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45184 数据手册
599 Menlo Drive, Suite 100 Rocklin, California 95765, USA Office: (916) 624-8333 Fax: (916) 624-8003 General: info@parallaxinc.com Technical: stamptech@parallaxinc.com Web Site: www.parallaxinc.com Educational: www.stampsinclass.com BS2p “Plus Pack” AppKit (#45184) Introduction The BS2p “Plus Pack” is a selection of components and ready-to-run source code to assist experimenters with mastering some of the exciting new features of the BS2p; specifically the use of parallel LCDs, Philips I2C™ components and Dallas Semiconductor 1-Wire® components. Please note that this AppKit is designed for intermediate to advanced users. The schematics and source code have been carefully checked and are commented, but the expectation is that the user will consult the appropriate product data sheets (not duplicated here) for detailed explanation of each component’s operation. Each of the enclosed experiments was built, tested and run on the BS2p Demo Board (#45183). Should you desire more space for connecting components, please consider the NX-1000 lab board (#28135). Packing List Verify that your BS2p “Plus Pack” package is complete in accordance with the list below. The contents of the package include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Packing List (this page) Documentation/Source Code Diskette Parallel LCD module; 2 lines x 16 characters (HD44780-compatible) PCF8574 Remote 8-Bit I/O Expander PCF8583 Clock/Calendar with 240 x 8-Bit RAM PCF8591 8-Bit A/D and D/A Converter 24LC32 32K Serial EEPROM (2) DS1822 Econo-MicoLAN Digital Thermometer DS2405 Addressable Switch DS2890 1-Wire Digital Potentiometer (4) Jumper wires packs 220 ohm resistor (2) 1K resistor 10K resistor 100K potentiometer 0.01 uF capacitor (2) low-current LED Normally-open pushbutton switch 32.678 kHz crystal Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 Page 1 PP_LCDDEMO1.BSP • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Connect LCD to the BS2p Demo Board X5 Install jumper X6 Adjust contrast pot for best display -----[ Title ]---------------------------------------------------------------BS2p Plus Pack File...... Purpose... Author.... E-mail.... Started... Updated... PP_LCDDEMO1.BSP Basic LCD Demo - Single Line Mode Parallax, Inc. stamptech@parallaxinc.com 26 SEP 2001 ' {$STAMP BS2p} ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -----[ Program Description ]-------------------------------------------------This program demonstrates LCD basics using the BS2p. To run this program on the BS2p Demo Board, connect the LCD and install Jumper X6. Adjust contrast pot for best display. Refer to the Hitachi HD44780 documentation for details on LCD control. ' -----[ Revision History ]----------------------------------------------------' ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]-----------------------------------------------------' LCDpin CON 0 ' connect LCD to OutL ' -----[ Constants ]-----------------------------------------------------------' NoCmd CON $00 ' No command in LCDOUT ClrLCD CON $01 ' clear the LCD CrsrHm CON $02 ' move cursor to home position CrsrLf CON $10 ' move cursor left CrsrRt CON $14 ' move cursor right DispLf CON $18 ' shift displayed chars left DispRt CON $1C ' shift displayed chars right DDRam CON $80 ' Display Data RAM control DispCtrl CON %00001000 On Off CON CON 1 0 ' display control command ' -----[ Variables ]-----------------------------------------------------------' cmd VAR Byte ' command sent to LCD Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 Page 2 display