F N GPIO[1] GPIO[2] O C GPIO[3] GPIO[4] GPIO[5] 4L Tri Tri Tri V r o f I Tri Tri Internal 3.3V to 1.2V Switching Regulator ENSWREG 27 0V: Turn off switching regulator I 3.3V: Turn on switching regulator (Tie high internally) SW_VDD3 26, 25 REG_OUT 24 1.2V Power Output O FB 23 Regulated Feedback Voltage I DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 3.3V Power Input PS (3.3V) 6 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 7. Functional Description The block diagram of the RTL2832U DVB-T demodulator is shown in Figure 1, page 3. The RTL2832U accepts IF or Zero IF input signals with the analog signal sampled by the internal ADC. The sampled data stream is then processed by OFDM demodulation. After decoding by an on-chip FEC (Viterbi and Reed-Solomon decoder) the USB 2.0 interface outputs packets with transport stream data. k e t A detailed description of each block is given in this section. l a 7.1. Analog-to-Digital Conversion (ADC) The internal A/D converter can accept tuner output with various bandwidths (6, 7, 8MHz), different IF frequencies (4.57M or 36.167M,), Zero IF (I & Q channel) input and can perform spectrum reversion. e R L IA Using a sampling clock generated by the internal PLL with a 28.8MHz clock source, the RTL2832U demodulates the received TV signal. T N E ID 7.2. Automatic Gain Control (AGC) F N The AGC circuit is used to adjust received signal strength to a moderate level for the ADC. This module supports two output paths, and both are sigma-delta modulated signals. The output signals need additional RC LPFs (Low-Pass Filters) before feeding to IF and RF VGA in the tuner The delayed AGC algorithm is described in section 8.1 Automatic Gain Control (AGC), page 11. O C 7.3. Digital Down Conversion r fo L 4 V The RTL2832U uses IF or Zero-IF sampling to process received signals. The Digital Down Conversion (DDC) circuit converts the sampled IF signal to a complex base-band signal for further processing. The down conversion frequency and low-pass filter can be programmed according to different IF frequency, sampling rates, and signal bandwidth. DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 7 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 7.4. Resampler The Resampler circuit changes the received signal from a fixed ADC sampling rate to an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) sampling rate according to the signal bandwidth. The conversion ratio can be programmed via a register setting. k e t 7.5. Guard Interval Removal In time domain modulation, there is a guard interval inserted between two Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) signals. It is necessary to remove the guard interval before Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) processing. This module is used to moderate the OFDM symbol boundary for FFT according to the results of synchronization. l a e R 7.6. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) L IA T N E ID The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) circuit converts a received time domain signal to a frequency domain signal. Based on the ETSI 300-744 definition, FFT output contains continuous pilots, scattered pilots, Transmission Parameter Signal (TPS), and data signal. These signals can be used for synchronization, channel estimation, and data decision in further processing. F N O C 7.7. Synchronization L 4 V The RTL2832U can measure and compensate for a large range of sampling frequency offsets and carrier frequency offsets before making a data decision. A moderate symbol boundary is utilized to avoid InterSymbol Interference (ISI). DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 r fo 8 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 7.8. Channel Estimation A channel estimation circuit is used to estimate the channel condition of received signals. The estimated channel response can be used for equalization, and is updated symbol by symbol to support mobile channel variations. k e t 7.9. Transmission Parameter Signal Decoder This module is used to decode and determine Transmission Parameter Signal (TPS) bits. The TPS carriers contain parameters for demodulation. These parameters are protected by Bose, Ray-Chaudhuri, Hocquenghem (BCH) encoding. After decoding, the RTL2832U demodulator further processes the decoded information. Parameters such as transmission mode, guard interval value, code rate etc, can be pre-set by registers to overwrite the result of TPS decoding. l a e R 7.10. Equalization L IA T N E ID To handle various channel conditions, the equalization circuit compensates for the signal degradation caused by different multi-path channel profiles. The data bit is detected based on the equalization output. F N O C 7.11. De-Interleaver, FEC Decoder, and Descrambler L 4 V In accordance with ETSI 300-744, the RTL2832U uses a de-interleaver to re-order the decision data bit to the correct sequence. The Forward Error Correction (FEC) decoder circuit detects and corrects error bits in the received sequence. The descrambler recovers the output of the decoder to a standard Transport Stream (TS) sequence. DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 r fo 9 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 8. Tuner Interface There are three interfaces (AGC, ADC input, two-wire serial interface) between the tuner and the