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AW3641EDNR 数据手册
AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 Flash Current & Flash Timer Programmable 1A Flash LED Driver FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION  8 Flash LED Current Levels Selectable by 1-wire Interface: The AW3641E is a current-regulated charge pump ideal for powering high brightness LEDs for camera flash applications. The charge pump can be set to regulate two current levels for FLASH and TORCH modes. l Flash LED Current up to 1A Among Full Power Supply Range ti a  100%*IFLASH, 90%*IFLASH……30%*IFLASH  PWM Dimming Control in Torch Mode  Automatic 1X/2X Mode Switchover  Up to 92% Efficiency in Torch Mode  Low 47mV Reference for Low Loss Sensing  Built-In Soft Start Limits Inrush Current  Over-Temperature Protection  Over-Voltage and Short-Circuit Protection  Low Ripple and EMI  Available in 3mm*3mm-10L DFN Package n Ultra low RDSON: 0.4Ω(1X Mode), 2Ω(2X Mode) The AW3641E supports PWM dimming to adjust the LED brightness during torch application by simply providing a PWM signal to FLASH pin. e  The AW3641E incorporates a 1-wire interface to program the flash LED current at 8 levels and flash timeout at 2 levels. fi d 2 Flash Timeout Levels Selectable by 1-wire Interface: 220ms, 1.3s The AW3641E features an ultra low RDSON, and automatically switches modes between 1X and 2X, not only ensuring that LED current does not depend on the forward voltage, but also optimizing the efficiency at the whole power supply and load range. C o n  APPLICATIONS The AW3641E is available in a small 3mm*3mm DFN-10L package and is specified over the -40℃ ic Mobile Phones  PAD in  The AW3641E also features an automatic soft-start mode to limit inrush current, as well as over-temperature, over-voltage and short-circuit protection. to +85℃ ambient temperature range. a w TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT VIN 1 CIN 10μF 2 CF 1μF TORCH/FLASH 3 4 5 ENABLE VIN C1 PGND C2 SGND AW3641EDNR FB FLASH VOUT 10 9 COUT 4.7μF 8 7 6 EN Rdown 47kΩ Figure 1 VOUT RSET EXPOSED PAD 11 RSET 86.6kΩ RSENSE 0.22Ω Typical Application Circuit of AW3641E All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. www.awinic.com.cn 1 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 PIN CONFIGURATION AND TOP MARK AW3641EDNR MARKING AW3641EDNR TOP VIEW 2 C2 3 FLASH 4 11 Exposed Pad 8 SGND 7 EN 5 FB 6 RSET 3641E-AW3641EDNR XXXX-Manufacture Date Code Pin Configuration and Top Mark fi d Figure 2 e DFN3x3-10L Package PIN DEFINITION NAME 1 VIN Input voltage for the charge pump. Decouple with 10µF ceramic capacitor (X5R/X7R) close to the pins of the IC. 2 C1 Positive input for the external flying capacitor. Connect a ceramic 1µF capacitor (X5R/X7R) close to the pins of the IC. 3 C2 Negative input for the external flying capacitor. Connect a ceramic 1µF capacitor (X5R/X7R) close to the pins of the IC. FLASH 5 EN o C Logic input to toggle operation between FLASH and TORCH mode. In Torch mode, FB is regulated to the internal 47mV reference. In Flash mode, FB reference voltage can be adjusted by changing the resistor from RSET pin to ground. Choose the external current sense resistor (R SENSE) based on desired current in Torch mode and Flash mode in ic 4 DESCRIPTION n No. Shutdown control input. Connect to logic high for normal operation, and logic low for shutdown. In FLASH mode, the flash current and timeout period can be adjusted by EN 1-wire pulse control signal. RSET Connect a resistor from this pin to ground. When in FLASH mode (FLASH = High), this resistor sets the current regulation point according to the following equation: VFB=(1.26V/RSET)×10.2kΩ 7 FB Feedback input for the current control loop. Connect directly to the current sense resistor: ILED=VFB/RSENSE 8 SGND Internal ground pin. Control circuitry returns current to this pin. 9 PGND Power ground pin. Flying capacitor current returns through this pin. 10 VOUT Charge Pump Output Voltage. Decouple with an external X5R/X7R capacitor. A 4.7µF capacitor is recommended. 