cursor blinking VAR VAR VAR cmd.Bit2 cmd.Bit1 cmd.Bit0 ' display on/off bit ' cursor on/off bit ' blinking on/off bit char idx VAR VAR cmd Byte ' character sent to LCD ' loop counter ' -----[ EEPROM Data ]---------------------------------------------------------' ' -----[ Initialization ]------------------------------------------------------' Initialize: PAUSE 500 ' let the LCD settle LCDCMD LCDpin,%00110000 : PAUSE 5 ' 8-bit mode LCDCMD LCDpin,%00110000 : PAUSE 0 LCDCMD LCDpin,%00110000 : PAUSE 0 LCDCMD LCDpin,%00100000 : PAUSE 0 ' 4-bit mode LCDCMD LCDpin,%00001100 : PAUSE 0 ' no crsr, no blink LCDCMD LCDpin,%00000110 ' inc crsr, no disp shift ' -----[ Main Code ]-----------------------------------------------------------' Main: LCDCMD LCDpin,ClrLCD ' clear display PAUSE 500 Splash_Screen LCDOUT LCDpin,NoCmd,["THE BASIC STAMP!"] PAUSE 2000 Cursor_On: LCDCMD LCDpin,CrsrHm cmd = DispCtrl display = On cursor = On LCDCMD LCDpin,cmd PAUSE 500 Move_Cursor: FOR idx = 1 TO 15 LCDCMD LCDpin,CrsrRt PAUSE 150 NEXT FOR idx = 14 TO 0 cmd = DDRam + idx LCDCMD LCDpin,cmd PAUSE 150 NEXT ' move the cursor home ' move the cursor across display ' go backward by moving cursor ' to a specific address PAUSE 1000 Block_Cursor: cmd = DispCtrl display = On blinking = On LCDCMD LCDpin,cmd PAUSE 2000 blinking = Off Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 ' enable block cursor ' turn it off Page 3 LCDCMD LCDpin,cmd Flash_Display: cmd = DispCtrl display = On FOR idx = 1 TO 10 display = ~display LCDCMD LCDpin,cmd PAUSE 250 NEXT ' flash display by ' toggling display bit PAUSE 1000 Shift_Display: FOR idx = 1 TO 16 LCDCMD LCDpin,DispRt PAUSE 100 NEXT ' shift display to right PAUSE 1000 FOR idx = 1 TO 16 LCDCMD LCDpin,DispLf PAUSE 100 NEXT PAUSE 1000 GOTO Main END ' shift display back ' do it all over ' -----[ Subroutines ]---------------------------------------------------------' Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 Page 4 PP_LCDDEMO2.BSP • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Connect LCD to the BS2p Demo Board X5 Install jumper X6 Adjust contrast pot for best display -----[ Title ]---------------------------------------------------------------BS2p Plus Pack File...... Purpose... Author.... E-mail.... Started... Updated... PP_LCDDEMO2.BSP Basic LCD Demo - Multi-line mode with custom characters Parallax, Inc. stamptech@parallaxinc.com 26 SEP 2001 ' {$STAMP BS2p} ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -----[ Program Description ]-------------------------------------------------This program demonstrates the use of the multi-line initialization and the use of custom characters. When using the standard 5x7 font, the LCD will hold up to eight customer characters. To run this program on the BS2p Demo Board, connect the LCD and install Jumper X6. Adjust contrast pot for best display. Refer to the Hitachi HD44780 documentation for details on LCD control. ' -----[ Revision History ]----------------------------------------------------' ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]-----------------------------------------------------' LCDpin CON 0 ' connect LCD to OutL ' -----[ Constants ]-----------------------------------------------------------' NoCmd CON $00 ' No command in LCDOUT ClrLCD CON $01 ' clear the LCD CrsrHm CON $02 ' move cursor to home position CrsrLf CON $10 ' move cursor left CrsrRt CON $14 ' move cursor right DispLf CON $18 ' shift displayed chars left DispRt CON $1C ' shift displayed chars right DDRam CON $80 ' Display Data RAM control CGRam CON $40 ' Custom character RAM Line1 CON $80 ' DDRAM address of line 