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MDEV-GPS-R4 数据手册
R4/F4 Series Master Development System User's Guide Table of Contents 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 Introduction Ordering Information R4/F4 Series Receiver Development Board Board Objects Initial Setup Troubleshooting The Prototyping Area The GPS Receiver Section The USB Section The Display Section Master Development Software Schematics R4/F4 Series Master Development System User's Guide Figure 1: R4/F4 Series Master Development System Introduction The Linx R4/F4 Series RF modules offer a simple, efficient and cost-effective method of adding GPS capabilities to any product. The Master Development System is intended to give a designer all the tools necessary to correctly incorporate the R4/F4 Series into an end product. The development boards themselves serve several important functions: • Rapid Module Evaluation: The boards allow the performance of the Linx R4/F4 Series modules to be evaluated quickly in a user’s environment. • Application Development: An onboard prototyping area allows for the development of custom circuits directly on the development board. All signal lines are available on a header for easy access. • Design Benchmark: The boards provide a known benchmark against which the performance of a custom design may be judged. The Master Development System includes one assembled development board, two R4/F4 Series receivers*, one SH Series antenna, 4 AAA batteries and full documentation. * One part is soldered to each board, one extra is for use on your first prototype board –1 – Revised 2/14/13 Ordering Information Ordering Information Part Number Description MDEV-GPS-R4 R4 Series Master Development System MDEV-GPS-F4 F4 Series Master Development System EVM-GPS-R4 R4 Series Master Development System Daughter Board EVM-GPS-F4 F4 Series Master Development System Daughter Board RXM-GPS-R4-x R4 Series GPS Receiver Module RXM-GPS-F4-x F4 Series GPS Receiver Module ANT-GPS-SH SH Series GPS Antenna Figure 2: Ordering Information R4/F4 Series Receiver Development Board 9 5 1 7 8 6 10 2 4 11 3 Figure 3: R4/F4 Series Receiver Development Board Board Objects 1. Four AAA Batteries 2. DC Power Jack 3. Power Switch 4. Voltage Regulator 5. USB Interface Module 6. Prototype Area 7. Break-Out Header 8. R4/F4 Series Receiver Daughter Board 9. CR2032 Backup Battery (on the back) 10. OLED Display 11. OLED Display Power Switch –2 – Initial Setup Unpack the development system and install the AAA and coin-cell batteries. Connect the external GPS antenna. The power switch can select between the battery pack / DC power jack or USB if the board is plugged into a USB bus. To use the display, turn the OLED display power switch on. The development board is now ready for use. After turning on the power, the module will determine its current position. Please note, the time required for an initial fix or after long periods of storage will be considerably greater than in subsequent operation. Please refer to the module’s data guide for complete information regarding time-to-first-fix (TTFF). To protect the display and extend its life, turn the display off before turning the board off. Troubleshooting If the boards fail to work out of the box, then try the following: • Check the batteries to make sure they are not dead • Check to make sure that the power switch is in the correct position • Make sure that the jumper is set correctly • Make sure that a jumper is installed on the Module Power Header • Make sure that the batteries are not dead If all of these appear to be in order, please call +1 800 736 6677 or e-mail techsupport@linxtechnologies.com for technical support. The Prototyping Area In addition to its evaluation functions, the board may also be used for actual product development. It features a prototyping area to facilitate the addition of application-specific