11 Exposed Pad w 6 a 3641E XXXX 9 PGND l C1 10 VOUT ti a 1 n VIN www.awinic.com.cn Exposed Pad must be soldered to the PCB board and connected to GND. 2 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM AW3641E VIN 1X/2X CHARGE PUMP MODE CONTROL FLASH + SGND - FB RSET fi d RSET BLOCK Functional Block Diagram a w in ic C o n Figure 3 VRSET e 47mV REFERENCE 1 0 VREF EN ti a OSC & TIMER COMP C2 PGND n C1 l VOUT www.awinic.com.cn 3 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITS The typical application is shown Figure 4, where IFLASH=675mA,ITORCH=214mA. 2 CF 1μF 3 4 TORCH/FLASH 5 ENABLE VOUT C1 PGND C2 SGND AW3641EDNR 9 COUT 4.7μF 8 7 6 EN RSET Rdown 47kΩ RSET 86.6kΩ e EXPOSED PAD fi d 11 RSENSE 0.22Ω Typical Application of 700mA Flash Current n Figure 4 FB FLASH VOUT 10 l CIN 10μF VIN ti a 1 n VIN VIN CIN 10μF 2 3 ic CF 1μF TORCH/FLASH a w in ENABLE NOTE1: VIN C 1 o The typical application is shown Figure 5, where IFLASH=1.04A,ITORCH=214mA. 4 5 C1 PGND C2 SGND AW3641EDNR FB FLASH VOUT 10 9 COUT 4.7μF 8 7 6 EN RSET Rdown 47kΩ Figure 5 VOUT EXPOSED PAD 11 RSET 56kΩ RSENSE 0.22Ω Typical Application of 1A(NOTE1) Flash Current The exact flash current is 1.04A due to the typical value RSET=56kΩ and RSENSE=0.22Ω. IFLASH=VFB / RSENSE=(1.26V/RSET )×10.2kΩ / RSENSE=1.04A. www.awinic.com.cn 4 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 The AW3641E also can be used to drive two flash LEDs in portable equipment, the schematic is shown in Figure 6. In this application, IFLASH_D1=IFLASH_D2=488mA, ITORCH_D1=ITORCH_D2=100mA. TORCH/FLASH 3 4 5 ENABLE C1 PGND C2 SGND AW3641EDNR COUT 4.7μF D1 500mA LED 8 R1 10kΩ FB FLASH 9 R2 10kΩ 7 6 EN RSET Rdown 47kΩ RSET 56kΩ EXPOSED PAD 11 Figure 6 RSENSE 0.47Ω D2 500mA LED l CF 1μF VOUT 10 ti a 2 VOUT RSENSE 0.47Ω n CIN 10μF VIN e 1 Two Flash LEDs Application fi d VIN Notice for Typical Application Circuits: CIN, CF, COUT, RSET, RSENSE close to the pins of the IC, and the ground terminal of RSENSE close to the SGND/PGND pins of the IC. 2. Red line is high current path. Consider driving ability, for example ,IOUT=700mA,the power path VOUT--LED--RSENSE--GND should be as short and wide as possible, at least 30mil trace is recommended (IOUT=700mA).The power path between Battery and VIN, at least 60mil trace is recommended (IIN=1.4A@2X Mode). 3. For better thermal performance and noise performance, the Exposed Pad, PGND pin and SGND pin should be connected directly to a large area of the PCB ground plane. a w in ic C o n 1. www.awinic.com.cn 5 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number Temperature Package Marking Delivery Form AW3641EDNR -40℃~85℃ DFN 3mm*3mm-10L 3641E 6000 units/ Tape and Reel ti a l AW3641E Shipping R: Tape & Reel n Package Type DN: DFN e ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(NOTE2) PARAMETERS RANGE -0.3V to 6V fi d Voltage at VIN,VOUT −0.3V to the lesser of (VIN+0.3V) w/ 6V max Voltage at EN, FLASH Output Current Pulse(Flash) Junction to Ambient Thermal Resistance θJA Max Junction Temperature TJMAX C Storage Temperature TSTG o Ambient Temperature Lead Soldering Temperature, 10 Seconds ESD, All