demodulator. k e t l a e R O C r fo Figure 3. DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 T N E ID F N L IA L 4 V IF or Zero-IF Tuner Interface 10 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 8.1. Automatic Gain Control (AGC) In the RTL2832U, the RF_AGC and IF_AGC pins control the Radio Frequency (RF) and Intermediate Frequency (IF) VGA gain of the tuner. In some applications, the RTL2832U only controls IF VGA, and the tuner controls RF VGA. In some tuners, only the RF AGC is needed. The RTL2832U uses delayed AGC to control RF and IF AGC. Gain distribution for RF and IF VGA is adjusted by registers ‘vtop’ and ‘krf’. The delayed AGC method is shown in Figure 4. RTL2832U has three vtop and four krf register values to be programmed by user. k e t When the input power of the RF tuner is weak, RF VGA gain is kept to the maximum for better tuner performance. When the input power is strong enough, RF VGA starts to decrease its gain to avoid the non-linearity effect of the following block (IF VGA). The point where RF VGA starts to decrease gain value is vtop (the ‘take-over point’). The ratio for RF VGA gain decrease is set by register krf. The optimal values of registers vtop and krf depend on the tuner used. l a e R L IA Pins RF_AGC and IF_AGC are sigma-delta DAC output. An external Resistor/Capacitor (RC) low-pass filter and pull-high resister should be placed on the PCB board to generate a quasi-DC control voltage to the tuner as shown in Figure 3, page 10. E ID F N O C r fo Figure 4. DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 T N L 4 V Delayed AGC 11 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 8.1.1. Register Name: loop_gain Analog Automatic Gain Control (AAGC) loop gain is set by register loop_gain2 and loop_gain2. Register loop_gain2 can be set to 0~26. The value depends on the tuner. The recommended value is 20 (dec). A larger loop_gain value would get a slower AAGC locking time, but more stable AAGC control voltage. There are another loop_gain1 and loop_gain3 for special cases: use loop_gain1 for aagc unlock, and use loop_gain3 for existing interference. Table 2. Offset Bits {LSB, MSB} Used Register Name Page polar_rf_agc 0 0x0E polar_if_agc 0 0x0E loop_gain2 1 0x04 1 0x04 en_rf_agc 1 0x04 en_if_agc 1 Default (Hex) [1] RW 0 [0] RW 0 [4:1] RW 0 [5] RW 0 Description Inverse the AGC_RF Sigma-Delta Pin 0: Normal RW 1 1: Inverse L IA Inverse the AGC_IF Sigma-Delta Pin 0: Normal 1: Inverse AGC Loop Gain (Bit0~Bit3) for AAGC Lock T N Hold AAGC Value (Open AAGC Loop) 0: Disable E ID [6] F N O C RW l a e R aagc_hold k e t AAGC Register Table 1: Enable Enable RF AGC Loop 1: Enable 0: Disable Enable IF AGC Loop 0x04 [7] RW 1 0x05 [7] RW 1 AAGC Loop Gain (Bit4) for AAGC Lock 0xC7 [5:1] RW C AAGC Loop Gain for AAGC Unlock 0xC8 [4:0] RW RW loop_gain2 1 loop_gain1 1 loop_gain3 1 vtop1 1 0x06 [5:0] vtop2 1 0xC9 vtop3 1 0xCA krf1 1 0xCB krf2 1 0x07 r fo krf3 1 krf4 if_agc_min 1: Enable 0: Disable L 4 V 1A AAGC Loop Gain for Existing Interference 10 u(6,5f) Set Take-Over Point1 30 u(6,5f) Set Take-Over Point2 28 u(6,5f) Set Take-Over Point3 [5:0] RW [5:0] RW [7:0] RW 2 u(8,4f) Set RF AGC Gain Degrade Ratio1 [7:0] RW F u(8,4f) Set RF AGC Gain Degrade Ratio2 0xCD [7:0] RW 20 u(8,4f) Set RF AGC Gain Degrade Ratio3 1 0xCE [7:0] RW 30 u(8,4f) Set RF AGC Gain Degrade Ratio4 1 0x08 [7:0] RW 80 s(8,7f) Set IF AAGC Minimum Gain DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 12 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet Offset Bits {LSB, MSB} Used 1 0x09 [7:0] RW 7F s(8,7f) Set IF AAGC Maximum Gain rf_agc_min 1 0x0A [7:0] RW 80 s(8,7f) Set RF AAGC Minimum Gain rf_agc_max 1 0x0B [7:0] RW 7F s(8,7f) Set RF AAGC Maximum Gain if_agc_val 3 {59,5A} [13:0] R - rf_agc_val 3 {5B,5C} [13:0] R - aagc_lock 3 0x50 [0] R - Register Name Page if_agc_max 8.1.2. RW Default (Hex) Description s(14, 13f) IF AAGC Value l a k e t s(14, 13f) RF AAGC Value AAGC Lock Register Name: if_agc_min/if_agc_max/rf_agc_min/rf_agc_max Format: s(8,7f) e R L IA These registers limit the minimum and maximum value of RF/IF AGC. They are in 8-bit two’s complement format. The maximum value 127 (dec) means maximum output voltage. T N For example, if we want to limit RF minimum/maximum, AGC output voltage would be 10%/90% of pull-high voltage. E ID rf_agc_min=floor (10%*255-128)=-103 (dec) rf_agc_max=floor (90%*255-128)=101 (dec) F N O C 8.1.3. Register Name: Vtop Format: u(6,6f) L 4 V The take-over point of RF VGA is set by register vtop. There are two special cases shown below. The optimal value depends on the tuner. r fo vtop=0 (dec) Æ RF gain is always set on maximum value vtop=63 (dec)Æ RF gain does not delay For example, if we want to degrade RF VGA gain when IF VGA control voltage is smaller than 0.5*Vdd: vtop=floor (63*0.5)=31 (dec) DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 13 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 8.1.4. Register Name: Krf Format: u(6,2f) The gain degrade ratio between the RF and IF AGC when input power exceeds the RF take-over point is set by register Krf. A larger krf means the RF Gain degrade ratio is larger. This means an equal gain degrade ratio between the RF and the IF AGC. If we want RF gain to degrade quickly when input power is larger than the take-over point, krf should be set to a larger value. If only IF AGC is controlled