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AW2013DNR 数据手册
AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 AW2013 3-channel LED Driver with I2C Compatible Interface Feature General Description  AW2013 is a product of 3-channel LED driver supporting auto breathing mode with I2C interface in AWINIC LED driver product line. It can drive 3 individual LEDs or one group of RGB. 3-channel intelligent LED driver with constant current output Up to 15mA current output with 4-level adjustable for each LED Support both Direct PWM control mode and One Shot Programming mode - Support 256 PWM steps  Fast I2C interface with maximum operating frequency 400KHz - Adaptive to 1.8V/2.8V/3V interface Configurable I2C address with default value 45h  Interrupt pin INTN, active low  LDO and OSC inside  Power supply VCC,2.5V~3.3V  ESD HBM 7kV  Operation temperature -40℃~85℃  Package 2mm×2mm DFN-10L AW2013 drives LEDs with common anode, constant current. The brightness can be modulated in PWM with 256 steps. The output current can be configured in 4 levels: 15mA、10mA、5mA、0mA(default)。 AW2013 supports fade-in and fade-out effect for brightness control. There are two modes: the Direct PWM Control mode and One Short Programming mode. In the one short programming mode, it’s flexible to set the breathing speed, timing, brightness and repeat times. Applications  Mobile phones, hand-hold devices  LED in home Appliance Typical Application Circuit VBAT VIO2 VCC 1u 0.1u LED0 VIO1 MCU 4.7k x3 AW2013 SCL SCL SDA SDA INTN INTN LED1 LED2 GND VIO1:I2C interface voltage VIO2:power supply voltage, 2.5~3.3V Figure 1 AW2013 Typical Application Circuit AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 1 Function Block Diagram Configuration Registers SCL LED0 I2C interface SDA PWM CONTROLLER INTN LED DRIVER LED1 LED2 VCC LDO OSC GND Figure 2 AW2013 block diagram 2 PIN information AW2013 is available in DFN-10L(2mm*2mm) 2.1 Device PIN out AW2013DNR TOP VIEW SCL SDA 10 NC NC NC 8 7 6 9 AC03 XXXX GND 1 2 3 AW2013DNR MARKING 4 5 LED0 LED1 LED2 INTN VCC AC03 - AW2013DNR XXXX - Tracking Code Figure 3 AW2013 Top View and Marking 2.2 PIN description INDEX SYMBOL 1 LED0 2 LED1 3 LED2 4 INTN DESCRIPTION LED current source output, which can be connected to VBAT through LED LED current source output, which can be connected to VBAT through LED LED current source output, which can be connected to VBAT through LED Interrupt PIN, open drain output, low active. Can be pull-up through outside resistor, floating is permitted when not used. AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 Power supply, 2.5-3.3V Not used, keep floating 5 VCC 6-8 NC 9 SDA DATA signal of I2C interface,1.8V/3.3V compatible. 10 SCL Clock signal of I2C interface,1.8V/3.3V compatible. Thermal PAD GND Thermal PAD, Connect to GND 3 Order Information ORDER NUMBER Temperature Range Package Marking MSL Level ROHS AW2013DNR -40℃~85℃ DFN2x2-10L AC03 MSL3 Yes Packing Type 3000units Tape&Reel AW2013 Packing Type R: Tape & Reel Package DN:DFN 4 Absolute Maximum Ratings(note 1) parameter range Power supply,VCC -0.3V ~ 3.6V Voltage at input pin -0.3V ~ VCC+0.3V GND terminal current 300mA Operating temperature range -40℃ to 85℃ Storage temperature range TSTG -65℃ to 150℃ Package thermal resistance θJA (DFN-10) 45℃/W Maximum junction temperature TJMAX 160℃ Maximum lead temperature(soldering in 10s) 260℃ ESD HBM (Note 2) ±7KV Latch-up Test standard:JEDEC STANDARD NO.78B DECEMBER 2008 +IT:450mA -IT:-450mA Note 1:Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which permanent damage to the component may occur. The above parameters are only extreme conditions not recommend conditions. The life and reliability of the component maybe affect after working in the extreme conditions for a long time. Note 2:HBM test method: discharge the electric charge stored in a 100pF capacitor to the component pin through a 1.5KΩ resistor. Standard: MIL-STD-883G Method 3015.7 5 Electrical Characteristics Test conditions:TA=-40℃~+85℃(unless otherwise specified). Test condition for typical value: VCC=2.8V, TA=25℃。 