1 Line2 CON $C0 ' DDRAM address of line 2 ' -----[ Variables ]-----------------------------------------------------------' Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 Page 5 cmd char newChr addr cNum VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR Byte Byte Byte Byte Byte ' ' ' ' ' commnand sent to LCD character sent to LCD new character for animation address in EE and display character number ' -----[ EEPROM Data ]---------------------------------------------------------' ' custom character definitions Mouth0 Mouth1 Mouth2 Smile DATA DATA DATA DATA $0E,$1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$1F,$0E,$00 $0E,$1F,$1F,$18,$1F,$1F,$0E,$00 $0E,$1F,$1C,$18,$1C,$1F,$0E,$00 $00,$0A,$0A,$00,$11,$0E,$06,$00 Msg DATA " IS VERY COOL! ",3 ' revealed message ' -----[ Initialization ]------------------------------------------------------' Initialize: PAUSE 500 ' let the LCD settle LCDCMD LCDpin,%00110000 : PAUSE 5 ' 8-bit mode LCDCMD LCDpin,%00110000 : PAUSE 0 LCDCMD LCDpin,%00110000 : PAUSE 0 LCDCMD LCDpin,%00100000 : PAUSE 0 ' 4-bit mode LCDCMD LCDpin,%00101000 : PAUSE 0 ' 2-line mode LCDCMD LCDpin,%00001100 : PAUSE 0 ' no crsr, no blink LCDCMD LCDpin,%00000110 ' inc crsr, no disp shift DLChars: LCDCMD LCDpin,CGRam FOR addr = Mouth0 TO (Smile + 7) READ addr,char LCDOUT LCDpin,NoCmd,[char] NEXT ' ' ' ' ' download custom chars to LCD prepare to write CG data build 4 custom chars get byte from EEPROM put into LCD CGRAM ' -----[ Main Code ]-----------------------------------------------------------' Main: LCDCMD LCDpin,ClrLCD PAUSE 1000 LCDOUT LCDpin,NoCmd,["THE BASIC STAMP"] PAUSE 2000 ' Animation by character replacement FOR addr = 0 TO 15 READ (Msg + addr),newChr cmd = Line2 + addr FOR cNum = 0 TO 4 LOOKUP cNum,[2,1,0,1,newChr],char LCDOUT LCDpin,cmd,[char] PAUSE 100 NEXT NEXT PAUSE 3000 GOTO Main END Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 ' ' ' ' cover 16 characters get new char from message set new DDRAM address 5 characters in cycle ' write animation character ' delay between animation chars ' do it all over Page 6 ' -----[ Subroutines ]---------------------------------------------------------' Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 Page 7 PP_LCDFONT.BSP • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Connect LCD to the BS2p Demo Board X5 Install jumper X6 Adjust contrast pot for best display -----[ Title ]---------------------------------------------------------------BS2p Plus Pack File...... Purpose... Author.... E-mail.... Started... Updated... PP_LCDCFONT.BSP Advanced LCD Demo - custom numeric font(s) Parallax, Inc. stamptech@parallaxinc.com 26 SEP 2001 ' {$STAMP BS2p} ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -----[ Program Description ]-------------------------------------------------This program demonstrates character definition replacement in order to create a custom font for numbers. This program creates three custom characters that are used to display the tens, ones and tenths value of a counter. The program analyzes the counter and updates the screen by downloading the appropriate character map for each digit. To run this program on the BS2p Demo Board, connect the LCD and install Jumper X6. Adjust contrast pot for best display. Refer to the Hitachi HD44780 documentation for details on LCD control. ' -----[ Revision History ]----------------------------------------------------' ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]-----------------------------------------------------' LCDpin CON 0 ' connect LCD to OutL ' -----[ Constants ]-----------------------------------------------------------' NoCmd