Understanding Signals with
the PropScope
Student Guide
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ISBN 9781928982548
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Table of Contents · Page 3
Table of Contents
Audience ............................................................................................................................... 6
Support Forums .................................................................................................................... 7
Resources for Educators....................................................................................................... 7
Foreign Translations ............................................................................................................. 8
About the Author ................................................................................................................... 8
Special Contributors .............................................................................................................. 9
Chapter 1 : PropScope Introduction and Setup ....................................................10
PropScope Measurement Tools in a Nutshell ..................................................................... 11
Test Equipment Uses and PropScope Examples................................................................ 17
Activity #1 : Hardware & Software Setup............................................................................. 18
Activity #2 : Configure and Adjust PropScope Probes ........................................................ 19
Summary............................................................................................................................. 24
Chapter 2 : DC Measurements ................................................................................25
About Supply and Other DC Voltages ................................................................................. 25
Activity #1 : Ground Test ..................................................................................................... 27
Activity #2 : Vdd and Vin DC Supply Voltages .................................................................... 32
Activity #3 : Oscilloscope Voltage Scale Adjustments......................................................... 34
Activity #4 : Digital to Analog DC Voltage............................................................................ 39
Activity #5 : Voltage Dividers............................................................................................... 49
Activity #6 : Advanced Topic – I/O Pin Voltage Vs. Current ................................................ 58
Summary............................................................................................................................. 66
Chapter 3 : Human-speed Measurements..............................................................67
Human-speed Vs. Electronic Speed ................................................................................... 67
Activity #1 : A Potentiometer’s Variable Voltage Output...................................................... 68
Activity #2 : High/Low Signal Voltages and Frequencies .................................................... 72
Activity #3 : Multiple High/Low Signals ................................................................................ 85
Activity #4 : D/A and function generator Waveforms ........................................................... 90
Activity #5 : Simulated Heartbeat ........................................................................................ 96
Summary........................................................................................................................... 104
Chapter 4 : Pulse Width Modulation .....................................................................105
Pulses for Communication and Control ............................................................................. 105
Activity #1 : Pulses for Servo Control ................................................................................ 106
Activity #2 : Duty Cycle in PWM DAC................................................................................ 119
Activity #3 : Infrared Object Detection ............................................................................... 125
Activity #4 : Advanced Topic: Pulses for TV Remote Communication .............................. 133
Summary........................................................................................................................... 148
Chapter 5 : Synchronous Serial Communication................................................149
Synchronous Serial Devices ............................................................................................. 149
Activity #1 : ADC0831 Analog to Digital Converter............................................................ 150
Activity #2 : Write Code From a Timing Diagram .............................................................. 153
Page 4 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Activity #3 : Verify Microcontroller Signaling...................................................................... 155
Activity #4 : Troubleshooting Examples............................................................................. 161
Activity #5 : Refine and Test the Code .............................................................................. 167
Summary ........................................................................................................................... 173
Chapter 6 : Asynchronous Serial Communication ............................................. 174
Asynchronous Serial Devices............................................................................................ 174
Activity #1 : ASCII Codes .................................................................................................. 175
Activity #2 : First Look at Asynchronous Serial Bytes........................................................ 178
Activity #3 : A Closer Look at a Serial Byte ....................................................................... 184
Activity #4 : True Vs. Inverted............................................................................................ 188
Activity #5 : Hardware Flow Control .................................................................................. 192
Activity #6 : Probe the Serial Port...................................................................................... 200
Summary ........................................................................................................................... 211
Chapter 7 : Basic Sine Wave Measurements ...................................................... 212
Sine Wave Examples ........................................................................................................ 212
Activity #1 : Sine Wave Amplitude and Frequency Tests .................................................. 212
Activity #2 : DC Offset Tests.............................................................................................. 221
Activity #3 : Measure BASIC Stamp Musical Notes........................................................... 228
Activity #4 : Summed Sine Waves..................................................................................... 237
Activity #5 : Sine Components with a Spectrum Analyzer ................................................. 245
Activity #6 : Compare Two Sine Waves ............................................................................ 252
Summary ........................................................................................................................... 265
Chapter 8 : RC Circuit Measurements ................................................................. 266
Resistors, Capacitors, and RC Circuits ............................................................................. 266
Activity #1 : RC Growth and Decay Math .......................................................................... 266
Activity #2 : RC Growth and Decay Measurements........................................................... 270
Activity #3 : RC Sensor Measurements with a Potentiometer ........................................... 280
Activity #4 : RC Circuit’s Role IN D/A Conversion ............................................................. 293
Activity #5 : RC D/A Converter Decay from Load .............................................................. 301
Activity #6 : Phototransistor Light Sensor Example ........................................................... 305
Activity #7 : Low-pass Filter............................................................................................... 312
Summary ........................................................................................................................... 320
Chapter 9 : Op Amp Building Blocks ................................................................... 321
Operational Amplifiers ....................................................................................................... 321
Activity #1 : Comparator .................................................................................................... 323
Activity #2 : Voltage Follower as an Output Buffer ............................................................ 327
Activity #3 : Non-inverting Amplifier................................................................................... 332
Activity #4 : Inverting Amplifier .......................................................................................... 340
Summary ........................................................................................................................... 345
Preface · Page 5
The Understanding Signals with the PropScope kit includes the PropScope to connect to
your computer, project parts to build circuits on your BASIC Stamp development board,
and a 350+ page book that guides you step-by-step from the basics through advanced
electronic measurement techniques.
The PropScope has the features of many electronic test bench tools built into one small
package that you connect to your computer:
DC voltmeter, to measure voltage levels
Oscilloscope, to measure and plot voltages that vary with time
Logic analyzer, to measure and plots digital signal levels
Spectrum analyzer, to measure and plot sine wave components in signals
XY-Plotter, to plot one signal voltage against another
Function generator, to synthesize signals for testing circuits and microcontroller
These tools are used to test circuits, microcontroller interactions with circuits, and
microcontroller communication with other integrated circuits and computers. Topics
include measuring:
DC voltages and currents
“Human-speed” signals that vary with time and can be observed
Pulses for controlling devices and synthesizing signals
Digital signaling between microcontrollers and integrated circuits (chips)
Digital signaling between microcontrollers and other microcontrollers (or
Sine waves in signals, and how filters and amplifiers affect them
RC circuit responses, sensor measurements, and simple filters
Basic amplifier building blocks
Many oscilloscope lab manuals present the material in a format that assumes a teacher or
mentor is on hand to provide background information. In contrast, the lessons in this
book are designed so that a beginner can succeed on his or her own.
Page 6 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Instead of jumping straight from simple DC voltage and current measurements to high
speed analog signals, Understanding Signals with the PropScope takes incremental steps
through measuring human-speed signals, followed by measuring a variety of binary
high/low signals first. By the time the reader gets to analog signal measurements, he or
she has already honed many of the skills needed from the earlier work.
The “Human-speed Measurements” chapter is important because it provides a bridge
between DC and high speed signal measurements. This chapter guides the reader through
measuring signals that he/she creates by turning dials, pressing buttons, and blinking
lights. Along the way, the reader gains hands-on experience with measuring time varying
signals with the oscilloscope and binary high/low signals with both an oscilloscope and
logic analyzer. The reader also gets hands-on experience generating signals with a
function generator and with the BASIC Stamp.
Most chapters include test signals that are generated by the function generator along with
similar test signals generated by the BASIC Stamp microcontroller and a circuit.
Creating similar signals with a microcontroller and one or more circuits is important,
especially for the reader who wants to invent, or will be faced with a design project at
some point down the road.
All the circuits, circuit + microcontroller, and design technique examples measured in the
book are standard ingredients in electronic product designs, and can be found in a myriad
of products, projects and inventions. The measurement techniques are also widely used
in industry, and at various levels in technical and engineering educational programs.
The measurement techniques in this book are introduced in a variety of courses and grade
levels. This text leans toward qualitative introductions, and when math is required, it
uses the simplest expressions available. This helps keep it compatible with various levels
provided by the various disciplines, grade levels and their theory textbooks. For
introductory and survey courses, at home students, and hobbyists, this book can be
studied in step-by-step detail. More advanced courses can use this book as a primer, or
sections of this book can be studied before lab work that requires a particular
measurement technique.
This text is designed to be an entry point to technology literacy and as an easy learning
curve for embedded programming and device design. The text is organized so that it can
be used by the widest possible variety of students as well as by independent learners.
Preface · Page 7
Parallax maintains free, moderated forums for our customers, covering a variety of
subjects. Some that may be pertinent to the reader are:
Propeller Chip: for all discussions related to the multicore Propeller
microcontroller and development tools product line.
BASIC Stamp: Project ideas, support, and related topics for all of the Parallax
BASIC Stamp models.
Education (Stamps in Class): Students, teachers, and customers discuss
Parallax’s education materials and school projects here.
Robotics: For all Parallax robots and custom robots built with Parallax
processors and sensors.
Sensors: Discussion relating to Parallax’s wide array of sensors, and interfacing
sensors with Parallax microcontrollers.
Wireless: Topics include XBee, WiFi, GSM/GPRS, telemetry, and data
communication over amateur radio.
PropScope: Discussion and Technical Assistance for the PropScope USB
Projects: Post your in-process and completed projects here, made from Parallax
We have a variety of resources for this text designed to support educators.
Stamps in Class “Mini Projects”
To supplement our texts, we provide a bank of projects for the classroom. Designed to
engage students, each “Mini Project” contains full source code, “How it Works”
explanations, schematics, and wiring diagrams or photos for a device a student might like
to use. Many projects feature an introductory video, to promote self-study in those
students most interested in electronics and programming. Just follow the Stamps in Class
“Mini Projects” link at www.parallax.com/Education.
Educators Courses
These hands-on, intensive 1 or 2 day courses for instructors are taught by Parallax
engineers or experienced teachers who are using Parallax educational materials in their
classrooms. Visit www.parallax.com/Education → Educators Courses for details.
Page 8 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Parallax Educator’s Forum
In this free, private forum, educators can ask questions and share their experiences with
using Parallax products in their classrooms. Supplemental Education Materials are also
posted here. To enroll, email education@parallax.com for instructions; proof of status as
an educator will be required.
Supplemental Educational Materials
Select Parallax educational texts have an unpublished set of questions and solutions
posted in our Parallax Educators Forum; we invite educators to copy and modify this
material at will for the quick preparation of homework, quizzes, and tests. PowerPoint
presentations and test materials prepared by other educators may be posted here as well.
Copyright Permissions for Educational Use
No site license is required for the download, duplication and installation of Parallax
software for educational use with Parallax products on as many school or home
computers as needed. Our Stamps in Class texts and BASIC Stamp Manual are all
available as free PDF downloads, and may be duplicated as long as it is for educational
use exclusively with Parallax BASIC Stamp products and the student is charged no more
than the cost of duplication. The PDF files are not locked, enabling selection of texts and
images to prepare handouts, transparencies, or PowerPoint presentations.
Many of our Stamps in Class texts have been translated into other languages; these texts
are free downloads and subject to the same Copyright Permissions for Educational Use as
our original versions. To see the full list, click on the Tutorials & Translations link at
www.parallax.com/Education. These were prepared in coordination with the Parallax
Volunteer Translator program. If you are interested in participating in our Volunteer
Translator program, email translations@parallax.com.
Andy Lindsay joined Parallax Inc. in 1999, and has since authored a dozen books and
numerous articles and product documents for the company. Much of the material Andy
develops is based on observations and educator feedback that he collected while traveling
the nation and abroad teaching Parallax Educator Courses and events. Andy studied
Electrical and Electronic Engineering at California State University, Sacramento.
Preface · Page 9
The Parallax team assembled to prepare this textbook includes: Lesson design and
technical writing by Andy Lindsay; cover art by Jen Jacobs; graphic illustrations by Rich
Allred and Andy Lindsay; technical review by Joshua Donelson, editing and layout by
Stephanie Lindsay. Thank you to: Ken Gracey, Stamps in Class program founder;
Aristides Alvarez, Education Manager; Hanno Sander of Hannoware.com, PropScope
Software Developer; Jeff Martin, BASIC Stamp Editor Software Developer; David
Carrier, PropScope hardware developer. Thank you also to our customer reviewers for
their questions, recommendations, and corrections: Paul Smith of Alverno College, Lisa
Quackenbush, and Ingolf Sander.
Page 10 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Chapter 1: PropScope Introduction and Setup
The PropScope USB hardware and software shown in Figure 1-1 make it possible to take
a variety of electrical and electronic test and diagnostic measurements with your
Figure 1-1: PropScope USB Hardware and Software
Many of the PropScope’s capabilities used to require a test bench full of measurement
equipment. Figure 1-2 shows examples (left to right) including the voltmeter, function
generator, mixed signal oscilloscope (a combination oscilloscope and logic analyzer) and
a spectrum analyzer. The PropScope provides the basic functionalities of these tools
along with an affordable starting point for learning to take test measurements. Armed
with the PropScope and the techniques this book introduces, you’ll be able to test and
troubleshoot many of the circuits and signals in your future electronics and/or robotics
Figure 1-2: Test Equipment Examples
Chapter 1: PropScope Introduction and Setup · Page 11
This section briefly explains each of the PropScope’s measurement tools along with some
of their most common uses. The PropScope is equipped to perform the basic functions of
all these pieces of test equipment:
Function generator
Logic analyzer
Spectrum analyzer
XY plotter
The PropScope’s voltmeter features are shown on the lower-left and lower-right of the
Measure display in Figure 1-3. The lower-left value can be used to measure DC voltage,
like across a battery’s terminals or the regulated supply voltage for a microcontroller.
You will take a variety of DC voltage measurements, starting in Chapter 2: DC
High Peak
signal voltage
Time Period
between signal
Low Peak
signal voltage
Frequency of
Figure 1-3
Measure Display
signal voltage
DC voltage or
Average voltage
Certain voltages that vary with time in a pattern that repeats periodically are called
periodic signals. The varying voltages in such signals average out to some value. When
the PropScope is measuring a periodic signal, it displays this average in this same field.
If the voltage is DC, that lower left field displays the DC measurement. If it’s a periodic
Page 12 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
signal, it displays the average voltage. A signal’s average voltage is also called a DC
offset, and it’s introduced in Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements.
The RMS voltage on the lower-right side of Figure 1-3 is a convenient way of measuring
AC wall outlet voltages. RMS voltage is explained in the Understanding Signals
Supplement, which is available as a free PDF online from the Downloads section of
Electrical shocks that can result from mistakes while attempting to measure wall outlet
voltages can be fatal and improper use can also damage equipment and property.
If you want to learn how to take wall outlet and house/factory electrical measurements, seek
qualified training in proper measurement procedures and safety precautions, and use only
equipment that has been designed, rated, and certified for the measurements you take.
A stock PropScope cannot be used to measure wall outlet voltage. With the probes set to
X10, the PropScope can measure up to 200 Vpp. (PropScope probes and probe settings
will be introduced in Activity #2.) Since US wall outlet voltage is in the 340 Vpp
neighborhood, it is well outside this range. X20, X50 or X100 probes can be purchased
separately and used with the PropScope.
The other fields in Figure 1-3 summarize other attributes of periodic signals, and are
components of oscilloscope measurements you will also take, starting in Chapter 3:
Human-speed Measurements.
Many voltages that vary over time need to be monitored. An oscilloscope, which
measures and plots voltage vs. time, is the perfect tool for the job. The Oscilloscope
screen in Figure 1-4 is plotting two sine wave voltage signals. One sine wave (the shorter
one on the bottom) is a signal going into an amplifier circuit. The taller sine wave above
it is the amplified signal measured at the amplifier’s output. (This amplifier will be
introduced in Chapter 9: Op Amp Building Blocks.)
The Oscilloscope in Figure 1-4 has a Horizontal dial for adjusting the amount of time
displayed in the x-axis—the large dial at the top. Below it are two Vertical dials for
adjusting the amount of voltage displayed by two independent voltage y-axes.
Chapter 1: PropScope Introduction and Setup · Page 13
Figure 1-4: PropScope Oscilloscope view
The channel 1 voltage scale is on the left side of the plot, and the channel 2 voltage scale
is on the right. The voltage scales can be configured to convenient increments for
displaying the signals measured by the PropScope hardware. Under the Vertical dials are
the voltage coupling switches. When you set the CH2 coupling switch to DAC, it uses the
CH2 trace to display output from the PropScope’s function generator, which is
introduced in the next section.
The Oscilloscope also has a Trigger tab for positioning the signal on the screen and a
Cursor tab with tools for manually measuring voltage and time differences in the
signal(s). The Measure tab displays measurements for both signals.
Page 14 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Function Generator
A function generator can synthesize a variety of voltage signals. These signals can be
applied to a circuit input, and then the oscilloscope can measure results at a circuit output.
This technique is useful for testing certain circuit properties and the effects they have on
signals. It’s also useful for verifying that a circuit is functioning properly as well as for
tracking down certain malfunctions.
Figure 1-5: PropScope Function Generator
Generator panel in
PropScope software
TV test signal output
PropScope DAC Card
Logic analyzer inputs
Function generator
External trigger input
Common function generator signals include square waves (a series of high/low signals),
sine waves, and a triangular pattern called “sawtooth.” The PropScope Generator panel
in Figure 1-5 also has an Edit feature that allows you to draw an arbitrary waveform that
can be transmitted by sliding the waveform selector switch to the Custom setting. In
addition to the signals listed, you can set DC voltages by setting the value in the
Amplitude field to 0, and then adjusting the value in the Offset field for the desired DC
voltage (from -1.5 to +4.7 V). We will set and measure PropScope function generator
voltages starting in Chapter 2: DC Measurements.
Chapter 1: PropScope Introduction and Setup · Page 15
Logic Analyzer
When digital devices communicate, there may be several signal lines exchanging binary
high/low voltage signals. A logic analyzer plots the binary activity of multiple signal
lines over time. Figure 1-6 shows an example in which the PropScope is monitoring four
BASIC Stamp I/O pins, which are sending a sequence of four slightly different messages
using a form of binary signaling called asynchronous serial communication.
Figure 1-6: Logic Analyzer
Page 16 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Spectrum Analyzer
A spectrum analyzer plots the amplitudes of sine wave components in a signal vs. their
frequencies. Many signals have one or more sine wave components. Such signal
components are commonly tested when monitoring engines for unhealthy vibration
patterns, finding radio signal interference, and testing telephone dial tones.
Figure 1-7
Oscilloscope above
Spectrum Analyzer in the
PropScope’s Analog
A fourth example of when a signal’s sine wave components need to be tested is shown in
Figure 1-7. The oscilloscope in the upper portion of the display is monitoring a rapidly
switching binary signal that synthesizes two sine waves. It would be very difficult to tell
Chapter 1: PropScope Introduction and Setup · Page 17
what sine waves are being synthesized by looking at the upper Oscilloscope screen. The
lower Spectrum Analyzer screen shows two prominent vertical bars in a graph, revealing
two component sine waves, one in the 27 kHz neighborhood, and the other at about
38.5 kHz. Examining such signals will be introduced in Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave
XY Plot
This tool plots two signals’ voltages against each other. One signal’s voltages are treated
as x-values and the other as y-values. The resulting plots are useful for determining
certain relationships between two different signals. The line tipping at 45° in Figure 1-8
indicates that the two signals are “in phase,” like the two sine waves in Figure 1-4 Their
shape is the same, and the lower and upper sine wave’s features are vertically aligned
with no shift to the right or left. Certain circuits introduce delays between two signals at
their inputs and two ones at their outputs. The result is an apparent left or right shift of
one of the signals in the oscilloscope. In the XY Plot, this would produce an elliptical or
even circular shape, or a line with a different angle, instead of the 45° slope shown in
Figure 1-8. In addition to quickly determining phase relationships, the xy plot can also
reveal relationships between signals at different frequencies.
Figure 1-8
XY Signal Plot
The voltmeter, oscilloscope, function generator, logic analyzer, and spectrum analyzer
are arguably five of the most widely used pieces of test equipment in the electronics
industry. Many engineers, technicians, repair specialists, students, and hobbyists use
them to measure signals at various test points in circuits and systems. Specialized
versions of many of these tools can also be found in the automotive and biomedical
industries as well as in many science labs.
Page 18 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Most of the electronic devices we use on a daily basis were designed by groups of
engineers, and tested by engineers and/or technicians. Each subsystem underwent
multiple circuit and signal test measurements interleaved with troubleshooting to get to
the finished product. Student and hobby projects often employ similar step-by-step
approaches. Many devices also need to be repaired if they malfunction, which also
involves test measurements.
There are many different types of signals and measurement techniques employed in the
various fields of electronics and design. By following the activities in this book, you will
get some initial, hands-on experience with many of the more common signals:
DC supply and AC voltage
Binary signal levels and timing for control and communication
Digital signals that describe analog voltage measurements
Sine waves for audio and analysis of filters and other circuits
Sine wave components of audio, digital, and infrared signals
Exponential decay for sensor measurements
Amplifier signal conditioning
Along the way, you will also see a variety of circuit design and microcontroller
programming techniques that can be found in common electronic products. If you
completed What’s a Microcontroller, Robotics with the Boe-Bot, or other Stamps in Class
texts before starting here, you will also have the opportunity to use the PropScope’s
measurement tools to more closely examine the signaling involved in indicator and motor
control, sensor monitoring, and communication with peripheral integrated circuits and
other computers.
The PropScope Quick Start guide is packaged with the PropScope and is also available
from the PropScope product page. It lists computer system requirements and guides you
through installing the PropScope software and connecting the hardware.
Go to www.parallax.com/go/PropScope and find the Downloads section.
Download the PropScope Quick Start Guide and follow the instructions.
When you get to the step titled “Measure” continue from here.
Chapter 1: PropScope Introduction and Setup · Page 19
Many of the activities in this book involve measurements of BASIC Stamp 2
microcontroller signaling as it interacts with circuits. These circuits are built from parts
and components included in the Understanding Signals with the PropScope Kit. In these
activities, you will use the BASIC Stamp Editor to load example programs into the
microcontroller. The BASIC Stamp Editor software is available for free download from
the Parallax web site. For best results, get the latest version before continuing.
Go to http://www.parallax.com/basicstampsoftware and download and install the
latest BASIC Stamp Editor.
If you have never used your BASIC Stamp 2 and Board of Education or
HomeWork Board before, click the BASIC Stamp Editor’s Help menu, and
select Getting Started with Stamps in Class. Follow the instructions for
connecting your board and testing your BASIC Stamp programming connection.
If you do not already have a BASIC Stamp Microcontroller: Consult the Kit Choices
section at www.parallax.com/go/WAM.
If you are new to microcontrollers: The Understanding Signals with the PropScope Kit
has all the parts you’ll need to complete chapters 1-5, 7, and 8 in the What’s a
Microcontroller? tutorial. If you have not already completed this text and are new to
microcontrollers, it’s highly recommended before continuing here.
Locate the free PDF version of the What’s a Microcontroller? text in the BASIC
Stamp Editor software’s Help menu (version 2.5 or higher).
Complete Chapters 1-5, 8 and 9.
Skip Chapter 2, Activity #5 and Chapter 3, Activity #5.
The PropScope probes and software may need some small configurations and
adjustments to make them compatible with the measurements and instructions in this
book. This involves four simple steps:
Marking one probe with blue color bands and the other with red.
Setting the probe gain switch to X1.
Setting probe gain in the PropScope software to X1.
Connecting probes to BNC ports, blue to CH1 and red to CH2.
This activity will guide you through the four steps with some explanations along the way.
Page 20 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Step 1: Mark one probe with blue color bands and the other with red.
Since the information in the PropScope software is color coded blue for one channel and
red for the other, one probe should be marked with blue marker bands, and the other with
red. Each probe should have two marker bands of the same color, one on the probe rod
and the other on the BNC connector as shown in Figure 1-9. With this setup, when you
connect a probe to the circuit, all you need to do is check the marker band’s color to
know which color-coded information to check in the PropScope software.
Make sure one probe has matching red color bands on its probe rod and BNC
Make sure the other probe has matching blue color bands on its probe rod and
BNC connector.
Figure 1-9: Probe Rod and BNC Connector Adjustments
Make sure divider selection
switch is set to X1, not X10.
Probe Rod
Change probe marker
band colors if needed.
BNC stands for Bayonet Neill-Concelman. Bayonet is name of the latching mechanism
and Neill and Concelman are the names of the connector’s inventors.
Chapter 1: PropScope Introduction and Setup · Page 21
Step 2: Set the probe gain switch to X1.
The probe rod in Figure 1-9 also has a switch labeled “X1 X10.” These settings can be
pronounced “times one” and “times ten.” Notations of 1x and 10x are also common,
along with pronunciations of “one-X” and “ten-X.” These settings will be explained in
more detail later in the book. For now, it’s important to make sure that both probe rod
switches are set to X1.
Check each probe rod and make sure it is set to X1.
Step 3: Set probe gain in the PropScope software to X1.
A probe set to X10 reduces the signal voltage sent to the measuring device to 1/10 of the
voltage applied to the probe. This voltage scaling is part of a circuit inside the probe that
reduces the interactions with test circuits, and it also makes larger voltage measurements
possible. In contrast, a probe set to X1 does not reduce the signal voltage and improves
the resolution of measurements in the ranges we will study in this tutorial.
The PropScope software needs to know whether the probe is set to X1 or X10 since that
setting would make it necessary to either multiply by 1 or 10 before reporting the
measurement. Since our probes are set to X1, the software has to be configured
In the PropScope software, click Tools and select Manage Probes. Set the probe
gain to 1 for both probes.
Figure 1-10
Configure Probe Gains in
PropScope Software
Page 22 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
You will use with the probe’s X10 setting in Chapter 6, Activity #6. This will involve
setting the probe tips and software settings to X10 and performing a one-time calibration
with a small screwdriver; look for one packaged with your probes.
Step 4: Connect probes to BNC ports, blue to CH1 and red to CH2.
By default, the software color-codes voltage measurements from CH1 as blue, and from
CH2 as red. So, the probes should be connected accordingly, like in Figure 1-11.
Connect the probe with the blue marker bands to the PropScope’s CH1 BNC
connector, and connect the probe with the red bands to CH2.
Figure 1-11
Channels and
Marker Bands
Blue Probe
Marker Band
Red Probe
Marker Band
Connect the
probe with the
blue marker
bands to CH1
and the probe
with the red
marker bands to
Each PropScope probe has two clips shown in Figure 1-12: an alligator clip and a probe
tip with a hook. Both are spring-loaded so that they can grip and hold wires and leads. A
convenient setup for testing the voltages at breadboard sockets is to grab the stripped end
of a jumper wire with a probe tip. The other end of the jumper wire can then be inserted
into breadboard sockets to test voltages at various points.
Chapter 1: PropScope Introduction and Setup · Page 23
Grab a jumper wire to matches the color of each probe’s marker bands.
Retract the probe tip gently towards the probe rod to expose the hook, as shown
in Figure 1-12.
Insert a matching-colored jumper wire’s stripped end into the probe tip hook.
Release the probe tip to grip the jumper wire.
Figure 1-12: Grab a Stripped Wire End with the Probe Tip Hook
Alligator Clip
(2) Insert stripped
wire end into hook,
and then release the
probe tip to grip the
(1) Gently pull spring
loaded probe tip
toward probe rod to
expose the hook
Probe Tip
Probe Tip Hook
Probe Rod
Page 24 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
The PropScope is a USB hardware peripheral and software tool that allows your
computer to perform the functions of several different electronic test equipment
components. The PropScope can stand in for the basic tasks of the voltmeter,
oscilloscope, function generator, logic analyzer, spectrum analyzer, and XY-plotter.
These devices are used by engineers, technicians, students, hobbyists and repair
technicians for product development, projects, diagnostics, and repairs.
PropScope setup involves following the software installation and hardware connection
instructions in the PropScope Quick Start Guide. Marker bands help make it clear which
probe is connected to a given PropScope channel at a glance. They should be adjusted to
match the colors of the channel information displayed by the PropScope: blue for CH1
and red for CH2.
Each probe tip has an alligator clip that gets attached to the ground connection of the
device under test, and a spring-loaded, retractable probe tip that can grip wires and leads
with a hook. Grabbing a jumper wire with the hook will simplify probing breadboard
sockets. As with the color bands, use a blue wire with the CH1 probe and a red one with
the CH2 probe.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 25
Chapter 2: DC Measurements
Voltage is like a pressure that propels electrons through a circuit, and the resulting
electron flow is called electric current. Electric current is often compared to water flow
through a pipe or hose. If electric current is like the flow of water, then DC voltage is
like the pressure that causes the water to flow through the pipe. The terms DC and AC
describe current flow, and stand for direct current and alternating current. DC current
flows “directly” through a circuit, propelled by a voltage that more or less remains
constant. In contrast, AC current flows back and forth through the circuit, driven by an
AC voltage source that typically alternates between positive and negative voltages many
times per second.
DC voltage is a fairly easy concept to grasp because it’s the measurement for typical
supplies like batteries and solar panels. A common assumption about batteries is that
they maintain a constant voltage. In contrast to an AC power source like a wall outlet,
the voltage a battery supplies is constant; it’s a “DC voltage” because it does not oscillate
back and forth. However, the DC voltage is not necessarily a fixed value; it can vary.
For example, if you measure the voltage across a battery with no current draw, it will be
close to its rated voltage, like 9 VDC (volts-DC) for an alkaline battery like the one you
would use with your BASIC Stamp board. When a circuit that draws current is connected
to the battery, its voltage may drop a little or a lot, depending on the electrical properties
of the circuit and its current draw. The voltage of the battery also decays slowly as it
loses its charge. A battery in continuous use might start at over 9 VDC, but later, it will
measure only 8.5 VDC. The voltage will continue to decline as it loses its charge. At
some point, it can no longer power the device, and we call it a “dead” battery.
Most digital circuits need a steady DC supply voltage to work properly. So, battery
supplies get connected to circuit subsystems called voltage regulators. Figure 2-1 shows
an example of a voltage regulator on the Board of Education and another on the BASIC
Stamp Homework Board. The job of a voltage regulator is to maintain a certain voltage
level for the circuits it supplies current to, regardless of whether they draw a little current
or a lot. The voltage of the battery or other source that supplies power to the system is
called the unregulated input. The voltage regulator’s output, which stays at a fixed value,
is called the regulated output. The Board of Education and BASIC Stamp HomeWork
Board regulators have 5 VDC regulated outputs, meaning they supply the circuits on the
boards with a steady 5 VDC, regardless of the current demand.
Page 26 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Regulator ICs
Figure 2-1
Voltage Regulators
Capacitors are part of the
voltage regulator circuits.
Board of Education and BASIC
Stamp HomeWork Board voltage
regulators each have a regulator
integrated circuit (IC) and a
Since DC supply voltages may vary, they sometimes have to be measured before they get
connected to certain types of loads—a load is a circuit that draws current when voltage is
applied. Also, if a system has a short circuit in it, it can sometimes be detected as an
unusually low supply voltage, likewise with faulty supply sources and dead batteries.
Some systems even require supplies with certain characteristics, like output resistance,
which can be determined by supply voltage and current tests.
Other devices rely on DC voltages to adjust how they operate. One example is a voltagecontrolled oscillator. A voltage supplied by a device like the BASIC Stamp causes the
oscillator to transmit a signal at a certain frequency. Another example: some amplifiers
have to be fine tuned with DC voltages, which are called trim voltages. These voltages
do not have to supply any power to the devices; they are just there to set some level.
Because of this, they can be simpler circuits involving resistors or a digital to analog
converter (D/A converter or DAC).
Both supply and other DC voltages are typically measured with a device called a
voltmeter. Some voltmeters stand alone, and others are built into devices called
multimeters. A multimeter can also measure resistance, current, and sometimes other
electrical properties like capacitance and transistor gain.
In this chapter, you will use the PropScope in place of a voltmeter to measure your
board’s supply voltages. You will also build and test circuits that can generate DC
voltages that could be used to adjust how other devices operate (trim voltages).
Additionally, you will use voltage measurements at different points in circuits to
determine the current passing through them, and also to determine whether a BASIC
Stamp I/O pin can safely supply current to a given circuit.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 27
The supply voltage sockets above your board’s breadboard (Figure 2-2) are labeled Vdd,
Vin, and Vss. Vdd is regulated 5 VDC. Vin is the unregulated voltage of your board’s
power supply source, which should be in the 6 to 9 VDC range. The sockets labeled Vss
are considered 0 V. If you are using a battery, Vss is the voltage at the battery’s negative
terminal. Vss is commonly referred to as ground and also as a ground reference because
the other voltages on your board are measured with reference to Vss. Vdd is 5 VDC
because it’s 5 V above Vss. Likewise, Vin should be somewhere in the 6 to 9 VDC range
above Vss.
Vdd = 5 VDC
Vin = 6 to 9 VDC
Vss = 0 V
Figure 2-2
Your Board’s Supply
What do the Vdd and Vss supply voltage labels stand for?
The labeling convention came from the names of the BASIC Stamp interpreter chip’s power
supply pins, which in turn came from a convention for names of voltage supplies to groups
of a particular type of transistor. The transistors in the BASIC Stamp module’s interpreter
chip are called field effect transistors or FETs. A typical FET transistor has three terminals,
named drain (d) gate (g) and source (s). When measuring a voltage at a particular
transistor’s drain, the voltage is typically labeled Vd. Likewise, the voltage measured at a
transistor’s source is Vs. A supply like 5 VDC that goes to many FET transistor drains in a
chip is labeled Vdd, and 0 V, which tends to be connected to many transistor sources is
labeled Vss.
Page 28 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
The PropScope can stand in for a voltmeter for measuring the supply voltages on your
board. In this activity, you will first test the PropScope’s probes to verify that they
measure Vss as 0 V. In the next activity, you will use the PropScope to measure and
verify that Vdd is 5 VDC, and also to measure Vin. These measurements are useful for the
sake of making sure your board’s voltage supplies are in working order and properly
connected. They are also useful for verifying that your PropScope is in working order
and that you have correctly adjusted the controls for the measurements.
Steps before, between, and after measurements.
Before: This is your checklist for getting ready to work on activities in this book:
If you have not done so, download and install the latest PropScope software from
If you have not done so, download and install the latest BASIC Stamp Editor
software from www.parallax.com/basicstampsoftware.
Connect your PropScope to your computer with a USB cable.
Run the PropScope software and the BASIC Stamp Editor software.
Connect your BASIC Stamp development board to your computer and power
supply, and run a test program. (If you have never used your BASIC Stamp
development board before, open the BASIC Stamp Editor Help, follow the Getting
Started directions to connect your hardware to your computer and test your
programming connection.)
Between: If instructed to modify a circuit on your board, or build a different circuit:
Disconnect power from your board before modifying any circuit.
Reconnect power after you have modified the circuit.
After: If you are done for the day, or leaving your circuit unattended for a while:
If your board has a 3-position switch, move it to position 0.
Disconnect the board’s power source. (Even if the 3-position switch is off, it’s still
a good idea to disconnect the power source when the board is unattended.)
Ground Test Parts List
(3) Jumper wires
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 29
Ground Test Circuit
Figure 2-3 shows how to connect the PropScope’s probes to verify that they measure
0 V at Vss.
Disconnect power from your board.
Connect the PropScope probes as shown in Figure 2-3.
Reconnect power to your board.
Figure 2-3: PropScope Ground Test Schematic and Wiring Diagram
Ground Test Measurements and Settings
The next step for a voltage measurement is to configure the PropScope so that it can
display voltage levels in its Oscilloscope screen. We will look more closely at what these
configurations do in later activities.
For now, just follow these steps using Figure 2-4 as a reference:
Click the upper-left Oscilloscope tab to navigate to the PropScope’s
Oscilloscope view.
Page 30 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Set both Vertical dials to 5 V.
Set the Horizontal dial to 50 μs.
Click the Trigger tab, and set the Mode slider switch to Off.
Set both coupling switches (under the Vertical dials) to DC.
Test the Run button by clicking it a few times to make it toggle between bright
green (running) and dark green (not running).
Make sure the Run button is bright green showing the oscilloscope is running.
Your display should now resemble Figure 2-4.
Figure 2-4: PropScope Settings for DC Voltage Measurements
Figure 2-5 shows a close-up of the oscilloscope display after some adjustments. Note
that there are two bold colored lines, called traces, which cross the Oscilloscope screen.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 31
You can grab these traces with your mouse pointer and drag them up and down so that
their locations match Figure 2-5.
In your PropScope software, use your mouse to point at, click, and hold the blue
channel 1 trace.
Drag the channel 1 trace either up or down to position it in your Oscilloscope
display roughly matching the location in Figure 2-5.
As you move the channel 1 trace, the numbers in the voltage scale on the left should
move with it. The 0 on the left, which indicates 0 V, should move to keep level with the
trace as it moves.
Make a similar adjustment to the red channel 2 trace so that it also matches the
The scale on the right side should move with the channel 2 trace as you drag it up/down
with your mouse, and the 0 V indicator on the right should also stay level with it as you
make your adjustments.
Channel 1 Trace
Measured = 0 V
Figure 2-5
Voltages on the Oscilloscope
Measured = 0 V
…with both Vertical scale dials set
to 5 V.
Channel 2 Trace
Alright, so what are the traces in the Figure 2-5 Oscilloscope screen telling us? Since the
probes are connected to Vss along with the ground clips, both traces should indicate 0 V
measurements. The blue trace should be level with the blue 0 on the left side of the
Oscilloscope screen, indicating that the voltage measured by the channel 1 (CH1) probe
Page 32 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
is zero volts. The voltage at the channel 2 (CH2) probe is also 0 V, so the red CH2 trace
should be level with a red 0 on the right side of the Oscilloscope screen.
Next, let’s verify that Vdd = 5 VDC and measure your particular battery or DC supply
voltage by probing Vin. We’ll measure Vdd with channel 1, and Vin with channel 2.
Figure 2-6 shows how to connect your probes. The ground clips don’t move because
they are tied to a reference voltage of Vss = 0 V.
Supply Voltage Test Circuit
Disconnect power and plug the CH1 and CH2 probes into the Vdd and Vin
sockets as shown in Figure 2-6.
Reconnect power to your board.
Figure 2-6: Probe Supply Voltages with the PropScope
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 33
Supply Voltage Measurement Settings
When you reconnect your board’s power, dashed lines will still remain at the 0 V levels
for each channel to give an “at a glance” indication of ground voltage—the blue dashed
line for channel 1, and the red dashed line for channel 2. The bold trace lines should
move to new levels that indicate the voltages for each channel. The solid blue channel 1
trace should align with the 5 V division line, using the left-hand CH1 vertical scale. The
solid red channel 2 trace should indicate the Vin voltage level, using the right-hand CH2
vertical scale. The example in Figure 2-7 shows that Vin is little more than half way
between the 5 and 10 V divisions, so let’s call it 8 V.
Check where the voltage trace intersects with the CH1 voltage scale on the left.
Is it 5 V?
Repeat for Vin and the CH2 voltage scale on the right. It should be in the 6 V to
9 V range.
Channel 1
Measured = 5 V
Figure 2-7
DC Signals on the Oscilloscope
Ground (0 V) line
Channel 2
Measured ≈ 8 V
…with both Vertical scales set to 5
V/div, CH1 connected to Vdd and
CH2 connected to Vin.
Ground (0 V) line
The Oscilloscope view has a Measure tab that automates common signal measurements.
While these measurements are designed mostly to quantify voltages that vary with time,
the average voltage measurements circled in Figure 2-8 are essentially DC voltmeter
measurements. As you will see later, the average voltage field can also give you
information about DC components in periodic signals.
Page 34 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Click the Oscilloscope view’s Measure tab.
Examine the average voltage values.
Measure Tab
Figure 2-8
Measure Tab Information
The Average voltage
fields display DC values.
Average (DC) Voltages
Your Turn: Battery Tests
The voltage across a 9 V battery’s terminals can give you an indication of how much
charge is left. If the supply in Figure 2-8 is an alkaline battery, it has already supplied a
significant portion of its charge, but still has some life left.
Obtain a new 9 V alkaline battery, one that has been in service for a while but is
still ‘good’, and a ‘dead’ one.
Plug each battery into your Board, and make notes of the Vin voltage for each.
Testing battery voltage directly. You can also connect a ground clip directly to a battery’s
negative terminal and the probe hook to the positive terminal to measure its voltage.
Now that you’ve tried a few simple DC voltage measurements with the oscilloscope, this
activity takes a closer look at what each trace really represents. It also demonstrates how
to adjust each channel’s voltage scale to accommodate the voltage measurement and how
to check the voltage measurement limits for a given voltage scale adjustment.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 35
Points on the Trace (Voltage vs. Time)
A common math and science class activity is plotting x and y values with graph paper, a
graphing calculator, or maybe a spreadsheet. In some graphs, the x values are equation
input values that result in y output values. In other graphs, the x values are adjusted in
lab tests, and the y values are the system’s measured response to the x values.
The Oscilloscope screen is like two x-y plots on one sheet of graph paper. For the
PropScope, each trace is made from 536 voltage measurements (y-axis values), plotted
against the times the measurements were taken (x-axis values). Each channel has its own
independent vertical scale for the voltage axis, and they both share a common horizontal
time scale axis.
Figure 2-9 points out the scales for both channels along with some example points in
each graph. To find out the voltage of a given point on a trace, just check what value it
lines up with on its own voltage scale: CH1 on the left, CH2 on the right. The common
time scale goes along the bottom of the plot, so to find the time of a point on either trace,
just check what value the point is above on the time axis.
Figure 2-9: Scales and Sample Points on the Traces
Channel 1 Trace
Scale for CH1
voltage (y-axis)
At 100 μs,
CH1 is 5 V
At 350 μs,
CH1 is still 5 V
Channel 2 Trace
At 50 μs,
CH2 is 8 V
Scale for CH2
voltage (y-axis)
At 400 μs,
CH2 is still 8 V
Common time scale (x-axis) for both channel measurements
Page 36 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
With the settings from Activity #2, the oscilloscope repeatedly displays 500 μs worth of
voltage measurements. Figure 2-9 shows some examples of the voltage measurements
and the times they were taken. The top-left example is a point on the CH1 trace that’s
half way between the 0 and 10 V scale values, so the voltage is 5 V, and the point is
above 100 μs on the time scale. So the channel 1 voltage at 100 μs is 5 V. Later on, at
350 μs, the voltage is still 5 V. Of course, that’s because the CH1 probe is connected to
Vdd, which is regulated 5 V. So, every point on the CH1 trace will line up with the 5 V,
and the result is a “flat line.” In the next chapter, the voltage measurements will increase
and decrease, resulting in traces that rise and fall as they plot the voltage fluctuations over
Verify the two sample points on the CH2 trace. Remember that the voltage scale
for CH2 is on the right side of the Oscilloscope screen. Also, keep in mind that
your supply voltage depends on your particular supply, and should be in the 6 to
9 V range.
Adjust Vertical Scales
If you change the CH1 Vertical scale dial from 5 V to 2 V, each square height for CH1 on
the Oscilloscope grid will represent 2 V. If you make this change, the blue values along
the left side of the screen will also change so that they represent the smaller voltage
increments. The vertical scales are independent, so if you only change the Channel 1
Vertical scale, the Channel 2 squares will still represent 5 V per square. Let’s try it.
Disconnect your PropScope’s probes from Vdd and Vin, and reconnect them to
Vss (like in Figure 2-3 on page 29).
Try adjusting your CH1 vertical scale dial to 2 V. You may need to re-adjust the
positions of the traces if you want it to closely resemble Figure 2-10.
