UNTZtrument: a Trellis MIDI Instrument
Created by Phillip Burgess
Last updated on 2021-11-15 06:13:41 PM EST
©Adafruit Industries
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Table of Contents
• What UNTZtrument is:
• What UNTZtrument is not:
First Steps
• Let’s Get Started!
• Introducing Adafruit Trellis
• Troubleshooting
Assemble Case
Installing Arduino Libraries
Uploading Code
Host-Side Software
Using the UNTZtrument_Hello_World Example
Using the UNTZtrument_Step_Seq Example
• Hardware Considerations
• Software Considerations
• Using the UNTZtrument Arduino Library
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Build and customize your very own open-source button grid controller with UNTZtru
ment! This DIY kit comes with delicious translucent button pads, driver boards,
diffused white LEDS and a custom laser cut enclosure. The result is a sturdy and
elegant but also super-hackable controller for music, video…or something else???
We designed this kit for ease of use and ultimate flexibility. All you need is an Arduino
Leonardo, basic soldering tools and an afternoon. Once assembled and programmed
with the Arduino IDE, this box turns into a USB MIDI device that works with any
computer and has 64 buttons (128 on the HELLA UNTZtrument) with individuallycontrollable LEDs. Our example programs send simple MIDI Note On and Off
messages, but with a little programming ingenuity you can send and receive any kind
of MIDI command. Since its USB MIDI it can work instantly with just about all synth
software. Don’t like MIDI? The Arduino Leonardo can also emulate a USB keyboard or
plain old USB serial.
Since it's Arduino-powered, adding more stuff like accelerometers, potentiometers,
rotary encoders, etc. is straight-forward using existing libraries available on the
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HELLA UNTZtrument ups the ante with
128 LED-backed buttons. It’s huge!
What UNTZtrument is:
• UNTZtrument is a 64- or 128-button MIDI device that works alongside music
software on your computer.
• It’s a kit, requiring some soldering, a few tools and a little prior experience with
the Arduino microcontroller.
• UNTZtrument is open source. The software is free and you can mix it up to add
your own new features, or use code that others have written.
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What UNTZtrument is not:
• UNTZtrument is not a self-contained musical instrument. It generates no audio
and must be connected via USB to a computer to either create sounds or
forward MIDI data to a synthesizer.
• UNTZtrument is not a Monome (or Arduinome), but looks similar. Those are seri
al USB devices requiring a software bridge to the Max visual programming
language. UNTZtrument speaks MIDI, which is native to most music software.*
* UNTZtrument could certainly be adapted to be compatible with these…yay for open
source…but we’ve found said bridge software to currently be quite finicky. Using MIDI
now doesn’t preclude using serial for other things later…we might revisit this as the
situation evolves.
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Here Collin Cunningham explains the basics of MIDI:
First Steps
UNTZtrument is based on Adafruit’s
Trellis, a 4x4 backlit keypad kit.
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Four Trellises are combined to make a
single large 8x8 matrix for UNTZtrument.
The HELLA UNTZtrument has eight
Trellises in a 16x8 matrix!
Normally you have to buy three separate
parts for each Trellis (PCB, elastomer
keypad and LED pack), but the
UNTZtrument kits have everything you
We selected white LEDs for the
UNTZtrument kits. If you have a large
stash of 3mm LEDs in some other color
you can certainly use those instead.
You will also need an Arduino Leonardo microcontroller board, either the regular
version (https://adafru.it/dy8) or the headerless variety (https://adafru.it/dy9) if you
want permanent connections.
UNTZtrument will not work with the Arduino Uno, Mega or other boards. Must be the
Arduino Leonardo, or a 100% compatible board based on the ATmega32U4
microcontroller. Because MIDI.
Arduino Leonardo. Period.
Additionally, you’ll need some wire (22 gauge solid-core (https://adafru.it/dya) wire is
ideal, but stranded can work in a pinch), a soldering iron & solder, basic hand tools
and a Micro USB cable.
