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RN1/2WS510ΩFT/BA1 数据手册
精密金屬皮膜電阻器 PRECISION METAL FILM FIXED RESISTORS 1. 適用範圍 Specification 1-1 本承認書僅適用本公司生產之各種精密金屬皮膜電阻器 ( 1/8W、1/6W、1/4W、1/2W、1W、2W、3W、 5W)及其小型化之成品規格。 The specification is only suitable for Precision Metal Film Fixd Resistors (1/8W、1/6W、 1/4W、1/2W、1W、2W、3W、5W)and there are small size manufactured by SHI MENG ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD. 1-2 參考標準 Applicable specification 本承認書參考《JIS C5201-2011》和《GB/T 5729-2003/IEC 60115-1:2001》 The specification Applicable specification《JIS C5201-2011》and《GB/T 5729-2003/IEC 60115-1:2001》 1-3 產品符合 RoHS 及 REACH 法規的最新環保要求。 Products meet the latest environmental requirements of RoHS and REACH regulations. 2. 特性 Feature 2-1 高精密、高穩定、高可靠性. High-accuracy, high steady, high dependability 2-2 噪音低,電壓係數小. Low noise & voltage coefficient 2-3 溫度係數低,±5~±100PPM/°C. Great economy ±5~±100PPM/°C 2-4 精密的誤差從±0.1%~±1%. Very tight tolerance from ±0.1%~±1% 3. 品名 Part Number 依據其種類,分別注明額定功率、容許差、公稱電阻值和形狀。如果產品有溫度係數要求,請在訂單上 特別注明 According the Resistors type, To mark the Rated power, Tolerance, Resistance value, and forming type. If the product has a temperature coefficient of the requirements specified in the order. 例(e.g): MF 種類 Type 1/2W 額定功率 Rated power B(±0.1%) 容許差 Tolerance 100Ω 阻值 Resistance T52 形狀 Forming 4. 結構圖 Construction ①鍍錫銅導線 Tinned copper lead wire ②高熱傳導瓷棒 ③鍍錫鐵帽 Tin-plated steel caps ④高穩定性導電膜 ⑤色環標示 High heat exchanged ceramic base High stability Electric conduction film Color ring Mark ⑥環氧樹脂塗料 Epoxy resin coating 注:正常為藍色環氧樹脂漆,可特殊提供灰色或磚紅色不燃性面漆;5W 產品因為功率大,表面溫升高,建議使用不燃性面漆。 2 版次:H-2018 精密金屬皮膜電阻器 PRECISION METAL FILM FIXED RESISTORS 5. 術語 Glossary 5-1.標稱阻值:電阻器的設計電阻值,通常標注在電阻器上。 Rated resistance:Designed resistance value usually indicated on the resistor。 5-2.額定環境溫度: 電阻器在額定功率下可持續工作的最高環境溫度。請注意如果電阻器安裝在設備內部,那麼此 處所謂的環境溫度並非設備周圍的溫度,而是設備內部、電阻器周圍的溫度。 Rated Ambient Temperature:Maximum ambient temperature at which the power rating may be applied continuously. The rated ambient temperature refers to the temperature around the resistor mounted inside the equipment, not to the air temperature outside the equipment。 5-3.額定功率:在 70℃環境溫度下進行耐久性試驗,而且阻值變化不超過該試驗的允許值時所允許的最大功率。 Rated power:At 70 ℃ ambient temperature durability test, and the change in resistance does not exceed the value of the test allows the maximum power allowed。 5-4.降功率曲線:額定功率系適應在周圍溫度 70℃可以連續負載的最大功率,但額定環境溫度如超過 70℃時之額定 電力則依圖的降功率曲線實施。 Rated power is maximum power which can be continuously loaded at specified ambient temperature 70 ℃, however when Rated Ambient Temperature exceeds 70℃,rated power should be determined form the derating curve。 5-5.額定電壓:額定環境溫度或端子部溫度下可連續施加的最大直流電壓或交流電壓(商用頻率實效值),用額 定功率和公稱電阻值,按以下公式計算。但額定電壓不可超過最大工作電壓。 Rated Voltage:Maximum allowable D.C. or A.C. voltage(rms), capable to be continuously applied to a resistor or a resistor element under the rated ambient temperature or terminal part temperature. It shall be calculated from the rated power and nominal resistance using the following formula. The rated voltage shall not exceed the max. working voltage。 U:電壓 I:電流 P:功率 R:阻值 5-6. 臨界阻值:在不超過最高使用電壓的情況下可施加額定功率的最大公稱電阻值。在臨界電阻值下,額定電壓 等於最大工作電壓。 Critical Resistance:The maximum nominal resistance value at which the rated power can be applied without exceeding the maximum working voltage. The rated voltage is equal to the max. working voltage at the critical resistance value。 5-7.最高使用電壓:電阻器或電阻元件上可連續施加的最大直流電壓或交流電壓(商用頻率實效值)。但在臨界電 阻值以下,可以施加的最大電壓為額定電壓。 Maximum Working Voltage:Maximum D.C. or A.C. voltage(rms) that can be continuously applied to the terminations of a resistor. However, the maximum value of the applicable voltage is the rated voltage at the critical resistance value or lower。 5-8.過負荷電壓:在短時間過載試驗中可連續施加5秒鐘的電壓,一般為額定電壓的2.5倍,但不可超過最大過載電壓。 