Look carefully at Figure 2-10. The CH1 (V) scale is now in units of 2 V, while
the CH2 (V) scale is still in units of 5 V.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 37
Figure 2-10: Channel 1 and 2 with Different Vertical Scales
50 μs/div
Scale Dial
Maximum = +5 V
Channel 1
2 V high
CH1 = 2 V
2 V high
Minimum = -5 V
Channel 2
Maximum = +10 V
Scale Dials
5 V high
5 V high
CH2 = 5 V
5 V high
Minimum = -10 V
Your Turn – Examine Measurement Limits and Clipping
Another important detail about changing the voltage scale is that certain settings affect
the maximum and minimum measurements the channel can display. In Figure 2-10, the
blue dotted line near the top of the display indicates the maximum and minimum input
voltages for Channel 1, and now line up with 5 and –5 V on the CH1 voltage scale. The
red dotted lines near the bottom indicate the maximum input voltages for channel 2, and
are still at ± 10 V.
Adjust the Vertical scales for each channel, and pay close attention to the
maximum and minimum measurement limitations for each setting. You may
need to adjust each trace up/down to see the dotted limit lines at certain settings.
Page 38 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
If you try to measure a voltage that’s outside the dotted line limits, it won’t hurt the
PropScope hardware, but you will get an incorrect voltage measurement. The PropScope
will also display a red
warning, which means that the measured voltage has
been “clipped” down to the maximum (or up to the minimum) voltage because it was
outside the max or min for the voltage scale setting. That’s your hint that you need to
adjust the Vertical dial to get the correct measurement. Let’s intentionally clip a voltage
measurement so that you can see what happens.
Restore the probes and oscilloscope settings as they were at the beginning of this
activity with CH1 connected to Vdd, CH2 connected to Vin, and both the CH1
and CH2 Vertical dials set to 5 V.
Verify that the CH1 trace indicates 5 V and the CH2 trace indicates your board’s
supply voltage.
To cause the signal to clip, change the CH2 Vertical scale dial to 2 V. The
voltage should incorrectly display as 5 V.
warning appears below the oscilloscope display.
Verify that a red
Again, remember that this is your warning that the measurement is incorrect
because the voltage is outside the measurement set with the Vertical dials.
Nomenclature – Voltage and Time Divisions
Most graphs have grid lines for visually aligning a given point in the plot with its x and yaxis values. The Oscilloscope screen also has gridlines, but in oscilloscope terminology,
they are called division lines. The grid lines that run across the screen are called voltage
division lines, and the ones that run up/down are called time division lines.
Figure 2-11 points out examples of both voltage and time division lines. Voltage division
lines go across the screen and separate it into ten vertical increments, which are called
voltage divisions. The Vertical dials adjust the size of the voltage increment a voltage
division represents. For example, in Figure 2-11, the CH1 Vertical dial is set to 2 V,
meaning that each division represents a 2 V increment for Channel 1. The CH2 Vertical
dial is set to 5 V, meaning that each division represents a 5 V increment for Channel 2.
The Vertical dial settings are commonly referred to as voltage settings, and are described
in terms of volts per division. So, you could say “The channel 1 Vertical dial is set to
2 volts per division.” Likewise, the channel 2 dial is set to 5 volts per division. This
would commonly be abbreviated to “CH1 = 2 V/div and CH2 = 5 V/div.”
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 39
Figure 2-11: Division Lines and Divisions
50 μs/div
Horizontal scale dial sets time
division scale increments.
voltage divisions
are 2 V for CH1
division lines
voltage divisions
are 5 V for CH2
Ch1 = 2 V/div
scale dials set
division scale
CH2 = 5 V/div
time divisions are all 50 μs wide
Figure 2-11 also points out the time division lines that travel up and down the screen,
separating it into horizontal increments called time divisions. The Horizontal dial is set to
50 μs, which makes each time division represent a 50 μs increment. With the DC
voltages in this chapter, it doesn’t really matter what time division increment size you
chose with the Horizontal dial. The DC measurements will still appear as flat lines that
cross the Oscilloscope screen. In later chapters, the voltages will vary with time at
certain rates, and you will have to adjust the Horizontal dial to get the best view of the
signal as it rises and falls across the Oscilloscope screen.
Digital to analog conversion is the process of taking a number (a digital value), and
converting it to a corresponding output voltage (an analog value). Both the BASIC
Stamp and PropScope have digital to analog conversion (abbreviated D/A or DAC)
features that allow you to use numbers to generate DC voltages. The BASIC Stamp can
generate voltages in the 0 to 4.98 V range, and the PropScope can generate voltages in
the -1.5 to +4.7 V range.
Page 40 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Dual DAC Parts List
(2) Resistors – 1 kΩ (brown-black-red)
(2) Capacitors – 1 μF
(misc.) Jumper wires
Dual DAC Circuit
Figure 2-12 and Figure 2-13 show two BASIC Stamp resistor-capacitor D/A conversion
(RC DAC) circuits along with the PropScope probes attached for measuring the DAC
output voltages. These circuits can be useful for setting DC voltages in projects and
prototypes. Some D/A converter application examples you will see in this book include
BASIC Stamp controlled light sensor and amplifier adjustments.
CAUTION: This capacitor has a positive (+) and a negative (-) terminal. The negative
terminal is the shorter lead that comes out of the metal canister closest to the stripe with a
negative (–) sign. Always make sure to connect these terminals as shown in the circuit
diagrams. Connecting one of these capacitors incorrectly can damage it. In some circuits,
connecting this type of capacitor incorrectly and then connecting power can cause it to
rupture or even explode.
CAUTION: Do not apply more voltage to an electrolytic capacitor than it is rated to
handle. The voltage rating is printed on the side of the canister.
CAUTION: Safety goggles or safety glasses are recommended.
Disconnect power from your board.
Build the circuits shown in Figure 2-12 and Figure 2-13.
Verify that the negative terminal for each capacitor is connected to Vss before
reconnecting power to your board.
Figure 2-12
Dual DAC Circuit
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 41
Figure 2-13
Wiring Diagram
Example of Figure 2-12
Make sure to connect
the capacitors’ negative
leads (that come out of
the metal can by the ”–“
stripe) to Vss.
Example Program: Test 2 Channel Dac.bs2
The PBASIC program Test 2 Channel Dac.bs2 uses the PWM command to repeatedly set
voltages across the two capacitors in this circuit. In effect, the program uses the PWM
command to make the BASIC Stamp perform D/A conversions, setting output voltages
across the capacitors. The PWM command has three arguments, Pin, Duty, and Duration.
The Pin argument is for selecting which pin sends the PWM signal. Duty is the number of
256ths of 5 V the capacitor gets charged to, and Duration is the time the command has to
deliver the signal.
In Test 2 Channel Dac.bs2, the command PWM 15, 64, 5 sets the voltage across the
capacitor in the circuit connected to P15 to 64/256ths of 5 V. That’s 1.25 V. Likewise,
PWM 14, 192, 5 sets the voltage across the capacitor in the P14 circuit to 192/256 of
5 V. That’s 3.75 V. The Duration argument in both PWM commands is 5, which gives the
command 5 ms to charge the capacitor. You will learn more about why it needs 5 ms in
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements.
Page 42 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
The PWM command should charge the capacitor in the P15 DAC circuit to
64/256ths of 5 V, which is 1.25 V. Use a calculator to verify this voltage
Repeat for the P14 PWM command and capacitor voltage to verify the 3.75 V
Load Test 2 Channel Dac.bs2 into your BASIC Stamp.
Now that the program is running, the next step will be to test and verify the voltages
across the capacitors with the PropScope.
Test 2 Channel Dac.bs2
Set P15 capacitor voltage to 1.25 V and P14 capacitor to 3.75 V.
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
{$PBASIC 2.5}
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
DEBUG "Program running..."
' Debug Terminal message
' Main Loop
PWM 15, 64, 5
PWM 14, 192, 5
' 1.25 V to P15 capacitor
' 3.75 V to P14 capacitor
' Repeat main loop
More about how PWM works and how to use it: Different facets of setting voltages with
PWM and a resistor-capacitor (RC) DAC circuit will be explored later in this book:: Chapter
4: Pulse Width Modulation, Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements, Chapter 9: Op Amp
Building Blocks.
Further Reading and Program Examples: Look up the command in the BASIC Stamp
Editor’s Help file. Also, see Basic Analog and Digital Chapter 7; the PDF tutorial is a free
download from www.parallax.com/education.
Measure 2 BASIC Stamp DC Outputs with the PropScope
Two good tools for testing DC voltages are the Oscilloscope view’s floating cursor
shown in Figure 2-14 and the Measure tab’s Average voltage fields shown in Figure
Set both of the Vertical dials to 2 V/div.
Adjust the positions of the traces to match Figure 2-14.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 43
Point at one of the traces with your mouse. It will make the floating cursor
appear. The floating cursor will display the voltage measurements for both
traces in the upper-left of the Oscilloscope screen.
Make a note of the measured voltages. How close are they to your predictions?
Click the Measure tab below the Oscilloscope screen.
Check the average voltage measurements shown in the Average voltage fields.
Figure 2-14: Floating Cursor DC Voltage Measurements
Floating cursor and
voltage measurements
for both channels
Page 44 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 2-15
Measure Tab DC
Voltage Measurements
Average voltage
Floating Cursor vs. Measure Tab
The floating cursor displays voltage at an instant in time corresponding to your mouse
pointer’s horizontal position on the Oscilloscope screen. The Measure tab’s Average
voltage displays the calculated average of the measurements over a period of time. Since
even DC voltage fluctuates slightly, the average voltage is typically the more reliable means
of obtaining DC measurements. However, if all you need is a quick and approximate DC
voltage measurement, the floating cursor may save you a mouse click.
Your Turn: Calculate, Set and Test a Voltage with PWM
Let’s say a device needs to have 3.5 V applied to one of its inputs. You may not be able
to generate ‘exactly’ 3.5 V, but with PWM, you can probably find a digital value that will
result in an analog voltage output that is close enough. Ideally, it should be within about
19.5 mV, which is 1/256th of 5 V. Knowing that the PWM command charges the DAC
circuit’s capacitor to voltages in terms of 256ths of 5 V, we can make a formula for
calculating the PWM command’s Duty argument for a given voltage in the 0 to 5 V range.
VPWM = Duty × 5V ÷ 256
Duty = VPWM ÷ (5V÷256)
Duty = VPWM ÷ 0.01953125 V
Next, solve for Duty with VPWM = 3.5 V. You will have to round to the nearest integer
since the PWM command’s Duty argument accepts an integer value between 0 and 255.
Duty = 3.5 V ÷ 0.01953125 V = 179.2 ≈ 179
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 45
So, the command PWM 14, 179, 5 should set a voltage of just under 3.5 V at the P14
DAC circuit’s output.
Modify the PWM command to P14 in Test 2 Channel Dac.bs2 so that it transmits
3.5 V.
Test with the PropScope.
Repeat for 2.50 V.
Keep in mind that the PWM command’s Duty value represents a certain member of
19.54 mV increments. The goal is to get within about 20 mV of the target voltage.
What does LSB mean? For digital to analog (D/A) and analog to digital (A/D) converters,
an LSB describes the smallest voltage increment the device can work with. Under ideal
conditions, 0.01953125 V is the voltage level across the DAC circuit’s capacitor when
Duty = 1 in the BS2 command PWM Pin, Duty, Duration. The value 1 would be stored in
the least significant bit (LSB) of the 8-bit Duty argument that controls the voltage output.
Datasheets for D/A and A/D converters speak in terms of an LSB because their devices may
be operating on a scale that’s different from 0 to 5 V, so they keep it general. For example,
if the scale is instead 0 to 3.3 V, the number of levels might still be 256 (8-bits), but the LSB
would instead be 3.3 V ÷ 256 = 0.012890625 V. Same LSB, but a different voltage scale
results in a different voltage increment.
Set DC Voltages with the PropScope’s DAC Card
The PropScope can also set DC voltages, which is useful if a test circuit needs to be
examined with a voltage applied. To generate test voltages with the PropScope, the CH2
Probe should be disconnected from the PropScope’s CH2 input and connected to the
DAC Card’s function generator output.
Disconnect the CH2 probe from the circuit in Figure 2-13 on page 41.
Disconnect the probe from the PropScope’s CH2 BNC connector, shown in
Figure 2-16.
Connect the BNC end of the free probe to the DAC Card’s function generator
output BNC connector, also shown in Figure 2-16.
Connect the free probe end, which is now the DAC output, to the CH1 probe
using Figure 2-17 and Figure 2-18 as a guide.
If you just now plugged in the DAC Card into the PropScope, restart the
PropScope software by clicking File and selecting Reset/Identify hardware.
Page 46 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 2-16
DAC Card function
generator Output
DAC Card
PropScope DAC
Function Generator Output
Figure 2-17
Probe DAC Output
with Channel 1
Figure 2-18
Wiring Diagram for
Figure 2-17
Note that each probe
tip is permanently
connected to a
ground clip.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 47
Function generator Leads vs. Oscilloscope Probes
Oscilloscope input probes are not normally used as
function generator test leads. For best results, get a
set of BNC to alligator clip or BNC to Mini-Clip function
generator test leads. If you have a variety of lengths to
choose from, get the shortest one available.
BNC to Mini-Clip Function
Generator Test Leads
Even set to X1, the probes in your kit still have almost
100 Ω of series resistance between the function
generator output and the probe tip contact. This is fine
for transferring the measured signal to the oscilloscope
inputs. However, if the function generator is driving a
circuit that draws current, this resistance can cause a
1/10 of a volt per milliamp difference between the
function generator’s output and the voltage at the probe
tip. Although it won’t affect the measurements in this
book, it could affect other PropScope measurements.
X1 for the function generator probe: The probe connected to the DAC Card’s function
generator output should always be set to X1. If you inadvertently set it to X10, it will divide
down the voltage to 1/10 of what you would expect.
Set DC Signal with Function Generator, Probe with Channel 1
The Oscilloscope view’s Generator panel is the PropScope’s function generator control,
and it will be used to generate a variety of signals. The first one will be a simple DC test
voltage. Let’s try a 3.5 V signal. Figure 2-19 shows the settings for a 3.5 VDC signal.
Figure 2-19
DC 3.5 V with the
Function Generator
Frequency is set to 10 kHz by default, which is fine here.
Set the wave type switch to Sine.
Set the Amplitude to 0, and press Enter.
(After every adjustment to a Generator panel Frequency, Amplitude or Offset
value you have to press Enter.)
Set the Offset to 3.5.
Click the Generate button to start the digital to analog conversion.
Page 48 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
DC Voltage with the Function Generator
A function generator is a device that makes a voltage vary over time according to certain
mathematical functions. When plotted on graph paper, these functions look similar to the
square, sine, sawtooth and other voltage variation patterns that you will see on the
Oscilloscope screen when measuring a function generator’s output. We will experiment with
this, starting in the next chapter.
The function generator’s Amplitude sets the total amount of voltage fluctuation, and the
Offset sets the average voltage. The Frequency sets the rate of voltage fluctuations. So, if
the function generator transmits a 1 V amplitude square wave with a 2 V offset, the square
wave’s high signals would be 2.5 V, and its low signals would be 1.5 V. That’s a total
voltage fluctuation of 1 V, with an average value of 2 V. If you change the amplitude to zero,
the signal does not fluctuate any more, and you are left with a DC voltage at 2 V.
So long as the Amplitude is set to zero, the function generator will supply DC voltages. With
Amplitude = 0, the frequency can be any value, and it doesn’t matter whether the function is
set to Sine, Square, or Sawtooth.
Figure 2-20 shows the measured voltage with the floating cursor and Measure tab.
Set the CH1 Vertical dial to 1 V/div.
Adjust the CH1 trace’s position (point at the trace, click and drag up/down) so
that it resembles Figure 2-20.
Use your mouse to point at the Channel 1 trace to get the CH1 floating cursor
measurements. Keep in mind that this is an instantaneous measurement that will
fluctuate slightly with electrical noise and other factors.
Check the value in the Measure tab’s Channel 1 Average voltage field, and keep
in mind that this measurement is an averaged value that is more similar to a DC
voltmeter’s measurement.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 49
Figure 2-20: Channel 1 Probe of the Function Generator’s 3.5 V Output
Floating cursor
measured voltage
Your Turn: Set and Measure Different Voltages
Try setting the Offset to 3.75 V and repeat the measurements.
Many electronic products and prototypes have circuits that depend on a DC voltage that
may not be available from the device’s supply voltages. We just finished looking at one
way to provide a set voltage for such a device, with a microcontroller and DAC circuit.
However, a microcontroller D/A conversion can take I/O pins, processing time, and code.
Provided the DC voltage you need is between two of the supply voltages like (Vdd = 5 V
and Vss = 0 V) a quick solution for setting a voltage is to use two resistors in series.
Page 50 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Voltage Divider Parts List
(2) Resistors – 1 kΩ (brown-black-red)
(2) Resistors – 10 kΩ (brown-black-orange)
(1) Resistor – 2 kΩ (red-black-red)
Voltage Divider Circuit
Two resistors can be connected in series (end to end) with a voltage applied, like VI and
Vss in Figure 2-21. The voltage at the node where the two resistors meet will be
“divided” according to the voltage divider equation in the figure.
R1 R2
Figure 2-21
Voltage Divider
Circuit and Equation
The circuit in Figure 2-21 is designed to supply voltage, but not current. The RC
DAC you experimented with has a similar limitation. Many devices have voltage inputs
that are called high impedance inputs—they do not draw current, and are compatible
with voltage dividers and RC DACs.
Op amp buffer circuits will be introduced in Chapter 9. Op amp is a shortened version
of the component’s real name—operational amplifier. A buffer’s output voltage can be
determined by a voltage divider or an RC DAC, and it can maintain its output voltage
and still supply current to circuits. For example, the PropScope DAC Card’s function
generator output is buffered by an op amp, making it possible to drive DC current
loads up to about 1 mA minimal without any measurable reduction in output voltage.
If you substitute VI = Vdd = 5 V and R1 = R2 = 1 kΩ, the result of VO should be 2.5 V.
Try substituting the values into the voltage divider equation. Do your
calculations agree? What happens if you use two 10 kΩ resistors instead? How
about R1 = 1 kΩ and R2 = 2 kΩ? Also, try R1 = 2 kΩ and R2 = 1 kΩ.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 51
Figure 2-22 shows a test circuit to verify the voltage divider output with R1 = R2 = 1 kΩ,
and VI = Vdd = 5 V.
Build the circuit shown in Figure 2-22.
Figure 2-22: Voltage Divider Measurement Schematic and Wiring Diagram
Click the Generate button to turn off the function generator. The button’s color
should change from bright green to dark green.
If you have not already done so, set the Channel 1 dial to 1 V/div and adjust the
trace’s position in the oscilloscope display so that it resembles Figure 2-23.
The CH1 trace level should be about half way between the 2 and 3 V Channel 1
division lines, indicating 2.5 V.
Check the CH1 Average voltage in the Measure tab to verify.
Page 52 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 2-23: Test the Voltage Divider Output
Channel 1
to 1 V/Div
Check the Channel 1 divider
output in the Oscilloscope
Turn off the
Check the Measure tab’s
Average voltage
Not all voltage measurements will be as close as 2.49 V. Any measurement in the 2.3 to
2.7 V range indicates that the voltage divider is working. See the Voltage Divider Error
Propagation section of the Understanding Signals Supplement, which is available as a free
PDF online from the Downloads section of www.parallax.com/go/PropScope.
Your Turn: Other Resistor Combinations
Repeat the voltage divider tests for the other resistor combinations discussed at
the beginning of this activity.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 53
The Potentiometer – an Adjustable Voltage Divider
In brief, a potentiometer has a resistive element that spans its A and B terminals (see
Figure 2-24) and a knob on top for adjusting where the W terminal contacts that resistive
element. As you turn the knob one direction, the resistance between W and B decreases
while the resistance between W and A increases. Turn the knob in the other direction,
and the resistance between W and B increases as the resistance between W and A
increases. The sum of these two resistances will always add up to the resistance between
A and B, which is 10 kΩ for the potentiometer in the Understanding Signals kit.
Figure 2-24: Potentiometer Illustrations from What’s a Microcontroller?
If you connect the potentiometer’s A terminal to Vdd and the B terminal to Vss, you will
have a voltage divider output at the W terminal that you can adjust by turning the knob.
More Stamps in Class Experiments with Potentiometers. The potentiometer (pot) is
introduced as a variable resistor in What’s a Microcontroller? Chapter 5, and as a variable
voltage divider in Basic Analog and Digital, Chapters 1 and 3.
Potentiometer Voltage Parts List
(1) Potentiometer – 10 kΩ
(1) Resistor – 220 Ω (red-red-brown)
(misc.) Jumper wires
Potentiometer Voltage Test Schematic
Figure 2-25 shows a circuit with the pot’s A terminal connected to Vdd, its B terminal
connected to Vss, and its W terminal connected to the CH1 probe. The divider voltage
can be varied simply by turning the potentiometer’s knob. If you turn the knob
counterclockwise, the pot’s W terminal voltage decreases. If you turn it clockwise, the
voltage increases. By twisting the knob back and forth over its 270° range of motion,
Page 54 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
you can set a DC voltage anywhere between 0 and 5 V. Since the CH1 probe is
connected to the potentiometer’s W terminal, you can verify the voltage with the
Oscilloscope’s trace cursor, and/or the average voltage in the Measure tab.
Check the potentiometer’s legs. If the legs have little angular kinks, you can
squeeze them with pliers to straighten them out to improve the electrical contact
the legs make when you plug the pot into the breadboard, if needed.
Build the circuit in Figure 2-25.
Figure 2-25
Divider Circuit
Was it necessary to move the ground clip connection? No, the ground clip is still
connected to Vss through jumper wires, but it could just as easily be left connected to
directly to one of the Vss sockets.
Another Option: Connect ground clips to the plated holes at the corners of your board.
Like the Vss sockets, the metal in the plated holes at the each corner of your board are also
connected to your board’s negative power terminal, so they are also Vss connections.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 55
Potentiometer Voltage Measurement with the PropScope
The PropScope’s Vertical dial is still set to 50 μs. That means that the Oscilloscope
screen’s ten vertical division lines are each 50 millionths of a second apart. The trace
line crossing the screen that indicates the voltage is actually a graph of voltage
measurements over 500 μs. So, no matter how fast you turn the pot, the voltage trace on
the screen will still display as a straight line crossing the screen. The only thing that
appears to change as you adjust the pot is the flat trace line’s level. In Chapter 3, we will
use different time division settings to plot voltage variations over time, but for now, we
are just interested in the pot’s wiper terminal as a DC voltage level.
When you twist the potentiometer’s knob, make sure to press it downward onto the
breadboard so that it keeps electrical contact.
Rotate the pot’s adjustment knob back and forth from one end of its 270° range
of motion to the other. (If needed, push down on the pot as you adjust it to
maintain its electrical contacts.)
In the Oscilloscope screen, observe how the CH1 trace moves up and down.
As you adjust the pot’s knob slowly from one end of its range to the other,
monitor the voltage with the floating cursor and/or the Measure tab’s Average
voltage measurement. How does the voltage relate to the pot’s adjusting knob’s
Determining I/O Pin Threshold Voltage
A BASIC Stamp I/O pin set to input interprets voltages above 1.4 V as binary-1 and
below 1.4 V as binary-0. The 1.4 volt level is called the I/O pin’s logic threshold. This
threshold voltage level can vary slightly from one I/O pin to the next as well as from one
BASIC Stamp to the next. These variations are typically small and are unlikely to exceed
a tenth of a volt.
You can use the PropScope to determine your BASIC Stamp module’s I/O pin threshold
voltage. The circuit will need to be modified so that the pot’s W terminal is connected to
an I/O pin. Then, run a program to display the voltage state the I/O pin detects. As the
pot is adjusted, you can monitor the I/O pin state in the Debug Terminal. When the pot
reaches a position that causes the Debug Terminal to report a change in state, the W
terminal voltage has reached the I/O pin threshold. At that point, the PropScope will
display the threshold voltage.
Page 56 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Add the 220 Ω resistor shown in Figure 2-26 to connect the pot’s W terminal to
BASIC Stamp I/O pin P7.
Figure 2-26
Voltage Divider
Connected to a
I/O Pin
If you are using
a HomeWork
Board, you can
use a jumper
wire instead of
the resistor.
Why not just connect W to P7 with a wire? The 220 Ω resistor protects the I/O pin from
certain prototyping mistakes. For example, imagine that the BASIC Stamp was still loaded
with a previous program that sent a high signal to P7, so that pin ends up supplying 5 V to
this circuit. If the pot's knob is turned all the way counterclockwise, shorting W to Vss
(ground), P7 would try to supply enough current to pull the ground connection up to 5 V, and
damage itself in the effort. The 220 ohm resistor limits the current from P7 to Vss in this
situation, protecting the I/O pin.
If you have a BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board, there are 220 Ω resistors built-in to protect
the I/O pins, and you actually could use a wire instead of the 220 Ω resistor.
The next step in testing the I/O pin’s threshold voltage is to write a program that displays
the binary state the I/O pin detects (above threshold = binary-1 or below threshold =
binary-0). Test Threshold Voltage.bs2 does this with a DEBUG command that displays the
value of the BASIC Stamp IN7 register. IN7 stores the state I/O pin P7 detects.
Enter Test Threshold Voltage.bs2 into the BASIC Stamp Editor and load it into
the BASIC Stamp.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 57
' Test Threshold Voltage.bs2
' Display P7 state for testing threshold voltage.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
PAUSE 1000
' Wait 1 s before values display
' Main loop
DEBUG HOME, "State = ", BIN1 IN7
' Display state of signal at P7
' Wait 100 ms
' Repeat main loop
For more information about this program, work through Chapter 3, Activities #1 and 2 of
What’s a Microcontroller? from the PDF in the BASIC Stamp Editor Help menu.
Figure 2-27 illustrates that when you run the program, it makes the BASIC Stamp send
the Debug Terminal the “State = 1” message when the pot’s W terminal voltage is above
the threshold voltage (left) or the “State = 0” message when the voltage is below the
threshold (right).
Test this with your potentiometer.
Figure 2-27: Debug Terminal State Displays (above threshold, left; below threshold, right)
The trick to verifying the approximate threshold voltage is to adjust the pot until you find
the point where only a slight adjustment results in a state change. Turn it the slightest
amount possible to get a transition from 0 to 1 in the Debug Terminal, then check the
Page 58 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
voltage in the PropScope while the Debug Terminal displays State = 1. Turn the pot
slightly back to transition from State = 1 to State = 0, and measure the voltage in the
PropScope again. The approximate threshold voltage is the average of the two values.
Try it.
A BASIC Stamp I/O pin is designed to send a high voltage of 5 V, or a low voltage of
0 V. The I/O pin can also supply small amounts of current to circuits like indicator
lights. In this activity, you will examine the affect of the current a circuit draws on an
I/O pin’s high signal voltage level. You will also test voltages in the circuit and use them
to determine the amount of current the I/O pin supplies to the circuit.
No-Load Test
Recall that a load is a circuit that draws current when a voltage is applied to it. Therefore,
a no-load test would be measuring a voltage without any circuits connected that would
draw current. First, let’s test an I/O pin’s high signal voltage with no load applied.
We’ll use I/O pin P14. In the previous activity, this I/O pin had a circuit attached to it
that allowed it to use binary signals to control an analog voltage output. In this activity,
we are looking at the voltages of the raw binary (high/low) signals the I/O pin transmits.
No-Load Parts
(misc.) Jumper wires
No-Load Circuit
Figure 2-28 shows a no-load circuit for testing the high signal voltage transmitted by
BASIC Stamp via I/O pin P14.
Build the test circuit in Figure 2-28.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 59
Figure 2-28
No-Load Test
No-Load Test Code: High P14.bs2
High P14.bs2 is a test program uses I/O pin P14 to transmit a high signal. After the HIGH
command, STOP prevents the BASIC Stamp from automatically going into low power
mode after it runs out of commands.
Enter High P14.bs2 into the BASIC Stamp Editor, and then load the program
into your BASIC Stamp.
' High P14.bs2
' Sends a high signal to P14.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
DEBUG "Program Running!"
' Program running message
' P14 LED on
' Halt execution but don't sleep
Page 60 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
No-Load Test Measurements
Figure 2-29 shows an example of a high signal measurement with no load 5.01 V. Your
measurement value may differ slightly.
Use your PropScope to measure your I/O pin high signal with no load, and make
a note of it.
Figure 2-29
P14 High Signal Voltage
Measurement – No Load
P14 I/O pin HIGH
signal voltage
Signal Load Test Circuit Parts
(1) LED – green
(1) Resistor – 220 Ω (red-red-brown)
(misc.) Jumper wires
LED Load Circuit
Figure 2-30 shows a light emitting diode circuit with a probe connected at the junction
between P14 and the LED circuit’s input. When the I/O pin sends a high signal to this
circuit the light will turn on as a result of electric current flowing from the I/O pin,
through the circuit, and into Vss.
Build the circuit shown in Figure 2-30, and connect your PropScope probe as
Make sure to plug the LED’s shorter pin into Vss, and its longer pin into the
same row with the 220 Ω resistor.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 61
Figure 2-30: PropScope Probe Monitoring I/O Pin Voltage with LED Circuit Load
Voltage Measurements
The circuit load on the Board of Education reduced the P14 high signal to 4.34 V (Figure
2-31, top). The same circuit load on the HomeWork Board reduced the voltage to 3.32 V
(Figure 2-31, bottom). Why? Keep reading.
Make a note of the high signal voltage measurement with load for your board.
Keep in mind that your measurements may be slightly different.
Notice that the same
breadboard circuit
resulted in different
load measurements
between the Board of
Education (top) and
HomeWork Board
(bottom). This is due
to the additional
resistor that is
surface-mounted on
the HomeWork
Figure 2-31
P14 High Signal
with LED Circuit
Board of
Education (top)
Board (bottom)
Page 62 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Inside “With Load” Voltage Measurements on the Board of Education
The more current a circuit draws, the lower the I/O pin’s high signal voltage. Figure 2-32
shows how the I/O pin driver circuit inside the BASIC Stamp Interpreter chip is supplied
with 5 V. With the LED circuit’s current draw, the I/O pin driver’s output is only 4.34 V.
If you replace 220 Ω with a larger resistance, like two 220 Ω resistors in series, the LED
circuit would draw less current from the I/O Pin. So the I/O pin driver circuit would
output a high signal voltage that’s closer to 5 V. The CH1 measured voltage would
probably be in the 4.6 V neighborhood. A 1 kΩ resistor would make the LED circuit
draw even less current, and the CH1 voltage measurement would be even closer to 5 V.
Of course, we saw earlier that with no load, the high signal voltage is very close to 5 V.
Figure 2-32
I/O Pin Driver’s
Response to Current
(Board of Education)
Inside “With Load” Voltage Measurements on the HomeWork Board
The BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board has 220 Ω resistors built into the board between
the Interpreter Chip I/O pins and the I/O pin sockets you use to make connections to the
breadboard. You can see those resistors on the left of Figure 2-33. As mentioned earlier,
they help protect the I/O pins from certain prototyping mistakes.
The right side of Figure 2-33 shows the LED circuit on the BASIC Stamp HomeWork
Board. Starting inside the Interpreter chip, the LED circuit loads the I/O pin driver, so it
only outputs about 4.6 V instead of a full 5 V. The reason the voltage drops to about 3.35
V at the I/O pin socket is because the 220 Ω resistor built into the HomeWork Board is in
series with the 220 Ω resistor on the breadboard. The two resistors form a voltage
divider, and the output of that voltage divider is right at the I/O pin socket. Recall that
the voltage divider output for two equal resistors is ½ the voltage applied to both ends of
the circuit. Half the voltage between 4.6 V at the I/O pin driver’s output and 2.1 V at the
LED’s anode is about 3.35 V.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 63
Figure 2-33: I/O Pin Driver and Voltage Divider Responses to Current Load
(BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board)
220 Ω
I/O Pin
Your Turn: How Much Current Does a Single LED Draw?
In the BASIC Stamp Manual, the BASIC Stamp Model Comparison table states that the
BASIC Stamp 2 can “source” up to 40 mA per 8 I/O pin bank, or “sink” up to 50 mA.
This current could all be supplied by a single I/O pin or evenly distributed across several
I/O pins within a given bank of eight. The I/O pin banks are P0..P7 and P8..P15. Two
questions to ask before turning on both LEDs at once are: (1) how much current does the
I/O pin supply one LED circuit, and (2) would it be safe to deliver twice that current to
supply two LEDs at once?
Source and Sink:: When an I/O pin sends a high signal it acts as a current source, applying
Vdd = 5 V to the circuit. When an I/O pin sends a low signal, it acts as a current sink,
applying Vss = 0 V to the circuit.
If you can measure the voltage across a resistor, you can use the resistor’s value and
Ohm’s Law to calculate the current passing through the resistor. Ohm’s Law states that
the voltage measured across a resistor (V) is equal to the current (I) passing through the
resistor multiplied by its resistance (R). Depending on which two terms you know (or
have measured), you can rearrange the terms in Ohm’s Law to calculate the third.
Figure 2-34
Ohm’s Law for a Resistor
Page 64 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
We know the resistance R in the LED circuit, it is 220 Ω. So, the only other value we
need to calculate the current through the resistor is the voltage V across it. One quick
way to measure the voltage across the resistor is to measure the voltages at both ends of
the resistor and then subtract. The difference between the two voltages is called the
voltage drop across the resistor.
Disconnect the BNC connector from the DAC Card’s function generator port,
and connect it to the CH2 port.
Set the CH2 coupling switch to DC. It’s the sliding switch right below the CH2
Vertical dial.
Connect the CH2 probe as shown in Figure 2-35.
Figure 2-35: Measure Voltage at Both Resistor Terminals
Figure 2-36 shows the resistor voltage measurements and current calculations for the
Board of Education, and Figure 2-37 shows the same measurements and calculations for
the HomeWork Board. The voltage VR across the R = 220 Ω resistor in the LED circuit
was the Measure tab’s Channel 1 Average voltage minus the Channel 2 Average voltage
measurements. Knowing both VR and R, the calculations for IR = VR ÷ R are shown at
the right side of each figure.
Measure the voltage at both resistor terminals while the LED circuit is connected
to the I/O pin and emitting light.
Chapter 2: DC Measurements · Page 65
Calculate the voltage VR across the 220 Ω resistor by taking the difference of the
voltage at both terminals.
Use VR and Ohm’s Law to calculate the current draw for your particular circuit
and board.
Figure 2-36: Resistor Voltage Measurements and Current Calculations (Board of Education)
2.27 V 220
0.01031818...V /
0.0103 A
10.3 mA
Resistor Voltage
VR = 4.34 V – 2.07 V = 2.27 V
Figure 2-37: Resistor Voltage Measurements and Current Calculations (HomeWork Board)
1.23 V 220
0.00604545...V /
0.00605 A
6.05 mA
Resistor Voltage
VR = 3.32 V – 1.99 V = 1.33 V
The first question was, “How much current does the I/O pin supply one LED circuit?”
The answer is: about 10.3 mA on a Board of Education, or 6.05 mA on a BASIC Stamp
HomeWork Board. The second question was, “Would it be safe to deliver twice that
current to supply two LEDs at once?”
The solution is: The BASIC Stamp would have to deliver twice as much current as it does
to one LED circuit load and still not exceed 40 mA. For the Board of Education, that
would be I = 10.1 mA × 2 = 20.2 mA, which is still which is well below the BASIC
Page 66 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Stamp Manual’s stated 40 mA limit. For the BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board, it’s
I = 5.59 mA × 2 = 11.18 mA, which is even less, and well within the 40 mA limit too.
So, in both cases, the BASIC Stamp can safely deliver current to two LEDs at once.
Your Turn: More Current Measurements
Repeat by replacing the 220 Ω resistor with a 1 kΩ resistor. Could your BASIC
Stamp safely drive eight LEDs with a bank of 8 I/O pins, using 1 kΩ resistors?
This chapter examined power supply voltages and surveyed a variety of circuits and
measurement techniques for fixed DC voltages. DC voltages that were measured
included Vdd, Vin, Vss, voltage dividers outputs, and DAC circuit outputs set by the
BASIC Stamp, and the PropScope DAC Card’s DAC output. The Oscilloscope’s voltage
divisions, floating cursor, and Measure tab were used to measure these voltages. The
effects of circuit load on I/O pin high signal voltages were examined. Higher current
draws resulted in lower I/O pin driver output voltages. Ohm’s Law was used to
determine the current through a circuit by measuring the voltage at each of the resistor’s
terminals. The voltage across the resistor and its resistance can be used in I = V ÷ R to
calculate the current passing through the resistor.
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 67
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements
“Human-speed” and “electronic speed” are not really technical terms, but they can be
useful for describing the differences between signals we can and cannot quantify without
specialized equipment. Examples of human-speed signals include street lights, musical
rhythm, Morse code, and pulse rate. These signals can be quantified either intuitively,
with some training, or in the case of pulse rate, with little more than a clock that displays
seconds. Some signals seem to fall in both categories, audio tones for example.
Different tones played by an audio speaker sound like they have different pitches. So,
using just our ears, we can detect fairly subtle variations in the rate at which the speaker
vibrates. On the other hand, it would be difficult to actually count the number of speaker
vibrations per second to determine the exact frequency of the tone. That would require
some specialized equipment.
You may have already programmed the BASIC Stamp microcontroller to send and
measure signals at electronic speeds. Examples from What’s a Microcontroller? and
Robotics with the Boe-Bot include controlling servo motors, measuring light or a dial’s
position, and communicating with a digital integrated circuit. The signals in those
activities were quantified in terms of 2 microsecond (μs) increments. Typical human
reaction times might be in tenths or even hundredths of seconds, but it takes a
microcontroller or some other piece of “specialized equipment” to send or measure
signals in terms of microseconds (millionths of seconds). If the electronic speed signals
don’t work as expected, it can also be difficult to diagnose without the aid of a signal
measuring device, and that’s where the PropScope proves itself to be exceedingly useful.
Before we move on to measuring electronic speed signals, this chapter provides a survey
of many of the more commonly used PropScope measurement tools and techniques,
applied to human-speed signals with a variety of circuits. Human-speed signal
measurements provide a nice starting point with the PropScope. They make it possible to
compare things we can manually initiate and monitor against the PropScope’s graphical
display and measuring tools. Since many of the measurement techniques are the same at
both human and electronic speeds, taking human-speed measurements first provides an
opportunity to compare easily verifiable physical quantities against PropScope
measurements. Having already measured similar signals at human-speeds will also make
it easier to proceed with confidence with electronic speed measurements in later chapters.
Page 68 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
In the previous chapter, a potentiometer was wired as a voltage divider, and its W
terminal output was measured as a DC voltage. With the same wiring and a simple
adjustment of the Oscilloscope’s time scale, you can instead use the PropScope to plot
the W terminal’s voltage variations against time as you turn the pot’s knob back and
forth. So, instead of viewing the potentiometer’s W terminal as an adjustable DC voltage
signal, we will use the PropScope view it as a time-varying voltage signal.
Potentiometer Voltage Parts List
(1) Potentiometer – 10 kΩ
(misc.) Jumper wires
Potentiometer Voltage Test Schematic
Figure 3-1 is a repeat of Figure 2-25 from Chapter 2, Activity #5.
Rebuild the circuit in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1
Voltage Divider
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 69
Potentiometer Voltage Test Procedure
Figure 3-2 shows an example of a running history of potentiometer W terminal voltages
plotted by the PropScope. The wavy line is a plot of W terminal voltages over 5 seconds
as the pot’s knob is turned back and forth. Assuming your PropScope is still configured
for Chapter 2 measurements, two PropScope settings have to be adjusted for this display.
The first adjustment is to turn the oscilloscope’s Horizontal dial to 500 ms. This sets the
amount of time between two vertical lines in the oscilloscope display to 500 ms. So, the
PropScope can display 500 ms worth of voltage measurements per time division. Since
the Oscilloscope screen displays ten time divisions, it can display 5 seconds of plotted
voltage activity (500 ms/div × 10 div = 5000 ms = 5 s).
Figure 3-2: Test the Voltage Divider Output
Slide the plot area bar to
the far right.
Adjust the Horizontal scale
to 500 ms/division.
Click the Run
button to pause
the display after
filling the
screen with
varying voltage
Floating cursor
displays channel
voltages and times
Plot of potentiometer
voltage variations as
knob is twisted back
and forth
Page 70 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
When the Horizontal dial is set to 100, 200, or 500 ms, or 1 s/div, the PropScope displays
in datalogging mode, which scrolls measurements from right to left. The most recent
measurements appear on the right, and all the older measurements shift to the left. The
further left on the plot you look, the older the measurements. This is similar to the way
older polygraphs and seismographs draw plots, except that they feed paper under a pen
that the device moves according to the property it measures. The most recent
measurements are drawn by the pen, and as you look further along the paper that passed
underneath it, you are looking at older and older measurements.
To view the most recent PropScope measurements in datalogging mode, the second
adjustment you’ll have to make to get the display in Figure 3-2 is to move the Plot Area
bar to the far right of the Plot Preview so that it matches Figure 3-3. The PropScope plots
two Oscilloscope screen’s worth of measurements, and a “preview” of the entire plot is
visible in the Plot Preview. See the squiggly line passing through the Plot Preview?
That’s the entire two Oscilloscope screens’ worth of plotted potentiometer voltages. By
positioning the Plot Area bar in the Plot Preview, you choose the portion of the plot the
Oscilloscope screen shows you. When you slide the Plot Area bar to the far right, you
will see the rightmost portion of the two screens’ worth of plotted measurements. At this
position, the variations in the plotted voltages will be visible at the right side of the
Oscilloscope screen as soon as you make adjustments to the potentiometer.
Figure 3-3: Plot Preview and Plot Area Bar
Plot Preview: previews all voltage samples
Plot Area bar:
selects a portion of the preview bar
for Oscilloscope screen display.
Make sure the CH1 coupling switch is positioned at DC.
Turn channel 2 off by moving the CH2 coupling switch to Off. (The coupling
switches are below the Vertical dials.)
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 71
Set the CH1 Vertical dial to 1 V.
Set the Horizontal dial to 500 ms.
Click, hold, and drag the plot either up or down so that the dashed ground line
and dotted maximum voltage line are positioned about as shown in Figure 3-2.
to the far right of
Click, hold, and slide the plot area bar
the Plot Preview as shown in Figure 3-3.
Check the Run button, and make sure it is bright green, indicating the
oscilloscope is running.
Start twisting the potentiometer’s adjusting knob back and forth (while pressing
downward if needed to maintain electrical contact).
After the Oscilloscope screen has filled up, click the Run button again to stop the
plotting and freeze the waveform.
Point at various points on the waveform. The floating cursor should display the
voltage and time of the measurement you are pointing at.
Your Turn: Adjust the Visible Portion of the Plot with the Plot Area Bar
As mentioned earlier, the PropScope stores two Oscilloscope screens’ worth of voltage
samples. It also previews them at the top of the Oscilloscope display in the Plot Preview
shown in Figure 3-3. You can use the Plot Area bar to position the Oscilloscope screen
over any portion of the Plot Preview, and then view the corresponding portion of the
voltage plot in the Oscilloscope screen.
Click the Run button to resume plotting voltages.
Keep adjusting the potentiometer’s knob back and forth until the measurements
span the entire Plot Preview.
Stop the display again by clicking the Run Button.
Try positioning the Plot Area bar at different locations in the Plot Preview.
Compare the small plot outlined by the Plot Area bar in the Plot Preview to the
full size one in the Oscilloscope display. The portion of the plot outlined by the
Plot Area bar should be a miniature of the one in the oscilloscope display.
What if you want to check the voltage of the pot’s W terminal once every second? While
the Run button is stopped, you can use the time division lines as a guide for where to
point the floating cursor to get measurements that are one second apart. Since each time
division is 500 ms, two time divisions add up to 1 second’s worth of plotted voltage
measurements. So, use the floating cursor to point at the plot at every other vertical time
division line to check the voltage at one second intervals.
