Propeller Activity Kit Parts
Product ID: 130‐32950
Pair this bundle of Propeller Activity Kit Parts with a Propeller Activity Board and programming cable (not
included), and you will have all of the electronic components needed to complete the activities in the "What's
a Multicore Microcontroller?" text.
This parts kit includes a selection of input sensors, output devices, integrated circuits, and passive components
for creating a wide variety of circuits on your Activity Board. Build your electronics skills and learn to use these
common components with the circuit‐building and C‐language programming exercises included in the "What's
a Multicore Microcontroller" text. Chapters 1 to 6 are available now as a free preview PDF download in
advance of the full version release later this year.
Key Features:
Build simple circuits with schematics and wiring diagrams
Write programs in Propeller C to control the circuits
Send signals by blinking LEDs
Sense contact with pushbuttons
Read a control knob using a potentiometer
Measure light with a phototransistor
Control motion with a servo motor
Play tunes on a piezo speaker
Play WAV files from a microSD Card
Display data on a 7‐segment LED
Combine several of the above circuits to prototype an invention
Note: Propeller Activity Board (#32910) and USB A to Mini B programming cable (#805‐00006) required; not
Note: The "What's a Multicore Microcontroller?" text is still a work‐in‐progress. Chapters 1‐6 are currently
available to preview as a free PDF download (in Downloads and Documentation, below). The full version will
become available at a later date.
Kit Contents:
(1) ‐ 2 GB MicroSD Card (#32319)
(1) ‐ 4‐cell AA Battery Pack (#700‐00038)
(10) ‐ 1 k‐ohm 1/4 W 5% resistor (#150‐01020)
(4) ‐ 10 k‐ohm 1/4 W 5% resistor (#150‐01030)
(2) ‐ 100 k‐ohm 1/4 W 5% resistor (#150‐01040)
(2) ‐ 2 k‐ohm 1/4 W 5% resistor (#150‐02020)
(1) ‐ 220 ohm 1/4 W 5% resistor (#150‐02210)
(1) ‐ 470 ohm 1/4 W 5% resistor (#150‐04710)
(2) ‐ 0.01 µF poly capacitor (#200‐01031)
(2) ‐ 0.1 µF ceramic capacitor (#200‐01040)
(1) ‐ 1000 µF electrolytic capacitor (#201‐01080)
(1) ‐ 3300 µF electrolytic capacitor (#201‐03080)
(1) ‐ 10 k‐ohm single‐turn potentiometer (#152‐01031)
(2) ‐ Green LED (#350‐00001)
(1) ‐ Bi‐color LED (#350‐00005)
(2) ‐ Red LED (#350‐00006)
(2) ‐ Yellow LED (#350‐00007)
(1) ‐ Phototransistor (#350‐00029)
(1) ‐ 7‐segment LED display (#350‐00037)
(2) ‐ Pushbutton tact switch (#400‐00002)
(1) ‐ 3‐pin Header (#451‐00303)
(1) ‐ 2N3904 transistor (#500‐00001)
(1) ‐ 10 k‐ohm digital potentiometer AD5220 (#604‐00010)
(2) ‐ 3‐inch jumper wires, bag of 10 (#800‐00016)
(1) ‐ Piezo speaker (#900‐00001)
(1) ‐ Parallax Standard Servo (#900‐00005)
Copyright© Parallax Inc. 2016