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    ANT RINGO VHF 150-174MHZ 500W

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CRS150 数据手册
CRS-CRX RINGO 150 to 174 MHz and 220-222 MHz BROADBAND OMNIDIRECTIONAL BASE STATION ANTENNA These popular omnidirectional antennas have been selected for use with repeaters, talk-around systems, paging systems, security alarms, VHF dedicated systems, 220 trunking systems, and in such applications as police, fire, agricultural and hundreds of others requiring reliability, long life and economy. Field tunable and easy to install, they can be mounted on any vertical tubular support up to 1-1/4 inch (3.2 cm) diameter. Ringo, Ringo Ranger, and Ringo Ranger II can be shipped economically by UPS. Ringo Ranger II, CRX-150B and CRX-220B, 6 dBi gain Our most popular base station antenna is now available in the 220 MHz band. Both the CRX220B (220-222 MHz) and the CRX-150B (150-174 MHz) feature a full 6 dB gain vs. a quarterwave antenna. The Ringo Ranger II is perfect for trunking or any other system where ease of installation, performance and economy are priorities. Ringo Ranger, CRX-150 and CRX-220, 5 dBi gain Field tunable and easily installed, the CRX-150 (150-174 MHz) and the CRX-220 (220-222 MHz) have 5 dB gain. Installation involves measuring the radiator length and tightening two clamps; the antenna is assembled just that easily. Add a simple adjustment of the tuning rod, and you're ready to go! Rugged Ringo CRS-150 and CRS-220, 2 dBi gain Our Ringo is a single half-wave, end-fed antenna with a matching section featuring a ring inductor. With a frequency range of 150-174 MHz (CRS-150) or 220-222 MHz ( CRS-220) and 2 dB gain, the Ringo is completely grounded. It is shipped with a fully assembled base section and requires only adjustment of the radiator tube and simple tuning to be operational. Ringos include stainless steel hardware and radiators fabricated from seamless aluminum tubing. VHF RINGO SELECTOR GUIDE FREQ. MHz W/SUR AREA ft2 (m2) W/ SURVIVAL 162 (412) 7 (3.2) 1.4 (0.13) 80 (125) 116 (294) 5 (2.2) 0.5 (0.05) 80 (125) BANDWIDTH -3dB BEAMWIDTH CONNECTOR HEIGHT In (cm) (female) E-PLANEo 1.5:1 MHz WEIGHT lb (kg) GAIN dBi VSWR Nominal CRX-150B 150-174 7 1.5:1 4 30 UHF CRX-150 150-174 ϱ 1.5:1 6 36 UHF CRS-150 150-174 Ϯ 1.5:1 7 73 UHF 45 (114) CRX-220B 220-222 7 1.5:1 2 30 UHF 110 (279) 5 (2.25) CRX-220 220-222 5 1.5:1 2 36 UHF 79 (200) CRS-220 ϮϮϬͲϮϮϮ Ϯ 1.5:1 2 UHF 30 (76) MODEL 73 CRX-150B 60° 300° 20 90° 10 270° 10 20 20 120° 30° 300° 60° 30 30 20 90° 10 270° 10 20 150° 120° 20 20 240° 90° 10 120° 10 150° 210° 30 30 30 10 180° 60° 20 30 20 240° 10 210° 0° 10 30 30 240° CRS-150 30 30 30 1.5 (.67) .122 (.017) 80 (125) 330° 20 30 20 80 (125) 10 20 10 80 (125) 30° 330° 10 270° .95 (.088) 0° 30° CRX-150B 0.18 (0.02) 80 (125) 3.5 (1.57) .34 (.130) CRX-150 0° 330° 300° 2 (0.9) 150° 210° 180° 180° H-Plane E-Plane Americas: +1.847 839.6907 IAS-AmericasEastSales@lairdtech.com Europe: +44.1628.858941 IAS-EUSales@lairdtech.com Asia: +86.21.5855.0827.127 IAS-AsiaSales@lairdtech.com www.lairdtech.com ANT-DS-CRS-CRX RINGO 0915 Any information furnished by Laird Inc. and its agents is believed to be accurate and reliable. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Responsibility for the use and application of Laird materials rests with the end user, since Laird and its agents cannot be aware of all potential uses. Laird makes no warranties as to the fitness, merchantability or suitability of any Laird materials or products for any specific or general uses. Laird shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any kind. All Laird products are sold pursuant to the Laird Terms and Conditions of sale in effect from time to time, a copy of which will be furnished upon request. © Copyright 2015 Laird Inc. All Rights Reserved. Laird, Laird Technologies, the Laird Logo, and other marks are trade marks or registered trade marks of Laird Inc. or an affiliate company thereof. Other product or service names may be the property of third parties. Nothing herein provides a license under any Laird or any third party intellectual property rights.
CRS150 价格&库存