Symbol Description Test Condition MIN TYP MAX Unit AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 Symbol Description VCC Power Supply Isleep Sleep power supply current Icc Quiescent power supply current Output Current Iout Vdrop Test Condition MIN TYP MAX Unit 2.5 2.8 3.3 V Immediately after power up or soft reset - 90 - uA Set register GCR=01h - 450 - uA LCFG0~2=03h(Note1) 12.5 15 19 LCFG0~2=02h(Note1) 8.5 10 12.5 LCFG0~2=01h(Note1) 4 5 6.5 LCFG0~2=03h,Iout=15mA - 225 - Set register GCR=01h,LEDE=07h,PWM0~2=FFh LED output current Output Dropout Voltage mA mV Logic Interface Electrical Characteristics VIH Input High Voltage SCL,SDA pin 1.2 - VIL Input Low Voltage SCL,SDA pin - - IIL Input Low Current SCL,SDA pin - 5 nA IIH Input High Current SCL,SDA pin - 5 nA V 0.6 V Note1:Testing under PWM control mode, set register PWM0~2=FFh。 Logic Interface Switching Characteristics (Note1) Symbol Description Con. MIN TYP MAX Unit 400 kHz FSCL SCL clock frequency tBUF Interval from a STOP to the next START condition 1.3 μS Hold time (repeated) START condition 0.6 μS tLOW SCL clock low period 1.3 μS tHIGH SCLK clock high period 0.6 μS tSU,STA Setup time for a START condition 1.3 μS tHD,DAT Data hold time 0 μS tSU,DAT Data setup time 0.1 μS tHD,STA tR Rise time of SCL (Note2) 0.3 μS tF Fall time of SCL (Note2) 0.3 μS tSU,STO TDEG Setup time for STOP condition Input signal deglitch width μS 0.6 SCL 200 nS AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 Symbol Description Con. MIN SDA Cb TYP MAX 250 Unit nS Total capacitance of one bus line 400 pF Note1:Designed to ensure Note2:TR,TF is the time for Voltage from 0.3×Vcc to 0.7×Vcc. VIH SDA VIL tBUF tLOW tHIGH tR tSP tF VIH SCL VIL Stop tHD:STA Start tHD:DAT tSU:DAT tSU:STA Start Figure 4 I2C interface timing diagram tSU:STO Stop AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 6 I2C Interface 6.1 General AW2103 uses a serial bus, which conforms to the I2C protocol to control the chip with two-wire: SCL and SDA. The maximum clock frequency supported is 400 KHz, which is compatible with I2C standard. 6.2 I2C Address The default I2C device address (7-bit) of AW2013 is 45h, followed by the R/W bit(Read=1/Write=0), composites an slave address byte: Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Device Address:45h Bit0 R/W The device address of AW2013 can be modified by setting the inside configuration register IADR ( address 77H). IADR , Addr.=77h,Default value 45h Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 ASEL Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 DA[6:0] When ASEL=0, I2C Device Address = 45h (default) When ASEL=1, I2C Device Address =DA[6:0]。 Once the device address is changed, the master should use the new address to accessing AW2013. The device address and register IADR will be reset to default value (45h) after power down or soft reset. 6.3 Accessing Operation 6.3.1 Write Cycle One data bit is transferred during each clock pulse. Data is sampled during the high state of the serial clock (SCL). Consequently, throughout the clock’s high period, the data should remain stable. Any changes on the SDA line during the high state of the SCL and in the middle of a transaction, aborts the current transaction. New data should be sent during the low SCL state. This protocol permits a single data line to transfer both command/control information and data using the synchronous serial clock. Each data transaction is composed of a Start Condition, a number of byte transfers (set by the software) and a Stop Condition to terminate the transaction. Every byte written to the SDA bus must be 8 bits long and is transferred with the most significant bit first. After each byte, an Acknowledge signal must follow. In a write process, the following steps should be followed: a) Master device generates START condition. The “START” signal is generated by lowering the SDA signal while the SCL signal is high. b) Master device sends slave address (7-bit) and the data direction bit (r/w = 0). c) Slave device sends acknowledge signal if the slave address is correct. 6 / 19 AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 d) Master sends control register address (8-bit) e) Slave sends acknowledge signal f) Master sends data byte to be written to the addressed register g) Slave sends acknowledge signal h) If master will send further data bytes the control register address will be incremented by one after acknowledge signal (repeat step 6,7) i) Master generates STOP condition to indicate write cycle end SCL 0 SDA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 R/W Ack A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Ack D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Ack D7 D6 START device address register address register data 1 ... 