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Gram Piano Assembly Guide
The Gram Piano is a through-hole soldering kit that transforms from a pile
of hardware into a tiny piano, ready for the playing. Once built, you can play
an octave worth of notes using the capacitive touch keys. The pre-installed
software also lets you switch between three octaves using a potentiometer
and play a melody with the press of a button. Building and playing with this
kit will teach you various skills related to soldering, electronics, music, and
A fully assembled Gram Piano Kit.
Covered in This Tutorial
This guide will explain the assembly process, the gram piano’s default
functionality, and will provide an overview of the pre-installed software.
After building and playing with the board’s default settings, you can
customize your board to your liking by diving into the source code.
Suggested Reading
This tutorial assumes you have prior knowledge of the topics mentioned
below. If you are unfamiliar with any, please feel free to read up on that
subject and then return to this tutorial.
• How to Solder - The Basics of Through-hole Soldering - The first and
most importnat skill needed for any soldering kit!
• Polarity - Learn which components have polarity and need more
attention when soldering.
• Pulse Width Modulation - PWM is used to drive the speaker on the
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• Arduino’s Tone Reference - This will help us generate the tones that
emit when a certain key is pressed.
• Installing an Arduino Library - Learn how to install any libraries
needed for the Gram Piano, such as the CapSense library.
• Arduino’s Capacitive Sense Library - Speaking of…
• Arduino’s Capacitive Sense Library Reference - Learn how the Cap
Sense Library works.
Required Materials
The Gram Piano Kit comes with a printed circuit board and a handful of
components shown in the photo below.
Full Kit Part List
x1 Gram Piano PCB
x1 PCB Speaker
x2 AA Batteries
x2 AA Battery Holders
x1 Atmel AVR 328 Microcontroller
x1 Mini Power Switch
x1 Mini Push Button
x1 10k Ohm Potentiometer
x2 Red 5mm LED’s
x4 .1 uF Ceramic Capacitors
x2 330 Ohm Resistors
x2 10k Ohm Resistors
x13 2M Ohm Resistors
x1 6 Pin Right-angle Male Header
x4 3/8" 4-40 Nylon Standoffs
x4 3/8" 4-40 Screws
Extra Tools/Parts You’ll Need (Not included
with the Gram Piano)
Soldering Iron
Diagonal Cutters
FTDI Basic
Now, let’s get to building!
The Gram Piano is a through hole soldering kit. If you have never soldered
before, it is strongly advised that you read through SparkFun’s soldering
tutorial first.
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This page will give you a suggested approach to tackling the task of
building this kit. In general, it is recommended to solder the smaller
components first, then the larger ones. While this method is not absolutely
crucial, it is easier to solder the smaller components if larger components
are not blocking the way of your soldering iron.
Make sure each component is placed on the top side of the board (the side
with white silkscreen that outlines the parts and labels the piano keys), so
all the soldering can be done on the back side. Always double check your
placement before soldering. It’s also good practice to solder one pin, then
check your work, before soldering the rest of the pins for any component.
That way, if a mistake is made, only one solder joint has to be heated up to
take the component back out of the board and replaced correctly.
Step by step
Let’s start with the capacitors. Put each one into these four spots. These
parts are not polarized, so don’t worry about their orientation. You can use
the trick of bending the legs on the under side of the board to hold the
capacitors in place while you solder. After soldering a component, you can
cut its legs with some diagonal cutters.
Now, let’s solder in the resistors. There are three values, 2M Ohm, 10K
Ohm, and 330 Ohm. Make sure you pay attention to the color rings on the
resistors to ensure you put the correct value resistor in the correct spot.
You can put these in one at a time, and solder each. Or, put them all in at
once, and solder all at once.
Next, let’s solder the medium components: the microprocessor, the switch,
the pushbutton, the potentiometer, the header, and the two red LED’s. The
microprocessor, the LEDs, and potentiometer are all polarized, so pay
extra attention when placing them on the board! The microprocessor has a
semi-circle marking its polarity. Match up the half-circle on the IC to the one
on the PCB. Also, the missing leg of the IC should match the missing hole
in the PCB. The LEDs have a flat edge that should be matched with the flat
edge on the silkscreen. The potentiometer has two notches on one side
and a flat edge on the other. Match this with the silkscreen as well.