circuitry. The prototyping area contains a large area of plated through-holes so that external circuitry can be placed on the board. The holes are set at 0.100" on center with a 0.040" diameter, making it easy to add most industry-standard SIP and DIP packages to the board. External circuitry can be easily interfaced with the R4/F4 receiver through the breakout header (J7) to the right of the prototyping area. A jumper shunt has been provided to control the routing of data into the GPS module. By default the jumper is set for operation with the on-board USB module. When communicating with the GPS module using your own –3 – components this jumper shunt should be removed. At the bottom of the prototyping area is a row connected to the 3V power supply and at the top is a row connected to ground. Note: The on-board 3-volt regulator has approximately 300mA of headroom available for additional circuitry. If added circuitry requires a higher current, the user must add an additional regulator to the prototype area or power the board from an external supply. Ground Bus +3 Volt Bus Figure 4: The Development Board Prototyping Area The GPS Receiver Section The receiver module is mounted on a daughter board which plugs into headers on the main development board. This daughter board has an SMA antenna connector to allow the attachment of many different styles of GPS antennas. Figure 5: The Development Board GPS Receiver Section On the bottom of the main board is a CR2032 coin cell battery that provides power to the RTC and SRAM when the receiver is powered down. This allows the receiver to start up and obtain a position fix faster. This cell will provide about two years of operation. –4 – The USB Section The development board features a Linx QS Series USB module for interface to a PC. This allows the board to be used with the supplied development software or with custom software developed by the user. Figure 6: The USB Section Drivers for the USB module are included on the software CD in the kit or may be downloaded from www.linxtechnologies.com. Additional information on using the QS Series USB module can also be found on the website. The USB connection also allows the board to be powered by the USB bus instead of batteries. This can be convenient during development to eliminate the need for frequent battery replacement. Output data from the GPS module is connected directly to the USB module, but data into the GPS module is split. This is to prevent data collisions between the USB module and any circuitry added to the prototyping area. To route serial data from the USB module to the serial data receive line on the GPS module, use the supplied jumper to connect the TX USB and RX MODULE lines on the breakout header as shown in Figure 7. Remove this jumper for use with external circuitry. The pin marked TX DISPLAY is for Linx use and should be left unconnected. TX MODULE TX USB RX MODULE TX DISPLAY 1PPS RFPWRUP EN/ON_OFF Figure 7: Jumper Configuration TX MODULE –5 – The Display Section The R4/F4 Series Master Development System features an OLED screen that displays the navigation information from the GPS module. This allows the development board to act as a stand-alone evaluation system without the need for any additional software. Figure 8: The Development Board Display Section The display is driven by an on-board microcontroller located under the display. Data from the GPS module is connected directly to this microcontroller. The microcontroller receives data at the receiver’s default 9,600bps. If the receiver’s baud rate is changed, it will not be able to communicate with the microcontroller. The display and microcontroller pull about 100mA when fully powered, so a power switch is supplied to deactivate the display area when not in use, saving battery life. To protect the display and extend its life, be sure to turn the display section