6 7 8 D1 D0 Ack register data2 STOP Figure 5 I2C write cycle, multiple registers are written 6.3.2 Read Cycle In a read cycle, the following steps should be followed: j) Master device generates START condition k) Master device sends slave address (7-bit) and the data direction bit (r/w = 0). l) Slave device sends acknowledge signal if the slave address is correct. m) Master sends control register address (8-bit) n) Slave sends acknowledge signal o) Master generates STOP condition followed with START condition or REPEAT START condition p) Master device sends slave address (7-bit) and the data direction bit (r/w = 1). q) Slave device sends acknowledge signal if the slave address is correct. r) Slave sends data byte from addressed register. s) If the master device sends acknowledge signal, the slave device will increase the control register address by one, then send the next data from the new addressed register. t) If the master device generates STOP condition, the read cycle is ended. 7 / 19 AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 SCL 0 1 2 3 4 5 SDA A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 start 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A0 R/W Ack A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 Ack 6 7 8 Device Address 0 1 2 3 4 5 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 …… Using Repeat start…… RS 6 7 8 0 A0 R/W Ack D7 …… S 1 ... 6 D6 …… D1 7 8 D0 Ack stop Read Data Device Address Separated Read/write transaction …… P Register Address 0 1 2 3 4 5 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 6 7 8 0 A0 R/W Ack D7 Device Address 1 ... 6 7 D6 …… D1 D0 Read Data 8 Ack stop Figure 6 I2C Read Cycle 6.4 SDA,SCL The two interface line SCL and SDA should be connected to a positive supply, via a pull-up resistor and remain HIGH even when the bus is idle. The pull-up resistor can be selected in the range of 1k~10KΩ to make the rising time fit with the requirement of I2C compatible standard. The typical value is 4.7KΩ AW2013 can support different high level (1.8V, 2.8V, 3V, 3.3V) of this two-wire interface. And deglitch circuit is also implemented inside to filter out the glitch in the SCL, SDA line. 6.5 Interrupt INTN pin is open-drain output with active low. This signal can be active to inform the master that a programmed operation has been finished. The highest 3-bit of GCR(address 01h) register is interrupt enable control bits. One bit for one channel independently. If no interrupt generated, the INTN port will keep high-resistance output and the pin should be pulled-up by outside resistor connected with power supply; if there’s interrupt generated, the INTN port will be driven low. Once an interrupt generated, the master device can read the ISR register to decide which kind of interrupt source and the ISR register will be cleared automatically after the read operation and the INTN pin will return back to high-resistance output. 7 Operating Mode 7.1 Power Up And Reset After power-up, the LDO inside AW2013 starts to work and provides internal constant voltage power supply (1.8V). Once the internal power supply is stable, it will generate a reset signal to make AW2013 perform a power-up reset operation, which reset all of the control circuits and configurable registers to default state. 8 / 19 AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 After power-up reset operation finished, the ISR.4(PUIS) will be set to “1”. The INTN port will be driven low to inform master AW2013 has finished the power-up operation and is ready to work. This bit can also be used to check whether there’s a power-down event after reading this register last time. 7.2 SLEEP Mode and RUN Mode SLEEP mode: AW2013 will enter SLEEP mode after power-up, if no register configured.In this mode, internal OSC will be closed, LED0~2 will output high-resistance, power consumption is 90uA RUN mode: Set GCR.0(LEDE) to “1”, AW2013 will enter RUN mode. OSC starts to work in 5us with the oscillation frequency at 16MHz. The power consumption in this mode is about 450uA 7.3 Soft Reset AW2013 supports soft reset function. By writing 55h to the register RSTR(address 00h), the device will be soft reset, all of the control circuits and configurable registers are reset to default state. 