Page 72 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Now, what if you want to check voltages once every second for 10 seconds? You can
treat 0 seconds as the leftmost edge of the Oscilloscope screen when the plot area bar all
the way to the left, and treat 10 seconds as the rightmost edge when the plot area bar is all
the way to the right. You will have to reposition the Plot Area bar at least once to check
all ten measurements.
The Run button should still be stopped so that you have a frozen plot of
potentiometer measurements.
Use the Floating Cursor to check the W terminal’s voltages at seconds 0, 1, 2, 3,
and up to second 10. Reposition the Plot Area bar as needed.
At the far right of the plot, the measurements may end at a value like 9.97 s; you can use
that as your 10 second measurement.
Binary signals can be examined with an oscilloscope to get information about both timing
and voltages. If only the timing needs to be examined, a device called a logic analyzer
can be used instead. A logic analyzer doesn’t plot actual voltage values, just high and
low signal states. In this activity, you will use the Oscilloscope view to monitor both the
voltages and the timing of two binary signals. In Activity #3, you will use the
PropScope’s DAC Card and the PropScope software’s Logic Analyzer view to monitor
the high/low patterns and timing of four binary signals at once.
Parts List for Probing I/O Pins
(misc.) Jumper wires
Circuit for Probing I/O Pins
The next example program will send high and low signals to the P14 and P15 I/O pins.
Figure 3-4 shows how to connect the CH1 and CH2 probes directly to the I/O pin sockets
so that you can monitor the signals with the PropScope.
Connect the Probes as shown in Figure 3-4.
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 73
Figure 3-4:
PropScope Probes
Connected to Two
I/O Pins
Example Program: Alternate High Low Signals.bs2
The PBASIC program Alternate High Low Signals.bs2 contains a loop that starts by
sending a high signal to P14 and a low signal to P15. After a 500 ms pause, it changes
the P14 signal to low and the P15 signal to high. After another 500 ms pause, the
program repeats the same signal sequence. Since the HIGH, LOW, and PAUSE commands
are all in a DO…LOOP, the sequence repeats indefinitely.
Enter and run Alternate High Low Signals.bs2.
' Alternate High Low Signals.bs2
' Alternate the high/low signals transmitted by P14 and P15 and repeat
' indefinitely. Signal transitions separated by 500 ms pauses.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
DEBUG "Program Running!"
' Program running message
' Main loop
LOW 15
' P14 LED on
' P15 LED off
' Wait 0.5 seconds
Page 74 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
LOW 14
' P14 LED off
' P15 LED on
' Wait 0.5 seconds
' Repeat main loop
For more information about this program, work through Chapter 2, Activities #1 and 2 of
What’s a Microcontroller? from the PDF in the BASIC Stamp Editor Help menu.
Oscilloscope Voltage Measurements
Let’s examine the signals the BASIC Stamp transmits as it runs Alternate High Low
Signals.bs2. Figure 3-5 shows the Oscilloscope view’s representation of the high/low
voltages transmitted by the BASIC Stamp as it executes the program. The channel 1
trace is monitoring the P15 signal, and the channel 2 trace is monitoring P14. When the
channel 1 voltage is high, the voltage is 5 V. When it’s low, its 0 V. The same applies to
channel 2, except when the channel 2 signal is high, the channel 1 signal is low. The
waveform this signal pattern generates is called a square wave.
If the plot is currently stopped, click the Run button to restart it.
Restart the Channel 2 trace by moving the coupling switch below the CH2
Vertical dial from Off to DC.
Verify that the Horizontal dial is still set to 500 ms.
Set both Vertical dials to 5 V.
Click and drag the traces up/down to arrange them as shown in Figure 3-5.
Verify that the high signal for each trace is 5 V, and the low signal for each trace
is 0 V. (Remember that the voltage scale for the channel 1 trace is on the left of
the Oscilloscope screen and the scale for the channel 2 trace is on the right.)
Figure 3-6 shows the Oscilloscope view’s Measure tab, which now has more useful
voltage information. The highest voltage (Vmax) is 5.01 V, and the lowest voltage
(Vmin) is 0 V. The peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp), is the difference between Vhigh and
Vlow, and it’s 5.01 V. The Average voltage no longer represents a DC voltage. Now it
represents the average of the channel’s voltage over time, which is 2.52 V in the figure.
Since the signal is 5 V half the time, and 0 V, the other half of the time, it stands to
reason that the ‘average’ voltage of half way between these two values would be about
2 ½ volts.
Click the Measure tab.
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 75
Check the voltages for each channel in the Measure tab, and make sure they
agree with what you see on the Oscilloscope screen.
Figure 3-5: Binary Signals in the Oscilloscope view
Channel 1 (P14) low
Channel 2 (P15) high
Channel 1 high
Channel 2 low
Figure 3-6
Measure tab
Voltage Info for
Binary Signal
Average is now ~½ of Vmax – Vmin
Page 76 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Your Turn: A Closer Look at Average Voltage
What happens to the Average voltage if the P14 signal is high less than half the time?
Try making it high 1/5th of its cycle time—the cycle time is the amount of time a signal
takes to repeat itself—and see what happens to the Average voltage measurement.
Save a copy of Alternate High Low Signals.bs2 under a new name.
In the copied program, change the first PAUSE command to PAUSE 100.
Change the second PAUSE command to PAUSE 400.
Load the modified program into the BASIC Stamp.
Check the Measure tab. Is the Channel 2 Average voltage close to 1 V?
How about the Channel 1 signal’s Average voltage, is it now close to 4 V?
Compare the amount of high time the Channel 1 and Channel 2 traces spend
during their cycle times.
Try the high time and cycle time values in this equation for average voltage:
Average voltage = 5 V × (high time ÷ cycle time)
Reload the unmodified version of Alternate High Low Signals.bs2 into the
BASIC Stamp before you continue. Both PAUSE commands should be
PAUSE 500.
Oscilloscope Frequency Measurements
For a signal that repeats itself periodically (a periodic signal), its cycle time is also called
its period. Again, that’s the amount of time it takes a signal to repeat itself. A signal’s
frequency is the number of times it repeats in one second.
The Measure tab’s Period and Frequency measurements for Channel 1 are pointed out in
Figure 3-7. The PBASIC code in Alternate High Low Signals.bs2 sets each I/O pin
output state, pauses for 500 ms (1/2 a second), then inverts the I/O pin output states and
pauses another 500 ms before repeating. Since the program makes the signal repeat after
two half-second intervals, its period should be close to 2 × ½ second = 1 second.
The Measure tab provides a quick verification that the program is in fact repeating its
signals with a period of one second (1 s). Since the signal takes about one second to
repeat itself, the frequency is also close to one repetition per second—one hertz (1 Hz).
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 77
Figure 3-7: Measure Tab Frequency Info for 1 Hz Binary Signal
Periodic Signal: A signal that repeats itself at regular time intervals, that is, periodically.
Cycle: A repetition of the signal.
Period: The time it takes for one cycle (repetition) of a periodic signal. You will see the
terms period and cycle time used interchangeably in this book.
Frequency: They number of times in a second a signal repeats itself.
Hertz: A measurement of frequency in cycles per second.
Period (T) is the reciprocal of frequency (f), and vice-versa.
In other words, if you divide period into 1, you get frequency, and if you divide frequency into
1, you get period.
So, if you know the period is 100 ms = 0.1 second, you can use f = 1 ÷ T to calculate the
frequency f = 1 ÷ 0.1 s = 10 Hz. Likewise, if you know the frequency is 10 Hz, divide it into
1, and you will get a period of 0.1 s, which is 100 ms.
Adjust the Signal Frequency, Adjust the Display
Next, let’s examine what happens if both PAUSE commands in Alternate High Low
Signals.bs2 get reduced to PAUSE 50.
Save another copy of Alternate High Low Signals.bs2.
In this version, change both PAUSE commands to PAUSE 50.
Load the modified program into the BASIC Stamp.
Page 78 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 3-8 shows how the higher frequency signals end up looking pretty cramped on the
Oscilloscope screen. With 500 ms/division, the Oscilloscope is showing the signal’s
activity over 5 seconds. In that amount of time, a signal that repeats every tenth of a
second ends up repeating 50 times.
Figure 3-8
50 Cycles on the
Oscilloscope screen
Looks a little cramped,
doesn’t it?
When a signal repeats itself too quickly to see clearly in the Oscilloscope screen, the
horizontal dial should be adjusted to a smaller time increment. It’s usually best to pick a
time increment that accommodates two cycles. Since our square wave now has a period
of 1/10th of a second (100 ms), the ideal setting would be one that makes the Oscilloscope
screen 2/10ths of a second or 200 ms wide. Remember: the Horizontal dial selects the
time per division, which is 1/10th of the Oscilloscope screen. So, to display two cycles,
set the Horizontal dial to 1/10th of 200 ms, which is 20 ms.
Stop here and about the main points in the previous paragraph:
Step 1: Figure out how much time a couple of signal cycles will take.
Step 2: Divide that value by 10 to get your Horizontal dial setting.
Again, the Horizontal dial sets the time /division, which is 1/10th the
width of the Oscilloscope display.
Set the Horizontal dial to 20 ms.
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 79
Check the time scale at the bottom of the Oscilloscope screen. Is it 200 ms
The PropScope is now plotting in oscilloscope Mode, not datalogging mode.
The PropScope only plots in datalogging mode (from right to left) for the 200 ms/div, 500
ms/div, and 1 s/div.
For all other Horizontal dial settings, the PropScope plots measurements in oscilloscope
mode, from left to right. In this mode, the display does not actually scroll. It only updates
the display when all the measurements in the plot have been acquired.
Oscilloscope Trigger and Settings
That may have solved cramped display problem, but now the signal isn’t staying still in
the Oscilloscope screen! Now that the oscilloscope is at a Horizontal setting below 200
ms/div, it is functioning in oscilloscope mode, refreshing the display only after it has
acquired all the measurements, and displaying those measurements from left to right. So
instead of evenly scrolling, it now skips each time the display updates.
Taking measurements on a waveform that jumps around like that could be nerve
wracking. So, oscilloscopes have a built-in feature called a trigger. An oscilloscope
trigger aligns the plot to an instant when the voltage either rises above or falls below a
certain level. It also makes periodic signals like our square wave signal stay still in the
Oscilloscope screen. Try this:
Click the Trigger settings tab, and set the Mode to Continuous, the Edge to Rise,
the Level to Auto, and the Source to CH1.
The display should now stay still in the Oscilloscope screen. Two new controls should
have also appeared, the Trigger Voltage level control and the Trigger Time control .
These controls set the time and voltage that the signal has to pass through to “trigger” a
refresh of the display—a trigger event. The Trigger Voltage control should have
appeared to the left of the channel 1 trace as shown in Figure 3-9, and the Trigger Time
control should have appeared in the Plot Preview. The Plot Area bar may have
repositioned to its default position, which is all the way to the left of the Plot Preview,
and the Trigger Time control will probably be positioned most of the way to the left in
the Plot Area bar.
Page 80 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 3-9: Trigger Setting Adjustments
Trigger Time
Trigger Voltage
Level control
Trigger settings
Let’s talk about what each of those Trigger tab settings and the two trigger controls do.
The Source is CH1, meaning that the PropScope monitors channel 1 for a trigger event.
Since Edge has been set to Rise, that trigger event happens when the voltage rises above
a certain voltage. What voltage? With the Level set to automatic, the oscilloscope uses
the signal’s average voltage to set that voltage. (Yes, it’s the same average voltage you
would see in the Measure tab’s Average voltage field.) As proof, notice on the left that
the Trigger Voltage control has been automatically positioned at the halfway point
between the channel 1 high and low signals. The Trigger tab’s Mode is Continuous,
which means as soon it’s done plotting measurements, it will start checking for another
trigger event.
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 81
As soon as the PropScope is done with its current plot, it starts looking for another trigger
event. Since the Trigger Voltage level is set to automatic, that’ll be at about 2.5 V for the
signal we are currently plotting. By adjusting the Trigger Time control, you’ll be able to
see where the trigger event occurs. Figure 3-10 shows an example of the crosshairs that
appears as you point at the Trigger Time control. These crosshairs indicate the Trigger
Time and Voltage level. Since the Trigger tab’s Edge has been set to Rise with a Source
of CH1, the channel 1 voltage passes through the crosshairs as it transitions from low to
Point at the Trigger Time control to see the trigger crosshairs.
Click, hold and slide left/right to adjust the Trigger Time
crosshair’s position.
Trigger Voltage crosshair
Trigger Time crosshair
Figure 3-10
Adjusting the Trigger
The vertical and
horizontal crosshairs
that indicate the trigger
time and voltage move
when you adjust the
Trigger Time and the
Trigger Voltage
controls. Here we are
only adjusting the
Trigger Time control
because the Trigger
Level is set to Auto.
If the Trigger Time control is not already in the Plot Area bar, click and hold the
Trigger Time control, and drag it into the Plot Area bar.
Point at the Trigger Time control with your mouse.
A pair of crosshairs should appear in the Oscilloscope screen. These crosshairs
should intersect at the location of the trigger event.
Click, hold and drag the Trigger Time control left and right, but keep it inside
the Plot Area bar.
Page 82 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
As you move the Trigger Time control back and forth, the vertical Trigger Time
Crosshair should move with it. The low to high transition in the channel 1 trace
should also move with it.
Since typical oscilloscope measurements examine what the signal does after the trigger
event, it’s usually a good idea to move the Plot Area bar to the far left of the Plot
Preview, and to position the Trigger Time control near the left side of the Plot Area bar.
This will make the signal that follows the trigger event visible on the Oscilloscope screen
If it’s not already in that position, slide the Plot Area bar all the way to the left in
the Plot Preview.
Slide the Trigger Time control to the position shown in Figure 3-11.
As you slide the Trigger Time control into the Plot Area bar, the pair of
crosshairs should that indicate the trigger voltage and time should reappear.
Adjust the Trigger Time control’s position slightly to make the vertical trigger
time crosshair (and the Channel 1 signal’s rising edge) align with the 2nd time
division line.
Slide Trigger Time
control here.
Slide the plot area bar to
the far left.
Figure 3-11
Adjusting the Trigger
Time control’s Position
Use Trigger Time control to align
rising edge with second time
division line.
After you slide the Plot
Area bar all the way to
the left, slide the Trigger
Time control to the
approximate position
shown in the Plot Area
bar. Then, slowly
adjust it until the vertical
trigger time crosshair
and the rising edge of
the channel 1 trace
aligns with the 2 time
division line.
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 83
If you ever want to check the current Trigger Time or Voltage settings, you can use
your mouse to point at the Plot Preview or any of the scales (numbers around the plot).
When you do that, it makes the Trigger Crosshairs appear. The vertical crosshair indicates
the trigger time, and the horizontal crosshair indicated the trigger voltage level.
With the Trigger Level set to Auto, the PropScope software positions the trigger voltage
level control icon at the signal’s average voltage, which is currently half way between the
channel 1 low and high voltage levels. Inside the trigger voltage level control icon is a
line that transitions from low to high . This indicates that the Trigger Edge has been
set to Rise, which in turn means that the PropScope software will wait until it detects a
voltage passing through the voltage crosshair’s level as it is increasing. The display then
aligns that rising edge with the vertical time and horizontal voltage trigger crosshair
intersection, and it positions the rest of the plot accordingly.
Try adjusting the Trigger Edge to Fall. You can do this by setting the Edge
switch in the Trigger tab. What happened to the Channel 1 trigger edge?
Change the Trigger Edge back to Rise. See the difference?
Figure 3-12 shows the Measure tab with the modified program still running. The period
it displays is 101 milliseconds (ms). Both PAUSE command Duration arguments in the
program were reduced from 500 to 50, so the signal should repeat itself about every
100 ms. The time it takes the BASIC Stamp to process and execute all the commands in
the DO…LOOP that switch the I/O pins on/off apparently add up to an additional
millisecond. So, the 101 ms value displayed in the Measure tab’s Period field is verifies
that the BASIC Stamp program is doing what it’s supposed to.
Figure 3-12
Measure tab Frequency
and Period for Channel 1
… with High Low 100 ms
Cycles.bs2 running.
Page 84 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
A signal that lasts about 1/10th of a second repeats about 10 times in a second. If the
signal takes a little longer than 1/10th of a second, the frequency is going to repeat slightly
less than 10 times per second, so the 9.87 Hz value in the Measure tab’s Frequency field
also verifies that the program is working correctly.
Notice that the Channel 1 frequency displays as 9.87 Hz while the Channel 2 frequency,
which should be the same, displays at 9.78 Hz. The Measure tab’s automated
measurements are for getting a rough idea what the signal is doing— a small discrepancy
like this is not a big deal. Tools and techniques for more precise measurements will be
introduced at various points throughout the book.
Look back at Figure 3-11 on page 82. Notice that each signal has a visible falling edge, a
rising edge, and another falling edge. These edges are also called positive and negative
edges. If the Trigger Time control is adjusted so that the second falling edge is not on the
Oscilloscope screen, the Measure tab will not update the period and frequency
information for the signal. This can also happen if you reduce the time divisions
(Horizontal dial) too far.
Count the number of falling edges visible for in the channel 1 trace. There
should be 2.
Slowly adjust the Trigger Time control to the right until the Measure tab’s
Channel 1 period and frequency measurements disappear.
Count the number of consecutive falling edges visible for that signal in the
Oscilloscope screen.
Repeat for channel 2.
When you are done, readjust the Trigger Time control so that it makes the
vertical trigger crosshair line up with the second time division line.
Your Turn: Increase the Frequency Again
Setting the Horizontal dial improperly is a really easy mistake to make, and it can lead to
incorrect or confusing measurements. So it’s a good idea to practice the steps in this
Save another copy of High Low 100 ms Cycles.bs2.
Repeat the process of increasing the frequency again, this time by reducing the
PAUSE commands to PAUSE 5.
Predict the signal period based on a signal that’s low for 5 ms and high for 5 ms
before it repeats.
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 85
Multiply your predicted signal period by 2, because we want to start by
displaying about 2 cycles in the Oscilloscope screen.
Divide the amount of time the oscilloscope should display by 10 to get the per
division value for the Horizontal dial setting.
The actual signal period will be slightly longer than predicted because of the time it takes
for the BASIC Stamp to process all the commands: DO…LOOP, HIGH, LOW, PAUSE, etc.
This will also make your measured frequency slightly lower than the one you calculated.
Many systems have microcontrollers that exchange information with integrated circuits
and other microcontrollers using several I/O lines. The fact that the signals are 5 V when
high and 0 V when low isn’t in question, but the timing of these high and low signals
might be causing problems with the data exchange. The tool for measuring high/low
signals on multiple lines is called a logic state analyzer, which is abbreviated LSA and
often referred to as just a “logic analyzer.”
Logic analyzers are especially useful for examining binary communication between
devices. This type of communication typically involves the exchange of binary values
(high/low signals) over multiple signal lines. The upcoming chapters on synchronous
and asynchronous serial communication will rely on the PropScope’s logic analyzer
features. The signals in those chapters occur at electronic speeds, which are much faster
than you could observe with, say, an LED.
In this activity, we’ll use the logic analyzer with a human-speed example that involves
the pushbutton and LED circuits from What’s a Microcontroller? Chapter 3. The
PBASIC program for the BASIC Stamp will monitor the pushbutton circuits and blink
one of two indicator lights when one of two pushbuttons is pressed and held. The logic
analyzer will be used to monitor and display the signal activity (buttons pressed/not
pressed and lights on/off) as the application runs.
For more information about this circuit and program, work through Chapter 3, Activities
#1–4 of What’s a Microcontroller? from the PDF in the BASIC Stamp Editor Help menu.
Page 86 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Pushbutton and LED Parts
(2) Pushbuttons – normally open
(2) Resistors – 10 kΩ (brown-black-orange)
(4) Resistors – 220 Ω (red-red-brown)
(2) LEDs – any color
(misc.) Jumper wires
Pushbutton and LED Circuit
Figure 3-13 shows a schematic of four binary circuits, two LED indicator lights and two
pushbuttons. It also shows connections between these circuits and the PropScope DAC
Card’s four logic analyzer channel inputs, which are the sockets labeled 1 through 4.
There is also a mandatory common ground connection, which is the wire between Vss on
your board and G on the DAC Card. Vss is your board’s ground, and G is the DAC
Card’s Logic Analyzer ground connection. Figure 3-14 shows a wiring diagram example
for the same circuit. These connections will make it possible to view plots of the binary
signal exchange between the circuits and the BASIC Stamp I/O pins with the PropScope
software’s LSA (logic state analyzer) feature.
Build the circuit and make the DAC Card connections shown in Figure 3-13 and
Figure 3-14.
The DAC Card’s 1 to 4 inputs will be displayed as logic analyzer channels 1 through 4.
The socket labeled G is the logic analyzer’s ground connection, and it should be connected
to your boards Vss ground. This gives the systems a “common ground” so that the logic
analyzer has a 0 V reference to compare the voltage signals it measures.
Figure 3-13: Pushbutton and LED Circuit with Logic State Analyzer Connections
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 87
Logic State
Inputs 0..3
and Common
Ground (G)
Figure 3-14
Example for
the Figure
The “DAC” in DAC Card stands for Digital to Analog Conversion and refers to the card’s
ability to set voltages and synthesize signals with the function generator. This card is really
more of a multipurpose card with DAC being one of its features. Other features include:
external trigger—an input that can be used to trigger oscilloscope measurements, a video
generator signal output, and a 4-channel logic analyzer input.
When the DAC Card is in use, PropScope CH2 is disabled. You can still take
measurements with CH1, just not CH2.
Example Program: PushbuttonControlOfTwoLeds.bs2
This example program from What’s a Microcontroller? makes the P14 LED blink on/off
at 10 Hz while the P3 LED is pressed, or it makes the P15 LED blink on/off at 10 Hz
while the P4 button is pressed.
Enter and run PushbuttonControlOfTwoLeds.bs2.
Verify that the P15 LED blinks while the P4 pushbutton is pressed and held.
Verify P14 LED control with the P3 pushbutton.
Page 88 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
' What's a Microcontroller - PushbuttonControlOfTwoLeds.bs2
' Blink P14 LED if P3 pushbutton is pressed, or blink P15 LED if
' P4 pushbutton is pressed.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
PAUSE 1000
' Wait 1 second before DEBUG
' Main loop
' Top-left position in terminal
' Display IN4 = value
' Display IN3 = value
IF (IN3 = 1) THEN
LOW 14
LOW 15
' Turn P14 and P15 LEDs off
' Wait another 1/20th second
If P3 button pressed
P14 LED on
Wait 1/20th of a second
Else if P4 button pressed
P15 LED on
Wait 1/20th of a second
Else no buttons pressed
Just wait 1/20 seconds
No more conditions in chain
' Repeat main loop
Logic Analyzer Measurements
Figure 3-15 shows a plot of the binary pushbutton and LED circuit activity in the
PropScope software’s Logic Analyzer view.
Click the Logic Analyzer tab.
Set the Horizontal dial to 500 ms.
to the far-right of the Logic State
Slide the plot area bar
Analyzer’s left…right range
Try briefly pressing and holding each button, and verify that the Logic Analyzer
view correctly reports the binary activity you create on your board.
Also watch the LED activity as you press and hold a pushbutton, and make sure
to check the Debug Terminal display too.
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 89
Figure 3-15: Pushbutton and LED Activity in the Logic Analyzer View
P15 LED (i0) blinks while P4
button (i2) is pressed and held
P14 LED (i1) blinks while P3
button (i3) is pressed and held
Your Turn: Find and Fix the Bug!
PushbuttonControlOfTwoLeds.bs2 has a bug discussed and fixed in What’s a
Microcontroller? Chapter 3, Activity #4. The bug is that only one LED blinks when both
buttons are pressed.
Use your PropScope’s Logic Analyzer to view this symptom as you press and
hold both buttons. Only one of the signals monitoring LED circuits should
toggle even though both i3 and i4 signals are high.
Correct the problem in the PBASIC code, and load the modified code into the
BASIC Stamp. Hint: Either break the IF…THEN…ELSE…ENDIF block into two
separate IF…THEN…ELSE blocks, or look up the other solution near the end of
Activity #4 in What’s a Microcontroller? Chapter 3.
Use your PropScope’s Logic Analyzer view to demonstrate that the modified
code corrected the problem.
Page 90 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
The same digital to analog conversion features we used to set DC voltages in Chapter 2,
Activity #4 can also be used to synthesize time-varying waveforms.
DAC Parts List
(1) Resistor – 1 kΩ (brown-black-red)
(1) Capacitor – 1 μF
(misc.) Jumper wires
DAC Circuit
Figure 3-16 shows a schematic and wiring diagram of one BASIC Stamp D/A conversion
(DAC) circuit along with a PropScope probe attached for measuring the DAC output
Build the circuit shown in Figure 3-16.
Verify that the negative terminal of the capacitor is connected to Vss before
reconnecting power to your board.
Figure 3-16
Here is a program that repeatedly sweeps the PWM command’s Duty value from 0 to 255.
This in turn sweeps the voltage across the capacitor from 0 to 4.98 V, creating a voltage
waveform that can be viewed with the Oscilloscope.
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 91
Enter and run Test Saw Tooth.bs2
' Test Saw Tooth.bs2
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
dacV VAR Byte
' Byte variable declaration.
PAUSE 1000
DEBUG "Program running..."
' 1 s before DEBUG
' Debug Terminal message
' Main loop
' dacV variable sweeps from 0 to 255, DAC output sweeps from
' 0/256 to 255/256 X 5 V.
FOR dacV = 0 TO 255
' FOR...NEXT loop repeats 255x
PWM 14, dacV, 1
' dacV sweeps from 0 to 255
' Next repetition
' Repeat main loop
Isn’t it supposed to be PWM 14, dacV, 5? According to the 5 × R × C guideline, yes.
However, this program is repeatedly applying PWM signals in rapid succession, and one
PWM command only varies slightly from the next. So, this program can get away with a
shorter Duration argument in the PWM commands.
The Oscilloscope screen in Figure 3-17 shows a 2 second time window, which means that
the oscilloscope’s Plot Preview spans 4 seconds. This time, the Plot Area bar is on the
left with the Horizontal dial set to 200 ms/div. So, it may take a couple of seconds before
the waveform appears. The signal will first be visible in the Plot Preview as it makes its
way toward the Oscilloscope screen. Your tasks are to:
Change the Trigger tab’s Mode setting from Continuous to Off.
Slide the Plot Area bar to the far left of the Plot Preview.
Adjust the Horizontal dial to 200 ms/division.
Adjust the CH1 Vertical dial to 2 V/division.
Set the CH2 Vertical coupling switch to Off.
Wait a couple of seconds for the waveform to make its way from the right of the
Plot Preview and into the Plot Area bar and your Oscilloscope screen.
Click the Run button to freeze the display, and then examine the signal.
Page 92 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 3-17: P14 DAC Test Saw Tooth Output on Channel 1 Trace.
Your Turn: Sawtooth vs. Triangle Wave
The saw tooth function in Figure 3-17 ramps slowly upward from 0 V to 4.98 V and then
dives back to 0 V. In contrast, a triangle wave ramps slowly up, and then ramps slowly
back down again. You can add a second FOR…NEXT loop after the first one to make the
waveform ramp back down for a triangle wave.
Save Test Saw Tooth.bs2 as Test Ramping.bs2.
Insert this FOR…NEXT loop after the first one. This loop should occupy new lines
between the NEXT and LOOP commands in the existing program.
FOR dacV = 254 TO 1
PWM 14, dacV, 1
' FOR...NEXT loop repeats 255x
' dacV sweeps from 0 to 255
' Next repetition
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 93
Load the modified program into the BASIC Stamp, and remember to give the
new waveform a couple of seconds to make its way across the Plot Preview and
into the Oscilloscope screen.
Why does the second FOR…NEXT loop count from 254 down to 1? On the way up, the
first FOR…NEXT loop took the dacV variable from 0 to 255, so on the way down, the second
loop only needs to step from 254 down to 1.
PropScope Function Generator Waveforms
The PropScope’s DAC Card and Generator panel can be used to generate square, sine,
and saw tooth waves. The Generator panel also has a custom setting that you can use to
draw your own waveform with the Edit feature. Many circuit tests involve applying a
signal and examining the effect on the output. So, the PropScope’s function generator
feature is exceedingly useful for applying a signal to the circuit’s input. Then, the
circuit’s output can be examined with the oscilloscope channel 1.
Repeat the five checklist instructions in the Set DC Voltages with the
PropScope’s DAC Card section on page 45.
If the Run button is off, click it to restart the oscilloscope.
Figure 3-18 shows a 20 Hz sawtooth waveform generated by the DAC Card’s DAC
output and monitored and displayed by Channel 1.
In the Generator panel, set the slider to Sawtooth, the Frequency to 20 Hz,
Amplitude to 3, Offset to 0, and then click Generate.
Set the Horizontal dial to 20 ms, and the Vertical CH1 dial to 1 V.
Click the Trigger tab and set the Mode to Continuous, Edge to Rise, Level to
Auto, and Source to CH1.
Adjust the Trigger Time so that the vertical trigger crosshair aligns with the
second time division line.
Page 94 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 3-18: Sawtooth Waveform
The sawtooth wave in Figure 3-18 has a peak-to-peak amplitude of 3 V. True to its
name, the peak-to-peak amplitude is the voltage between the top and bottom voltage
peaks. This waveform swings from about 1½ V above the 0 V ground line to about 1½ V
below, so its amplitude is a total of 2 × 1½ V = 3 V.
Try decreasing the amplitude to 2 V, and observe the result.
Try decreasing the amplitude to 1 V, and observe the result again.
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 95
3 V amplitude
(from –1.5 V to + 1.5 V)
Figure 3-19
Sawtooth Wave
with 3 V Amplitude
The DAC Card can generate signals that fit into one of two ranges:
–1.5 V to + 1.5 V
0 V to 4.7 V
If the amplitude or offset settings exceed the limits, the PropScope software will display an
error message. For example, if you tried to enter a 5 V amplitude and a 3 V offset, it would
display the error. A 5 V amplitude with a 3 V offset means that the signal should swing from
0.5 V to 5.5 V. That’s the DC offset of 3 V + 2.5 V for the top peak and 3 V – 2.5 V for the
bottom peak.
The sawtooth wave’s Offset setting is currently 0 V. DC offset is a DC voltage
component that can be added to the signal. Let’s see what happens when you add a 2.5 V
DC offset to the signal.
Adjust the Generator panel’s Offset to 2.5.
You may need to wait a moment for the display to refresh.
The frequency adjustment is also simple. Let’s try these values in the Generate panel’s
Frequency field: 10 Hz, 15 Hz, 20 Hz, 25 Hz, 30 Hz.
Examine the Oscilloscope display as you enter each successive value into the
Generator panel’s Frequency field. Make sure to press the Enter key on your
keyboard after typing each new value.
How does the appearance of the waveform change with higher and lower
Page 96 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Your Turn: Other Waveforms
You can make similar adjustments to the Sine, Square, and Custom waveforms. First set
the Offset, Amplitude and Frequency values:
Set Offset to 2.5 V, Amplitude to 4 V, and Frequency to 20 Hz.
Next, move the slider switch to the different waveforms and observe the change in the
Set the Generator slider to Sine. Remember to wait a moment for the screen to
Set the Generator slider to Square.
Set the Generator to Custom, click Edit, and draw a waveform in the Waveform
Editor with your mouse. Click Update to make the DAC Card start transmitting
your custom waveform.
What could be more “Human-speed” than a heartbeat signal? Modern heart monitors are
oscilloscopes with special features and specialized probes to filter and amplify the very
small electrical signals from contact points on the body. The BASIC Stamp can be
programmed to emulate an amplified heartbeat signal with its PWM command and DAC
circuit. Displaying and examining a heartbeat signal like the one in Figure 3-20 with the
PropScope provides an example of why it’s important to understand basic manual
measurement techniques and not depend too heavily on an oscilloscope’s automated
Figure 3-20
BASIC Stamp Generated
Heartbeat Signal in the
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 97
Probe Adjustments
This activity relies on the BASIC Stamp DAC circuit from the previous activity.
If you have not already done so, reconnect the CH1 probe to the P14 DAC
circuit output. (See Set DC Voltages with the PropScope’s DAC Card, page 45.)
Example Program: Test Heartbeat.bs2
Test Heartbeat.bs2 emulates a heartbeat signal by fetching successive values from the
heartbeat DATA directive near the bottom of the program. This DATA is stored in an
unused portion of the BASIC Stamp module’s EEPROM program memory and the READ
command uses an address of heartbeat + index to retrieve each value. The FOR…NEXT
loop increments the index variable from 0 to 99, so the READ command fetches the next
value in the list each time through the FOR…NEXT loop. The READ command also places
the value it fetched from EEPROM into the dacV variable each time through the
FOR…NEXT loop. Then, the PWM command uses the dacV variable to modify the voltage
across the DAC circuit’s capacitor. Since the entire FOR…NEXT loop is nested in a
DO…LOOP, the signal repeats itself indefinitely.
Load Test Heartbeat.bs2 into the BASIC Stamp.
' Test Heartbeat.bs2
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
index VAR Byte
dacV VAR Byte
' Variable declarations
PAUSE 1000
DEBUG "Program running..."
' Delay before first message
' Debug Terminal message
FOR index = 0 TO 99
READ heartbeat + index, dacV
PWM 14, dacV, 1
Main loop
Repeat 99x, sweep index var
Read index value from heartbeat
Fetched READ value sets DAC
Wait 5 ms before next iteration
Next iteration
Repeat main loop
' Hand digitized values from an ECG printout.
heartbeat DATA 060, 063, 067, 069, 075, 077, 080, 082, 082, 080,
075, 070, 063, 061, 061, 061, 061, 061, 061, 061,
054, 044, 035, 130, 229, 183, 085, 013, 037, 060,
Page 98 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
The DATA table in Test Heartbeat.bs2 was developed by treating an electrocardiograph
printout as a series of values plotted on a graph. The graph used a vertical scale of 0 to
255, so that it would fit nicely into the PWM command’s Duty argument for generating
voltages from 0 to 255 (0/255ths to 255/255ths of 5 V). Some head and foot room was
incorporated into the vertical scale so that the DAC output did not reach all the way to 0
or 255. The lowest value is 13 and the highest is 229.
Measure the Simulated Heartbeat Signal
Figure 3-21 shows the PropScope settings to display the heartbeat. Remember that you
can adjust the waveform’s vertical position by sliding it up/down with your mouse. Just
point at either the waveform or the dashed ground line for that channel, then click, hold,
and drag.
Update your PropScope settings to match Figure 3-21. Pay close attention to the
Horizontal and CH1 Vertical scales, the Plot Area bar’s position, and the vertical
position of the waveform.
If the Run button is off, click it to restart the display.
Locate the frequency for Channel 1 in the Measure tab. What’s the patient’s
heart rate according to the automated Measure tab?
The Trigger tab’s Mode setting automatically turns off when the Horizontal dial is set to
200 ms or larger. That’s because the oscilloscope goes into datalogging mode with time
scales of 200 ms/div or larger, and datalogging mode is not compatible with triggers. A
trigger aligns the rest of the plot around some trigger condition in oscilloscope mode. In
datalogging mode, the oscilloscope scrolls continuously, so it cannot be forced to align with
a particular trigger event.
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 99
Figure 3-21: Pulse Rate in Measure Tab is Not Correct
Beware of Automated Measurements
If we rely on the Measure tab for this patient’s heart rate, it would be a frequency of
2.19 Hz. That’s 2.19 beats per second × 60 seconds/minute = 125.4 beats per minute.
That’s a reasonable heart rate for exercise, but if this patient is in a hospital bed, it could
indicate a problem. Fortunately for our patient, this measurement is not correct.
From the PropScope’s standpoint, it is an understandable measurement because the
PropScope correctly calculated the average voltage of this signal to be 1.32 V, and it is
counting the number of times per second the voltage crosses this level. However, that’s
not the right measurement for a heart rate. This signal needs to be measured manually.
Page 100 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Time Division and Vertical Cursor Measurement Examples
If we instead measure the time between the highest points in the heart rate signal, we can
get the correct pulse rate. Let’s look at two different ways to take the manual
measurements: by time division and with floating cursor measurements.
Count Time Divisions
The period of the pulse signal can be approximated by counting the number of 200 ms
divisions between the signal peaks. It looks like they are just over four 200 ms time
divisions apart; let’s call it 4 ⅛. This value along with the fact that frequency is the
reciprocal of period (f = 1/T) is enough information for the pulse rate’s frequency in Hz.
Then, to convert from Hz to the familiar beats per minute, just multiply by
60 seconds/minute.
Step 1: Figure out the signal period T based on the number of divisions between peaks.
T = 4.125 divisions × 200 ms/division = 825 ms
Step 2: Use the period to calculate the frequency in Hz.
= 1 ÷ 825 ms = 1 ÷ (825/1000 s) = 1000 ÷ 825 s = 1.2121… Hz
Step 3: Multiply the Hz measurement (beats per second) by 60 seconds/minute get the
familiar beats per minute (bpm) heart rate measurement.
f(bpm) = f(Hz) × 60 seconds/minute
= 1.2121…beats/s × 60 s/m = 72.7272…beats/m
≈ 72.7 bpm
Alright, our patient isn’t so bad off after all.
Your Turn: Take a More Precise Measurement
This time division approximation of the heart rate might seem a little vague and
Try pointing at the top of adjacent peaks with your mouse, and record the times
with the floating cursor.
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 101
Subtract the smaller time from the larger time and use the result to recalculate
the pulse rate.
You can also improve the precision by zooming in on each feature by adjusting the
Horizontal dial to smaller values and then moving the screen around to find a more
precise time of each event.
Try it.
Use Vertical Cursors to Measure the Period
Oscilloscopes (including the PropScope) have tools called cursors to manually measure
waveforms. So far, we have only used the PropScope’s floating cursor feature, which
gives you an instant readout of each channel’s voltage value for a single point in time. In
contrast to a single point, cursors are pairs of horizontal and vertical lines that can be
positioned on the Oscilloscope screen over a waveform. Instead of simple time and
voltage values, the Cursor display also gives information about lines relative to each
other: voltage difference, time difference, and frequency calculations.
Figure 3-22 shows an example of the PropScope’s vertical (time) cursors positioned over
the heartbeat signal peaks. In the Cursor Display on the Oscilloscope view’s lower-right,
it shows both the time of each cursor’s positions along with automated ∆ and f
measurements. The ∆ measurement is pronounced “delta” and is shorthand for the time
difference ∆t (delta-t) between the vertical cursor lines. When applied to a signal that
repeats itself, ∆ is also the signal’s period T. The f measurement is 1 ÷ ∆ and is often
used to automate the f = 1 ÷ T calculation. Note that the Cursor measurements panel
indicates the frequency is 1.18 Hz. Multiplied by 60 seconds/minute, we get 70.8 bpm.
Page 102 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 3-22: Cursors Placed over Pulse Peaks to Measure Pulse Rate
Point at cursor
with your
mouse, then
click, hold and
drag left/right
to position.
Cursor tab
Click Vertical button in
Cursors subpanel to display
the vertical cursors.
Cursor Display: View
Cursor measurements
Here is how to position cursors to take measurements like those shown in Figure 3-22:
Click the Cursor tab below the Oscilloscope screen.
In the Cursors tab, click the Vertical button to make the time cursors appear on
the oscilloscope. They will appear as two vertical lines.
Click either the waveform or the CH1 ground line to select CH1 as the active
channel in the Cursor display.
Chapter 3: Human-speed Measurements · Page 103
Point at one of the cursor lines with your mouse, and it will change to a doublearrow that points left and right. Click, hold, and move the cursor left or right to
place it over one of the heartbeat signal peaks.
Repeat with the other cursor and an adjacent heartbeat signal peak.
Check the f measurement in the Cursor display near the Oscilloscope screen’s
lower-right corner.
Your Turn: Measure Voltage Differences with Horizontal Cursors
Figure 3-23 shows horizontal cursors used to measure the voltage difference between the
tops of the heartbeat signal’s less-prominent high points, the P and T wave peaks.
Click the Horizontal button in the Cursor panel to activate the voltage cursors.
Click the Vertical button deactivate the time cursors.
Adjust the horizontal voltage cursors so that they measure the difference
between the P and T peaks as shown in Figure 3-23.
Check the voltage difference in the cursor display. It’s near the lower-right
corner of the Oscilloscope plot. It’s the value that ends with V by the ∆ symbol
in the Cursor display.
P wave
T wave
Figure 3-23
Voltage Cursors
Measuring Difference
between P and T waves
(voltage) cursors
Also, try using both horizontal and vertical cursors at the same time to measure
both the voltage and time differences between the peaks of the P and T waves.
Page 104 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
This chapter surveyed a variety of circuit, microcontroller programming, and
measurement techniques for time varying signals. Human-speed, time-varying signal
measurements were applied to:
Binary pushbutton and LED signals viewed with the logic analyzer
Varying potentiometer wiper voltage displayed with the Oscilloscope
BASIC Stamp D/A and PropScope function generator signals viewed with the
The PropScope’s function generator was also used to generate signals with certain
amplitudes, offsets, and frequencies.
The oscilloscope’s Horizontal time and Vertical voltage display dials were used to adjust
the time/division and volts/division settings. The Oscilloscope’s divisions were used to
measure voltage, time and frequency, and the measurements were compared to values
obtained from the Measure tab and from cursor placement.
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 105
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation
Modulation is the process of varying a signal’s properties for communication or control.
The property that pulse width modulation varies is the amount of time a signal spends at a
certain active voltage before returning to a resting voltage. When viewed with an
oscilloscope, a signal that holds a voltage for a certain amount of time has a certain width
on the Oscilloscope screen.
Figure 4-1 shows a few examples of how these voltage pulses might look in an
oscilloscope. On the left, two different positive pulse examples have 0 V resting states
and a 5 V active states. If the signal spends a brief time at 5 V, the pulse looks narrower
on the Oscilloscope screen. If the signal spends a longer time at 5 V, it looks wider. On
the right, the negative version of those same pulses simply have opposite active and
resting states.
time high
(pulse width)
time low
(pulse width)
Figure 4-1
Voltage Pulse Examples
Active and resting voltages can vary from one system to the next. For example, if the
BASIC Stamp transmits pulses, it sends 5 V high signals and 0 V low signals, but another
system might depend on different active and resting state voltages. Certain circuits called
translators can translate the BASIC Stamp module’s outputs to other voltages. Circuits
called drivers also offer high output current capabilities for motor control, and circuits called
inverters can change positive pulses to negative pulses.
Pulse width modulation is widely used for both motor control and communication. This
chapter’s activities include PWM examples for each, and also examine how to use the
PropScope’s features to measure these signals.
Page 106 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Hobby servos like the one in Figure 4-2 control the steering and throttle in radio
controlled (RC) cars, boats and airplanes. They are also useful for a variety of robotic
tasks, including moving arms, legs, and grippers. The servo can rotate its 4-point star
shaped horn (#3 in the figure) to various positions. More importantly, the servo can hold
its horn in a given position and resist external forces that might try to displace it. For
example, in an RC car, the servo has to make the wheels turn left and right for steering.
The servo has to hold the wheels in a certain position, or they would just straighten out
and the car would go forward again. Likewise, an RC boat rudder has to push against the
water flowing around it to make the boat turn in the water.
Figure 4-2
1. Plug
2. Cable
3. Horn
4. Mounting Flange
Driving an RC vehicle usually involves manipulating joysticks on a radio transmitter. As
the joysticks are moved to certain positions, the servos in the vehicle rotate their horns to
positions that mirror the joystick positions. For example, a joystick moved left and right
in the radio control transmitter unit might make the steering servo in an RC car rotate left
and right. Also, if the joystick is held in a certain position, the servo holds its horn at the
corresponding position and resists opposing forces.