off before turning off the main power to the board. –6 – Master Development Software The development system is supplied with Windows-based software that communicates with the development board through the USB module. This software displays the information from the GPS module in the different NMEA formats and the satellite information, signal strength, and positions are displayed graphically. If the PC is connected to the internet, the software plots the current location on Google Maps. Full details are in the software’s User’s Guide. Figure 9: Master Development Software –7 – Schematics RECEIVER SECTION RECEIVER SECTION J4 J3 GND Figure GND TXM RXM 1PPS TXM GND LED RXM RESET RFPWRUP 1PPS EN/ON_OFF LED TXM GND RFPWRUP RXM EN/ON_OFF 1PPS GND LED RFPWRUP EN/ON_OFF GNDSection 9: Receiver 1 J3 2 3 1 4 2 J35 3 6 4 1 7 5 2 8 6 3 9 7 4 10 8 5 9 6 HEADER 10 10 7 8 HEADER 10 9 10 Schematic GND 1 J4 2 RECEIVER SECTION 3 GND 1 HEADER 10 VCC VBACKUP VCC GND VBACKUP VCC GND VBACKUP GND GND HEADER 4 2 J43 5 6 4 1 7 5 2 8 6 3 9 7 4 10 8 5 9 6 HEADER 10 10 7 8 HEADER 10 9 10 SECTION VBACKUP VBACKUP B2 BATHLD-001 B2 BATHLD-001 VBACKUP GND B2 GND BATHLD-001 GND HEADER 10 HEADER SECTION J7 1 TXM J7 2 TXUSB HEADER SECTION RXM 3 1 TXM TXDISP 4 2 TXUSB J7 1PPS 5 RXM 3 RFPWRUP 6 TXDISP 4 1 TXM EN/ON_OFF 7 1PPS 5 2 TXUSB RFPWRUP 6 RXM 3 HEADER 7 EN/ON_OFF 7 TXDISP 4 1PPS 5 HEADER 7 RFPWRUP 6 USB SECTION EN/ON_OFF 7 HEADER 7 USB SECTION Figure 10: Header Section Schematic J2 USB-B J2 USB-B 5 5 GSHD GSHD GSHD 4 3 2 4 1 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 5 6 6 6 GSHD GSHD GSHD GND DAT+ DAT GNDJ2 5V DAT+ USB-B DAT 5V GND DAT+ GND GNDDAT 5V GND GND R1 220 R1 220 GND GND VCCU VCCU VCCU USB U2 SECTION GND 1 USBDP RI 2 U2 USBDM DCD GND 3 1 GND GND DSR USBDP RI 4 2 VCC DATA IN USBDM DCD 5 3 U2 SUSP IND DATA OUT GND GND DSR GND 6 4 1 RX RTS VCCIND DATA IN USBDP RI 7 5 2 TX INDIND DATA DCD CTS SUSP OUT 8 6 USBDM 3 485 TX DTR RX IND RTS GND GND DSR 7 4 TX IND CTS VCC DATA IN 8 SDM-USB-QS 5 485 TXIND DATA OUT DTR SUSP 6 RX IND RTS R2 7 SDM-USB-QS CTS 220 8 TX IND 485 TX DTR R2 220 SDM-USB-QS D3 R1 220 D3 D2 R2 220 D2 D3 D2 16 15 14 16 13 15 12 14 11 13 16 10 12 15 9 11 14 10 13 9 12 11 10 9 TXM TXUSB TXM TXUSB TXM TXUSB POWER SUPPLY SECTION POWER SUPPLY SECTION Figure 11: USB Section Schematic POWER SUPPLY SECTION J1 D1 PWRJACK DIODE400 D1 DIODE400 PWRJACK VCCU SW1 POWER SWITCH SW1 POWER SWITCH B1 BAT-AA-4 B1 POWER SWITCH BAT-AA-4 GND D1 DIODE400 GND GND GND GND B1 GND BAT-AA-4 3 VCCU 3 1 3 VinGND Vin Vin GND J1 PWRJACK SW1 Vout U1 VREG-3V U1 VCC VREG-3V 2 VCC U1 2 + C1 Vout VREG-3V 220uF + C1 VCC 220uF 2 Vout GND GND + C1 GND 220uF GND 1 GND VCCU 1 J1 –8 – GND GND VCC VCC + C9 10uF + C9 VCC 10uF GND + C9 GND 10uF GND DISPLAY SECTION 49 OC2/RD1 OC3/RD2 50 R/W# 51 PMBE/OC4/RD3 E/RD# 52 53 PMRD/CN14/RD5 PMWR/OC5/IC5/CN13/RD4 54 56 55 CN15/RD6 CN16/RD7 57 VCAP/VDDCORE 58 RF0 ENVREG D0 EN 59 RF1 D1 60 PMD0/RE0 D2 61 PMD1/RE1 D3 62 PMD2/RE2 63 C1IN-/AN4/CN6/RB4 SCL1/RG2 C2IN+/AN3/CN5/RB3 SDA1/RG3 C2IN-/AN2/SS1/CN4/RB2 PGC1/EMUC1/VREF-/AN1/CN3/RB1 R6 50 C4 0.1uF 10uH GND C3 10uF 2 3 R4 5k VCC SW VIN 5 EN 4 GND VCC GND 2.2uF GND FB GND C2 U3 GND EN MIC2288 R5 560k C6 GND 1uF GND VCC C7 0.1uF GND –9 – CS# 35 34 33 GND VCC VCOMH VDDIO VSL D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 E/RD# R/W# BS0 BS1 CS# D/C# RES# IREF GPIO1 GPIO0 VDD VCI VSS GND GND Figure 12: Display Section Schematic RES# 36 TXM TXDISP PMA8/U2TX/SCL2/CN18/RF5 PMA9/U2RX/SDA2/CN17/RF4 + VCC D6 L1 VCC J5 VCC13 D5 1 37 32 31 PMA0/AN15/OCFB/CN12/RB15 30 GND R3 47.5k 38 D/C# GND VCC C5 4.7uF D4 GND GND 39 U1TX/SDO1/RF3 PMA1/U2RTS/BCLK2/AN14/RB14 TDI/PMA10/AN13/RB13 29 28 TCK/PMA11/AN12/RB12 PGD2/EMUD2/AN7/RB7 PGC2/EMUC2/AN6/OCFA/RB6 18 17 VCC GND SW2 POWER SWITCH VCC 40 U1RX/SDI1/RF2 PGD1/EMUD1/PMA6/VREF+/AN0/CN2/RB0 VCC13 41 U1RTS/BCLK1/SCK1/INT0/RF6 27 16 PGD VDD VDD 15 PGC