8 LED Function And Configuration 8.1 General AW2013 has a 3-channel independent LED controller, which can drive 3 individual LEDs or one group of RGB. AW2013 drive LEDs with constant current, which has 4 level adjustable: 0mA, 5mA, 10mA, 15mA. AW2013 support PWM duty cycle control in 256 steps to simplify brightness control. 8.2 LED Control In AW2013, each channel can be configured independently. By setting “1” to the control bit LCTR.LEx (x=0~2) can enable the corresponding channel. LCTR.LEx are located in the lowest 3-bit of register LCTR (address 30h). - LCTR.LEx = 0, LEDx channel is disabled - LCTR.LEx = 1, LEDx channel is enabled 8.3 PWM Control Mode AW2013 can work in PWM control mode by setting PWM mode control bit LCFGx.MD(x=0~2, address 31h~33h) to “0”. In this mode, the brightness is controlled by register PWMx(x=0~2) directly. Different kind of brightness effect can be achieved by writing different value continuously to the register PWMx to modulate the brightness of the LEDs. The value of PWMx can be set to 0~255. Different value is corresponding to different brightness. “0” is corresponding to dark, “255” is corresponding to maximum brightness. AW2013 also support Fade-in/Fade-out effect by setting LCFGx.FI/LCFGx.FO respectively. If this kind of effect is enabled, AW2013 can automatically smooth the brightness change when the value set to PWMx is hopping. The speed of Fade-in/out is decided by register LEDxT1/LEDxT3. 9 / 19 AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 Fade-IN/OUT OFF LCFG.FI=0 LCFG.FO=0 Time Fade-IN/OUT ON LCFG.FI=1 LCFG.FO=1 Fade OUT Fade IN Time set PWM=FFh set PWM=00h Figure 7 Fade-in/Fade-out in PWM Control Mode 8.4 One Short Programming Mode AW2013 can work in One Short Programming mode by setting mode control bit LCFGx.MD(x=0~2, address 31h~33h) to “1”. In this mode, AW2013 can modulate the brightness of LED according to the programmed timing in a breathing cycle. T0~T4 define the 4 key timing in a breathing cycle. T0 is a delay time for starting, T1~T4 composite a full cycle. Different RGB breathing effect with auto color changing can be achieved by setting different T0~T4 for the three channels. T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T1 T2 T3 Repeat Cycle Figure 8 LED breath timing in one short programming mode Repeat times of auto breathing can be configured by LEDxT2.REPEAT. The auto breathing will loop continuously and never stop, if the LEDxT2.REPEAT is set to “0”. Otherwise it will repeat LEDxT2.REPEAT times then stop. After the breath effect finished, the interrupt status bit ISR.LISx will be set to “1” automatically. And this bit will be cleared after master read this register. In this mode, each channel can be configured independently. The breath effect will start once LEDxT2 is written. If user wants to sync the three channel start at the same time, please follow the following steps: a) Set LCTR to 00h b) Set PWMx.MD to “0” c) Configure T0~T4 d) Set PWMx.MD to “1” e) Set LCTR to 07h 10 / 19 AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 9 Registers 9.1 Register Function Address 00h 01h 02h 30h 34~36h Name Soft Reset register, RSTR Global Control Register, GCR Interrupt Status Register, ISR LED Control Register, LCTR LED Mode Control Register, LCFG PWM Setting Register, PWMx 37/3A/3Dh LED Timing Control Register 0, LEDxT0 Set T1&T2 Timing 00h 38/3B/3Eh LED Timing Control Register 1, LEDxT1 Set T3&T4 Timing 00h 39/3C/3Fh LED Timing Control Register 2, LEDxT2 Set T0 and Repeat times 00h I2C address IADR Modify the device address for I2C bus 45h 31h~33h 77h control register, Function Soft reset control Set Global control bits Report interrupt status Enable LED channels Default 33h 00h 00h 00h Set working mode 00h Set brightness level 00h 9.2 Register Mapping Addr 00h 01h 02h 30h 31h 32h 33h 34h 35h 36h 37h 38h 39h 3Ah 3Bh 3Ch 3Dh 3Eh 3Fh 77h Name RSTR GCR ISR LCTR LCFG0 LCFG1 LCFG2 PWM0 PWM1 PWM2 LED0T0 LED0T1 LED0T2 LED1T0 LED1T1 LED1T2 LED2T0 LED2T1 LED2T2 IADR W/R WR WR R WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR Bit7 0 LIE2 LIS2 Bit 6 0 LIE1 LIS1 0 0 0 FO FO FO Bit 5 Bit 4 1 0 LIE0 LIS0 PUIS Reserved FI MD FI MD FI MD 0 0 T1 T3 T0 0 0 T1 T3 T0 0 0 T1 T3 T0 ASEL 9.3 Register Detail Description 9.3.1 Soft Reset register, RSTR Address: 00h (Default value: 33h), RW 11 / 19 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 0 0 1 1 Reserved ENABLE Reserved LE2 LE1 LE0 0 0 IMAX 0 0 IMAX 0 0 IMAX PWM PWM PWM 0 T2 0 T4 REPEAT 0 T2 0 T4 REPEAT 0 T2 0 T4 REPEAT DA[6:0] AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 Bit7 D7 Bit Bit 6 D6 Symbol 7:0 D[7:0] 9.3.2 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Description Soft reset control register. Set this register to 55h, all of the circuits in AW2013 will be reset and the configurable registers will be reset to default value. This register can also be used for ID register when reading. The value is 33h when reading this register. Global Control Register, GCR Address: 01h (Default value: 00h), RW Bit7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 LIE2 LIE1 LIE0 Reserved Bit Symbol Description 7 LIE2 LED2 interrupt enable,enabled when set to “1” 6 LIE1 LED1 interrupt enable,enabled when set to “1” 5 LIE0 LED0 interrupt enable,enabled when set to “1” 4-1 Reserved Reserved, please set to “0” 0 ENABLE LED function enable. enabled when set to “1” 9.3.3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Reserved Bit 0 LED Control Register, LCTR Address: 30h (Default value: 00h), RW Bit7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Reserved LE2 LE1 Bit Symbol Description 7-3 Reserved Reserved, please set to “0” LED2 enable bit 0: LED2 channel is disabled, the output LED2 shutdown. 2 LE2 1: LED2 channel is enabled LED1 enable bit 0: LED1 channel is disabled, the output LED1 shutdown. 1 LE1 1: LED1 channel is enabled LED0 enable bit 0: LED0 channel is disabled, the output LED0 shutdown. 0 LE0 1: LED0 channel is enabled 9.3.5 Bit 0 ENABLE Interrupt Status Register, ISR Address: 02h (Default value: 00h), RC Bit7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 LIS2 LIS1 LIS0 PUIS Bit Symbol Description LED2 interrupt indicator bit 7 LIS2 0: no interrupt 1: there’s an interrupt request LED1 interrupt indicator bit 6 0: no interrupt LIS1 1: there’s an interrupt request LED0 interrupt indicator bit 5 LIS0 0: no interrupt 1: there’s an interrupt request 4 PUIS Interrupt indicator for power up. 3-0 Reserved - 9.3.4 Bit 1 Bit 0 LE0 LED Mode Control Register, LCFG0~2 Address: 31~33h (Default value: 00h), RW B0it7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 12 / 19 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 0 Bit FO Symbol 6 FO 5 FI 4 MD 1-0 IMAX 9.3.6 FI MD 0 0 IMAX Description Fade out effect enable. If current brightness level is higher than the value set into PWMx, the controller will darken the LED smoothly when this bit is set to “1” This bit is only valid when LCFGx.MD=0 Fade in effect enable. If current brightness level is lower than the value set into PWMx, the controller will brighten the LED smoothly when this bit is set to “1” This bit is only valid when LCFGx.MD=0 Operating mode selection bit 0: PWM control mode 1: One short programming mode Maximum current setting 00:0mA (default) 01:5mA 10:10mA 11:15mA PWM Setting Register, PWM0~2 Address: 34~36h (Default value: 00h), RW Bit7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 PWM Bit Symbol 7:0 PWM 9.3.7 Description Maximum brightness level setting. 0: dark 255:maximum brightness LED Timing Control Register0, LEDxT0 Address: 37h,3Ah,3Dh (Default value: 00h), RW Bit7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 0 T1 0 T2 Bit Symbol Description Set the T1 period in breath cycle. 8 levels can be selected. 000:0.13s 001:0.26s 010:0.52s 011:1.04s 6-4 T1 100:2.08s 101:4.16s 110:8.32s 111:16.64s Set the T2 period in breath cycle. 6 levels can be selected. 000:0.13s 001:0.26s 2-0 T2 010:0.52s 011:1.04s 100:2.08s 101:4.16s 9.3.8 Bit 0 LED Timing Control Register1, LEDxT1 Address: 38h,3Bh,3Eh (Default value: 00h), RW Bit7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 0 T3 0 T4 Bit Symbol Description Set the T3 period in breath cycle. 8 levels can be selected. 000:0.13s 001:0.26s 010:0.52s 011:1.04s 6-4 T3 100:2.08s 101:4.16s 110:8.32s 111:16.64s 2-0 T4 Set the T4 period in breath cycle. 8 levels can be selected. 13 / 19 Bit 0 AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 000:0.13s 010:0.52s 100:2.08s 110:8.32s 9.3.9 011:0.26s 011:1.04s 101:4.16s 111:16.64s LED Timing Control Register2, LEDxT2 Address: 39h,3Ch,3Fh (Default value: 00h), RW Bit7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 T0 Bit Symbol Description Set the delay time for breath cycle start. 