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 107
The radio transmitters in these systems code the joystick’s position into bursts of radio
activity. The durations of the bursts indicate the joystick positions. On the RC vehicle, a
radio receiver converts these bursts of radio activity into binary high/low signals. The
signal is high while the radio bursts last and low when there is no radio activity. The
brief high signals are called pulses, and the radio receiver sends these binary pulses to the
various servos in the vehicle to control them.
The process of adjusting pulse durations that get sent to a servo to control its horn
position is an example of pulse width modulation. In this activity, you will program the
BASIC Stamp to transmit PWM control signals to a servo to dictate its horn’s position.
You will then measure and examine the PWM signal’s pulse durations with the
Servo Tutorial:. There’s lots more information about servos and activities that introduce a
variety of servo control techniques in What’s a Microcontroller? Chapter 4.
Servo Test Parts
(1) Parallax Standard Servo
(1) 3-pin header (HomeWork Board only)
(misc.) Jumper wires
Servo Test Circuit
Figure 4-3 shows a schematic of the servo and PropScope probe connections. The
servo’s black and red wires provide power to the small DC motor and electronics inside
the servo. The white wire conveys the PWM signal to control system electronics inside
the servo. That white wire is connected to BASIC Stamp I/O pin P14, and the BASIC
Stamp will be responsible for using that pin to send PWM control signals to the servo.
Figure 4-3
Servo Schematic
Page 108 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
The instructions for connecting the circuit depend on your board and revision.
If you do not already know which board and revision you have:
o Open the BASIC Stamp Editor Help (v2.5 or newer).
o Click the Getting Started with Stamps in Class link on the home page.
o Follow the directions to determine which board you have.
Skip to the section in this book that covers your board:
o Board of Education (Serial Rev C and newer, USB all revisions). The
instructions for this board start right after this checklist.
o BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board (Serial Rev C and newer, USB all
revisions) starts on page 110.
o All other boards: go to www.parallax.com/Go/WAM → Servo Circuit
Connections to find servo circuit instructions for your board.
When you are done with the servo circuit instructions for your board, go to
PWM Signals for Servo Control, page 111.
Board of Education (Serial Rev C and newer, USB all revisions)
There’s a jumper that connects two of three pins together between the X4 and X5 servo
ports. In Figure 4-4, the jumper is shorting the upper two pins to set the servo supply to
Vdd, regulated 5 V. We will use that jumper setting in this activity.
Move your board’s 3-position switch left to position-0.
Verify the jumper is set to Vdd. It should cover the two pins closer to the Vdd
label, leaving the lowest of the three pins just above the Vin label exposed.
If the jumper is instead in the lower position and the Vdd pin is exposed, lift the
jumper upward to pull it off the pins. Then place it as shown in Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-4
Power Jumper
Between Servo
Servo port 14 in the X4 header connects P14 to the servo’s white signal line. So, you can
use the P14 socket next to the breadboard to probe the control signals.
Plug the servo into servo port 14 as shown in Figure 4-5.
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 109
Make sure that the color coded servo cable wires line up with the White, Red,
Black labels shown in Figure 4-5.
Connect the PropScope CH1 probe to P14 and the probe’s ground clip to Vss.
Skip to the PWM Signals for Servo Control section; it starts on page 111.
Figure 4-5
Wiring Diagram for
Figure 4-3 using the
Board of Education
Page 110 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board (Serial Rev C and newer, USB all revisions)
Disconnect power from your board.
Build the servo port as shown in Figure 4-6.
Figure 4-6
HomeWork Board
Servo Port Wiring
Connect the servo to the port as shown in Figure 4-7, making sure the colorcoded servo cable wires line up with the labels in the figure.
Plug the PropScope CH1 probe wire into the same row as the servo’s signal
(white) line, and the ground clip into the same row as the servo’s ground (black)
Figure 4-7
Wiring Diagram for
Figure 4-3 using the
HomeWork Board
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 111
PWM Signals for Servo Control
The Parallax Standard Servo’s horn has a 180° range of motion. Figure 4-8 shows timing
diagrams for example PWM signals that make the servo hold its horn at 45°, 90° and
135° positions. The pulse high times control the servo’s position, and they have to be
precise. PBASIC has a command called PULSOUT for making the BASIC Stamp deliver
precisely timed pulses. The pulses also have to be sent repeatedly to make the servo
maintain a certain position. Repeating the pulses at 50 Hz is ideal, but the rate the pulses
are delivered does not have to be precise—a few Hz faster or slower is fine too. Most
PBASIC examples use a simple PAUSE 20 inside a loop with a PULSOUT to make the
BASIC Stamp send control pulses that repeat at a rate in the 44 Hz neighborhood.
Figure 4-8
Pulse Width vs.
Servo Horn Angle
(Excerpt from
What’s a
Page 112 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 4-8 shows just three servo horn positions in a range of motion that spans from
0° to 180°. Figure 4-9 shows a map of the servo’s range of horn positions with some
example pulse durations that will make the servo point in certain directions. You can use
this map to make the servo point to an angle of your choosing.
For example, you could choose to make the servo point to the 30° position by sending
0.834 ms pulses. That pulse duration was calculated using the fact that 30° is 30/45ths
between the pulse durations for 0° and 45°. The corresponding PULSOUT Pin, Duration
command for that angle is PULSOUT 14, 417. That command tells the BASIC Stamp to
transmit a (417 × 2 μs ≈ 0.834 ms) pulse using I/O pin P14. For other PULSOUT Duration
arguments, just divide 2 μs into the millisecond pulse duration, round to the nearest
integer, and use that result for the Duration argument.
Figure 4-9: Pulse Width vs. Servo Horn Angle (Excerpt from What’s a Microcontroller v3.0)
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 113
The twist-tied wire needs to be adjusted. A factory-mounted servo horn does not
necessarily make the wire point in the exact directions shown in Figure 4-9. The horn
typically has to be removed, rotated slightly and replaced before it’ll point a twist tied wire
just like it does in Figure 4-9. What’s a Microcontroller? Chapter 4, Activity #2 explains the
procedure in detail.
The angle vs. pulse time values in Figure 4-9 are approximate. More precise positioning
may require some experimentation.
Keep the PULSOUT Duration arguments in the 350 to 1150 range. PULSOUT command
Duration values near the 250 or 1250 limits could cause the servo to push against its builtin mechanical limits. There are also tips on finding the PULSOUT Duration values just inside
these limits in What’s a Microcontroller, Chapter 4.
Center Position Test Program
ServoCenter.bs2 positions the horn at about the 90-degree mark in Figure 4-9 and holds it
there. Your servo horn will probably not point the twist tied jumper wire straight up in
the 90° direction. That’s okay, whatever position the loop points while the program is
running; you can consider that 90°. Another option is to remove the screw that attaches
the servo horn, pull it off the output shaft, rotate it slightly, then push it back on to correct
the error. Make sure to push the horn back onto the output shaft while the program is
running. That way, it’ll be as close as possible to the 90° mark.
Reconnect power to your board.
If you have a Board of Education, make sure to move its power switch to
position-2, so that it supplies power to the servo ports.
Enter ServoCenter.bs2 into your BASIC Stamp Editor and run it.
' What's a Microcontroller - ServoCenter.bs2
' Hold the servo in its 90 degree center position.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
PAUSE 1000
DEBUG "Program Running!", CR
PULSOUT 14, 750
Page 114 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
While the program is running, the servo should resist light twisting force applied to the
horn to maintain its position.
Apply light twisting force to the servo horn with only your fingertips. DO NOT
The servo should prevent the horn from turning, and the motor inside should
hum a little bit as it resists and holds the correct position.
In the ServoCenter.bs2 program, the DO…LOOP repeats the PULSOUT and PAUSE commands
indefinitely. As mentioned earlier, the Duration argument in PULSOUT Pin, Duration sets
the pulse’s duration in terms of 2 μs increments. So, the PULSOUT command sends a
pulse (brief high signal) to P14 that lasts 750 × 2μs units. That’s 750 × 2×10–6 s =
1500 × 10–6 s = 1.5 × 10–3 s = 1.5 ms. After the pulse is done, the PAUSE 20 command
delays for 20 ms. Then, the DO…LOOP repeats, beginning with another pulse, then another
pause, then another pulse, then another pause, and so on…
Keep in mind that different PULSOUT Duration arguments will result in the servo horn
holding different positions.
Positive vs. Negative Pulses: Servo pulses are considered positive pulses because they
spend a certain amount of time as high signals before returning to the low resting state. A
negative pulse would start high, and spend a certain amount of time low. For negative
pulses, simply set the I/O pin to output-high (like with the HIGH command) before the
PULSOUT command, and it will send a low pulse instead of a high pulse. You will have a
chance to measure negative pulses from a sensor in Activity #3 and Activity #4.
Examine the Servo Control Signals with the PropScope
Back to the “two cycles” guideline for a first look at any given signal in the oscilloscope.
We know from the code and timing diagrams that each repetition of the DO…LOOP in
ServoCenter.bs2 takes 20 ms + 1.5 ms + maybe 1 ms of code overhead ≈ 22.5 ms. Then
multiply by 2 with a result of about 45 ms for two servo pulse signal cycles. Next,
remember that the Horizontal dial selects the time for one division and that the
Oscilloscope screen has 10 divisions. So, divide 45 ms by 10, and the result is the 4.5
ms, which is close to 5 ms. So select the 5 ms/div Horizontal setting in Figure 4-10.
With your BASIC Stamp running ServoCenter.bs2, adjust the Horizontal and
Vertical dials, coupling switches and Trigger tab settings so that they match
Figure 4-10.
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 115
Use your Trigger Time control to position the vertical trigger crosshair at the 2nd
time division line.
Drag the trace down nice and close to the time scale for a better “at a glance”
view of the pulse timing.
Check the Oscilloscope’s Plot Preview, there should be two more pulses off
screen, and they continue to repeat to keep the servo holding its horn’s position.
Figure 4-10: Servo Control Pulses
More pulses
in the Preview
Servo Control Pulses
What does this mean? It’s telling you that the signal voltage exceeded the
voltage limits for the vertical setting. In this case it is not a big deal. All it indicates that the
high signal might have exceeded 5 V maximum voltage by a few millivolts for a short period
of time. (The author prefers to disregard this message and use the 2 V/div setting for a
better visual representation of the pulses and ease of cursor placement.
Page 116 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
With this initial view of the servo pulses, let’s check to see if the PWM signal does
anything interesting with different PULSOUT Duration values that make the servo hold
different positions. Figure 4-11 shows traces for PULSOUT 14, 500, PULSOUT 14, 750,
and PULSOUT 14, 1000. With the larger PULSOUT Duration values, the period of the
signal gets a little longer because the PAUSE in the program does not get any shorter to
compensate for the longer pulse durations. So, the frequency of the pulses drops slightly
with larger PULSOUT Duration values. As mentioned earlier, the pulse durations have to
be precise, but the frequency of the pulses just has to be in the neighborhood of 50 Hz.
So, small differences like the ones caused by different pulse durations do not affect the
servo’s performance.
Figure 4-11: Different Servo Control Pulses, Same 20 ms PAUSE
Pulse Width
PULSOUT 14, 500
(Servo horn to 45°)
PULSOUT 14, 750
(Servo horn to 90°)
PULSOUT 14, 1000
(Servo horn to 135°)
Modify ServoCenter.bs2 so that it reads PULSOUT 14, 500.
Run the modified program, and note the width of the pulses.
Repeat for PULSOUT Duration values of 750 and 1000, and verify that the pulse
width increases each time.
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 117
For more precise pulse time measurements, the Horizontal dial can be adjusted to a lower
value that makes the pulse fill more of the Oscilloscope screen. Figure 4-12 shows an
example with the Horizontal dial set to 500 μs/division. The Vertical cursors are placed
at the pulse’s rising and falling edges. (They are also called positive and negative edges.)
This particular pulse width measurement was made with PULSOUT 14, 1000.
Figure 4-12: Cursors for Pulse Width Measurement
Manually position Trigger Voltage
Level control between 2 and 4 V.
“Pulse Width”
is 2 ms.
Set Level to
Page 118 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
The PropScope may have difficulty finding the trigger event when there’s just one pulse.
Usually it takes a couple of cycles’ worth of data to calculate the average voltage used for
automatically setting the trigger voltage level. So, we are going to manually set the
trigger voltage for this measurement by setting the Trigger tab’s Level switch to Normal
and then adjusting the Trigger Voltage Level control.
In the Trigger tab, set the Level switch to Normal.
Drag the Trigger Voltage Level control up to between the 3 and 4 V division
lines as shown in Figure 4-12.
Zoom in on the time scale by setting the Horizontal dial to 500 μs/div.
Verify your 2 ms measurement with PULSOUT 14, 1000.
Change the command to PULSOUT 14, 1050 and load the modified program.
Watch the horn carefully as you load the modified program into the BASIC
Stamp. It should take a new position slightly counterclockwise of the position it
held with PULSOUT 14, 1000. If you didn’t notice the change, try running the
PULSOUT 14, 1000 version again, then switch back to the PULSOUT 14, 1050
Check the new pulse duration in the Oscilloscope.
Calculate the pulse width for PULSOUT 14, 1050 and compare it to your
Your Turn: Modulated Pulse Width
Here is a program from What’s a Microcontroller? that sweeps the servo’s horn back and
forth by gradually increasing and then decreasing the pulse width over time.
Examine the program and try to predict what you would expect to see in the
Oscilloscope display.
Run the program and test your predictions.
If the display’s behavior does not match your predictions, study what it does,
then study the program and try to figure out what’s happening.
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 119
' What's a Microcontroller - ServoVelocities.bs2
' Rotate the servo counterclockwise slowly, then clockwise rapidly.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
PAUSE 1000
DEBUG "Pulse width increment by 8", CR
FOR counter = 500 TO 1000 STEP 8
PULSOUT 14, counter
DEBUG CR, "Pulse width decrement by 20", CR
FOR counter = 1000 TO 500 STEP 20
PULSOUT 14, counter
DEBUG CR, "Repeat", CR
A more descriptive name for PBASIC’s PWM command would be “DCM” for duty cycle
modulation. Duty cycle is a measurement of the ratio of a binary signal’s high time to its
cycle time. When you set the PWM command’s Duty argument to a value, you are
specifying the number of 256ths of its cycle time that the signal stays high. In this
activity, you will test to verify this by measuring and calculating the PWM signal’s duty
cycle for different PWM command Duty arguments.
DAC Test Parts
(1) Resistor – 220 Ω (red-red-brown)
(1) Resistor – 1 kΩ (brown-black-red)
(1) Capacitor – 1 μF
(misc.) Jumper wires
Page 120 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
DAC Test Circuit
The circuit in Figure 4-13 is one of the two DAC circuits that were used to set DC
voltages in Chapter 2, Activity #4. This circuit was also used to make the PropScope plot
a simulated heart monitor display in Chapter 3, Activity #4. A resistor has been added
between P14 and the CH2 probe to prevent possible I/O pin damage that could happen if
the probe is inadvertently left connected to the DAC Card’s function generator output.
Before you start building this circuit, make sure the probe BNC connectors are
connected to PropScope CH1 and CH2. There SHOULD NOT be any probes
connected to the DAC Card.
Build the circuit shown in Figure 4-13 and Figure 4-14.
DAC Test Program
This program uses the same PWM 14, 64, 1 to set the voltage across the capacitor to
1.25 V, like it did in Chapter 2, Activity #4. Instead of focusing on the voltage the PWM
command sets across the capacitor, we’ll look at the binary signal the BASIC Stamp
transmits that causes the capacitor to charge to that voltage.
Enter Test 1 Channel Dac.bs2 into the BASIC Stamp Editor and run it.
' Test 1 Channel Dac.bs2
' Set capacitor voltage in P14 RC DAC circuit to 1.25 V.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
DEBUG "Program running..."
' Debug Terminal message
' Main Loop
PWM 14, 64, 5
' 1.25 V to P14 capacitor
' Repeat main loop
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 121
Figure 4-13
Probes for P14 PWM
Signal and DAC Output
Figure 4-14
Example Wiring
Diagram for Figure 4-13
Page 122 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
PWM Command Duty Cycle Measurements
In Figure 4-15, channel 1 displays the DC voltage across the capacitor. That can be
considered the DAC circuit’s output signal. Channel 2 displays the PWM signal the
BASIC Stamp applies to the DAC circuit’s input. This PWM signal has a duty cycle that
determines the capacitor’s voltage. Duty cycle is the ratio of a signal’s high time to its
cycle time, and it is commonly expressed as a percent measurement:
Duty Cycle HIGH 100%
Figure 4-15 shows the vertical time cursors placed for the tHIGH measurement.
Figure 4-15: tHIGH Measurement with Cursors
Vertical cursors
measure tHIGH
Cursor time
tHIGH = 4.44 μs
1.2 V
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 123
Configure your PropScope’s Horizontal dial, Vertical dials and coupling
switches, and Trigger tab settings as shown in Figure 4-15. Make sure to set the
Trigger Source to CH2.
Click the Cursor tab, and turn on the vertical time cursors by clicking the
Vertical button.
Align the vertical time cursors with the pulse’s positive and negative edges.
Make a note of your tHIGH measurement.
Cycle time (tCYCLE) is the signal’s period, and Figure 4-16 shows the time cursors aligned
with successive rising signal edges for this measurement.
Use your cursors to get your PWM signal’s cycle time, which is tCYCLE.
Figure 4-16: tCYCLE Measurement with Cursors
Vertical cursors
measure tCYCLE
= 17.7 μs
Page 124 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
With tHIGH and tCYCLE, the duty cycle calculation for this signal is:
Duty Cycle
4.44 s
17.7 s
Duty cycle simplifies calculations for the DAC output. Just multiply the percentage by
the high signal level for a prediction of the DAC output.
VDAC Duty Cycle 5V
25.1% 5V
The Channel 1 Average voltage measurement in Figure 4-15 and Figure 4-16 is
oscillating between 1.22 V and 1.23 V. Since this BASIC Stamp feature is not typically
used for setting precision voltages, a couple hundredths of a volt error is not bad at all.
Now, if error turned out to be in terms of tenths of a volt, that might need a closer look.
Your Turn: Try a New Value
The command PWM 14, 64, 5 is probably getting a little old.
Pick a target voltage in the 0 to 4.98 V range.
Calculate the number of 256ths of 5 V that voltage represents for the PWM
command’s Duty argument.
Modify Test 1 Channel Dac.bs2 accordingly and load the modified program into
the BASIC Stamp.
Check the CH1 Average voltage in the Measure display.
Measure and calculate the duty cycle, multiply it by 5 V, and compare to the
CH1 DAC output voltage.
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 125
The Parallax Boe-Bot® Robot in Figure 4-17 uses infrared light emitting diodes (IR
LEDs) as small flashlights and infrared detectors as eyes to check for objects in its path.
This detection scheme involves just a few inexpensive electronic parts found in common
Figure 4-17
Boe-Bot® Robot
The IR LED in the Understanding Signals kit is the kind you might find on the end of a
TV remote that you point at the TV to change the channel, adjust the volume, etc. The
light it emits is not in the visible spectrum, but it’s the light that sends signals to the TV.
Likewise, the IR detector is one you might find in a TV that receives and demodulates the
remote’s infrared messages for the microcontroller in the TV. The IR detector is
designed to send a low signal if it detects infrared flashing on/off at 38.5 kHz.
Otherwise, it sends a high signal. In this activity, you will program the BASIC Stamp to
send a brief 38.5 kHz signal through an IR LED and observe the resulting low pulse at
the IR detector’s output.
Page 126 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
IR Object Detection Parts List
For reference, and to make it easier finding the parts in the kit,
Figure 4-18 shows drawings of the IR LED, standoff, shield, and detector. It also shows
how to house the IR LED into the standoff and shield.
(1) Resistor – 220 Ω (red-red-brown)
(1) Resistor – 1 kΩ (brown-black-red)
(1) IR LED
(1) IR LED Shield
(1) IR LED Standoff
(1) IR detector
Infrared LED
More Rounded
Flatter on
Snap the IR LED into the standoff and then place the IR shield on top using
Figure 4-18 as a guide.
Figure 4-18: IR Detector, LED, Standoff and Shield
IR Detector
IR Object Detection Circuit
Figure 4-19 shows a schematic of the infrared detection circuit, and Figure 4-20 shows an
example of the circuit in a wiring diagram. With the IR LED in the standoff and shield
housing, it directs the IR light more like a flashlight. Without the housing, it’s more like
a beacon.
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 127
The IR detector only reports that it “sees” IR light that has a frequency component in the
38.5 kHz neighborhood. Unmodulated infrared from other sources such as a nearby
window or indoor lighting normally have little to no effect.
Build the circuit shown in Figure 4-19 and Figure 4-20.
Check your work against Figure 4-20 to make sure you connected the IR LED’s
shorter cathode pin to the right row in the breadboard. The cathode pin should
be connected to a row that is connected to Vss.
If your board is sitting on a table, point the IR LED upward at an angle of about
30° so that the system does not report the table’s reflection as a detected object.
Make sure other objects are out of the IR LED’s beam path so that they won’t
cause false detections. The maximum detection range with a 1 kΩ series resistor
is usually in the 30 to 40 cm neighborhood.
Make sure to get the probes out of the way of the IR LED’s beam path so that
they don’t end up reflecting IR and become “objects” that are inadvertently
Figure 4-19: Infrared Object Detection Schematic
with a 38.5 kHz signal
Page 128 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 4-20: Wiring Diagram Example of Figure 4-19
Shorter cathode pin
IR Object Detection Test Code
TestLeftIrPair.bs2 is an excerpt from Robotics with the Boe-Bot that displays whether or
not an object is detected in the Debug Terminal. The command FREQOUT 8, 1, 38500
sends a 38.5 kHz signal to the IR LED, making it a very rapidly blinking flashlight. If
the IR detector detects this rapidly blinking light reflected off an object, it sends a low
(0 V) signal. Otherwise, it sends a high (5 V) signal.
The command irDetectLeft = IN9 stores the IR detector’s output in a bit variable
named irDetectLeft. This command has to immediately follow the FREQOUT
command because there is only a brief time window between when the FREQOUT
command stops and IR detector’s output rebounds to high because it’s not seeing the IR
reflection any more.
In Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements, you will use the PropScope to examine
sine wave signals the BASIC Stamp synthesizes with binary signals using the FREQOUT
Enter and run TestLefIrPair.bs2.
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 129
' Robotics with the Boe-Bot - TestLeftIrPair.bs2
' Test IR object detection circuits, IR LED connected to P8 and detector
' connected to P9.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
FREQOUT 8, 1, 38500
irDetectLeft = IN9
DEBUG HOME, "irDetectLeft = ", BIN1 irDetectLeft
IR Object Detection Tests
Figure 4-21 shows the Debug Terminal’s reports for object detected (0) and object not
detected (1).
With an object (like a book or your hand) about 10 cm in front of where the IR
LED is pointing, verify that the Debug Terminal displays “irDetectLeft = 0”.
With no objects in the IR LED’s line of sight, verify that the Debug Terminal
reports “irDetectLeft = 1.”
Figure 4-21: Debug Terminal IR Detection Tests
Object detected
No object detected
Page 130 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 4-22 shows the Oscilloscope view while an object is detected. The 1 ms FREQOUT
signal is shown by the upper, blue CH1 trace. The lower, red CH2 trace sends a low
signal during that time, which indicates that it detected reflected infrared with a 38.5 kHz
component. The BASIC Stamp I/O pin interprets the 0 V applied to its P9 I/O pin as a
binary 0, which results in the irDetectLeft = 0 message on the left side of Figure 4-21.
Figure 4-22: Object Detected
signal to P8 IR LED
Trigger Voltage control
manually set to 2 V.
CH2 – IR Receiver
Sends low signal to P9.
(Object detected)
Configure your PropScope’s Horizontal dial, Vertical dials and coupling
switches, and Trigger tab settings as shown in Figure 4-22.
Manually adjust the Trigger Voltage Level control to about 2 V.
Place an object that will (like your hand or a book) facing the infrared detector.
Use Figure 4-20 on page 128 as a guide for object placement.
Verify that it results in the irDetectLeft = 0 display in the Debug Terminal.
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 131
Verify that it results in a brief 0 V signal on CH2 while the FREQOUT command is
active in CH1.
Figure 4-23 shows the PropScope’s Oscilloscope view while no object is detected. The
FREQOUT signal transmits for 1 ms on the upper CH1 trace, but the lower CH2 trace
remains at 5 V. The BASIC Stamp I/O pin interprets the 5 V applied to its P9 I/O pin as
a binary 1, which results in the irDetectLeft = 1 message on the right side of Figure 4-21.
Make sure the Trigger Time control is set to the 2nd time division.
Repeat the conditions that resulted in the irDetectLeft = 1 display from Figure
4-21, and verify that it results in an uninterrupted 5 V signal on CH2.
Figure 4-23: Object not Detected
signal to P8 IR LED
CH 2 - IR Receiver sends
high signal to P9. Object
not detected.
Page 132 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
The PBASIC program cannot measure this pulse duration while it is sending the FREQOUT
command. However, you could use a second BASIC Stamp to send IR, and then use the
first BASIC Stamp to measure the pulse duration with a command called PULSIN. You
can also use the PropScope to measure the duration of the pulse the IR receiver sends.
Set it up so that the IR detector has an object to detect and your PropScope
display resembles Figure 4-22.
Click the Cursor tab and turn the Vertical time cursors on.
Line the cursors up along the negative and positive edges of the CH2 low pulse.
Measure the duration.
Compare it to the duration of the FREQOUT signal on CH1.
Your Turn: Change the Pulse Duration
What does infrared object detection with infrared have to do with pulse width
modulation? The answer is that you can control the duration of the low pulse the IR
detector sends by adjusting the FREQOUT command’s Duration. In other words, in
FREQOUT Pin, Duration, Freq1, you can modulate the pulse width by changing the
FREQOUT command’s Duration argument. Try this:
Change the FREQOUT command in TestLeftIrPair.bs2 to FREQOUT 8, 2, 38500.
Place an object that will cause a detection in front of the IR LED and detector.
Repeat the pulse width measurements, on the PropScope.
See how changing the FREQOUT command’s Duration argument results in a longer
FREQOUT signal in CH1, which in turn causes the IR detector to send a 2 ms low
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 133
Figure 4-24 shows how a TV remote sends bursts of signals in the 38 to 40 kHz
neighborhood to an IR detector. The durations of a series of these bursts are coded to
communicate which button on the remote is pressed. The IR detector on your board
converts these brief IR signal durations to brief low pulses, which are also called negative
pulses. The BASIC Stamp can decode these pulses to figure out which button on the
remote is pressed in a manner similar to the microcontrollers inside TVs and other
entertainment system components. In this activity, you will use the both the PropScope
and BASIC Stamp to examine these signals.
Figure 4-24: IR Remote Signals to IR Detector
3 button pressed
Figure 4-25 shows a timing diagram of a SONY TV remote protocol from the standpoint
of the IR detector’s output. After a 2.4 ms start pulse, a series of 12 low pulses follow.
Each low pulse lasts for either 0.6 ms to indicate a binary-0, or 1.2 ms to indicate a
binary-1. Just as an 8-bit binary number can contain a value in the 0 to 255 range, a
12-bit binary number can contain a value in the 0 to 4095 range. So, the pulse width
modulated signal in Figure 4-25 can be used to transmit 4096 different values.
Page 134 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 4-25: SONY TV Remote Protocol
Resting state
between message
packets = 20-30 ms
Resting states
between data pulses
= 0.6 ms
Start pulse
duration = 2.4 ms
data pulse
durations = 0.6 ms
data pulse
durations = 1.2 ms
Extra Parts, Equipment, and Setup
You will use the IR detector and CH2 probe shown in Figure 4-19 and Figure 4-20, on
pages 127 and 128, so there is no need to modify your circuit or probe connections. The
“extra equipment” you will need is a universal remote.
(1) Universal remote (Parallax #020-00001, for example)
(1) Instruction sheet/booklet for the universal remote
Compatible batteries
Although a universal TV remote is not included in the Understanding Signals kit, most
households have one that can be configured to control a SONY TV. For those that don’t,
inexpensive universal remotes can also be purchased from local department stores.
Check the package before you purchase a particular remote to make sure it can be
configured to control a SONY TV. If the packaging says something like "compatible
with most/all major brands..." it should work with SONY TVs. These remotes are
usually packaged with either a piece of paper or a booklet that explains how to configure
it to be a SONY TV remote. The instructions typically involve:
Looking up a number code for SONY TV in the remote’s sheet/booklet
Pressing and holding a certain remote button until an indicator light comes on
Entering the number code into the remote’s keypad
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 135
An IR Remote Parts Kit is available at www.parallax.com. Just type 29122 into Search
field and click Go. The remote in this kit is an example of one that costs under $15 US.
The IR Remote for the Boe-Bot Parts + Text page (Item code 28139) has a link to a free
.pdf tutorial and another to a zip file with lots of PBASIC code examples for BASIC Stamp IR
Remote communication and control. These links are in the Downloads & Resources section
near the bottom of the web page.
Here are example instructions for the TV remote in the IR Remote Parts Kit:
Remove the battery compartment cover and determine how many and what kind
of batteries to use (AA, AAA, etc).
Load the battery compartment with new (or freshly charged rechargeable)
batteries. Do not mix battery types.
Find the TV setup codes section in the instruction sheet/booklet, such as "Setup
Codes for TV", "Setup Codes for Television", "TV Code List".
Find the code for SONY from the TV code list, and make a note of it.
Find the section that explains how to manually program a TV code into your
remote, such as "Programming Your Remote", "To Manually Program Your
Remote Control", "Programming for TV".
Follow the instructions in the manual programming section for entering the
SONY TV code into your remote.
IR Remote Test Code
RecordAndDisplayPwm.bs2 measures the twelve pulses that follow the start pulse in
Figure 4-25 and displays their durations in the Debug Terminal. The program uses a
command called PULSIN, which is the inverse of PULSOUT. Instead of transmitting a
pulse to another device, it measures a pulse transmitted by another device and stores the
result in a variable. This result is a pulse measurement in terms of 2 μs units. The Debug
Terminal displays these results, and you can multiply each one by 2 to convert it from a
2 μs unit measurement to a number of microseconds.
Enter RecordAndDisplayPwm.bs2 and run it.
Remove Sources of IR Interference. Depending on the IR detector, sunlight from a
nearby window could cause a lot of spurious signals. Certain fluorescent lights generate
38.5 kHz range inference too. For best results, close the blinds and turn off nearby
fluorescent lights.
Page 136 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
' IR Remote for the Boe-Bot - RecordAndDisplayPwm.bs2
' Measure all data pulses from a SONY IR remote set to control a TV.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' SONY TV remote variables.
' Display heading.
"Element Duration, 2-us", CR,
"------- --------------"
' Beginning of main loop.
' Wait for rest between messages.
PULSIN 9, 1, time(0)
LOOP UNTIL time(0) > 1000
FOR index = 0 TO 11
' Measure/store data pulses.
' Display 12 pulse measurements.
DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 4 + index, "time(", DEC index, ")",
CRSRXY, 9, 4 + index, DEC time(index), CLREOL
' Repeat main loop.
For more information on how the example programs in this activity work, download
and consult the IR Remote for the Boe-Bot pdf tutorial from www.parallax.com/education.
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 137
IR Remote Test Measurements with the BASIC Stamp
Figure 4-26 shows the BASIC Stamp module’s pulse measurements while the remote’s 3
button is pressed.
Point your remote at the IR detector and press and release the 3 button.
Figure 4-26
BASIC Stamp Displays
Pulse Measurements
from an IR Detector
…that’s receiving infrared
signals from a SONY TV
remote with the 3 button
Page 138 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Table 4-1 shows approximate measurements of the first four pulses as buttons 1
through 9 are pressed.
Table 4-1: Pulse Patterns for SONY® TV Remote Buttons
For this remote, the 670 values are binary-1s and the 360 values are binary-0s. Time(3)
through time(0) store pulse durations that represent the lowest four binary digits in the
12-digit binary number the IR remote transmits.
Table 4-2 shows a sequence of the first five remote buttons, their pulse duration patterns,
the binary values they represent, and the decimal equivalent values. We’ll call these
values ‘remote codes.’
Test your remote buttons 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0, and fill in the rest of the table.
Your values may differ, but there should be a pattern of values that are closer to
600 that are binary-1s and values that are closer to 300 that are binary-0s.
Table 4-2: Buttons, Pulse Patterns, Binary & Decimal Values
Binary Value
Decimal value
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 139
Decimal Digits vs. Binary Digits
Four decimal digits, each of which could be a value from 0 to 9, represent the number of:
Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
Four binary digits, each of which could be a value from 0 to 1, represent the number of:
Eights Fours Twos Ones
Knowing this, you can convert values from binary to decimal. For example you could
convert binary-1010 do decimal knowing that there an 8 and a 2, which adds up to 10.
(1 × 8) + (0 × 4) + (1 × 2) + (0 × 1) = 10
Variations in SONY TV Remote Communication Pulses
Servo control pulses have to be fairly precise because even small variations in pulse
durations will be visible as different servo horn positions. In contrast, TV remote
communication protocols tend to leave more room for variations in the pulse durations
that represent binary-1s and binary-0s. The microcontroller inside the TV that receives
and deciphers pulses from the IR detector can decide whether a given pulse falls into a
range of durations that represents a binary-1, or a range of durations that represents a
binary-0. Since universal remotes made by different manufacturers may vary somewhat
in their IR signaling times (that get converted to pulses by the IR detector), leaving room
in the protocol for variations in the pulse duration expectations is an important design
With possible variations in mind, your remote’s pulse duration values that represent
binary 1s and 0s might differ from the values in Figure 4-26. For that matter, those
values differ considerably from the values in the timing diagram in Figure 4-25 on page
134. That timing diagram indicates that binary zeros last 0.6 ms, and binary ones last 1.2
ms. However, in Figure 4-26, the binary-1s appear last for 670 × 2μs = 1340 μs. That’s
1.34 ms, not 1.2 ms. Likewise, 360 × 2 μs = 720 μs, which is 0.72 ms, not 0.6 ms. How
will you be able to tell the difference between your remote’s binary-1 and binary-0
pulses? Look for longer duration, binary-1 pulses that are closer to 1.2 ms, and shorter
duration binary-0 pulses that are closer to 0.6 ms.
IR Remote Test Measurements with the PropScope
Figure 4-27 shows a first view of the IR detector’s output when the 3 button on the
remote is pressed. The Horizontal dial selection was chosen using the “two cycle”
guideline of a signal in the Oscilloscope screen for a first look. In this case, we’ll call a
Page 140 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
“cycle” one infrared message. Looking at the timing diagram in Figure 4-25 on page
134, a rough approximation of the time an IR message lasts would be:
2.4 ms 1 2.4 ms ( start pulse)
7.2 ms 12 0.6 ms (highs between low pulses )
6.0 ms 10 0.6 ms (binary 0 pulses)
2.4 ms 2 1.2 ms (binary 1 pulses )
18 ms
Assuming a message fits in a 20 ms window, multiply by 2 for enough room for two
cycles, which is 40 ms. Then, divide by 10 for Horizontal dial setting in units with a
result of 4 ms/div. The closest value is 5 ms/div.
Figure 4-27: SONY IR Message – Initial View
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 141
IMPORTANT: The timing diagram also showed that the Start pulse begins with a
negative edge, so it will be important to set the Trigger tab’s Edge switch to Fall. There
are many negative (falling) edges in the signal, but this will increase the likelihood that
the first negative edge triggers the display, like it did in Figure 4-27.
Also, the Trigger tab’s Level switch should be set to Normal instead of Auto. Normal
means you will manually adjust the trigger voltage level. Auto triggering uses the
average voltage of the signal in the Oscilloscope screen, but there may be long periods of
time between TV remote massages where the signal will stay at 5 V. So, the average
voltage will be 5 V, as will the automatic trigger level. As the IR detector sends a series
of negative pulses to the BASIC Stamp I/O pin, there will be lots of 0 V low signals. So,
it would be better to manually set the trigger voltage level to 2.5 V instead of letting it
hover around 5 V and hoping it catches the signal transitions that we want to trigger on.
Configure your PropScope’s Horizontal dial, Vertical dials and Coupling
switches, and Trigger tab settings as shown in Figure 4-27.
Make sure to set the Trigger Edge switch to Fall.
Also, make sure to set the Trigger Level switch to Normal.
Then, set the Trigger Voltage control along the left side of the Oscilloscope
screen to about 2.5 V.
Make sure the Trigger Time control is set half way between the Oscilloscope
screen’s left margin and the first time division line. (Careful here, in previous
activities, we always used the second time division line.)
Press/release a number button on your remote while pointing it at the IR
Verify that a signal appears that is similar to the one in the Figure 4-27.
Verify that other number buttons result in similar signals.
Figure 4-28 shows a closer view of the timing with the remote’s 1 number button
pressed/released. You may have to press/release the button a couple of times to get a
display that includes the wider start pulse at the far left.
Adjust your PropScope’s Horizontal dial to 2 ms/div, and press the 1 button a
few times until you get a display similar to Figure 4-28.
Page 142 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 4-28: IR Message (1 button) with Decreased Horizontal Scale
With the Horizontal dial set to 2 ms, you’ll be able to see the low pulse durations change
as you press/release different numbers on the remote. Figure 4-29 shows patterns that
represent the 2, 3, and 4 buttons.
Remember to point the remote at the IR detector before you press its buttons.
Press/release the 2 button on your remote a few times, until the start pulse’s
negative edge lines up with the 1st time division. The pattern of low pulses
should resemble the signal labeled 2 Button in Figure 4-29.
Repeat for the 3 and 4 buttons, and compare to Figure 4-29.
Keep an eye on the three negative pulses that follow the start pulse. They are the
ones that carry the binary values 001, 010, and 011, which are the binary remote
codes for the 2, 3, and 4 buttons.
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 143
Figure 4-29: Pulse Patterns for the 2, 3, and 4 Buttons
2 Button
3 Button
4 Button
Figure 4-30 shows the Oscilloscope zoomed in another time division setting, with the
Horizontal dial set to 1 ms/div. This is a good time setting for measuring low pulse
times. The Vertical time cursors in the figure are measuring a binary-1 pulse.
Adjust the Horizontal dial to 1 ms/div.
Press the 3 button a few times until the Oscilloscope view resembles Figure
Use the Vertical time cursors to measure the Start, 0, and 1 pulse durations for
your remote.
How do they compare to your BASIC Stamp measurements?
Page 144 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 4-30: Cursor Measurement of a Binary-1 Pulse
With the 1 ms/div Horizontal setting, only half the pulses are visible in Figure 4-30.
Figure 4-31 shows an example of the rest of the plot viewed by sliding the plot area bar to
the right.
Slide the Plot Area bar to the far right of the Plot Preview for a closer inspection
of the second half of the IR remote’s message.
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 145
Figure 4-31: Shift Oscilloscope screen right to See the Rest of the Message
Slide the plot area bar to the right
to view the second half of the IR
message without having to
change the time/division setting.
Page 146 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Your Turn: IR Remote Buttons Program
Figure 4-32 shows the Debug Terminal after the remote’s 3 button was pressed with
IrRemoteButtons.bs2 running. IrRemoteButtons.bs2 is an excerpt from IR Remote for the
Figure 4-32
Debug Terminal Remote
Code Display
Download the IR Remote Book Source Code (.zip) from the IR Remote for the
Boe-Bot Kit and Text page at www.parallax.com.
Open IrRemoteButtons.bs2 with the BASIC Stamp Editor and load it into the
BASIC Stamp.
Study the codes for buttons like 0 through 9, Power, VOL+, VOL-, CH+,
CH-, etc.
-----[ Title ]----------------------------------------------------------IR Remote for the Boe-Bot - IrRemoteButtons.bs2
Capture and store button codes sent by a universal remote configured to
control a SONY TV.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' -----[ I/O Definitions ]------------------------------------------------' SONY TV IR remote declaration - input received from IR detector
' -----[ Constants ]------------------------------------------------------' SONY TV IR remote constants for non-keypad buttons
Chapter 4: Pulse Width Modulation · Page 147
' -----[ Variables ]------------------------------------------------------' SONY TV IR remote variables
' -----[ Main Routine ]---------------------------------------------------DO
GOSUB Get_Ir_Remote_Code
DEBUG CLS, "Remote code: ", DEC remoteCode
' -----[ Subroutine - Get_Ir_Remote_Code ]--------------------------------' SONY TV IR remote subroutine loads the remote code into the
' remoteCode variable.
remoteCode = 0
' Clear all bits in remoteCode
' Wait for resting state between messages to end.
RCTIME IrDet, 1, irPulse
LOOP UNTIL irPulse > 1000
' Measure start pulse.
If out of range, then retry at Get_Ir_Remote_Code.
RCTIME 9, 0, irPulse
IF irPulse > 1125 OR irPulse < 675 THEN GOTO Get_Ir_Remote_Code
' Get data bit pulses.
RCTIME IrDet, 0,
IF irPulse > 300
RCTIME IrDet, 0,
IF irPulse > 300
RCTIME IrDet, 0,
IF irPulse > 300
RCTIME IrDet, 0,
IF irPulse > 300
RCTIME IrDet, 0,
THEN remoteCode.BIT0
THEN remoteCode.BIT1
THEN remoteCode.BIT2
THEN remoteCode.BIT3
= 1
= 1
= 1
= 1
Set (or
Set (or
leave clear) bit 0
next pulse
leave clear) bit 1
Page 148 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
IF irPulse > 300
RCTIME IrDet, 0,
IF irPulse > 300
RCTIME IrDet, 0,
IF irPulse > 300
THEN remoteCode.BIT4 = 1
THEN remoteCode.BIT5 = 1
THEN remoteCode.BIT6 = 1
' Adjust remoteCode so that keypad keys correspond to the value
' it stores.
IF (remoteCode < 10) THEN remoteCode = remoteCode + 1
IF (remoteCode = 10) THEN remoteCode = 0
This chapter introduced pulse width modulation (PWM), and used the PropScope to
study PWM signals in several example applications. The first application involved
positive pulses sent to a servo’s control input to set its output horn’s position. Servo
control pulse durations can range from 0.5 ms through 2.5 ms, which maps
(approximately) to 0 through 180° servo horn positions. Servos are designed to receive
pulses at a rate of about 50 Hz, but the frequency of the pulses does not have to be
precise. In contrast, the positive pulse durations do have to be precise for good servo
horn position control.
The PWM command for D/A conversation uses a duty cycle modulated signal to set
voltage across the capacitor in an RC circuit. The key attribute of duty cycle modulation
is a signal that stays high for a certain proportion of its cycle time. Infrared object
detection and TV remote control demonstrates how PWM can be used for
communication. An infrared detector converts brief periods of 40 kHz range infrared
signals to brief low signals that contain binary values.
Chapter 5: Synchronous Serial Communication · Page 149
Chapter 5: Synchronous Serial Communication
Two or more devices can exchange binary information with synchronous serial
communication. The hallmark of this method is that the devices rely on a signal to
synchronize the exchange of binary values. For example, one device might send a series
of high/low signals, with each high signal indicating that it has made a new binary value
available on a separate line for the other device to receive. Those high/low signals
‘synchronize’ the communication of the series of (serial) binary values.
Many electronic devices employ a microcontroller that communicates with other
integrated circuits to perform tasks like memory storage, analog to digital conversion, and
sensor measurements. Many of these devices are designed to exchange information with
the microcontroller using one of a variety of synchronous serial communication
protocols. A protocol is the set of rules both devices follow for the data exchange to
work, and they have names like Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C), Serial Peripheral Interface
(SPI), 3-Wire, 4-Wire, and Microwire.
