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SK-32PTU 数据手册
uLCD-32PTU (Display Module) This item includes the following: • uLCD-32PTU Display Module • 150mm 5 way Female-Female jumper cable, for quick connection to another device or breadboard • • 5 way Male-Male adaptor (for converting the Female-Female cable to be Male-Female) Quick Start User Guide uLCD-32PTU SK-32PTU (Starter Kit) This item includes the following: • uLCD-32PTU Display Module • • • 2GB microSD Card uUSB-PA5 Programming Adaptor 150mm 5 way Female-Female jumper cable, for quick connection to another device or breadboard • • 5 way Male-Male adaptor (for converting the Female-Female cable to be Male-Female) Quick Start User Guide In stock SK-32PTU 4D Systems highly recommends all first time buyers of 4D Systems’ displays, to purchase the Starter Kit when purchasing their first 4D Systems display solution. The Starter Kit provides all the hardware that is required to get the user up and running. Not all development environments and features will be needed by every user, however by purchasing the display solution in a Starter Kit, it ensures that if you want to take full advantage of the 4D Systems display solution and try out each of the 4D Workshop4 Environments, upgrade PmmC/firmware, you can. The Designer environment can utilise every feature of the display, however depending on the user requirements, a micro-SD (μSD) card may not be required. The μSD card is used when displaying images/video/sound, along with datalogging to μSD, and a programming cable is definitely required for downloading compiled code and PmmC/Firmware updates. The ViSi environment is the same as Designer in terms of feature utilisation, but is image based so requires a μSD card, along with a programming cable. The ViSi-Genie environment is also image based, and therefore requires a μSD card and programming cable also. The Serial environment does not require either a μSD or Programming cable to be used, however can utilise both depending on the user requirements. The μSD card can be used for such things as storage of multimedia files and datalogging, and the Programming cable for PmmC/Firmware updates, or changing to one of the other three programming environments. http://www.4dsystems.com.au/product/ulcd_32ptu/ 11/5/2015
SK-32PTU 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+712.34209
  • 5+690.96676
