Maker Media, Inc
Make: Raspberry Pi and AVR Projects
Augmenting the Pi's ARM with the Atmel ATmega, ICs, and Sensors
Cefn Hoile, Clare Bowman, Sjoerd Dirk Meijer, Brian Corteil & Lauren Orsin
ISBN: 9781457186240
Date Published: 12/1/2014
Pages: 254
5.5 in W | 8.5 in H
Computers / Programming Languages / Python
As an incredibly cheap, credit‐card sized computer, the Raspberry Pi is breaking down barriers by encouraging people
of all ages to experiment with code and build new systems and objects; and this book provides readers with inspiring
and insightful examples to explore and build upon. Written for intermediate to seasoned Raspberry Pi users, this
book explores four projects from around the world, explained by their makers. These projects cover five major
categories in the digital maker space: music, light, games, home automation, and the Internet of Things.