The BASIC Stamp Module’s EEPROM program memory indicated in Figure 5-1, and it
is an example of a synchronous serial peripheral device. The BASIC Stamp module’s
Interpreter chip is a microcontroller that uses the I2C synchronous serial protocol to fetch
the program tokens it executes from this chip, and also to store and fetch values when
executing PBASIC WRITE and READ commands.
Program Memory
Interpreter Chip
Figure 5-1
BASIC Stamp 2 Module’s
Synchronous Serial EEPROM
Program Memory
Page 150 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Another example of a synchronous serial device is the ADC0831 analog to digital
converter in the Understanding Signals kit. This integrated circuit (IC) is an 8-bit analog
to digital converter (A/D converter or ADC). An analog to digital converter measures an
analog voltage and expresses it as a digital value. 8-bit refers to the number of binary bits
in the digital value. An 8-bit number has 8 binary digits and can store any value in the 0
to 255 range. This ADC is a National Semiconductor (NSC) product, and is designed to
communicate with the NSC Microwire synchronous serial protocol.
The activities in this chapter will chronicle the development and testing of PBASIC code
that makes the BASIC Stamp obtain digitalized voltage measurements from the
ADC0831 chip using synchronous serial communication.
Figure 5-2 shows a picture of the ADC0831 analog to digital converter chip along with
its pin map. The pin map is similar to the one you will find in the ADC0831 datasheet’s
Connection Diagrams section.
You can download this datasheet from
Figure 5-2
ADC0831 A/D Converter
Picture and Pin Map
Here is a condensed explanation of the pin map with details that were drawn mainly from
the datasheet’s Connection Diagrams, Digital Interface and Analog Inputs sections:
Vcc and GND: power supply and ground connections for the chip.
Vin(+): the analog voltage input. The ADC0831 measures the voltage applied to
this pin.
Vin(-) and Vref: set the limits of the measurement scale. For example, if 1 V is
applied to Vin(-) and 4 V is applied to Vref, the Vin(+) voltage will have to fall
in the 1 to 4 V range. All the ADC0831’s result values would then describe
voltages in this range.
/CS: the active low chip select input. A transition from high to low starts an
analog to digital conversion, and the signal applied to this pin has to stay low
Chapter 5: Synchronous Serial Communication · Page 151
during conversion and communication. A high signal to this pin “disables” the
chip. While the chip is disabled, it will ignore communication, and its DO (data
output) pin becomes an input so that it doesn’t interfere with other chips that
might also use that line for communication with the microcontroller. The /
character is shorthand for active-low, and an over bar that looks like this “ CS ” is
a common equivalent notation.
CLK: the clock signal input. This is the input that will receive the signal for
synchronizing the binary value exchange.
DO: the data output that transmits the A/D converter measurement as a series of
binary 1/0 (high/low) values. These values are updated with the negative edge of
the (synchronizing) signal applied to the CLK input.
Getting information out of datasheets can be challenging, especially the first few tries.
The ADC0831 datasheet is no exception to this rule; its target readers are electronics
engineers, and the document covers an entire series of A/D converters, not just the
ADC0831. One of the main things that make it easier to decipher datasheets is practice.
So, it’s still a good idea to read it and try to understand as much as you can. Datasheets for
parts you work with are also good to keep on hand for reference because they contain
answers to questions like, “what’s the highest allowable supply voltage for this chip?”
Stamps in Class books, how-to articles, and microcontroller application notes often
contain information for getting a given device “up and running.” They also tend to feature
lots of useful techniques and helpful background information.
ADC0831 Test Parts
(1) ADC0831
(1) Potentiometer – 10 kΩ (103)
(3) Resistors – 220 Ω (red-red-brown)
(misc.) Jumper wires
ADC0831 Test Circuit
The schematic in Figure 5-3 and wiring diagram example in Figure 5-4 were set up based
on the pin map and pin descriptions accompanying Figure 5-2. To make prototyping
easier, the Vin(-) pin is tied to Vss = 0 V and the Vref pin is tied to Vdd = 5 V. This sets
the bottom of the ADC0831’s input voltage scale to 0 V and the top to 5 V. The
PropScope’s CH1 probe is connected to the potentiometer’s wiper so that the voltage it
applies to the ADC0831’s Vin(+) input can be compared to the value the ADC0831
reports to the BASIC Stamp. Three of the PropScope DAC Card’s four Logic Analyzer
inputs are also connected to the lines between the BASIC Stamp I/O pins and the
Page 152 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
ADC0831 /CS, CLK and DO pins. They will be used to monitor the synchronous serial
communication between the two devices.
Build the schematic in Figure 5-3 using the wiring diagram example in Figure
5-4 as a guide.
Figure 5-3
ADC0831 Test
Figure 5-4
Wiring Diagram
Example for
Figure 5-3
Chapter 5: Synchronous Serial Communication · Page 153
Figure 5-5 shows a timing diagram similar to the one in the ADC0831 datasheet. This
diagram explains the signaling a microcontroller has to use to get measurements from the
chip. The little inverted triangles on the CLK signal indicate that the DO line updates its
output on the clock pulse’s negative edge. So the BASIC Stamp should wait until it
applies a falling clock edge before checking the next binary value from the DO line.
Figure 5-5: Timing Diagram from ADC0831 Datasheet
Null bit
Multiply each bit
value by:
…and add up the results to
get the ADC measurement
If you had to send a binary value like 10101010 as a series of high/low signals, would
you send the leftmost digit first and work your way to the right, or would you send the
rightmost digit first and work your way to the left? If you send the leftmost digit first and
work your way to the right, you would be sending the values in the most significant bit
first order (MSB first). If you instead work from right to left, you would be sending
values in the least significant bit first (LSB first) order.
The ADC0831 transmits the binary values ‘MSB first.’ So the first binary value the DO
line transmits is the number of 128s in the measurement. The second binary value is the
number of 64s in the measurement, followed by the number of 32s and so on, down to the
least significant bit, which is the number of 1s in the measurement. The example
measurement in the timing diagram is:
(1 × 128) + (0 × 64) + (1 × 32) + (0 × 16) + (1 × 8) + (0 × 4) + (1 × 2) + (0 × 1) = 170
Page 154 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
The leftmost digit in a base-2 unsigned integer is “most significant” because it is the
digit that tells how many of the largest power of 2 the number contains. In an 8-bit binary
number, that’s how many 2 = 128 it contains. The rightmost digit is the least significant bit
because it tells how many of the smallest power of 2 the number contains. In an 8-bit binary
number, that’s how many 2 = 1 it contains.
From the timing diagram in Figure 5-5, we can make a list of tasks for the BASIC Stamp:
Step 1: Set the /CS line low.
Step 2: Send the first clock pulse (a low-high-low signal) to the ADC0831’s CLK
pin. Don’t worry about collecting any data yet. The ADC0831 just sends a
low signal (the null bit) in reply to this first pulse.
Step 3: Send a second clock pulse, and record the binary value the DO pin transmits
in bit 7 of the variable that stores the measurement.
Step 4: Apply a third clock pulse to CLK and store the DO value in bit 6 of the
measurement variable.
Step 5: Repeat 6 more pulses to CLK, each time storing the value DO transmits in a
successively lower bit in the result variable.
Step 6: Set /CS line high.
ADC0831Test1.bs2 is a program that performs the 6 steps from the datasheet, plus a
seventh step: display the measurement in the Debug Terminal as an 8-digit binary value
and as a 3-digit decimal value.
' ADC0831Test1.bs2
' Code from the ADC0831 timing diagram.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
' P0 -> ADC CS
' P1 -> ADC CLK
' P2 low start measurement
' First pulse, no data follows
' For display, time btwn pulses
' Second pulse
' Get bit 7
' Third pulse
' Get bit 6
= Dout
= Dout
= Dout
= Dout
= Dout
= Dout
= Dout
= Dout
' Ninth pulse
' Get bit 0
' CS -> High, disable ADC
' Display measurement
"Binary adcVal = ", BIN8 adcVal, CR,'
in binary
"Decimal adcVal = ", DEC3 adcVal
and decimal
' Screen update delay
' Repeat main loop
ADC0831Test1.bs2 might seem inefficient and complicated from the PBASIC
programming standpoint, especially since PBASIC has a pair of commands named
SHIFTIN and SHIFTOUT that automatically do most of this work for you in a single line of
code. It’s still a useful exercise because not all microcontroller programming languages
have built-in commands that automate synchronous serial communication.
ADC0831Test1.bs2 shows you how to use lower-level commands to implement a timing
The ADC0831 transmits a measurement as a number of least significant bit voltage
increments (VLSB). This voltage increment is just enough to make its measurement step
from 0 to 1. The increment’s size depends on the range of the voltage the device is
Page 156 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
configured to measure. The top of this range is set by the voltage applied to Vref, and the
bottom of this range is set by the voltage applied to Vin(-). Since the ADC0831 splits
whatever voltage range it measures into 256 levels, the value of VLSB is:
Vref Vin()
Since Vref is connected to Vdd = 5 V, and Vin(-) is connected Vss = 0 V, the
ADC0831’s measurements will be in terms of 256ths of 5 V. So, that makes one LSB
voltage increment:
5V 0 V
19.53125 mV
VLSB vs. LSB. Analog to digital converter documentation often just refers to one VLSB voltage
increment as an LSB. LSB also refers to the rightmost binary digit in a binary number. The
two are related because the voltage that causes an ADC measurement to step from 0 to 1
causes the binary number that describes the voltage measurement to store a 1 in its least
significant bit. If you see LSB in this book, it means the rightmost digit in a binary number. If
you see VLSB, it means an analog to digital converter voltage increment.
Quantize and Quantization. If you see the term quantize in A/D converter documentation,
it means that an analog to digital converter quantifies its voltage measurements (in terms of
a number of VLSB increments). The A/D converter “quantizes” voltage. Quantization is the
process of making a conversation (from input voltage to a number of VLSB increments). You
might also see the term quantization error which refers to the difference between the actual
voltage and the measured (quantized) value.
You can use VLSB to calculate an analog to digital converter’s measurement in terms of
volts. Simply multiply the value the ADC reports by VLSB. For example, if the
ADC0831 reports 170, as it did in the Figure 5-5 timing diagram, the voltage applied to
the Vin(+) terminal must be:
Vin( ) adcVal VLSB
170 19.53125 mV
3.3203125 V
3.32 V
Chapter 5: Synchronous Serial Communication · Page 157
You can also calculate what the ADC will report for a certain voltage measurement by
dividing it by VLSB. For example, if you want to know what the ADC0831 will report if
3.32 V is applied to its Vin(+) terminal, divide the LSB voltage increment into it.
3.32 V
19.53125 mV
Let’s verify the signaling by adjusting the potentiometer until the ADC0831 reports 170.
With this value, the PropScope should measure a voltage of about 3.3 V.
Enter and run ADC0831Test1.bs2.
Adjust the potentiometer until the Debug Terminal shows that the ADC0831 is
reporting a value of 170 like Figure 5-6.
Figure 5-6
ADC0831 Output with
Pot set to 3.3 V
The PropScope DSO LSA view in Figure 5-7 is great for verifying the voltage
measurement and the synchronous serial communication signaling because it shows both
the Oscilloscope and Logic State Analyzer screens. Remember that the potentiometer’s
wiper terminal output voltage is connected to the ADC0831’s Vin(+) pin as well as to the
PropScope’s CH1 probe. So, we can use the Oscilloscope to verify the voltage the
potentiometer applies to the ADC0831’s Vin(+) pin.
Page 158 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
DSO: Digital Storage Oscilloscope.
LSA: Logic State Analyzer.
Mixed Signal: Refers to a combination of analog and digital signals. The DSO LSA view in
Figure 5-7 is a mixed signal view.
First, click the Oscilloscope view and set the Trigger tab’s Mode switch to Off.
Click the DSO LSA view tab to see the Oscilloscope and Logic State Analyzer
screens at the same time.
Set the CH1 Vertical dial to 1 V/division, and the Vertical coupling switch
to DC.
Verify that the CH1 voltage measures 3.3 V.
Figure 5-7: Check Voltage and Communication with DSO LSA View
Approximately 3.3 V
of the 3.3 V
in the
Chapter 5: Synchronous Serial Communication · Page 159
The Logic State Analyzer screen in Figure 5-8 is useful for synchronous serial signaling
verification. The ADC0831Test1.bs2 code example from Activity #2 implements the
timing diagram in Figure 5-5, and the Logic State Analyzer display in Figure 5-8 verifies
that it’s doing it right.
In Activity #1, you connected the PropScope DAC Card’s Logic State Analyzer input 0
to the ADC0831’s /CS line. So, the /CS signal will be displayed by the trace labeled i0.
The first thing the program’s main loop does is set the /CS line low to start a
measurement and communication. It also sets /CS high again when it’s done. Since the
first communication event is the /CS line’s negative edge transition (from high to low),
the Logic State Analyzer can be configured to trigger on this event. You can do this by
setting the Logic State Analyzer’s i0 trace to negative edge trigger. After that, you will
also have to adjust the horizontal scale so that the entire serial exchange is visible in the
Oscilloscope screen. To match Figure 5-8, the Trigger Time control should also be
adjusted to align the i0 trace’s negative edge with the first time division line.
Set the Horizontal dial to 1 ms/division.
Repeatedly click the i0 signal label on the left side of the Logic State Analyzer
screen until it displays a negative edge
so that it aligns its
Adjust the Logic State Analyzer’s Trigger Time control
vertical crosshair with the first time division line. This should in turn cause the
i0 trace’s negative edge to line up with the first time division line.
Compare the signaling in Figure 5-8 to the timing diagram in Figure 5-5.
Check i2 in the Logic State Analyzer to verify that the 1s and 0s transmitted by
the ADC0831’s DO line are the correct sequence for the binary number
10101010 = decimal 170. Figure 5-8 shows an example of how to do this.
Page 160 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 5-8: Verify Value Transmitted by ADC0831 with Logic Analyzer
After setting i0 to negative edge, set the Trigger Time control so
that the /CS signal’s negative edge lines up with the first time
Click i0 twice to set to negative edge trigger.
/CS signal’s negative edge aligned with first time division.
Null bit (1×128)+(0×64)+(1×32)+(0×16)+(1×8)+(0×4)+(1×2)+(0×1)=170
Your Turn: Try a Different Voltage
Pick a target voltage in the 0 to 5 V range.
Calculate the adcVal result.
Adjust the potentiometer until the Debug Terminal displays your adcVal result.
Verify the approximate voltage with the Measure display.
Verify the signaling and make sure the DO values during the low clock cycles
coincides with the value of adcVal displayed in the Debug Terminal. Again,
Figure 5-8 shows an example of how to do this.
Chapter 5: Synchronous Serial Communication · Page 161
Author’s note: When I started designing the circuit and code for this chapter, I took
advantage of the Oscilloscope and Logic Analyzer in the DSO LSA view illustrate
common mistakes one might make along the way. Here are three errors it would be easy
to make:
1) Not setting /CS high between measurements.
2) Not sending a clock pulse for the null bit before the eight pulses for data bits.
3) Swapping CLK and DO connections. As a result of this error, the first test
program would send clock signals to the DO pin instead of the CLK pin. Since
the DO pin also sends signals, this could possibly create a situation where the
BASIC Stamp I/O pin sends a high signal while the DO pin sends a low.
Without the 220 Ω resistor to limit current, either the ADC0831, or the BASIC
Stamp, or both could be damaged.
The Oscilloscope and Logic State Analyzer are useful diagnostic tools for finding and
fixing errors. In this activity, we’ll examine how the DSO LSA view’s Oscilloscope and
Logic Analyzer can be used to diagnose problems 1 and 2.
Recreate and Examine Error 1
Before we recreate error 1, it’s important to zoom out a little to see multiple ADC
communications. Figure 5-9 shows an example with the PAUSE 100 command in the
commented out of the example code and the Horizontal dial adjusted to 10 ms/division.
In the Logic State Analyzer, the /CS line stays high between measurements, and there are
two measurements visible.
Remove the PAUSE 100 from ADC0831Test1.bs2 by placing an apostrophe to
its left so that it reads ' PAUSE 100.
Load the Modified program into the BASIC Stamp.
Change the Horizontal dial setting in the PropScope’s DSO LSA view to
10 ms/division.
Page 162 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 5-9: Two ADC0831 Measurements in Logic Analyzer
Second ADC
Now that we know what to expect when it’s working right, let’s try disabling the
command that sets /CS high between measurements.
In ADC0831Test1.bs2, find the command HIGH CS that’s near the end of the
DO…LOOP. (Not the one at the beginning of the program.)
Comment the HIGH CS that’s near the end of the program’s DO…LOOP by placing
an apostrophe to its left, like this: ' HIGH CS.
Load the modified program into the BASIC Stamp 2.
The potentiometer is still adjusted to 3.32 V, but Figure 5-10 shows that the change in the
code caused the system to report all zeros instead of the correct values.
Chapter 5: Synchronous Serial Communication · Page 163
Figure 5-10
Debug Terminal with
Zero Measurements
…because /CS was not
set high between
If the Binary adcVal result in the Debug Terminal shows all ones instead of all zeros,
it may mean that the first measurement the ADC0831 successfully completed when the
program started was an odd number like 169 or 171 instead of 170. So the first and only
successful measurement left the ADC0831’s DO line high instead of low because odd
numbers always have a 1 in the LSB, and the LSB is the last digit the DO line transmits.
For example, the odd decimal numbers 1, 3 and 5 have the binary equivalents: 001, 011,
and 101. The rightmost digits are all ones. In contrast, even decimal numbers like 2, 4 and
6 end in zeros, and their binary equivalents are: 010, 100, and 110.
Figure 5-11 shows that the measured voltage on CH1 is still 3.3 V. It would have to be in
the 0 to 19.5 mV range for a Debug Terminal to display of all zeros. Take a closer look
at the BASIC Stamp module’s second measurement attempt in the Logic State Analyzer.
The /CS pin has to be set high and then low again to start a measurement. In the second
measurement the BASIC Stamp sends the clock pulses to /CS, but the ADC0831’s DO
line doesn’t reply because the /CS line was not set high and then low again to start the
Page 164 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 5-11: CS is stays low, so DO does not respond to clock pulses after first measurement.
No /CS negative
edge results in no
DO signal
applied to
Vin(+) is still
3.3 V.
Before examining the next error, the example code should be returned to its original state
and tested.
Uncomment ' HIGH CS by deleting the apostrophe.
Uncomment ' PAUSE 100 by deleting the apostrophe.
Make sure the potentiometer is still set to 3.3 V.
Load the corrected program into the BASIC Stamp.
Verity that the Debug Terminal still reports measurements of 170.
Return the Horizontal dial to 1 ms/div.
Verify that the synchronous serial communication still displays in the Logic
State Analyzer screen like it did in Figure 5-8.
Chapter 5: Synchronous Serial Communication · Page 165
Recreate and Examine Error 2
Figure 5-12 shows what happens if the first PULSOUT CLK, 200 is missing from the
program; the adcVal variable indicates the measurement is only half of what it should be.
Comment out the very first PULSOUT CLK, 200 by placing an apostrophe to its
left so that it looks like this: ' PULSOUT CLK, 200.
Load the modified program into the BASIC Stamp.
Use the Debug Terminal to verify that your ADC measurement results have been
cut in half.
Compare the binary pattern in Figure 5-12 to the one in Figure 5-6 on page 157.
Would you agree that the binary digits in Figure 5-12 shifted to the right by
1 digit?
Figure 5-12
Missing Clock Pulse
Causes ADC0831 to
Return Half the
Measured Value
Figure 5-13 shows that the voltage is still 3.3 V, and the signaling in the Logic Analyzer
might “seem” in order, but if you examine it closely and compare it to the Figure 5-5
timing diagram on page 153, you’ll see that they are not the same.
Page 166 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 5-13: First Look at the Communication with Missing Clock Pulse
applied to
Vin(+) is still
3.3 V
A closer look at the Logic State Analyzer display in Figure 5-14 shows the problem.
Instead of 9 pulses, there are only 8. The ADC0831 uses the first pulse for its own
processing regardless of how many clock pulses it receives, and the DO line sends a zero
for this pulse, which the figure calls a null bit. Instead of not paying any attention to that
first null bit, your modified PBASIC program stores it in adcVal bit 7. So a 0 gets stored
in bit 7 of adcVal instead of a 1. Then, the value that should have represented the
number of 128s in bit 7 gets stored in bit 6. So now, it represents the number of 64s
instead. Likewise, the value that should have represented the number of 64s got stored in
bit 6, so now it represents the number of 32s. The end result? All the binary digits got
shifted to the right in the adcVal variable. In binary processing, this is a shortcut used to
divide a number by 2. So the result of 85, which is ½ of 170 also provides a clue that
there weren’t enough clock pulses.
Chapter 5: Synchronous Serial Communication · Page 167
Figure 5-14: Closer Look at Communication with Missing Clock Pulse
Without the null pulse, the
null bit value of zero gets
stored in the adcVal
variable’s binary digit that
should have stored the
number of 128s.
As mentioned earlier, the code from ADC0831Test1.bs2 is not optimized. Figure 5-15
shows two ways to improve the code. The “better” version uses an index variable and
FOR…NEXT loop to iteratively load each bit from the ADC0831 into the adcVal variable.
The “best” version uses a PBASIC command called SHIFTIN to complete the operation,
including a first null bit pulse, in a single command. Not only does this command take
less code space, it is also much faster.
Page 168 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 5-15: “Better” and “Best” Approaches to ADC0831 Communication
From ADC0831 Test 1.bs2
= Dout
= Dout
= Dout
= Dout
FOR index = 7 TO 0
adcVal.LOWBIT(index) = Dout
= Dout
= Dout
= Dout
= Dout
SHIFTIN Dout, CLK, MSBPOST, [adcVal\9]
The syntax for the SHIFTIN command is:
SHIFTIN DataPin, ClockPin, Mode, [Variable {\bits}{, Variable {\bits}…}
The DataPin and ClockPin are self explanatory. The Mode argument can be one of four
values: MSBPRE, MSBPOST, LSBPRE, or LSBPOST. The ADC0831 transmits the most
significant bit (MSB) first and updates its DO data output after the clock pulse (POST).
So the correct value to use as the SHIFTIN command’s Mode argument is MSBPOST. The
\9 after adcVal applies 9 pulses, and shifts in 9 bits. But, since the adcVal variable is a
byte, it only retains the lowest 8 bits, and the null bit is lost, which is fine because it
didn’t hold any meaningful information anyhow.
Enter and run ADC0831Test2.bs2.
Chapter 5: Synchronous Serial Communication · Page 169
' ADC0831Test2.bs2
' Code from the ADC0831 timing diagram.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
' P0 -> ADC CS
' P1 -> ADC CLK
' P2 low start measurement
' 9 CS pulses, keep 8 DO bits
' CS -> High, disable ADC
' Display measurement
"Binary adcVal = ", BIN8 adcVal, CR,'
in binary
"Decimal adcVal = ", DEC3 adcVal
and decimal
' Screen update delay
' Repeat main loop
PBASIC has SHIFTOUT too. For sending synchronous serial messages to devices
designed to receive them, use the SHIFTOUT command.
Figure 5-16 shows that the Debug Terminal is still displaying the correct information, but
the SHIFTOUT command is finishing its job in a fraction of the time. In fact, it’s running
so quickly, that the current 1 ms/division Horizontal dial setting is too large to catch all
the signal activity in the Logic State Analyzer.
Verify that your Debug Terminal and Logic Analyzer resemble the example in
Figure 5-16.
Page 170 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 5-16: Debug Terminal Check, and SHIFTIN in Logic State Analyzer
Figure 5-17 shows the Logic State Analyzer with the Horizontal dial set to
200 μs/division, which is small enough to see the pulses and data values, but large
enough to still contain the entire /CS signal low time.
Adjust the PropScope’s Horizontal dial to 200 μs/division.
Chapter 5: Synchronous Serial Communication · Page 171
Figure 5-17: Closer Look at the Higher Speed SHIFTIN Command
Your Turn: Pattern Detection
When two devices communicate, troubleshooting may need to start at a very small time
window when a list of certain binary conditions occur. The Pattern tab on the left side of
the Logic Analyzer can be used to detect a list of conditions, like the ones shown in
Figure 5-18. By clicking each signal label (i0, i1, i2, and/or i3) repeatedly, you can
toggle through these five trigger conditions:
→ Rising (positive) Edge
→ Low
→ Falling (negative) Edge
→ No Trigger
→ High
Page 172 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Set your PropScope’s Horizontal dial to 100 μs/division.
Click the Pattern tab on the side of the Logic State Analyzer.
Set up the pattern of trigger conditions shown in Figure 5-18.
Try creating a signal pattern that never happens. For example, set i0 to high and
i1 to positive edge. What happens to the screen activity and what message
appears? The Logic State Analyzer keeps waiting for a trigger event that
doesn’t occur.
Try setting i0 to trigger on low and i1 to trigger on rising edge. The rising edge
will line up with the fist division line because the i0 = Low condition was
satisfied, but the display still has to wait for a rising edge on i1.
Experiment with clicking through different options on different channels, and
examine any changes in signal edge alignment with the first time division line.
Figure 5-18: Pattern Triggering
Negative Edge
Low Signal Level
High Signal Level
More ADC0831 Projects. Basic Analog and Digital and Process Control are two Stamps in
Class textbooks/kits with activities and projects that utilize the ADC0831 A/D converter.
Both textbooks are free .pdf downloads from www.parallax.com/education.
Chapter 5: Synchronous Serial Communication · Page 173
A variety of inexpensive, special-purpose integrated circuits are available to perform
tasks like memory storage, coprocessing and analog to digital conversion (to name a
few), and many of them are designed to exchange information with a microcontroller
using synchronous serial communication. Synchronous serial devices use a variety of
protocols, with a common denominator of a clock signal that synchronizes the exchange
of a series of binary values.
The ADC0831 8-bit A/D converter is an example of a synchronous serial device that
transmits a number from 0 to 255 to represent measured voltages. This device’s
datasheet provides pin maps and timing diagrams that can be used to develop a test
circuit and test code. Communication takes signals on three lines: chip select, clock, and
data out. Chip select has to be held low for the duration of the communication, and
pulses applied to the chip’s clock pin result in successive binary values that represent the
measurement value transmitted by its data out pin.
The PropScope’s DSO LSA View has an Oscilloscope and Logic Analyzer. This
arrangement makes it possible to verify both the voltage applied and the synchronous
serially-communicated measurement. The oscilloscope can be used to view the voltage
applied to the ADC0831’s Vin(+) analog input while the Logic Analyzer monitors the
communication lines to verify that the signaling is correct.
One incorrect microcontroller coding error can change the signaling in ways that prevent
communication, or cause incorrect values. Two such errors were studied in this chapter,
and the digital signal oscilloscope and logic state analyzer were used to diagnose each
PBASIC has SHIFTIN and SHIFTOUT commands for communicating with synchronous
serial devices. Provided the command’s arguments and features are used correctly, they
can make short work of synchronous serial communication code, and they are also much
faster than loops that store individual bits in a variable.
Page 174 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication
The previous chapter introduced synchronous serial communication, which relies on a
separate clock signal to synchronize the exchange of a series of values. In contrast,
asynchronous serial communication is the exchange of a series of values without the
synchronizing clock signal.
Figure 6-1 shows some examples of devices that use asynchronous serial communication
to exchange information. When a BASIC Stamp executes a DEBUG command, it uses
asynchronous serial communication to send information to the PC, either through a serial
cable, or to a chip that converts the serial message to the USB protocol.
Figure 6-1: Asynchronous Serial Device Examples
BS2 to PC on Serial
Board of Education
BS2 to Parallax Serial LCD
Asynchronous Serial
BS2 to USB/Serial Converter
on USB Board of Education
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 175
Another example: the BASIC Stamp sends the Parallax Serial LCD (Liquid Crystal
Display) asynchronous serial messages to make it display text. Other useful peripherals
that utilize asynchronous serial communication include geographic positioning systems
(GPS), radio frequency identification (RFID), and radio frequency communication
modules that make it possible for microcontrollers to communicate wirelessly. This
chapter introduces the signaling these devices use to communicate and examines and
decodes certain asynchronous serial messages with the PropScope.
ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Exchange, and it uses
numeric codes to represent US alphabet characters. It also includes some special codes
called control characters for keys on your keyboard like ‘Esc’ and ‘Backspace.’ When
the BASIC Stamp sends messages to display as text on by a PC or serial LCD, it uses
ASCII codes to send the characters that make up the message.
Printable ASCII Chart.bs2 displays characters and their corresponding ASCII codes for
values of 32 through 127 in the Debug Terminal.
Enter and run Printable ASCII Chart.bs2
' Printable ASCII Chart.bs2
' Display 32 through 127 along with the ASCII characters those
' values represent.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
PAUSE 1000
CR, "
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
' Will store ASCII codes
' 1 second delay before messages
PRINTABLE ASCII CHARACTERS", ' Display chart heading
from 32 to 127"
FOR char = 32 TO 127
' Character=ASCII value loop
DEBUG CRSRXY, char-32/24*10, char-32//24+3 ' Position cursor row, column
DEBUG char, " = ", DEC3 char
' Display Character=ASCII value
Page 176 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
The Debug Terminal display should resemble Figure 6-2.
If the display gets scrambled because there’s not enough room in the Debug
Terminal, make the window larger and restart the program by pressing and
releasing the Reset button on your board.
Figure 6-2
Characters and Decimal
Value ASCII Codes
Displayed in Debug
Figure 6-3 shows ASCII values the Debug Terminal uses as control characters for
operations like Clear Screen, Home, Backspace, Tab, Carriage Return and others.
In the BASIC Stamp Editor, click Edit and select Preferences. Then, click the
Debug Function tab.
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 177
Figure 6-3
Debug Terminal Control
Character Values and
All of the control characters listed in Figure 6-3 have symbol names in the PBASIC
language. For example, instead of DEBUG 0 for Clear Screen, you can use DEBUG CLS. In
place of DEBUG 13 for Carriage Return, you can use DEBUG CR. The DEBUG command
documentation in the BASIC Stamp Editor Help’s PBASIC Language Reference has a
complete list of PBASIC control character symbol names, descriptions of their functions,
and the values they represent.
Close the Preferences window and open the BASIC Stamp Editor’s Help. (Click
Help and select BASIC Stamp Editor Help…)
In the PBASIC Language Reference, follow the link to the DEBUG command
Scroll down to the last table. It lists the names and ASCII values of the
functions in Figure 6-3 along with PBASIC Symbol names you can use as DEBUG
command arguments, like CLS, CR, HOME, etc.
Page 178 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Your Turn: Display “A” to “Z”, “a” to “z”, and 128 to 255
Printable ASCII Chart.bs2 uses the char variable in a FOR…NEXT loop to count from 32
TO 127. Each time through the loop, the DEBUG command transmits the char variable’s
value to the PC using asynchronous serial communication. The Debug Terminal then
displays the ASCII value’s corresponding character. The PBASIC language treats
characters in quotes as their ASCII value equivalents, so you could actually create a
FOR…NEXT loop that counts from "A" to "Z", "a" to "z", or even "!" to ".".
In Printable ASCII Chart.bs2, try changing 32 TO 127 to "A" TO "Z".
Load the modified program into the BASIC Stamp, and observe the results.
Repeat for "a" TO "z" and "!" TO "." .
The Debug Terminal has more characters in the 128 to 255 range that you can check too.
These can be useful for displays in certain languages as well as symbols like degrees °, ±,
¼ and other symbols. For example, the DEBUG command to display 180° would be
DEBUG "180", 176. The code 176 makes the Debug Terminal display the ° symbol.
Try this modified FOR…NEXT loop in Printable ASCII Chart.bs2.
FOR char = 128 TO 255
DEBUG CRSRXY, char-128/24*10, char-128//24+3
DEBUG char, " = ", DEC3 char
Make a note of any character codes that might be useful for displays in future
BASIC Stamp projects.
Figure 6-4 shows an example timing diagram for the number 65— the letter "A"—
transmitted with a widely used format of asynchronous serial signaling. The sending
device that transmits this byte starts with a transition from high (Resting State) to low
(Start Bit). Both of the devices use that as the starting point. The sending device uses it
for updating the bit values it transmits at regular time intervals (tbit), and the receiving
device knows to check for new binary values at those intervals. The baud rate determines
the time interval, which is tbit = 1/baud rate. For example, if the baud rate is 9600 bits per
second (bps), it means that each bit period has to be 1/9600th of a second. In other words,
the bit time is tbit = 1 ÷ (9600 bits/second) ≈ 104.17 μs/bit. So, the transmitting device
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 179
updates its binary values every 104.17 μs, and the receiving device checks in the middle
of each of those time periods for the next binary value in the byte.
Figure 6-4: Number 65 Transmitted with 8-Bit, True, No Parity Asynchronous Serial Signaling
(1×1) + (0×2) + (0×4) + (0×8) + (0×16) + (0×32) + (1×64) + (0×128) = 65
Baud rate = 1/tbit in bits per second (bps)
A device that transmits or receives the asynchronous serial signal in Figure 6-4 is using a
format called “True signaling, 8 bits, no parity, and one stop bit.” The shorthand for this
is 8N1, and it is usually preceded by a baud rate, like this: 9600 bps, 8N1, or just
9600 8N1. With true signaling, also called non-inverted, a high signal sends a binary-1,
and a low signal sends a binary-0. 8 bits means that the signal contains 8 binary values
(bits). No parity indicates that this signal does not contain a parity bit, an option that the
transmitter and receiver use to help detect communication errors. Parity bits will be
examined in the Projects at the end of the chapter. One stop bit means that that the
transmitter has to wait at least one bit period (tbit) before sending another message. With
1 start bit, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit, the total amount of time it takes to send/receive a
single byte in this format is 10 bit periods.
Examining Figure 6-4 from left to right, the resting state of the signal is high. That signal
could stay high for an indefinite amount of time if the device transmitting messages
doesn’t have anything to send. When it does have something to send, it sends a low Start
Bit signal for one bit period. Again, both transmitter and receiver use the negative edge
of this signal for timing. The transmitter has to update its output between every bit
period, and the receiver has to check for a value in the middle of each bit period. After
the start bit, the transmitter sends the least-significant bit (Bit 0 or LSB), followed by
Bit 1 during the next bit period, Bit 2 in the bit period after that, and so on, up through Bit
Page 180 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
7 during the 8th bit period after the start bit. The receiver knows to treat Bit 0 as the
number of 1s, in the value, Bit 1 as the number of 2s, Bit 2 as the number of 4s, and so on
up through Bit 7, which is the number of 128s in the value. In Figure 6-4, Bit 0, which is
the number of 1s is high, and so is Bit 6, which is the number of 64s. All the rest of the
bits are low, so the value this signal transmits is (1 × 1) + (1 × 64) = 65.
In this activity, you will program the BASIC Stamp to use 9600 bps, 8N1 true
asynchronous serial signaling to transmit the values in the previous activity’s ASCII chart
using an I/O pin. A new character will be transmitted once every second, and you will
use the PropScope to monitor the sequence of ASCII values.
Asynchronous Serial Test Parts
(1) Resistor – 220 Ω (red-red-brown)
(misc.) Jumper wires
Asynchronous Serial Test Circuit
Figure 6-5 shows the test circuit and Figure 6-6 shows a wiring diagram example.
Build the circuit in Figure 6-5 using Figure 6-6 as a guide.
Figure 6-5
Test Circuit for Probing
Asynchronous Serial
Messages Transmitted
by the BASIC Stamp I/O
pin P11.
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 181
Figure 6-6
Wiring Diagram Example
for Figure 6-5
Asynchronous Serial Test Code
Printable ASCII Chart to IO.bs2 sends a character from the ASCII chart to the Debug
Terminal once every second. At about the same time, it sends a copy of that character to
I/O pin P11 using 9600 8N1 true serial signaling.
Open the BASIC Stamp Editor’s Help, and look up the SEROUT command in the
PBASIC Language Reference.
Read the Syntax and Function sections.
Find the Common Baud Rates and Corresponding Baud mode Values table for
the BS2, and verify that 84 is the Baud mode in SEROUT 11, 84, [char] that
will make it send its characters using true signaling at 9600, 8N1.
Enter and run Printable ASCII Chart to IO.bs2.
' Printable ASCII Chart to IO.bs2
' Display another value in the ASCII character chart once every second.
' Transmit a copy of that value to P11 using 9600 bps 8N1 with true signaling.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
Page 182 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
' For counting and storing ASCII
PAUSE 1000
' 1 second delay before messages
' Main loop
CR, "
from 32 to 127"
' Table heading
FOR char = 32 TO 127
' Count from 32 to 127
DEBUG CRSRXY, char-32/24*10, char-32//24+3 ' Position cursor
SEROUT 11, 84, [char]
' Send 9600 bps, 8N1 true byte
DEBUG char, " = ", DEC3 char
' Display byte in Debug Terminal
PAUSE 1000
' 1 second delay
' Repeat FOR...NEXT loop
' Repeat main loop
Asynchronous Serial Test Measurements
Figure 6-7 shows an example of the "A" character, which will display for one second,
about 34 seconds into the program. (That’s 33 seconds worth or characters and the 1
second PAUSE command at the very beginning.) Keep in mind that the signaling shown
by the PropScope will change once every second as the BASIC Stamp transmits a new
ASCII value. Also, notice that the Trigger in Figure 6-7 has been set to Fall since the
message begins with a negative transition from high resting state to low start bit.
Drag the CH1 trace downward so that 0 V is only slightly above the time scale.
(In Figure 6-7, the 0 V ground line is 1 voltage division above the time scale.)
Configure the PropScope’s Horizontal, Vertical and Trigger controls according
to Figure 6-7.
Set the Trigger Voltage control to about 2.5 V, and the Trigger Time control to
the second time division.
Watch the counting pattern in the Oscilloscope, and use the Debug Terminal as a
reference for seeing how the ASCII codes correspond to the signals in the
Verify that the pattern displayed by the PropScope changes once every second.
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 183
Figure 6-7: ASCII 65, Capital “A”
Figure 6-8 shows samples of the binary patterns for the characters "A" through "E" which
correspond to ASCII codes 65 through 69. This is a portion of the sequence of
asynchronous serial bytes the PropScope should display while Printable ASCII Chart to
IO.bs2 is running.
Page 184 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
A = 65
B = 66
C = 67
D = 68
Figure 6-8
Byte Values 65 to 96
These are the ASCII
codes for the characters
"A" through "E"
transmitted at 9600 bps
with 8N1 true signaling.
In the next activity, you
will examine these
signals bit-by-bit to
determine the ASCII
E = 69
Your Turn: DEBUG vs. SEROUT
DEBUG is a special case of the SEROUT command. It’s SEROUT 16, 84, [arguments…].
For example, in Printable ASCII Character Chart to IO.bs2, you can replace DEBUG
char, " = ", DEC3 char with SEROUT 16, 84, [char, " = ", DEC3 char], and
the Debug Terminal will behave exactly the same.
Try it.
In this activity, you will program the BASIC Stamp to send the letter "A" (ASCII 65)
using 9600 bps, 8N1, true asynchronous serial signaling and decode its value with the
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 185
Letter A Test Code
Letter A to P11.bs2 transmits the "A" character via I/O pin P11 once every second, and it
also sends it to the Debug Terminal to verify that characters are still getting sent once
every second. The Debug Terminal verification can be useful for situations when you’re
not sure if the Oscilloscope display should be updating or not.
Enter and run Letter A to P11.bs2.
' Letter A to P11.bs2
' Transmit "A" to P11 and Debug Terminal once every second.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
PAUSE 1000
' 1 second delay before messages
' Main loop
SEROUT 11, 84, ["A"]
DEBUG "A", " ", DEC3 "A", " ",
BIN8 "A", CR
PAUSE 1000
' "A" to P11
' "A" to Debug Terminal
' 1 second delay
' Repeat main loop
Letter A Test Measurements
Figure 6-9 shows the letter "A" again. It’s important to verify that your display shows all
the transitions and states in the Oscilloscope screen before continuing.
Verify your PropScope’s Horizontal, Vertical, and Trigger settings against
Figure 6-9.
Verify that your Trigger Voltage control is at about 2.5 V and that the Trigger
Time control is at the 2nd time division (0.4 ms)
Make sure you’ve got a good view of this on your PropScope.
The time per division options on the Horizontal dial are not the only options, and this is a
case where a custom time per division could come in really handy. Remember from
Activity #2 that if the baud rate is 9600 bits per second (bps), then the bit time is
tbit = 1 ÷ (9600 bits/second) ≈ 104.17 μs/bit. Wouldn’t it be nice is if the Oscilloscope
had a 104 μs units per division setting? Try this:
Page 186 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Right click the Oscilloscope screen. The “Click on the Value you wish to
change” window in Figure 6-10 should appear.
Shade the value 200 in the (timescale, Value) cell and change it to 104, press the
Enter key, and close the window. This will change the time scale value from the
Horizontal dial’s 200 μs/division setting to 104 μs/division.
Figure 6-9
The Letter
"A" Again
Time per
division is
200 µs.
Figure 6-10
Time per
Shade the number 200 and
change it to 104
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 187
Your Oscilloscope will need a few more adjustments before it resembles Figure 6-11.
Adjust the Plot Area bar slightly to the right so that you can view all the bits of
the asynchronous serial 65 byte as shown in Figure 6-11. The falling edge of the
start bit should align with the first visible time division line.
Compare your results to the timing diagram in Figure 6-4 on page 179.
The important feature here is that each bit in the asynchronous serial byte now occupies a
single time division. This makes it much easier to translate an asynchronous serial byte
displayed on the Oscilloscope screen into the value that’s being transmitted. Remember
that Bit 0 is the number of 1s in the number, Bit 1 is the number of 2s, Bit 3 is the number
of 4s, and so on up through Bit 7, which is the number of 128ths.
Figure 6-11: 9600 bps Byte Value = 65 Viewed with Timescale set to 104 μs/Division
Slide Plot Area bar to the right until the
signal matches what you see below.
Bit 1
Bit 0
Bit 3
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 4
Bit 2
Bit 5
Page 188 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Bits in a Byte: The values in Figure 6-11 get stored in a byte so that it looks like this:
%01000001. The % sign is a PBASIC formatter that tells the BASIC Stamp Editor that it’s a
binary number. In this binary number, Bit 0 gets stored in the rightmost position, Bit 1 in the
next position to the left, and so on up through Bit 7, which is the leftmost digit. It’s the
opposite of the order from the binary digits get transmitted in an asynchronous serial byte.
Powers of 2 in a Byte: The value stored by Bit 0 determines the number of 1s in the
variable, and 2 = 1. The value stored by Bit 1 determines the number of 2s in the variable,
and 2 = 2. The value in Bit 3 determines the number of 4s in the variable, and 2 =4. More
bit position
generally: Each bit determines whether a binary number has (1 or 0) × 2
Your Turn: Pick a Byte Value
Repeat the measurements in this activity with a character or byte value of your
When the DEBUG command sends a message to the PC, the true signal is inverted by a
circuit so that every high portion of the signal becomes low, and every low portion
becomes high. You will take some measurements of the inverted signals going to and
coming from the PC in Activity #6. Figure 6-12 shows an example of the same 65 value
in an inverted signal. In this activity, you will program the BASIC Stamp to send the
letter "A" with both true and inverted asynchronous serial signaling and compare the
results with the PropScope.
Compare the signaling in Figure 6-12 against Figure 6-4 on page 179.
Figure 6-12: Timing Diagram of 65 Transmitted with Inverted Signaling
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 189
True vs. Inverted Comparison Test Parts
(2) Resistors – 220 Ω (red-red-brown)
(misc.) Jumper wires
True vs. Inverted Comparison Test Circuit
The SEROUT command can be configured to send a true signal followed by an inverted
signal, one after the other on the same line. However, that introduces some oddities to
the signal that make it difficult for a device to receive and decipher. So, for a comparison
of true and inverted signals, the BASIC Stamp will be programmed to send the signals on
separate I/O pins. The PropScope will be used to probe each signal to display on its own
Connect the probes to the I/O socket through the 220 Ω resistors shown in Figure
6-13 using Figure 6-14 as a guide.