Pins(NOTE3) n Output Current Continuous(Torch) 0.4A 57℃/W -40℃ to 85℃ 150℃ -65℃ to 150℃ 260℃ 8000V CDM MM 2000V 350V in Latch-up ic HBM 1.2A +IT:+450mA JEDEC STANDARD NO.78B DECEMBER 2008 -IT:-450mA w Testing Standard: a NOTE2: Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating conditions is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods my affect device reliability. NOTE3: The human body model is a 100-pF capacitor discharged through a 1.5kΩ resistor into each pin. The machine model is a 200-pF capacitor discharged directly into each pin. Testing standard:MIL-STD-883G Method 3015.7. www.awinic.com.cn 6 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Condition: TA = 25℃, VIN = 3.6V, EN = VIN, FLASH =VIN (Unless otherwise specified) PARAMETER TEST CONDITION MIN TYP MAX UNIT 5.5 V 1 μA IQ Quiescent Current EN=0V 0.1 FLASH=0V,ILOAD=100uA 0.4 FLASH=VIN,2X Mode FOSC Oscillator Frequency RDSON_2X Charge Pump Equivalent Resistance (2X mode) RDSON_1X Charge Pump Equivalent Resistance (1X mode) VFB FB Reference Voltage 1.4 FLASH=VIN, RSET=86.6kΩ EN, FLASH Logic High VIL EN, FLASH Logic Low IEN EN, FLASH Pin Current TON VOUT Turn-on Time VFB=0.3V 160 42 47 52 C Thermal Shutdown Temperature MHz Ω Ω mV 1 μA V 0.4 VIN = 3.6V, FB within 90% of regulation Flash Timeout Period V 5 μA 500 μs 1-wire pulse rising edge number: 1~8 180 220 310 ms 1-wire pulse rising edge number: 9~16 1.05 1.3 1.85 s 147 ℃ a w in TSD 150 1.3 ic TFLASH 2.4 137 n VIH mA 0.4 o FB Pin Current 1.9 mA 2 FLASH=GND IFB 6 ti a Shutdown Current n ISD 2.8 e Input voltage range fi d VIN l SUPPLY VOLTAGE AND CURRENT www.awinic.com.cn 7 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS Test Condition: CIN=10μF, COUT=4.7μF, CF=1μF (Unless otherwise specified) Soft Start Soft Start VIN=4.2V, 1X Mode, Flash, IOUT=500mA VIN=3.6V, 2X Mode, Flash, IOUT=500mA VEN 5V/div VOUT 2V/div VOUT 2V/div IIN 0.5A/div IIN 0.5A/div fi d e Time(200μs/div) Soft Start VIN=4.2V, 1X Mode, Flash, IOUT=700mA Soft Start VIN=3.6V, 2X Mode, Flash, IOUT=700mA VEN 5V/div n VEN 5V/div C o VOUT 2V/div IIN 0.5A/div VOUT 2V/div IOUT 0.5A/div Time(200μs/div) ic Time(200μs/div) Soft Start Soft Start in VIN=3.4V, 2X Mode, Flash, IOUT=1A VIN=4.2V, 2X Mode, Flash, IOUT=1A VEN 5V/div VEN 5V/div w a n Time(200μs/div) ti a l VEN 5V/div VOUT 2V/div VOUT 2V/div IIN 1A/div IIN 1A/div Time(200μs/div) www.awinic.com.cn Time(200μs/div) 8 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 Test Condition: CIN=10μF, COUT=4.7μF, CF=1μF (Unless otherwise specified) Soft Start Soft Start VIN=3.6V, 1X Mode, Torch, IOUT=140mA VIN=3.6V, 1X Mode,Torch, IOUT=214mA VEN 5V/div VOUT 1V/div ti a l VEN 5V/div VOUT 1V/div IIN 0.2A/div n IIN 0.2A/div Time(200μs/div) e Time(200μs/div) Flash time 220ms Flash time 1.3s VIN=4.2V, IFLASH=1A fi d VIN=4.2V, IFLASH=1A VOUT 5V/div n VOUT 5V/div VFLASH 2V/div o VFLASH 2V/div ILED 1A/div C ILED 500mA/div ic Time(50ms/div) Time(200ms/div) PWM Dimming for Torch Current Flash Current Setting by 1-Wire Interface in VIN=4.2V, IFLASH=1A (Pulse=1) VIN=4.2V, IFLASH=1A, ITORCH=0.1A, Duty=20% PWM 5V/div 100%*IF LASH VOUT 2V/div 90%*IF LASH 80%*IF LASH 70%*IF LASH 60%*IF LASH 50%*IF LASH 40%*IF LASH 30%*IF LASH Pulse= 1 2 a w IFLASH 250mA/div www.awinic.com.cn 3 4 5 6 7 8 VFB 200mV/div ILED 200mA/div Time(50 μs/div) Time(200ms/div) 9 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 Test Condition: CIN=10μF, COUT=4.7μF, CF=1μF (Unless otherwise specified) Torch 1X to Flash 1X Torch 1X to Flash 2X VOUT 2V/div VOUT 2V/div VFB 200mV/div VFB 100mV/div ILED 1A/div ILED 500mA/div n VFLASH 5V/div ti a