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Maxbotix Ultrasonic Rangefinder - HRLVEZ0 - HRLV-EZ0
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The HRLV-MaxSonar-EZ sensor line is the most cost-effective solution for
applications where precision range-finding, low-voltage operation, space saving,
and low-cost are needed.
The HRLV-MaxSonar-EZ sensor line provides high accuracy and high resolution
ultrasonic proximity detection and ranging in air, in a package less than one cubic
inch. This sensor line features 1mm resolution, target-size and operating-voltage
compensation for improved accuracy, superior rejection of outside noise sources,
internal speed-of-sound temperature compensation and optional external speedof-sound temperature compensation. This ultrasonic sensor detects objects from
1mm to 5meters, senses range to objects from 30cm to 5meters, with large objects
closer than 30cm typically reported as 30cm. The interface output formats are
pulse width, analog voltage, and serial digital in either RS232 or TTL. Factory
calibration is standard.
A good sensor for when a Sharp IR distance sensor won't cut it. For example of
using this with an Arduino, see the Halloween Pumpkin project.
HRLV-EZ0 Data Sheet / Product Information Guide is available here.
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The different HRLV models have different beam width patterns, check this image
for a comparison of all the HRLV model beam patterns. If you don't need high
sensitivity, or want a longer range, check out the LV models - They are meant for
up to 6.5 meter distances