True vs. Inverted Comparison Test Code
True Inverted Comparison.bs2 sends the same "A" character with true signaling we’ve
been measuring with CH1 on I/O pin P11. Then, it sends the "A" character with inverted
signaling on I/O pin P10, and this will be measured with CH2.
Enter and run True Inverted Comparison.bs2.
' True Inverted Comparison.bs2
' Transmit "A" on P11 with true signaling, and then on P10 with inverted.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
' Will store ASCII codes
PAUSE 1000
' 1 second delay before messages
' Main loop
SEROUT 11, 84, ["A"]
SEROUT 10, 16468, ["A"]
PAUSE 1000
Send 9600 bps, 8N1 true byte
9600 bps, 8N1 inverted byte
"A" to Debug Terminal
1 second delay
' Repeat main loop
Page 190 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 6-13
Both Channel Probes
Connected to I/O Pin
Sockets through
Protection Resistors
Figure 6-14
Wiring Diagram Example
of Figure 6-13
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 191
True vs. Inverted Comparison Test Measurements
Figure 6-15 shows the true signal on the lower CH1 trace, and the inverted signal on the
upper CH2 trace. Note that the inverted signal is simply the opposite level from the true
signal for all bits and resting states.
Slide the Vertical CH2 coupling switch from Off to DC.
Click, hold, and drag the red CH2 trace and position it so that its 0 V ground line
is slightly above the top of the CH1 trace. (In Figure 6-15, it’s 1.5 voltage
divisions above the top of the CH1 trace.)
Adjust the Horizontal dial to 500 ms/division.
Slide the Plot Area bar to the far left.
If needed, adjust the Trigger Time control so that it aligns the CH1 signal’s first
negative edge with the second time division.
Figure 6-15: True Signal on CH1 (lower trace) Inverted on CH2 (upper trace)
Page 192 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Your Turn: Trigger on CH2; Find the Missing CH1 Signal
Let’s say you want to take a closer look at the CH2 signal. One approach would be to set
the Trigger Source to CH2 and the Trigger Edge to Rise. This will align the rising edge
of the CH2 signal with the second time division, but the CH1 signal will mostly if not
entirely disappear. So where did it go?
To answer this question, you can scroll the Plot Area bar to the center of the Plot
Preview, and then move the Trigger Time control to adjust the signal positions. If you
drag it to the approximate center of the Plot Area bar, the signals should start to resemble
Figure 6-15 again. You can also set the units per division to 104 μs. With adjustments to
some combination of the Trigger Time control, Plot Area bar, Trigger Edge, and Trigger
Source, you can bring either signal into a close-up view to examine its bits. Remember
that with the inverted signal, a low is a binary 1, and a high is a binary 0.
Set your display up so that it triggers off the CH2 trace’s positive edge, and use
the Plot Area bar and Trigger Time control to adjust the horizontal positioning of
the signals in the Oscilloscope screen.
Optional: Set the Horizontal timescale to 104 μs/div. See if you can use the Plot
Area bar and Trigger Time control to navigate between the CH1 and CH2 bites.
Hardware flow control can be an exceedingly useful feature. For example, what if two
BASIC Stamp modules are connected together and communicating with asynchronous
serial communication? Robot applications sometimes use a pair of BASIC Stamp
modules that exchange data this way. Without flow control, when one BASIC Stamp is
busy with other tasks like servo control and sensor monitoring, it could miss serial bytes
from the other BASIC Stamp. With hardware flow control, that BASIC Stamp can send
a high signal on a separate line to let the other BASIC Stamp know that it’s busy. When
it’s ready for serial messages, it can send a low signal. The other BASIC Stamp stops
sending bytes when it receives a high (busy) signal, and resumes when it receives a low
(ready) signal.
Systems can also use software flow control. With software flow control, a receiver sends
sequences of serial bytes to tell the transmitter when it is ready or busy. This approach is
common in systems that automatically buffer (store in memory) certain numbers of bytes
and examine portions of them between tasks. With BASIC Stamp 2 modules, software flow
control might save a few I/O pins, but it tends to take more code and memory to implement.
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 193
In this activity, the PropScope will stand in for the BASIC Stamp that receives messages
with flow control. It might be busy sometimes (sending a high signal) and ready to
receive serial messages other times (sending a low signal). Your actual BASIC Stamp
will be the one sending messages to the PropScope. It will be programmed to send serial
bytes with hardware flow control enabled. The program will make your BASIC Stamp
send serial bytes using an I/O pin connected to the PropScope’s CH1 probe. Your
BASIC Stamp module’s program will also monitor another I/O pin for hardware flow
control high/low signals that the PropScope’s function generator will transmit. The
function generator (which is emulating a BASIC Stamp receiving serial messages with
flow control) will transmit a square wave. When the square wave’s signal is high (busy),
it will cause your BASIC Stamp to wait. When the signal is low (not busy) it will cause
your BASIC Stamp to resume transmitting bytes.
The Oscilloscope will display the function generator’s high/low signals with its CH2
trace, and its CH1 trace will indicate when serial messages are or are not transmitted.
With this approach, you will be able to “see” how flow control works, with high signals
on CH2 interrupting serial activity, and low signals allowing it to resume.
Flow Control Test Code
In Test Flow Control.bs2, the command SEROUT 11\10, 84, [REP "A"\254] uses
P11 to transmit 254 "A" bytes in rapid succession and monitors P10 for flow control
signals. The PropScope’s function generator output sends a square wave flow control
signal to P10. During the time the square wave signal is high, it interrupts the “flow” of
serial bytes from the BASIC Stamp. When the signal is low, it allows the BASIC Stamp
to transmit serial bytes.
Keep in mind that P10 was used as an output in the previous activity. Before connecting
the PropScope’s function generator output to it, you should make sure to run code that
sets the I/O pin to input. Even though there is a 220 Ω resistor protecting the I/O pin
from the function generator output and vice-versa, it’s still a better practice to use code to
prevent I/O conflicts along with the resistors that protect your hardware from possible
coding mistakes.
Any PBASIC program starts all I/O pins as inputs, but certain commands can change
them to output. Examples include HIGH, LOW, and PULSOUT. In Test Flow Control.bs2,
the command SEROUT 11\10… sets P11 to output to make it transmit serial bytes, and the
optional \10 flow control pin argument sets P10 to input to make it monitor flow control
signals. So, by loading Test Flow Control.bs2 into your BASIC Stamp before connecting
Page 194 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
the function generator output to P10, you are taking an additional step to protect the
function generator output and BASIC Stamp I/O pin.
Enter Test Flow Control.bs2 into the BASIC Stamp Editor and run it.
' Test Flow Control.bs2
' Main loop repeatedly sends 254 copies of "A" to P11, with P10 flow control.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
PAUSE 1000
' 1 second delay before messages
' Main loop
SEROUT 11\10, 84, [REP "A"\254]
DEBUG "254 bytes sent", CR
' P11 transmits, P10 flow control
' Debug Terminal message
' Repeat main loop
Flow Control Test Circuit
To test flow control, the DAC Card’s function generator output needs to be connected to
the P10 input. Figure 6-16 shows the schematic, which is almost identical to the one
from the previous activity, and Figure 6-17 shows a wiring diagram example. The only
difference is that the probe has to be disconnected from the PropScope’s CH2 BNC
connector, and connected to DAC Card’s function generator output BNC connector.
Disconnect the CH2 probe from the PropScope’s CH2 BNC connector and
connect it to the DAC Card’s function generator output. For a refresher on
which one is the function generator output, see Figure 2-16 on page 46.
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 195
Figure 6-16
CH1 Probes P11 Serial
Output, DAC Output
Drives P10 Flow Control
Input Line
Figure 6-17
Wiring Diagram Example
of Figure 6-16
Page 196 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Flow Control Test Measurements
The upper DAC trace in Figure 6-18 shows the PropScope DAC Card’s function
generator sending a 50 Hz square wave. Since the function generator’s output is
connected to BASIC Stamp P10 I/O pin for flow control, the serial activity on the lower
channel 1 trace stops during the square wave’s high signals and resumes during low
Move the Plot Area bar to the far left of the Plot Preview.
Set the Horizontal dial to 5 ms/div and the Vertical dials to 2 V/div.
Set the Generator panel’s Function switch to Square.
Set the Generator panel’s fields to: Frequency = 50 Hz, Offset = 2.25 V,
Amplitude = 4 V, then click the Generate button.
Set the Vertical CH2 coupling switch to DAC. (When you set the CH2 coupling
switch to DAC, it uses the CH2 trace to display the function generator output.)
In the Trigger tab, set these switches: Mode = Continuous, Edge = Rise, Level =
Normal, and Source = CH2.
Set the Trigger Time control so that the rising edge of the DAC output lines up
with the second time division line.
Set the Trigger Voltage control to about 2.5 V. Make sure it’s 2.5 V on the CH2
scale (on the right side of the screen). See notes in Figure 6-18.
Check your PropScope settings and display against Figure 6-18.
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 197
Figure 6-18: PropScope DAC Card Flow Control of Serial Byte Stream
2.5 V on CH2 scale
Trigger Voltage
In Figure 6-18, the jagged spikes in the lower CH1 trace occur during function
generator’s low signals in the upper CH2 trace. This indicates that a lot of activity is
happening on channel 1 when the flow control signal from the function generator is low.
The actual bit-level activity is not visible, but it’s a good indicator that serial
communication occurs during those times. For a closer look, you can pick a function
generator frequency that lets fewer bytes through and then adjust the Horizontal timescale
to a smaller value. For example, you could pick a function generator frequency that only
lets two bytes through at a time.
For two bytes at a time, you’ll need to set the function generator in terms of some
frequency. To figure out the frequency, the first step is to figure out how much low time
is needed for two bytes. Next, multiply that time by 2 since a square wave has equal high
and low times. The result is the cycle time or period. Then, take the reciprocal of the
period for the frequency. That’s your frequency for the function generator.
Page 198 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Here is how to calculate the function generator frequency for letting two bytes through
assuming the baud rate is 9600 bps. Since each byte has ten bit times, the time for
transmitting one byte would be 10 × tbit ≈ 10 × 104 μs = 1040 μs = 1.04 ms. For two
bytes, that’s 2.08 ms, so our square wave needs about 2 ms of low time. With a square
wave, there will also be 2 ms of high time for a total cycle time of 4 ms. Since frequency
is the reciprocal of period, f = 1/T = 1 ÷ 4 ms = 1 ÷ 0.004 s = 250 Hz. So, the function
generator should be configured to send a 250 Hz square wave.
For a Horizontal timescale, we are really interested in the two bytes that get transmitted
during the high time, not two cycles of the function generator signal. We also want to see
that the bytes stop transmitting during the function generator’s high signal. So, only one
cycle of the function generator square wave needs to be visible in the Oscilloscope
Since we only want to display one function generator cycle, that’s a total of 0.004 s =
4 ms. Remember that to get the Horizontal dial setting for viewing, you have to divide
the total amount of time you want to view in the plot area by 10 divisions to get the
Horizontal dial’s time per division setting. That’s 4 ms ÷ 10 = 400 μs, which is close to
the Horizontal dial’s 500 μs setting, so we’ll use that. Figure 6-19 shows the result. Two
"A" bytes make their way through during each low cycle of the DAC Card’s function
generator’s Square Wave signal.
Adjust the Horizontal dial to 500 μs/division.
Change the Trigger Edge to Fall, and adjust the Trigger Time control so that the
DAC trace’s negative edge lines up with the first time division line.
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 199
Figure 6-19: Two "A" Bytes Per Cycle
Your Turn: Does Flow Control Stop at the Bit or the Byte?
When the flow control signal stops the BASIC Stamp from sending data, does the BASIC
Stamp stop with the next bit of data to be sent, or does it finish sending the current byte
before it stops? It is difficult to tell from Figure 6-19. If the transition from low to high
happened 500 μs sooner, it would be more obvious because the flow control signal would
transition to high in the middle of a byte. Then, you’d be able to tell if the flow control
terminates the signal in the middle of a byte or not.
Repeat the period to frequency calculations discussed earlier, but with high and
low times that are 250 μs shorter.
Adjust the function generator frequency.
So, does flow control interrupt SEROUT transmit at the bit or the byte?
Page 200 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
In this activity, you will use one of the probes to test the signals a BASIC Stamp
transmits to and receives from the PC via the serial port. It doesn’t matter if your board
is USB, the BASIC Stamp still uses serial signaling to exchange data with the USB
board’s serial/USB converter chip, and you can measure those signals.
PC serial ports typically send serial signals with peak-to-peak voltages that are outside
the 0 to 5 V range that BASIC Stamp I/O pins transmit. These ports adhere to a standard
called RS232, which allows for high signals in the +25 to + 3 V range, and low signals in
the -3 to -25 V range. RS232 driver chips in computer serial ports typically get their
signal voltages from the computer’s power supply. So, a serial driver chip’s high and
low voltages will typically be the same as a pair of its power supply voltages, commonly
called power supply rails or just supply rails. Supply rail values of ± 5 V and ± 12 V are
common, but they do vary from one system to the next. For example, one system might
have a pair of rails at ± 12 V and another at ± 5 V, while a different system might have a
pair of rails at ± 5 V and another at ± 3.3 V.
Probe Setup
With probes set to 1x, the maximum voltage range the PropScope can measure is ± 10 V.
Your computer’s serial port voltages might be outside that range, so the best thing to do
is adjust your probes and PropScope software to the 10x setting. Then, the PropScope
will be able to measure up to ± 100 V instead of just ± 10 V. So, if your computer’s
serial port uses signal voltages outside ± 10 V, you’ll still be able to measure the values.
One-Time 10x Probe Calibration
The PropScope Probe Kit came with instructions for a one-time probe calibration that
should be done before taking measurements with the probes set to 10x. While
monitoring a 1 kHz square wave trace with a probe set to 10x, a screwdriver that also
came with the probe kit is used to adjust a potentiometer inside the BNC connector. The
goal of the adjustment is to make the measured square wave in the CH1 trace as square as
the wave it receives. This compensates for electrical interactions between the 10x probe
circuit and the Oscilloscope input circuit. The source of the 1 kHz square wave will be
the PropScope’s function generator, and the trace will be measured on CH1.
Set the switch in the CH1 probe rod to X10, and update the PropScope
software’s Tools →Manage Probes settings so that the Probe 1 Gain is 10X.
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 201
Connect your PropScope probes so that the function generator sends a signal to
the CH1 probe. For this particular task, you do not need to connect clips to your
board—just connect the ground clips to each other and the DAC Card’s function
generator output probe to the CH1 input probe. Another option is to follow the
connection instructions in the Set DC Voltages with the PropScope’s DAC Card
section on page 45. Either way will work fine.
Configure the PropScope:
o Trigger tab to Mode = Continuous, Edge = Rise, Level = Auto, and
Source = CH1.
o Horizontal = 200 μs/div, Vertical = 1V/div for both CH1 and DAC.
o Function generator to transmit a square wave with: Frequency = 1 kHz,
Amplitude = 3 V peak-to-peak (Vpp), and Offset = 0 V.
Figure 6-20
DAC Card
generator to
With a probe
set to 10x, a
1 kHz, 3 Vpp,
0 V offset
square wave
from the
may result in
a distorted
square wave
in the CH1
trace before
Page 202 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Your lower CH1 trace may look misshapen compared to Figure 6-20. Figure 6-21 shows
some examples of the waveform distortion you might see. If the tops and bottoms of the
square wave in the CH1 trace are not flat, you’ll need to adjust the trim potentiometer in
the CH1 BNC connector.
Using Figure 6-21 as a guide, adjust the trim potentiometer in the BNC
connector of the probe connected to CH1 to correct the shape of the square wave
displayed in the CH1 trace.
Adjust Trim
…until you get
this result.
Figure 6-21
10X Probe
Adjust the trim pot in
the CH1 BNC
Connector to correct
the shape of the
waveform and the
make the square
wave square.
The CH1 probe adjustment procedure will have to be repeated for CH2. Since the
PropScope cannot monitor CH2 while the function generator is running, you’ll have to
connect the probe you would normally connect to CH2 to CH1.
Set the X1 X10 switch in the CH1 probe rod back to X1.
Disconnect and swap the BNC connectors.
Now, the BNC connector with the red probe marker should be connected to CH1 and the
one with the blue probe marker should be connected to the DAC Card’s function
generator output.
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 203
Set the switch on the probe connected to the CH1 BNC connector to X10.
Verify that the switch on the probe connected to the DAC Card’s function
generator BNC connector is set to X1.
Perform the potentiometer adjustment shown in Figure 6-21 for the second
Now that both probes have the proper trim settings, the probe with the blue markers
should be reconnected to the PropScope’s CH1 BNC port and the other one should be
connected to the CH2 BNC port.
Reconnect the blue-marker probe to the PropScope’s CH1 BNC port.
Reconnect the red-marker probe to the PropScope’s CH2 BNC port.
Configure Probes for RS232 Measurements
Remember that the RS232 voltages we’ll be measuring might exceed the PropScope’s 1X
probe +/– 10 V measurement limits. Although it won’t actually damage the probes or the
PropScope CH1 or CH2 input ports, there won’t be any way to tell if the PC is
transmitting with +/– 12 V, for example. So the probe that will be used to measure the
RS232 communication between the BASIC Stamp and PC should be set to 10x. In this
section, both probes will be set to 10X for the sake of keeping the instructions simple and
straightforward. It’s also important to verify that both probes are connected to the
PropScope’s CH1 and CH2 inputs.
A probe that’s inadvertently left connected to the DAC Card’s function generator output but
used to test a serial port could result in damaged equipment. Make sure both probes are
connected only to CH1 and CH2 BNC connectors. DO NOT connect a probe to the DAC
Card’s BNC connectors.
Make sure the Probes are connected to the CH1 and CH2 BNC connectors on the
→ No probes should be connected to any DAC Card BNC connector.
→ Probes should only be connected to the PropScope’s CH1 and CH2 BNC
Remove the CH2 probe’s tip from the probe rod as shown in Figure 6-22.
Set both probe rods’ switches to X10.
Page 204 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Set switch to 10x on
both probe rods.
Remove the
CH2 probe tip.
Figure 6-22
X1 X10 Switch on the
Probe Rod, Probe Tip,
and BNC Connector
Make sure BNC connectors
are connected to PropScope
CH1 and CH2.
DO NOT leave either
probe connected to
the DAC Card.
A 10x probe has a built-in voltage divider and a bypass capacitor that together minimize the
probe circuit’s electrical interactions with the test circuit. The signal that gets to the
Oscilloscope’s input circuit is 1/10 the voltage it would be if it was a 1x probe.
The PropScope software has to know that the signals it measures are coming from 10x
probes. Reason being, these signals are 1/10th the value they would be if they were
coming from a 1x probe. Figure 6-23 shows how to configure the PropScope software’s
probe settings to 10x.
In the PropScope software, click Tools →Manage Probes. Set the probe gain to
10 for both probes.
Figure 6-23
Configure Probe Gain
to 10x
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 205
Serial Port Transmit Test Code
PC Serial Transmit.bs2 sends "A" to P11 and another "A" to the BASIC Stamp SOUT
pin with the SEROUT Pin argument of 16 in the second SEROUT command. This test code
will make it convenient to compare the true signal transmitted by P11against the inverted
signal transmitted by the SOUT pin.
Enter and run PC Serial Transmit.bs2.
PC Serial Transmit.bs2
Sends a true serial byte to P11 as well as to P16 (SOUT).
The byte to SOUT gets inverted by a circuit before it is transmitted.
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
{$PBASIC 2.5}
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
PAUSE 1000
' 1 second delay before messages
SEROUT 11, 84, ["A"]
SEROUT 16, 84, ["A"]
PAUSE 1000
Main loop
Send "A" to P11
Send "A" to P16 (SOUT pin)
1 second delay
Repeat main loop
Serial Port Transmit Test Measurements
Figure 6-24 shows how to probe the serial port with the CH2 probe while the program is
running. The CH1 probe is still connected to P11, and the CH2 probe is connected to the
signal that the BASIC Stamp sends, either to the PC’s serial port or to a USB/serial
converter chip.
Figure 6-24: CH2 Probe Position for SOUT Signal
Board of Education (All)
BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board Serial
(Underneath the Serial Port Connecter)
For other boards, get directions from the Supplement at www.parallax.com/go/propscope.
Page 206 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
The lower CH1 trace in Figure 6-25 shows the P11 true signal, and the upper CH2 trace
shows the signal the BASIC Stamp sends to the PC. The signal is inverted by a circuit
built into the BASIC Stamp, and either the PC or USB/serial converter chip also has an
inverter that converts this signal back to true for processing.
The inverted signals with higher voltage swings are part of standard computer serial port
designs. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) generated by nearby motors and other
electrical machines can cause voltage fluctuations in longer cable wires. So, the larger
voltage swings in the signals are one way help ensure that the signals are still correct, even
when a nearby electric motor is turned on or off.
Set the PropScope controls as shown in Figure 6-25, and then use the CH2 probe
to test the signal on the SOUT pin as shown in Figure 6-24.
Make sure that the Trigger tab’s Level switch is set to Normal and the Trigger
Voltage control is set to about 2.5 V.
Figure 6-25: P11 Transmitted Byte on CH1 Followed by Inverted Byte on CH2
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 207
Serial Port Receive Test Code
PC Serial Receive.bs2 receives a byte from the serial port and immediately sends a copy
of whatever it receives on P11.
Enter PC Serial Receive.bs2 into the BASIC Stamp Editor and then click Run to
load it into the BASIC Stamp.
' PC Serial Receive.bs2
' Receives a byte from the PC's Debug Terminal and transmits it on P11.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
' For counting and storing ASCII
PAUSE 1000
DEBUG "Program running..."
' 1 second delay before messages
' Program running message
' Main loop
SERIN 16, 84, [char]
SEROUT 11, 84, [char]
DEBUG char
' Get character from PC
' Transmit a copy with P11
' Echo in back to Debug Terminal
' Repeat main loop
Figure 6-26 shows the Debug Terminal’s Transmit and Receive windowpanes. The
Receive windowpane receives and displays messages that the BASIC Stamp sends as a
result of DEBUG or SEROUT 16,… commands. The Transmit windowpane is for typing
characters that you want to send to the BASIC Stamp. The program can receive these
characters with either DEBUGIN or SERIN 16,… To send a message from the Debug
Terminal to the BASIC Stamp, you have to first click the Transmit windowpane, and then
you can start typing.
Click the Debug Terminal’s Transmit windowpane.
Be prepared to repeatedly press a key on your keyboard.
Page 208 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 6-26: Debug Terminal Transmit and Receive Windowpanes
Figure 6-27 shows locations for testing the incoming signal from a PC on various boards.
In both cases, the incoming signal test point is adjacent to the outgoing signal’s test point.
Press the CH2 probe end against the SIN probe point for your board.
Figure 6-27: CH2 Probe Position for SIN Signal
Board of Education (All)
BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board (Serial)
(Underneath the Serial Port Connecter)
For other boards, get directions from the Supplement at www.parallax.com/go/propscope.
Figure 6-28 shows an incoming serial “C” from the keyboard. The inverted incoming
signal is shown in the upper CH2 trace, and the true version transmitted by P11 is shown
in the lower CH1 trace. Since the CH2 signal swings from +6 to –6 V, we can infer that
the voltage rails that connect to the serial driver chip in this particular computer are ±6 V.
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 209
The voltage levels you observe may be different but should fall somewhere in the ±3 to
±25 V range.
Adjust your PropScope for the Horizontal, Vertical and Trigger settings shown
in Figure 6-28.
Make sure the Trigger Voltage control is somewhere in the CH2 trace’s ±3 V
range and the Trigger Time control is aligned with the second time division.
Keep in mind that even though the Trigger Voltage control is on the left margin,
when you trigger from the CH2 trace, the voltage scale values are shown on the
Oscilloscope screen’s right margin.
Click the Debug Terminal’s Transmit windowpane again, and try tapping a few
keys. Figure 6-28 shows an example of SHIFT + C.
Figure 6-28: Inverted “C” at SIN Pin (upper CH2 trace), True “C” at P11 (lower CH1 trace)
Page 210 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
If your PC’s voltage swings are more than ±6 V, there might not be enough room to
comfortably display both signals. Figure 6-29 shows how increasing the voltage per
division settings makes more room for larger voltage swings.
Try changing the vertical dials from 2 V/division to 5 V/division.
Figure 6-29: Increasing Voltage Scales Reduces Trace Heights
dials to
5 V/div
Before You Continue
The activities in the next chapter are designed for 1x probes; none of them utilize the 10x
Set both probe X1 X10 switches back to X10.
Navigate back to the PropScope software’s Manage Probes window and set both
probes back to multipliers of 1.
Reattach the probe tip back to CH2 probe.
Chapter 6: Asynchronous Serial Communication · Page 211
Microcontrollers can communicate with a variety of devices using asynchronous serial
communication. Like synchronous serial communication, a series of binary values are
transmitted and received. Unlike synchronous serial communication, the devices
exchanging data do not depend on a shared clock signal to synchronize when the binary
values are transmitted/received.
ASCII codes represent printable characters and some control codes, and are often used in
conjunction with asynchronous serial communication, allowing devices to exchange text
like keyboard and display data.
Asynchronous serial signals can be true or inverted, have a baud rate, which is a number
of bits per second, and have other characteristics such as a certain number of data bits,
parity, and a certain number of stop bits. The baud rate determines the amount of time
each bit lasts—the bit time is the reciprocal of the baud rate, in bits per second. A true
signal has a high resting state, a low start bit, and then a certain number of data bits. Like
all the other bits, each data bit is a signal that lasts one bit time. With true signaling, a
high represents a binary-1 during a certain bit time and a low signal represents a binary-0.
Asynchronous serial bytes are transmitted least significant bit first, followed by a stop bit,
which is a resting state that lasts one or more bit times before the next message can be
sent. Both devices rely on the negative edge of the start bit to determine when to
send/receive the next binary value in the series.
Inverted serial communication is the voltage opposite of true serial communication, with
all highs changed to lows and all lows changed to highs. RS232 serial communication is
inverted and is the type of signaling between a PC and device(s) connected to its serial
port(s). The high signals can be in the +3 to 25 V range and low signals in the -3 to -25
V range. High and low voltages will vary with computer hardware, but tend to be
determined by their built-in power supply voltage rails.
The PropScope’s time units per division can be customized by right clicking the
Oscilloscope screen and filling in a number in the Timescale Value cell. This is useful
for setting the units per division so that each one lasts a single bit time, which in turn is
very useful for translating asynchronous serial messages into the values they represent.
Setting the correct trigger edge is also important for aligning the start bit’s edge with a
time division. For trigger settings, keep in mind that a true signal initiates its start bit
with a negative edge, and an inverted signal with a positive edge.
Page 212 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements
Figure 7-1 shows two cycles of a sine wave. Examples of this gradual up/down pattern
can be found in waves in a pool or at sea, in air pressure variations from musical
instruments playing notes, in radio and TV signals, and in the voltages supplied by AC
electrical outlets.
Figure 7-1
Sine Wave – Two Cycles
This chapter introduces basic sine wave measurements using signals that create tones and
musical notes as examples. Many signals contain more than one sine wave component,
like musical chords, phone tones, and even binary on/off signals. So, this chapter also
introduces the spectrum analyzer, a diagnostic tool that can display a signal’s sine wave
components. Many circuit tests involve comparing a sine wave supplied to a circuit’s
input against the one at its output. So techniques for supplying a sine wave to a circuit
and comparing the properties of the input and output signals are also introduced.
When a musical note is played by an instrument like a guitar, the guitar string’s
vibrations cause air pressure variations. When a speaker plays a musical note, it converts
electrical signals into vibrations that cause air pressure variations. Regardless of whether
it’s an actual instrument or a speaker playing the note, the eardrum senses the air pressure
variations and forwards those signals to the brain via nerve connections. Then, our brain
processes that information and we experience it as a musical note. Two properties of a
note are volume and pitch. Volume is how loud the note sounds. Pitch is usually
described in terms of high or low. For example, a bass guitar tends to play lower-pitched
notes, while a normal guitar plays higher-pitched notes.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 213
Musical notes are sine waves at specific frequencies, and you will experiment with them
in the next activity. This activity will use more arbitrary frequencies, so instead of
musical notes, they will just be “tones”. The PropScope’s function generator will be
configured to apply sine waves to a piezospeaker, and its oscilloscope will be used to
monitor them. With this setup, you’ll be able to “see” the sine waves with the
oscilloscope at the same time that you “hear” the result played by the speaker.
The function generator has settings that allow you to control a sine wave’s amplitude and
frequency. So in this activity, you will vary a sine wave’s amplitude and view its height
change in the oscilloscope as you hear the speaker’s volume change. You will also vary
the frequency and view the sine wave’s cycle width change in the oscilloscope as you
hear the speaker tone’s pitch change.
Audio Tones Parts List
(1) Piezospeaker
(misc.) Jumper wires
Audio Tones Circuit
The PropScope’s function generator feature can be used to generate sine waves with
certain amplitudes and frequencies, and those sine waves can be played by a speaker.
Figure 7-2 shows a schematic and Figure 7-3 shows an example wiring diagram of the
test circuit. The function generator sends sine wave voltages to the circuit, and the
speaker makes it possible to “hear” to them as tones. The CH1 probe is for measuring the
signals, and the Oscilloscope makes it possible to “see” them as sine waves.
Disconnect the probe with the red marker band from the PropScope’s CH2 BNC
port, and connect it to the DAC Card’s function generator output. (For detailed
instructions, see the Set DC Voltages with the PropScope’s DAC Card section
starting on page 45.)
If the piezospeaker has a sticker covering it, remove that sticker.
Build the circuit shown in Figure 7-2, using the wiring diagram in Figure 7-3 as
a guide.
Page 214 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 7-2:
Audio Tones
Figure 7-3:
Diagram for
Figure 7-2
Audio Test Measurement Settings
Figure 7-4 shows the PropScope’s Generator panel configured to make the function
generator output a sine wave with a frequency of 2.5 kHz, a peak-to-peak voltage of 3 V,
and a DC offset of 0 V. This signal should cause the piezospeaker to make an audible
tone. The Oscilloscope screen makes the tone visible as well as audible. Remember that
the Oscilloscope screen is a plot of voltage vs. time, so what you see in the display is a
graph of the voltage applied to the speaker as it varies with time in a sine wave pattern.
Set the dials: Horizontal = 100 μs/div, Vertical CH1 = 1 V/div, CH2 = 1 V/div.
Vertical coupling switches: CH1 = DC, CH2 = Off.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 215
Optional: Drag the CH1 ground line up/down to position it about 2 ½ voltage
divisions above the time scale so that it matches Figure 7-4.
Trigger tab switches: Mode = Continuous, Edge = Rise, Level = Auto, and
Source = CH1.
Generator panel: Function switch = Sine, Frequency = 2500, Amplitude = 3, and
Offset = 0.
Click the Generator panel’s Generate button make the DAC Card start
transmitting the signal.
Make sure you can hear the speaker making an audible tone, and that you can see
a sine wave in your Oscilloscope screen similar to Figure 7-4.
Try using the Run button (not the Generate button) to freeze the signal and turn
the function generator signal (sound) off.
Click the Run button again to restart the sound and the display.
Figure 7-4: Function Generator and Oscilloscope Settings
Page 216 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Run button vs. Generate button.
For this activity, the Run button is better than the Generate button for stopping the tone
because it freezes the display before it stops the PropScope and DAC Card. It turns the
sound off while preserving the last sine wave that was displayed in the Oscilloscope screen.
If you use the Generate button instead, it does toggle the function generator on/off, which
will stop the tone too. However, the oscilloscope will keep running, and there’s a chance
that the signal activity as the function generator switches off will trigger the display. If that
happens, your sine wave will be replaced by some miscellaneous switching activity.
Test Amplitude’s Effect on Volume
A sine wave’s amplitude can be measured in several different ways. Figure 7-5 shows
two examples: peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp) and peak voltage (Vp). With an oscilloscope,
peak-to-peak amplitude is the voltage difference between the tops of a sine wave’s peaks
(Vmax) and the bottoms of its valleys (Vmin). The PropScope displays Vmax, Vmin,
and Vpp for a given channel in its measure display.
Another common amplitude measurement is peak voltage (Vp), which is just the height
of a sine wave’s peaks measured from the halfway point. Peak amplitudes are more
common in equations that describe sine waves. In contrast, peak-to-peak amplitudes are
more common in oscilloscope measurements. If you ever need the peak amplitude
measurement for an equation, just take the peak-to-peak measurement from your
oscilloscope and divide by 2.
Larger sine wave amplitudes result in louder piezospeaker volumes; smaller amplitudes
result in quieter speaker volumes. Figure 7-6 shows how a cycle of the sine wave looks
at three different amplitudes. As the amplitude increases, the sine wave’s height in the
oscilloscope increases, and so does the volume. Try these adjustments to the signal’s
If your tone and display are paused, click the On button again to resume viewing
the live signal and playing the tone.
Type 1 into the Generator panel’s Amplitude field and press Enter.
Listen to volume from the speaker and make a note of the sine wave’s amplitude
in the Oscilloscope screen.
Repeat by entering values of 2 and then 3 into the Generator panel’s Amplitude
field. The tone should get a little bit louder with each adjustment. Listen to the
volume and make a note of the Oscilloscope amplitude after each adjustment.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 217
Figure 7-5: Peak-to-Peak vs. Peak Amplitude
Vmax = 1.5 V
Vp = 1.5 V
Vpp = 3 V
Vmin = –1.5 V
Vpp = Vmax – Vmin
Vp = Vpp ÷ 2
Figure 7-6: Signal Amplitude Compared to Speaker Volume
Vpp = 1 V
Vpp = 2 V
Vpp = 3 V
Page 218 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Test Frequency’s Effect on Pitch
Chapter 3, Activity #3 introduced ‘frequency’ as the number of times a signal repeats
itself per second and ‘period’ as the signal’s cycle time. Figure 7-7 indicates the start and
end of a single sine wave cycle. The start of a sine wave’s cycle is the point where it
passes upward through the half way point on its way from valley to peak. The cycle time
can be measured to determine the sine wave’s period (T). Then, its frequency (f) can be
calculated with f = 1 ÷ T. The PropScope’s Measure display also shows the sine wave’s
measured period and frequency values for a given channel. In this case, the period can
also be measured by counting the number of 100 μs divisions in a cycle. If the sine wave
is exactly 2.5 kHz, one cycle should span exactly four 100 μs time divisions.
Figure 7-7: Period of One Sine Wave Cycle
Period (T)
f = 1 ÷ 400 μs
= 1 ÷ 0.0004 s
= 2500 Hz
= 2.5 kHz
Figure 7-8 shows how the frequency relates to the tone’s pitch. A higher frequency
results in a higher-pitched speaker tone. It also results in a more compressed waveform
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 219
on the Oscilloscope screen. A lower frequency results in a lower-pitched tone, and it also
results in a less compressed or more stretched out waveform on the Oscilloscope screen.
Figure 7-8: Pitch Compared to Frequency and Period
3.0 kHz
333.3 μs
2.8 kHz
357.1 μs
2.6 kHz
384.6 μs
2.4 kHz
416.7 μs
2.2 kHz
454.5 μs
Set the Generator panel’s Amplitude to 3 Vpp.
Type 2200 into the Frequency field and press Enter.
Look carefully at the
width of each cycle.
The widest cycle
(longest period) is at
the bottom, and they
get progressively
shorter as the
frequencies increase.
As frequency
increases, so does
Also, as frequency
increases, period
decreases because f
= 1 ÷ T.
Page 220 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Listen to the pitch of the tone the speaker makes.
Make a note of the waveform’s period as well as how wide it looks in the
Repeat with frequency settings of 2400, 2600, 2800, and 3000.
Try entering the five frequencies in a fairly rapid succession as you listen
carefully to identify the increase in pitch.
In terms of f = 1 ÷ T, the highest frequency waveform has the shortest period (time
between signal repetitions). That again is because period is the reciprocal of frequency:
T = 1 ÷ f. Whenever f gets larger, T gets smaller, and vice-versa.
The PropScope’s Frequency field accepts frequencies from 1 Hz to over 1 MHz in
increments of 1/10 Hz.
If the sine wave gets too compressed or too stretched out to fit well in the Oscilloscope
screen, just adjust the Horizontal dial’s time/division setting. Decrease it for higher
frequencies to uncompress the waveform’s display, or increase it for lower frequencies to
get a waveform to fit that would otherwise look stretched.
Your Turn: Test the Piezospeaker’s Frequency Response
You may have noticed that the tone gets slightly louder as the frequency increases.
That’s because even though amplitude controls volume, certain speakers play certain
frequencies louder than others. All speakers have natural filtering properties that depend
on their electromechanical design. The woofer, midrange and tweeter names for speakers
indicate that they play particular frequencies louder and clearer than the others. A woofer
plays low frequencies, and it would be difficult to hear high notes played through it. A
tweeter plays high frequencies, making it difficult to hear the low notes. The midrange
excels with middle notes. You can hear the low and high notes through a midrange
speaker, but they are quieter. With all three speakers working together, their signals add
up to make a nice full sound.
When testing the frequency response of a speaker, keep the amplitude of the sine wave
the same. If one tone is louder than the next, you know it’s a property of the speaker
since the amplitude did not change. If a tone sounds really loud, it may be because the
speaker is designed to vibrate at that frequency—kind of like when you ring bells of
different sizes and shapes. Each one has mechanical properties that resonate at a
particular frequency. This natural frequency is called the resonant frequency. The
piezospeaker in your Understanding Signals kit is designed with a resonant frequency for
smoke alarms, so it sounds louder at higher frequencies.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 221
Set the Generator panel’s Amplitude to 3 V, and make sure to press Enter with
each adjustment to update the function generator’s output.
Try 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 kHz.
Can you make it any louder? Hint: the resonant frequency should be half way between
two of the frequencies you have already tested.
DC offset is useful for certain designs and detrimental to others. A useful example would
be a signal that is given some DC offset so that every cycle crosses the BASIC Stamp
1.4 V logic threshold. A detrimental example would be giving a normal audio speaker a
sine wave with DC offset. They are designed to receive signals with 0 VDC offset.
In this part of the activity, we’ll add some DC offset to the signal applied to the
piezospeaker. The Understanding Signals Kit’s piezospeaker is not the same as a normal
audio speaker; it can receive signals with DC offset. From the audio standpoint, there
will be little or no difference in the sound, but the signal will look different in the
Oscilloscope screen.
WARNING: Only use a piezospeaker here. Do not try adding DC offset to audio speaker
signals. Audio speakers have wound wire coils built-in. These coils have very low
resistance compared to piezospeakers. DC voltage could result in excessive current
demands on the PropScope and its USB port power supply.
The element in a piezoelectric speaker changes shape with applied voltage, and when the
voltage oscillates rapidly, the piezo element’s vibrations create the tones. This process
takes only small amounts of current.
In an audio speaker, an electromagnet acts on a magnet attached to a paper cone to make
it vibrate. The oscillating voltage applied across the electromagnet’s coil results in
oscillating current through the coil. This oscillating current through the coil creates an
oscillating magnetic field that acts on the magnet attached to the paper cone.
Auto Trigger Follows Average Voltage (DC Offset)
Since the Trigger tab’s Level switch is set to Auto, the oscilloscope automatically adjusts
the Trigger Voltage control to follow the waveform’s average voltage. Remember that
DC offset and average voltage are one and the same. So, when you set the Generator
panel’s Offset to a value, the DC offset = average voltage changes, and the
Page 222 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Trigger Voltage control follows it. Up to this point, the Generator panel’s Offset has
been set to 0 V, which is where the Oscilloscope has been automatically positioning the
Trigger Voltage control.
Verify that the Trigger Voltage control’s level is 0 V. It should be automatically
positioned to the left of the Ground line.
Change the Generator panel’s Offset from 0 to 2.35 V and press Enter.
Verify that the waveform’s average voltage changes to 2.35 V.
Point at, but do not click the Trigger Voltage control. (See Figure 7-9.) Verify
that the Trigger Voltage control has automatically repositioned to approximately
2.35 V.
Figure 7-9: Trigger Auto Level Adjusts with DC Offset
Start of
next cycle
Point at (but
don’t click)
the Trigger
control to see
the trigger
Sine wave cycle starts here.
Waveform rises from below to
above the trigger voltage
crosshair. Oscilloscope aligns
event with trigger time crosshair.
Average voltage is ≈ 2.35 V
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 223
The Trigger tab’s Edge switch in Figure 7-9 is set to Rise. So, the Oscilloscope aligns a
point where the sine wave rises through the 2.35 V Trigger Voltage crosshair with the
Trigger Time crosshair. For a sine wave, this is the start of its cycle. You can see part of
a second cycle in the screen, starting four time division lines to the right of the trigger
Try changing the Edge switch in the Trigger tab from Rise to Fall. The voltage
should now fall through the trigger crosshair intersection instead of rising
through it.
Restore the Trigger tab’s Edge switch to Rise.
If the Trigger tab’s Level switch is set to Normal, it means that you will manually adjust
the Trigger Voltage Level control. If the waveform’s DC offset or amplitude changes
enough so that the signal doesn’t cross the Trigger Voltage level, the Oscilloscope screen
will not refresh. There may still be signal activity, but it will not be displayed on the
Oscilloscope screen. Try this.
Set the Generator panel’s Offset back to 0 V. The Trigger Voltage control
should automatically reposition to 0 V.
Move the Trigger tab’s Level switch to the Normal setting.
Change the Generator panel’s Offset back to 2.35 V.
At this point, the sine wave should still appear to have a 0 V offset, and a red status
warning should appear in the lower right of the Oscilloscope screen:
That’s because the waveform never crosses the 0 V trigger voltage, so the display does
not update.
Now, manually drag the Trigger Voltage control up to 2.35 V.
The sine wave should reappear, displayed at the correct level.
Before continuing, set the Trigger tab’s Level setting back to Auto.
Offset and Amplitude Tests
Up to this point, your PropScope is displaying a 3 Vpp sine wave with a 2.35 V offset.
The sine wave extends to 3.85 V peaks and 0.85 V valleys. Your signal is currently in
the larger of two function generator voltage ranges: 0 to 4.7 V, and the waveform’s DC
offset is currently 2.35 V, which is in the middle of that range. So, you could increase
Page 224 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
the Generator panel’s Amplitude setting all the way to 4.7 Vpp. This is a larger
amplitude than any of the tests in the –1.5 to +1.5 V range, where the maximum
amplitude was 3 Vpp.
Try setting the Generator panel’s Amplitude to 4.7 Vpp.
Compare that to Amplitude = 3 Vpp. Can you hear the volume difference? Can
you see the difference in the Oscilloscope screen as well?
With 4.7 Vpp of amplitude, there is no room to experiment with DC offset adjustments.
With 3 Vpp of amplitude and 2.35 VDC of offset, there is some room to experiment, but
not much. 3 Vpp of amplitude makes it possible to adjust the DC offset 0.85 V up or
down without exceeding the function generator’s 0 to 4.8 V limits. By changing the
Amplitude to 1 Vpp, you’ll have more room to adjust the offset. In fact, 1 Vpp can fit
into either the = –1.5 to +1.5 V or 0 to 4.8 V ranges. So, you’ll be able to adjust the sine
wave’s offset to anywhere in the –1 V to +4.2 V range.
Change the Generator panel’s Amplitude to 1 V.
Enter each of these DC offset values into the Generator panel’s Offset field: –1,
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 4.2 V.