Let’s Get Started!
So, as a first step to building your UNTZtrument kit, work through our introductory
Trellis guide (https://adafru.it/dxx) first. But with a few important changes:
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Because UNTZtrument is based around
the Arduino Leonardo, it requires slightly
different wiring: Use the SDA and SCL
pins instead of A4 and A5 as shown in
the guide.
Looking at the back of the tiled Trellis
boards…with the text upright, in the
normal orientation for reading…connect
the wires to the header along the top
edge, toward the right. They should be
about 6 inches (15 cm) long, or a little
On the HELLA UNTZtrument — a 4x2
assembly of Trellises — connect the wires
to the third header along the top edge,
not the rightmost fourth header.
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Try pointing the wires “inward” rather
than off the edge of the board. This
makes it easier to fit in the case.
The INT pin is not used by
UNTZtrument and does not need to be
When setting the board addresses (by
bridging the solder points on the back),
use the values shown here.
Using a different order is not
catastrophic, you’ll just need to edit the
code to match. Following this standard
makes it easier to share code with other
UNTZtrument users.
Check the orientation of the boards and
use the large Adafruit silkscreen logo to
make sure you have them oriented right
and the correct addresses set.
Here’s the address map for the HELLA
Use the code below for testing your UNTZtrument matrix rather than the code in the
Trellis guide; it’s already set up for the tiled matrix.
For the HELLA UNTZtrument, change NUMTRELLIS to 8.
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This is a test example for the Adafruit Trellis w/HT16K33.
Reads buttons and sets/clears LEDs in a loop.
"momentary" mode lights only when a button is pressed.
"latching" mode toggles LED on/off when pressed.
4 or 8 matrices can be used. #define NUMTRELLIS to the
number in use.
Designed specifically to work with the Adafruit Trellis
----> https://www.adafruit.com/products/1616
----> https://www.adafruit.com/products/1611
Adafruit invests time and resources providing this
open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source
hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit!
Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
MIT license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
#include <Wire.h>
#include "Adafruit_Trellis.h"
#define NUMTRELLIS 4
#define MOMENTARY 0
#define LATCHING 1
#define MODE
Adafruit_Trellis matrix[NUMTRELLIS] = {
Adafruit_Trellis(), Adafruit_Trellis(),
Adafruit_Trellis(), Adafruit_Trellis()
,Adafruit_Trellis(), Adafruit_Trellis(),
Adafruit_Trellis(), Adafruit_Trellis()
Adafruit_TrellisSet trellis = Adafruit_TrellisSet(
&matrix[0], &matrix[1], &matrix[2], &matrix[3]
,&matrix[4], &matrix[5], &matrix[6], &matrix[7]
#define numKeys (NUMTRELLIS * 16)
Connect Trellis Vin to 5V and Ground to ground.
Connect I2C SDA pin to your Arduino SDA line.
Connect I2C SCL pin to your Arduino SCL line.
All Trellises share the SDA, SCL and INT pin!
Even 8 tiles use only 3 wires max.
void setup() {
Serial.println("Trellis Demo");
// begin() with the addresses of each panel.
// I find it easiest if the addresses are in order.
0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73
,0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77
// light up all the LEDs in order
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for (uint8_t i=0; i<numKeys; i++) {
// then turn them off
for (uint8_t i=0; i<numKeys; i++) {
void loop() {
delay(30); // 30ms delay is required, dont remove me!
