Xadow - GSM Breakout
The Xadow GSM Breakout draws out 30 pins from the 35 pin Xadow connector to five rows of 0.1 spaced holes with 0.1 spacing between
adjacent rows. If you solder wires or through-hole pin headers directly to the breakout pads, you can easily access: - Up to 16 General
Purpose Inputs/outputs (GPIOs) - Interfaces like SPI, I2C, UART, etc. - Pinout related to peripheral devices like speaker, audio headphone
and microphones
Hardware Overview
How to use it
Pin Definitions
If your project is built with Arduino IDE, please refer to the "Pin Definitions for Arduino IDE".
If your project is built with Eclipse IDE, please refer to the "Pin Definitions for Eclipse IDE".
Some pinout might be occupied if the corresponding module is operative in the system. Please check the availability of the pinout of the
Xadow GSM Breakout before using it.
And also, do make sure you know exactly about the voltage level at each pinout (2.8V or 1.8V), irreversible damages might occur if you
mismatch it with a system working at a higher voltage level.
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http://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Xadow_GSM_Breakout/ 9‐10‐18