Keep in mind that the peak amplitude (which is ½ the peak-to-peak amplitude) is the total
excursion above and below the sine wave’s DC offset. So with a 1 Vpp amplitude, when
you change the Generator panel’s offset to –1 V, its voltage oscillates from 0.5 V above
that level to 0.5 V below it. That’s why the DC offset can be adjusted clear down to –1
V, because the lowest level the sine wave’s valleys reach is the function generator’s –1.5
V lower limit.
Amplitude and Offset for BASIC Stamp Frequency Counting
The BASIC Stamp can measure the frequencies of sine waves. The PropScope’s function
generator output needs to be connected to an I/O pin to test this. Then a program can
make the BASIC Stamp count signal cycles over some period of time to measure the
frequency. For the BASIC Stamp to take these measurements, the signal has to have
some combination of amplitude and offset that makes it cross the BASIC Stamp I/O pin
logic input threshold. I/O pin threshold voltage was tested back in the Determining I/O
Pin Threshold Voltage section on page 55, and it’s typically very close to 1.4 V.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 225
Extra Test Parts
(1) Resistor – 220 Ω (red-red-brown)
Test Schematic
Figure 7-10 shows a modified version of the test circuit from Figure 7-2. The only
difference is the extra 220 Ω resistor that connects the function generator’s output to a
BASIC Stamp I/O pin. So now, the function generator’s output goes to both the
piezospeaker and the BASIC Stamp I/O pin.
Add the 220 Ω resistor connecting the DAC Card’s function generator output to
the I/O pin input. You can also leave it connected to the speaker’s input.
Figure 7-10
Tones Test
Modified for
Page 226 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Test Code
Display Measured Freq.bs2 measures the number of sine wave cycles the PropScope
applies to P9 during 1 second intervals and displays the result in the Debug Terminal.
Enter and run Display Measured Freq.bs2.
' Display Measured Freq.bs2
' Count signal cycles applied to P9 and display in Debug Terminal
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
cycles VAR Word
' Stores counted cycles
' Main loop
COUNT 9, 1000, cycles
DEBUG HOME, "Input frequency = ",
DEC5 cycles, " Hz"
' Store 1 s counted in cycles var
' Display result
' Repeat main loop
Test Procedure
The function generator should be adjusted to make the sine wave cross the BASIC Stamp
module’s 1.4 V I/O pin input threshold.
Set the function generator’s amplitude to 2.8 V, and the offset to 1.4 V.
Remember to press the Enter key to make the PropScope update its function
generator output.
Verify that the frequency the BASIC Stamp reports to the Debug Terminal
agrees with the one in the PropScope Measure display, as shown in Figure 7-11.
Your Turn: Amplitude/Offset Options to Maintain 1.4 V Crossings
Since the BASIC Stamp is just counting the number of times the signal crosses its 1.4 V
threshold for a frequency measurement, the amplitude does not have to be 2.8 V. Since
the offset is 1.4 V, the sine wave will still crosses the I/O pin threshold with each cycle,
regardless of whether the amplitude is 2.8 V, 2 V, 1 V, or even 0.5 V.
Try a few different signal amplitudes with the 1.4 V offset, and verify that the
BASIC Stamp continues to count signal cycles.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 227
Set the amplitude to 2 Vpp before continuing.
With a 2 Vpp sine wave, the offset can be increased to somewhere in the neighborhood of
2.4 V before the sine wave no longer passes the 1.4 V threshold.
Try it.
Figure 7-11: BASIC Stamp Frequency Measurement Compared to PropScope
Verify frequency
Page 228 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
The BASIC Stamp can be programmed to transmit many sine wave frequencies,
including integer versions of the musical notes shown in Figure 7-12. In this activity,
you will program the BASIC Stamp to synthesize the D7# (pronounced D 7 sharp) and
F7# notes. D7# is the black key below the 2489.0 Hz frequency in Figure 7-12, and F7#
is the black key below 2960.0 Hz. You will then use the Oscilloscope view’s cursor
features to measure to examine each sine wave’s amplitude, frequency, and offset.
Recommended: Music with Microcontrollers
What’s a Microcontroller? Chapter 8 shows how to make sound effects and music with the
BASIC Stamp 2 microcontroller using the same piezospeaker that’s in the Understanding
Signals kit. The book is a free PDF download from www.parallax.com/go/WAM.
Figure 7-12: Rightmost Piano Keys and Their Frequencies
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 229
How the BASIC Stamp “Digitally Synthesizes” Sine Waves
This activity will use a PBASIC command called FREQOUT to make the BASIC Stamp
“digitally synthesize” various sine waves. For example, FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2500
uses I/O pin P9 to transmit a signal that makes an RC DAC circuit synthesize a 2.5 kHz
sine wave for 60 seconds. Figure 7-13 shows a single cycle of that sine wave in the
lower CH1 trace. The upper CH2 trace is the binary signaling the BASIC Stamp
transmits with I/O pin P9 to make the RC DAC circuit’s output voltage increase and
decrease in the sine wave voltage pattern.
Figure 7-13: Varying PWM from I/O Pin Converted to Sine Wave with DAC Circuit
I/O pin sends varying
duty cycle PWM signals.
DAC circuit output
varies as a sine wave
Chapter 4, Activity #2 introduced how the PWM command used duty cycle to set DC
voltages. The FREQOUT command varies the PWM duty cycle to create a sine wave. Notice
how the PWM signal spends larger portions of time high as the sine wave’s voltage
increases, and more time low as the sine wave’s voltage decreases. The duty cycle varies
like this 2500 times per second to shape the 2.5 kHz sine wave.
The process the BASIC Stamp uses to set the varying duty cycles is similar to the process
it used to synthesize the heartbeat signal in Chapter 3, Activity #5. Instead of a list of
values obtained from an electrocardiograph, the FREQOUT command uses a list of values
obtained from sine wave graph. The BASIC Stamp also has to cycle through the
different D/A conversions at a much higher rate, 2500 cycles per second instead of 70.8
cycles per minute.
Page 230 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
BASIC Stamp Tones Parts List
(1) Piezospeaker
(1) 1 μF Capacitor
(1) 220 Ω Resistor (If you have a BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board, use a wire instead.)
(misc.) Jumper wires
BASIC Stamp Tones Circuit
Figure 7-14 and Figure 7-15 show the schematic and wiring diagram of a circuit that will
allow you to alternately play a note with the piezospeaker and then view its sine wave in
the Oscilloscope screen. With the capacitor in place, the PropScope will display a clean
sine wave, but it will be difficult to hear on the speaker. With the capacitor disconnected,
the tone from the speaker will be easier to hear, but instead of a sine wave, the PropScope
will display the switching activity the I/O pin uses to synthesize the sine wave.
Even with all that binary on/off switching the speaker tone still sounds true because the
switching frequency is very high compared to what the piezospeaker can broadcast, and
our ears cannot pick up frequencies that high either. So, the combination of speaker and
eardrum mechanically perform filtering for our brains that is similar to what the RC
circuit performs for the PropScope.
Make sure the CH2/DAC lead is disconnected from the circuit.
Build the circuit in Figure 7-14 and Figure 7-15.
The capacitor’s negative lead is the one that’s closer to the stripe with the minus
signs on the capacitor’s metal canister. Make sure this lead is connected to Vss.
Leave the 1 μF capacitor’s positive lead disconnected for now.
In some circuits, connecting this type of capacitor incorrectly and then connecting power can
cause it to rupture or even explode. So, always make sure to carefully connect its terminals
exactly as shown in the circuit diagrams.
This capacitor has a positive (+) and a negative (-) terminal. The negative terminal is
the lead that comes out of the metal canister closest to the stripe with a negative (–) sign(s).
Do not apply more voltage to an electrolytic capacitor than it is rated to handle. The
voltage rating is printed on the side of the canister.
Safety goggles or safety glasses are recommended.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 231
Figure 7-14: BASIC Stamp Controlled Piezospeaker with PropScope Probe and Capacitor for
Signal Monitoring
For BASIC Stamp HomeWork
Board, use a wire in place of
the 220 Ω resistor.
Disconnect this capacitor lead to
hear the speaker. Reconnect it
to view the signal with the
PorpScope. See wiring diagram.
Figure 7-15: Wiring Diagram for Figure 7-14
Unplug the capacitor’s positive
lead to hear the signal on the
Reconnect the lead to view the
signal with the PropScope.
For BASIC Stamp HomeWork
Board, use a wire in place of
the 220 Ω resistor.
This capacitor’s negative terminal is
the one that comes out of the canister
closest to the stripe with the negative
(–) sign(s). Make sure to plug the
negative (–) terminal in here.
Page 232 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Listen to the Notes First
Two Notes.bs2 plays the note D7# (2489 Hz), followed by F7# (2960 Hz). As mentioned
earlier, it uses the FREQOUT command to digitally synthesize sine waves for these notes.
The command FREQOUT 9, 2000, 2489 makes I/O pin P9 synthesize a 2489 Hz sine
wave for 2 seconds. Then, FREQOUT 9, 2000, 2960 synthesizes a 2960 Hz sine wave
for 2 seconds.
Enter Two Notes.bs2 into the BASIC Stamp Editor and run it.
Disconnect the 1 μF capacitor’s positive lead from the circuit.
Listen carefully to the two individual notes.
Press and release the Reset button on your board a couple of times to re-run the
' Two Notes.bs2
' Play D7#, followed by F7#.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
PAUSE 1000
' Wait 1 sec. before 1st message
DEBUG "2489 Hz", CR
FREQOUT 9, 2000, 2489
' Play/display D7#
DEBUG "0 Hz", CR
' 1/2 s rest
DEBUG "2960 Hz", CR
FREQOUT 9, 2000, 2960
' Play/display F7#
DEBUG "0 Hz", CR
' 1/2 s rest
DEBUG "Done!", CR
' Display done
' Enter low power mode
Play an Individual Note for Oscilloscope Viewing
One Note at a Time.bs2 makes the BASIC Stamp play the D# note indefinitely. You can
instead play the F# note by commenting FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2489 by placing an
apostrophe ' to the left of it. After that, remove the apostrophe to the left of FREQOUT
9, 60000, 2960 and load the modified program into the BASIC Stamp.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 233
Enter and run One Note at a Time.bs2 as-is.
After you are satisfied that it plays the note indefinitely, plug the capacitor’s
positive terminal back in using Figure 7-15 as a guide.
The note should be much quieter, maybe even barely audible, but the sine wave
will look much better on the Oscilloscope screen.
' One Note at a Time.bs2
' Select whether to play D7#, or F7# indefinitely.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
DEBUG "Program running..."
' Debug Terminal message
' Main Loop
FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2489
' FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2960
' Play 2489 Hz for 1 minute
' Commented, does not play
' Repeat main loop w/o delay
Examine the DC Offset, Amplitude and Frequency
Figure 7-16 shows the BASIC Stamp synthesized D7# note in the Oscilloscope view.
Set the Oscilloscope dials to: Horizontal = 100 μs/div, Vertical CH1 = 1 V/div.
Vertical Coupling switches: CH1 = DC, CH2 = Off.
Trigger tab switches: Mode = Continuous, Edge = Rise, Level = Auto, and
Source = CH1.
Trigger Time control: align with first time division line. (See in Figure 7-16).
Optional: Click, hold and drag the CH1 ground line downward until it is just
above the time division scale values.
Page 234 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 7-16: FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2489 in Oscilloscope
Trigger Time
First Time
Division Line
Ground line
Note that the sine wave in Figure 7-16 has a DC offset like the ones that we added to the
PropScope DAC sine waves in Activity #2. You can use the Measure display to get an
automated DC offset measurement. This same measurement is also displayed in the
Oscilloscope view’s Measure tab. Both are shown in Figure 7-17.
Click the Measure tab and check the CH1 Average voltage. It should resemble
the example in Figure 7-17.
Repeat using the Measure display.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 235
Figure 7-17: Sine Wave DC Offset
…is measured as the signal’s average voltage component
Average voltage
Is DC Offset
Average voltage
is also in the
Measure display
You can also use the PropScope software’s horizontal and vertical cursors to measure
amplitude and frequency. Figure 7-18 shows an example. The amplitude is the peak-topeak-voltage, so place one horizontal cursor at the tops of the sine wave’s peaks, and the
other at the bottoms of its valleys. The average voltage is the half way point between the
sine wave’s peaks and valleys. Frequency can be determined from period, and the
vertical cursors can be used to measure the amount of time it takes the signal to repeat
itself. One way to do that is to align the vertical cursors with the centers of the sine
wave’s peaks.
In the Cursor tab, click the Vertical and Horizontal buttons to make the vertical
and horizontal cursors appear.
Align the green horizontal cursor A with the tops of the sine wave’s peaks.
Align the purple horizontal cursor B with the bottoms of the sine wave’s valleys.
Align the green vertical cursor A with the center of the top of the sine wave’s
first peak.
Align the purple vertical cursor B with the center of the next second sine wave
Check the measurements in the Cursor display by the Oscilloscope screen’s
lower-right corner.
Page 236 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 7-18: Cursor Measurements
Align each of the vertical
cursors with the centers of
adjacent sine wave peaks.
Align one of the horizontal cursors
with the peaks of the sine wave,
and the other with the valleys.
In Figure 7-17, the Measure tab and display reported amplitudes of 1.23 and 1.21 V.
Since the cursor measurement from Figure 7-18 is 1.19 V it verifies that these
measurements are in the right ballpark. Likewise with frequency measurements, both
figures report 2.5 kHz. With the BASIC Stamp programmed to transmit 2489 Hz, these
measurements indicate that the BASIC Stamp module’s program and circuit are all
working as intended. (This is the type of intermediate testing step you might see in a
design that has an audio tones subsystem.)
The cursors can also provide enough information to verify the average voltage
measurement the Measure tab and display reported. For a sine wave, the half way point
between the sine wave’s voltages at its peaks and valleys is the average of the two
voltages. To calculate this average, just add the two cursor measurements, which are VA
and VB in Figure 7-18, and divide by two:
DC Offset = Average voltage = (VA + VB) ÷ 2
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 237
For the cursor measurements in Figure 7-18, that’s:
DC Offset = (2.88 V + 1.7 V) ÷ 2
= 2.29 V
The calculated DC offset value of 2.29 V from the cursor measurements is close enough
to confirm the measured value of 2.32 V back in Figure 7-17.
Your Turn: Examine the F7# Sine Wave
Try taking a closer look at the F7# sine wave. Start by modifying One Note at a
Time.bs2, and then examine the new signal. Because of the way the signal interacts with
the resistor and capacitor, it may be of slightly lower amplitude. Since it’s a higher
frequency signal, you can also expect the period to be slightly shorter.
In the BASIC Stamp Editor modify One Note at a Time.bs2 by placing an
apostrophe to the left of FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2489. Then, delete the
apostrophe to the left of FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2960.
Load the modified program into the BASIC Stamp.
Repeat this activity’s offset, amplitude and frequency measurements.
If you want to replicate the measurement in Figure 7-13 after completing this activity, you
can modify the FREQOUT command in One Note at a Time.bs2 so that it reads FREQOUT
9, 60000, 2500. You will also need to connect the CH2 probe to I/O pin P9 and adjust
the PropScope’s Vertical and Horizontal dials using what you have learned. If you have a
BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board, accessing the actual I/O pin can be tricky because the
220 Ω resistor is built onto the board. See Figure 2-33 on page 63 for more info.
A piano player presses several keys at a time to make sounds called chords. The notes
seem to blend, and it’s an example of a group of sine waves, one for each note, added
together. Examples of pairs of sine waves added together can be found in touchtone
phones. Each key press makes a unique tone that transmits that key’s value. Since each
touchtone is two tones added together, it’s called dual tone frequency modulation
In addition to individual frequencies, the BASIC Stamp can be programmed to transmit
two sine wave frequencies at once. This makes it possible to play part of a chord. In this
Page 238 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
activity, you will compare the D7# and F7# note frequencies from the previous activity
against the two notes played together. As with the previous activity, you will listen to the
results on the piezospeaker first, and then examine the signals with the PropScope’s
Oscilloscope view.
DTMF Tones: The BASIC Stamp can also play DTMF tones with the DTMFOUT command.
Although they can be viewed with the PropScope, the tones’ frequencies are typically too
low to be audible through the piezospeaker in the Understanding Signals kit.
Listen to Each Note; then Play them Together
This example program starts off the same as the Two Notes.bs2 example from the
previous activity— it plays the D7# and F7# notes individually. After that, it plays them
simultaneously. FREQOUT 9, 2000, 2489, 2960 uses the FREQOUT command’s
optional Freq2 argument together with the Freq1 argument to play the both sine waves
Disconnect the capacitor’s positive lead from the piezospeaker circuit so that you
can hear the notes the piezospeaker plays.
Enter Two Notes Together.bs2 into the BASIC Stamp Editor and load it into the
BASIC Stamp.
Listen carefully again to the two individual notes followed by the notes played
Listen again and try to hear the differences in the three tones by pressing and
releasing the Reset button on your board to re-run the program.
' Two Notes Together.bs2
' Play D7#, followed by F7#, followed by D7# + F7# together.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
PAUSE 1000
' Wait 1 s before first message
DEBUG "2489 Hz", CR
FREQOUT 9, 2000, 2489
' Play/display D7#
DEBUG "0 Hz", CR
' 1/2 s rest
DEBUG "2960 Hz", CR
FREQOUT 9, 2000, 2960
' Play/display F7#
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 239
DEBUG "0 Hz", CR
' 1/2 s rest
DEBUG "2489 Hz + 2960 Hz", CR
FREQOUT 9, 2000, 2489, 2960
' Play/display D7# + F7#
DEBUG "Done!", CR
' Display done
' Enter low power mode
Play an Individual Note for Oscilloscope Viewing (Again)
One or Two Notes at a Time.bs2 makes it possible to play either the D7# note, or the F7#
note, or both at the same time. As with the previous activity, this program continuously
transmits whichever note you leave un-commented. For now, we’ll test one note; later
we’ll examine the other note as well as both notes played together.
Enter and run One or Two Notes at a Time.bs2 as-is.
After verifying that the note is clearly audible, reconnect the capacitor’s positive
lead to the circuit.
As before, the note’s volume may drop considerably, but the signal displayed by the
PropScope will be much cleaner.
' One or Two Notes at a Time.bs2
' Select whether to play D7#, or F7#, or D7# + F7# together.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
DEBUG "Program running..."
' Debug Terminal message
' Main Loop
FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2489
' FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2960
' FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2489, 2960
' Play 2489 Hz for 1 minute
' Commented, does not play
' Commented, does not play
' Repeat main loop
Page 240 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
AC Couple the Signal
Each PropScope Vertical coupling switch has a setting that removes DC offset from a
signal—it’s called AC coupling. When you use this setting, it causes the sine wave
voltages to swing above/below the ground line (0 V level), removing any offset you
might see if you viewed it with DC coupling. In some measurements, DC offset doesn’t
matter, but other properties of the sine wave do. In those situations, AC coupling can
simplify the measurements, especially if the two signals have different DC offsets.
Another important setting is the Trigger tab Level switch’s Normal setting. This allows
you to pick your own voltage level for triggering the display. This setting will be useful
for aligning the trigger event to a high peak in the signal with two sine waves added
together. Figure 7-19 shows the AC coupled D7# note from the BASIC Stamp with
Normal (instead of Auto) trigger voltage level. It also shows the other settings we’ll use
to compare the individual frequencies against the frequencies added together.
Click the Cursor tab’s Horizontal and Vertical buttons to toggle them off.
Oscilloscope dials: Horizontal = 500 μs/div, Vertical CH1 = 0.5 V/div
Vertical Coupling Switches: CH1 = AC, CH2 = Off
Click and drag the CH1 trace up/down and make the CH1 –1 V division line up
with the bottom of the oscilloscope display.
Trigger tab switches: Mode = Continuous, Edge = Rise, Level = Normal,
Source = CH1.
If needed, adjust the Trigger Voltage control to make the horizontal trigger
crosshair line up with the CH1 ground (0 V) division line.
Trigger Time control: Adjust to make one of the sine wave’s peaks line up with
the middle time division line. It doesn’t matter where the vertical trigger time
crosshair is, just make sure a peak in the sine wave is lined up with the middle
time division line. See example in Figure 7-19.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 241
Figure 7-19: FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2489 Signal AC Coupled in the Oscilloscope
Adjust the Trigger
Time control to
align a sine wave
peak with the
middle time
division line.
Set CH1
coupling to AC.
CH1 –1 V
division line
Compare a Dual Tone Signal to its Component Sine Waves
Two Notes Together.bs2 played each individual note, and then both notes together. What
do you think the signal will look like when both notes are played together? Let’s use the
PropScope to find out. First, let’s take pictures of the individual D7# and F7# notes and
save them for comparison:
Make a copy of the Oscilloscope screen for later reference by clicking the Edit
Menu and selecting Copy Image.
Paste it into a program called Paint (Start → All Programs → Accessories →
Save the file as 2489 Hz.bmp.
Page 242 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
The next step is to modify One or Two Notes at a Time.bs2 so that it plays the F7# (2960
Hz), and then take a screen capture of that waveform.
In the BASIC Stamp Editor, modify One or Two Notes at a Time.bs2 by placing
an apostrophe to the left of FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2489 to comment it out.
Delete the apostrophe to the left of FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2960 to uncomment it.
Load the modified program into the BASIC Stamp.
Use the Trigger Time control to line up one of the peaks of one sine wave with
the middle time division line in the screen again.
Take a screen capture and save it as 2960 Hz.bmp
Now that the individual notes have been examined and their screen captures stored, play
both notes together. Then, examine the resulting signal and take a screen capture of it
In the BASIC Stamp Editor, comment out FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2960.
Uncomment FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2489, 2960.
Load the modified program into the BASIC Stamp.
Slide the Trigger Voltage control to make the horizontal crosshair line up near
the top of the highest peak in the waveform, to keep it from scrolling.
Use the Trigger Time control to line up the highest peak with the middle time
division line. For an example, see the bottom waveform in Figure 7-20.
Take a screen capture and save it as 2489 and 2960 Hz.bmp
Figure 7-20 conveys the basic idea of how adding two sine waves together works.
(Actually, both sine waves are divided by 2 first and then added for the result at the
bottom of the figure.) For example, a peak on the top sine wave added to a valley in the
middle sine wave results in zero on the bottom waveform. The two values cancel each
other out. Another example, two peaks in the component waveforms get added together
to form the highest peak in the bottom waveform. Again, the BASIC Stamp adds ½ of
the top waveform amplitude to ½ of the middle waveform’s amplitude. That’s why the
bottom waveform’s peak is not twice as high.
Carefully examine Figure 7-20, and make sure you can see how ½ of each
component sine wave is added together to make the resulting waveform that
contains both musical notes.
Try opening your screen captures, combining them together in a single
document, and lining them to repeat the comparisons in Figure 7-20.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 243
Figure 7-20: Two Sine Waves Added Together
A valley subtracts from a peak.
Peaks add together.
Valleys add together.
For two notes
played together,
adjust the Trigger
Voltage control so
that it’s just below
the top of the
highest peak.
Page 244 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Your Turn: 100 and 200 Hz
Figure 7-21 shows an example of 100 and 200 Hz added together. These tones will not
be audible with the piezospeaker, but you can still measure them with the PropScope.
Modify One or Two Notes at a Time.bs2 for use with these two frequencies.
Plot and screen capture the components.
Plot and screen capture the sum.
Examine the effect of the peaks and troughs adding together.
Figure 7-21: Waveform with 100 and 200 Hz Components
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 245
What are the frequencies of the sine wave components in the Figure 7-22 waveform?
Here’s a hint, they are not D7# and F7#. So, what are they? Could you use the cursors to
figure it out? Maybe, but it might turn out to be difficult and time consuming. The
answer to the question is that this is FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2349, 3136, which is the
BASIC Stamp playing the D7 and G7 notes from Figure 7-12 on page 228.
Figure 7-22: Mystery Waveform
A spectrum analyzer is a device that measures and displays the frequencies and relative
amplitudes of a signal’s sine wave components. The PropScope’s analog tab has a builtin Spectrum Analyzer. Let’s try it.
Page 246 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Enter D and G Notes.bs2 into the BASIC Stamp Editor and load the program
into the BASIC Stamp.
' D and G Notes.bs2
' Play D7 and G7 notes together.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
DEBUG "Program running..."
' Debug Terminal message
' Main Loop
FREQOUT 9, 60000, 2349, 3136
' Play 2389 + 3136 Hz for 1 min.
' Repeat main loop
View the waveform in your PropScope’s Oscilloscope view using Figure 7-22 as
a guide for settings.
Click the Analog tab. It’s in the same group with Logic Analyzer and
Figure 7-23 shows the Analog view, which includes three major tools, the now familiar
oscilloscope, the Spectrum Analyzer, and XY Plot. The Spectrum Analyzer screen
makes short work of determining the frequency components that might have looked
somewhat confusing in the Oscilloscope screen.
In contrast to an oscilloscope, which plots voltage against time, a spectrum analyzer plots
sine wave component amplitudes against frequency. The heights of the two vertical bars
in the Spectrum Analyzer screen indicate the two sine wave component amplitudes, and
their left-right positions place them over their frequencies. For example, the left bar in
the spectrum analyzer has a height that lines up with about 0.46 V on the vertical scale,
and is over the 2.35 kHz frequency on the horizontal scale. The bar to its right has a
height that lines up with about 0.4 V on the vertical scale, and is over the 3.14 kHz
frequency on the horizontal scale.
This confirms what we know about D and G
Notes.bs2. It transmits a signal that is the sum of two sine waves with frequencies of
2349 Hz and 3136 Hz. With the ability to indicate a waveform’s sine wave component
amplitudes and frequencies, the spectrum analyzer is quite a handy tool.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 247
Figure 7-23: Analog View with frequency components of the signal in Figure 7-22
XY Plot
Floating cursor
scale is
sine wave
≈ 2.35 kHz
≈ 3.1 kHz
Horizontal scale is frequency
Figure 7-23 also shows a floating cursor measurement. As you point your mouse at
positions on the screen, the floating cursor measurement is displayed in the top-left of the
Spectrum Analyzer screen. In the figure, the floating cursor’s vertical crosshair is lined
up with the left bar, and the measurement shows: At 2.35 kHz amplitude=0.581V.
Use the floating cursor to check the amplitude and frequency of each of the bars
in your spectrum analyzer.
Spectrum Analyzer Units: By default, the spectrum analyzer displays amplitude in terms of
Vpp and frequency in terms of Hz. Both scales are linear. If you click the Log Mode button,
the frequency units will increase logarithmically instead of linearly. If you click the dB Mode
button, the amplitude will display as decibels instead of peak-to-peak volts.
Page 248 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Sine Waves in a Square Wave?
It turns out that some varieties of sine waves can be added together to create just about
any signal you can display with your Oscilloscope. That also means that just about any
signal you display in the Oscilloscope is composed of one or more sine waves, and the
Spectrum Analyzer is your tool determining a signal’s component sine waves. The
PropScope’s spectrum analyzer performs a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on the
oscilloscope signal to determine its sine wave components.
A Fourier Series is a sum of sine waves that creates an arbitrary waveform. It is named
after Joseph Fourier, the French mathematician and physicist who developed the technique
of describing certain mathematical functions as sums of sine wave equations.
A Fourier Transform is the inverse of a Fourier Series. Given a mathematical function, a
Fourier Transform resolves it into its Fourier Series of sine wave components.
A Fast Fourier Transform is a widely used technique for determining a signal’s sine wave
components using fewer steps and less computing time.
Microcontrollers and other systems that exchange information with high/low signals have
the potential to cause radio frequency (RF) interference. A radio transmitter applies a
sine wave of a certain frequency to an antenna to broadcast. A radio receiver tuned for
the transmitter’s broadcasts detects them as sine wave voltage variations it gets from its
own antenna. It turns out that binary signals like square waves contain many sine waves
with many different frequencies. So, when a microcontroller applies a square wave to a
wire (antenna), it has the potential to act like a radio transmitter that generates RF
interference at many different frequencies. Many electronic devices have to be tested to
ensure that they do not broadcast at certain frequencies with signals that are strong
enough to be received as interference by nearby radio receivers.
To test this, the PropScope DAC Card’s function generator can generate the square wave,
and then the Spectrum Analyzer can display the frequency components.
Set up your PropScope’s hardware to transmit signals from the DAC Card’s
function generator to the CH1 probe. (Instructions and circuit for this were first
introduced in the Set DC Voltages with the PropScope’s DAC Card section
starting on page 45.)
Configure the Generator panel to make the DAC Card’s function generator
output transmit a 1 kHz, 1.5 Vpp, 0 V offset square wave. (You can use the
Generator panel settings in Figure 7-24 as a guide.)
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 249
Figure 7-24: 1 kHz, 1.5 Vpp, 0 VDC Offset Square Wave
Next, even though the Analog view has variations on most of the controls you’ve been
using in Oscilloscope view, it’s better to set up the measurement in the Oscilloscope view
and then switch over. Then, you can make minor adjustments in the Analog view to get
the information you need.
For the clearest spectrum analysis, it’s best to have four to eight cycles of the signal
displayed in the Oscilloscope, and the voltage scale should make the waveform fill at
least half of the total voltage amplitude the Oscilloscope can display. Along with the
function generator settings, Figure 7-24 also shows an example of our square wave
measured with CH1. It displays almost five full cycles and fills ¾ of the total +/– 1 V
amplitude that the Oscilloscope can display with the CH1 vertical dial set to 0.2 V/div.
Remember, these limits are indicated by the dotted lines, which are visible near the top
and bottom of the Oscilloscope screen in Figure 7-24.
Page 250 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Set the dials to: Horizontal = 500 μs/div, Vertical CH1 = 0.2 V/div.
Set the Vertical coupling switches to: CH1 = AC, CH2 = Off.
Drag the display up/down to position the ground line in the middle of the
oscilloscope display.
Set the Trigger tab’s switches to: Mode = Continuous, Edge = Rise, Level =
Auto, and Source = CH1.
Figure 7-25 shows an example of how the Analog View should look when after you
configure your Oscilloscope display and then click the Analog view tab. The Spectrum
Analyzer shows several of the sine wave components that make up the square wave.
These components are called harmonics. When a square wave is transmitted from one
circuit to another along a wire, the wire can act like a small antenna, and broadcasts the
harmonics. So, the 1 kHz square wave might be generating small amounts of radio
interference at the 1 kHz, 3 kHz, 5 kHz, 7 kHz, 9 kHz and on up the frequency spectrum
at odd multiples of the square wave’s frequency. Note that as the frequency of the
harmonic increases, its amplitude decreases.
Click the Analog tab.
The Spectrum analyzer will probably display a horizontal frequency scale of 0 to 5 kHz.
So only the first three sine wave harmonics will be visible. You can adjust the Spectrum
Analyzer’s frequency scale with your mouse. Just point at the Spectrum Analyzer screen,
and then click, hold and drag either right or left. Dragging left increases the frequency
scale; dragging right decreases it.
To increase the frequency scale for viewing more harmonics, point at the
Spectrum Analyzer screen with your mouse, then click, hold, and drag left.
Adjust the Spectrum Analyzer plot so that it resembles the lower portion of
Figure 7-25 with a frequency scale of 0 to 10 kHz.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 251
Figure 7-25: Sine Wave Components in a Square Wave
Point at the Spectrum
Analyzer screen with your
mouse. Then, click, hold,
and drag left until the
Spectrum Analyzer’s
frequency scale displays
from 0 to 10k.
The result should look like
Sine wave components
called harmonics add up
to make the square wave.
A square wave is made up of an infinite number of sine wave components, starting with a
sine wave at the square wave’s frequency called the fundamental. The next sine wave is
smaller amplitude, and at three times the fundamental. It’s called the third harmonic. The
next higher frequency sine wave is called the fifth harmonic, and not surprisingly, it is five
times the square wave’s frequency, and has even smaller amplitude. This pattern continues
for every odd multiple of the square wave’s frequency.
Page 252 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Your Turn: Harmonics in a Sawtooth Wave
It takes a different set of sine waves to construct a sawtooth wave.
Change the Generator panel’s Function switch to Sawtooth.
What sine wave component frequencies are present in a sawtooth wave that are
not present in a square wave?
Circuits like filters and amplifiers that process sine waves can be analyzed by comparing
a sine wave that enters the circuit’s input against the one the circuit transmits at its
output. The two sine wave attributes that tend to change at the circuit’s output are
amplitude and phase. Amplifiers might create a larger amplitude sine wave, and filters
might make the sine wave a little or a lot smaller, depending on the frequency of the sine
wave and certain properties of the filter. Filters also tend to introduce a delay in the
output signal. There’s no change in frequency, but the output sine wave’s points all
occur slightly later than they do on the input wave. This delay is called phase shift.
The RC circuit we have been using for the BASIC Stamp DAC voltages is a type of filter
called a low-pass filter. Given an input sine wave, it will reduce the amplitude and shift
the phase of the output signal. The amplitude change and phase shift depend on the
combination of RC values and the frequency of the input signal. In this activity, you will
measure amplitude and phase shift changes that an RC circuit introduces into a sine
wave. Later, in Chapter 8, Activity #7, you will also use amplitude and phase
comparisons to quantify properties of the filter.
The material in this activity uses certain concepts from Trigonometry.
If you have not yet studied trigonometry, read the sections in the list below.
They are in the Sine Wave Math chapter of the Understanding Signals
Supplement, which is available as a free PDF online from the Downloads section
of www.parallax.com/go/PropScope.
o Degree Measurements
o Angles in Right Triangles and Simple Trigonometry Calculations
o Sine Calculations for Angles from 0° to 360°
o A Sine Wave – Sine Calculations from 0 to 360°
o Sine Wave Phase Angle and Phase Shift
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 253
Sine Wave Phase Angle and Phase Shift
The degree increments you are probably familiar with for measuring angles can also be
used to measure how much of a sine wave cycle has elapsed. When applied to a sine
wave, these degree measurements are called phase angles. The Greek letter theta θ is
typically used to denote a phase angle, and phase angles are also typically expressed in
degrees. Figure 7-26 shows some examples on a graph of sin(θ) vs. θ over 360°. Since a
full sine wave cycle repeats every 360°, any fraction of a full cycle can be measured as a
certain number of degrees.
Even though sine wave cycles take different amounts of time to repeat at different
frequencies, phase angle measurements give us a way of describing how far into the cycle
a certain time is for a sine wave at any given frequency. For example, 90° is ¼ of the
way into the cycle. If the sine wave’s frequency is 1 kHz, that happens at 0.25 ms into
the sine wave. If the frequency is 2 kHz, that happens at 0.125 ms into the cycle.
Regardless of the frequency, if the time is ¼ of the way into the sine wave cycle, the sine
wave is at a phase of 90°.
Figure 7-26: Sine (θ) Vs. θ and Time for 1 and 2 kHz Signals
Phase angle (θ): 0°
For f = 1 kHz: 0 ms
0.25 ms
0.5 ms
0.75 ms
1.0 ms
For f = 2 kHz: 0 ms
0.125 ms
0.25 ms
0.375 ms
0.5 ms
Page 254 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Phase angle measurements can be used to determine properties of circuits and/or the
effects they have on signals. The next activity will use phase angle tests to determine the
delay an RC circuit adds to a sine wave.
System Stability Phase angle measurements are also taken to ensure systems remain
stable. An example of a stable system is public address (PA) system where somebody
speaks into a microphone, and their voice is amplified and played by a loudspeaker for an
audience. In a stable PA system, the amplifier is properly tuned and the speakers are
oriented to minimize the sound energy that goes back into the microphone. So, the system
amplifies the speaker’s voice, and not what comes from the loudspeakers.
An example of an unstable system is when the person tries to say something into the PA
system’s microphone, and all the audience can hear is a loud, high-pitched whine. When
the person tried to speak into the microphone, his/her voice was initially amplified by the
amplifier and loudspeaker, but the microphone picked up the sound from the loudspeaker,
and amplified it too. After that, the system gets stuck in an unstable feedback loop of
amplifying what the microphone picks up from the loudspeaker.
The PA system is just one example of a system stability application. Ensuring system
stability is part of designing many circuits and systems, including switching power supplies,
automated ovens, and motor controllers. System stability has to be incorporated into many
mechanical and electromechanical designs as well, including bridges and buildings,
automobile cruise control, and aircraft autopilots.
You can convert a phase for any frequency to a degree measurement by keeping in mind
that the ratio of θ to 360° is the same as the ratio of the time (t) to the cycle’s period (T).
From that, a phase angle equation is simple. Just multiply both sides of the equation by
360° to solve for θ.
T 360
The equation θ = (t ÷ T) × 360 is saying that the phase angle θ is equal to the time t of a
point on the sine wave, divided by its period T, and multiplied by 360°. For example,
let’s say we have a 2 kHz sine wave. That’s a frequency, but we need to know its period
T. Remember the period is the reciprocal of frequency, so you can use T = 1 ÷ f to
calculate the period.
0.0005 s 0.5 ms
2000 Hz
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 255
Let’s say we want to know the phase angle of a point that’s t = 0.375 ms into a cycle of
the 2 kHz sine wave. Since we know its period is 0.5 ms, we have all the values we need
to calculate the phase angle.
0.375 ms
360 270
0.5 ms
TIP: Since f = 1/T, you could replace t/T with t×f for this equation:
t f 360
This can save you the frequency to period conversion calculation. For example, If t = 0.375
ms and f = 2 kHz:
0.000375 s 2000 Hz 360 270
Take a look at Figure 7-26. Does the 0.375 ms match with 270° for a 2 kHz
Repeat this exercise for 0.125 ms in a 2 kHz signal and 0.25 ms in a 1 kHz
signal. Make sure to check your results against Figure 7-26.
Try 0.125 ms for a 1 kHz signal. The correct answer is 45°.
Some circuits introduce delays between input and output signals. For sine waves, this
delay can be expressed as a phase angle measurement. For example, all the points in the
1 kHz signal labeled v2 in Figure 7-27 occur 0.125 ms later than the corresponding points
in the v1 signal. Using phase angle math, we can calculate that v2 lags behind v1 by 45°,
or that v1 leads v2 by 45°. In oscilloscope terminology, the expressions: “v1 leads v2”
and “v2 lags v1” are common. The angle Φ is negative when measured from a reference
sine wave to another that lags, or positive when measured to another sine wave that leads.
So, the Φ from v1 to v2 is –45°, and from v2 to v1 is +45°.
Page 256 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 7-27: Identical Sine Waves with Different Phases
Phase Shift (Φ)
Degrees: 0°
For f = 1 kHz: 0 ms
0.25 ms
0.5 ms
0.75 ms
1.0 ms
0.125 ms
Amplitude and Phase Angle Test Parts List
(1) Resistor – 10 kΩ (brown-black-orange)
(1) Capacitor – 0.01 μF (labeled 103)
(misc.) Jumper wires
Identifying Capacitors with Three-Digit Labels
While most larger electrolytic capacitors have their values clearly printed on their sides,
smaller capacitors such as ceramic capacitors usually have just a three-digit code number
representing their values. Here is how to interpret those code numbers:
(1) Take the first two digits as a two digit number.
(2) Multiply it by ten raised to the power of the third digit.
(3) Multiply that result by 1 pF, which is 1 × 10–12 F.
(4) Express in terms of one or more fractional multipliers (pico, nano, micro, etc…)
The top line in Figure 7-28 is an example of the three steps applied to the 0.01 μF
capacitor in your kit.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 257
Figure 7-28: 3-Digit Capacitor Label
Fractional Multipliers
and Abbreviations
pico ( p) 1012
C 10 103 10 12 F
nano (n) 10 9
micro ( ) 10 6
milli (m) 10 3
C 10 10 3 10 12
10,000 10 12 10,000 pF
10 10 9
0.01 10
10 nF
0.01 F
Why step 4?
The reason you may need to express the result with “one or more” fractional multipliers is
because you might go shopping for a 10 nF capacitor only to find that the electronics store
doesn’t carry any, but they have a wide selection of 0.01 μF capacitors.
Amplitude and Phase Angle Test Circuit
We’ll use the circuit in Figure 7-29 and Figure 7-30 to examine how a circuit can change
a sine wave’s amplitude and phase. The circuit is similar to the DAC circuit for BASIC
Stamp D/A. The PropScope’s function generator will apply sine wave signals to the
circuit’s input, and the PropScope’s Oscilloscope view will display the function generator
signal as well as the output signal measured on CH1.
Set up the CH2 probe hardware to be a function generator output. (See Set DC
Voltages with the PropScope’s DAC Card on page 45 for step-by-step
Build the circuit in Figure 7-29, optionally using Figure 7-30 as a guide.
Page 258 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 7-29: Schematic for Phase Angle Measurement Test
Circuit Input
Circuit Output
Figure 7-30: Example Wiring Diagram for Figure 7-29
The connection to the Vss socket is optional for this test.
Since the BASIC Stamp is not interacting with this circuit, the jumper from the ground clips
to the Vss socket is not necessary. The ground clips provide a connection to the USB port’s
ground connection, which is also your computer’s ground connection.
If your measurements did involve interaction with the BASIC Stamp, connecting the ground
clips to Vss would be necessary because the PropScope would need to share a common
ground with your Board of Education/HomeWork board.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 259
Amplitude and Phase Angle Test Measurements
Figure 7-31 shows a sine wave the PropScope DAC Card’s function generator output
applies to the RC circuit’s input, along with the sine wave measured at the circuit’s
output. The function generator trace is shown as the red, upper CH2 trace, and the
circuit’s output is measured below it with the blue, lower CH1 trace. The two waves are
positioned close together to highlight the differences in the output signal’s amplitude and
Figure 7-31: Visual Phase and Amplitude Check
The voltage difference between the output sine wave’s peaks and valleys are shorter than
the input signal, so the amplitude is less. In electronics-speak, you could say, “the output
signal is attenuated.” Also, the output signal is the same frequency as the input signal,
but the whole sine wave appears to be shifted slightly to the right in the Oscilloscope
screen. This shift to the right shows that the circuit’s voltage output is somewhat
Page 260 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
delayed, running behind the input by roughly 1/100th of a millisecond. Again in
electronics-speak you could say, “The circuit introduced a phase delay into the output
Adjust the PropScope’s dials to: Horizontal = 100μs/div, Vertical CH1 = 1
V/div, CH2 = 1 V/div.
Coupling switches: CH1 = AC, CH2 = DAC.
Trigger tab switches: Mode = Continuous, Edge = Rise, Level = Auto, Source =
Trigger Time control: Align vertical crosshair with 2nd time division
Generator panel: Function switch = Sine, Frequency = 3 kHz, Amplitude = 2 V,
Offset = 0 V.
Waveform Positions: Use Figure 7-31 as a guide. Position the red CH2/DAC
trace slightly above the blue CH1 trace.
Figure 7-32 shows two different approaches to amplitude measurements, with cursors and
with the Measure tab.
Click the Cursor tab, and then click the Horizontal button to start the voltage
Click the CH2 trace to set the lower-right Cursor and Measure displays to CH2
DAC output. (Or, click the CH1/CH2 label in the Cursor or Measure display to
toggle between CH1 and CH2/DAC.)
Position one voltage cursor at the tops of the CH2/DAC sine wave’s peaks and
the other at the bottoms of the valleys.
Record the cursor ∆ measurement, and compare it to the automated peak-to-peak
value in the Measure display.
Repeat for CH1.
Now we know that the circuit reduces the signal’s amplitude by Figure 7-32 by almost ½:
0.867 ÷ 1.99 ≈ 0.436. Note that the cursor measurements closely match the automated
measurements, so for sine wave amplitudes, automated measurements will speed up the
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 261
Figure 7-32: Amplitude Comparison
Cursor Amplitude Measurement of DAC to Circuit Input on CH2
T = 333 μs
Cursor Amplitude Measurement of Circuit Output on CH1
Page 262 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Next, let’s examine the phase delay the circuit introduces by measuring the phase shift.