CON $00 ' No command in LCDOUT ClrLCD CON $01 ' clear the LCD CrsrHm CON $02 ' move cursor to home position CrsrLf CON $10 ' move cursor left CrsrRt CON $14 ' move cursor right DispLf CON $18 ' shift displayed chars left DispRt CON $1C ' shift displayed chars right DDRam CON $80 ' Display Data RAM control CGRam CON $40 ' Custom character RAM Line1 CON $80 ' DDRAM address of line 1 Line2 CON $C0 ' DDRAM address of line 2 CLines Space CON CON 8 10 Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 ' lines per character Page 8 ' -----[ Variables ]-----------------------------------------------------------' char VAR Byte ' character sent to LCD addr VAR Byte ' EE starting address of map cNum VAR Nib ' character number idx VAR Nib ' loop counter counter VAR Word ' -----[ EEPROM Data ]---------------------------------------------------------' ' character definitions - digits 0 - 9 and space ' Dig_0 DATA $1F,$11,$11,$19,$19,$19,$1F,$00 Dig_1 DATA $04,$04,$04,$0C,$0C,$0C,$0C,$00 Dig_2 DATA $1F,$01,$01,$1F,$18,$18,$1F,$00 Dig_3 DATA $1E,$02,$02,$1F,$03,$03,$1F,$00 Dig_4 DATA $18,$18,$18,$19,$1F,$01,$01,$00 Dig_5 DATA $1F,$18,$18,$1F,$01,$01,$1F,$00 Dig_6 DATA $18,$10,$10,$1F,$19,$19,$1F,$00 Dig_7 DATA $1F,$11,$01,$03,$03,$03,$03,$00 Dig_8 DATA $0E,$0A,$0A,$1F,$13,$13,$1F,$00 Dig_9 DATA $1F,$11,$11,$1F,$03,$03,$03,$00 Dig_Spc DATA $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ' -----[ Initialization ]------------------------------------------------------' Initialize: PAUSE 500 ' let the LCD settle LCDCMD LCDpin,%00110000 : PAUSE 5 ' 8-bit mode LCDCMD LCDpin,%00110000 : PAUSE 0 LCDCMD LCDpin,%00110000 : PAUSE 0 LCDCMD LCDpin,%00100000 : PAUSE 0 ' 4-bit mode LCDCMD LCDpin,%00101000 : PAUSE 0 ' 2-line mode LCDCMD LCDpin,%00001100 : PAUSE 0 ' no crsr, no blink LCDCMD LCDpin,%00000110 ' inc crsr, no disp shift FOR cNum = 0 TO 2 LOOKUP cNum,[Dig_0,Dig_0,Dig_Spc],addr GOSUB Update_CC NEXT ' initialize cust chars ' -----[ Main Code ]-----------------------------------------------------------' Main: LCDOUT LCDpin,ClrLCD,["CUSTOM DIGITS"] ' setup display LCDOUT LCDpin,(Line2 + 12),[2,1,".",0] Show_Counter: FOR counter = 0 TO 999 FOR cNum = 0 TO 2 addr = counter DIG cNum IF (cNum < 2) OR (addr > 0) THEN DigitOK addr = Space DigitOK: addr = addr * CLines GOSUB Update_CC NEXT Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 ' count in tenths 0 - 99.9 ' get a digit ' leading space if < 10 ' calculate map for this digit ' download to LCD Page 9 PAUSE 100 NEXT GOTO Main END ' -----[ Subroutines ]---------------------------------------------------------' Update_CC: ' update custom character LCDCMD LCDpin,(CGRam + (cNum * CLines)) ' point to character map FOR idx = 0 TO (CLines - 1) READ (addr + idx),char ' get data for character line LCDOUT LCDpin,NoCmd,[char] ' write to LCD CGRAM NEXT RETURN Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 Page 10 PP_LCDODO.BSP • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Connect LCD to the BS2p Demo Board X5 Install jumper X6 Adjust contrast pot for best display -----[ Title ]---------------------------------------------------------------BS2p Plus Pack File...... Purpose... Author.... E-mail.... Started... Updated... PP_LCDODO.BSP Advanced LCD Demo - rewriting CGRAM on the fly Parallax, Inc. stamptech@parallaxinc.com 26 SEP 2001 ' {$STAMP BS2p} ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -----[ Program Description ]-------------------------------------------------This program demonstrates LCD character animation by writing to the character map (in CGRAM) for a character that is