VIN=3.6V, IFLASH=1A, ITORCH=214mA VFLASH 5V/div l VIN=4.2V, IFLASH=500mA, ITORCH=214mA Time(50ms/div) e Time(50ms/div) Output Ripple fi d Output Ripple VIN=4.2V, 1X Mode, Flash, ILED=500mA VIN=4.2V, 1X Mode, Torch, ILED=214mA VIN AC coupled 20mV/div n VIN AC coupled 20mV/div VOUT AC coupled 20mV/div C o VOUT AC coupled 20mV/div Time(1μs/div) ic Time(1μs/div) Output Ripple Output Ripple VIN=3.6V, 2X Mode, Flash, ILED=500mA in VIN=3.6V, 2X Mode, Flash, ILED=1A VIN AC coupled 100mV/div w VIN AC coupled 100mV/div VOUT AC coupled 100mV/div a VOUT AC coupled 100mV/div Time(1μs/div) www.awinic.com.cn Time(1μs/div) 10 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 Test Condition: CIN=10μF, COUT=4.7μF, CF=1μF (Unless otherwise specified) Battery Current vs. Input Voltage Output Current vs. Input Voltage 1200 2400 (6) (4) 400 (3) (2) (5) 1200 (4) 800 (1) (1) 0 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 0 4.4 4.2 Input Voltage(V) 3.0 3.2 3.6 3.4 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 Input Voltage(V) (2) Torch 200mA, VF=3.12V (1) Torch 100mA, VF=2.93V (2) Torch 200mA, VF=3.12V (3) Flash 300mA, VF=3.19V (4) Flash 500mA, VF=3.46V (3) Flash 300mA, VF=3.19V (4) Flash 500mA, VF=3.46V (5) Flash 700mA, VF=3.62V (6) Flash 1000mA, VF=3.98V (5) Flash 700mA, VF=3.62V (6) Flash 1000mA, VF=3.98V fi d e (1) Torch 100mA, VF=2.93V Efficiency vs. Input Voltage n 100 (1) 80 (3) (4) 60 (5) o (2) (6) C EFficiency(%) (3) (2) 400 n 200 1600 l (5) ti a Battery Current(mA) Output Current(mA) 800 600 (6) 2000 1000 40 0 3.0 3.2 ic 20 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 Input Voltage(V) in (1) Torch 100mA, VF=2.93V (2) Torch 200mA, VF=3.12V (4) Flash 500mA, VF=3.46V (5) Flash 700mA, VF=3.62V (6) Flash 1000mA, VF=3.98V a w (3) Flash 300mA, VF=3.19V www.awinic.com.cn 11 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 DETAILED FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ti a l The AW3641E is a charge pump regulator designed to drive white LEDs supplied by a Li-Ion battery of 2.8V to 4.4V for digital still camera Flash and Torch applications. The AW3641E is pin selectable to operate in either Flash or Torch mode. Flash mode is usually with a pulse of about 200 to 300 milliseconds to generate a high intensity Flash. Torch can be used continuously at a lower output current than Flash and is often used for several seconds in a digital still camera “movie” mode. Adaptive Charge Pump fi d e n The AW3641E also has two operating modes to control the output current: the 1X mode and 2X mode. After 50μs’ delay of the enable pin EN receiving logic high, the Bandgap reference wakes up. Then AW3641E goes through a soft-start mode designed to limit inrush current. The AW3641E starts in the 1X mode firstly, which acts like a linear regulator to control the output current by continuously monitoring the feedback pin FB. In 1X mode, if the FB pin is below the reference voltage for more than 8μs, the AW3641E will automatically switch to 2X mode. In 2X mode, if the working condition satisfy VIN > VOUT + IOUT*RDSON_1X + ΔV for more than 32μs, it will switch back to 1X mode, otherwise stay in 2X mode. Wherein ΔV is a fixed hysteresis voltage, RDSON_1X is the equivalent resistance in 1X mode. n Flash Mode o Flash mode is activated by pulling the EN and FLASH pin high. And the feedback regulation voltage VFB, which is set by the resistor RSET connected between the RSET pin and SGND pin, equals to VFB = (1.26V/RSET)*10.2kΩ (Flash mode) C Where 1.26V is the internal Bandgap reference voltage and 10.2kΩ is an internal resistance used