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CY-SMD-8503-3016 数据手册
品名 :SMD 蜂鸣器 产品型号 :cy-SMD-8503-3016 供应商 :常州超音电子有限公司 日期 :2013.10.11 客户 : Approved By Checked By Made By 地址:常州市武进庙桥新联工业集中区 58 号. 电话:0519-88298758 传真:0519-86464158 网址:www.smdbuzzer.net cy-SMD-8503-3016 DATE:2013.10.11 1﹒Electrical Characteristics Oscillation Frequency (Hz) Operating Voltage (VO-p) Rated Voltage (VO-p) VER .:0 2731 2.5~4.5 3.6 Current Consumption (mA/max.) 100 at Rated Voltage Sound Pressure Level (dB/min.) 85at 10cm at Rated Voltage Coil Resistance (Ω) 16± 3 Operating Temperature (℃) -30 ~ +70 Storage Temperature (℃) -40 ~ +85 PS:Vp-p=1/2duty , square wave 2﹒Typical Frequency Response Curve 3﹒Dimensions and Material 3-1 Shape Unit : mm 3-2 Material Housing Tol:±0.3 LCP plastic resin (Color : Black) Leading Pin Tin Plated Brass Weight (Gram) 0.8 4﹒Recommend Driving Circuit The base current Ib should high enough so that it saturates the collector current of the transistor with the CB load. 5. TESTING METHOD .Standard Measurement conditions Temperature:25±2℃ Humidity:45-60% .Acoustic Characteristics The oscillation frequency, current consumption and sound pressure are measured by the measuring instruments shown below. 10cm FUNCTION GENERATOR AMPERE METER SOUNDER MICROPHONE In the measuring test, buzzers is placed as follows: SAMPLE MICROPHONE 1OCM dB METER 6. RELIABILITY ITEMS Coldness withstanding Hotness withstanding Humidity withstanding METHOD OF TEST AND MEASUREMENTS After 98 hours of being exposed to -30℃ environment, should be returned to normal environment for 2 hours, then re-proceed to test. After 98 hours of being exposed to +80℃ environment, should be returned to normal environment for 2 hours, then re-proceed to test. After 98 hours of being exposed to 40℃ 95%RH environment in actual operation, should be returned to normal environment for 2 hours, then re-proceed to test. PERFORMANCE No abnormality shall exist No abnormality shall exist No abnormality shall exist Durability Testing after 1,000 hours actual continuous operation. (at standard measurement conditions) No abnormality shall exist Drop withstanding A natural drop from 75cm high down to the ground. No abnormality shall exist Vibration withstanding Vibration of 2,000 cycles per minute, 2mm amplitude, applied in X, Y and Z directions for 30 minutes each. No abnormality shall exist 7.Soldering Condition (1)Recommendable reflow soldering condition is as follows (Reflow soldering is twice) after heat of product goes down to normal. Heat resistant line (Used when heat resistant reliablity test is performed) (2)Manual soldering Manual soldering temperature 350 C within 10 sec. CARRIER REEL 1K PCS BUZZER 8. PACKAGE METHOD INNER BOX 1 ROLL CARRIER REEL CARTON BOX 10 INNER BOX 10K PCS BUZZER Unit:mm
CY-SMD-8503-3016 价格&库存