// If a button was just pressed or released...
if (trellis.readSwitches()) {
// go through every button
for (uint8_t i=0; i<numKeys; i++) {
// if it was pressed, turn it on
if (trellis.justPressed(i)) {
Serial.print("v"); Serial.println(i);
// if it was released, turn it off
if (trellis.justReleased(i)) {
Serial.print("^"); Serial.println(i);
// tell the trellis to set the LEDs we requested
// If a button was just pressed or released...
if (trellis.readSwitches()) {
// go through every button
for (uint8_t i=0; i<numKeys; i++) {
// if it was pressed...
if (trellis.justPressed(i)) {
Serial.print("v"); Serial.println(i);
// Alternate the LED
if (trellis.isLED(i))
// tell the trellis to set the LEDs we requested
So…with those changes in mind…here’s a link to the starter guide:
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Introducing Adafruit Trellis (https://adafru.it/dxx)
Don’t continue with the UNTZtrument guide until you have a tested and working 8x8
or 16x8 Trellis.
Some of the LEDs don’t light up!
• If the positions are somewhat random: some LEDs might have been installed
backwards, or might’ve been damaged from excessive heat. Happens all the
time, not to worry. This is why we include lots of spares. De-solder the
problem LEDs and clean up the holes using a solder sucker, then replace
them with new ones (in the correct orientation).
• If it’s a complete quadrant of the 8x8 Trellis, the address jumpers on the back
of the board might be improperly set. Refer to the diagram above.
None of the LEDs light up!
Might be the wiring. The Arduino Leonardo requires the use of different pins when
communicating with the Trellis boards, or you might just have the wires swapped.
Refer to the diagram above.
The wires keep snapping off the board!
Wires shearing off are usually due to where the solder has not fully wetted the pad
and flowed smoothly between the pad and wire. Make sure you’re fully heating the
pad and wire first adding solder… melt solder on the tip of the iron and then carry it
to the wire, that’s a recipe for failure.
I can’t fit the wires into the Arduino sockets!
It’s a little easier to build UNTZtrument with solid-core wire (it slides right into the
Arduino headers), but sometimes stranded is all you’ve got. Too-fat wires can
happen if you’ve tinned the tip of a stranded wire with excessive solder…
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When tinning stranded wires (to prevent
fraying and shorts), use just a tiny bit of
solder, and make sure it fully flows into
the strands. Sometimes you’ll want to clip
off the very tip of the wire if the iron left a
glop or spike there.
The Adafruit Guide to Excellent Soldering (https://adafru.it/dxy) has lots of advice for
common soldering problems.
Reminder: don’t proceed until you have a fully tested and working Trellis +
Leonardo on your desk. It's not easy to debug soldering once its inside the case!
Assemble Case
You should have a tested and fully working Trellis (without case) at this point.
Don’t proceed until you’ve reached that milestone.
Start by peeling the backing paper off
both sides of all the laser-cut parts. It’s
easiest to start at a corner, catching the
edge of the paper with a fingernail.
The laser-cutting process sometimes leaves a little paper soot at the edges. If you
like, you can wash these off with soap and water, just be absolutely certain that all the
parts are completely dry before proceeding!
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All told, there should be 13 laser-cut parts
(15 for HELLA UNTZtrument). Most are
clear except for the one black grid piece.
Your kit should also include the following
• Eleven (11) nylon screws
• Three (3) nylon nuts
• Three (3) 1/8" board spacers
• Four (4) 1" threaded standoffs
• One set of 4 peel-and-stick rubber
HELLA UNTZtrument has 2 more
standoffs and 4 more screws for the
wider case.
If any parts are missing or damaged,
contact support@adafruit.com to arrange
for a replacement.
You’ve already assembled and tested the Trellis and Arduino Leonardo boards;
they’re implied but not listed in the above inventory.
We’ll start with the base piece…it’s one of
the large squares, the one without the
waffle grid.
This piece has the Arduino footprint
scored on one face. This helps identify
the top surface.
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Turn the base over and install three
screws in the Arduino footprint area.
This piece needs to be turned back over
for additional work. You can either put a
little masking tape over the head of each
screw to hold them in place…or, if you’re
dextrous, grip the three screws from the
other side as you turn it over.
Set the base piece down so the screws
are now pointed up.
Add a 1/8" nylon standoff over each
Install the Arduino board with the
mounting holes over these three screws
(there’s a fourth hole, but we’re not using
it here).