to scale the RSET current. Typically, RSET ranges from 42kΩ to 170kΩ, with VFB corresponding from 306mV to 76mV. Then, the output current IOUT can be calculated for both Flash and Torch modes by the equation: IOUT = VFB / RSENSE ic For example , in Figure 4, RSENSE=0.22Ω,RSET=86.6kΩ,it’s obtained: in VFB = (1.26V/86.6kΩ)*10.2kΩ = 148.4mV IFLASH = 148.4mV/0.22Ω = 675mA w Once the RSENSE and RSET is selected, the AW3641E provides 8 flash LED current levels from 100%* IFLASH to 30%* IFLASH in 10%* IFLASH steps by 1-wire interface in the EN pin. a Torch Mode Setting the EN pin to logic high and the FLASH pin to logic low, the AW3641E will enter Torch mode. The feedback voltage VFB is regulated to be 47mV, which can’t be adjusted by external components. VFB = 47mV (Torch Mode) For example , in Figure 4, RSENSE=0.22Ω,it’s obtained: ITORCH = 47mV/0.22Ω = 214mA www.awinic.com.cn 12 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 Flash Timeout Protection The duration of a single flash is limited automatically to TTIMEOUT, which applies only for Flash mode. This protects the flash LED against thermal damage. The AW3641E also provides 2 flash timeout levels (220ms/1.3s) by 1-wire interface in the EN pin. ti a l 1-wire Interface The AW3641E incorporates a 1-wire interface to program the flash LED current at 8 levels and flash timeout at 2 levels. n The relationship between the number of 1-wire pulse rising edge and flash LED current & flash timeout is shown in Table 1. Flash Timeout EN Waveform (TTIMEOUT) 1 2 3 n 4 90%*IFLASH 80%*IFLASH 70%*IFLASH 220ms 6 ............ 7 ............ 8 ............ 30%*IFLASH 9 ............ 100%*IFLASH o ............ 50%*IFLASH C 40%*IFLASH ic 12 60%*IFLASH ............ 90%*IFLASH ............ 80%*IFLASH in 11 w 100%*IFLASH 5 10 a Flash LED Current fi d Pulse e Table 1 flash LED current & flash timeout adjusting by 1-wire interface ............ 70%*IFLASH 1.3s 13 ............ 14 ............ 50%*IFLASH 15 ............ 40%*IFLASH 16 ............ 30%*IFLASH 60%*IFLASH The 1-wire pulse timing sequence is shown in Figure 7. The duration of logic high (T HI) and logic low (TLO) is recommended between 0.75us to 10us. And shutdown duration TOFF should be longer than 500us. www.awinic.com.cn 13 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 0.75μs≤THI≤10μs EN 1 TOFF≥500μs 2 3 SHUTDOWN NORMAL STATE Figure 7 ti a l 0.75μs≤TLO≤10μs 1-wire pulse timing sequence(take 80%*IFLASH/220ms for example) n Flash Current & RDSON VIN - IOUT*RDSON_1X = VOUT fi d The maximum drive capacity in 2X mode is: e For 1X/2X mode charge pump flash LED driver, the maximum drive capacity in 1X mode is: 2*VIN - IOUT*RDSON_2X = VOUT n The output voltage VOUT depends on the flash LED forward voltage VF. However, VF is widely dispersed. For example, for 1A flash LED, VF varies from minimum 2.95V to maximum 4.35V, whose deviation reaches1.4V. Assuming such condition: the LED driver supplied by a battery with voltage VIN = 3.6V,and o driving a flash LED with VF=4.35V. It’s estimated that VOUT=VF+VFB≈4.5V. According to the formula of 2X mode charge pump, the equivalent resistance on 2X mode must satisfy: RDSON_2X < (2*VIN - VOUT) / IOUT=(2*3.6V - 4.5V)/1A = 2.7Ω. C That means driving the 1A flash LED with VF = 4.35V, RDSON_2X should not exceed 2.7Ω. The equivalent resistance of AW3641E in is 2X mode RDSON_2X = 2Ω, equivalent resistance in 1X mode is RDSON_1X = 0.35Ω, ensuring 1A output current in the whole battery voltage range, even for the worst VF. ic When VF < VIN - IOUT*RDSON_1X = 3.6V - 1A*0.35Ω = 3.25V, the AW3641E can work in 1X mode, with