C1IN+/AN5/CN7/RB5 26 14 OSC1/CLKI/RC12 VSS 13 OSC2/CLKO/RC15 VDD 25 12 VSS TDO/PMA12/AN11/RB11 11 42 VSS TMS/PMA13/CVREF/AN10/RB10 10 VCC 43 IC1/RTCC/INT1/RD8 PMA2/SS2/CN11/RG9 24 9 GND MCLR 23 8 PMA7/C2OUT/AN9/RB9 VPP 44 IC2/U1CTS/INT2/RD9 U4 PIC24F128GA006 VCC GND 45 IC3/PMCS2/INT3/RD10 PMA3/SDO2/CN10/RG8 SW3 46 OC1/RD0 PMA4/SDI2/CN9/RG7 22 7 47 SOSCI/CN1/RC13 IC4/PMCS1/INT4/RD11 U2CTS/C1OUT/AN8/RB8 6 48 SOSC0/T1CK/CN0/RC14 PMA5/SCK2/CN8/RG6 21 5 PMD7/RE7 AVSS 4 C8 10uF PMD6/RE6 20 3 D7 VCC + PMD5/RE5 AVDD 2 D6 19 1 D5 PMD3/RE3 PMD4/RE4 64 D4 GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 HEADER 30 (This page is intentionally blank.) – 10 – (This page is intentionally blank.) – 11 – Linx Technologies 159 Ort Lane Merlin, OR, US 97532 3090 Sterling Circle, Suite 200 Boulder, CO 80301 Phone: +1 541 471 6256 Fax: +1 541 471 6251 www.linxtechnologies.com Disclaimer Linx Technologies is continually striving to improve the quality and function of its products. For this reason, we reserve the right to make changes to our products without notice. The information contained in this Data Guide is believed to be accurate as of the time of publication. Specifications are based on representative lot samples. Values may vary from lot-to-lot and are not guaranteed. “Typical” parameters can and do vary over lots and application. Linx Technologies makes no guarantee, warranty, or representation regarding the suitability of any product for use in any specific application. It is Customer’s responsibility to verify the suitability of the part for the intended application. At Customer’s request, Linx Technologies may provide advice and assistance in designing systems and remote control devices that employ Linx Technologies RF products, but responsibility for the ultimate design and use of any such systems and devices remains entirely with Customer and/or user of the RF products. LINX TECHNOLOGIES DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL LINX TECHNOLOGIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY CUSTOMER’S OR USER’S INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE DESIGN OR USE OF A REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM OR DEVICE EMPLOYING LINX TECHNOLOGIES RF PRODUCTS OR FOR ANY OTHER BREACH OF CONTRACT BY LINX TECHNOLOGIES. CUSTOMER AND/OR USER ASSUME ALL RISKS OF DEATH, BODILY INJURIES, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE USE OF LINX TECHNOLOGIES RF PRODUCTS, INCLUDING WITH RESPECT TO ANY SERVICES PROVIDED BY LINX RELATED TO THE USE OF LINX TECHNOLOGIES RF PRODUCTS. LINX TECHNOLOGIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES FOR A CUSTOMER’S, USER’S, OR OTHER PERSON’S DEATH, BODILY INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THE DESIGN OR USE OF A REMOTE CONTROL SYSTEM OR DEVICE EMPLOYING LINX TECHNOLOGIES RF PRODUCTS. The limitations on Linx Technologies’ liability are applicable to any and all claims or theories of recovery asserted by Customer, including, without limitation, breach of contract, breach of warranty, strict liability, or negligence. Customer assumes all liability (including, without limitation, liability for injury to person or property, economic loss, or business interruption) for all claims, including claims from third parties, arising from the use of the Products. Under no conditions will Linx Technologies be responsible for losses arising from the use or failure of the device in any application, other than the repair, replacement, or refund limited to the original product purchase price. Devices described in this publication may contain proprietary, patented, or copyrighted techniques, components, or materials. All rights reserved. ©2012 Linx Technologies The stylized Linx logo, Wireless Made Simple, CipherLinx, WiSE and the stylized CL logo are trademarks of Linx Technologies.
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