Add a nut to each screw. There will
probably be some mechanical
interference from nearby headers and
parts…that’s okay, you just need to get
the nuts started.
Now turn the base over, remove the tape
(if used) and gently tighten the three
screws with a small screwdriver.
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The standoffs are easier, we can do them
one at a time. No need for tape.
Insert a screw into one of the four corner
holes. Come up from the underside, as
you did with the Arduino. Catch the
screw in the threads of the standoff and
turn it into place. Finger pressure is
usually sufficient, or you can gently use a
Repeat until all four standoffs are
installed (six for HELLA UNTZtrument).
You should then be able to set the base
down with the Arduino and standoffs all
on the top side.
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Next we’ll install the vertical and
horizontal braces.
The vertical braces (which run parallel to
the Arduino’s longer axis) all look similar,
but notice the “nubs” on the bottom are
different: one, two, one. These fit into
corresponding slots on the base. (On the
HELLA UNTZtrument, there are five
vertical braces — again, they’re keyed to
only fit specific positions).
The horizontal braces now slot into
notches on the verticals. Each of these is
a different shape. The thinnest one is
designed to clear the Arduino’s power
jack. The slightly thicker (but still pretty
thin) brace goes down the middle, while
the full-thickness one is at the bottom.
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The four side pieces are almost
identical…except for one which has a
notch for the Arduino’s USB port. Install
this side first. Align the bottom tabs with
the slots in the base and tilt it up into
place. If the USB port is covered, you’ve
got it backwards — turn it around and try
Once the first side is in place, the
alignment of the remaining three should
be straightforward.
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Now get the Trellis board ready. Remove
the rubber buttons for the time being and
turn the board face-down.
Orientation is important. Once installed,
the top edge of the Trellis will face be
aligned with the Arduino’s USB port.
Insert the power and signal wires from
the Trellis to the headers on the Arduino:
• 5V from Trellis to 5V on Arduino
• GND from Trellis to any GND on
• SCL from Trellis to SCL on Arduino
(this pin is nearest the mounting
hole with no screw through it)
• SDA from Trellis to SDA on Arduino
(this is the second pin, next to SCL)
The INT pin is not used for this project;
no connection is necessary.
Now the Trellis gets turned over, LED
side up, and is lowered into place in the
case. You’ll see the horizontal and
vertical braces have notches into which
the board neatly fits.
The wires will fight you at this stage,
either pushing back against the trellis or
springing out of the Arduino sockets. This
part goes a little easier if you bend a
couple zig-zag kinks in the wires,
keeping them all within that quadrant of
the case. Be patient and put each wire
back in place if they pop out.
If your wires are connected to a different
location on the Trellis, that’s okay…the
braces have notches to allow wires to run
from quadrant to quadrant.
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Once the Trellis is in place, you’ll
probably need to hold it down as the
wires press against it. This is normal.
While still holding this down, install the
rubber button elastomers over the Trellis,
aligning the “nubs” with the
corresponding holes in the board. You’ll
need to scoot these around a little until
they all sit flush.
Install the clear top “waffle” piece. Since
you’ll still be holding the Trellis down,
start from one edge, aligning the notches
with the tabs on the side pieces, and
swing this down into place as you
remove your other hand.
When everything is aligned and sits flush,
you can place the black surface piece
over this.
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Install four corner screws through both
top waffles and into the standoffs.
Turn the whole thing over and peel-andstick the four rubber feet near the
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Turn it back over and you’re ready to
rock! Plug in a USB micro B cable and
we’ll turn our attention back to the
Getting an Arduino talking MIDI over USB has traditionally been a bag of hurt, but
thanks to a few smart folks it can now be accomplished with the right bits of software.
You’ll start with a plain vanilla Arduino software installation, version 1.6.9 or later. This
can be downloaded from the Arduino web site (https://adafru.it/aHs). Do not use the
1.5.x beta software for this, nor older releases!