higher overall efficiency. in PWM Dimming ITORCH_PWM = IFLASH*D + ITORCH*(1-D) a w The AW3641E supports PWM dimming to adjust the LED brightness during Torch application by simply providing a PWM signal to FLASH pin. In this condition, the AW3641E switches between FLASH mode and TORCH mode. For AW3641E, the dimming frequency is recommended between 20kHz to 50kHz. The relationship between the output current IOUT and the duty cycle of PWM signal D is written as below: In which IFLASH is output current setting for FLASH mode and ITORCH is output current setting for TORCH mode. For example, if ITORCH = 100mA, IFLASH = 700mA and D=20%, the output current increases to: ITORCH_PWM=700mA*20% + 100mA*(1-20%)=220mA(NOTE4) The PWM dimming sequence is shown in Figure 8. Firstly, setting the EN pin to logic high and the FLASH pin to logic low, the AW3641E will enter Torch mode. After a delay of TDELAY, PWM signal may be applied to the Flash pin, where the TDELAY must be longer than 2ms. www.awinic.com.cn 14 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 EN TDELAY≥2ms PWM Dimming signal FLASH l PWM dimming sequence ti a Figure 8 NOTE4: The ITORCH_PWM must be less than the LED DC Forward Current which is described in the LED datasheet, and usually Don’t exceed 350mA. n Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) fi d e The AW3641E provides over-voltage protection. If the output voltage rises above the threshold of 5.5V, the over voltage protection shuts down all the output switches, to prevent the output voltage from rising further. After that, when the output voltage drops below 5.3V, the device resumes normal operation. Over-Temperature Protection When the temperature of the AW3641E rises above 135℃, the AW3641E begins to reduce the output current, n and when the temperature rises above 147℃, the over-temperature protection circuitry turns off the output Short-Circuit Protection C o switches to prevent damage to the device. If the temperature drops back down below 125℃, the device automatically recovers and executes a soft start cycle. a w in ic When the VOUT pin is shorted to GND, which makes the VOUT falls below to 1V, the device stops switching and operates as a current source limiting the output current to 70mA. www.awinic.com.cn 15 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 APPLICATION INFORMATION Capacitor Selection The AW3641E requires three capacitors. The recommended value: Input Capacitance CIN = 10μF, capacitor COUT = 4.7μF, flying capacitor CF = 1μF. output Table 2 Recommended Capacitor Value and Size ti a l Use low-ESR ceramic capacitors with X7R or X5R dielectric. These capacitors allow good filtering and have a wide temperature range. The connections of all external capacitors should be kept as short as possible. Value Withstanding Voltage Size Vendor CIN 10μF 6.3V 0603 EYANG or Murata COUT 4.7μF 6.3V 0402 EYANG or Murata CF 1μF 5V 0402 EYANG or Murata fi d e n Part Resistor Selection/Current Setting Step1: Select RSENSE The sense resistor RSENSE is determined by the desired output current in Torch mode by the equation: n RSENSE = VFB_TORCH / ITORCH o Where VFB_TROCH = 47mV (Torch Mode) Step2: Calculate VFB C Once the RSENSE resistor has been selected for Torch mode, the feedback voltage in Flash mode VFB_FLASH obtained using the following equation: is VFB_FLASH = IFLASH*RSENSE (Flash Mode) Step3: Select RSET ic Where IFLASH is the flash LED current. in RSET resistor can be selected for Flash mode using the following equation: RSET = (1.26V/VFB_FLASH)*10.2kΩ (Flash Mode) For an example of 200mA Torch