Allowable voltage:which is applied in 5 sec. under short time overload test. Overload voltage shall be 2.5 times of rated voltage or max. overload voltage, whichever is lower。 3 版次:H-2018 精密金屬皮膜電阻器 PRECISION METAL FILM FIXED RESISTORS 6. 尺寸 Dimension Unit: mm Size L±1 D±1 H±3 d±0.06 Resistance range 1/6W 1/8W 1/4WS 1/2WSS 3.5* 1.7* 27 0.45 0Ω& 0.1Ω~10MΩ 1/4W 1/2WS 1WSS 6.5* 2.4* 27 0.50 0Ω&0.1Ω~10MΩ 1/2W 1WS 2WSS 9.2 3.3 26 0.60 0Ω&0.1Ω~10MΩ Type 1W 2WS 11 4.5 28 0.70 0.1Ω~2MΩ 2W 3WS 15 5.0 32 0.78 0.1Ω~2MΩ 3W 5WS 18 6.0 33 0.78 0.1Ω~2MΩ 5W 25 8.0 38 0.78 0.1Ω~2MΩ T.C.R ±15PPM ±25PPM ±50PPM ±100PPM Tolerance B: ±0.1% C: ±0.25% D: ±0.5% F: ±1% G: ±2% 注:①0Ω阻值範圍為≦50mΩ; ②“*" means“±0.5"; ③特殊要求如面漆不燃性,色碼耐溶劑清洗等,請訂購時務必向我司提出,可按客戶要求製作。 ④為滿足產品立式使用,引線根部腳漆長度≦1.5mm ,臥式使用品不考量此參數; 7. 色碼 Explanation of color 顏色 Color 第一位數 1ND band 第二位數 2ND band 第三位數 3ND band 倍數 Multiple Black 黑 0 0 0 100 Brawn 棕 1 1 1 101 F(±1%) 2 2 G(±2%) Red 紅 2 2 10 容許差% Tolerance 3 Orange 橙 3 3 3 10 Yellow 黃 4 4 4 104 Green 綠 5 5 5 105 6 D(±0.5%) Blue 藍 6 6 6 10 C(±0.25%) Violet 紫 7 7 7 107 B(±0.1%) 8 Gray 灰 8 8 8 10 White 白 9 9 9 109 Gold 金 10-1 Silver 銀 10-2 注 : 0Ω用一道黑色表示 Notice: 0Ω mark with one Black color 4 版次:H-2018 精密金屬皮膜電阻器 PRECISION METAL FILM FIXED RESISTORS 8. 電氣特性 Characteristics Item Size 額定功率 Rated power 1/8W 1/6W 1/4WS 1/2WSS 1/4W 1/2WS 1WSS 1/2W 1WS 2WSS 1W 2WS 2W 3WS 3W 5W 5WS 最高使用電壓 Max continuous working voltage 200V 250V 350V 500V 500V 500V 400V 500V 700V 1000V 1000V 1000V 300V 350V 500V 500V 500V 700V 最高過負荷電壓 Max overload voltage 耐絕緣電壓 Insulation resistance voltage 使用溫度範圍 Operating temp range -55℃ ~ +125℃ Note:額定電壓 當計算得出的額定電壓大於最高使用電壓,使用時取兩者較小者 When the calculated rated voltage greater than the maximum operating voltage, whichever is the lesser of use 9. 性能 Performance 特性項 Characteristics 正常品 規格值 Specifications 測試方法 Test methods ≧1Ω:±100PPM/℃ 以下阻值段為參考數據: 阻值範圍 < 1Ω 溫度係數 T.C.R 溫度係數參考值 ±200PPM/℃ 1Ω~10Ω ±100PPM/℃ 10.1Ω~100KΩ ±50PPM/℃ ≧100KΩ ±100PPM/℃ 注: ≧10Ω可依客戶要求生產±50PPM/℃、±25PPM/℃、±15PPM/℃; R2-R1 *106(PPM)/ ℃ R1*(T2-T1) R1:常溫(T1)阻抗值. Resistance value at room temperature (T1). R2:常溫+100℃(T2)阻抗值. Resistance value at room temperature+100℃. < 1Ω電阻本身的溫度係數是在±100PPM,但因為銅線的阻值占 總阻值的比例較大,而銅線溫度係數很大,導致低電阻阻值越小 溫度係數相對越大. 溫度壽命 Load life 溫度 70±2℃,恆溫箱中,加額定電壓或最高使用電 壓(取小者),測試 1.5 小時停止 0.5 小時,連續 1000 阻抗值變化±(2%R+0.05Ω).機械特性不可有損傷. 小時. Resistance change after 1000hrs operating at Resistance change rate±(2%R+0.05Ω) MAX With no evidence of mechanical damage. rated voltage or Max continuous working voltage (Whichever is the less.)with duty cycle of 1.5hrs ON 0.5hrs OFF at 70℃±2℃. 短時間過負荷 Short time over load ±(0.5%R+0.05Ω) 額定電壓*2.5 倍或最高過負荷電壓(取小者),測 試5秒 2.5 times the rated voltage or maximum overload voltage (whichever is less), testing 5 seconds 絕緣阻抗 Insulation resistance 1000MΩ以上 1000MΩ or more 將待測物置於 V 型槽 V-block 5 版次:H-2018 精密金屬皮膜電阻器 PRECISION METAL FILM FIXED RESISTORS         耐絕緣電壓 Electric withstanding voltage           溫度循環 Temperature cycling     電阻兩端導線置於金屬 V 型糟上,依特性表之電壓 規定印加 60 秒. Resistance shall be clamped in the trough of a 90 metallic v-block and shall be test at specified in the above list for 60 seconds.   依下表所規定之溫度連續 5 次 步驟 溫度 Step Temperature     阻抗值變化 ±(0.5%R+0.05Ω)以內, 機械特性不 可有損傷. Resistance change is ±(0.5%R+0.05Ω)MAX. With no evidence of mechanical damage.     阻抗值變化 ±(0.5%R+0.05Ω).以內,機械特性不 耐熱性 可有損傷. Resistance to Resistance change is ±(0.5%R+0.05Ω).MAX. soldering heat With no evidence of mechanical damage.     阻抗值變化 ±(0.5%R+0.05Ω)塗裝不可燒損,絕緣 不可破壞. Resistance change ±(0.5%R±0.05Ω).No evidence of flashover mechanical damage, Arcing or insulation breakdown.   焊錫性 Solder ability 1 -25℃±3℃ 30 2 Room temp 10-15 3 4 85℃±2℃ Room temp 30 10-15 將電阻兩端導線浸入錫爐,浸入深度為距離本體 2+0/-0.5mm;依下表規定實施 Temperature Dip time 350℃±10℃ 3±0.5 sec 260℃±5℃ 10±1 sec 錫爐溫度:260±5℃ 浸錫時間:3±0.5 sec Test temperatures of solder260±5℃ Dwell time in solder:3±0.5 sec 百分之 95 覆蓋於導線上 95% coverage minimum     接點不得有脫落情形 夾住導線焊接端,並向外翻轉 900,來回兩次。 