SparkFun Frequency Counter Kit
KIT -1 0140 RO HS
Description: This new revision includes a JST cable and also fixes the TX/RX swap
from the last revision. Now you can use an FTDI correctly. We are also including a
16-pin header instead of a 40-pin header (only 16 pins are necessary).
This kit is a re-hash of Nuxie’s FunCount frequency counting kit. It includes everything
you need to build a frequency counter capable of measuring frequencies from 1Hz to
over 6MHz. The measured frequency is displayed on a 16x2 black on green LCD.
Our new design is based on the popular ATmega328. The ATmega comes preprogrammed with both the frequency counting firmware, and a serial bootloader, so
you can program it as you would an Arduino. If you want to program it via Arduino,
you’ll need a FTDI Basic Breakout. Unused pins of the ATmega328 are broken out for
all your custom firmware desires.
The ATmega328 runs at 16MHz, and should be able to reliably count frequencies up
to around 6.4MHz (assuming a 50% duty cycle). Voltage supplied to the kit should be
5VDC. The voltage input on the frequency pin should not exceed the supplied
voltage, and should not go below 0V.
The kit includes a 3-pin JST male connector, so you can use this wire to deliver +5V,
ground and the frequency signal to the Counter. You’ll also be able to piggy-back the
counter onto our Function Generator Kit (see below).