by the RTL2832U, registers vtop and krf are not used. 8.1.5. k e t Register Name: if_agc_val/rf_agc_val l a Format: s(14,13f) L IA The RF AAGC value and IF AAGC value are read from registers if_agc_val/rf_agc_val. They are in 14-bit two’s complement format. The minimum value is –8192 and maximum value is 8191. When rf/if_agc_val is set to the maximum value, it means the RF/IF AGC pin output is at the maximum control voltage. The real RF input power can be mapped from if_agc_val/rf_agc_val. The mapping can be to a table or an equation. Note that different vtop and krf settings map different tables and equations. e R T N E ID 8.2. ADC Input (Tuner Output) F N Tuner IF or Zero IF output is AC coupled to the RTL2832U differential ADC input. An external AC coupling capacitor is required. The schematic is shown in Figure 3, page 10. O C DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 r fo L 4 V 14 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 8.3. Two-Wire Interface Between the Tuner and the RTL2832U l a e R Figure 5. k e t L IA Two-Wire Interface between the Tuner and RTL2832U T N E ID The RTL2832U supports an I2C repeater to prevent tuner interference from the two-wire interface. In normal situations the tuner cannot hear any command sent via the two-wire interface. We need to turn on the I2C repeater (set register IIC_repeat=1) in order to send a command to the tuner. The command will be heard by the tuner and the RTL2832U at the same time. The Tuner and RTL2832U can distinguish the origin of the command by the I2C address. On the PCB, pin I2C_SDAT/I2C_SCLT should be connected to pull-high resisters (10k ohm) to pull-high the two-wire bus. O C F N Register Name IIC_repeat Page 1 Table 3. I2C Repeater Register Table Offset{MSB,LSB} Bits Used 0x01 4L RW V r fo [3] RW Default (Hex) Description 0 I2C Repeater for Tuner 1: Enable 0: Disable Note 1: IIC_repeat should be set to 1 before sending a command to the tuner. Note2: IIC_repeat is not automatically set to 0 after receiving a ‘STOP’ command. DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 15 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 8.4. RTL2832U Internal Switching Regulator The RTL2832U integrates a switching regulator with input voltage 3.3V to output voltage 1.2V. Figure 6 shows the application circuit. The ENSWREG pin default power is 3.3V. Applying 0V turns off the switching regulator. k e t l a e R O C DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 T N E ID F N Figure 6. L IA L 4 V Internal Switching Regulator Layout r fo 16 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 9. Register Descriptions (General) 9.1. Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) The RTL2832U can receive IF or Zero-IF signals from the tuner. The following registers set IF or Zero-IF mode. k e t IF signal mode • AD_EN_reg1 set 1 • AD_EN_reg0 set 0 • en_bbin set 0 l a Zero-IF signal mode e R • AD_EN_reg1 set 1 • AD_EN_reg0 set 1 • en_bbin set 1 Offset Register Name Page AD_EN_reg1 0 AD_EN_reg 0 en_bbin 1 0xB1 opt_adc_iq 0 0x06 ADC Registers Default Bits Used RW 0x08 [6] RW 0 0x08 [7] RW 0 F N O C T N E ID Table 4. {MSB,LSB} DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 L IA (Hex) RW [5:4] RW 17 1: Enable ADC_Q 0: Disable ADC_Q 1: Enable ADC_I 4L V r fo [0] Description 1 0 0: Disable ADC_I 1: Enable Zero-IF input 0: Disable Zero-IF input 0: Default ADC_I, ADC_Q datapath 1: Exchange ADC_I, ADC_Q datapath Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 9.2. DC Cancellation and IQ Compensation In Zero-IF mode, the output signal of the tuner often has DC bias and IQ mismatch issues. The RTL2832U will compensate for these effects. DC cancellation and IQ compensation blocks are default enabled when en_bbin is set to 1. Table 5. Register Name Page Offset {MSB,LSB} en_dc_est 1 0xB1 en_iq_comp 1 0xB1 DC Cancellation Registers RW [1] RW 1 [3] RW 1 [4] RW 1 (Hex) l a e R en_iq_est 1 0xB1 Est_kq 1 {0x66,0x67} [11:0] R - Est_sin 1 {0x68,0x69} [11:0] R - DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 Description 1: Enable DC estimation and cancellation 0: Disable DC estimation and cancellation 1: Enable IQ compensation r fo L IA 0: Disable IQ compensation 1: Enable IQ estimation for compensation 0: Disable IQ estimation for compensation T N Estimated Gain for IQ Gain Mismatch, u(12,11f) Estimated Sin for IQ θ Mismatch, s(12,10f) E ID F N O C k e t Default Bits Used L 4 V 18 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 9.3. Digital Down Conversion (DDC) The Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) block sub-samples Intermediate Frequency (IF) signals, and a Digital Down Conversion (DDC) block converts the IF to baseband signals. In normal cases, the tuner is high-side mixing and the spectrum is inversed. The demodulator requires an inverse spectrum in the DDC (register spec_inv). In the RTL2832U there is an adjacent channel canceller that is enabled or disabled by register en_aci. The initial IF frequency should be set by register pset_iffreq. This register setting depends on the crystal frequency. The equation of pset_iffreq is shown below: pset _ iffreq = − floor ( f IF _ D f crystal e R Where: fIF_D: Intermediate Frequency (IF) after sub-sampling fcrystal: Crystal frequency Examples: k e t l a × 4194304) L IA T N E ID • fIF = 4.57M, fADC = 28.8M, pset_iffreq = -665554 Æ 2^22–665554 = 3528750 (two’s complement) = 0x35D82E • fIF = 36.167M, fADC = 28.8M, fIF_D = 36.167-28.8 = 7.367, pset_iffreq = -1072897 Æ 2^22–1072897 = 3121407 (two’s complement) = 0x2FA0FF • fIF = 36.125M, fADC = 28.8M, fIF_D = 36.167-28.8 = 7.367, pset_iffreq = -1066780 Æ 2^22–1066780 = 3127524 (two’s complement) = 0x2FB8E4 • fIF = 0M, fADC = 28.8M, pset_iffreq = 0x0 • DAB Mode, pset_iffreq = -1066988 = 3127316 (two’s complement) = 0x2FB814 F N O C DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 r fo L 4 V 19 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet Table 6. Register Name Offset Page {MSB,LSB} Digital Down Conversion (DDC) Bits Used RW Default (Hex) Spec_inv 1 0x15 [0] RW 0 En_aci 1 0x15 [1] RW 1 pset_iffreq 1 {0x19,0x1B} [21:0] RW - 1: Spectrum inversion 0: Spectrum non-inversion 1: Enable adjacent channel rejection k e t l a 9.4. Resampler Description 0: Disable adjacent channel rejection Set IF Frequency L IA As the ADC sampling clock is larger than the symbol ratio, there is a re-sampler to convert sampling data to symbol ratio. The ratio can be set via register ‘rsamp_ratio’. The rsamp_ratio is related to signal bandwidth and crystal frequency. The equation of rsamp_ratio is shown below: e R rsamp _ ratio = floor ( f crystal f symbol × 4194304) E ID Where: fcrystal = crystal frequency fsymbol = symbol ratio of different bandwidths F N O C • BW: 8MHz Æ fsymbol = 64/7 MHz, fcrystal = 28.8MHz rsamp_ratio = 13212057 (dec) = 0x C99999 • BW: 7MHz Æ fsymbol = 8 MHz, fcrystal = 28.8MHz rsamp_ratio = 15099494 (dec) = 0x E66666 • BW: 6MHz Æ fsymbol = 48/7 MHz, fcrystal = 28.8MHz rsamp_ratio = 17616076 (dec) = 0x 10CCCC • DAB mode rsamp_ratio = 14745600 (dec) = 0x E10000 r fo L 4 V Table 7. Register Name Page rsamp_ratio 1 Resampler Offset{MSB,LSB} Bits Used {0x9F, 0xA2} DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 T N [27:2] RW RW 20 Default (Hex) Description C99999 Resampler Ratio Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 9.5. Co-Channel Interference Rejection Narrow band in-band interference is detected and rejected by Co-Channel Interference (CCI) rejection. Register en_cci enables or disables Co-Channel Interference Rejection. Table 8. Register Name Page En_cci 1 Co-Channel Interference Rejection Offset{MSB,LSB} Bits Used 0x40 k e t RW [1] RW l a 9.6. Impulse Noise Cancellation e R Default (Hex) Description 1 1: Enable CCI cancellation 0: Disable CCI cancellation L IA Impulse noise can be cancelled by a unique Realtek patented algorithm. Register inc_det_cnt monitors how many times impulse noise occur. Register inc_det_cnt_rst resets the counter inc_det_cnt. Table 9. Register Name Page en_inc 1 Offset {MSB,LSB} inc_det_cnt 1 3 E ID Bits Used F N O C inc_det_cnt_rst 0x5D 0x5E {0x28, 0x29} DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 T N Impulse Noise Cancellation [0] [6] [8:0] RW Default (Hex) RW 1 Description 1: Enable impulse noise cancellation 0: Disable impulse noise cancellation Reset for inc_det_cnt RW 0 1: Reset 0: Normal R r fo L 4 V - 21 Number of Impulse Noise Events Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 9.7. Digital Automatic Gain Control (DAGC) The RTL2832U features Digital Automatic Gain Control (DAGC) to adjust optimal signal levels. DAGC can be enabled or disabled via register en_dagc. The DAGC voltage gain is read from register dagc_val. Linear voltage gain of DAGC=dagc_val/16. k e t Table 10. DAGC Registers Offset Bits {MSB,LSB} Used 1 0x11 [0] RW 1 3 0x05 [7:0] R - Register Name Page en_dagc dagc_val Default RW (Hex) l a e R 9.8. FFT Mode Detection Description 1: Enable DAGC 0: Disable DAGC Gain of DAGC L IA T N The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) mode and the Guard Interval are automatically detected by an auto mode detection algorithm. Auto mode detection can also be enabled or disabled by register. When auto mode detection is disabled, the correct FFT mode and Guard Interval can be set manually by register pset_mode_gi. E ID F N Table 11. FTT Mode Detection Register Name Page dis_auto_scan 1 O C pset_mode_gi mode_gi_idx 1 3 Offset Bits {MSB,LSB} Used 0x5F [0] 0x5F 0x51 DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 RW RW [2:0] (Hex) 0 Description 0: Enable auto mode detection 1: Disable auto mode detection L 4 V Pre-Set Guard Interval and FFT Mode r fo [3:1] Default RW 3 0: 2k, 1/32GI 1: 2k, 1/16GI 2: 2k, 1/8GI 3: 2k, ¼ 4: 8k, 1/32 5: 8k, 1/16 6: 8k, 1/8 7: 8k, ¼ Mode and GI Index R - 22 0: 2k, 1/32GI 1: 2k, 1/16GI 2: 2k, 1/8GI 3: 2k, ¼GI 4: 8k, 1/32GI 5: 8k, 1/16GI 6: 8k, 1/8GI 7: 8k, ¼GI Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 9.9. Timing Recovery/Carrier Recovery The unique synchronization algorithm in the RTL2832U is capable of dealing with tough receiving conditions. The result of sampling frequency offset can be read from the register sfreq_off, which is denoted in ppm. The estimated carrier frequency offset can be read from register cfreq_off, which is denoted in carrier spacing. Carrier spacing depends on signal bandwidth and transmission mode. An example of the computation is shown below: k e t For 8M bandwidth with 8K mode signal, the carrier spacing is approximately 1.116 KHz. If the sfreq_off = 0x200 (two’s complement)=512 (dec), cfreq_off=0xFB2E (two’s complement)=64302 (dec), then: l a • Sampling frequency offset = sfreq_off / 224*1000000=512/16777216*1000000=30.5176ppm • Carrier frequency offset = cfreq_off / 27*carrier spacing=64302/128*1.116KHz=560.63KHz L IA In addition, to supporting different crystal frequency sources, the register cfreq_off_ratio must be set according to the sampling frequency. The cfreq_off_ratio equation is shown below: e R cfreq _ off _ ratio = − floor ( f FFT × 1048576) fs Where: fFFT: FFT sampling rate fs: ADC sampling frequency T N E ID F N E.g., fS = 28.8M, fFFT = 64/7M, cfrq_off_ratio = -floor (64/7/28.8*1048576) = -332881 (dec) = 0xAEBAF (two’s complement) O C • 8M mode, fFFT = 64/7M: cfrq_off_ratio = 715695 (dec) = 0xAEBAF • 7M mode, fFFT = 8M: • 6M mode, fFFT = 48/7M: cfrq_off_ratio = 798916 (dec) = 0xC30C4 Carrier Spacing • L 4 V cfrq_off_ratio = 757305 (dec) = 0xB8E39 r fo 8M mode, fFFT = 64/7M: carrier spacing (8k) = fFFT / 8192 = 1.116071Hz carrier spacing (2k) = fFFT / 2048 = 4.464285Hz DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 23 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet Table 12. Timing Recovery/Carrier Recovery Register Name Page Offset Bit {MSB,LSB} Used RW Type Default Description (Hex) cfreq_off_ratio 1 {0x9D, 0x9F} [23:4] RW s(20, 31f) AEBAF Set Carrier Frequency Offset Ratio cfreq_off 3 {0x5F, 0x61} [17:0] R s(18,7f) - Estimated Carrier Frequency Offset sfreq_off 3 {0x18, 0x19} [13:0] R s(14,24f) - Estimated Sampling Frequency Offset k e t 9.10. Crystal l a The RTL2832U has superior timing offset tracking ability, allowing the use of a low-cost crystal as clock source. The timing offset tolerance is ±100 ppm. The RTL2832U also supports an oscillator (oscillator output should be connected to the XI pin). e R L IA Note: For different crystal frequencies, registers such as rsamp_ratio, cfreq_off_ratio, and pset_iffreq need to be set accordingly. 9.11. PID Filter T N E ID F N A PID (Packet Identifier) filtering capability allows the reduction of the transport stream at the output of the demodulator. There are 32 PIDs that can be selected within the received multiplex. The following block diagram shows the PID filter functions, and the default register setting will let all PID transport streams pass through. O C r fo Figure 7. DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 L 4 V PID Filter Function of the RTL2832U 24 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet Table 13. PID Filter Register Name Page Offset Bit {MSB,LSB} Used RW Default Description (Hex) err_pass 0 0x61 [5] RW 1 mode_PID 0 0x61 [6] RW 1 enable_PID 0 0x61 [7] RW 1 en_PID[7:0] 0 0x62 en_PID[15:8] 0 0x63 en_PID[23:16] 0 0x64 en_PID[31:24] 0 0x65 PID0 0 {0x66, 0x67} PID1 0 {0x68, 0x69} PID2 0 PID3 0 PID4 0 PID5 0 PID6 0 PID7 Set 1 to Pass All Error Packets Set 0 to Pass Matched PID k e t l a e R Set 0 to Reject All Error Packets Set 1 to Reject Matched PID Set 1 to Enable Output of PID Filter Set 0 No Output Enable (1) and Disable (0) Individual PID [7:0] RW 0 [7:0] RW 0 [7:0] RW 0 [7:0] RW 0 [12:0] RW 00 [12:0] RW 01 [12:0] RW 06 PID Value for PID Filter #2 [12:0] RW 11 PID Value for PID Filter #3 12 PID Value for PID Filter #4 Filter 0~7 Enable (1) and Disable (0) Individual PID L IA Filter 8~15 Enable (1) and Disable (0) Individual PID T N Filter 16~23 Enable (1) and Disable (0) Individual PID {0x6E, 0x6F} E ID [12:0] RW {0x70, 0x71} [12:0] RW 13 PID Value for PID Filter #5 {0x72, 0x73} [12:0] RW 14 PID Value for PID Filter #6 0 {0x74, 0x75} [12:0] RW 15 PID Value for PID Filter #7 F N {0x6A, 0x6B} Filter 24~31 PID Value for PID Filter #0 PID Value for PID Filter #1 O C {0x6C, 0x6D} PID8 0 {0x76, 0x77} [12:0] RW 16 PID Value for PID Filter #8 PID9 0 {0x78, 0x79} [12:0] RW 17 PID Value for PID Filter #9 PID10 0 {0x7A, 0x7B} [12:0] RW 18 PID Value for PID Filter #10 PID11 0 {0x7C, 0x7D} [12:0] RW 19 PID Value for PID Filter #11 PID12 0 {0x7E, 0x7F} [12:0] RW 1A PID Value for PID Filter #12 PID13 0 {0x80, 0x81} [12:0] RW 1B PID Value for PID Filter #13 PID14 0 {0x82, 0x83} [12:0] RW 1C PID Value for PID Filter #14 r fo DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 L 4 V 25 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet Register Name Page Offset Bit {MSB,LSB} Used RW Default Description (Hex) PID15 0 {0x84, 0x85} [12:0] RW 1D PID Value for PID Filter #15 PID16 0 {0x86, 0x87} [12:0] RW 1E PID Value for PID Filter #16 PID17 0 {0x88, 0x89} [12:0] RW 1F PID Value for PID Filter #17 PID18 0 {0x8A, 0x8B} [12:0] RW 20 PID Value for PID Filter #18 PID19 0 {0x8C, 0x8D} [12:0] RW 21 PID Value for PID Filter #19 PID20 0 {0x8E, 0x8F} [12:0] RW 22 PID Value for PID Filter #20 PID21 0 {0x90, 0x91} [12:0] RW 23 PID Value for PID Filter #21 PID22 0 {0x92, 0x93} [12:0] RW 24 PID Value for PID Filter #22 PID23 0 {0x94, 0x95} [12:0] RW 25 PID Value for PID Filter #23 PID24 0 {0x96, 0x97} [12:0] RW 26 PID Value for PID Filter #24 PID25 0 {0x98, 0x99} [12:0] RW 27 PID Value for PID Filter #25 PID26 0 {0x9A, 0x9B} [12:0] RW 28 PID Value for PID Filter #26 PID27 0 {0x9C, 0x9D} [12:0] RW 29 PID28 0 {0x9E, 0x9F} PID29 0 {0xA0, 0xA1} PID30 0 {0xA2, 0xA3} PID31 0 l a e R DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 [12:0] RW 2A [12:0] RW 2B [12:0] RW 2C [12:0] RW 2D r fo L IA T N E ID F N {0xA4, 0xA5} O C k e t PID Value for PID Filter #27 PID Value for PID Filter #28 PID Value for PID Filter #29 PID Value for PID Filter #30 PID Value for PID