Installing Arduino Libraries
Open up your Arduino IDE and open the Manage Libraries... dialog under the
Sketch→Include Library menu:
If you don't see the Manage Libraries option, make sure you downloaded the
Arduino IDE from arduino.cc! Older versions and derivatives of the IDE may not
have it.
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You will need to install the following libraries using the Library Manager:
• Adafruit Trellis
• Adafruit UNTZtrument
Uploading Code
There’s still a little song and dance to be done, but it’s easier than MIDI The Old Way™.
First, select Arduino Leonardo from the Tools→Board menu.
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Now, from the Tools→Serial Port menu, select the port corresponding to the Arduino
Leonardo board.
Open one of the UNTZtrument example sketches in the File→Examples menu. If using
a HELLA UNTZtrument (16x8), add this line near the top of the code:
#define HELLA
You don’t need this change for a regular 8x8 UNTZtrument.
Before uploading the code to the board, unplug and re-plug the USB cable to restart
the bootloader again. There’s a 10 second window to then click Upload. If you miss it
on the first try, just try again with the cable-replugging and uploading.
There’s just one more piece we’ll need to finish the setup…
Host-Side Software
UNTZtrument issues MIDI data over USB. Now you’ll need software on the computer
at the other end of that cable.
This requires either a software synthesizer — a program that generates sounds using
your computer’s audio hardware — or a MIDI patchbay utility, which forwards the MIDI
data to a hardware synthesizer.
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If you’ve done music on your computer before, you probably already have one or
both of these tools. Otherwise, there are a ton of options out there, many of them
free. For example, on Windows there’s the freeware Firebird2. Mac has the very basic
SimpleSynth or the soup-to-nuts GarageBand. Even Linux has options. Google around
for “software synthesizer”, “free” and “Windows”, “Mac” or “Linux” and see what you
There are so many options, we can’t walk you through this for every app or operating
system. It’s usually pretty straightforward though, we’re confident you can find
something and get it installed and running.
Using the UNTZtrument_Hello_World Example
If you haven’t already uploaded this example, run the Arduino IDE, open this sketch
and select “Arduino Leonardo” from the Tools→Board menu and “MIDI” from the
Tools→USB Type menu. Unplug and replug the USB cable from the device and then
quickly press the Upload button (if this fails the first time, try again, there’s about a 10
second window for uploading the code).
(Remember, you’ll need to add one line as previously described if using a HELLA
This is a minimal Trellis-and-MIDI example that simply maps each button to a different
MIDI note…lowest at the top-left, highest at the bottom right. It’s not trying to mimic a
specific instrument, nor is there any relationship between rows and octaves or such.
It’s basically to test communication between the device and synthesizer.
Using the UNTZtrument_Step_Seq Example
This is a simple example of a step sequencer, sometimes used for creating rhythms.
Each of the eight horizontal rows of the matrix corresponds to a different sound, while
the eight vertical columns are scanned in sequence…anywhere there’s an intersection
(a pixel that’s previously been lit by pressing its button) you’ll get a sound.
Popular among electronic dance music. Hence the name, UNTZtrument.
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UNTZtrument is just the start. We hope you’ll hack it to your heart’s content. Some
• New types of MIDI musical instruments or sequencers.
• Beyond music…UNTZtrument could trigger video clips and effects for live
“veejay” performances.
• The Arduino Leonardo can also act as a HID keyboard or mouse…how about a
game controller or an assistive device?
Not just code…there’s a little space for hardware hacking as well:
• Encoders or potentiometers could be added to control different music
parameters (volume, tempo, etc.).
• A popular mod for the Arduinome (an inspiration for the UNTZtrument) is an
accelerometer, for more expressive performance.
• “Bling it up” with internal LEDs.
UNTZtrument hacking is not for the meek; it requires patience, tools and a willingness
to improvise. Tolerances inside the case are very tight. If you’ve done “circuit
bending” before (modifying electronic instruments), you can probably handle this.