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Finally, let’s solder the large components: the battery clips and the PCB
speaker. Both of these components are polarized. Make sure the battery
clips are not put in backwards; the two open ends should be facing each
other with the metal walls facing out. The PCB speaker also must go in a
certain way; the plus and minus symbols on the board must match the
same symbols on the speaker.
The very last step is securing the four standoffs to the board with four
screws, so that the Gram Piano can sit on a flat surface and be played
easily. You may need a screwdriver and/or pliers to help with this step. You
can also hand tighten them. Make sure the standoffs are on the underside
of the board.
Now that the build is complete, make sure the power switch is in the OFF
position, and then you can plug in the two AA batteries (in the correct
orientation of course). Your kit will look just like the photo below:
Start playing with your kit now and/or read the next sections about using the
default program, how it works, and how to modify the code so that you can
tailor the board’s functionality to your own desires.
Pre-Programmed Functionality
The microcontroller included with the Gram Piano Kit comes with a preinstalled program that lets you play with the Kit as soon as you have
finished building it.
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Place your built kit on a flat surface, and turn the power switch on the right
side of the board into the ON position. When you power the board, the
power LED (PWR) will turn on. Soon after, the center status LED in the
center of the board will blink indicating the board is ready for use. Now start
touching the various keys, and you will hear the corresponding notes. The
board has an octave’s worth of keys allowing you to play up and down a
scale of notes, play simple tunes, or experiment with creating your own.
The potentiometer on the left side of the board allows you to select three
different octaves. By default, the arrow should be facing up, which will tell
the board to use the middle octave. If you turn the knob to the left, the keys
will play notes of one octave lower. Similarly, if you turn the knob to the
right, the keys will play notes one octave higher. This allows you to switch
easily between three octaves without having to reprogram the board.
The button on the top left of the board is programmed to play a specific
sequence of notes you may recognize. If the button is pressed again while
the notes are still being played, the playing will stop.
Out of the box, the Gram Piano can essentially be used as a simple musical
keyboard. In the next section, we will go over the default code running on
the Gram Piano so you can learn how it works and give you ideas on how
you can tailor the board to your own desires.
Code Explanation
This part of the tutorial will go over the inner workings of the pre-installed
program on your Gram Piano. It will help you understand how the code
works and give you ideas on how you can modify it for your own needs.
The entirety of the code won’t be listed here, however the full program can
be found on Github. It also requires Arduino’s capacitive touch library.
Follow this tutorial on installing an Arduino Library if you need help with
that. You will also need a FTDI Basic to program the Gram Piano using the
6 pin header on the top edge of the board.
At the top of the program, we declare the variables we need. The most
important to go over are the ones below:
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// Keyboard variables
long keys[13]; // Contains latest capacitive sense reading fo
r each key
int threshold = 25; // Threshold for key press readings, a ke
y plays sound if its equal to or greater than the threshold
float octave = 1.0; // Stores what octave/multiplier the key p
resses use, change with potentiometer
// Declaring a capactive sensor for each key on the keyboard
CapacitiveSensor CapSensors[13] =
The variable array keys is used to store the latest capacitive touch reading
for each key on the keyboard. The higher the number for a key, the harder
it’s being pressed. If a particular key exceeds the threshold value (found
experimentally), then the corresponding note for that key is played (unless
another key takes precedence, explained later). Each time a note is played,
the frequency is multiplied by the octave variable, which is set by the
potentiometer. CapSensors is an array that declares a capacitive touch
sensor for each of the keys. All the keys use the same send pin, but each
key’s pad is connected to a different pin. CapacitiveSensor(2,3) indicates
2 is the “send pin,” while 3 is the pin connected to the key’s pad. This
particular sensor is for the low C key, and all the keys are listed in order
from lowest to highest frequency. We will use each sensor in this array to
detect if a key is being pressed.
Our setup() function is quite simple:
void setup()
// Setup button pin (PB6) as input (not a default Arduino pi
DDRB &= ~(1