接頭強度 No terminal wire loosening and breakage shall Bending strength load 900 reciprocation twice Join intensity occur.       放置時間 Time (MIN) 6   精密金屬皮膜電阻器 PRECISION METAL FILM FIXED RESISTORS     10. 使用注意事項 Precautions for Use 10.1 精密金屬膜電阻的導電層主要成分為鎳鉻合金,阻值越高膜層越薄,當阻值高於幾百 K 歐姆時,膜層厚度可能 已經達到幾個納米,此時產品的可靠性會相對降低,尤其是高濕度的環境下,容易出現偶發性的失效異常。因 此,高可靠性要求的產品設計,請勿為了方便而採用超高阻值。 Precision metal film resistor conductive layer mainly composed of Ni Cr alloy, the higher resistance layer is thinner, when high resistance in a few hundred K ohm, film thickness may has reached nanometer level. At this time the reliability of the product will relatively lower, especially under high humidity environment, prone to occasional abnormal failure. Therefore, the product design of high reliability requirements, do not for convenience using ultra high resistance.   10.2 超高阻值部分建議使用我司的 MG 厚膜玻璃釉電阻(高功率要求適用)或 CHIP 晶片電阻(低功率要求適用), MG 電阻高阻段的耐溫、耐濕、耐壓、耐脈沖、耐腐蝕等方面的可靠性是眾電阻產品之首。 Ultra high resistance part recommend the use of our MG High Voltage Surge Resistor or Chip Resistor to replace the precision metal film resistors, Mg resistor of high temperature, humidity, pressure resistance, pulse, corrosion resistance and other aspects of the reliability is the public resistance.   10.3 低阻及超低阻的精密金屬膜電阻如溫度係數無法滿足或線路要求耐電流能力要求高時,請參考我司的 KN 繞線 電阻,其在溫度係數、耐脈沖性能方面有很大的優越性。 Low resistance and low resistance precision metal film resistors such as temperature coefficient can not meet the line or requiring high current capability high requirements, please refer to our KN Wire Wound Resistors and the temperature coefficient, resistance pulse performance aspects have great advantages.   10.4 精密金屬膜電阻在同尺寸、同阻值的薄膜電阻類產品中膜層是最薄的,耐脈沖能力相對其它產品較差,請避 免在高脈沖、連續脈沖的線路中使用高阻值產品。 Precision metal film resistors in the same size, with the resistance of the thin film resistor products film is the thinnest, pulse resisting ability relative to other inferior products, please avoid the use of high resistance products in high pulse and CW pulse circuit.   10.5 精密金屬膜電阻的導電成份決定了其高溫時金屬成份易被氧化,大功率產品使用時請注意其表面溫升及周圍散 熱條件。請勿在電阻表面使用膠類產品固定或灌封。膠類一方面降低了產品的散熱性能,另方面整機廠常用的 AB 膠類如酸堿性未控制好或未完全乾燥的情況下通電使用,會造成電阻導電膜與酸堿性分子產生電化學反應 而出現偶發性的失效,俗稱電阻皮膜被“電蝕"。多年的經驗告訴我們,使用環氧膠類比有機硅膠類出現異常 的幾率會更大。 Precision metal film resistance of the conductive composition determines its high temperature when the metal component is easy to be oxidized, high power products, please pay attention to the surface temperature rise and the surrounding cooling conditions. Do not use plastic products fixed or potting in resistance surface. Glue on the one hand reduces the radiation performance of the product, on the other hand, the whole plant commonly used AB class such as pH do not control or not completely dry the use of electricity, caused by conductive film and acid and alkali resistance molecular produce electrochemical reaction and occasional failure, commonly known as the electric resistance of coating was electrical erosion. Years of experience tells us that the use of epoxy silicone glue analogy abnormality rate will be greater.   10.6 精密金屬膜電阻推出了無腳型產品,可以用 SMT 自動貼片安裝,滿足波峰焊和迴流焊工藝。此款電阻為非切腳 型生產,不存在切腳時端帽出現鬆動的隱患,經過酸洗、電鍍錫等工藝,100%短時間負載測試,可靠性優異。 具體請參考我司 MEMF-MELF 產品。 Precision metal film resistors introduced a MILF type products, can be used SMT automatic patchinstallation, to meet the wave soldering and reflow process. The resistance of the non cutting foot type production, does not exist when the cut foot cap appears loose hidden danger, after pickling, electroplating tin and other processes, 100% short time load test, excellent reliability. Specific please refer to our MEMF-MELF products.               7  
1. 物料型号:文档中没有明确列出具体的物料型号,但提到了电阻器的规格如1/8W、1/6W、1/4W等。