Hardware Considerations
SDA and SCL are connected to digital pins 2 and 3 on the Arduino Leonardo. Those
pins are not available as inputs or outputs. Everything else is fair game!
A USB port provides current up to 500 milliamps. UNTZtrument uses about 150 mA,
allowing up to 350 mA for your own additions (but aim a little lower to play it safe).
That’s enough for a few NeoPixels or other LEDs, or a small piezo buzzer or vibration
motor for feedback. HELLA UNTZtrument uses close to 300 mA, so there’s about 200
mA available for adding your own bling.
Small slots between each of the “cells” in the UNTZtrument case can be used for
routing wires. Unruly wiring can be kept at bay with some clear tape or a dot of hot
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There are three available GND pins on the Arduino board, one of which is used by the
Trellis. Because we’re using USB for power, both 5V and VIN provide 5 Volts (VIN is
normally the higher unregulated voltage from the DC jack, but that’s not being used
here); UNTZtrument uses one of these 5V pins, leaving the other available. If you
need to split power in more directions, 3-way (https://adafru.it/dyi) and 5-way (https://
adafru.it/dyj) block connectors are available, as are smaller 2-way cold splices (http://
Acrylic requires special techniques for
drilling; normal drill bits will crack it! This
optional plastic part (separately available
from Adafruit) (http://adafru.it/1945) has
cutouts for adding encoders or
Three sides of UNTZtrument are
identical, so you can add controls to any
(or all) sides. On the HELLA
UNTZtrument, these fit only on the left
and right sides, or there’s a longer front
part specifically for the HELLA (https://
If you have access to a laser cutter, the
UNTZtrument case design can be
downloaded from the last page of this
guide, so you can make any special
cutouts you like!
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If adding more than one potentiometer,
the legs must be bent back to fit inside
the case. If two potentiometers are
installed in the same quadrant, they
install back-to-back.
Potentiometers don’t care which outer
leg is ground or +V, but the choice does
affect which direction has increasing
If you want increasing values when
turning clockwise, and if using the 10K
pots in the Adafruit shop (https://adafru.it/
dzq), wire them as shown here.
Other pots may behave differently. If the
output is reversed from what you wanted,
just swap the outer connections, or
compensate in code using the map()
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If using rotary encoders, we have the
opposite problem when fitting in the
case: rather than bending the legs back,
we need to splay them outward.
You need to be REALLY CAREFUL when
doing this. DO NOT straighten the
existing bends — the legs will crack off!
Instead, add extra bends a little further
Whatever controls you add, you’ll then
need to get really creative with routing
wires. Narrow gauge (24 or 26 AWG) fits
in tight spaces a little better.
Potentiometers especially are a tight
In the second photo you can see all of
the hackishness that was required for
one project. A clamp provides a
temporary hold while working. Hot glue
keeps loose wires at bay. Cold splices
provide multiple +5V and GND
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Software Considerations
If adding I2C devices (such as certain accelerometers or other sensors), be aware that
our example code does a crass thing to activate 400 KHz I2C (this makes the LED
updates a bit more responsive), and it might not be compatible with other devices
you’re interfacing. If this creates a problem, one option is simply to disable this line of
code, reverting to the standard 100 KHz communication.
On 8-bit AVR boards, the offending line, commented out, would be:
// TWBR = 12;
On 32-bit SAMD-based boards (e.g. M0), the line in question is:
// Wire.setClock(400000L);
Another option (on AVR) is to save the original value of the TWBR register in a global
variable following initialization, then set it to the 100 or 400 KHz rates as needed.
Global variable, before setup():
uint8_t i2c_save;
In setup() function, after trellis.begin():
i2c_save = TWBR; // Original 100 KHz value
In loop() or other functions:
TWBR = 12; // 400 KHz
TWBR = i2c_save; // 100 KHz
// Read/write other I2C devices here
These are architecture-specific hacks! If you’re thinking of adapting the
UNTZtrument code to any other microcontroller, don’t do this, it’s non-portable and
may be more trouble than it’s worth.
