O'Reilly Media
Arduino: A Technical Reference
A Handbook for Technicians, Engineers, and Makers
John M. Hughes
ISBN: 9781491921760
Date Published: 5/15/2016
Pages: 638
7 in W | 9.2 in H
Technology & Engineering / Electronics / Microelectronics
Rather than yet another project‐based workbook, Arduino: A Technical Reference is a reference and handbook that
thoroughly describes the electrical and performance aspects of an Arduino board and its software.
This book brings together in one place all the information you need to get something done with Arduino. It will save
you from endless web searches and digging through translations of datasheets or notes in project‐based texts to find
the information that corresponds to your own particular setup and question.
Reference features include pinout diagrams, a discussion of the AVR microcontrollers used with Arduino boards, a
look under the hood at the firmware and run‐time libraries that make the Arduino unique, and extensive coverage of
the various shields and add‐on sensors that can be used with an Arduino. One chapter is devoted to creating a new
shield from scratch.
The book wraps up with detailed descriptions of three different projects: a programmable signal generator, a "smart"
thermostat, and a programmable launch sequencer for model rockets. Each project highlights one or more topics
that can be applied to other applications.