already displayed. The refresh cycle of the LCD will cause the character to change when its map is changed. This technique (originally by Scott Edwards) allows the programmer to create advanced animations by storing character (cell) definitions in the Stamp's EEPROM. This program displays a rolling odometer type reading (last digit "rolls"). Character definitions are copied from the standard set (using "LCD Character Creator" software from Parallax). Each character definition is separated by 2 blank lines in order to create 10 lines per "rolling" character. This makes the math for calculating the starting line of the roller very easy. To run this program on the BS2p Demo Board, connect the LCD and install Jumper X6. Adjust contrast pot for best display. Refer to the Hitachi HD44780 documentation for details on LCD control. ' -----[ Revision History ]----------------------------------------------------' ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]-----------------------------------------------------' LCDpin CON 0 ' connect LCD to OutL ' -----[ Constants ]-----------------------------------------------------------' NoCmd CON $00 ' No command in LCDOUT ClrLCD CON $01 ' clear the LCD CrsrHm CON $02 ' move cursor to home position CrsrLf CON $10 ' move cursor left CrsrRt CON $14 ' move cursor right DispLf CON $18 ' shift displayed chars left Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 Page 11 DispRt DDRam CGRam Line1 Line2 CON CON CON CON CON $1C $80 $40 $80 $C0 ' ' ' ' ' shift displayed chars right Display Data RAM control Custom character RAM DDRAM address of line 1 DDRAM address of line 2 CLines OdoChar CON CON 8 0 ' lines per character ' animated odometer character ' -----[ Variables ]-----------------------------------------------------------' cmd VAR Byte ' commnand sent to LCD char VAR Byte ' character sent to LCD addr VAR Byte ' EE starting address of map cNum VAR Nib ' character number idx VAR Nib ' loop counter counter hundreds VAR VAR Word Byte ' hundredths value of counter temp width pos digits VAR VAR VAR VAR Word Nib Byte Nib ' ' ' ' temp value for RJ display width of rt justified LCD display position digits to display ' -----[ EEPROM Data ]---------------------------------------------------------' ' rolling odometer character definitions ' Char0 DATA $0E,$11,$13,$15,$19,$11,$0E,$00,$00,$00 Char1 DATA $04,$0C,$04,$04,$04,$04,$0E,$00,$00,$00 Char2 DATA $0E,$11,$01,$02,$04,$08,$1F,$00,$00,$00 Char3 DATA $1F,$02,$04,$02,$01,$11,$0E,$00,$00,$00 Char4 DATA $02,$06,$0A,$12,$1F,$02,$02,$00,$00,$00 Char5 DATA $1F,$10,$1E,$01,$01,$11,$0E,$00,$00,$00 Char6 DATA $06,$08,$10,$1E,$11,$11,$0E,$00,$00,$00 Char7 DATA $1F,$01,$02,$04,$08,$08,$08,$00,$00,$00 Char8 DATA $0E,$11,$11,$0E,$11,$11,$0E,$00,$00,$00 Char9 DATA $0E,$11,$11,$0F,$01,$02,$0C,$00,$00,$00 ' inverted character definitions (white on black) ' Char0i DATA $11,$0E,$0C,$0A,$06,$0E,$11,$1F,$1F,$1F Char1i DATA $1B,$13,$1B,$1B,$1B,$1B,$11,$1F,$1F,$1F Char2i DATA $11,$0E,$1E,$1D,$1B,$17,$00,$1F,$1F,$1F Char3i DATA $00,$1D,$1B,$1D,$1E,$0E,$11,$1F,$1F,$1F Char4i DATA $1D,$19,$15,$0D,$00,$1D,$1D,$1F,$1F,$1F Char5i DATA $00,$0F,$01,$1E,$1E,$0E,$11,$1F,$1F,$1F Char6i DATA $19,$17,$0F,$01,$0E,$0E,$11,$1F,$1F,$1F Char7i DATA $00,$1E,$1D,$1B,$17,$17,$17,$1F,$1F,$1F Char8i DATA $11,$0E,$0E,$11,$0E,$0E,$11,$1F,$1F,$1F Char9i DATA $11,$0E,$0E,$10,$1E,$1D,$13,$1F,$1F,$1F MapStart CON Char0i ' -----[ Initialization ]------------------------------------------------------' Initialize: Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 Page 12 PAUSE 500 LCDCMD LCDpin,%00110000 LCDCMD LCDpin,%00110000 