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Using the UNTZtrument Arduino Library
The Adafruit_UNTZtrument library (https://adafru.it/dXW) provides a few utilities to
help with creating UNTZtrument-specific sketches. We foresee every application
being quite distinctive, so the library is pretty minimal and doesn’t impose a lot of
To use the library, you need to include three header files:
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_Trellis.h>
#include <Adafruit_UNTZtrument.h>
The first enables I2C communication. Second is the core Trellis library for reading
button presses and changing the LEDs. The third has our UNTZtrument-specific
The Adafruit_UNTZtrument library contains two object classes. The first is called Ada
fruit_UNTZtrument and is simply a slight extension of the Adafruit_TrellisSet class
from the Adafruit_Trellis library…in fact, declaring and initializing the
Adafruit_UNTZtrument object is identical to a TrellisSet:
Adafruit_UNTZtrument untztrument(&T[0], &T[1], &T[2], &T[3]);
const uint8_t
addr[] = { 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73 };
void setup() {
untztrument.begin(addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3]);
Four Adafruit_Trellis objects are declared (eight for a HELLA UNTZtrument) and
passed to the UNTZtrument constructor. Their I2C addresses are passed to the
begin() function in setup(). All the same Adafruit_Trellis or Adafruit_TrellisSet functions
are then available to the Adafruit_UNTZtrument object.
The Adafruit_UNTZtrument object provides two new functions for converting between
button/LED index numbers (as normally used by the Trellis library) and (X,Y)
coordinates (more useful for programs like the step sequencer).
i2xy() converts a Trellis button or LED index (0–63 for an 8x8 UNTZtrument, or 0–127
for a HELLA UNTZtrument) to separate X (column) and Y (row) values. You must
provide the addresses of two unsigned char (or uint8_t) variables to store the results:
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uint8_t x, y;
untztrument.i2xy(i, &x, &y);
xy2i() is the complementary function, converting an X (column) and Y (row) pair to a
button/LED index:
uint8_t i = untztrument.xy2i(x, y);
Adafruit_UNTZtrument also provides the enc object for interfacing quadrature
encoders. Unlike analog potentiometers (which have a set range of 0–1023 using
analogRead()), encoders are more flexible (and they can spin around and around, no
end stops).
Each encoder requires two pins (sometimes called the “A” and “B” channels). The
third pin connects to GND. The shaft “click” function of some encoders is not explicitly
handled by the library…but it works just like any normally-open contact switch and is
pretty straightforward to code for.
Do not connect encoders to Leonardo pins 2 or 3 — those link up to the SDA and SCL
pins required for I2C communication. Anything else is fair game though (even pins 0
and 1, which Arduino Uno coders often have to avoid).
To use an encoder, just pass the index of the A and B pins to the constructor:
// You can declare encoders onesy-twosey:
enc e(4, 5);
// Or create a whole array of them:
enc e[] = {
enc( 4, 5),
enc( 6, 7),
enc( 8, 9),
enc(12, A2) };
The encoder pins do not need to be sequential, nor are they limited to pin-changeinterrupt pins. Any two pins will do.
An optional third parameter to the enc() constructor enables or disables the Arduino’s
internal pull-up resistor on that pin. Some encoders (such as the ones previously
shown) use the pull-ups…this is the default case and the third parameter is not
needed. Others (“active” encoders, requiring a 5V connection) drive their output high
or low on their own; the pull-up is not needed. Pass a third parameter of false when
using these. This is rare.
In your setup() function, you must initialize the encoders as follows:
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void setup() {
// Initialize any/all previously-declared encoders:
The encoders need to be frequently polled in order to update their values (this is the
downside to not using interrupt pins). There are a couple of ways to do this. Simplest
is just to put this line in your loop() function:
void loop() {
You only need one of these; it’s not necessary to poll every encoder individually, it
handles the lot.