Filter #31 L 4 V 26 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 10. Register Descriptions (8051 System) The address is defined by offset value with base address 0x3000. Table 14. System Register Descriptions Address Offset Access 0000h RW Name Description DEMOD_CTL Control Register for DVB-T Demodulator k e t GPIO Registers 0001h RW GPO Output Value of General Purpose I/O 0002h R GPI Input Value of General Purpose I/O 0003h RW GPOE 0004h RW GPD 0005h RW SYSINTE 0006h RW SYSINTS 0007h RW GP_CFG0 0008h RW GP_CFG1 0009h RW SYSINTE_1 000Ah RW SYSINTS_1 000Bh RW l a Output Enable of General Purpose I/O Direction Control for General Purpose I/O e R 000Ch RW O C FC00~FC7F - System Interrupt Status Register IR_SUSPEND T N PAD Configuration for GPIO0-GPIO3 PAD Configuration for GPIO4 E ID F N DEMOD_CTL_1 L IA System Interrupt Enable Register System Interrupt Enable Register GPIO5~GPIO7 System Interrupt Status Register GPIO5~GPIO7 Enable IR Remote Wakeup & Low Current XTL Mode when Suspended IR Sensor Discontinuous Turned ON. Controlled by GPIO3 IrDA Registers IR_RX_BUFF r fo L 4 V Normal Mode: The 128-byte buffer is for receiving RLC encoded waveform data Suspend Mode: Used to save original power key RLC encoded data for comparing with received waveform data FD00h - IR_RX_IE FD01h - IR_RX_IF FD02h - IR_RX_CTRL IR Receive Control Register FD03h - IR_RX_CONFIG IR Receive Configure Register FD04h - IR_MAX_DURATION0 Max Time Duration Configure Register DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 Interrupt Enable Register. Not Available in Suspend Mode Interrupt Flag Register. Not Available in Suspend Mode 27 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet Address Offset Access Name Description FD05h - IR_MAX_DURATION1 Max Time Duration Configuration Register FD06h - IR_IDLE_LEN0 Idle Length Configuration Register FD07h - IR_IDLE_LEN1 Idle Length Configuration Register FD08h - IR_GLITCH_LEN Glitch Length Configuration Register FD09h - IR_RX_BUFFER_CTRL IR RX Buffer Control Register FD0Ah - IR_RX_BUFFER_DATA IR Buffer Data for MCU Access FD0Bh - IR_RX_BC Frame RX Byte Counter Register FD0Ch - IR_RX_CLK Frame RX Byte Counter Register. Not Available in k e t l a Suspend FD0Dh - IR_RX_C_COUNT_L IR Received Carrier Count Register FD0Eh - IR_RX_C_COUNT_H IR Received Carrier Count Register FD0Fh - - Reserved FD10h - IR_SUSPEND_CTRL Suspend Control Register FD11h - IR_Err_Tolerance_CTRL IR Error Tolerance Control Register FD12h - IR_UNIT_LEN FD13h - IR_ERR_Tolerance_LEN High Level Unit Negative Tolerance Length Register FD14h - IR_MAX_H_Tolerance_LEN High Level Max Tolerance Length Register FD15h - IR_MAX_L_Tolerance_LEN Low Level Max Tolerance Length Register FD16h - IR_MASK_CTRL Mask Control Register FD17h - IR_MASK_DATA Mask Data Register FD18h - IR_RESUME_MASK_ADDR IR Resume Mask Address Register FD19h - e R O C T N E ID 1T Unit Length Register F N L IA L 4 V IR_RESUME_MASK_T_LEN IR Resume Mask Length Register I2C Master Registers 0040h RW I2CCR 0044h RW I2CMCR 0048h RW I2CMSTR 004Ch RW I2CMSR 0050h RW I2CMFR DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 r fo I2C Clock Register I2C Master Control Register I2C Master SCL Timing Register I2C Master Status Register I2C Master FIFO Register. 28 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 10.1. Demodulator Control Register (DEMOD_CTL, 0000h) Table 15. Demodulator Control Register (DEMOD_CTL, 0000h) Bits Access Reset Description 7 RW 0 Demodulator PLL Enable. Set to 1 to enable demodulator PLL, and to 0 to disable 6 RW 0 Demodulator ADC_I Enable. Set to 1 to enable ADC operation and to 0 to disable 5 RW 1 Demodulator Hardware Reset. Set to 0 to activate hardware reset, and to 1 to release reset 4 - - Reserved 3 RW 0 Demodulator ADC_Q Enable. Set 1 to enable ADC operation and 0 to disable 2:0 - - Reserved k e t e R l a L IA 10.2. GPIO Related Registers (0001h~0008h) T N The following registers are used to control GPIO 0~7. The default functions of these 8 pins are: E ID 1. GPIO [0]: Output for VDD1 power control. Default value 1 to turn off power. 2. GPIO [1]: Input for power-on latch to select clock source. Input value depends on the crystal on board; default 0 for 28.8MHz. 3. GPIO [2]: Input for external I2C mode, internal pull-down. This pin is used for LED control after 8051 firmware runs, and will set to 0 to turn off the LED, or 1 to turn it on. 4. GPIO [3]: Input for USB remote wakeup. Input value 0 is to activate remote wakeup. Output for tuner power control. Default value 1 to turn off power. 5. GPIO [4]: Output for antenna power control. Default value 0 to turn off power. 6. GPIO [5]: Input for power-on latch to select clock source, input value depends on the crystal on board. Default 0 for 28.8MHz. 7. GPIO [6]: Reserved. 