2. 器件简介:这些电阻器具有高精度、高稳定性和高可靠性,低噪音和电压系数小,温度系数低(±5~±100PPM/°C),并且具有非常紧密的容差范围(±0.1%~±1%)。

3. 引脚分配:文档中提到了电阻器的构造,包括镀锡铜导线、高热传导瓷棒、镀锡铁帽等,但没有具体说明引脚分配

4. 参数特性:电阻器符合RoHS和REACH环保要求,具有额定功率、最高使用电压、最高过载电压、耐绝缘电压、使用温度范围等参数。

5. 功能详解:文档详细描述了电阻器的特性,如温度系数、额定功率、额定电压、临界电阻值、最高使用电压等。

6. 应用信息:文档提供了电阻器的应用注意事项,包括超高阻值产品建议使用MG厚膜玻璃釉电阻或CHIP晶片电阻,低阻和超低阻产品考虑KN绕线电阻等。

7. 封装信息:提供了不同尺寸的电阻器的尺寸数据,包括长度、直径、高度、引线直径和电阻范围。

8. 色码:解释了电阻器色环的编码方式,包括颜色对应的数值和容差百分比。

9. 电气特性:列出了不同尺寸电阻器的额定功率、最高使用电压、最高过载电压、耐绝缘电压和使用温度范围。

10. 性能:包括温度系数、温度寿命、短时间过载、绝缘阻抗、耐绝缘电压、温度循环、耐热性、焊接热、焊锡性和接头强度等测试方法和规格值。
RN1/2WS510ΩFT/BA1 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+0.06990


      •  国内价格
      • 50+0.08932
      • 500+0.07064
      • 1500+0.06027