This requires the loop() function to iterate quickly. But if your program occasionally
has to do something more time-consuming, the encoders may “lose counts” (the
value won’t change as the knob is turned). To avoid this, you can use a timer interrupt
to call enc::poll() at regular intervals (e.g. once per millisecond). This requires some
homework…the library does not provide this — timers are a limited resource and
every application or timer library sets its own rule for these — so you’ll have to wrap a
bit of your own code around it.
To read the value from an encoder, use the getValue() function:
// Reading from one encoder named "e":
int16_t bpm = e.getValue();
// Reading one encoder in an enc array:
int16_t bpm = e[0].getValue();
The value is a signed 16-bit integer value. By default, this allows a range from -32768
to +32767. The range can be limited using the setBounds() function:
// Limit encoder "e" to 0-100 (inclusive):
e.setBounds(0, 100);
An optional third parameter sets whether the value stops (further turns won’t further
change the value) or “wraps around” (turning past the upper limit returns the value to
the lower limit, and vice-versa). Pass true to enable wrap-around, otherwise pass false
(or just leave off the third parameter — false is the default behavior).
The value of an encoder can be set or changed with the setValue() function:
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When setting bounds, if the current value of the encoder falls outside the requested
range it will be clipped or wrapped as appropriate. Therefore, if you need to change
both the range and value of an encoder, it’s recommended to set the range first:
e.setBounds(0, 100);
Some encoders have detents — little clicky stops you can feel as the knob is turned.
With the Adafruit encoders, there are four “counts” per detent…that is, it tends to stop
on the values 0, 4, 8, 12, etc. But maybe you’re using other encoders that spin freely.
The library doesn’t dictate the use of encoders with detents, so you may want to
compensate in code by setting a 4X larger range and dividing the value read by 4 (or
whatever detent size your specific encoder uses).
For example, let’s suppose we wanted an encoder for setting a tempo between 60
and 480 beats per minute (240 by default). We’re using an Adafruit encoder or
another type with the 4-count detents, so the relevant parts of our code might look
like this:
enc e(4, 5); // Encoder on pins 4 & 5
// in setup():
e.setBounds(60 * 4, 480 * 4 + 3);
e.setValue(240 * 4);
// in loop():
bpm = e.getValue() / 4;
This then provides the expected one step per detent.
I instinctively always want to say détente, but no, that’s a different word for a different
thing. Detent. De-tent, like having one’s tent removed. Even Wikipedia notes this
confusion. (https://adafru.it/dzD) :)
You can laser cut your own enclosure — or make modifications with the following
vector files — from 1/8" (3mm) acrylic in any colors you wish!
This ZIP file contains three .SVG files for the 8x8 UNTZtrument:
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“untztrument-8x8-clear.svg” and “untztrument-8x8-black.svg” are the main two files
we use when producing an 8x8 UNTZtrument in clear and black acrylic, respectively
…of course you can use whatever colors you choose (fluorescent acrylic is pretty rad).
A third file, “untztrument-8x8-opt-cutouts,” is an optional piece that can be used for
adding pots or encoders to the bottom edge, typically using the same material
chosen for the “clear” file.
This ZIP file contains three .SVG files for the 16x8 HELLA UNTZtrument:
These files are what we use when producing a 16x8 HELLA UNTZtrument…
• “untztrument-16x8-black.svg” for the black top layer (or use whatever color you
• “untztrument-16x8-clear-1.svg” is the first of two “clear” files…this one has the
two large flat pieces comprising the upper and lower sandwich layers.
• “untztrument-16x8-clear-2.svg” is the second of two “clear” files…this is all the
side pieces and internal cross supports, including an optional piece with pot/
encoder cutouts (not a separate file like the 8x8 version).
You can find CAD files for Trellis elastomers and PCBs on github (https://adafru.it/cZh)
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