FLIR LEPTON® with Radiometry Datasheet
Document Number: 500-0763-01-09 Rev 110
General Description
Lepton® with Radiometry is a complete longwave infrared (LWIR) camera module designed
to interface easily into native mobile-device
interfaces and other consumer electronics. It
captures infrared radiation input in its nominal
response wavelength band (from 8 to 14
microns) and outputs a uniform thermal image
with radiometry to provide temperature image
with measurements.
Integral shutter configuration:
11.5 x 12.7 x 6.9 mm (without socket)
11.8 x 12.7 x 7.2 mm (with socket)
50° HFOV, 60° diagonal (f/1.1 silicon
LWIR sensor, wavelength 8 to 14 µm
80 (h) × 60 (v) active pixels
Thermal sensitivity 185 msec) following a CRC error.
The following figures are examples of violations that result in a loss of synchronization.
Figure 28 - Valid Frame Timing (no loss of synchronization)
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FLIR LEPTON® with Radiometry Datasheet
Figure 29 -Clock Too Slow - Failure to Read an Entire Frame Within the Frame Period
Figure 30 - Intra-frame Delay Too Long - Failure to Read Out an Entire Frame Before the Next is
Figure 31 - Failure to Read Out an Available Frame
8.2.3 Frame Synchronization
The VoSPI protocol is designed such that embedded timing signals are not required. However, the Lepton
does provide an optional frame-timing output pulse that can aid in optimizing host timing. For example, the
host can burst-read data at a high clock rate and then idle until the next frame-timing pulse is received. The
pulse is enabled by selecting the VSYNC GPIO mode via the CCI; when enabled, it is provided on the GPIO3
pin (see GPIO Modes, page 43). The signal can be configured (also via the CCI) to lead or lag the actual
internal start-of-frame (that is, the time at which the next frame is ready to be read) by -3 to +3 line periods
(approximately -1.5 msec to +1.5 msec). By default, the pulse does not lead or lag.
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FLIR LEPTON® with Radiometry Datasheet
Thermal Camera Basics
It is noteworthy that the integration period for a thermal detector does not have the same impact on image
formation as it does for a photon detector, such as a typical CMOS array. While a photon detector converts incoming
photons to electrons with near-instantaneous response a microbolometer such as the Lepton is always integrating
incident radiation. That is to say, it is always “active” regardless of whether or not it is being actively integrated.
The ability to detect high-speed phenomena is more a function of the detector's thermal time constant, which
governs the rate of temperature change. For Lepton, the detector time constant is on the order of 12 msec, which
means that an instantaneous irradiance change will result in a temperature change of the detector as shown in
Figure 32.
Figure 32 - Illustration of Lepton Detector Time Constant
In addition to integrating signal current, the ROIC also digitizes and multiplexes the signal from each detector into
a serial stream. And the Lepton ROIC digitizes data from an on-chip temperature sensor as well as a thermistor
attached to the camera housing. An anti-reflection (AR) coated window is bonded above the sensor array via a
wafer-level packaging (WLP) process, encapsulating the array in a vacuum. The purpose of the vacuum is to
provide high thermal resistance between the microbolometer elements and the ROIC substrate, allowing for
maximum temperature change in response to incident radiation.
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FLIR LEPTON® with Radiometry Datasheet
10.0 Mounting Specifications
The Lepton camera mounting dimensions are shown Figure 33
Figure 33 - Lepton with Radiometry Camera Mounting Dimensions
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FLIR LEPTON® with Radiometry Datasheet
11.0 Socket Information
The Lepton module is compatible with two commercially-available sockets, Molex 105028-1001 and Molex
105028-2031, illustrated in Figure 34 below. The former makes electrical contact on the upper surface of a
printed circuit board, the latter to the lower surface (with a cutout in the board that allows the socket to fit into).
In both cases solder connections are made to the top or “component” side of the board. Figure 35 depicts both
socket configurations mounted on a PCB.
To order sockets, visit
Figure 34 - Two Commercially-available Sockets (both from Molex) Compatible with Lepton
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FLIR LEPTON® with Radiometry Datasheet
Figure 35 - Both Sockets Mounted on a PCB
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FLIR LEPTON® with Radiometry Datasheet
11.1 Mechanical Considerations
The socket described in Socket Information on page 60 is not intended to retain the Lepton assembly under
high-shock conditions. It is recommended to incorporate front-side retention such as illustrated in Figure 36. Note
that a maximum, uniform, load of 1KgF can be applied to the shutter face without causing failures in shutter
Figure 36 - Recommended Approach to Retaining Lepton in the end Application
The Lepton camera is not a sealed assembly. Consequently, for most applications it is recommended to locate the
assembly behind a sealed protective window. Common materials for LWIR windows include silicon, germanium,
and zinc selenide (LWIR absorption in silicon is on the order of 15%/mm, which means NEDT is adversely affected
using a silicon window. Bulk absorption in germanium and zinc selenide is negligible, and performance is
essentially unchanged provided both surfaces of the window are anti-reflection (AR) coated.) Note that the
window should be sized large enough to avoid encroaching upon the optical keepout zone (see Optical
Considerations, page 63).
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FLIR LEPTON® with Radiometry Datasheet
11.2 Thermal Considerations
It is important to minimize any temperature gradient across the camera. The sensor should be mounted in
such a fashion so as to isolate it from heat loads such as electronics, heaters, and non-symmetric external
heating. The surrounding area must be able to support and withstand the dissipation of up to 160 mW of
heat by the camera.
11.3 Optical Considerations
The optical keepout zone is described by the three dimensional field of view cone within the Lepton with
Radiometry STEP file. To avoid mechanical vignetting, do not impinge upon the keepout zone defined by this
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FLIR LEPTON® with Radiometry Datasheet
12.0 Image Characteristics
The information given in Table 15 applies across the full operating temperature range.
Table 15 - Image Characteristics
Noise Equivalent Temperature
Difference (random temporal
Number of adjacent defective