mode and 800mA Flash mode: the values RSENSE = 47mV/200mA = 0.235Ω; w 1) VFB = 800mA×0.235Ω = 188mV (Flash Mode); 3) RSET = (1.26V/188mV)×10.2kΩ = 68.4kΩ are calculated; a 2) The power consumption on RSENSE in the Flash mode would be: PRSENSE_FLASH = VFB_FLASH*IFLASH = 188mV*800mA = 150mW. The normal 0603 surface mount resistor is rated as 0.1 Watt for continuous power and 0.2 Watt for pulsed power, and the normal 0805 surface mount resistor is rated as 0.125 Watt for continuous power and 0.25 Watt for pulsed power, the power 0805 surface mount resistor is rated as 0.25 Watt for continuous power and 0.5 Watt for pulsed power. The PRSENSE_FLASH power can be calculated and resistor size selected accordingly. www.awinic.com.cn 16 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 Considering the power deviation, it is strongly recommended to use the power 0805 surface mount resistor. Referring to the following Table 3 to choose RSENSE size. Resistance Tolerance(+/-) IFLASH(A) PRSENSE(W) Type Size RSENSE 0.22Ω 1% 0.5 0.055 Normal 0603 RSENSE 0.22Ω 1% 0.7 0.108 Normal 0805 RSENSE 0.22Ω 1% 1.0 0.22 Power 0805 RSENSE 0.33Ω 1% 0.5 0.083 Normal RSENSE 0.33Ω 1% 0.7 0.16 Power RSENSE 0.47Ω 1% 0.5 0.12 Normal RSENSE 0.47Ω 1% 0.7 0.23 Power 0805 0805 0805 0805 e n ti a Part l Table 3 Typical RSENSE Resistor Value and Size The range of normal RSET resistor values and sizes are shown here in Table 4. Resistance Tolerance(+/-) RSET 56kΩ 1% RSET 61kΩ 1% RSET 68kΩ 1% RSET 75kΩ 1% RSET 82kΩ 1% RSET 91kΩ RSET 100kΩ RSET 0402 EYANG or Murata 0402 EYANG or Murata 0402 EYANG or Murata 0402 EYANG or Murata 0402 EYANG or Murata 1% 0402 EYANG or Murata 1% 0402 EYANG or Murata 110kΩ 1% 0402 EYANG or Murata 120kΩ 1% 0402 EYANG or Murata 130kΩ 1% 0402 EYANG or Murata in RSET Vendor o C ic RSET Size n Part fi d Table 4 RSET Resistor Value and Size 140kΩ 1% 0402 EYANG or Murata RSET 150kΩ 1% 0402 EYANG or Murata a w RSET www.awinic.com.cn 17 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 PCB LAYOUT CONSIDERATION To achieve adequate electrical and thermal performance, careful attention must be paid to the PCB layout. In the worst-case operating condition, the chip must dissipate considerable power at full load. Adequate heat-sinking must be achieved to ensure intended operation. ti a l 1. The flying capacitor CF should be connected close to the chip. Trace length should be kept short to minimize path resistance and potential coupling. The input and output capacitors should also be placed as close to the chip as possible. 2. Keep the IC far from FM, RF and PA modules to avoid EMI interference. C o n fi d e n 3. The bottom of the package features an exposed metal paddle. The exposed paddle acts, thermally, to transfer heat from the chip and, electrically, as a ground connection. AW3641E PCB Layout Consideration a w in ic Figure 9 www.awinic.com.cn 18 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION Carrier Tape Φ 1.5 +0.1/-0.0 8.00 Φ 1.50 MIN 2.00 ±.05 SEE NOTE3 l 1.75 ±.10 4.00 SEE NOTE1 0.30 ±.05 ti a A 5.50 ±.05 SEE NOTE 3 R 0.3 MAX B0 12.0 ±.3 n A K0 R.25 Unit: mm fi d SECTION A - A e 0.25 A0 NOTES: 1. 