LCDCMD LCDpin,%00110000 LCDCMD LCDpin,%00100000 LCDCMD LCDpin,%00101000 LCDCMD LCDpin,%00001100 LCDCMD LCDpin,%00000110 : : : : : : PAUSE PAUSE PAUSE PAUSE PAUSE PAUSE 5 0 0 0 0 0 cNum = OdoChar addr = 0 GOSUB Update_CC ' let the LCD settle ' 8-bit mode ' ' ' ' 4-bit mode 2-line mode no crsr, no blink inc crsr, no disp shift ' put "0" into custom character ' -----[ Main Code ]-----------------------------------------------------------' Main: LCDOUT LCDpin,ClrLCD,["ROLLER COUNTER"] LCDOUT LCDpin,Line2, [" 0",OdoChar," 0.00"] PAUSE 1000 Show_Counters: FOR counter = 0 TO 999 FOR hundreds = 0 TO 99 temp = counter width = 3 pos = Line2 + 1 GOSUB RJ_Print addr = hundreds GOSUB Update_CC pos = Line2 + 10 GOSUB RJ_Print LCDOUT LCDpin,NoCmd,[".",DEC2 hundreds] PAUSE 100 NEXT NEXT ' display odometer version ' update rolling character ' display digital version GOTO Main END ' -----[ Subroutines ]---------------------------------------------------------' Update_CC: ' update custom character LCDCMD LCDpin,(CGRam + (cNum * CLines)) ' point to character map FOR idx = 0 TO (CLines - 1) READ MapStart + (addr + idx // 100),char LCDOUT LCDpin,NoCmd,[char] ' write to LCD CGRAM NEXT RETURN RJ_Print: ' right justified printing digits = width LOOKDOWN temp, F conversion Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 Page 43 Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 Page 44 PP_DS1822-2.BSP • • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Connect LCD to the BS2p Demo Board X5 Install jumper X6 Adjust contrast pot for best display Assemble DS1822 ciruit on breadboard -- use on-board 4.7K resistor (R1) for 1-Wire pull-up -----[ Title ]---------------------------------------------------------------BS2p Plus Pack File...... Purpose... Author.... E-mail.... Started... Updated... PP_DS1822-2.BSP Reads and displays information from two Dallas DS1822 Parallax stamptech@parallaxinc.com 26 SEP 2001 ' {$STAMP BS2p} ' ' ' ' ' ' -----[ Program Description ]-------------------------------------------------This program demonstrates individual device addressing with the Dallas 1-Wire bus. Before running the program, the individual device addresses must be determined and stored in the EEPROM. Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 Page 45 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Use the program PP_OWID.BSP to determine the data table for your DS1822 sensors. To run this program on the BS2p Demo Board, connect the LCD and install Jumper X6. Adjust contrast pot for best display. Refer to the Hitachi HD44780 documentation for details on LCD control. ' -----[ Revision History ]----------------------------------------------------' ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]-----------------------------------------------------' OWpin CON 15 TempType VAR In14 ' 1 = Fahrenheit LCDpin CON 0 ' connect LCD to OutL ' -----[ Constants ]-----------------------------------------------------------' NoCmd CON $00 ' No command in LCDOUT ClrLCD CON $01 ' clear the LCD CrsrHm CON $02 ' move cursor to home position CrsrLf CON $10 ' move cursor left CrsrRt CON $14 ' move cursor right DispLf CON $18 ' shift displayed chars left DispRt CON $1C ' shift displayed chars right DDRam CON $80 ' Display Data RAM control CGRam CON $40 ' Custom character RAM Line1 CON $80 ' DDRAM address of line 1 Line2 CON $C0 ' DDRAM address of line 2 DegSym CON 223 ' degrees symbol ' 1-Wire Support ' OW_FERst CON OW_BERst CON OW_BitMode CON OW_HighSpd CON %0001 %0010 %0100 %1000 ' Front-End Reset ' Back-End Reset ReadROM MatchROM SkipROM SearchROM CON CON CON CON $33 $55 $CC $F0 ' ' ' ' ' DS1822 control ' CnvrtTemp CON RdScratch CON $44 $BE ' do temperature conversion ' read scratchpad TC TF NumSensors 0 1 2 ' read in Celcius ' read in Fahrenheit ' inside and outside CON CON CON read ID, serial num, CRC look for specific device skip ROM (one device) search ' -----[ Variables ]-----------------------------------------------------------' sensor VAR Nib ' sensor number to process idx VAR Nib ' loop counter eeAddr VAR Byte ' ee address of ROM match romData VAR Byte(8) ' ROM data to DS1822 Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 Page 46 tempIn sign tInLow tInHigh tSign VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR Word tempIn.Bit11 tempIn.LowByte tempIn.HighByte Bit ' raw temperature ' 1 = negative temperature tempC tempF char rjNum rjSign pos digits width VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR VAR Word Word Byte tempIn Bit Byte Nib Nib ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Celsius Fahrenheit character for LCD right justified number sign for rj number position to print digits in rjNum width of display ' -----[ EEPROM Data ]---------------------------------------------------------' ' ROM codes for connected sensors ' -- these values MUST be edited for your sensors T_ID0 T_ID1 DATA DATA $22,$30,$34,$01,$00,$00,$00,$6C $22,$85,$42,$01,$00,$00,$00,$71 ' labels for temperature sensors T_Label0 T_Label1 DATA DATA "INSIDE ",0 "OUTSIDE ",0 ' -----[ Initialization ]------------------------------------------------------' Initialize: PAUSE 500 ' let the LCD settle LCDCMD LCDpin,%00110000 : PAUSE 5 ' 8-bit mode LCDCMD LCDpin,%00110000 : PAUSE 0 LCDCMD LCDpin,%00110000 : PAUSE 0 LCDCMD LCDpin,%00100000 : PAUSE 0 ' 4-bit mode LCDCMD LCDpin,%00101000 : PAUSE 0 ' 2-line mode LCDCMD LCDpin,%00001100 : PAUSE 0 ' no crsr, no blink LCDCMD LCDpin,%00000110 ' inc crsr, no disp shift ' -----[ Main Code ]-----------------------------------------------------------' Main: LCDOUT LCDpin,ClrLCD,[" DS1822"] ' splash screen LCDOUT LCDpin,Line2, [" Thermometer"] PAUSE 2000 LCDCMD LCDpin,ClrLCD Show_Sensors: LOOKUP sensor,[T_ID0,T_ID1],eeAddr GOSUB Get_Temp LOOKUP sensor,[T_Label0,T_Label1],eeAddr LCDCMD LCDpin, Line1 GOSUB Print_Label ' point to ROM code ' get temperature ' display sensor label width = 4 Parallax, Inc. • BS2p “Plus Pack” (#45184) • 10/2001 Page 47 pos = Line2 + 10 rjNum = tempC IF (TempType = TC) THEN rjNum = tempF Print_Temp Print_Temp: GOSUB RJ_Print LCDOUT LCDpin,NoCmd,[DegSym,TempType * ("F" - "C") + "C"] Next_Sensor: sensor = sensor + 1 // NumSensors PAUSE 5000 GOTO Show_Sensors END ' -----[ Subroutines ]---------------------------------------------------------' Get_Temp: FOR idx = 0 TO 7 ' load ROM pattern READ (eeAddr+idx),romData(idx) NEXT OWOUT PAUSE OWOUT OWIN OWpin,OW_FERst,[MatchROM,STR romData\8,CnvrtTemp] 500 OWpin,OW_FERst,[MatchROM,STR romData\8,RdScratch] OWpin,OW_BERst,[tInLow,tInHigh] tSign = sign tempC = tempIn tempC = tempC >> 4 IF (tSign = 0) THEN NoNeg1 tempC = tempC | $FF00 ' save sign bit ' round to whole degrees ' extend sign bits for negs NoNeg1: tempF = tempC */ $01CD IF (tSign = 0) THEN NoNeg2 tempF = tempF | $FF00 ' multiply by 1.8 ' if neg, extend sign bits NoNeg2: tempF = tempF + 32 RETURN ' finish C -> F conversion Print_Label: READ eeAddr,char IF (char = 0) THEN Print_Done LCDOUT LCDpin,NoCmd,[char] eeAddr = eeAddr + 1 GOTO Print_Label Print_Done: RETURN ' ' ' ' get a character if 0, exit send to LCD move to next char address RJ_Print: rjSign = rjNum.Bit15 ' save sign rjNum = ABS(rjNum) ' convert to positive digits = width LOOKDOWN rjNum,
45184 价格&库存