8. GPIO [7]: Reserved. F N O C DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 r fo L 4 V 29 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 10.2.1. GPIO Output Value Register (GPO, 0001h) Table 16. GPIO Output Value Register (GPO, 0001h) Bits Access Reset 7 RW 0 Output Value of GPIO 7. Valid only when GPIO 7 is defined as output pin. 6 RW 0 Output Value of GPIO 6. Valid only when GPIO 6 is defined as output pin. 5 RW 0 Output Value of GPIO 5. Valid only when GPIO 5 is defined as output pin. 4 RW 1 Output Value of GPIO 4. Valid only when GPIO 4 is defined as output pin. 3 RW 1 Output Value of GPIO 3. Valid only when GPIO 3 is defined as output pin. 2 RW 0 Output Value of GPIO 2. Valid only when GPIO 2 is defined as output pin. 1 RW 0 Output Value of GPIO 1. Valid only when GPIO 1 is defined as output pin. 0 RW 0 Output Value of GPIO 0. Valid only when GPIO 0 is defined as output pin. 10.2.2. Description k e t l a e R GPIO Input Value Register (GPI, 0002h) T N Table 17. GPIO Input Value Register (GPI, 0002h) Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Access Reset R - R - R - R - R - R - R - R - E ID Description L IA Input Value of GPIO 7. Valid only when GPIO 7 is defined as input pin. O C F N Input Value of GPIO 6. Valid only when GPIO 6 is defined as input pin. Input Value of GPIO 5. Valid only when GPIO 5 is defined as input pin. Input Value of GPIO 4. Valid only when GPIO 4 is defined as input pin. Input Value of GPIO 3. Valid only when GPIO 3 is defined as input pin. L 4 V Input Value of GPIO 2. Valid only when GPIO 2 is defined as input pin. Input Value of GPIO 1. Valid only when GPIO 1 is defined as input pin. Input Value of GPIO 0. Valid only when GPIO 0 is defined as input pin. DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 r fo 30 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 10.2.3. GPIO Output Enable Register (GPOE, 0003h) Table 18. GPIO Output Enable Register (GPOE, 0003h) Bits Access Reset 7 RW 0 6 RW 0 5 RW 0 4 RW 1 3 RW 1 RW 0 2 1 0 10.2.4. Description Output Enable for GPIO 7. Valid only when GPIO 7 is defined as output pin. 1: Output enable Output Enable for GPIO 6. Valid only when GPIO 6 is defined as output pin. 0 RW 1 k e t 1: Output enable 0: Output disable (tri-state) Output Enable for GPIO 5. Valid only when GPIO 5 is defined as output pin. 1: Output enable 0: Output disable (tri-state) l a Output Enable for GPIO 4. Valid only when GPIO 4 is defined as output pin. 1: Output enable 0: Output disable (tri-state) Output Enable for GPIO 3. Valid only when GPIO 3 is defined as output pin. 1: Output enable e R RW 0: Output disable (tri-state) L IA 0: Output disable (tri-state) Output Enable for GPIO 2. Valid only when GPIO 2 is defined as output pin. 1: Output enable T N 0: Output disable (tri-state) Output Enable for GPIO 1. Valid only when GPIO 1 is defined as output pin. 1: Output enable 0: Output disable (tri-state) E ID Output Enable for GPIO 0. Valid only when GPIO 0 is defined as output pin. 1: Output enable F N 0: Output disable (tri-state) GPIO Direction Control Register (GPD, 0004h) O C Table 19. GPIO Direction Control Register (GPD, 0004h) Bits Access Reset 7 RW 0 6 RW 0 5 RW 0 4 RW 0 3 RW 1 Description L 4 V Direction Control of GPIO 7 1: Input r fo 0: Output Direction Control of GPIO 6 1: Input 0: Output Direction Control of GPIO 5 1: Input 0: Output Direction Control of GPIO 4 1: Input 0: Output Direction Control of GPIO 3 1: Input DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 0: Output 31 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet Bits Access Reset 2 RW 1 1 RW 1 0 RW 0 10.2.5. Description Direction Control of GPIO 2 1: Input 0: Output Direction Control of GPIO 1 1: Input 0: Output Direction Control of GPIO 0 k e t 1: Input 0: Output PAD Configuration Register for GPIO0~3 (GP_CFG0, 0007h) l a Table 20. PAD Configuration Register for GPIO0~3 (GP_CFG0, 0007h) Bits Access Reset 7:6 RW 2h GP_PAD3. PAD configuration as internal pull-up or pull-down for GPIO3. RW 1h GP_PAD2. PAD configuration as internal pull-up or pull-down for GPIO2. RW 1h GP_PAD1. PAD configuration as internal pull-up or pull-down for GPIO1. RW 2h GP_PAD0. PAD configuration as internal pull-up or pull-down for GPIO0. 5:4 3:2 1:0 10.2.6. Description e R L IA T N E ID PAD Configuration Register for GPIO4 (GP_CFG1, 0008h) F N Table 21. PAD Configuration Register for GPIO4 (GP_CFG1, 0008h) Bits Access Reset RW 1h 5:4 RW 1h 3:2 RW 1h 1:0 RW 1h O C 7:6 Description GP_PAD7. PAD configuration as internal pull-up or pull-down for GPIO7. GP_PAD6. PAD configuration as internal pull-up or pull-down for GPIO6. L 4 V GP_PAD5. PAD configuration as internal pull-up or pull-down for GPIO5. GP_PAD4. PAD configuration as internal pull-up or pull-down for GPIO4. r fo Note: PAD pull-up or pull-down (PU:PD) configuration is: 1. [0:0] – Normal No pull-up or pull-down. 2. [0:1] – 75kΩ resistor pull-down. 3. [1:0] – 75kΩ resistor pull-up. DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 32 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 10.3. I2C Master Control Registers (0040h-0053h) 10.3.1. I2C Clock Register (I2CCR, 0040h-0043h) Table 22. I2C Clock Register (I2CCR, 0040h-0043h) Bits Access Reset 31:6 - - Description k e t Reserved FD10. Frequency 10M Divisor and 0 are forbidden. 10M=Bus clock/(FD10+1). 5:0 RW 13h When powered on, software must write FD10 to let the I2C controller generate a 10MHz clock. 