10 SPROCKET HOLE CLIMULATIVE TOLERANCE ±0.2 2. CAMBER IN CMPLIANCE WITH EIA 481 3. POCKET POSITION RELATIVE TO SPROCKET HOLE MEASURED AS TRUE POSITION OF POCKET, NOT OCKET HOLE C o n A0 = 3.30 B0 = 3.30 K0 = 1.10 Pin 1 direction a w in ic Pin 1 www.awinic.com.cn 19 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 Reel R1 REF Φ 330±2 R159 REF 0.5 2.4±0.3 ti a l SEE DETAIL C R121 REF R127 REF 30o 30o 30o R6 TYP R48.00 R50.00 30o R55 REF e k n 30o fi d TX12 - 04 – EC1 6 TYP +2.0 12.4 -0 n NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 1. MATERIAL: DISSIPATIVE (BLACK) 2. FLANGE WARPAGE: 3 MM MAXIMUM 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MM 4. ESD – SURFACE RESISTIVITY – 105 TO 1011 OHMS/SQ 5. GENERAL TOLERANCE: –X.X=±0.4 , –X.XX=±0.20 6. TOTAL THICKNESS OF REEL: 18.4 MAX 7. PART NO: TX12–04-EC1 a w in ic C o SEE DETAIL C www.awinic.com.cn 20 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION 0.250±0.050 3.000±0.100 0.500±0.100 1.650±0.100 Exp.DAP ti a 3.000±0.100 PIN #1 IDENTIFICATION R 0.200 Ref 0.275±0.100 LASER MARK PIN 1 I.D. n 2.400±0.100 Exp.DAP Top View MAX A NOM MIN e Bottom View DFN 0.800 A 0.750 0.700 0.000~0.050 fi d unit : mm l 0.400±0.050 10L DFN (3×3 mm) 0.200 Ref. a w in ic C o n Side View www.awinic.com.cn 21 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 n Package Reflow Oven Thermal Profile o Figure 22 fi d e n ti a l REFLOW spec Average ramp-up rate (217℃ to Peak) Max. 3℃/sec Time of Preheat temp.(from 150℃ to 200℃) 60-120sec Time to be maintained above 217℃ 60-150sec Peak Temperature >260℃ Time within 5℃ of actual peak temp 20-40sec. Ramp-down rate Max. 6℃/sec Time from 25℃ to peak temp Max. 8min. a w in ic C Reflow Note www.awinic.com.cn 22 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 REVISION HISTORY Vision Date Change Record V0.9 Mar 2014 AW3641EDNR Datasheet Preliminary V1.0 Oct 2014 AW3641EDNR Datasheet Released V1.1 Feb 2015 Add PWM dimming sequence description V1.2 Aug 2015 Add recommended land pattern (Page21) V1.3 Mar 2019 Modify diagrams in typical characteristics (Page9-10) a w in ic C o n fi d e n ti a l (Page14-15) www.awinic.com.cn 23 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD AW3641E Feb 2019 V1.3 DISCLAIMER ti a l Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Shanghai AWINIC Technology Co., Ltd (AWINIC Technology) does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. AWINIC Technology reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. Customers shall obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and shall verify that such information is current and complete. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof. fi d e n AWINIC Technology products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in medical, military, aircraft, space or life support equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of an AWINIC Technology product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. AWINIC Technology accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of AWINIC Technology products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer’s own risk. n Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. AWINIC Technology makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. All products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement. C o Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights. ic Reproduction of AWINIC information in AWINIC data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. AWINIC is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. a w in Resale of AWINIC components or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by AWINIC for that component or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated AWINIC component or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. AWINIC is not responsible or liable for any such statements. www.awinic.com.cn 24 Copyright © 2014~2015 SHANGHAI AWINIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD
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