First, we need to measure the time difference ∆t between waveforms, and then express it
as a number of degrees. The time difference can be measured by picking a point that’s
common to both signals. With the CH1 coupling set to AC, and CH2 with zero offset, a
convenient reference point is where each wave crosses the zero volt line. Figure 7-33
shows the measurement. The Horizontal dial is adjusted to 20 μs for a closer look at the
times that the waveforms cross their 0 V lines. Then, cursors are used to measure the
time difference.
Before adjusting the display, make a note of the signal’s period T. (Example in
top-right of Figure 7-32 is 333 μs.)
Set the Horizontal dial to 20 μs/div.
In the Trigger tab, change the Level switch from Auto to Normal.
Adjust the Trigger Voltage control to align with the CH2 ground line.
Adjust the Trigger Time control so that the CH2/DAC sine wave rises through
the intersection of the ground line and the second time division.
In the Cursor tab, click the Horizontal button to remove the voltage cursors, then
click the Vertical button to start the time cursors.
Adjust the green A time cursor so that it intersects with where the CH2/DAC
sine wave crosses the CH2 ground (0 V) line.
Adjust the purple B time cursor so that it intersects with where the CH1 sine
wave crosses the CH1 ground (0 V) line.
Get the phase delay time measurement from the Cursor display’s ∆ time
difference calculation. The example in Figure 7-33 shows a ∆t of about 59.6 μs.
With the measured ∆t of 59.6 μs and a period T of 333 μs, the phase delay is:
59.6 s
360 64.4
333 s
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 263
Figure 7-33: Determine ∆t for Phase Comparison
Cursor A positioned
where CH2 DAC signal
crosses 0 V
Cursor B positioned
where CH1 signal
crosses 0 V
In Figure 7-33, you could actually take the measurement by counting time divisions. The
CH2/DAC sine wave crosses the ground line at the 40 μs time division line, and three
time divisions later, the CH1 sine wave crosses the 100 μs division line. So the time
delay from just counting time divisions is 60 μs, which is close enough to 59.6 μs for this
type of measurement.
Turn off the cursors and try counting time divisions to measure the phase delay
Page 264 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 7-34 shows another common practice for comparing sine waves—superimposing
one over another by positioning their ground lines at the same level in the Oscilloscope
screen. You will use this setup for amplitude and phase measurements in Chapter 8,
Activity #7.
Figure 7-34: Sine Waves Superimposed for Comparison
Your Turn: What’s Does a “Low-pass filter” Really Do?
A low-pass filter lets low frequencies through and takes away high frequencies by
attenuating them (reducing their amplitudes). You will see more about this in the next
chapter. For now, let’s just examine the filter’s behavior by trying a lower frequency and
a higher frequency. The filter should allow the lower frequency to pass with less
attenuation and phase delay. It should also remove more from the higher frequency
signal and increase the phase delay.
Chapter 7: Basic Sine Wave Measurements · Page 265
Repeat the amplitude and phase shift measurements in this activity for 1 kHz and
6 kHz. You may need to choose different Horizontal and Vertical settings to
accommodate the different amplitudes and frequencies.
Record the output signal amplitudes and phase delays for both frequencies.
The pattern your measurements should fall into is: lower frequency → less
output attenuation and phase delay, higher frequency → more attenuation and
phase delay.
In this chapter, sine waves were displayed with the PropScope and their basic properties
of amplitude, frequency, DC offset and phase shift were studied. Practical applications of
amplitude and frequency were demonstrated in a tone’s volume and pitch. While DC
offset doesn’t necessarily affect the way a tone sounds in a piezospeaker, it can be
problematic for audio speakers. DC offset can also be adjusted to position a sine wave so
that it crosses a microcontroller’s I/O pin threshold with each cycle, making it possible
for the BASIC Stamp to count cycles and determine frequency.
Musical notes are sine waves of specific frequencies, and the PropScope was used to
study the sine waves of individual notes as well as notes played together. In terms of sine
waves, two notes played together is equivalent to adding two sine waves together, pointby-point. Given an arbitrary waveform, it can be difficult to determine its sine wave
components. The spectrum analyzer is a tool that graphs each of a signal’s component
frequencies as a bar with a vertical height (amplitude) and horizontal position
Two sine waves often have to be compared to each other for amplitude and phase
differences. These comparisons are fundamental to numerous circuit analysis and system
stability test procedures. As an example of amplitude and phase comparison, the
PropScope’s function generator was used to apply a signal to the input of an RC low-pass
filter circuit. Then, the amplitude and phase of a sine wave at the circuit’s output was
compared to the function generated signal applied to its input. These tests were also
performed at several frequencies to examine how the filter lets certain frequencies pass
through while blocking others by reducing the signal amplitude at its output.
Page 266 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements
A resistor “resists” the flow of current, and a capacitor has the “capacity” to store
charge, kind of like a tiny, rechargeable battery. These two components form the
building blocks for a variety of resistor-capacitor circuits, commonly called RC circuits.
The voltage waveform created by a capacitor charging or discharging through a resistor
has a characteristic shape. Like a sine wave, this characteristic shape can be described by
a mathematical equation. It’s called an exponential decay equation. In Activity #1, you
will examine a graph of an exponential decay equation, plot a few sample points, and
learn about key values called time constants. Then, in Activity #2, you will use the
PropScope’s Oscilloscope view test a circuit’s time constants and use those values to
make adjustments for better view of the voltage as the capacitor charges and discharges.
Certain sensors vary in either resistance or capacitance, which in turn affects how quickly
the voltage in an RC circuit decays. In addition to using the PropScope to measure these
decay times, you will also use the BASIC Stamp to automate these measurements, which
could come in handy for remote sensing projects. In Activity #3, you will use RC decay
to measure a potentiometer’s variable resistance, which indicates its knob’s position. In
Activity #6, you will compare the linear decay traces from a light sensor that indicates
brightness by the current it conducts to exponential RC decay traces.
Activity #4 and Activity #5 take a closer look at the signals in the RC circuits that were
used for D/A conversion in earlier chapters. Activity #7 expands on the low-pass filter
measurements that were introduced in Chapter 7 with a key value called cutoff frequency.
Resistance (R) and capacitance (C) values can be incorporated into the exponential decay
equation to predict and graph the rate at which voltage increases or decreases as a
capacitor is charged or discharged through a resistor. For each RC decay graph, there is a
point at which x = 1, and at that point the voltage is about 63.2% of the way to its final
value. Viewed with an oscilloscope, this point designates 1 time constant on the
oscilloscope’s time axis. Time constants have many uses. For example, they can be used
to determine resistance and capacitance values in the circuit. They can also be used to
calculate the amount of time it takes to get close enough to its final decay value for
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 267
practical applications (even though it never reaches that point mathematically). Last, but
not least, RC time constants are also used to predict how RC filters will reduce the
amplitudes of sine waves at certain frequencies.
This activity introduces the exponential decay equation, and shows how the values of R
and C are used determine an RC circuit’s time constant.
RC Decay Math and Graphing Exercise
The equations in question are related to the natural logarithmic constant, e. The value of
e is approximately 2.718. Variations on the exponential growth equation y = ex are best
known for their use in modeling population growth. Variations on the exponential decay
equation y = e–x also have many uses, and one of them is to describe how voltage changes
as a capacitor loses or gains charge through a resistor. When applied to capacitor as it
charges and/or discharges through a resistor, exponential decay is called RC decay.
The left side of Figure 8-1 shows a graph of y = e–x. This graph shows how a capacitor’s
voltage behaves as it loses its charge through a resistor. When x = 1, y = e–1 ≈ 0.368.
You could also say that when x gets to 1, y has decayed to 36.8% of its starting value, or
it’s 63.2% of the way to its final value. By the time x reaches 5, the y value is only
0.00674, which is less than 1% of its starting value. The graph on the right is y = 1–e–x,
and it describes a capacitor accumulating charge through a resistor. The corresponding
63.2% level when x = 1 is also important, along with the y value when x = 5, which is
within 1% of its final value of 1.
Figure 8-1: Graphs of y = e–X and y = 1–e–X
(1, 0.368)
(5, 0.00674)
(5, 0.9932)
(1, 0.632)
Page 268 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Let’s use the Windows Calculator to verify a few values from the graphs in Figure 8-1.
Run Windows Calculator by clicking Start → All Programs → Accessories →
If your calculator looks like the one on the left in Figure 8-2, click View and
select Scientific.
Figure 8-2: Windows Calculator
Most calculators have an ex button you can use to calculate the points on y = e–x graphs,
and it’s usually shared with the ln function, which tells you what x is in ex for a given
value. To save button space, the Windows Calculator has the ln key and an inverse (Inv)
checkbox that you can click to make the ln key calculate ex. Here is how to calculate e–1
with the Windows calculator’s ln button:
Click the 1 button.
Click +/– to make it –1.
Click the Inv checkbox.
Click the ln button.
The calculator will display the result of e–1.
Calculate the value of e–5.
Try e–2, e–3 and e–4, and compare them to the points in the graph on the left hand
side of Figure 8-1.
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 269
Figure 8-3: Calculate e–1 with the Windows Calculator
You can create similar graphs to predict a voltage (v) as it decays from a certain starting
value down to zero volts over time (t) with this version of the RC decay version of the
exponential decay equation:
v = VI×e–t/RC
VI is the initial or starting voltage, and R and C are the values of the resistor and
capacitor. The value RC in v = VIe–t/RC is called the RC time constant, and is expressed
as the Greek letter tau (τ)—rhymes with “saw”—but starting with a t. So, you may see
the decay expressed as v = VIe–t/τ. The value of τ = R×C is in units of seconds.
How did you get seconds out of resistance and capacitance?
Recall that the ohm, Ω, is the unit of resistance, the R in RC time constant. Also, recall that
the farad, F, is the unit of capacitance, C. Well, it turns out that F = s/Ω. If you want to
know why this is so, keep studying physics and electronics—it’s fascinating stuff! For now,
just remember that τ = R×C is in units of seconds.
Another factoid to memorize is that the voltage decays to about 36.8% of its initial value
in one τ time constant, and for a reminder, just calculate e–1 with your calculator.
Let’s say that C = 1 μF and R = 1 kΩ. Then, R × C = 1 kΩ × 1 μF, which is 1,000 ×
0.000001 = 0.001. If we assume the capacitor gets charged to 4 V before being allowed
to decay through the resistor, which would make VI = 4 V, the equation would be:
v = 4 × e–t/0.001
Page 270 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 8-4 shows a graph of this equation. At 1 ms, the voltage has decayed to
4 × e−0.001/0.001 = 4 × e–1 = 4 × 36.8% = 1.47 V. By the time the decay reaches the 5 ms
mark, it is close enough to its final voltage to consider completely discharged.
At 1 ms, 1.47 V is
36.8% of 4 V
Figure 8-4
RC Voltage Decay Graph
At 5 ms, 27 mV
approaches 0 V
…for R×C = 0.001.
Time (ms)
In this activity, you will build an RC circuit, and use a square wave from the PropScope’s
function generator to alternately charge and discharge the RC circuit’s capacitor. To get
good view of the RC decay curves as the capacitor’s voltage increases and decreases, you
will use the RC time constant from the previous activity to calculate an optimal square
wave frequency and the oscilloscope’s time division settings. You will also take
measurements to verify the previous activity’s RC time constant calculations.
RC Time Constant Test Circuit Parts
(1) Resistor – 1 kΩ (brown-black-red)
(1) Capacitor – 1 μF
(misc.) Jumper wires
RC Time Constant Test Circuit
Figure 8-5 shows a schematic of the RC decay test circuit and Figure 8-6 shows an
example wiring diagram.
If your red-marked probe is not already connected to the DAC Card’s function
generator BNC connector, do that now (see Figure 2-16, page 46 for help).
Connect the DAC probe to the circuit input, shown in Figure 8-5 and Figure 8-6.
Connect the blue-marked CH1 probe to the RC circuit’s output.
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 271
Circuit Input
Circuit Output
Figure 8-5
RC Decay Test Circuit
…with R×C = 0.001.
Figure 8-6: Wiring Diagram Example of Figure 8-5
Again, the connection to the Vss socket is optional for this test.
Since the BASIC Stamp is not interacting with this circuit, the jumper from the ground clips
to the Vss socket is not necessary. The ground clips provide a connection to the USB port’s
ground connection, which is also your computer’s ground connection.
If your measurements did involve interaction with the BASIC Stamp, connecting the ground
clips to Vss would be necessary because the PropScope would need to share a common
ground with your development board.
Page 272 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
RC Time Constant Predictions
The decay time tests involve a square wave that will charge and discharge the RC
circuit’s capacitor. The first task is to figure out a good frequency for the square wave.
Since R = 1 kΩ, and C = 1 μF, the RC time constant τ is:
= 1 kΩ × 1 μF
= 1,000 × 0.000001 s
= 0.001 s
= 1 ms
The square wave’s high signal has to last at least 5 time constants (5τ) for the capacitor to
charge, and the low signal also needs to last 5τ for the capacitor to discharge. So, the
minimum value of one signal cycle period (Tmin) to the RC circuit’s input has to last for a
total of ten RC time constants:
Tmin = 10τ = 10 × 1 ms = 10 ms
This means the input frequency has to be at most the reciprocal of Tmin:
fmax = 1 ÷ Tmin
= 100 Hz
For a first view, it’s always good to see at least two full cycles, which means that the
display has to be two cycles wide:
Oscilloscope screen widthmin = 2 × Tmin = 2 × 10 ms = 20 ms
Remember that the Horizontal dial specifies the width of a time division, which is 1/10th
of the Oscilloscope screen’s width, so:
Horizontal dial settingmin = Oscilloscope screen widthmin ÷ 10 = 20 ms ÷ 10 = 2 ms
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 273
Examine the Capacitor Voltage as it Charges and Discharges
Figure 8-7 shows two cycles of the square wave the function generator applies to the RC
circuit along with the RC decays at the circuit’s output.
Generator panel: Function switch = Square, Frequency = 100 Hz, Amplitude =
4 V, Offset = 2 V.
Dials: Horizontal = 2 ms/div, Vertical CH1 = 2 V/div, CH2 = 2 V/div.
Vertical coupling switches: CH1 = DC, CH2 = DAC
Trigger tab: Mode = Continuous, Edge = Rise, Level = Auto, Source = CH2.
Trigger Time control: Set to 1st time division line
Position the red CH2/DAC trace above the blue CH1 positive/negative RC decay
Figure 8-7: 5 Time Constant Capacitor Charge and Discharge
High and
low peak
Page 274 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
In Figure 8-7 the upper, red CH2/DAC trace shows a square wave that spends 5 ms at
4 V, then 5 ms at 0 V. This is the signal the function generator applies to the RC circuit’s
input. With each voltage level, current flows through the resistor and either charges or
discharges the capacitor during each 5 ms time period. The lower, blue CH1 trace shows
the capacitor voltage’s response, which alternates directions of RC decay curves. Since
the function generator voltage spends 5 ms, which is 5 ×τ, in each state, the capacitor
should charge to almost 4 V and discharge to almost 0 V.
In the Oscilloscope screen, the CH1 voltage charges so close to 4 V and discharges so
close to 0 V that it’s difficult to tell it hasn’t actually reached those values. Since the
general guideline for practical applications is that 5 time constants is enough to consider
the capacitor fully charged or discharged, the fact that the signal looks so close to its final
voltages is a good sign. We can see from the high and low peak voltages in the Measure
display that the capacitor charged to 3.92 V, then discharged to 39.6 mV.
We also know from Activity #1 that the capacitor’s voltage should charge to about
99.32% of the voltage applied after 5 time constants that it should decay to 0.674% of
that voltage after 5 time constants. So, we’d expect the voltage to grow to 0.9932 × 4 V
≈ 3.97 V and decay to 0.00674 × 4 V ≈ 27.0 mV. These measurements are in the right
ballpark to confirm that the circuit is working as expected.
Click the CH2 trace to set the Measure panel to display its values. (Or click the
CH1/CH2 label in the Measure display to toggle between measurements for the
two traces.)
Make a note of the CH2/DAC high and low peak voltages.
Click the CH1 trace (or the CH2 label in the Measure display) to switch to
displaying values for CH1, and make notes of the high and low peak voltages.
Examples are shown in Figure 8-7.
Compare them to the predicted 5τ values of 0.674% and 99.32%. For example,
0.674% of 4 V is 4 × 0.00674 = 0.02696 ≈ 27 mV.
Optional: The CH2/DAC signal is an ideal value. You can probe the CH2 probe
with the CH1 probe to find the actual measured voltage the function generator
applies to the circuit’s input, and then compare those to the measured peak
voltages at the circuit’s output.
Let’s try adjusting to cycle high/low times that last 10τ (ten RC time constants) instead of
5 τ to see if anything interesting happens. For this, we’ll want twice the signal period,
which would be half the frequency. To maintain two cycles in the Oscilloscope display,
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 275
the time per division will also have to be doubled, or in the case of the PropScope,
adjusted from 2 ms/div to the next larger increment, which is 5 ms/div. Figure 8-8 shows
the new view. In this particular example, the high peak in the Measure display is now
about 3.98 V, which is 20 mV from 4 V, and the low peak is at almost –10 mV. As
before, these values are still “in the right ballpark.”
Adjust the Horizontal dial to 5 ms/div.
Adjust the Generator panel’s Frequency field to 50 Hz.
Adjust the Trigger Time control to the 2nd time division line.
Repeat the input vs. output signal high and low peak measurement comparisons.
How different are your results after ten RC time constants (10τ).
Figure 8-8: Square Wave Input and Increasing/Decreasing RC Decay Output
High and
low peak
Page 276 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 8-9 zooms in to 2 ms/division with the horizontal scale for a closer look at voltage
as the capacitor charges. Since the Trigger Time control is set to the 2nd time division
line, the positive edge of the CH2 function generator signal lines up with that division
line, and its negative edge lines up with the 7th time division line. Between 5 and 10 ms
into the high signal, the CH1 RC circuit output voltage changes very little, if any. This
makes sense since 5 ms is the 5 τ mark, and the capacitor should be charged to 99.32% of
the applied voltage. At that point, there is very little room for it to increase its charge
during the remaining 5 ms.
Change the Horizontal dial to 2 ms/div for the view in Figure 8-9.
Figure 8-9: Charging the Capacitor for 10 ms
High for 10 ms
for 5 ms
for 10 ms
Here is a trick to remember. You don’t have to move the screen back and forth to switch
from the view of the capacitor’s voltage response as it charges to its voltage response as it
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 277
discharges. Instead, just change the Trigger Edge from Rise to Fall. Your display should
then resemble Figure 8-10. With that change, it causes the function generator signal’s
negative edge to line up with the 2nd time division. The 10 ms of the function generator’s
low signal becomes visible in CH2, and the RC circuit’s output voltage response as the
capacitor discharges becomes visible in CH1.
Change the Trigger Edge setting from Rise to Fall. Your view should now
resemble Figure 8-10.
Figure 8-10: Toggle Trigger Edge from Rise to Fall to See the 10 ms Discharge
Low for 10 ms
for 5 ms
for 10 ms
Page 278 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
RC Time Constant Measurements
In an RC decay trace, if 1 time constant has elapsed, the voltage will have decayed from
100% to 36.8%. The converse is also true: if the voltage has decayed to the 36.8% level,
one time constant has elapsed. With this in mind, the trick to measuring an RC circuit’s
time constant from its decay response is to set a horizontal voltage cursor at a level that’s
36.8% above the final voltage. Then, use the time cursors to measure from the start of
the decay to the point where the voltage cursor that’s at the 36.8% level intersects with
the trace.
Figure 8-11 shows an example with the Horizontal dial adjusted to 200 μs/div for a
zoomed-in view of that first one millisecond time constant’s worth of decay. The vertical
A time cursor is lined up with the start of the decay. Then, the horizontal B voltage
cursor is set to as close as possible to 1.47 V, which is 36.8% of 4 V. You can use the B
voltage level measurement in the Cursor display to know the cursor’s voltage as you
position it to 1.47 V. Next, the time from the start of the decay to the 36.8% level is
measured by aligning the vertical B time cursor with the intersection of the decay trace
and the horizontal B voltage cursor. The time measurement result will appear in the
Measure Display’s ∆ field.
Horizontal Cursors are positioned at voltage levels and measure voltage differences. They
are commonly referred to as “voltage cursors.”
Vertical Cursors are positioned at times and measure time differences.
commonly referred to as “time cursors.”
They are
Horizontal and Vertical Cursors were introduced in Chapter 3, Activity #5.
Set the trigger Level to Normal.
Make sure the Trigger Voltage control is 2 V on the CH2 vertical scale (in the
middle of the CH2/DAC square wave in Figure 8-11).
We want to take a close look at that first millisecond of decay, so adjust the
Horizontal dial to 200 μs/div.
Multiply 4 V by 36.8%, the result should be about 1.47 V.
Line the green A vertical cursor up with the start of the decay.
Set the purple B horizontal cursor as close as possible to 1.47 V. Use the B
cursor voltage measurement in the Cursor display as a guide.
Position the purple B vertical cursor so that it crosses the intersection of the B
horizontal cursor and the CH1 trace.
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 279
The Cursor display’s ∆ field will show the time difference between the two
vertical cursors, which is τ for your circuit.
Figure 8-11: Measuring the RC Time Constant
Align green A
vertical cursor with
start of decay.
Set purple B
horizontal cursor
to 1.46 V ≈ 36.8%
of 4 V.
Position purple B vertical cursor to cross
the intersection of the purple B horizontal
cursor and the CH1 decay trace.
Watch this
value to make
sure your B
cursor is set to
1.47 V, which
36.8% of 4 V.
Decay time is
1 ms, which is
the calculated
RC time
constant (τ).
Predicted vs. Measured Differences and Component Tolerances
In Figure 8-11, the measured RC Time constant is 1.09 ms, which is within 9% of the
calculated τ value of 1 ms. Since the electrolytic capacitor’s tolerance is ± 20%, a difference
of up to 20% between the measured and predicted values would still be reasonable.
Page 280 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Your Turn: Repeat for RC Decay from 0 to 4 V
For RC decay from 0 to 4 V, all you have to do is toggle the Trigger Edge from Fall to
Rise, and then use cursors to measure the time difference between when the capacitor
starts charging and when it passes 63.2% of the way to its final voltage level.
Try it.
Your value should be almost identical to your decay time since it’s a measurement of the
RC time constant for the same circuit.
The BASIC Stamp can measure RC decay with a command called RCTIME. Since a wide
variety of sensors either vary in resistance or capacitance, it’s an extremely useful
feature. It can also be used with sensors that vary in conductance, allowing more or less
current to flow with changes in the physical property the sensor measures. Examples
include: visible light, infrared light, humidity, potentiometer knob position, temperature,
presence or absence of a flame, and the presence of certain gasses. These are just a few
entries in a larger list; if the sensor varies in resistance or capacitance, it’s a candidate for
the techniques you will examine in this activity.
Figure 8-12 shows how the PBASIC RCTIME command works with a potentiometer.
With its B and W terminals connected as shown, the pot functions as a variable resistor.
The adjusting knob can be turned to vary the resistance from 0 Ω to 10 kΩ. On the left
side of Figure 8-12, the microcontroller sets I/O pin P7 high. The resulting 5 V signal
charges the capacitor through the 220 Ω resistor. After a brief pause (at least 5×τ to
charge the capacitor), the RCTIME command sets P7 to input, and the circuit and voltage
behave as shown on the right side of the figure. As an input, the I/O pin P7 is invisible to
the circuit, and it’s like the voltage source just disappeared. So, the capacitor starts losing
its charge though the potentiometer. As it loses its charge, the capacitor’s voltage decays.
So, the PBASIC RCTIME command measures the time between when it changed its I/O
pin P7 to input and when the capacitor’s voltage decays to P7’s 1.4 V logic threshold.
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 281
Figure 8-12: Voltage at P7 through HIGH, PAUSE, and RCTIME Commands
Excerpt from
What’s a
Chapter 5
Different RC Time Constants for Charging and Discharging
Unlike the function generator, which applies a high signal to charge and a low signal to
discharge, the BASIC Stamp applies a high signal to charge the capacitor, but then, it
makes itself invisible as it lets the capacitor discharge through the potentiometer. Because
of this, the capacitor charges more quickly than it discharges.
The RC time constant for the circuit on the left side of Figure 8-12 is 220 Ω × 0.1 μF = 22 μs.
So only a tiny delay is needed while the capacitor charges. The RC time constant for the
decay on the right is the potentiometer’s resistance Rpot × 0.1 μF. Rpot could be as large
as 10 kΩ. Assuming the 1.4 V threshold is less than 2 time constants into the decay, an
estimate for the longest possible time measurement (with generous padding) would be:
2 × τ = 2 × 10,000 × 0.1×10 = 2 ms
Decay time vs. charge time: With RCTIME 7, 1, time, the command’s State argument
is set to 1, which configures the command to measure voltage as it decays down to 1.4 V.
Another way to think about it is that the State argument tells the RCTIME command that IN7
will store a 1 when the measurement starts because the voltage applied will be above 1.4 V.
Then, RCTIME measures the time it takes the voltage to decay to 1.4 V, at which point the
value IN7 stores transitions from 1 to 0.
Page 282 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Keep in mind that different potentiometer knob positions result in different resistances.
In an RC circuit, different resistances result in different decay times that the BASIC
Stamp can measure and use to infer the potentiometer knob’s position. Since your
microcontroller can use this to sense the knob’s position, you can use this technique to
incorporate an adjusting knob into your microcontroller designs.
Figure 8-13 shows examples of how two different potentiometer resistances result in two
different decay times, which the PBASIC RCTIME command would record as two
different time measurements. If the pot’s knob has been adjusted to make the resistance
larger, the RC time constant will also be larger, which means the capacitor will take
longer to decay from its starting voltage to 1.4 V. If the pot’s knob has been adjusted to
make the resistance smaller, the RC time constant is smaller, and the voltage will take
less time to decay.
Figure 8-13
How Potentiometer Resistance
Affects Decay Time
(Excerpt from What’s a
Microcontroller? Chapter 5)
The voltage the capacitor charges to also changes slightly in Figure 8-13. The 220 Ω
resistor in Figure 8-12 protects the I/O pin from current surges as the capacitor starts
charging, and it also protects the I/O pin if the potentiometer’s knob is turned to the limit
of its range of motion that gives it 0 Ω of resistance. Since the BASIC Stamp sends a
high signal to the circuit to charge the capacitor, that high signal would be shorted to
ground if the potentiometer is set to 0 Ω. So, the 220 Ω resistor protects the I/O pin from
this condition. However, there is a price for the resistor protection. In the case of the RC
decay measurement, the resistor forms a voltage divider with the potentiometer’s
resistance. That voltage divider limits the final voltage the potentiometer can charge up
to. This shows in the graph as the capacitor charging up to a lower value when the
potentiometer’s resistance is less, which in turn reduces the decay time slightly more than
the smaller RC time constant would on its own.
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 283
Voltage dividers were introduced in Chapter 2, Activity #5. The voltage divider shown
below is the 220 Ω resistor in series with the potentiometer with 5 V applied.
Voltage Divider
Potentiometer Sensor Test Parts
(1) Potentiometer – 10 kΩ (103)
(1) Capacitor – 0.1 μF (104)
(1) Resistor – 220 Ω (red-red-brown)
If you have a BASIC Stamp HomeWork board, use a wire instead of the 220 Ω resistor.
(misc.) Jumper wires
Potentiometer Sensor Test Circuit
Figure 8-14 shows the potentiometer decay test circuit, and Figure 8-15 shows an
example wiring diagram.
Build the circuit shown in Figure 8-14 and Figure 8-15.
If you have a BASIC Stamp
HomeWork Board, replace
220 Ω resistor with a wire.
Figure 8-14
Test Circuit
Page 284 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
If you have a BASIC Stamp HomeWork Board,
use a wire instead of a 220 Ω resistor.
Figure 8-15
Example Wiring for
Figure 8-14.
Potentiometer Sensor Test Code
ReadPotWithRcTime.bs2 is an example program from What’s a Microcontroller? Its
DO…LOOP has code that sets P7 high and then waits for 100 ms, which is way more time
than necessary for charging capacitor. The main reason for the long PAUSE command is
to slow down the massages the BASIC Stamp sends to the Debug Terminal to a rate of 10
Hz. After the PAUSE, the RCTIME command sets the I/O pin to input and then waits for
the voltage at I/O pin P7 to decay to 1.4 V. Then, it stores the time measurement in terms
of 2 μs units in a variable named time. Before it repeats the DO…LOOP, the DEBUG
command displays the time variable’s measurement result in the Debug Terminal.
Enter ReadPotWithRcTime.bs2 into the BASIC Stamp Editor and run it.
' What's a Microcontroller - ReadPotWithRcTime.bs2
' Read potentiometer in RC-time circuit using RCTIME command.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
PAUSE 1000
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
' For storing decay times
' 1 s before sending messages
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 285
' Main Loop
RCTIME 7, 1, time
DEBUG HOME, "time = ", DEC5 time
Set P7 high
Wait 0.1 seconds
RC Decay time measurement
Display time in 2 us increments
' Repeat main loop
Figure 8-16 shows the decay measurement, as the number of 2 μs units it took the
capacitor voltage to decay from its starting voltage down to 1.4 V. Since the time
displayed in Figure 8-16 is 436, it means that the decay took 436 × 2 μs = 872 μs.
Maintain downward pressure on the potentiometer knob as you adjust it to keep
it in contact with the breadboard connections.
Turn the potentiometer knob to a point about ¾ of the way counterclockwise in
its range of motion, then make fine adjustments for a Debug Terminal value of
Figure 8-16
Debug Terminal Pot
…in 2 μs units.
Potentiometer Sensor Test Measurements
Each repetition of ReadPotWithRcTime.bs2 takes at least 100 ms because of the
PAUSE 100 command.
In addition, there’s the time it takes for the RC decay
measurement, the DEBUG command, and some time to process all the commands in the
loop. All that said, 200 ms is a reasonable estimate for a first look at two cycles of the
measurement, so the Horizontal dial is set to 20 ms/div in Figure 8-17.
Dials: Horizontal = 20 ms/div, Vertical CH1 = 1 V/div.
Page 286 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Vertical coupling switches: CH1 = DC, CH2 = Off.
Trigger tab switches; Mode = Continuous, Edge = Fall, Level = Auto, Source
= CH1.
Trigger Time control: Adjust vertical crosshair to 2nd Time division line.
Figure 8-17: Two Decay Measurements Separated by a 100 ms Pause
In Figure 8-17, it’s difficult to see any of the decay measurement because the PAUSE
command is 100 ms, but the decay is only 872 μs. That’s less than 1/100th of the PAUSE
time! Figure 8-19 shows an example of a closer look at the decay portion of the signal.
The fact that the Trigger Edge was set to Fall made it so that reducing the Horizontal dial
to 500 μs/div zoomed right in on the decay measurement. With this view, the cursors can
be used to measure the decay time and verify the BASIC Stamp module’s measurement.
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 287
The PropScope uses a full cycle to calculate average voltage. When the Trigger tab’s
Level switch is set to Auto, it uses this level for positioning the Trigger Voltage control.
When you zoom in on decay times to take cursor measurements, there’s no full cycle, so
it’s hard for the PropScope to know what the automatic trigger level should be. Also,
since we are measuring the time it takes the voltage to decay to the BASIC Stamp
module’s 1.4 V logic threshold, it’s a good idea to set the set the Trigger tab’s Level
setting to Normal, and then manually adjust the Trigger Voltage control to 1.4 V. The
trace will cross this at the end of the measurement, so it’s also a good idea to adjust the
Trigger Time control to somewhere near the right of the oscilloscope display, like maybe
the 8th time division line.
Figure 8-18: Adjustments for Verifying BASIC Stamp RC Decay Measurements
Set Horizontal dial to 200 μs/div
Set Trigger Time control to make vertical
crosshair line up with 8th time division.
Set Trigger Voltage control to position
Horizontal crosshair at 1.4 V.
Change Trigger tab’s Level switch
to Normal.
Page 288 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Change the Trigger tab’s Level switch from Auto to Normal.
Slide the Trigger Voltage control to 1.4 V. The Trigger display in the bottomright corner of the window shows your manually adjusted trigger voltage value.
Watch it as you adjust the Trigger Voltage control’s horizontal trigger crosshair
to get as close as possible to 1.4 V.
Slide the Trigger Time control to align the vertical trigger crosshair with the 8th
time division line.
Adjust the Horizontal dial to 500 μs/div.
Check your display against Figure 8-18.
The display is now ready for verifying the BASIC Stamp module’s 872 μs decay time
measurement with a cursor measurement. Figure 8-19 shows how the purple B cursors
were adjusted to intersect with the CH1 decay trace at 1.4 V. (Keep in mind that 1.4 V is
not 36.8%, it’s the BASIC Stamp module’s threshold voltage.) Then, the Green A
cursors were adjusted to intersect at the start of the decay. The time measurement in the
Cursor display’s ∆ field turns out to be 880 μs, which is close enough to the BASIC
Stamp module’s 436 × 2 μs = 872 μs time measurement for verification purposes.
Set the purple horizontal B voltage cursor to 1.4 V using the Cursor display’s B
voltage measurement as a guide.
Line the vertical B time cursor so that it crosses the intersection of the horizontal
B voltage cursor and the CH1 trace.
Position the green A cursors up to intersect with the start of the decay.
The Cursor display’s ∆ field shows the difference between the two time cursors,
which should be fairly close to twice the value displayed in by the BASIC Stamp
in the Debug Terminal.
Make a note of the Horizontal A cursor’s voltage level. We’ll compare the
voltage the capacitor charged to in Figure 8-19 against that voltage with a lower
potentiometer resistance.
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 289
Figure 8-19: Verify the BASIC Stamp module’s Decay to 1.4 V Measurement
Green cursors
intersect with the
start of the decay.
Purple Horizontal B voltage cursor set to
1.4 V, and vertical B time cursor set to
intersection of voltage cursor and CH1.
Make a note
of the
Horizontal A
Horizontal B
cursor set to
1.4 V
decay time
In Figure 8-19, the cursor A voltage measurement is close to 5 V (4.8 V), which indicates
that the potentiometer’s resistance is large compared to the 220 Ω resistor. For example,
if you substitute 7000 Ω into the voltage divider equation from Chapter 2, the result
would be: Vo = 5 V × 7000 Ω ÷ (7000 Ω + 220 Ω) ≈ 4.84 V
Page 290 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 8-20 shows an example the BASIC Stamp module’s measurement in the Debug
Terminal when the pot is turned to about ¾ of the way clockwise in its range of motion.
The decay time is 170 × 2 μs = 340 μs.
Turn the potentiometer knob clockwise until the Debug Terminal reports a value
in the neighborhood of 170.
Figure 8-20
Shorter Decay
Figure 8-21 shows the corresponding Oscilloscope decay time measurement. The main
change is that the potentiometer’s resistance is smaller, so the decay time is shorter for a
shorter RCTIME measurement. A secondary change is that the capacitor charges to a
slightly lower voltage. That’s because the 220 Ω protection resistor value didn’t change,
but the potentiometer is now a smaller value. As the BASIC Stamp charges the circuit,
the slightly lower voltage divider level between the pot and 220 Ω resistor limits the
capacitor to charging to a slightly lower level (4.56 V instead of 4.8 V).
Repeat the decay cursor time measurement with the vertical cursors. It should be
in the neighborhood of 340 μs.
Also, repeat the voltage measurement before the decay starts with the green
horizontal A cursor, and compare it to the level you measured with the other
potentiometer setting.
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 291
Figure 8-21: Shorter Decay, Lower Starting Voltage
Zoom In on the Shorter Time Value
Figure 8-22 shows how reducing the Horizontal dial to a smaller time/division makes it
possible to zoom in and get a more precise measurement. Take a look at the time ∆ value
in the Cursor panel. Ironically, it’s 346 μs, is a little further off than the 336 μs from
Figure 8-21. Still, the PropScope is now reporting a more precise measurement with the
higher Horizontal time/division setting. Furthermore, a 6 μs difference is not cause for
concern. It’s only 1.76% off the BASIC Stamp measurement, which can be attributed to
a combination of possible differences in the two devices’ clock frequencies, slight
alignment errors with the cursors, and slight deviations of the actual threshold voltage
from the 1.4 V level.
Carefully adjust the pot’s knob to make the Debug Terminal report 170.
Page 292 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Reduce your time division to 50 μs and repeat the cursor time and voltage
Figure 8-22: Adjust the Horizontal Dial to Zoom in on the Decay Time
Your Turn: Pick a Decay Time and Test
Pick a different potentiometer knob adjustment for a different Debug Terminal
decay time and use the PropScope to verify the BASIC Stamp measurements.
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 293
In Chapter 4, Activity #2, the relationship between duty cycle and DAC voltage was
introduced. In this activity, you will take a closer look at this relationship. After
repeating some of the duty cycle and average voltage measurements, you will compare
the average voltage the PropScope reports against the average voltage at the RC DAC
circuit’s output. You will also calculate the average voltage of a signal.
DAC Test Parts
(1) Resistor – 220 Ω (red-red-brown)
(1) Resistor – 1 kΩ (brown-black-red)
(1) Capacitor – 1 μF
(misc.) Jumper wires
DAC Test Circuit
The circuit in Figure 8-23 and Figure 8-24 should be familiar from the duty cycle
measurements in Chapter 4, Activity #2.
STOP: If your CH2 probe’s BNC end is still connected to the DAC Card’s
function generator output, disconnect it and reconnect it to the PropScope’s CH2
BNC input before continuing.
Build the circuit shown in Figure 8-23 and Figure 8-24.
Figure 8-23
DAC Circuit with Probes
Attached for P14 PWM
Signal and DAC Output
Page 294 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Figure 8-24
Example Wiring
Diagram for Figure 8-23
DAC Test Program
This program was introduced in Chapter 2, Activity #4. It repeatedly sets the voltage
across the RC circuit’s capacitor to 1.25 V.
Enter Test 1 Channel Dac.bs2 into the BASIC Stamp Editor and run it.
Test 1 Channel Dac.bs2
Set P14 capacitor to 1.25 V.
{$PBASIC 2.5}
' Target module = BASIC Stamp 2
' Language = PBASIC 2.5
PAUSE 1000
DEBUG "Program running..."
' 1 ms before first DEBUG command
' Debug Terminal message
' Main Loop
PWM 14, 64, 1
' 1.25 V to P14 capacitor
' Repeat main loop
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 295
DAC Test Measurements
In Figure 8-25, the CH1 trace shows the DC voltage that the PWM signal establishes
across the capacitor. The CH2 trace shows signal activity during six repetitions of the
DO…LOOP in Test 1 Channel Dac.bs2. This Horizontal dial setting gives an overview of
the program running with 1 ms periods of PWM activity followed by about ½ ms of
delay between DO…LOOP repetitions. We would expect 5 V high PWM pulses; the
sporadic pulse heights are a clue that there isn’t enough room in the display to view all
the signal activity. After this quick check, we’ll use smaller settings to zoom in on the
PWM signal activity.
Dial adjustments: Horizontal = 1 ms/div, Vertical CH1 = 1 V/div, CH2 1 V/div.
Vertical coupling switches: CH1 = DC, CH2 = DC.
Trigger tab: Mode = Continuous, Edge = Rise, Level = Auto, Source = CH2.
Trigger Time control: adjust vertical crosshair to second time division.
Figure 8-25
Overview of
Signal Activity
Sporadic voltage levels
PWM Signal
RC DAC Circuit Output
Since we
expect PWM to
be a series of
5 V high/low
signals, these
voltage levels
are a clue that
the Horizontal
setting can be
reduced for
more signal
Page 296 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Oversampling vs. Aliasing
The PropScope takes a series of voltage measurements called samples, and sends them to
the PropScope software to be displayed. When there are more than enough samples to
represent the signal being measured, it is called oversampling. If there are not enough
samples to properly display the waveform, it is under-sampled. If there are so few samples
compared to the frequency that one voltage measurement is from one cycle of the signal
and the next is from a later cycle, the result is often a signal that looks very different from the
actual signal being measured. This is called aliasing, and the PropScope displays a signal
that’s standing in as an alias for the actual signal.
The theoretical minimum sampling rate needed to reconstruct a signal is two samples per
cycle, and it’s called the Nyquist rate. In practice, systems are usually designed to
oversample, meaning they take many times the Nyquist rate. For example, it takes 536
voltage samples to construct all the activity in a trace as it crosses the PropScope’s
Oscilloscope screen.
The Horizontal dial in Figure 8-26 is adjusted to 5 μs/division for a detailed view of the
PWM signal’s binary pulses. Since the PWM signal is 5 V for ¼ of its cycle, it sets a
voltage across the capacitor that’s 1.25 V, which is ¼ of the 5 V high pulses. In review
of Chapter 4, Activity #2 the duty cycle is the percent ratio of thigh to tcycle. The PWM
signal in Figure 8-26 is high for ¼ of its cycle, so the duty cycle is 25%. Applied to the
RC circuit, it establishes a voltage that’s 25% of the 5 V high signal (assuming the low
signal is at ground = 0 V the other 75% of the time.)
Adjust the Horizontal dial to 5 μs/div.
Check the CH2 signal to verify that it is high for ¼ of the time.
Check the CH1 Average voltage in the Measure display and verify that it is
about 1.25 V. (You can either click the CH1 trace, or click the CH1/CH2 label
in the Measure display’s lower-right corner to toggle between displaying CH2
and CH1 values.)
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 297
Figure 8-26: RC Circuit Converts Signal High ¼ of the time to 1.25 V (¼ of 5 V)
≈ 1.25 V
PWM Pin, Duty, Duration
Pin is the I/O pin the BASIC Stamp sends the PWM signal to. Duty is the number of 256
of a cycle the signal is high, and Duration is the time the BASIC Stamp transmits the PWM
Example: PWM 14, 64, 1 sends a PWM signal that’s high 64/256
64/256 is ¼, so that’s why the signal is high ¼ of the time.
of the time for 1 ms.
For now, all we want to do is be sure that there really is a relationship between the ratio
of high time to cycle time (thigh/tcycle) that controls the voltage across the capacitor. You
can do this by varying the PWM command’s Duty argument in Test 1 Channel Dac.bs2 and
checking the duty cycle and CH1 voltage between each adjustment. For example, Figure
Page 298 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
8-27 shows the binary signal for PWM 14, 128, 1. Now, the signal is high for half the
time, and the voltage across the capacitor is 2.5 V, which is about half of 5 V.
In Test 1 Channel Dac.bs2, change the PWM command to PWM 14, 128, 1.
Load the modified program into the BASIC Stamp.
Check the CH2 signal to verify that it is high for about half the time.
Click the CH1 signal and check its Average voltage in the Measure display to
verify that it is about 2.5 V.
Figure 8-27: RC Circuit Converts PWM Signal that’s High ½ of the time to 2.5 V (½ of 5 V)
≈ 2.5 V
Chapter 8: RC Circuit Measurements · Page 299
Figure 8-28 shows the Oscilloscope display with the command PWM 14, 192, 1. Now,
the CH2 signal is high about ¾ of the time, and CH1 shows that the voltage across the
capacitor is now about 3.75 V, which is ¾ of 5 V.
In Test 1 Channel Dac.bs2, change the PWM command to PWM 14, 192, 1.
Load the modified program into the BASIC Stamp.
Check the CH2 signal to verify that it is high for about ¾ of the time.
Check the Average voltage of the CH1 signal in the Measure display to verify
that it is about 3.75 V.
Figure 8-28: RC Circuit Converts PWM Signal that’s High ¾ of the time to 3.75 V (¾ of 5 V)
≈ 3.75 V
Page 300 · Understanding Signals with the PropScope
Verifying the RC Circuit’s “Average” Voltage Output
When a duty cycle signal’s period is much smaller than the RC time constant (T