10.3.2. l a I2C Master Control Register (I2CMCR, 0044h-0047h) e R L IA Table 23. I2C Master Control Register (I2CMCR, 0044h-0047h) Bits Access Reset Description 2 IMUR. I C Master Unit Reset 31 RW 0: Normal 0 reset complete E ID F N CS. Command Start 30 RW 0 O C 29:25 RW 0 T N 1: Reset the I2C Unit (only resets hardware FSM). This bit will self-clear to Zero after 0: Stop. After completing a whole transaction, it returns to Zero 1: Start RWL. Read/Write Data Length for Related Commands L 4 V Does not include the slave address byte in the FIFO register. When accessed, the controller will parse the byte following the last start (or Sr) byte to r fo find the command type. 0: 1 byte ……… 17: 24 bytes TORE. Time-Out Register Enable 24 RW 1 If TOR is required, the I2C rate must be constrained within 25kbps~400kbps. This constraint is due to the time-out register bit. DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 33 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet Bits Access Reset Description TOR. Time-Out Register 23:16 RW 3Ah Time-out = TOR x 2 x ((FD10+1)/Bus clock) (For receive /transmit one bit). If time-out occurs, it will trigger the Transaction Error Interrupt Flag. Note: Time-out must > (1 SCL low period + repeat start setup time). 15:11 - - Reserved k e t SBAIFD. Second Byte ACK in FRSIB Data 10 RW SBAIFD indicates whether the master checks for ACK from slave after emitting second 0 data in FRSIB data. l a 0: Check 1: Do not check FBAIFD. First Byte ACK in FRSIB Data 9 RW FBAIFD indicates whether the master checks for ACK from slave after emitting first data 0 e R in FRSIB data. 0: Check L IA 1: Do not check T N SRSIB. Second Repeat Start Interval Byte After transmitting SRSIB bytes following the first repeat start command, the master will 8:7 RW E ID produce a second repeat start command. The slave address or device address byte is 0 included in this interval. Default interval is one byte. 0=1 byte; 1=2 bytes, etc. Note: The eighth bit of slave address or device address byte followed by second repeat F N start command must be 1(means a Read CMD). O C 6:5 4:3 RW RW 0 0 FRSIB. First Repeat Start Interval Byte After transmitting FRSIB bytes following the original start command, the master will produce the first repeat start command. The original slave address or device address byte L 4 V is included in this interval. Default interval is one byte. 0=1 byte; 1=2 bytes, etc. RSC. Repeat Start Count r fo 00: No repeat start 10: Two repeat starts 01: One repeat start 11: Reserved 2 RW 0 TEIE. Transaction Error Interrupt Enable 1 RW 0 MRCIE. Master Receive Complete Interrupt Enable 0 RW 0 MTCIE. Master Transmit Complete Interrupt Enable DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 34 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 10.3.3. I2C Master SCL Timing Register (I2CMSTR, 0048h-004Bh) Table 24. I2C Master SCL Timing Register (I2CMSTR, 0048h-004Bh) Bits Access Reset 31 - - Description Reserved I2CMD. I2C Master De-Bounce 0: Sample rate=(bus clk / (FD10+1)) 30:28 RW k e t 1: Sample rate=(bus clk / (FD10+1)) / 2 0 …… 7: Sample rate= (bus clk / (FD10+1)) / 8 27:20 RW l a STA_SU_PC. STA Setup Time Period Count 9h In repeat start, the setup time of SCL must match the I2C spec. FTPC. Fall Time Period Count 19:16 e R RW 3h L IA If the value of (Bus clock/FD10) does not approximate 10MHz, FTPC can make the fall time of SCL more than 300ns. T N SHPC. SCL High Period Counter (SCL High Period=100ns*SHPC) 15:8 RW SHPC must include rising time in the I2C. 9h E ID The I2C specification requires SHPC to include rising time. 7:0 RW 10h F N O C 10.3.4. SLPC. SCL Low Period Counter (SCL Low Period=100ns*SLPC) The I2C specification requires SLPC to include falling time. I2C Master Status Register (I2CMSR, 004Ch-004Fh) L 4 V Table 25. I2C Master Status Register (I2CMSR, 004Ch-004Fh) Bits Access Reset 31:3 - - 2 RW 0 Description Reserved r fo TEIF. Transaction Error Interrupt Flag When a master transmit/receive fault or time-out occurs, the I2C controller will lift the flag up and return the bus to idle. Write ‘1’ to clear. 1 RW 0 MRCIF. Master Receive Complete Interrupt Flag. Write ‘1’ to clear. 0 RW 0 MTCIF. Master Transmit Complete Interrupt Flag. Write ‘1’ to clear. DVB-T COFDM Demodulator + USB 2.0 35 Track ID: JATR-2265-11 Rev. 1.4 RTL2832U Datasheet 10.3.5. I2C Master FIFO Register (I2CMFR, 0050h-0053h) Table 26. I2C Master FIFO Register (I2CMFR, 0050h-0053h) Bits Access Reset Description 31:8 - - Reserved 7:0 RW 0 TDD. Target Device Data. Read for receive. k e t 11. Register Descriptions (USB Interface) l a 11.1. Introduction L IA The RTL2832U transfers transport stream data from the demodulation module to the host via an e R embedded high-speed USB 2.0 interface (compatible with USB 1.1). Two endpoints are supplied. One is the control pipe and the other is the data pipe for TS transfer. The user controls the device by sending standard request commands listed in the USB 2.0 Specification, Chapter 9. The host driver also needs to read and write the device’s registers by sending vendor commands (11.1). The data pipe can be configured to BULK mode or ISO mode. T N E ID To reduce power consumption, the RTL2832U can enter a low-power suspend state, and has a remote wakeup capability via IrDA. It can resume from S1, S3, or selective suspend state if the remote wakeup function is permitted on the host. F N O C 11.2. Vendor Commands Command GetDemodRegPage0 ~GetDemodRegPage4 SetDemodRegPage0 ~SetDemodRegPage4 GetUSBReg L 4 V Table 27. Vendor Commands r fo bmRequestType bRequest (1 Byte) (1 Byte) 0xC0 wValue wIndex wLength (2 Bytes) (2 Bytes) (2 Bytes) 0x0000~ Length of registers 0x0004 to access 0x0010~ Length of registers 0x0014 to access x Reg’s offset in page0~4 0x40 x Reg’s offset in page0~4 0xC0 x (BaseAdd)
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