LilyPad Reed Switch
DE V-13 343 RO HS
Description: The LilyPad Reed Switch is a simple breakout for a reed switch that will
make it easy to use in e-textiles circuits in exactly the same manner that you can
currently use the LilyPad Button and Switch. In order to make it more durable for
wearable use, we’ve used a different style of reed switch, which is insulated. This
means that the same glass switch is encased in black plastic, making it much more
difficult to break, but it works in exactly the same manner.
A reed switch is a simple mechanical switch that is activated via a magnet. When the
device is exposed to a magnetic field, the two ferrous materials (reeds) inside the
switch pull together, and the switch closes. When the magnetic field is removed, the
reeds separate and the switch opens. This makes for a great non-contact switch that
can carry up to 1A and 0.25A while switched.
Note: A portion of this sale is given back to Dr. Leah Buechley for continued
development and education of e-textiles.