000:0s 001:0.13s 010:0.26s 011:0.52s 7-4 T0 100:1.04s 101:2.08s 110:4.16s 111:8.32s 1000:16.64s Set the repeat times 0000:loop continuously, never stop. 0001:repeat 1 time 3-0 REPEAT 0010:repeat 2 times …… 1111:repeat 15 times Bit 2 Bit 1 REPEAT Bit 0 9.3.10 I2C Address Control Register, IADR Address: 77h (Default value: 45h), RW Bit7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 ASEL DA[6:0] Bit Symbol Description I2C address select control bit. 0:I2C address is 45h. 7 ASEL 1:I2C address = DA[6:0] 6:0 DA[6:0] Redefined I2C address, only valid when ASEL=1. 14 / 19 Bit 1 Bit 0 AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 10 Package Information 10.1 Tape And Reel Carrier Tape Pin 1 direction Pin 1 User Direction of Feed Reel 15 / 19 AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 10.2 Package DFN2x2-10 D2 D e b Unit:mm E2 E Min Typ Max A 0.700 0.750 0.800 A1 0.000 A2 c R D1 Bottom View Top View A A2 A1 0.200 0.250 c 0.250 0.300 0.350 D 1.950 2.000 2.050 D2 1.350 1.400 1.450 D1 1.600 ( Ref.) e 0.400 (BSC) E 1.950 2.000 2.050 E2 0.850 0.900 0.950 0.4 0.5 0.9 1.9 1.4 Recommended Land Pattern(Unit: mm) 16 / 19 0.152( Ref.) 0.150 10.3 Recommended Land Pattern 0.2 0.050 b R Side View DFN-10L Symbol 0.10 AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 10.4 Reflow Profile Reflow profile Figure 9 Classification Reflow Profile Parameters for classification reflow profile Note: 1. All of the temperature parameters are measured from the top of package; 2、AW2013 is suitable for Pb-Free assembly. 17 / 19 AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 11 Related Product Information Name 12 Description Feature AW9120 20-channel LED driver with I2C compatible interface. PWM modulation , Auto breathing effect. AW9109 9-channel LED driver with I2C compatible interface. PWM modulation , Auto breathing effect. AW9106B 6-channel LED driver with I2C compatible interface. Constant current driver, Auto breathing effect, GPIO expansion Version History 13 Version Date Description V1.0 2012/8/10 First Release V1.1 2013/5/28 Change to new document template and add some detail functional description. V1.2 2014/1/15 V1.3 2014/5/5 V1.4 2016/5/11 V1.5 2017/11/29 1. Fix the description of LCFGx 2. Add the operation description of LCTR.LEx=0 Add marking description 1. Add commended land pattern 2. Fix marking description Update the ordering information Add the package information DISCLAIMER Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Shanghai AWINIC Technology Co., Ltd (AWINIC Technology) does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. AWINIC Technology reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. Customers shall obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and shall verify that such information is current and complete. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof. AWINIC Technology products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in medical, military, aircraft, space or life support equipment, nor in applications where 18 / 19 AW2013 Nov 2017 V1.5 failure or malfunction of an AWINIC Technology product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. AWINIC Technology accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of AWINIC Technology products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer’s own risk. Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. AWINIC Technology makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. All products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement. Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Reproduction of AWINIC information in AWINIC data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. AWINIC is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. Resale of AWINIC components or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by AWINIC for that component or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated AWINIC component or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. AWINIC is not responsible or liable for any such statements. 2 / 19
AW2013DNR 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+ 1.3524 1+ 0


      •  国内价格
      • 3000+ 0.605 3000+ 0


        •  国内价格
        • 5+ 1.42852 5+ 0
        • 50+ 1.12914 50+ 0
        • 150+ 1.00084 150+ 0
